PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA., THURSDAY, JU NE :. 1800. $1.00 PER YEAR. TO ADVERTISE I} | THIS PAPER. TRY IT AND Y EE. i £ g £ 3 i 3 THREE IMPOR itl PETITIONS | For Better Mai) Servier Hitter Passenger Accommodation sud Bettir Telegraph Serviee, Below we publish three separate and . very important petitions which are be. ling circulated among the citizens of : Patton. They are important in view of the fact that cach one simply asks for something of which the people and community in general are largely in. ; terested in. They shonld receive favor: able consideration in the hands of the | proper parties to which sent, ‘within reason and they will be as what is being asked for is very badly needed Lin this rapidly growing and prosperous ‘town. We trust that in hat a very i ghort time we will be able to announce i to the public a most favorable reply in answer to them fag, MeConnaell, ' + Patton Pharmacy. Headquarters for Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Opposite Schoo! Building. SEE OUR LINE OF i | Boy ances, cerowding of all classes, | sex, into asmall iligerranged and vnfit i All sizes—at all prices, Every lady in Patton and] vicinity calling at our store] will be presented with a souv- ~ enirof the Spanish-American, | in the shape of a beautiful’ fan. Call early all gone. C. W. Hodgkins. before ard | they Better Mall Service. Chief Clerk Railroad Mail Bervice, Pittaburg, Penn's. “We the undersigned patrons of the Patton postoffice, desiring better mail service, respectfully petition you to use your influence in securing a postal | clerk on the morning train South and the evening train North." Better Passenger Accommodation “We the undersigned business men ‘and citizens of Patton most respect. fully call your attention to the urgent ‘need of better passenger accomo- dations at this point. The present ‘depot or station is totally inadequate in every respect for the accommodation of | the traveling public. ‘If not the most important shipping point on the line of the Cambria & Clearfield railroad, station is entirely too small, and in every way unsuited to meet the needs Patton is one of, und the present Lof our peaple; subjecting the traveling | public to great inconvenience and an- such as the promiscuous regardless of ‘waiting room. The present building being used for both passenger (and freight and express business, furn {ishes no adequate storage room for the | proper handling and care of baggnge, | freight, ete. causing great annoyance | and inconvenience to the patrons of your road, especially in rough or in. element weather, Your petitioners therefore respect. fully ask that a suitable station that will bein keeping with the needs of this com. 'manity and its probable future growth Land development be erected without further deluy." Netter Telegraph Serviee. “The undersigned business men and citizens of Patton most respectfully 1 call your attention to the rapid growth of Patton and the developement of its | business interests; this, together with the encouraging indications of a con- The Shen deslgue of Mattings at the following prices: 100, 1 14¢, 16¢, 18¢, 20¢, 25¢, 28! . and joc per yd. | tinuance of these conditions and pros- ‘pects and the continued increase of | your business here, entities us to a separate office for the satisfactory transaction of the business of your [company at this point. The frequent delays in transmission and delivery of messages, and publicity inseparable | | from service over other lines as is now In. | the case under your present arrange. ment here, Is unsatisfactory and all- | hazardous both to your patrons and louse Furnishing, In and Plumbing Dpts, “All kinds of tinwork will be attended to and guaran- i The foliowing will be gap leading | stoves, which very well know are ‘the best in the at. vite a va- ty to select from: Capello | nges, Sunshine and Othello, The nere Ranges, The Garland Steel | Ranges. These are guaranteed, ve them a trial. \ line of shelf hardware i Ariahes, ete, sash and r fencin of every description a ioe. t rs for plows, etc. arters for or tools - ‘augers, powder and | The h coal shove Tp Ste. king you | for all past favors, woliciting your furt ber patronage, Very Respectfully, ; ur't Co, co c GRENINGER, Mgr. 1} | your company. i been issued by the Superintendent of ‘a separate office of the Western Union ‘of this resolution be published in the Recently an order has | the Cambrian & Clearfield railroad com. pany prohibiting the transmission of messages by telephone, either receiving or delivering, thus necessitating the use of messengers both by patrons and the company at a great disadvantage and loss of time to the business public. “We therefore respectfully ask that ‘Telegraph company be established in ‘some central location as soon as pos. ‘sible, not only in justice to our own interests but that of your company as well. 4 Get in Line. Get in line and wear one of Dinsmore Bro's summer suits. They have just re- ‘ceived a big line of black woolen goods for suitings which are all the go now. ‘Don’t fail to call and examine goods. | A perfect fit guaranteed. Remember the place, next to Postoflice, RBisoiution of Thanks, At a meeting of Lieut. Peter Kaylor ‘Post, G, A. R., of Patton, the following resolution was adopted: “Resolved, that the thanks of the post be extended to Rev. Futher Edwin for his able, patriotic and instructive sermon de- livered in St. Mary’s Catholic church on Sunday, May 28th; and that a copy PATTON COURIER." Gro. BOONE, JOHN GANTZ, Committee, Rr is casTORIA. the The Kind You Haw Al | ‘at Jersey Shore Junction Bennett, first trick; ‘Howard Scott, second trick; G. posed furnished the John Evans, out on special holidays. N.Y. C. RAILROAD CONSOLIDATION, Appointments and Promotions Made Sioe the Change Took Paes. The consolidation of the Beech Creek, Fail Brook and Pine Creek rail roads under the name of the Pennsyl- vania division of the New York Central has changed the old order of officialdom in and about Jersey Shore to a considerable extent says the Jersey Shore Herald. After his appointment to the super- intandency of the division, Mr. A. G Palmer announced the following pro- motions and changes: W. A. Relts, trainmaster of Fall Brook district with office at Corning, N. Y.: William Cramer, former yardmaster at Patton, to be trainmaster of Besch Creek div sion, with office at Jersey Shore; 1. P. Van Woert, former chief dispatcher of Beech Creek railroad, to be chief dis- patcher of Pennsylvania division, office at Corning, N. Y.; W. A. Ben- nett, former first trick dispatcher, to be division operator B. C. district, office at Jersey Shore; J W. Lanshan, for mer chief dispatcher of F. B. railroad, to be division operator of Fall Brook district, office at Corning, N. Y. The changes in the dispatchers office are as fol J. W. MeDermott and James O T. W. Evans and T. Evans and Okley Blades, third trick: Mr. Blades was formerly sn employe of the Fall Brook railroad. William M. Corbin, formerly a Fall Brook dis patcher stationed at this place, has heen appointed third trick dispatener at Corning, N. Y.; Donald L. Sum. merville, formerly a civil engineer in lowe: the Beech Creel office, to be supervisor | of bridges and buildings of the Penn- s¥lvania division, office st Corning, N. Y.;, George Thompson, former master mechanic Beech Creek rallroad, to be division superintendent of motive power for Pennsylvania division, For a Biescie Bide Path, F. H. Roberts, son of Joba 1. Rob. erty, cashier of the First National Bark of Johnstown, spent Tuesday in Patton and while here made the COURIER a friendly visit, Mr. Roberts is visiting the north of the conaty in the intarests of securing bicycle side paths and met with excellent encouragement along that line while in Patton. In reference to the proposed scheme the Johnstown Democrat of Tuesday morning con. tained the following: “Mr. Roberts “who was recently chosen a committee of one to secure signatures to a petition praying the court to appoint bicycle side path commimioners, said Monday ‘he had secured 38 signatures of free- holders, 13 more than the law requires. But Mr. Roberts will endeavor to got more names on the petition. He be. lieves the north of the county should be interested in the bicycle side path movement, and Tuesday morning he left for Ebensburg, Patton, Spangler, | Hastings and other north of county ‘towns, in which be will clrenlate the petition.” Beport of Registration, Assessor John H. Somerville com- pleted his annual registration of Patton borough this week which is as follows: Number of school children in Patton borough between the ages of 6 and 21 years, 745; number of voters, 626; nam. ber of births from October 1, 1808 to May 1, 1809, 58; number of deaths from October 1, 1898 to May 1, 1880, 26 ‘According to the established rule of multiplying the number of voters by five would make the population of our town reach 3,130. These figures are not exagerated in view of the fact that this town contains many foreigners who are not voters and who have large families. Keystone Drum Corps. The Keystone Drum Corps, com- of the following members marshal music for the Memorial day services at this place and Chest Springs: Garfield and Thos. Wilkins, Richard Rowland, Fred Kin- kead, Wm. Bennett, Charles Heist and The boys furnish A No. 1 music and are always willing to turn The citizens of Patton shouid encourage the runem- bers in their good work. Windstorm and Toroado Lusamnos. Parnell & Cowher, the insurance firm of Patton, have made arrangements with the Hartford Fire Insurance Com- pany to issue policies covering all dam- age done to any building by tornadces, cyclones or windstorms of any kind, at very low rates. This Company is the largest and strongest fire insurance Company in the United States. rates and further information write to For: PARNELL & COWHER, Patton, Pa. For that tired feeling, try Hodgkins’ cool soda water. Payne could not say too much. last week, ‘to Witkesbarre and return, THE STTMACHSON PRESERVE. A Mord of Tweniy-Seven Deed Placed Therein, The following in regards to the Ot zvinachson Rod and Gon «lab of Clinton ‘county, of which Messrs. Geo. 8. Good, Wm. Hon, Jas. Kerr, of Clearfield, Masser, of Westover, Saperintendent A. {4 men are interested in, appeared in the Lock Haven Express of Monday, May 2th: “Mr. Charles Payne, of Wichita, Kansas, arrived in Lock Haven Satur. day evening with twenty. three deer Cases for Regular Term Commencing? Mon. FOR TRIAL IN CRIMINAL COURT day. June Sih. Below will be found the calendar for the Criminal court beginning at Ebens- burg Monday, June 5th, 1899. Paimer, and other prominent and four fawns for the game preserve of the Otzinachson fish and game clab. The deer were shipped from Kansas by express and were transferred at once to | the Otzinachson club's preserve at the o, headwaters of Rattlesnake run in this | county. “The deer were shipped in crates and were transferred in wagons from the station at Wetham to the When Mr. Payne left Wichita on Tharsday morning he had but 23 deer, preserve. | the fawns having been added to the! herd while en route to Look Haven, Mr. Payne is a dealer in living wild ani. mals and birds of North America for propogating and scientific purposes, The deer be brought here for the Ot tail or Virginia deer which is found in same in appearance and habits as those running at large in the forests of Clinton county. “He stated to a representative of the Express that be had never seen a more ideal game preserve than that of the Mzinachson club, He had never seen a preserve fo which natural food and says at least 3000 deer can be kept in the grounds. The water, tao, he found to be excellent and the grounds in every respect an ideal preserve. Of the fence which Mr: Good has had erected around the thousands of Mr. He rays it is the best fence he has seen around a preserve and is absolutely elephant strong.” Twi Minerw Injured, Joseph Bailey, son of Freeman Bailey, who resides at the Rellly mine, wax accidently canght between two cars in the Ashoroft mine Thursday of receiving a severe injury to his back besides being injured inter. nally, Dr. Murray, physician, reports that he is out of danger and recovering. Edward Hern, an employe of the acres of land in preserve, Columbia colliery, was quite seriously District-Attorney M, B. Stephens de. sires to make the following announos. ment: Prosecutors and their wittiesses most be present on the day that the case in which they are interested goes before the Grand Jury; defendants and their witnesses need not be present until the ; entering; Michael Logan. day set for trial, For Treinl Monxiay, Jane Sth. Commonwealth va. Frederick Anstin, non-support; prosecutrix, Emma Aus Benjamine Taylor, non-support Mary A. Taylor. Isaac Wright, desertion and non- support; Clara Wright. Albert Farron, surety; Irvin Miller, Storey. Charles Yeckley, Weston, Harvey Reesey f and b; Sarah Stew- art. Edward Mike Sopati. felomious rape; Alex. Miller, f and b; MeCristal, zinnehaon cia dre known as the white Michael Randers, { and b; Myrthe : : : Fetterman. all parts of North America and are the | Ernest Wayland, { and b; Lavin Elvin James Burns, { and b. James Gallagher, { and b; Ellen Devlin. Sv Mil ler, there is 80 munch the attending | jured Thursday by being caught be- | "tween the rib of the mine and a car which had jumped the track. Dr. W. Worrell was summoned, leviated the sufferings of the unfor- | assult and battery; prosecutrix, 8 who al. i tunate man, and reports that he in: surety; J. 8. Platt recovering as rapidly aa possible under the existing circumstances, Constables and the Game Law, The Pennsylvania State Game (om- mission adopted a resolution requiring the secretary to place a copy of the act making Constables of the State game, Edward iates, Annie Schrack. W. PF Weigand, Kline, James Hargrave. Sarah A. Hargrave, ado perjury; Daniel Hargrave Willis Smith, felonious rape; MelIntosh, Mike Gonden ot ai, {rallo, Edward Horne, with intent to rape; myer. Israel Snavely, Joseph J. Orris. Israel Snavely, J. Orrix, Israel rris, Israel Soavely, assult and battery; Joseph Gordon, Lizzie Orris, assuit and battery with) intent; Israel Snavely. Lizzie Orvis, et al., aggravated assoil and battery: Israel Snavely. For Trial Tusbday, dave 6th. f and WH: f and bh; Sarah M. Daley, fornication; tery ami Agathi adultery; (rertrade Kiein- assuit and battery; forcible entry, Joseph Snavely, surety, Joseph J, Commonwealth ve. Frank MeCiuire, Bells McGuire. Richard Railly, assult and battery. surety; Bart Young. Jack Hartnut, assuit and battery, William Singleton, assuit and battery, sarety; W. C. Shiffer. fish and forestry wardens, and impos ing a penalty of $50 or two months’ imprisonment upon that official when he neglects or refuses to perform his , duty, in the hands of every Constable in the state, with notice that the Com- mission proposes to see that its pro- visions are complied with, The spring shooting of all aquatic fowl and the robbing of their nests, also the listing of certain song and insectiverous, were condemned, GA. BR Foeampniont For the Annual Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, depart. ‘ment of Pennsylvania, to be held at the will 10, COMpRny Wilkesbarre, Pa, June 5 to Pennsylvania railroad sell excursion tickets from stations in Pennsylvania on June 4 to 5, inclusive, at rate of single fare for the round trip, good to return until Jone 11, inclusive Mecting of Pomona G rang The next meeting of Pomona Grange of Cambria county will be held in Wil more on June 18th, for which an inter- program has been Grranged There will be an open session in the evening, at which Rev. J. Twyson Jones, of Ebensburg, wiil deliver an address. The State Lecturer of the Grange is also expected to be present. esting Wonder What Next. * It is reported that postmasters of the United States will be required by the department to wear a uniform here- after, consisting of light blue trousers with red braid running down the legs, a white blouse with gold shoulder straps and a skull cap with a silver star in front. «+ Wall paper at Fisher's 3, cents a Mame Baker, battery, surety; Mary Good. Frank Ober, assult and battery, sur. ety; Daniel O'Donnell. Daniel O'Donnell, assalt and bat. tery: Frank Ober. Annie Salick, resisting an officer; Francis Flick. Mary Lickwarick, resisting an officer; Francis Flick. » Conrad Keim, asssiuit and battery with | intent to kill; William H. Smith, William Stanton, aggravated aw, and battery; James Baker. John Kile, Annie Rankin. J. IL. Reid, D. E. Notley. Wilham A. P. Alex. King. Uriah Naugle, Fdward Lantay. J. W. Crosberry, J. L. Strayer Fir Trial Wednewiay, June Tih, et al, Prose. malicious mischief; malicious mischief; Commonwealth va Joe Kelly, carrying conceabsd weapons; cutor; W. J. Carney John Ream, pointing firearms; Forgacs, w Rabinowitz, larceny by . A. Engel —~ Lesko, larceny and assualt battery; John Copechak Charles Harris, thiegal liquor selling, James Barnes. William H. Smith et al, detainer; James A. Malin, William Dressing, larceny and re ceiving; A. Beatty. Makion Bloagh, larceny and receiv. ing, Henry Wolfhope. John Daily, et al, receiving; Martha Heine. Charles Spangler, larceny and receiv ing; Henry George. NF bailes Ail t) entry and larceny and Charles Spangler, larcency and re. ceiving; Isaac Michaels. : John Miller et al, larceny and re- ceiving; E. J. Sharretts. Malloy. Mary | "be sold at a bargain. Danial Maggie | wssuit and battery felonious assualt amd defrauding botelkeeper; Wilson, embezzlement; William Sabbott, larceny and receiv: ing! Sarah E. Murray. H. L. Reffner, larceny and receiving; P. M. Malloy. H. I. Reffner, embezzlement; P. M. Geo. T. Swank, Jibel, N. F. Thomp- ROT. For Trial Tharsday, Jane Sth Commonwealth vs Tony Vite, kid naping; prosecutor, Salvatore Trounce. Frank McDonald, breaking and entering; John Matron. Edward McCloskey, breaking and Eugene Logan et al., Primroa. Rose Parre, larceny and receiving; { Jacob Meier. A. Bryon Krebs, statuory rape; Mar. garet Moran, Grace Flaogh, perjury; Mary Moran. Jennie Aurand, perjury; Mary Moran. Robert Hice et al, robbery; Jacob illegal liquor sell cing; GoW. Douglass. f and b: Alice ing; J. H. Eckenrod. John MeAnalley, illegal liquor sell Fine Property For sale. A good house and jot on corner of Palmer and Pennsylvania avenues, will Inquire of M. M. | Nolan, Patton, Pa. Announcements. The undersigned respectfully announ- ces himself as a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer sub. ject to the rules of the Republican party, at the coming Primaries, June 24th and Convention June 3th, Jostan T. Evans Johnstown, Pa June ist The undersigned respectfully snnoun- ces himself as a candidate for the nomination ‘sunty Treasurer sab- jet to the rules of the Republican party, at the coming Primaries and Convention, Samiuern J MoULoNe Ro June Ist. {af 1 Johnstown, | The undersigned respectfully announ. cen aimsell as a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer, sub. ject to the rules of the Republican party at the coming Primaries and Convention, Jacon YROCKLEY. Giallitain, Pa, June ist The undersigned respectfully announ- ces himself as a candidate for the nomination of County Poor House Director, subject to the rules of the Republican party, at the coming Primaries and Convention. JAMES SOMERVILLE, Susquehanna twp, Jane 1. The undersigned respectfully announ- ces himself as a candidate for the nomination of County Poor House Director, sabject to the roles of the Republican party, at the coming Primaries and Convention. Putriy HarTzo6. Carrolltown, Pa., June 1at. Ripana Tabuies cure indigeation Ripans Tabuiles cure nausea. defrauding botelkeeper; ba When she has patterns that can be depended on to give a perfect fit, most any woman ean be her own dressmaker. In offering our patrons the Butterick Patterns and Publications, we feel that we give them the best there is to he had. The printed directions whch go with each pattern are so simple and eauly followed that the most segistiresn can follow There are some ather pat. iii wy a price than aay To ran new dross 144 the inex pert fem. terns wey Hattervk = sew tf the visk of spanling the at a saving of a few os a8 pattern’ Butterick's Patterns are cheap est in the emd because they arethe kind that vou can depend on, Sent prepanl on receipt of the bitshed prices the late Fashion Sheet reduced Wnite tor —it's iree. GABLE & CO. 1320-22-24-1404 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. 138% :
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