i or 3 mo] wa SR, PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 34, 1898. $1.00 PER YEAR. VOL. V.—NO. 3s. has A ES Rr A A Ati 0 pS A N TON FOR GENUIN: Bn BA RGAINS, PATTON, PA. Save Your Checks! On January 1st, 1899, will give to the person return- ing Be largest number of my Cash Register Tickets a _ PARLOR ORGAN, Of Standard make, which will be on exhibition at my store September COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Gf Beguiar Meeting Held Monday Night, : August Tet. Patton, Pa, August 1. - Patton Bor. ough Council met in council chambers in regular session this evening with the following members present as per ‘roll call: Huobbard, Jones, Blair, ‘Scheid and Anderson. The minutes of | regular meeting held Monday evening, July 18th, were read and approved. On motion of Jones and seconded by ‘ Blair, it was carried that the petition asking for sewer on Fifth avenoe, be. 'fow Magee avenue, be referred to Borough Solicitor Somerville, who shall he notified to investigate the matter, and report at next regular ‘ meeting. On motion of Jones and seconded by Anderson, it wae onacimonsty carried that the following bills be accepted and Clerk be instructed to draw orders for same; Patton Water R84 for water rent for month of July: Daniel { Holes, $50.00 for chief police services ‘for month of July, KE Wil Greene, $5.34 for clerk services for month of ‘July and internal revenue tax; J. ' Darby, ex-prothonotary, $2.35 for serv. | joes rendered per hill; Wm. Armstrong, {$3.00 for special police services July ' 4th; and bill of the Patton Water Co. lof $40.00 for water tax on two fire | plugs at ciay works to be held over and ‘Fire and Police Committee Instructed to investigate the same. . Om motion of Scheid and seconded ‘by Jones, it was nnanimonsly carried that the following petition asking for ‘the opening of Sixth avenue be held over for farther consideration: § “Patton, Pa. Jaly 16th, 1808 £5 f ¥ e { “To the Burgess and Town Council, GL a mirror, raised carving on panels. attr twoR ol) Bate of ree {122 ross named i-forte; 8 . 7, Melodia. Vox Humana; : reb 11, Base Coupler. Also a * farther particulars call at Drugs, LW, | Taylor, Philipsburg; C. L. Roop, J. B. of Cooking Stoves | = Dur ext door ¢ a shine put on your We don’t have a | five miles north of that town. Edsays He | he may bring it along with him the and writes that he is very well satisfied Patton, Pa “Gentlemen: We, the undersigned : citizens and taxpayers of the Borough ¥ E COI MINING SITUATION Patton—The Men Continue at Their Work. ba 1 £4 ¥.KILLDUFF RESIGNS Position as Secrrlary-Tressurer of the I. MW A. His The coal miners’ strike which was to have been instituted on the 28th day of July did not materiziize. There appears to have been a misunderstand. ing among the officials in regards to asking the demands At a meeting of (the mine officials held at Altoona it was decided to present the demands to the operators not later than July 20th, whith they failed to do, and as a result no action was taken in the matter. A mass meeting of the miners of Patton was held on the ball ground : Satyrday morning snd it was decided to dall 4 meeting of the miners of Patton, Hastings, Spangler and Barnes. boro to meet at Hastings Aogust 3d, to consider and take op the matter more fally. : Al the mass meeting the mines of Patton decided that they would not stop work at the present time pending the presentation of the demands thal will be made to the operators at a later date, and as a result ail the miners of Patton are at work. HEADQUARTERS CLOSED The Secretary. Treasurer Resigns and Gives His Reasons Gallitzin, July 28, 188% Enrros COURIER: This is the date on which the operators wer to reply to the demand of their employes for the scale of prices adopted at the Altoona convention, but | am sorry to y oo at we i CiEmeY In ” ¥ WAKE UP. BOARD OF TRADES And Let Un Make an arly Move in Our Taowa's Inlorosts, A ressonably certain assurance is now given that the war will be hroaght tor a speedy and sucoassfol termination | with all honor and glory to the Ameri. can arms. with the close of the war we must ex- perience a very marked improvement in all lines of business and that moch profitable and safe investment nated as we are with all natural advantages for the manufactore of almost every conewivable article, ex- cellent raiiroad facilities and with citizens who are ever ready to assist the material welfare of our town, by ail means at their command, we are of the opinion that with well directed movement, several important indus tries can be secored within a very short It is equally certain that icapital now idle, will at once seek Rit DAD HESS. MEETS DEATH At the Patton Clay Works this Week by Being STRUCK BY A “DUMMY” Was Badly Injured. Left Log Amputaied Did Wadnesduy. David Hess, an employe of the Pat. | ton Clay Manufactaring company, who was so badly injored by being struck by a “‘dommy’’ car at the top of the incline south of the clay works Monday (forenoon, died at his homes on Third avenne Wednesday morning at 1} o'rlock. time, and with reasonable inducements ‘two deep scalp wounds, bearing the offered by our citizens and the proper ing a location to nvestigate the ad- vantages Patton has to offer, Nothing better promotes the general Immediately afer the secldent had happened the unfortunate man was removed $0 his home and physics summoned, who found he had reoveitad | energy expended to afford parties seek (skull; dislocation of his right shoulder, ‘the head of arm dropping into arm. | pit; internal injuries to the chest and welfare of 3 commanity than an ag gressive Board of Trade, and it is with *™ : i thigh, the skin being torn off of hip the hope our long dormant organiza. anther rise Phoenix like from the ashes of the departed, this article is penned Almost dally in the several news ‘by a silver wire passing through the papers are found articles reciting as important industry secured to an often times much gmalier and lems favorably | situated town than Patton and if bat 4 traced with little of Trade. Patton is not, as many of the would difflenlty to a Board vestigated a location can be stomach: severe contusion of the spine; two deep ganhes, about threes to four inches long, respectively, in the left tion of that name be rejuvinated, or O80 Opposite side; the of leg from ives down smashed into a pulp, necemsitat- amputation at the knee joint; and the right leg receiving a doable compound fractore, which was fasteved together bones and wound closed with the hope of saving the same The attending physicians, Dre. Wor. reli, Marray and Dowler, reported that the patient reacted nicely, and for a while appeared to be much improved ‘over his previons condition, but did he deep thinkers state, now in her! palmy days and at the zenith of ber. glory: pot by any means onless her oft | not hold oat any encouragement an to his recovery owing to the severe in- ternal injuries he received. All ‘was {of Patton, respectfully request that "istreet on which are sitnated the prop. Blair, it was Eo say there were only a few places sthere the demand was made. I! seems 100 bad that the miners don’t try to better their condition, but the fact that pot a local anion in the district responded with Weer tax shows the same spirit of carejessiess prevalis all around. | have kept) the headquarters open the past ten Inonthbs, going in debt right along, | with the hope that the miners would awake to a sense of duty, but, alas' no (hange. Patience with me has ceasid to be a virtoe, and | have closed “done that was possible for the patient "until desth relieved him of his wf ferings. Mr Hiss was aged 48 vears and leaves five children four daaghiiers and one son. His father, George Hess, of Stoneville, Pa, and brother, J. E the opening of Sixth avenue be com- pleted so as to connect it with the izens so agree, and how many of os are ready to do so? Practically none I#t ns emulate the worthy ex- ample shown as by our steadily improving and growing cities, cast aside our indifference to the town's improvement, and each with a shoulder to a spoke in the Board of Trade wheel Hess, and sister Mra F. L. Bailey, of assist in making the prosperous tines, Clearfield, were at his bedside when 80 many people are apt to look back death came. His remains were taken at. rather than to the future. to Staneville, Clearfield county, Wed. Let the president of our former Desday afternoon where interment will organization call an early meeting and take place to-day Thursday . let us arm ourselves to take advantage AS near as could be learned ihe of avery opportunity offered. patare of the accident in brief ©» a iertiea of Brewer, Hutchinson and others in South Patton, : “We respectfully represent that we labor at a disadvantage without this connection, and are travel and drive by a round about {way to and from the central part of our town. Bat little work is required ‘to cannect the southern art of Patton ew {with the northern part, by means of the headquarters of the organization | Sixth avenne and Russell avenoe, and here for the want of money to pay the | we request that the work be com- | rent, which, with the few other small | ; pleted as waa originally intended. bills, it is the miners’ duty to pay even Married a2 Wihlumaport. : follows: The workmen in charge of . “1 y signed, [if the officers are turned out in the The COURIER has been informed that | ye. mary Fito which Suppiicy ‘Abe Hutchison, Alex Hutchison, cold. IW. E Probert and Miss Minute Collier, rr. an SarSass a : ay D. Carette, P. Carette, Wm. H Arm The following is a copy of my resig- ton well k and much c x ; ; ; 4 strong, A. T. Cornelius, Jerome Brewer, | natipn forwarded to President Harris: } young pes no : £ Patton, pith ope E ae had just pulled ap an empty car when F. P. Ivory, Clark E. Black, J. W. Gallitzin, July 28, 1498. {4 age at the home of the e's Parga, L. Johnson, W. Longren, O. Gromraz Haxxis, Esq, ! Mrs Howard 1 ot | Bandin, Her Byrom, 3 Mss Dunegas, | Sir and Brother: 1 hereby ten. | Williameport. Pa, on Tuesday even Eason = er eo ied oe Torry] Adgust 3. The MAPPY couple ®X | was attached to the opposite end of the On motion of Scheid and seconded i istrict i | pact to arrive in Patton Tharsday when |. 4 when the runaway car had he (of America, District 2, to go into effect gir many friends will endeavor to : by Anderson, it was unanimously car- | iately. My reason for 80h] pare them give an t of them. | "hed the bottom it naturally tight Se Me i ow 8 ia Silas of She Segisiamin Lives for not notifying the ‘boys” of ‘dummy’ car a sudden jerk. Mr : | to carn ; { con- | . , Eran permimion 1 47 hover eo, ho nin le SHAR 10 hoy na od em SE Sk te on avente, : | the amount of several hundred dollars, | oo! that their wedded life may be a ys x. he Hot Seating On motion of Anderson and seconded | for rent, printing, field work and off. Jong apd happy ope What danger io pk onanimously carried |... salaries be | Aside from this a Local Union «f the Wii faetarn Here. ‘down, resniting as a above stated A. Lambing, 1. IL. D. of His fellow workmen, who ran a very aaa ena Finn is igre ganization saw fit to send a commit-| Rev. A. aah 3 Tey Each ich. adouupod. 1 ie. ot |r een ame ee | Maye GHThal Shure of Paton] lk pees op 4 fu ; ‘8 miners out in 1586 ™ | MA ; did = pa meeting night, August |» give me the pame of my accuser. | Tuesday evening, August 9th, under and avoid any accident, but unfarta- - | The above reasons with others I might the auspices of the Young Men's nately were unsuccessful, as the car Camping st Mahaffey. ‘add will, 1 trust, satisfy my friends Institate of Patton. Rev. Lambing was beyond control Considerable Harve Lingle and sisters Misses everywhere that | am jostified in re- Is the historian for the Catholic church damage was done to the engine house Besse and Virginia, Dr. J. Van Wilson, signing my office, which has become Of Western Pennsylvania and comes to of the clay works, at which point the Howard Dinsmore, of Patton, Miss an eye sore to my enemies, but which the people of Patton highly recom. car landed. More serious damage Grace Dinsmore and Richard Eddle. I trust the miners will fill with some mended as a speaker. Everybody is would have probably resulted at the blute, of Punzsutawney, Miss Besso one more competent than | have been cordially invited to attend this lecture. works had the velocity of the car not Wolfe of Philipsburg, Thos, Mim and who will be in full accord with all Any person wishing u seat reserved are been broken by the other car, which Mame and Mrs. James Mclain, of | the Executive Board and the officers requested to make their wants known was standing on the same track below. Spangler, are spending a two week's Fraternally yours, ‘to either M. M. Nolan J. J. Donnelly Rattlesnakes Galore. outing at “Camp Greene” on the Jaxes W. KiLipcry., or Frank Parabangh at once. . Acburn, the little heimet situnted Susquehanna river below Mahaffey, | Mr. Editor, ] believe the above will‘ mers Bey Killed at Ssutiags. about six miles south of Patton shoud Pa. They are occupying the beautiful speak for itself and will no doubt be! [iveryman Elmer G. Walter, of be termed “Rattlesnake Hollow" owing cottage belonging to Harry Mahaffey, pleasing to that gang of character mar- gouuh Fork, received word Tuesday that to the fact that Wm. Cole, Sr, Wm. which has become quite popular this ders who have stabbed me secretly pi, prother Will had been killed July Cole, Jr, and Albert McMullen hear -.on. | wherever opportunity offered, but who joe), ot the battle of Santiago de Cuba. | the distinction of breaking all previons At the Yohmer Howse. | are too cowardly to appear in public. |g, was a member of Roosevelt's Rough rattlesnake records of this section by Following is a list of the traveling | 1 ™2Y go out in the interest of the pijery and enlisted in Ohio at the killing 50 on Monday of these poison- 'in which case | will have an oppor- Hg Walter was born and raised in the space of but a few minutes Five of days: T. A. a og Ue ae ox | tanity to woe ny old friends. vicinity of Wilmore thirty years ago the snakes possessed from five to eight Rogers, N. Y.; Harry C. Brooke, E. C. and was weil known to many of ‘the ratties while the remaining fifty were Poorman, E. E. McClintock, Tyrone; residents of that section, having visited young ones, measuring about one foot L. Wagner, Altoona; Frank E. his brother Filmer at Sonth Fork about in leogth. This is a remarkable record a year ago, when the latter was con- and Mr Cole, the captain of the party, fined to his bed with typhoid fever the champion of Johnstown Tribune is uncouth profession. connpedivg lo my,” which was standing at the top, To be Wedded, The COURIER is in receipt of ar invi- tation to attend the marriage ceremony of Harry M. Smith, formerly of Pal- | Pelty, Altoona; John W, Lias, William- ton, but now of Pittsburg, to Mis sport; E. J. Ayers, Buffalo; C. 8S. Yetta Rosenthal, which will cocur at flemming, Pgh.; W. 8 Baird, Altovna; the bride's home, at 331 Wylie avenue, i Thos. F. Kelley, Balt; W. C. Norton, Pittsburg, Pa, on Sanday, August Tth, 'Pgh.; 1. F. Daughterty, Gloversville, at 5 o'clock p. m. The COURIER, along ‘N. Y.; Geo. W. Black, Pgh. with the friends of Mr. Smith, extend Har a Pet Hows. congratulations. : Ed. F. McLaughlin, formerly of Pat. Joined the Regulars. | ton, but who now is the proprietor of (feo. Edmiston, son of Sam’l Edmis- { the 8t. Charles hotel at Clearfield, bas ; ton, of this place, is now a member of | in his possession a ‘pet’ bear, which Uncle Sam's great army, having joined | was captured in the wilderness about the Twenty-first infantry, company K. He is stationed at Ft. McPherson, Ga, will be considered “ eu tambria In in Lawa Fete, Litt A lawn fete will be held on the lawn On Saturday evening a child's goid of the UC. L & [ company’s office on ring, set with torquois and pearl Fifth avenue Friday evening. ander pipder will receive a liberal reward by the anspices of the Ladies’ Ald Society, peturning same to this office. of the M. E church. lee cream, cake, coffee, sandwiches, etc., will be served. All are invited to attend Far Sah. My house and lot on Fourth avenue, | : ee Patton, Pa. For information inquire Episcopal TW LEO Regular Episcopal church services Of Joseph Taylor dt =~ ‘will be held in Buck's ball Sunday Patronize your home bakery and morning at 10 o'clock. Sunday school buy your bread from Daas, oppo- next time he makes Patton a visit. site the Palmer house. ! with the move he bas made. (at 9 p.m. All are welcome. the switch had been turned letting the | erapty get away, which rushed pell ell down the opposite track. The “dam- to stop the runaway car | Commmuniogted, After nearly two years of waiting, the people have concluded that an ag- gressive Board of Trade is the only means by which our town cam be materially advanced With this fact in view, it has been decided to call » meeting of the citisens and those interested and reorganise the Board of Trade and pot the business in the hands of those who will see to it that nothing will be left ondone to make Patton a permanent and progressive town. While we do not care to criticise the work of the lust organization of this kind, we wpold suggest that the lesson earned will he beneficial and be a guide in the movement now on fool. The organizations of like character in other places are doing good work now in it acturing eddab. dshments to locate in their resjective towns while we are wating for sotoe- hing to tin op Nothing bas ever Lasrtied sor will angibiog Wwrn up until there is something to tarn it up. There must be some povver to do a work of this kind, and to get power is to organise into a body and all work for the same end. The onilimited resources of Patton and vicinity make it a very desirable place for the manufactariog and shipping of a great many articles such as silks, boots and shoes, novelties, agricultural impliments and numerous other lines of goods. Let all join in this good work and see what can be scoomplishbed by a little energy. It will not fail to show good results. Xx. X FRB Pu eng Reo Lye ee yes, Ask any Weman Who uwes the Cinderella Rauge, what ite advantages are over the ordinary cooking range, and she will tell you that it is an even baker, browas nicely on top and hottom, and bb economical in the ase of fuel It does its work quicker, better and with the least ex- pense of any range apon the market. Sold by J. FE. Kirk Hardwar Ca J. L. Liberman, the regular visiting optician and specialist in lenses of the eye, will be ut Palmer house, room 2, August 17 to 20, inclusive; will be a2 Commercial hotel, Barnesboro, Aagust 122, 23 and 24; at the Central hobel, Hastings, August 25, 28 and 27. Parties wishing to wee me please vote the above dates. I correct all eyes with the ened the slack rope which gave the The best of reference from good re- sponsible people that I made and fitted glasses for in this part of the country for the past two years. | come regular and will do the right thing for you at the lowest prices. Eyes tested tree of ‘charge. [ warn all my customers and others from peddlers going xtound from house to house claiming to be | doing business for me. | bave no agents or peddlers representing me in ‘any way. Thanking you for past favors I am j Rewpectfully yours, J. L. Limmmmax, Regular Visiting Optician. ON THE PROMENADE. Two and Two. When you come to balanee up your accounts and make things even, you'll find that what vou saved in buying cheap clothes you will fose in having to buy more of them. The geod tailor suits wear twice as long every time. You see you save extra trips to the tailor’'s extra bother about a selection of goods and really pay less if you come 19 as CALL AND SEE US. Dinsmore Bros, PATTON, PA. ALL WORK GUARANTEED.
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