THE PATTON COURIER MARCH 2, 1899 | FRESH AIR AND FOOD. | THE BLACK FOREST SURE CURE FOR | CONSUMPTION No Medteines, No Inoenintion, Night, Enormuns Meals, Carefully Regalated Vxervive and Rost, There is an interesting article in The Nineteenth Century Bich Mr J CA Gibson tells how he was cured of consumption. Mr Gibson self. at the age of ox acento phthisis His case was prononn: too bw desperate by the doctors He weighed only 8 stone 7 pounds and the Haones had such a bold apon hing thst hia never expected to recover. However he went off into the conniry. as thy Joctors advised, and after three om of complete rest and a diet of more than half a gallon of milk a day he bad pnt on a few ponnde’ weight Then a friend nrged him to go to Nordrach in the Black forest and place himself on der Dr. Walther He did #0, and in four months he came back to England in a state of har baric health. weighing 141, stones and with a chest pregsaroment to correspond What was this musgical treatment of Dy Walther? Nourishment rest and fresh air no medicines, no inocolation. no coddling hot simply open windows day and night enormons meals and careful Iv regniated exercise and rest It sounds an easy core, and it began to take eoflect instantanconsly in Mr Gitson's case. The first thing wis to gain in weight and with this object in view Dr Walther fairly crammed his patient. Mr Gibwon gained in welsh Everybody olor gained in weight There was a competition as to who shonld gain most. and people ate for dear life with au eve on the scales CW need to aay among onreslyes writes Mr. Gibson. “that we had to oat three times the ordinary amoont of food eons portion to replace nataral waste, A sare fis replies th “¥ira waste from the diseass a i years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. : Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Com terfeits, Imitations and Substitutes afe but Ex- ls that trifle with and endanger the heaith of and Chilren—Expeficnce against Experiment. "ORIA < Castoria is a substitute for Castor on, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opiam, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its gnarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panaces~The Mother's Friend. JA ALwavs smattering from Mths portion nd a third po tion to put on weight so that the aviten IEE | 1c De strengthened and finally ga the better of the disease Evervicsly bad to lie down for an boar bef meais. To bed at 9 and ap at 7. break ] fast at 8, dinner at | osopper at T this § was the day's routine, with a walk at a snail « pace From the moment leaving Nordrach the patient of any bat in the 8 mova Foon Hetil nner 1 hes Alnek of arrival brenthes one v5 purest air. as Nordrach forewt nt an elevation of sarrannded BY trees and 8 lone fromm a town of even a village Poiedisna of Sie sant tari Bowe fen CREAR Wh kept wide open day and night 4 8 . as ge » 4 Are Still Prevailing in Our WY EY ELE w tel itay % the a This 12 the patient Hyves continnon therefore ps danger of in any kind of weather or at any Chany, ae the temperaturs within and UES | without is ajoal. So pleasant does this TOA | living in the open seonie AGG so Ba Cis the patient made and so invigorated . it he that on his retarn to this country ust be | the greatest misery for hus to have to remain in a room with clooed windows Being at such a considerable height 1.500 feet. with a rise in the longer Cwalies of another [| 30 feet the pa tient, to wel the same amnoant of oxygen | into the systeni, mast breathe relative. {ly more of the rarefied air and thas ex pnd the lungs In this way the lungs fare completely Boded with pure ye i All the odd corners and crannies, whic the way of new be has hardly asd for years are vent: lated, which the easy walking np bill a eminently caleniata] to affect, while at | the satee time the alioost abscinte rest | the patient enjoys allows the lang to he practiondly nndistarbed. and so per C mits the healing proome $0 procesd (The climate is much the same as in Riv taken Cite r i practically an of ew Big Store. 4 chilis vm going » & £315 % $54 $s 4 pk id § ep kes 2% our pocy 10 eq £35 ¢ % ¥ : 5 It is season, ad i ' that are in excess that they are soon cle made for new stock, Winter will soon be over Lo with it. Therefore Heavy Reductions put on it and great bargains may be had i FF WES #, + 3 bE Fae wy oy BWR F ¥ £4 05 F oars gE % RY a 5 1 avait OW ation 3 2 S30} Pils o> 2 iy “HC it Is vinter stock Have been This includes ~~ Woal Underwear, Blankets, : and many other things common to the season or that are in Hoods soon to arrive. We have bought heavily for the Spring and mast Ls 8 the best and quickest way of doing it namely: By Putting Down the Prices. x All wo ask is for you to come and soe us if possible as we are sare we can | ' you that our Prices are always lower on all sorts sof things | han you can England There is qaite us high a rain whils being able to please yourself in the great variety always fail and in winter it is much colder But it lias been deimnonstrated bevand a donbt that climate has absolutely noth ing to do with the case Theres the jatienita, *ho goo ren iariy day after day in all kinds of weather, saretimen wiik for boars at a i6 the rain without «ver tanking Sanging their wet clothes after ward ta vives My Criteon still ad da that such a welling sanesiiies Wire Il he day iv ¥er Aon him GALI Whatever every Department, Hosiery, Jackets, Flannels Quilts, ve plenty of room and | I you cannot coe we shall be pleased to send samples or Goods on ape proval to responsible persons, Our shy les ire always the latest and most approved with a full povelties going. Our House is the Centre of Store Interest in Altoona. . . sraner Eleventh Avenue and Eleventh Street £ of the $i pe Ti sha of + Gia pimed * of * wu ow any oem He asked Tr Walther if he thought Bie syatean cond be carriad on with hope of snocoss in this conntey. He said that : ; : , the it evmbd Yee searked here Rite ax well as TYLISH, RELIABLES — at Nurdrach, or as in the babuiest ARTISTICw 8 iin A% il that was Yecgiiirnd Wis & ommended by Leading sad, 8 Akers. _» 2% a ail One Square from the Station. the C6 OW DeTe PUAre air was to Ie : Hlaway from a town, Celavation, and mak to Syston was properly carried L3ilmt 1a BOW convinosd 1 periectiy true ELE ater Adssnnlely men Phat (51 L hat this fie Haid AREA NAR shu tiveadind a high avi «amid all such: i soothing wind ¢ Aram of thier Laide ATL vittaal Srp pease] to bar noth And this he whade matter In ia Bere on the ai petite of this country whe Why then are sani AL ane to care the mfg of th NGTON. D.C. ralis Po ts the peomst bide ty ost atl the § are 1 of phi hisats | tains pet FERRET 2a erany of 3% 7 Pu Li wiwit 80 YEARS’ Ly vag Weed We $4 aii and wha ot the Liwans af thoassnds why aa 1 the woul if (3s es He it is Pecpde myst such =topm be not at taken sad to think that all die when they sight ecastly ’s &c. rs ge Asetch and way cur operon free ar an Brventlon is probably toptable, Communion. tions cousdential. Handbook nts £ byes Tres ay #5] Woman's Wisdow. “Select the buoe cloth, dear will make yon two new dresses evening it will appear green delphia Press One Crop. ard that In the Phila “EomseSdioicnt nauses. fp Asis the teacher replied Johnny. Lim | Neo Coddling—Simply Pare Air Day and | fonnd him. | ¥ i : the t “What is raised mostly in damp oli i A NATURAL SOLDIER. | Ltentenant Colonel Forreat, to Whom War Meant Killing. Soldier by nature, from earliest boy. : hood at howe on horseback, with firm, | erect and cosy seat, rode at the head of the column an ideal of the bean sabreny From hencath the wide and slichtiy np turned brim of the «oft felt b it. which bore no tawdry plumes, the gv, dey st bine eyes were peering with mors than usy Letting The wk of kind ness wisi in moments of repose ii EY I cane or gentler mood was gone. and some thing bard and almost savage had re placed it The broad, bigh forchead, the shaggy brows, prominent cliek bon and Bese rte told not on the story of his (pivlie origin, bn the bulldog tenacity of the man Atont the nd neck heavy half curling taf lock hair hang so stiffly und that hey were acaroels ¥oewas wf t FATTO, which swept the smowflakes in winia ture clonds from the tree tops and sent them searryving to the gronnd. The dur mustache and heavy short | were gray with froeen moisture expired air The massivy told of the stroneth of wil tered all You compressed Jip and de flush of the face bewpcke the busines of the honr inches in statnre, broad shostidered of athletic frame, well might one there was in him A rombinstion and a form indeed Whore avery god dd seen {0 sot His weal Te give the world asssranie of 8 sean A plato capped overcoat of coarse bs sn 5 Tray Bry tian throat reached amply beyond the knees Abongt the waited and buckled om the outside for quick and ready nee, there was a broad black belt in which twa navy wixes | showed and from which brung that famans saber, heavy and and against all wilitary rales. gronpd to a rarer edge, and swinging from the right wide of the cavalier. No regulation sn beer op sehoal drilled swordsman, this eft handed scion of the American pio peer, bat in all oar war there was none athe that did sanch * work To his crade and earsest mind war means fohting and Sebring means illing Ha evndd cnt or thrast deeper with a sharn then with a dall sword. and if in the melee he should happen to hit one of his + tt was all intended fur the oad aentensnt ole el Forrest at Fort Donelaon John A Wyeth MD. in Harper's Magn zine bail sie EE wig Ty hin beard of fir : nn 4 Fudiw wy Six feet ard tw ay heavy Home 1a tha ng 1% hw THE "GREEN RAY To Be Seen Frognently at the Deltas al ithe Nile. the Aen it im often to bw Stowe ay the peant of the del HGF Suen ether al rise and al whirh is thon sun distinctly visible valid RIVED, sf #RRPise i al “dhe Af sunset an foliow the effect betier the ray somelinnes 4p petits oBier atid aitimately taken s blue tinue Tlhix bine ray haw ala: been ob- served] precoding the "Rreet ray al sane rie, for example, by Mr. William Gaff, near the rains of Metuphbia not far from the stepped pyramid of Saguarah. He thinks the ancient Egyptians ware sal Sen the sve o ; “Yan fausiiar with it, of the Gfth dyoasty and others the sign of "Kha, representing the rising sun, han the onter streak of a bine color and two inner streaks are green Their writings als speak of the greenness of an emerald It 12 svidemt fram ail this that the “green ray is an objective. not a sab clive, prbbetais weno, and that the hon zon of the sen Ban pothing to do with it Nevertheless, the state of the atoios phere evidently bas to do with it, and that of Egvor ordinarily pare seein to mach. for the ray is seldom ween i § ? ele all dah. Gave emp y Guanera” Patron Saint. Whe was Nt. Barbara chosen to be the patron saintess of all gunners? 11 is one of things which are to be known and which one ought to know bat dovs et Meanwhile there is the doen intereide for sx in ciel Freq FET Tae and the name may be found ing attached to it in al Moreover, in Franoe she $45 aes 5 * $4. i 3 se Hat sie kil 0D fact ior Me the i + ¥ he I gun with vy ide LL Pom adih, tial mean Lioniariae 1% the Sains Bre igades whi, [LF sone og The sapeurs potupiers, Vierions reason, sre a regular chopping block fur jokes, bold their iiday on the day of her feast Pittabinry Dispatch 3 aL Horiirallare Yersas Theology. y had on his best clothes ma id him not to play in therm un [Dent they have any dirt play in’ Na 2 4 tysther The what 1ittin eB gueried Johuay “*{h, they piav harps and sing and Was the rv snail J Rt ih Pid IREAGL the dirt with in heaven | he assed. fant his ‘ . stand CONT. Teil sed AY do ap feud ait under beautiful trees ply ‘Weil, suid the little fellow, 1 don} how they can have trees if thers ain't no dirt Hooston Post In an article cn Peking Dr. Goldbanm declares that a pawnshop, where he can - dispensable institution to the Chinese werchant. The telegraph messengers i in populons | French towns use bicycles for the dis | , tributien of their telegrams. and Penne 1h ionnihents | # oahos Tow is #5 EEE FR NaY b Toe Keetertastitede, AREF IR An FP linkenrg hy $ : a FirstNation'| Bank the sun on rising, and they liken it to not only of guaners, bat of ail | Se. put up his wardrobe, soems to be an in- A AES AS Beech Creek Railroad. NY.C&HR R Co Leases, Condensed Time Table, dn Ren eo Nuldy » 3 DR. C. ERNEST CHARE, pos Surgeon Dentist, »% PATTON, PENN'A. S16 13 OMee in Good Boilding, second floor, I» ie 13 : Magee Avenue, 3 DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Good Building, Room No. 3. SIROR &# Cane A i in Miinsaon - es Surgquey and the Eve 3 Sorctarty FH pets Fig REE ey 3 % Misono Winhare Poaie GH Nintoew =uaw Mhew Bowel: Cel Mil Hsil Towk Haves Youngedaie Wayne Jitwey Nhory J unetion Jerry Shore TWiT a comport am i Phila & Remdling BRR pw pn AR MNS Rr Wi rs pony iv 18 ue tik DR W, I. DOWLER HIN Philadephia ar 43 3 . « ba 5 iv NY vis Tamsgues ar 4% gem iy NY vis Pulls arhio® 98 i pm am *lmily . TWeekdnys £9 pom Nandave 30 56 6 mn SU bs “yt New York [ROE hr aveling x via Phil adeiphia on 1254 pm teadn from Wiihianswport with clusnige vars ot Honing Nt, ata , Lonneetions--At Wil fameport with Phils. dei pliia ni Aing raiirosd: ” x with the Fall Rrewk Hy Mi “Hat with {ntl Ratlromsd of Ferran “1 Phillpsbiairg with Penragivants ssoaleoed and Aitewrrui & Phitiipsbinrg Conpeeting milioad: at Clemrtidid with the Bafliio, Rochestip Pittabvirg miloay: at Mahaffey snd Patton with Cwmbran and Cearfleid divisdos of Lie Penneorvanta milmad: af Mahaffes with the Penivyivania and Nerthwesterg raliwny, A fx Palmer, F. FE. Herriman, Seperintendent. Cen, Paws. Agent Philadel phils, ania Railroad Time Table Nov. 20, 180% Main Line. Penve Coon Bast ward Neg Show FEaproes, week days A toi Aeros dation, seek Snys Main [ibe Bapress. daily A towuns Advwampaalation, . Mull Koxpevas Anily Counselor af Low. Phailadelphis Exprom, nity ars an shiniad Loave Crvmmern Wot waged, Pa Sulinstiven Aodam,, week dave : Pacifte By press, daily Way Priossenger, dally Fittabasrg Bx prow. Mail Fasting daily Jods Sowestn week Any ; cambria and Clearfield. Nogthwird, Mesrnibing Salus far Patton sodd Cresson faaves Eaten 5 ad + ih £85 Mahaffey os un ome Fim vedei¥er eld Pheetinges S18 ike Wy Cresent SER Paltan 500 Bradley Tuiior bw Ebessthuarg Tike SHER gE at 6 3 ABeriesn : trie Path Wy and rem taxes idles SY i Cad ph bd Jp TE Ladowe Ww en vr 10 Carway (for i ¥, atton. Fo Radley Junetion EER asitving ol 4 neeen at £35 Wig sy Corse. Nov 16 es ef FEE IRENE ARNE ENE RES ECHR REESE Patton Wostover Matinitey Kory vwor ERE Ti Kerrmonr New Mi shport iMunia Witeheile 8 buorfieig ps Wand lung jer in r i a po » REESE WE WO wl sl ed hl MOR EL Go SG Ge i w “5 LEBESE & wy » DEvaTTEE i Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Aritngton Ldeek, pert to PostoMes, beet Pa A 1 oils agenda ta Pridomane oof the vue And themant PR a PE is Bi ah a 2s Bangle SL wll * we wf OfMiew in Patton a SER IEY $5s PGE LHe wy NF ILE HO win! leat tamer mame SUB GEEUY TOURER ER brn ” TEen iy HOURS Tiassa mand (Tine m Ee nr » ies ayy vrei hysician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon block, Posto, Patten, Pa cmble Fay ie nioh? 1 y pext door to ya steed wid tin Gb War Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PaTrOox, OMew in the Good Building, JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building. 10tf : WH DAVIS A fioreey Pennsyiy B ER baiiy asnBas Caren RUVVY IE CELE S ¥ ana Eg po - Enwssu gn, AL Send Daosd ness rn pt TY eibeaded 1 Mew inn Barker Pn bdtian BE ey EREKEYS EEBEREE T WACUO and CTGARS Tow Hep £34 bon v yr Ppa # 3 3 G.I. FITZPA Es PP RE YE at % AT ¥ MAHA PEFREY HH M: ahafley, { boss arfisnld £4 0 Patio al TRICK'S Hewtanrant AVENUE, (esr darpt %: ji Pa ror Me ait rain aves Cresson Tr Mabey ir Pie ag og daar Revisor v3 Hralley WEA: Patton WRT (araay Gi Haat Has Ling Lhe Mab thoy: oly soi ep 13 4 La - - 3 em a vy » 2% arvivin ay files CHEST SPRINGS FCUNDRY. Aflermacn twin for Pub Wh . % 4 ag ¥ Bg $4 BY Labia : eight wmv ¥ cad Sel # are prepared to do all Blade of Kowasehairg Joi) Bradley Jumetbon tauling. Me finery, iron Bettis stoves, LW temrway hr Hating ted RATE, ¢ PEAR . rw for « £ sean Fan abd} Ta Carwuy: fr yf ¥ i Fosmboved TO Lado ring at rT laste tg i PRITH dar # ATH 8 Maha ¥ wiiotnd tulren tie = wo Hw vied med A1 L Gr vn A SF alow: Zane, S00. wpply fo Hele aigint or addr Thee E. Watt, PP A Cd ee Firth avenne, Piistabar. Pa 4 RB. Woe, | & Cowher, 3. BB diatetiniseus, dE Ae fee. Myr SE Ew far “emer INGURANGE ACOTDENT ACCENTS =TATHE gr i 4 ho TY RIT Nhe “ Parnell Pittsburg & KEastern Time Table. TO TAXE EFFECY NOV. 21 1898. a Westward faave i mbes Station tMubatty: ; Howdy Crow Junction... Muha Toy # atmibiurst £ F Meiers FIRE, BEAL Y terwad Hail Bing, Patton PREECE CORE] : tanaise Nes = * 2 i 8 Py LIGUCR ARC DPILA WA BITS, Hemosos 83 Jue abd * nue’ de, bell by on tay i : oretem. rencws Peat ae ves ied ses lay ¢ : Natu £ mtpthect ami fle oan lr Duk nen @ Lnndvrinnd 7 3 Ean. a sh Soh LOR Rik Lack £. Burnside Pasapure! . stem Campbell “Horton Ran f Fuller Ran BEEREEenENS LELnEARBuRennE BEREBS BRR EE ER REE EEE BR wn e- ® : # SRBNEAZSARNNLET. URTABAENRESI Bl Leave wr} Putter Rann Horton Run t OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. Fmt an . Bvirnasiale. : : Bik Lick £ CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. Yundertand « SURPLUS, $47. 000.00, we Indiv uta the smd Gh viene Mahaitey Ble s t Poona Ye | Hane Cheek Junetion bank EE al Cone cea 7 Bini Station | Muha fee) mt fava nefiy » Hoek MEARE wee BO oad Lh eaten {. Fiag sintion ine. Foreign Connesdioree- At Union Station, : oe the vid we : with Heweh {reeR pid road, } por ey vp ies eid Toy Panay i vanda miiroad, HN personal ation te i. awed: at Widakev Bap with en ow Se —" panied Gey UE ane tonbung miivad: Bi Mod seen with vs: N. Ww. 4 .E Parrox, Wu HH, SANDFORD, Fal irvame 2 : Nertow-. Unit Justher 3 President. Cashier, ation {Mabe rn ATTENTION Clea 0 pail 3 Swine duily Go to eo. Boone Agent for $e HE For tsehieea, dae abies and fui EE & PACIFIC THA Hl esd bor rare rose Lo : OB Hyslip, Et. la "wo Agent, - tient aasenarr €Tomreld, Hehesier, ©. R. F . Notley ¥ Meese FC arpaesrations wha wed Hanis pewetved Span teri item E saseriassssusat EERE nAdREsuEEnY Lahti sirnd £. Dia sas mletant WE RRA SEL MR MN CREE aL NGETE NAMB RABERS RES any tr EOGE prongs ad "rg Rprinl te Baffle, Rochester and Plttaburg Ry. pniron On oand afte Jus 1 EL teins wilt ee Heseh Unek Depot Clinetteld, duily ab. manda y, as follows : Ah 5 me Besnoidaville Sordaaine #3 Curwensvitby, Duiblots, Falls wk and. shlevitie, Conpeeting at DaBels for way, Juhinsebary. Bmd fond aud hoc hoster. : Ha mi Huis Express, for Curve : 50 Herta ng pats a. {vn tae mbleviag or Bidpway, Je sont foapdt ans Bali " wi pom DeBods and Punssataw Exe press, For DuBois, Pulls Creek wn Pan. SUL HEY. Trine arrive, #8 a me, and AN and Corner Lang & FiftH Avenues: fur a fail line of Pe sak, Colleen, Spices, Rolled Oata, Flour, Ww besa, Sugars, Buck wheat Flour, ( Corn NM: eal, Confections ery, Nuts, Cigars, Tobaces, Ble Expensive Premiums will be given away with aalls. ounce can of A. & P. Baking Powder, 40 cents worth of spices gets any | prize on the list. MasnyJother prem- iums given away D. Lutz & Son's Specialty. 5 Our Bottled Beer and Po CALL on us and be con- aoe Suutiut be excalld, vinced that we can save you | FLASKS, C money. oe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers