BE Apa omiinpansiin. “Stoo PER YEAR. 11] HE i venturesome devils -if there are say och among the Spanish—in crawling | | out to attack cur line The ditch he onm They bad noth but sheiter | | omy Toe had roi It rained the embanionent into this little lake ‘on parts or all of every day, and the The platforms built by the Ttab bows an all day and al! Lie and still the rain drove down in| shower t 8 a8 Blinding sheets passing J night storm, with a cool wind and rain falling at the rate of foor to wx ! tent was perched, and while the mis | from trying to Sank went through the thin cloth of the ARON: 354 Tia 117i Fine orld shelter tent and was driven in at the son broaght K and B companies 2p the | the largest lie in Town. end by the wind. so that the men Were Cymiga Real into the trench at once ® pever dry during the 14 daye We Te ,.4 gut word to Major Bierer fo come Jor * mained ia this camp yet Shey did not | forward with D and E compenies and Sleep g5 A ound. = | go in on our right scrom the road a every bottle of wine While this was going co the fring of { and liquor to be removed from sll the | 4p, Snenish was maintained at a ter | ships before we sailed from Sam Fras ig. rate. The erack of their Maneer | eisco, #0 that the officers and men land- | pin, ghort, sharp telul—was like od with their systems absolutely free. 3, rt, SRA]. Apia a giant beams from alcobol for 83 days Water for | ram It was punctuated costinvaily is Arinking and cooling was obtained 2 ~ lis sunk a few foul 1 with the bursting of the sbeils they § were throwing from the fort at Mala | wae abundant in quantity and appar | ZULe ciare the EE emma 1 ily geod in quali. bat a & Preca®- | by yolley and did it well The roar of tion avery drop of it oesd was boiled their od Springteide, oll fred of “Soon after the Spaniards began their inches a day. Immediate steps wero: | reguiar and beavy fire the Penneyivania taken to get the men off the ground by pickets began to come in They bad building beds of split bamboo set ob been posted in cossack outposts almost posts from 15 to 4 inches shove | directly in front of our line abomt 73 ground. On the top of this the sheiter Jatds Sistas, and they reported that the snemy was in force on our right. ground, pumping sway at they could EK Genersi Greene Malate: 4 Competed wich the ues of Le (war, this was as animp i os out We were 7.000 miles from the Dearest joint in America enguged bu foreign soil and without any piace to | petreat to if we bad been driven out All the conditions were such as usually | creates consternation amobg green | froops. 3 vit the vetezans of a handred bat mod Little streatns of mud ran down | i more thoroughly what that might than did those young men i rain was of infinite variety, from . . for their guns were four inches ander | froma Pwonavivanis snd Utah There was po cusfusion and Do aEDecessAry | pxcitemvnt and the simple result of | the fight was that we beld our trenches snd lost 1Y ilied and o wounded An Apsiogy. CorriER office this week we wish to apologine for the scarcity of ‘general | local pews in the paper thin woe. We | trust that our subscribers will overiook | . this master and we hope to be able to | make up for lost time next week. Harness Shep Reomerved. George Langbien bas removed his | | harness shop from the room opposite ! Willisai's barber shop oo Magee ave nue, to the room pext to Weakland's | livery itable on Fifth avenue, where! je ifvtion a ii rel Sail wn wes ini { uw cents on the dollar | at Goldstein's. a sccurdapos with our instroctions | SEWER COWTRACT LET. i roemedings Potion Bers Limes etd | Wacalny. Fairy IL : I fone intr Sls wore prosaied to | Counett. Chika: Kiody, $175, foe Jae requires I a pay mate peyprow fo | thas $95 nor sore than $300 a month, | | the amount to be taxed hy counnil. In | townships the liveness for mach dealers | will be $25 & month and is made pay-! 2 {ri sea mot 7 jane of the school Sua of that Wika ship. The sct requires that all licenses [a renewed monthly. There les fine of not lew than $108 or more than | 1300 for Saiiare to obtala the Homes. Pad GS SA He Reentred an Inerwase. | wind-White coal mining sompany hae | meade another increase in price of led- ing after machines, taking effect August 1st. The rate will be tweuty- seven and one-half centy per grows ton, | instead of twenty-five cents, provided, { however, that their principal competi- | tors in the central Pennuyivania district | | do the same, as they have advertined. & esreh din Licensed to Wink. Owing to liness of employes of the | | ome Shh sod Mim Mary Byram, of Carrolitown. Mwnsent Onilege. The Musical College at Freeburg, | Pa, 38 naw In seein With 4 legs 22d intelligent class. $33 will pay for | weeks’ board and tuition. a | hegina September 3 Stodents sdmit- | ted any time For catalogue sdiress HB. Moyer. 3583 hg nian 5 pn i : AL the Baptist Chareh. Rev. M. C. Alexander, pastor of the | preach in the Patton Baptist cliarch on the morning snd evening of Aug- ast Sth and 13th. The following marriay licenses ware ‘imsued to North Oambriss sine Jaly | Bastingsburg. (Px. } Baptist churet, wil will | or virsoe of & hind Plariss Ovter of * | vemioe or ostery, 2% the hotel of BD. G. Myers, in the Borough of Ashville, (Cambria county, Pa, on Friday, Aug {met 5th, 18398, at 1 o'clock pom. the | following described real estate: : I Nu 1 AN the right title and interest of 1). G. Myvwrs and wife, to that oer tain plece or parce! of land situsted in tClmsfeld vommiship, Cumieid outa; i ef ands oft dohn M. prossinglomsine on the south by lands of John M. Jor "| dam, decsamnd; aod on tas west by lands | plecie or parcel of lund lying and being lim Dean township. Cambe's county, Peninsy tvanis, adjoining lands of Wop- sononock Coal company, Jobn Sheates, lrwin Brotaws and others, the same | ee But ough Engineer, of the Borough of Pas- ton, will receive sealed bide for the @ading, paving and curbing of Fifth {avenue from Beech avenue to Lang avenue in said borough, in accordance tes plant and apecificatioas prepared by [him All bids shall be accompanied by {a coftified check in the sam of one | Bendred dollars, tobe returned to the bidder should the bid be rciected; but tt be retained by the Borough antil the contract is signed and bond executed iri came the bid is accepted and contract awarded, then to be retarsed fo the bidder. All bids shall be in writing, and shail be submitted to the said Borough En- | glnesr before the hour of § o'clock p gi. August 14th 1588. Plans and specifications can be seen at be office lof the Borough Engineer, Patton, Fean'a The borough reserves the night to re- pret any and ail bide Geo. H. Ayem, Borough En Puston, Pa. July 31 1888 © Transter of Liquer Mines. Notice is hereby givea that the petit- ion of D. E Notiey, a resident of | Barpesboro, for the transfer of the re tail liquor license granted to Rodger Bowen, in said boroagh, for the year six | commencing third Moaday of March, 11899, has been filed in the Clerk's office. {of the court of Quarter Sessions of | ifambria county, and will be presented io said court for ite consideration on Monday, 18h of Angust, 1898, 8 W. Dav, - Clerk Q. & Ebensburg, 1st August, 1999.-3513 A 5 Newman bat for $1.30 at Gold. | stein’s. i i hm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers