[uring fever next Memerint Day next, Call at Cash Grveery “My Contry "Tis of LRAING CO, Proprietors. finn hi ge yey 5 ¥ Wer Swepny, et trey, Thee 3 SF scone irs + Husyrah far amend Hava gor canghl any front ya? Patton will abserprs Mennsrial Diy abot aE Himlreiw 1a Theat mivegnet Bs Hon Ton Geni Frases 4 Pre APPEAL oe Pheer piers iets ands ny BAarm ab 1 ash i Crsonry Are we podng Tey haep a oleons (hie pt wae F “Pre inlon Fassony H Hassan froing Vor Any in teen {Hoam sway Brew Ton atom wewak Bave aff Attedma avesnt Pasa by sak elite hendbgra af FREE BREAN IONE SRE : fre Ir BR Biew Grove aps Some Fawr. SR At ih i JE rg Womday Afters Rad ratend 300 for the ant Fhe die #0 Pave sIE, faving 1 ohms FRE arn of raids | FP. N. high hae coraet sold sleoaiors ot $1.00, ar Mrs [arit'a, SR Spanich pride and Spanish aredit apa trwvaling in opposite directinng Riack grenading alist special good thing sf 81.0 Mes Anan Parle W. PP. Keefor of Jolineiomen, won a visitor to Patho ome Any last wae, WO. Raurs of TroBoix was shaking hands with friends in Patten Tosaday (heer. B. Hopkins, ~f Altoona made the OnvpreEr a pleasant call Wardnes. Any. MJ Cave] and DD Footman of Johneterwn. worn vieftors to Patton thie Cwenk, E Frank Veooman, of Saestooga, N. Y.. transacted brsiness in Patton Sat nrdny. C Ladtiew wen the pew Hine of shirt potatons, onionm, waists and dress skirts at Patton and radishes ot | Supply. i The familiar face of OO. M. Schroder, Te the Cash tirosery ome trial and Of Tyrone, was seen on our streste you will oall again. | Monday. Will Patton celebrate the coming 0 FL. Loaf, of Boffalo, was the gnest forks 4th of July? {of F. O. Kirkland at the Palmer hones Go to Daas’ Bakery for your OV Sunday. frosts bread and cakes. i Mr. Howell of Gallityin, has recniverd The Cash Oraeery In peadguaror an inovense of his pension from $18 to | Tov stat hing in the grime rm Fronts Fre f Grant Profi Carr, represent YC Het, | Mise Fran wman, of Gramplan, delphi Pree, spar Fier In Patton, 18 Visiting at the home of Joseph Bloom wor Woodford can got even by an Palther avenoe coming home and organizing a inh The borough officiais have sreoted 4 (neat new bridge acre Little Cheat A ht little bog arrived at the Creek on Lang avenae Nome of Joseph Hubbard one day last Prank £ Taylor and Chan E Con. C- ‘week, Ar wit an aa ah * Part Candy Ceovery Cinpden. making tire, This tress are Hiacming. Rnitké stories aril soon fipen, “yslambia the Com of tha Opesn 7 Prooh fish at Kinkesd s Rewtanrant, Por foe sakes ind pies go to Daaw I rom WANE ron aha go to Kinkow?'s rid Gittings, +f Veters, Pa, Bi town Monday. | wor Runyan, of Canton, (0. spent y in Patton, Catiage, —_— Apples, nell of Philipshinrg, ween leaking after trade in Patton Monday, " LoL Pe ; prehant chaser of Sundiy with hix parents at Beech FE. {. Poorman, a merchant p Tyrone, was among the many visitors Creek, Pr. ha 1. Beane ad C2 Da of tes Patton tha fired of the work ? : LF I. Liberman, the regiinr visting , were visitors to Patton : Optician, will be at the Palmer Hoo, No paraon will enjoy the paved TOOM No 2, May 17 to 21, inclusive, streets in Patton any more than the J 8 Mishael, of Weatover, and 0b Weyele rider. W. Catheart, of New Millport, were Chas B Langs, a commercial man pleasant visitors ta Patton Tuesday of Pittabury, tranencted bundiness in J. Van r qd. Freeman, a traveling salesman the post week, returned hone Monday. of iharg, wie looking after hig Fish, meat, lard, syrup, vioegar, com ; torvers n Patton Thienday. four, potatoes, onlone, apples, red : A Wale ‘and John Morven are heetn, ridinhee, senry and sweet pickles friends af Mr. Moren's former Cah Groeery ; Toronto, 0, this week. HE Prank P Howe and aister Edna, of Prilipsborg, visited at the home of W. 0. Lingle the first of the week. Joh H. Hows, of Patton and Jennie | Lewis, of Johnston, have heen granted 8 Hoense to wed by Blair connily. » re Hattie and Mary Sharbangh, tow were the guests of Mr. bh. Wm. L. Thompson Senday. , war should continne several W. © Habbard spent Wilunn whey haa heen Awsoba ud Holtewarth pleasant travel ng Kern, Land of basa ta, ig anlesriangt represen vrhaeh & On shoes and robbers wk in town Theday pean fa tiipeen of § iadeiphing Among the many nevdsd vents made by Rtyeet Jones during the pat gra 3 i Eon rhs roth side of Beech avenne near Sixth Mr. W H Sandford, cashier of the Patton, Pa hank. amd Me £ OC Brown, wperintendent of the Chest Ureek Land and Improvement Ca, of Patton, and BR. RB. Peale. of New York, Were Town visitors {ne wensyille Review The hot heads at Madrid tamed out and held a jollifieation meeting over the reported captare of the Paris and their sapprwed victory af Manilla Now they are in a swod to lyneh the editor of the paper which printed the exnnnds HPO Camp baloney nth was thh WE shile walk on the this week i Fgh bean qtite sericasy ill = Bion pa motth, the Corres ia The Corwensvitie Hoview save that a Philipshorg yoong man, named Kervreryilhe, Ppl wel in a barber shop in that ; HCE time. A short Sime apo he te Phila, for tw piace, has Peer sok To wt treaiment Baro ined and was sent home to die consamption. Last Monday be was seized with s viola: #8 soghing, dariog which a toad as inege as a turkey egg was elected. Since petting rid of the toad the voang man has teadily improved in health He cannot ac oacseint for the presence of tml in his stomach bot that it was there and sowighed sp is vonehed for hy nn hl: pared CASTORIA For Infants and Children. "ot or By LE os oe brothers whe have en Uta of our town during the | when county, where they expect the ie their fatore home. th notice in Kansas newspaper “Born to Mr. and Wm. Jonea a son. Billy, the dg vi co be ex. SIL = #5 : % WT a NUKE Pin Game. We make a tr Serge. qan’t put ap for £ + OT (nr ue $20: Suit 18 §s good as made nore The beauty of or Suits to (Order is the fit afd etyles They are made hy Thilors and Cutters who are Jrtists in their profession, £ali for imes the that ar y and the in. Onur s tell yon We make three Clothing to order ether comcern does reason, why its pla fits, styles and price that The old prices off ago are played out Ten are getting t open to the fact. and the heir eyes window in and and yon faook in our eas for patterns. Com spe 300 more pieced will leave an order the Big Our motto st:ll refnains same: Penny Prob Sales THE KEYSTONE CLOTHING AND SHOE [D. pin Directly apposite the Bank Paddy Mallon a the dame of the Nashville's gunner who feed thas rat ahiot for wa Will Spain |give an the ainme of the man who tafehed Goff the Maine ? Patrick Corrigan, a laborbr employed inl Harley & Co the railrold contract. are who are making impr the PR. RB. at Gallitain, aan etre by a train at that place Thuarstiay morning arid instantly killed, He Was crossing the tracks and fiiled to nptice the ap. proach of an engine and several cam Corrigann wan about 33 vears old and had been living at Callitzin only a shined thine, Vanes on Patton has lots of pateiotie Blood, If the President were to call for eslun. tevira oattadde the malitia he ait tpethie in getting a The Kevstone Dram town sightly,. Monday cvening P OO 8 of A turned ont thir command of FM. Kinkead, musta, and made gaite a good imgr. Flags are floating over 0 all directions, Chan, Hodgkins ap the only Caban fag Patton respondent fe Spangler Sentinel ese dr. entertained Friday evening musicale | at inal evening. ints wotilil have any here Corps parades the HHA i the nde show AEE In ing Cap the hin home Crarmes and Sther aiase- served as pastimes the far werving refreshments. The spss were delighted with their water ‘aipment and all agreed that George Ir, In a perfil owt. The games amd miisic were anasaadly mand thar hawt showed his patriotic feeling by of “4 aba hin guests regaded thinseelions during the evening. look Fal Express ih wud, antil hosp delighuihi providing entimited goantit Libre” cigars which oH Why Toe ethos Forde Sheva Kobewmer fea rd who bn poling te sr will run his hounse avenge and then it thremgh IRE wm the one who roth byt Evo about the skeitifuily and shared advesrtisements,. When in luring the public into must fill the promises hin advertisements Lo the let smiple announcement th loention of his won't Pikes so tmmble over each other in their efforts to get in. He's got to them some resson for coming Eh saliite rented of wk tas is he Rees guid #3 iu his hated he in Thi mht £3f hou rei ise fen face. Fx DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Cures Plies, Scaids, Bures. Wetton 20) Jo ¢ retary Aiger has been compelled to ask We. the andersigned, agree to redand (he von sent Hotties of 3 Hitters if ir Gils to BELO nee GOR the disenees hr Yim INTERESTING WASHINGTON LETTER YY Woerw f elt Eipovinlly ior EE Washington, May 2 The war iw going jo got started in good sarnest Aoving aext foe dave, probably thu bay ppedivegy of 5 portion WW in Cabs. The sanfoaring spiel ti stleneingg What wm Cnba bw 8 does not foun ar war croann whaaping oon 3% td amr ung Gitfenit edd FOE snes Ans b diy Dire Man hae hme i eters aren Killed and others wounded by a land- slide along the Chil- Coot Pass. Teddi faethe, giieh of the Ww wre be LH La the sagtilay sry srpesnteband Will ah hey ave af grisea Ba Bottle of Dowd Biase, Pred aw i books Hus is oF we Yry ¥r wig Muavigh hatheries SETPNR IY sereedy fared Flee 1 sf a the well Teor als, or thr ibibris Ea L&T anita ter pbs the done an iden of the marks Mitty or Tey vin landslides A od LE rrr * : a ssanpebiisg of [alee Sam's gnnoeme The Toe Drove asst inlgvend nded Fore al warshine ei wiriila Pie of Hil amioparw is Healy tev he antl anme of this Sganish mn Patton Pharmacy wr fonnd to sot am Caraets Chen We TT for ¢ thee Cornet a0 “ § pg : ; ! 98 Modded Bleyels, soph S886 af 9% yrds 4 in ore ames H 3%. Wa ERE an Ha hit tae FHL being posted aw rapidly ae ndries low ar . 411 ERT Thurs 4 ry aa ost Lid now en March, x. [ss 1 7 : @ spp iio War 4 agnes. Wathiot Reade appotntest tow toy mined aed ment the Minds io the Sands of nt bs amd ann oy mrereivie sh AT. Kostive in hereby offlos nw The Yana om We day of May, +. 3 a my of amid attending fo Hey mes ay nutanee wo sell x food £3 ii an alnterd Bike Pomp & For and fin asked PE gn B , id i i gotiany nba ooieng 3 tere dinn avsmrsriadt To ERT ERIENY IT the + ite I imwar Rowe Af tu Mass Aavea gimeady Bean 4 iL Lowest RrWes ’ its ro atertad and the sssiades will a tof ritely A ppt Hatribatiom of LE seraants seid aero] nn a New dave it Wa will sil yoa a Hhantgrt pail fr ite id art thoy Arse arsed the Ley Likadrs T go ia we : i > ra Leliiies fay trimmed puny ff isda Hig sf wi Has tween aslarted (30a 11% : : WiLak § af mniomitigry iin #400 » Ra will Ht a oy = PES RY SB RR {#th ‘ oe i Buroose of cud appoint. partiss in. WE SIT, fromm comipir in Fas Shale - it Treg uy 13s roaeh Fig mais iw aes Py Ri 3 3 Patis TL 1 A3 Faw ame AF the salunteny mnior ponerse Canam wil ARSE CHEER. Ane Dose the Bil innlistaent of fay Faw whe dnties of went, when ami wheres all tervated muy attend if they sr he Tapaver Bebaread a sald Sead Maroy Beane ernie, P Anil Ie awe Fable ne anthorizing the fw imirnevibate seeoion ahwsit [A008 man callow fever the President ay ee. the aifreme sonth, Thear srilistmente will be in sldition %a five 1258 0 Are called By the Povsident, Feary day the President is compelled to decline fers of regiments of men, hecaton be har no anthorily to acoept them, the states having chossn to farnish their goota »f voluntesrs from thedr national gourd, and in nearly avary case having protested hecaoss thelr Auofa was aot large snoogh. Pennaylvania sent word that it woald gladly have furnished the sntire 135. 0. Rhonld thers be a second eall which at this time looks very doubtful, some of the regiments which have been offered will he given a chance for servios, In addition to the share of $50,000, . On recently appropriated by Congress alloted to the War Department, Sec- mn Cobia whe have hed the i Reeling Deen gf ater] te Emad cry Aaditor iE wend be an walter tn a" Fie EH en For constipation take Karl's Chover Root Tea, the great Slowed purifler Capes headache, nervonaness, sraptions oy the face, and maites the heard as dear am x bell Sold ar Corner Deng Stopwe A Girvmt Wood due Given W. Hodgkins & now all a trial swekage of the great herbal omady, Bacon's slory Ring. if ladion ps” 1B from servons dis. orders and constipation will nee this remedy they will soon be free from the headaches and backsehew that have pin them so much saifering Its a perfect regulator. It quickly Carew billioosnes, indigestion, sraptioas of the skin and all blood diseases. Large sige 25 and 50 conta Away giving free heavy work shoes ggc 5 dress shoes, worth 1.25 at ~ Men's hox caif vorth $3.00, at Ladies’ tan or black dress shoes, worth 1.23, at $1.00 Ls All you need to do is com- pare our prices and goods with others. Money talks, but our prices shout. Children and adolts tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, scams or skin disesnrn may secure instant relief b using DeWitt’s Witch Haze! Salve in the great pile omedy. © kins, Patton Pharmacy, What Dy. A. EK. Salter Says. t W. Himdg- Congress to appropriate more than share of the Bar $34,066,000 to meet war expenses of Baffale, N.Y. Gey From my | that department during the two months paral Enowiege, Bune | hn a ary remaining of the present fiscal YOUr. om of advanced consumpti on, [ am The money will be promptly voted. prepared to say it is the most remark. it appears that Representative Dingley able remedy that has ever heen brought was speaking by the card when he 2 mY attention. It has certainly said the other day that the war ex. saved many from consumption. Hold penditares had exoueled $25,000,000 at Corner Drug Ntore, a month since March 1, and would RO DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, much higher shortly. The famous tittle pills. © AE TEIN XA. baie pd OUR SPRING-—— (CLOTHING STOCK IN FOLL BLAST. Serviceable Business and Elegant Dress Goods. lothing for Men Get yony gains at 3.0. BRADY, Prop'r. —— » DICKENS in DIRT Ehenshiry ap tis Date April 8, Hollen ot ax to Sussle Mul- Header: consideration, $i, Asheroft Hx ot al ta FL. 8 Uromson, $400, Lo Kerr to M Heuvel at Friday, Tow te Npring { and Boys. Juki wt i) Hare Jamon ton, $i FA Shoemaker, ta lane I) Webster hillen, | 8145 Jesfinn 4] {Gates of Beem, Reade, 805 Emma RB Karlinsey Bender, Rare, $80 WwW. Ww Call, Urosson, $6800, Mary T Thomas ot al to Dav Cloartivid, 8424. SPRING HATS. mvid A. Watl to Daniel Litdinger, Wir are sole He nis for b2 alia Special i arfleld, £380 Lar mie them No nse pavi og £2 and “ when you'll Hod as good inne wed YYITNY AP ae {3 fA wbvitig fn thin Luton whi Son 3. Hradley el ax to Tutfos apd No aKl NLA inl i FAN wbvlag 1 TO OO | : in baranieh, $250 rr J i 1 ™ iv SN i ES A SPEC i 1.TY = « az. irkin & Kusner, Carroll, B50 Patton, Pa. 00K. : You Ive Suits svi tarea te lige La EdRER AN 2 B48 ECF Ri hReAN 2436 Busipess and Ys ut 2 $401 Nt 205 i A. Kerr, Pat- on iol a vn # the pata 480 LY attorney in faek Jones, Cambria, $150. Griftith et ux John know how well prepared we are to * + « & 3 ook for vourselves Dent's buy vour have GUT assortment learn . vines 13 or you to reany s to have a Spring Suit until you (iY ii 0 to I. serve yon i 1 tary, seen and ux to Hannah STORY BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING - shildren delighted with our splendid exhibit af the family, The largest. the most com. showing in Patton 8 vir to Polly Parents are pleased and « Sis ur Le YOUNEOT maermbeaw i {Hit re arid st MeAtenr of ux ta Thomas altractive 3 rh 2 aad bar, Make ap yoor ming 1 here fur 82.00 % Jat ’ He eam ery Andrew Thorisa Barnes ¢f ux fo Jam Barnoshars 3 3 James 5 Blair ot ax Barnes, Barnesbara, $100. Max Frick ax io Kawi $125 Nebwwn Charles to $448. i. MuoGuaire £m Satiied Aeilerman of in MM. resin Chacles Anna to Uhristin Patton, 31.000, Ro» 3 Ham too Thomas AL Baus. po! Father | LRTI ee, Allegheny, An Len WR Lomebry A fad WwW Ww ER iad “hat Kesched g wey ge 1 AaNsihie | Pa HL Y : ~ ire feOI0IR 10 I Fax th Benin. w {remmiil a inree Dey Goods Hoos Sel We are pang 5 rei rr i pe af 3 treith frown haa ody of a LEI g et ax to Michael ! vis GEE Oonr nTieee $677 wer th wes Have ever Khowen thie 4 al uy nde TH Sto Kk hs beeen Heavily revluoed sack ae = : Carpets, Ladies’ Jackets, B Millinery, Dress Goods, Domestics, Fancy Goods, Mears Furnmdings and ail af domsshiol Goods, Cnt Gllaese and Silverware We want every ane withio reach of us © come here and have ate in these Wonderful Sargain Offers und to come soon a8 the goods are going fet Inimense throngs are coming daily and vou will miss the greatest chanoe te save money ever afforded if vou fail to fod them before our sale (doses. # Lhee HEE { remeEiriee R Tard oy We : ab WE VE prosetil Fdye 4 F473 stow ; 33 ME Lure P33 ES a 3 5 + PUT PRN warts EB i IHIWS Puorvthiing * Meng y : # Pg Baolucher. tix Te Munster Hastings, = fapriay, Unlentine Thomas $i Lantey Humtings, fam Orla, Pandit FROIN. at px to Rober F su {Nerk James Sherman | BAIR ity wh phan’s Con Munster. 8380. Citimens’ Loun & Building Assouiae BJ Ashville, Bhi 4. LL. Spangler of ax, Truses, Wo Lae #ie MM. Brown, Spangler, $i. deme MI. Brown ot vir te Henry & 25 Serie om 7), He af the #0 4 oy © 0 tion to Duinney the Bargain Foust we have spresd (or vou in tue (reat Removal Sale and you will find that it will richly repay vou Lome Te Tay tosr oot =pnngrer yh my stook musi be closed out at any saerifice and our Hernnatil ony lesses, The sale will continue ba as possible to the Big Store patrons Gre regpang the sno time CONE a ook, ALTOONA, PA. ambition DeWitt e Lillie A tarpid Hyer robs of AN TUHINS VOU heRith Barly Risers clense the TPE On stipation atomanh: and liver trouhies. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for. TEs {3 Bis fiver i as w Hn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers