Se ni rs VOL. VI—NO. 25. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1544. $1.00 PER YEAR. bwin Kg i OU RR —For the— We're going to ce ebrate in our usual style. Come and sce ‘the many attractions at “our place of business, . namely :— A Black Bear, Guinea Pigs, (2 species) Pet Squirrels, Pet Rat from U. S. Crusier Columbia. White Circus Mice. “Jumbo” the oldest dog in Cambria county. Gray Rabbits, Australian Gold Finches. ~ “Tomato,” the very blackest ~ black Tom cat know, . Phonograbh. - Corona Regina Music Box, over six feet high. ~~ Graphaphone. And last but not least the Largest Breech-loading Brass Cannon outside the large cities which will be heard for mlles around on the morning of the 4th of July. Bee Otir Extensive Line of Etc. of every description and everything else in the ath of July line. Call and see all. 100, 14¢, 16¢, 18¢, 20¢, 25¢, 28 and joc per yd. the least money. urnishing, and Plumbing Dpts, The | dress, Joseph Taylor, Patton, Pa. 4t d tiring. The business hereafter will be ing you for all past favors, S TO ADVERTISE I }- CHIEF POLICE ELECTED. NO MINERS STRIKE In Patton The Miners Have Acorpted Ad- vances Made by Operaiors Which Wen! Tite Fre: Jans Ist. | Report of Regular Mecting of Borough Coane Held Monday Night. Patton Borough lawmakers met in regular session Monday night with the following members present as per roll ‘call: Habbard, Anderson, Blair, Me Cormick, Campbell and Cordell. The minutes of regular meeting night, Monday, May 22, were read and ap- proved. {The Btreet committes was instructed (to kook after the placing of the water ‘idlets on Magee avenoe which is being | paved. Mr. Winslow, chairman of the Fire and Police committee, reccommended that the chief of police be supplied . with a bucket, broom and other neces sary articles to be used at the lock-up, also that be be furnished with a sait- | (able light for same, and to clean out the up-stairs so it can be used in any event. On motion of Cordell and sec- ‘onded by McCormick, it was carried | that the above mentioned committee I have power to act upon report of Mr. Winslow and to have pond at back of lock-up repaired in a manner as to se- | Clearfield scale is that the differential curely hold dogs which are not prop existing between the different pick Lerly licensed. | mines shall be maintained. A communication was received from | ort Solved, - SDA: te ofu rate ES Patton Fire company, No. 1, asking the Check weighmen association at such (that Frank Anderson, T. N. Nagle and | rate as they may desire. { Harv. Btair, who were appointed by | Resolved, That while we hold the ‘that organization, as Fire Police, be right to direct the action of our mem. duly sworn in by the bers, we will not hold ourselves re. i Burgess, and upon sponsible for the action of miners motion of Blair and seconded by Camp- whose employers have not been here to bell, it was carried that the Burgess be meet us instructed to attend to the matter. ro Soived, lr any Sperates 2b { ; ak is . y ing to dispute organization The following applications were | Ae aing men for fuking 2% in this movement, the power ¢ Dis trict and National organizations be A ballot was tentered on them at once. field last week it was decided thst the miners work at the rates offered by the operators, that is, 26 cents a ton for machine mining and 5 cents a ton for pick mining, but only so long as a het ter rate cannot be bad. The following resolutions were adopted, and in them are sel forth very plainly what may be ex pected: : Resalvid, That we favor the Clear- fold scale calling for fiveninths of the pick mining price for loading after naa- chines and eight hours for a days’ work, and we will endeavor to pat it into ef. feet at the carliest possibile moment, and to that end the officers of the dis trict are hereby instructed to continve the work of organization and agitation, Resolved, Fhat when the organiz- ation and agitation has progressed sufficiently to satisfy them t the important places will move, they are hereby authorized to notify the miners and mine laborors to sospend work until the conditions of the Clearfield scale are complied with. Resolved, That the intent of the again receivod for Chief of Police: Jones, Gill, Glass, Hartzog, Farbangh, . Robinson and . Dillon. taken which resulted in Gill receiving three votes and Jones one vote Me- checkweighmen asso dations, wherever | Cormick and Winslow being absent and *uch association is desired, the same 10 Anderson not voting. Mr. Gill was be done under the direction of the dis | declared duly elected to fill the office. trict officers. The matter of pashing {On motion of McCormick and sec. cars was ef} 10 Lhe next convention to ,omuled by Campbell, it was carried that settle. ‘the following bilis be accepted and {clerk be instructed to draw orders for isarne: James Gillieoe, $12 for clerk Strike in Dalies Region A dispatch from DuBois dated June Al a miners convention heid at Clear- The convention desided on forming ‘services for month of May and dog license tags, ete; Patton Pub. Co, $14.- 90 for advertising; Geo. 8. Good, $1.81 | for merchandise; Geo. 8. Good Electric | Ligtht Co., $71 for light; W. P. Jackson, ‘$5 for special police services, ete. E. C. dsays: ‘The long threstenad miners’ strike in this district is* practically on at last. The men at Einora and Rey- noldsville are sll out, and but few are working here. The employes of the Northwestern Coal company, at _| the following for street work during “i Bupply Co., has this day been dissolved Dagus mines quit to-day and the strike bids fair to become geperal. At a meeting here, the local men decided to give the company three days to accede their demands, sad at the expiration of that time if not satisfied,” to come out in a body. A delegation went to Pnnxsutawney to place their griev- ‘ances before General Manager I. W. Robinson, of the Rochester and Pitts. ‘month of May: F. X. Lehman, $52; burg and Jefferson and Clearfield Coal A. Burkey, $1. 20; Jos. Karlbeim, $8.05; “0d Iron companies, who passed : . ' through here from Rochester on a Jas. Mulligan, $8.40; H. Woomer, $26.- Dg o special at noon to-day and everything 15; Paul Short, $7.05; Joseph Short, $0.75; Frank Quinn, $18.60; Ed. Hat depends on the outcome of the con. chison, 60c.; Sam’l Jones, $12.40; A. T, ference’ Cornelius, $1.50; E. Short, $2.50; H. H. Grand 4th of July Plesic. Hoover, $3; Ed. Glass, $18; John A grand 4th of Jaly picnic will be Thomas, $10.35; G. 8. Good, $17.50; held in Short’s grove, South Patton, Peter Hartzog, $2.25; T. N. Nagle, on Tuesday and Wednesday July 4th 13.43; Wm. J. Bennett, $1.50; W. J. and 5th for the benefit of the St. Mary's Donnelly, §7.35; H. 8. Kantz, $16.35; D. Catholic church of Patton. Anelegant Flynn, $1.50; 8. Sperry, $1.50; B. Sperry, platform has been erected and a grand $1.00; 8. Bortman, $1.50; Bart Barckly, dance will be beld. The best of music $6; H. Tate, $3.90; M. Bortman, $1.35; will be in attendance. Refreshments J. Pritchard, $1.65; Ed. Thomas, $4.55; of all kinds will be served on the L. Barckley, $1.50; 8. Weakland, $2.75; grounds. Dinner at 11:30 a. m.; supper { C. Edmiston, $1.50; M. Hartzog, $2.25; at 5 p. m. Everybody is invited to be | 8. Hewlett, $2.70; Jas. Thomas, $2.10. present and bave a good old-fashioned i e : | time, | Brown, Boro Engineer, $64 for services rendered; 8. E. Jones, $15 for replacing bridge across Little Chest creek on ‘ West Magee avenue; Patton Water | Co, #0 for water rent for month of ‘May; J. E. Kirk Hardware Co., $4.35 {for merchandise; W. J. Donnelly & Co, $26.37 for lumber; Patton Clay M'Cg Co., $108.01 for sewer pipe; and Get in Line, Get in line and wear one of Dinsmore | Republican County Comvention. Bro’s summer suits. They have just re-! The Republican voters of tambria ceived a big line of black woolen goods County are requested to meet at their for sultings which are all the go now. "sual places of holding elections on Don’t fail to call and examine goods. Saturday, June 24, 1509, between the A perfect fit guaranteed. the place, next to Postoffice. Stn sisson Sy pp. m. in the townships, for the parpose Vaeunt Lol For Sale. of electing delegates to the county Vacant lot situated between the convention to be held in Ebensbarg on properties of John Bomerville and W. Monday, June 26th, at 1 o'clock p. m., C. Lingle, on Beech avenue, for sale at to nominate a county ticket and to a reasonable figure. Call on or ad- | select delegates to the State convention, and transact such other business as may properly come before the conven. tion. Notieo! —~—io Jo bevels | Eien may the pay “| Attention is called to the following Winslow & Barton and doin g business rule: Any person shall be eligible uiiler the & ny name of the P atton 88 & candidate for Repuoblicas nomin- ‘ation who has handed his name to the Chairman of the county committee, or by magnal eo 5 CH. Winslow re-| his authorized agent, who has paid the conducted under the name of Patton To eb PRseribed y he yale, $ ne Sapply Co., consisting of H. E. Barton pledged himself, in WHHL. Wiainee bY —- F. B. M he will assuine and the action of tho primary election aud pay all Bot or the late firm convention, twenty (20) days before pay will collect all outstan ding ac- the time fixed for holding the primary cotinte due said frm since the first day | election, and has advertised himself as August, 1898; t ‘a candidate in at least three (3) Repub. of Au 1895; al nis contracted |lican papers of the county for that rior to that date have been assigned r C. H. Winslow, with whom settle. | 12PBth of time. ment can be made. i : . H. WinNsLOow, | H. E. BARTON, : F. B. MoRgy. Patton, Pa., Nov. 1, 1808. " fa JOHN H. BRowN, : . Chairman County Com. Johnstown, Pa., May 31. ' Strike or no strike, the Cash Grocery | can save you money. Remember hours of 4 and 7 p. m. in the boroughs ‘and in Jobustown city, and from 3to 7 FROM THE PHILIPPINES A Letter Written by John, Son of Mr. and Mrs. DD. M, Jenkins, of Patten, ngs Lr the Tepih Regiment of Pa. Vol. Cavite, Philippine Islands, April 22, 1598, Mother: 1 now Dear Father and take the pleasure of answering vour kind and welcome letter which was re- eeived after dark last night. We are off the firing line at last and are now in Cagite, we came here off the firing line Friday the 14th, but can't tell how long we will be here; we think it will be for some time, anyway, for we are polioring the city, and it is » snap and all the boys like it, but they would much rather come home, We received a Uniontown newspaper, the Standard, a few days ago, and it contained an article stating that Col Hawkins said that the boys of the Tenth regiment wanted to stay in the Philippines We don’t think that he said smyvihing of the kind, for thepe is not one but who wishes be could go home, and they would not stay here only, you know, they have to. When we Jeft Malolas we all thought that we would go to our quarters for a week or two to rest and then embark for home, but we were ail mistaken, for there ia no talk about going only when we get | mail; we received our mail last sight and you can hear nothing now but talk of going home You wanted to know why I didn't say anything about the fighting | was engagred in. Weil there is nothing to tell, only that we have had some very hot and exciting limes. Once we were engaged for six days in aimost steady Mighting; 1 will tell you all sbout it when | come home. I was over in Manila yesterday for about three hoors. | went over to get my laoadry. We go atross the bay, which is about seven miles wide, on the government boat Cavite is a health ber place than Manila, for the bay ex- tends all around the city and we can ‘stand on the back porch and see the Spacish ships which were sunk and de stroyed by Dewey's fleet. There are five or six of them wrecked. [ was out on one of them this momning trying my lock at fishing, but | didn't catch anything. | am going to try my lek again to-morrow morning 1 will close this time with regards to all, from your sof, JORN JENKINS, Co C, 10th Pa V. 1 Koiwkod Down by The Sheriff, The following properties were dis posed of at Sherifls sale at the court erty of John and Franska Weidwaid in | Gallitzin, sold to M. D. Kittell for $500; property of John McCann in Biandburg, this county, soid to Mary timber interests of Theodore H. Bech ‘tel in a tract of land in Blacklick town. ship, sold to M. D. Kittell for $300; interest of same in three lots in Vin- interest of same in four lots in Vinton- dale, sold to C. H. Barker for §800; interest of E. G. Harvey and Amos sold to J. 8S. Ake for §270; interest of Lucas Moyer and Mary E. Litzinger in property in Clearfield township, sold to T. J. Itell for $230; ‘424, of Figart, Pa, sold to plaintiffs for $275; interest of Charles F. Lather, | in a tract of land in Susquebanna township, sold to William Ashcroft for $485; interest of W. G, Comerford in | property in Loretto, sold to Thomas J. McCullough for $300. Are Good Singers ~ While a commiftes representing the miners was in conference wilh the ‘operators Thursday morning the con- vention was entertained by a pumber of excelent songs by J. F. Nattall, Archie McKeever, Micall McTaggart, and James Cosgrove, of Barnesbaro, Frank Boyd, of Hawk Run, and Ber nard of Brockwayville. The singing was ail good, and highly ap- preciated, bat that of Mr. Nuttall was especially worthy of mention. He has a tenor voice which is very pleasing to the ear, and the well modulated tones show careful caltivation. Some of these men formerly lived near Philips barg, and are well known to many of our readers. Clearfield Republican. Rice, Leg Broken. Harv. Richards, an employe in the Pardee colliery at this place, had the . misfortune Friday to receive a fracture ‘of his left leg, between the knee and ankle, while engaged at his work in ‘the mines The accident occured by his jumping off of a mine car. The in- | | jured member was reduced by Dr. 8. W. | others have testified to the prompt re- ! Worrell. .At this writing Mr. Richards lief from pain which this liniment af- is resting quite easy and his many friends hope for his speedy recovery. Whe Re. | Patton orgarized Monday evening by the ananimous election of the fallow. elf McCann for $1,800; interest of Daniel | J. Burk in property in Washington township, sold to Mr. Bark for $150; interest of Knights of Golden Eagle castle, No. | THIS PAPER. TRY IT NEW SCHOBL BOARD ORGANIZED Mondsy Nigh! Prd B I Myers (osen “i Principe: fo the Tere. The Board of School Directors of ing officers: Hon 'W. {. Lingle, presi. dent; Dr. V. A. Marry, vice president; Geo. H. Corfman, secretary: Wm. H. Sandford, treasurer. The new direct. ors, Ed. A. Mellon and Dr. V. A Murray, were present sworn in and eutered upon the discharge of their new duties. The Board elected Prof B. I Myers as principal from a large cumber of applicants. Prof. Myers is already known to our people as an able, pro gressive teacher and a gentleman of | excellent qualifications in every par. ticular and ander his control our schools must continne to advance and soon obtain first place in the ranks of the schools of Cambria county. It is the laudable ambition and purpose of the directors to attain the very highest degree of efficiency in our schools, in- | suring to the children of this commun- (ity an opportunity of securing an edueation squal to any obtainable any where in the common schools of our The balance of the corps of teachers for the coming term will probably be. selected at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Wisor's ¥ersion. Eorror CotRiER: - In your last weeks issne an article appeared giving a state. ment of an affray that oecared at the Firemen's Park on Memorial Day in which | am made lo appear more than villainous, ifsanse be rue. I would re- spectiuily request of you to insert my version of the afar which i» as follows: Being troobied with kidney disease | am forced to amis nature in a very hurried manner, and that belag my oon- dition on Memorial day [ was foroed to do same at ones al place mentioned. When | found that | was thas affected I bhurridiy made for the shade of a tree nearby, which was as far away ss I could possibly go. A bystander re guested that | move om. | made use of all the power that | possessed to do so but was unable to go any farther than the next tree. Whilst there and in the act | was accosted in a very rough manner by a Mr. Lowe who laid fore ible hands upon me using vile and abusive language, and not allowing me time to explain my weakness before | was knocked down. | did not got a chance to get up as Mr. Lowes was on house at Ebensburg Monday: Prop top of me and would have “done me up,” as the expression is osed, hac I not used the weapon, as stated in your last weeks issue, in defending my. WiLLiax Wmor. {In reference to the above letler we have nothing further to say in regard to the affair than what appeared in {last week's paper as facts gleaned from the evidence at the hearing Wednesday night would not justify us in doing ‘same. Although, in view of the fact disease and that be was putting forth every effort possible to get off of the grounds at the Park, but was anable to Grombling in property in Spangler, 4, o; under the circumstances, we do not think he was in any way justified in asing so dangerois a weapon as a knife in self defense. We are decidedly | against the use of such a weapon for Levery day TY TY t 14 AIR AA de To Remain Bers Begalariy, Errst Bruer, the photograpber, who has his gallery located ou the corner of Fourth and Magee avenoes, sear rail | road station wishes to iiform the pabile that he can now be jonnd in bis gallery in tbe week Wy await on those who wish work done. Prices are reascaalie and all work guaranteed. Money to patent good ideas may be | mg pedd hy vir died, THE Parexr BREcorD, Baltimore, Md. Announcements. COUXTY TREASURER. The undersigned respectfolly announ- oes himself as a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer sub ject to the rules of the Republican party, at the coming Primaries, June 24th and Convention June 3th. Jostan T. Evans Johnstown, Pa, Jane Ist The undersigned respectfaily ancoun- ces himeelf as a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer sub- ject to the rules of the Republican party, at the coming Primaries and Convention. ge Samu J. MeCLose Johustown, Pa, June Ist The nndersigned respectfully announ- eos Biraself ak a candidate for the nomination of County Treasarer, sub- ject to the rules of the Republican party at the coming Primaries and Convention, JACOB YROKLEY. Gallitzin, Pa, June iat. POOR HOUSE DIRECTOR. The nndersigned respectfully anpoan- ces himself as a candidate for the pomination of Uouniy Poor House Director, subject to the rules of the party, the coming Primaris and Convantion. JaMEr SOMERVILLE Susgudbanna twp, Jane 1. Republican at The undersigned respectfully anpoun. pen hiss? as a4 candidate for the nomination of County Poor Hoose Director, suliject to tee rules of the Repubin Yr af the coming Primaries and Convention, Pritiy Harr2oa, Carrodltown, Pa, June lef party, The usderigned respectfully anpoun- tes hinewl! as 3 candidate for the nomination «of County Poor Houwe Director, sa hdiset to: the rales of the Republican party, at the coming Primaries and ( onvention, ADAM BOWERS, Susquehanaa twp. June 2 STATE DELEGATE. The undersigned respectfully announ- ces himself an a candidate for the nomination of State Delegate, sub ject to the rules of the Republican party, at the coming Primaries and Convention. WEBSTER (GRIFFITH. Ebhensburg, Jane 2. CABTORIA. that purpose, under soch circumstan- cen, hence we our freely mind. i ED. speak Font i resihed Silas Byrne, an employe of the P. R. i R. section crew at this place met with a painful accident Saturday in which his left foot was badly crushed. Mr. Byrne was engaged in shoveling cinder on the track a short distance above town when as a locomotive was Dass- ing by, his foot was caught under the wheels. Aside from receiving a pain- ful injary to his foot he ran a very narrow escape of a probable much C more serous acident Windsiorm and Tornado (nsarinve. Parneil & Cowher, tle insurance firm of Patton, have made arrangements with the Hartford Fire Insurance Com- pany to issue policies covering all dam- age done to any building by tornadoes, cyclones or windstarms of any kind, at very low rates. This Company is the, largest and strongest fire insurance Company in the United States. For rates and further information write to PARNELL & COWHER, Patton, Pa Mr. P. Ketcham of Pike City, Cal, says: “Doring my brother's late sick- ness from sciatic rheunsatism, chamber- lain’s Pain Balm was the only remedy | that gave him any relief” Many fords. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, | Patton Pharmacy. tUrar Mail Order department is vach a convenwnce to out-eftown residents, that we are angions to make its advantages known = every home in Central Penasyl vanaf you have mever made nse of this unportaat feature of the store, we invite you to become one of our several thoosand Mal Crider patrons. \ handsome catalogue of almost 10%) pages, telling ail about the Big Store and the thousands of artivies that are offered for saje ur it. It also tells vom how «o- nomxcally and satisfactondy you If you have not already rectived a copy, we will be glad to send vou one upon request. can buy bry mail Hb ———— GABLE & CO. The Daylighted Store. 1320-22-2¢-1404 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA.
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