Ti Rl PE AAR oT somal rs since its ar. Allow no one to deceive you in this. » Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- the health of Experiment. It is Optam, M. Sh. os nie gang Narcotic i rubstance. he age is us gumranter It destroys Worms | wearing a hat, for instance. said that be conld take the wars away with kim 1 was a C pnmber of snail bre ythien nud those he length making a w apd this poteh he wot down } wart, that the warts wonid go away, . have spoken to many doctors about it, giving them a “'pipe talk’ warts went away. and all she medicine | | 1 bad ever tried on them had no effect | whatever — New York Sun 1 middle finger a the age stated this bat Tatiptisd tod or more. one being on my lip and one on wy chin. 1 was considerably worried | over my growing family of excrescences, | sud one day a weaedichopper in mp In | ther = erapiay whe acted quecrly. never | quite willing to have him try, and be took me off to 8 quiet spot under willow tree, from which be ont an inch in wy % Vp st vach havink at Jast =a tion of 40 oF more of these jittle notched sticks These he put into his pocket. saying ert again into fitile jn EE al CrvEgnt { conk never say jost when the prgphecy was falfilied, but within six works there wan't a wart on my face or hands jand there has not been one wince thal time What | want to know | wonld pot 161] mein what did it i bint they merely langh, as though [ was AL NAS Hts Opinion. J The woman who spesks her mind | freely on all occasions had been telling the sad syed stranger to whom abe had | | been introduced what she thenght of | § D. D. Lewis i PSMDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, | Partition, Pa. All esis will be prow mmgaly | i attendpd fo. John adele hgeni, of I AYeiiTes, Pte, | partivn reeled » in Patten and Padsy or night? a 0. BOONE, Hoe JUSTICE OF THE PEAC Office on corner of per of Jas x io? pin H A. ‘ Proper rent. SEITZ, Dentist! : Hl Office in Young Building, next to PLO. Dentist, : Patton. Pa. Office Hours 8 8 m, to ws 12m. andl pom hp oh HASTINGS, FPA. © “All diseases of the teeth and mouth “DR o ERNEST C HABE, i OF PATTON, ; Dentist, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. - CAPITAL PAID TU iP, $740,000, 00), RUBPLUR, $40,000.00, Aversarnis of $y ogy shang Base Brie Lariyyn vets Chen king. Stomeniabiip | finew, Forster jreath Eitiew ovf te 1300 : Albenrrenfuiulone E10 erwin] albes ls Intersst graicf ow A. E Parrox, President Ra Ry Ek FLO A 7 ail fh bedling TPTTaCIAN AND CROBON. cba 1 in Good Building, Room No. 3. ri Surgury ang the Em a Specialty. All will receive Br attention, time A Wa HH. BaxNpyorty, Cladier, pent Aeligion honk, next 10 Pi AB night an respeaded 10 Fimowan 1 the enr, nose and throm Hat Atlant. os Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. Whooping Cough. Asthma, Bronchitis and incipient Consumption | Attorney and Counselor at fu, ErexspuUns, Pa. an Tegal busines: promptly attended 0. COfMes in Darker Building. TOBACCO and CIGARS ) The finest Hine fn Fratton at _ G.]. FITZPATRICK'S EE Fe AE i A HC A EA A VPS Patton Pharmac, AHAPFEY HOUSE CW. Hodgkins Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. 0 Aecommoditions firstclasd, Best of Ligsors Fe Wines #t the bar, Stablisg attached, GROoRGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. | Parnell & Cowher, wo Agents fore FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT o REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Good Building, Patton, Pa a Phone No 8 H. S.BUCK, | ONDERTRKER : a | qoent and | of Inngonge which pever failed | fortified with facts which conld not be “refuted. He listened patiently till she had finished and then mid meekly, “Yes. madam; I'm a Mormon myself * | though her face reddened alittle | roan ought to be satisfied with roarry- . ing ome woman to wait om him and be | drowbeaten by him.’ sponded reproachinlly wil oN Hendin the ranted mile : wives | ought to stick to odd snmbers and have . three, | cmmnity of x man’s wixing in of = family disgmta if deciding vote and prevents a deadlick. = FipstNation'] Bank morning Ujad, and’ divide | Eg wl Ta worn. Ed Sonar rallye % Lobe nd pin 4 ome wa ga Frag pg £ : youngster, | crate vesterday. (om ‘em An tid orn there in the window ad this morning don Apewein . . Wire. Marmonisen Her remarks were elo | scrimonions She had a flow ; and wan she exclaimed, “A “1 don't care’ “1 don't browbeat anybody. he ro “ft doesn't make any difference | ‘whether you do or not. No man bas | any busines to marry two wives “w “1 agrees with yon perfectly, madam “Ha! You admit it “Yeu'tno Bo aan onght to have two If he takes more than one, he It obviates the ne in rase provides for 8 five or seven ow Waskinglon Star. Fresh Lad. A indy who id tol appear to be iD a | very goes) temper boanoed into a cer tain grower = shop the other aflernoon “Is your father at home? she naked of the small boy behind the conmter #Nom. the reply *‘Aayt wa 33 Rel ' { can do for you?’ The lady Besitated before remsrking “I've called to siAnpials abet The exis I obtained from yonr father th vin He told ne the oY Wre Froud “nd he get “em from the window? asked the yonthfnl salesman Ym "Then it's fresh laid “Hat 1 sty they are nol. “Yen'li exense me ‘wm. said the evidemvoting 10 radite “Pt | enght to know They cane ing 1 sopacked every ons wi all right “pythey re r + ba 8a 1 know they re fresh laid and that settles it." Lon nar Origin af a Muted They aut that the bet hotel in Texas is to be tonnd at Belton, a town on the | Santa Fe road and is kept by “seven mmpctified sisters.’ as (be proprictorn | | Are populery called Several Years ago a woman | quarreled 2 ponding the Scriptures to a Sanday gahing done, and be is relieved of sehen class and were so stnhborn that ® they separated and were finally 4 : | voresd, rn the place and ber Bostand aver the Test way of ex This family controversy was taken of the haosband and the adherents of the wife. The restlt was a large trop of di Cworces, and seven hmsbandless women, Cipetnding the ciginal canse of the cont joined together and rented the i Une of them did the cook mata, town pote ‘ing. another was parior maid, a thind Jheided and ran Lhe ee made ap the beds and so they the work apsony them 2 pabhisliment on the co-operative plan. ~~ hirago Rees wd Other Dangers va reading wilh the Wise war ket “What asked the wan The slock youth “ont doit “Hat | pever put np any moneys. Therefore | can’t jose “ft srakes ne iy to bweome ope of these tell how mench money made if they had only dooe what they omtne pretty near doing, becguse thay didn t see Dow things nth oLher sven your best friends shunt” Lanner 4 or ATE renlied the You re like pecples who wonid have diference they And then will wish soumetimes that you would bi yoor money and lose it and keep still about | -: WW ashing 8 lar ; A Tiny Bale ot Hay. Ajfred © Webber of Liston Center Me, basin b m8 vali bade { hay. abont ¥ inches jong and {inches deep and wide apd ope of the reason why Mr. Webber keegw this hay in his best room is becanse it is picely wired 4 plssosan and put between thin pirces of boards so that no chaff can sscaps, bat chiefly hecanse the Bay was cnt as far back as 1749. on the John Rogers farm in Kis tery It was baled np by Mr. T. Traf ton, who was & native of Kittery, and who is now a dealer in Massachusetts Then he vontinued excitedly you are performing an interesting ¢x- Nothing conld demonstrate better the excellence of this draft Jnet weatcly : periment’ i jatar pow, as} Aid then and the comjurer andamaged. apd yot the ap by the town. which was soon. dis Se tinetly divided between the adherents lam pumping station the other When he ranched the sngine room, | the engineer said: “What ['m proud est of hers iv my draft Here she is { Look at ber. He raised & trapdoor in “the floor, dis | covering a black bole about a foot | | square, and: the minister looked in ea gerly. Nothing whatever was {0 be seen, | but a tremendons draft sucked ia bis silk hat “Ha, ba, ha’ shotted the engineer Caw that skyscraper of a otack there Ha pointed to the lofty stack, and even as he spoke the silk hat shot straight up ont of ft for 50 font or wo, | and then, Hike a large black bird, ssiled slowly sway down the wind “Goodby, my friend. ~ asid the min “This has been. indeed, a grand | experiment. and I thank you for it My property. let ns hope. will prove He then scaled a high barbed wire fence and ran lightly over the fields in the direction which bis hat had taken. =-Philadeipiia | Recced One Thing They Didn't Hnve, E H Sothern telis a good story of his ‘father. the famons Dundreary. When | aver the elder Bothern arrived at a town. one of his first means of diver | gion was to stroll abont the streets and have fun with the natives. He was in Chicago during. its earliest days and taker’s establishment which read “Everything Furnished For First Class Fanerain Croing Inside, be oairirnd “Do you farnish everything for fanersis?” “Yea sir.” replied the clerk “Then | want a coffin : “Do you wast carriages too. “Yeu: have five carriages aly.” “Certainly, sit. Anything else? “Three dogen chairs a “Anything else?” “You might have a bearss ready And now | wonld like to kook at a corpse The clerk was amazed “Now. said Sothern, “von advertises to tarnish everything for faperala you can’t do the thing thoroughly, I shall have to patronize andther store © And. wishing the clerk good day, the compedian faparied A Sight Por Sarkeloth and Ashes, [f there is one thing that America bas to be ashamed of 1 is the neglertad state of her shipping. says Hi hele Whitemarsh in The Altantic “2t is a disgrace to the nation No wonder tha foreigner aswens bis ayo in ADAZAMANT po wonder the kncient mariners of the capes foam af the mouth when hoy speak of it The sight of gray oid Sa fen with ite empty harbor. 1a denert: od, rotting wherfs and pot a deep wa ter ship to its nao The sight of this historic part alone in snonuzh 10 make any American go ont into-the highway in sokeioth noni aniven patriot Panr PA The father of a fa posed at the faint Aron wer Yheur rage ane day at are intolerabdy Ye am iurn np pony poses at eversibing When | wana boy, | was often pimd emvmgh fo get dry bread 3 oat “Poser papal said Rose, the pet of the family “1 am = glad you are have ing such nice times now, living with mame and na Tw Wha 3 wo Bat Escapes on x-Teshnieality. The Blakely (Ga @ Reporter says thete is a man in Barly connty who bas beens relieved of road duty for years on a “technicality It is customary fo SUE Ino 8 ad to work the road near ent 15 where be sleeps and bas bis cloth ing wnshied road duty We know of 50 Buttar rea. casTORmIA. You Naw Aways Boor Teo! tow! Boel Pure spring water ice delivered to any part of town every day except Sanday bo bow will delivered on Sanday. Chest Spr which is’ pare, clean and by A G. Storm al pound. Leave orders Fifth avenue near bridge road. ? Le pw Water henithy. Fs half Sold a HE cromedng rail reaidenoe i am RA Hy is Pure. clean blood and a healt from the use of Dewiltlis rest Little Early They cure constipation, bitioustsss and sick-headache. CW. Pharmacy. ¥ 3 Hodgins % ralion Joe delivered to all parts of lew AG Storm at 32 ooent yare spring ioe and dont Der IORI vig forget it B Oe Lackamp, Kiston, sinube Glagh i BRT uikae DGS Mr. and Mes Mo, writes saved the life of nearly, dead with kins, Patton Phar Cite Cred ip { HBOS To those who drink whiskey for pleasare; Harpers whiskey alids zest to existance. To those who drink whis key for health's sake; Harpers w hiskey males life worth Living Said at Pal mer Hoose. Dewitt's Little gars Risers benefit permanently. They lend gentle assis tance to nabare, cagsing Bo pan or weak yess, permagentiy curing consti- pation and liver ailments. U. Ww. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. EE absolutely free hy mail, if yon send if ‘hry, Clearfield, $540 As this man has Dever been wens with so much ax a clan shirt on. the snpposition is that be bas po day newspaper, oe | many other valuable rewards, misers the “famous little pills’ ® SH Cem, New York Star, New York City. gow ror OVL. P¥0 a bottle or common gan with your water and let it stand twenty four hours; a sediment or settling indicates | an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; | | if #t stains your linen it i evidenca of | kidney trouble; too frequent desire to! . pass it or pain in the back is slso con. vincing proof that the kidneys and bladder r are ont of order. What to De, Stig There is somfort in the knowledge | go often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Bwamp Root, the great kidney remedy falfills every wish in curing rhenra- tisny, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, Bladder and every part of the orinsry : it corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, | or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that un- ; pleasant. necessity of being compelied to go often during the day, and to fet | ap many times daring the night. The mild snd the extruordinary effect of | Swamp-Root is moon ‘realized. It stands the highost for ita, wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If Hu you need a medicing you shoald have the best. At dragigiste fifty cents or, one dollar. You may have s sample bottle and a | book that tells more aboatit, both sent your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.’ Binghamton, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention that you read this ope day he saw & sign over an sade: | §usrous offer {3 the PTros Corte | Labwthurs ©. DICKERS ™ Ot Desds Reaorded wt Ebensharg up to Due Friday, July 3% John Kaylor et nx. to David J. (Cramer, Gailitzin borough, $1,000, Louis Delaby et ux. to Emile Sod | mont, Jr, Eider, $130. Joseph Haid et nx to Alexsnder; gu : Monteith, Patton, $800. Thomas (i. Rossnsteel et ux. to W, W. Amebry, Allogheny, $854. Barnesboro Water company tof bor. pugh of - Bartesboro, A Barneshoro, $4250 Barnes & Tucker to Sopsagh of Barnesboro, $1. > ’ # PE Dillon of ux. tot Clair Heg: © arty, Reade, $125. Henry 1. Parabaugh to Michael Mohler, Carroll, $900. Michael M. Weakland 55 Joseph M. wiltper, Carroll, $1. 8 L Irwin ot gx. to Harry C berry. Patton, $40 Trustee of Mary J. Lesming to ( ‘athe arine Garman, Hbensborg, $800. Jacch Navatin ef ax. Ww John Per hase, Cambria, $375 Philip Noon ot ux. to Joseph Tran: gle, Carroll, $85 Execntor of John Molwrmitt eb ai to WW. Amsbry, Clearfield, $538, John T. Monahan We. W. Ame bry, Clearfield, $167. Matilda Dunegas ef al, Amsbry, Clearfield, $364. John Durbin et al to W. W, K Lands $0 te W, W. Ams Jebn Durbin to W. W. Clearfield, $914 Englebert FP. MeCounall ot ax et al to W, W. Amsbry, Alleghany, ‘Bl eas Amnbry, SPuaring the hat wether inst som- mer | had 8 severe attack of cholera morbus, necessitating my leaving my A. Hare, of Hare After taking’ Chamberlain’s busines, says Mr. C Bros, Fincastle, Ohio two or three doses of cafe, rholera and Diarrhoea Remedy | I was completely relievd and in a few hours was able to resume my work | in the store howel trouble." Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. A $40.00 Bicycle Given : : Away Daily The publishers of Tur NW YoRX STAR, the handsomely illustrated Sun- are giving a Hien Grape BloyCLr each est list of words made by ysing the let- ters contained in SHE NEW YORK sT-AR” no more times in any one word than it is found in The New York Star. Web. ster's Dictionary to be considered an Twa Gold Watches © first. will be given daily basst Hstey, and imeiud- rep Seta, hina, Ster Brw are, in onder of This sdoeational contest is De. ng given t this suceesafl weekly Eo atithiornty, class timekedpers wiki wesed spent! apg hares for Ten Seta ng of, Dring lug Bix ef, Irie rit. advertise and to introduce nto new homes, all prizes wiil be awarded promptly parting Ay Seen stamps must be enclosed for Thirteen weeks Trial Subscription with full par 5 and a at of over 300 valuable Contest opens and awards Monday, June 26th, and Monday, Aggust 2st, 1599. Your list can reach any day be. vween these dalle, and will receive the whieh it i ¥ i o thant Taelve Sheasiag rewards Oe En awani to that day Lhe , amd your name wil be printed following issue of The New York Star. Only list can be entered by the same perscn. Prices are on exhibition at The Star's business Persons securiog bioveies may have choive of Ladies’, Gentlemen's or Juveniles’ 158% model, color or size de- Call or address Dept. “E " The 98 W. 39th Streei, in Te siped. 2 i a 2 ArFIRADE at {ress ak I temin Bar I sincerely recommend it tr any one afflicted with stomach or For sale by C. W. day for the: larg- AE Vegan Bony Fn lipabing may be entitled for ¥4! ways with good result? B Cooper of El Rie, Cal “Por hidres we find specially effective. For sale by! C. W. Hodgkine, Patton Phar. macy. : LY. Hobbs, M. D Fort Vaile, Gu, | sys: “I have been Bing siedleine | twenty-five 3 vers and Know tole love of the most diffienit | cuive, but hava known oid witeh Hazel iadve to care pambers of cases | and do not besd Ed wr Be sure you get ae ‘there are injuricos counterfeits on sale. C. W. Hodgitios, Patton Pharmacy. Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table. 19 TAKE EFFECT MONDAY, —- Westward ¢ 2 g Lo 3. Famvt Upton Bathon iMabaffey;. Beets { Trowk J omuition. Mabaflly Latwthorst = Motorman Waeteell £ ia Works £ Runde: tami r Ex rose # JV xy PEASNBEHUN : #5 ». we » fosniasmnnea: I sysesagsEsuNEs ] Kansiaey | Pass : {aie < Wpiei A CMe | Hove mh ret Z2BEESSSNRUNRE Rank rg 3 wee » = ¢ * BE3E 2, Leaye 3 Pp $EREREREEERAZS] a A ER LOM A ° Es Hoo JT4 Hsva, ww aves eum bd Bh Liek 1 Randeriand { Wark 1. Watwepl P Motions... © Beweh Creek Tunetion oa {robes Mravion Maha fey t Miag station. Con testions-- At Union Sta | with Brewh Creel rativond, ££ in C | Penipsiy fvingie ri Trowed, ¥. & N Fond: mt Whiskey Run with Methew ew | tanby eaiiromd; at MeGess with PLAN. W, rail Nt atid farther aotice trsins will mn only between Union Station (Miahatiey; and | Glen s Camphall Al trains daily except Sun. 1. Hicks, Clete Manager, Mabadey, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table June 12, 1308. Main Live. Loss Cress: Eastward. Sem Above Ex wel days LOA TO re Aceomumadution, week days | Main Line Kxprom, Ahora Arommotation, daily C Madd Expeves, dai Phigheipiiin Expres, da dni iy Conte John stave gro ih. days. - Pastile Express dally, Way Pusmenger, daily | Patan Fox proves : ail <i J % © Fawtline, daily 3 xe Sy Jalan plot Sowasisi, work day £ cambria niet Clearfield. Sesthwant, Mo rabng train Br Patios and Ores aves Haas bng ¥ 5 Caray ord ero | Hs Pat tw [0% Beawdiew. Junction TE Kaylor Ta TS a, my Afernoen mint Orvaeern Tew van CEieTs Coan path at | ip, ome Mahaffey wi 33% Ladue F Junebion ERG Waster a] Hse ts vas Tir I imreay fiat £° romans) HAE Patton Si i Juin tha Fo: Kavioe #19 arriving #4 “reaenns &% 4% Evosevowvew susceawr oy fit St CRBuNE Be Re CRETREE wYUERE E¥EIREE sE3EsEd sEpEE:s Patton Naomhaoard, Mignitg Gain leaves Crosses for Maha at kr Kavior 2% badiey Junefion 8 fPattivn Mri Geareay (fr Rastinge:. HE Foam bag | for Mahaffey Gaeway er Ma Paitin BEAT Westover 11:08 Letowe Fanetion Hib a3 “Maha ey TLR arriving at Gillen Una hal} 144 Afternnos trains fr Patton and x il i reams al GHEE Kaylor So Seudier Jor dios Sible Puiten A Gaorway &17 West coop RS arriving ut Hastings at 15 pow For rates ms pe ole, Appi, tH tioket agent oF sfduas Tew BE Wa A WwW. bho. Fit avenue, Pirtosbaing, re 3. RK Hutehinman, Gen. 2. Wont, ny Poss, Ag New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, Pennsyivanis Yislon,) } Beech Creek Distr ¢ Condensed Time Table. Heat down Bap Maal Nis Was 0 pom am ga “¥ » iw x Phos 1 Exp Nay 1rd gs ail Na 6 LN os AR ¥ iE Patton Westover Mabwiley Kerrie CEE RK erestsonr Rew Mpa? 1ants Mitoheily theme field iv CErEGRG ek wh Sl hd eo a ERE GENRE RHER RE rnd Wood inna Higler Walleeton Morrtwmlaie Mines IF anming Philipstsnrg sl wo i i 5% 3 6) wi EM RIV Aa e ar; CHAR I iS ar G48 a0 R28 247 508 tak +7 kak $ Suh @ ve Musson CWinbarae Perle Estiiintown Sf Mie Heswls {valk Mi Hail fowl Hatan ¥ nina Erie Warne Jeraey Store Jutwion Formers More Wi lamnguirt ks wg HEE Fob # 1. > wd CR ELE 3 a8 5 3% © Und Friiie. Poy mon Pa Bm 5 ah wg 0 iw Prats & Reading BL 8 we Willlmmaport oy “ aateigdiin te NOC via Thamanim sr “~ X NY via Phils wrhin os a Pom ! : oar aoe rw sida ys 8 08 ven Budeys wk Apr sakaes A nk o fwd iy vim hike Fawn Gs, FRAIL EE bis Fh Ha os] ga aud Bondi girduned it Fooreany Mle An He Fas Be Mu Mail with {anton Haiiromd of fara a4 hihi talk i wo {x it vil} charge oaral HE i parse tae Ad % at Pe FEY 8 Misssin © #34 he ee ting raid 85 § Be portend — The Bact bes, RBowhionter sand fiat mitwny sl Matai smi Sates pris Dauner and Uleserfiend division of th Tos BRUVRIIS sited: at Mahaifey with ihe Pe gus ivaoia dud Nonhweslern mitway f. Daadeis, 3 teen, Pass Now X ork, Fae i Haiffalo. Rochester add Pittabarg Ry iin sherbwry sg pataf % atid Re TH. Cialis Ter Hbslee irae tick How hewstas he Hreopsvitie ER Lantueing a shsenbnng, Brad hint # 1s fui; | &inid © Ppa far Hi AR WRY, i Buffain, Dru Bvt ayn £ r Publi isin Pu tiered mae SF pm 1 prea RITA Tae J, aad Panx HEN WLS Whey Tek Tring wrrivy, ® 1 HY. Ki oa. mn sad Al and SE War teliets, time fabas and mil eB i ore or address, 1B BHesdip, Agent, iNearfieid, i'n PRR EERE Sole, ¥. La WE ren] Prssetige ir Baw bhestor N Py A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers