Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Propristars. FE. Wins. GREENE, Editor. ESTABLISHED . ie 1903. ERs of susscRPTION. Ome copy, One year, in advance, - - - $1.00 SE Ady eritsing rates made Known upon ap- ar No re discontinned anti! all areear Rid, anless st the option of Patton as ed : tered att “clian matt matter. | ilege of mailing letters without being ‘stamped, postage to be collected on pas mall matter. counTy OFFICERS. | President Judge Hon, A. V. Barker Prothonotary 8. W. Imvis Register and Hovordes—F, B. Jones, Treasurer FE, F. Spencer, Rhein, M, Wertz Deputy Sheriff Fimer Davin District Attorney —H, 8 Murphy Hae Jones, Hostetler and Commtssione ns’ Clerk John C. Gates County Buperigtendent<T, LL, fitbeon County Sarveyor.s G0 Fetterman, Cotnty Auditors. A. 1. Miltenterger, PM, Hawrence, John Gittings, Commissioners Apsiem Wenkiand snd WD, Ser. Ooroner--Dre. BLS Livingston, Poor Directors Jams Soaneryi dones ahd Jamey More, rive or BOLING COURT, Jat Monda¥ of March 181 Monday of Sept. = Mona Jarre. 1st Monday of Inc. : aA Oomrt is heb tween the above ov Thos T ‘tion residing in this State. The di- vision officials have just been called _npon to pay the first reward ander this BOROUGH OFFICERS. © Burgess ion, Prindible. jAfex Montieth, president: W. Wii Dani PP. Jones, 5 D Riair, EP S MetSarmiek, Fea Ander, John Scheid, Behool Bowed 4, pywell, president; GG. HL Cora, feta vA = tin of the Poner Haji ¥ Helin, oiter. W, C. Lingle. mie, Jas Prosser W. H, Sandford. Clerk —E. Will Greene. Collector Jas, Mellon, Assessor Joh H. Somervitie. i Auditors Elmer Smale, W. Judge of Election—John Traman, Inspector Wa. Clark, James Gillie, Constable Sarmoast E. Jones, Chiof of Potice—Dun’t Holes | Street Commisstoner—Sam’l E. Jones, High Constable Dan’l Holes. A. Mellon, €. fre aa ering merECT or WAR ON — ¥ INSURANCE i vi rn acts from individaals, | the power, and weighing five tons and over, are drawn by lighter teams than | wagons which, with their loads, would | | not weigh more. This is owing to the {broad tires always used on engines. | | The ash pans on engines are seldom ' more than 10 inches from she ground; ‘but owing to the wide tires theses | engines seldom bog deep enough to “allow the pans to touch the ground.’ granted soldiers and sailors the priv. delivery, provided suach letters are ‘marked ‘soldiers’ letters” and signed by an officer. Ir = estimated that the wheat crop in the United States for the present the enormoos amount of over six hundred and fifty year will reach million bushels, or over ten bushels for each man, woman and child in this country. Surely nobody need starve with such a bountiful harvest to draw from. Tae Pennsyivania division of the League of American Wheelmen offers a reward of §256 for the arrest and con. viction of any person who steals the bicycle of any member of the organiza. offer. W. J. Bennett, of Wilkesbarre, secured the amount, he having cap- H, Sandford, tres tared the thief who stole a wheel from ‘Dr. Geist, of the same city. As soon as it was known that the wheel was stolen, and that the League wonld pay | ‘a reward for the thief, Bennett started to work with the above result, and the consequence is that the owner had his { property restored without cost to him- ‘self. This is another of the great ad- : vantages of membership in the Loague, . and one that will be heartily appreci- ‘ ated when a machine is stolen, To the Seashore On Thursday, July 25th, the Beech Creek railroad will sell special excarsion | thekets to Atlantic City, Ocean City, Sea THE POSTOPFICE department has Yea the strength of griszly bears is | seat begun brie I have read about | | the powerful muscles in the arms of | | African gorillas, but none can compare | . with those in the arms and shonlders of | | big grizzly bears I have seen a grisly bear with one fore paw shot into useless | ness pull its own 1,100 pounds of meat : pould not do across a mountain and [ have heard hunters teil of having thunderimit with one blow of the fore paw of a bear. | in the orast mountains up in Monterey county, and one moonlight night I mw a big grizzly bear in the act of carrying a dead cow home to her cull. [| had a position on the mountain side where | could see every movement of the bear in the sparsely timbered valley below me The critter carried the dead cow in ber fore paws for at least three niles across jagged, sharp rocks ten feet high, over fallen logs, around the rocky ag Ain sides, where even a jackass © rest get a foothold, to a narrow ruil oo the steep mountain. She never 10 rest for a moment, bat wont rigid 1 followed, and just abour half from the beast’'s imir | ladd ber ow The heifer weighed at least 200 ponds and the bear would bave tipped beam at about 450 pound —Chicago Inter Ocean General ‘MeDowelk. flue I have never met any one who gave - me a stronger impression of honesty and sincerity than Irvin McDowell. He was then in the primes of life—4) or 45 years old—powerfully bailt, but rather pon. derons in movement, kindly and sim- ple in manner, with a very pleasant, soldierly face, a water drinker and al most & vegetarian, After the croel war was over I moet him one day in some foreign city—Vienna, I think—and ps» we ware conversing he said, Strange, isn't it, our encomnnter today?’ “Why so. general?’ “Have you forgotten’ This is the 2int of JInly—the anniversary of Ball Ran. Had I won that battle I would have bean one of the most popular men in the United States and yom would have been another. 1 need not say how and bone ap precipices and perform feats of muscle that trained athletes I have seen grizzly bears carrying the carcasses of pigs that must have weighed 70 pounds several miles side to their lair, sen cows knocked down as if by a Reduction Three summers ago I spent the season | trust, and the first demand of true ence of the gompany so it can firma, and corporations, and, among | je City and Cape May and retarn, good others, life insurance companies have fp tan days. The rates of fare are as received praise for not charging a WaT gnouy: Clearfield, $5.00; Mitohells, rate on policies already in existence gg g7. Kerrmoor, $9.10; Gazzam, $9.25; in case their holders enter the Army. Mahaffey, $9.76. These tickets are The advisability of thin course is good via the Reading Railway Royal called in question by L. QO. Fouse, in poate and will be honored for pass the Insurance Sun. He says that “the : on connecting trains from Phila _fands of a life company are a sacred | gor, od delphia. No extra charge will be made | 2 for a ride on the Reading famous sixty patriotism is to perpetuate the exist- ...i, fiver leaving Philadelphia 3:40 re ‘p. m., and making the ran from Cam- charge its obligations,” and it Is not | gop ¢ Atiantic City, a distance of 55) Toe the companies during the 80 minute route to the sea; id much it is the other way with as now.” But I do not think his countrymen blamed him after all When I went to the United States some years ago | found him in command at San Francis oo—much changed aged and sad bat courteous and kindly as ever 1 told ‘ him that I bad in a place of honor st home the photograph which he gave me before he left my lodgings the day he was Jooking for Barry's guns "And | "he said, “your friends ask, ‘Who on earth was OGemeral Me Dowell?” '* «— Kir W. H Ruosswll in More than 50 years ago lachlan Me Donald left his home in Strathspey, Beotland, and went to the shires of Lake We, the undersigned, do hereby | agree to refand the money on two 25- ‘cent bottles of Baxter's Mandrake : Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, . billionsness, sick headache, or any of the diseases for which it is recom- mended. Also will refund the money concludes that | 0 ® S0-cent bottle of Downs’ Elixir, if Sr me ue i nL any cough, cold, : ! p, whooping cough, or throat or _ ” dithenity. We also guarantee one 25-cent bottle of either of the above to prove satisfactory or money re- funded. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. TL7Art de tn Mode. The current issue of L’Art de In. Mode is full of the latest imported ideas for all kinds of costumes. Seven | te & war fund; or it should in- | colored plates and nearly one hundred . other illustrations make it the most useful book for dressmakers published. Articles of great interests including ‘suggestions as to every important | branch of dressmaking. L'Art de Ia| Mode is for sale at all newsdealers, or send 38 cents for a single number to The Moree-Croughton Co., No. § Bast 19th street, New York. United Brethrem Camp Meeting. : | For the United Brethren camp meet. | ing at Mt. Gretna, Pa, August 2to 11, 1898, the Pennsylvania Railroad com- psny will sell excursion tickets from all points on its system east of (but i not incloding | Pittsburg and Erie, and | of the population which eligible for the army oarry insurance, and the iverage amount per capita is over $190. In the Civil War the percentage of deaths in the Union army was 15.4 per. | > ig while in civil life it was 3.8 per i i i £ west of and incloding Philadelphia to | ) Winnipeg. He did not neglect to carry with him hix beloved bagpips, and many an evening it spoke to him of the old home beyond the seas Even in the daytime when he was busy in the woods felling trees, he would have it by his side and on one this past, for prices were never as y low 31 to August 11, inclusive, good to re- | turn until Aogust 20, 1998, inclusive. | For specific rate, conditions, &c., apply | to nearest ticket agent. says the roads are cut up by narrow | Ee res until the dust in a foot deep, and fils A oan al for ronda is gravel, “hat gravel roads will not carry loads | of ten and twelve tons on three-inch. sand four-inch tires. An experienced _ nage his team can draw. He will say | I think the road will carry five tons,’ or more, as the case might be. I have heard road superintendents say that enormous sums of money could be saved annually if broad tires were used. The only objection I have heard raised ~ against the wide tires is that they do pot fit into the ruts cut by the narrow | ones, which makes the draught heavier | upon the team. That is partly true; bat the ruts would not be cut if all the ~ wagons had wide tires. Portable Reduced Rates to Sarstogs. pi For the Young People's Christian Ips popabiliog ‘August 310 8, the Pennsylvania Railroad enmpany will sell excursion tickets from poiots on its lines to Saratoga at rate of single ‘fare for the round trip. Tickets will _ teamster will not speak about the ton- | be sold August 2 and 3, good to re- ‘torn August 3 to 10, or by depositing ticket with joint agent, return limit’ { may be extended to August 31, 1508 Ripans Tabiles: pleasant lazative Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach Ripans Tabulas: one gives relief, Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness, Ripans Tabules cure headache. Mt. Gretna and retarn at redoced | ‘rates. These tickets will be soll July | wayside to partake of a frugal howl and crackers The initials of illustrious in Great Britain's his are graven upon the surface of its - deal tables, and its very wiadow panes | are littered with the names of Macaulay, | Dickens and Thackeray It has been | put in at least one book, and J Quiller Conch has ased 18 as the scene for one of his Serville tragedies Too Big a Contract. “Doctor. said a man to bis medical attendant, who had just presented a small bill of 35 shillings for weatment during a recent illness, ''| have not much resdy money Will yon take this out in trade®’’ “Oh, yes '" cheerfully sowwered the doctor. I think we can arrange thas, but what is your business? “1 am a cornet plaver startling reply london a3 Tel Foor Baby. Unsophisticated Parsnt—Hello there, parse, what's the baby yelling that way for? I can’t read at all Nurse—He's cutting his teeth, sir U. P — Well, see that he doesn’t doit was the sRTAph . any more or you lose your place. —Har- | lem Life SALE — Will continue for— I'he prices we are making are sure to interest you. All Wash Goods, Dress Ginghams, Percales, Shirt W aists and Tan Shoes will be closed out heiow cost. Here 1s a chance to get a Handsome Dress Pattern At a Bargain Will give vou a big reduction on all DRY GOODS In our store. Our stock 1s all new and up-to-date, and of the best quality. Special low prices on remnants of carpet Will make beautiful RUGS fail to Reduction Sale is Don’t hg as now. [If you want bargains that are bargains call and get them. ['rv Thomson's Glove-Fitting Corsets and Juha Marlowe Shoes, The most corset perfect fitting ind and shoes on the market. Patton Supply Co. Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. come before: | New DENTIST FOR PATTON, Dre. Chas. Ernest Chase, Er luate of Pennsylvania Universit ¥. ; Bnd ented in the Balamon baiting, oprgpwmit City Paewtnomnl, where Be & preparid to do rl : Kinds of eatal work, #arh ae FILLING TEFTH, PLATE WORK CROWN AND HEIDE Wy EXTRACTING Ev, Cifiee Stoel? hime Hine Em lp aut sp moand? An wi el grmrnrteont and a vise gas Dons wiiiritesy dm PATTON RR. yobuant with all modern age Hee Buetren wii] be Pes ts "aa My 4H P) Tee. 16s =p x 23 Phaerpal ah of | C OMPANY, prrfiatyivers of and Desens (peas Lamber of all Kinds, Pity Mill | Wark, Sash and Doom of all Kinds, MR MANKHIP AND LUMHER GUAHANTEED, | i We Prices and terms reasonable. We have just received a car load of | doors and sash to which we call your | special attention. OFFICE At Mill and in Room No. 7 Building. of Good! FirstNation'IBank i i OF PATTON, vt CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,100.00. SURPLUS, $40,000.00. Aevoants of Corpomtions. Fira, individ aie and Banks pesived apon the host Savors Bie lerie condstent with safe snd conservative barking , Stemrnats ip thokets for sade tor atl the fomlt ines, Foren Drafts payable in the prinetpal | ettion sf Lhe £3048 Wot All correspondence will have our prompt and perncstin latter lion. interest patd on time depowite. A. E Patron, Wx H. SAMDFORD, President, R. F. Notley, - Dealer in. Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. family use cannot be excelled. Are reds ynable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC, nas in Every County to Supply She Boost Popader Demand for America’s War for Humanity ou IN PICTURE AXD RPORY plete and written by SENATOR "JOAN d. INGALLS, of Kansas. The most brilliantly Writien; most profusely and and most intensely popular book on the subject of the war with Spain. Nearly 200 SUPERB [LLUSTRATIONS from Photographs tiers spactall this great work. $50 to $100 a week se ul it table bonanza for live cuanvassers. Apply for description, terms and terri- tory at once to 'N. D. THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. or NEW YORK TTY. >O TO THE take | Prodericiotows; Mo. | Chamberlain's colle, cholera and Diar oale by Cc. WwW, Cashier: HASTINGS, PA; AGENTS WANTED | Fis TRE WONDERS OF SCIENCE that will cure chronic diarrhoea. 4. Because it is the only remedy that will prevent bilious colic. 5. Because it is the only remedy that will cure epidemical dysentary. 6. Because it is the only remedy that can alwayw be depended npon in cases of cholers infantum. Because it is the most prompt and mont reliable medicine in ase for bowel complaints. 3. Beonose it produces no bad resulta. #. Because it is pleasant and safe to 10. Because it has saved the lives of : more people than any other medicine {in the world. The 25 and 50c sizes for sale by C. W. odgtion nin Potruter WOODEN MANUFACTURING “Last summer one of our grand- children was sick with a severe bowel | trouble, says Mr. E.G. Gregory, of “Our doctor's had failed, then we tried | rhoea remedy, which gave very speedy i relief.” Porsale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. To Advertise Hereafter all patrons who wish a ! display advertisement in the Parron Couniur, or who wish to change their “ad” now running, must hand their | copy in not later than Toesdsy at 2 i o’clook p. m. of each week. If handed in Iater than that time it will have to ‘be held over 'till the next week. All { well regulated newspapers must have a specified time in which to receive such business; if not, the paper is liable to be issued several hours be- hind time and then the subscribers - wonld have good reason to complain. Try to get copy in early. Parrox Pus. Co. Mr. C. L. Hasbrouck, a druggies st Mendom, Mich., says all of the good testimonials have been published by ‘the manufacturers of Chamberisin’s colic, cholera ond Diarrheoa remedy, could be duplicated in that town. For Hodgkins, Patton A reward of $50.00 will be given to | det ponwon furnishing the necessary ‘evidence for the conviction of the party who set fire to our coal tipple “and burned the same to the ground. Mosnaxyon Coan Co, Patton, Pa RE PAH YS A SR Sr A 3 Yon may hunt the world over and Our Bottled Beer and Forter for Plains It is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton A RAS Subject to market changes: Butter... . 18 comts per pound Cabbaoe ng Boek whest. oven. es oS 1 ae a vas roms Co. Limited] Por fine cakes and pies go to Dane’ - - deen pashel a oe Even the children insist on going to Ladies’ wrappers for the most fie tidious at Mrs. Dartt’s ¥ illustrated, ON heer on tap at C. W. Hodgkina, Patton Cool soda water and refreshing root Pharmacy. Patronise home industry by buying your flour and feed at the Patton Feed and Buckwheat Mills-36t( Lung Troubles and Consump- tion Can | be Cured. People’s § Market = MAGEE AVENUE, ~ FOR Fresh and Smoked Hams. Salt Meats of All Kinds. re Made BOLOGNA Hand. Meats are Pure and Wholesome. 3 AH (yy “ = A & & 0 enue dail d wonders, 108 y develops new and this great chemist, ha produced periiianing for years, has results beneficial suffering asp Wing as can be Siniped by any modern genius. His assertion that inng troubles and curable in any climate is proven by “heartfelt letters of gratitude,” filed in his American and Euro labra- tories in thousands from those cured in ail parts of the warld, Medical experts concede that bron chial, chest and lung troubles lead to consumption, which, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death, Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C., a% Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the freee medicine will be promptly seat. Sufferers should take instant ad- vantage of his generons proposition. Please tell the Doctor that you saw his offer in the PATrox COURIER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers