THE PATTON COURIER, MAY s, 1808. los 6% marines. in addition, besides 2, | 000 naval reserves. i Spain was at the zenith of her power ‘and glory under Emperor Charles V, when she practically roled the whole of Burope and America; but she is at ite navlir now, Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. | F. Win Gimeexe, Editor, ESTABLISHED - - 1868, cA - oT on x A . Bearsthe oy The Kind You haw Signature . WIDE TIKE BENEFITS, It has required much demonstration to convines the farmers that good roads | are a profitable investment. The work | & M Douglas of the agricnltural experiment stations side boulviu : in this regard has been invaluable, says | Monday. ik ps Washinglon Sie. ac meni | A. Strittmatter, of Carrolfitown, spent under the i of the farmers have|l AY night in Breniters. a tan Wm. Hughes, son of W. definitely shown the folly of maintain. 0 SF wndbin. Re ing the present system ot sual) res! employed in Pittsburg for some tine, » as long wa the fonds ih ACS ar ‘arrived home on Wadnesday for a fiw mt or f very SY blah to days’ visit with his parents and many . fo s will retar Pittabur, view the relationship between the tires en ae Y Tatura urs and the quality of the road. Than | Harvey Roland, Eaq., of Hastings, fiesionts have of shown fire that 24 3» moved to Fbensburg to-day. His 4s the are in poor condit Ari household goods will arrive bere this de * to = meh moisture and Sh + {afternoon and be will occupy the live ng ! to the heavy en mody u rooms above the store rooms of E.| short notice, nee 0 Aree Dufton & Son. is a posit ’ hindrance It pr. Reib & Abby's Unele Tom's Cabin Co. F 0 NAM: A DATTOW > produced that popular play on Satur quips 8d, for the tire sinks deep into : | day evening in the Opera House in this EBENSBURG LETTER. News poe sthered a! Combitia Important i County's Capital T. N. Nagle, was in Ebensburg, Pa, May & one of Patton's liverymen, Fhensburg Thursday. of St. Augustine, trip to Ebensburg BE. Hughes, has been oy 43 ta the wheel, | American makes are shipped A New Maine, Mayor Harrison of Chicago has ap proved of a plan to give the nation a new battleship Maine. He received a letter from Basil (. Brooke, of that city, who said that a Maine League had been organized recently at his home to build a new battleship to rephce the one destroved by the explosion in Havana harbor. The plan has the approval of Senator Mason, It provides that any person contributing $1 to the battleship fund shall receive a membernihip in the league. When completed the fund is to be devoted to the purchase of a man-of war of not jess than 14,000 tons, to presented to the government np tain Sigsbee is to be asked 10 command iT to be agama The the vessel and Maine Thirty-five years makes a generation That is how long Adolph Fuwher, Zanesville, 0 sufferad from pil was cored hy nsing three boxes of Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, Fa § Ww ren Good Reads Fever Sprogading The good roads fever has extended to even Central America. The Nicara. | guanx some time ago took quite a fancy and a large number of there, There are no roads worth calling by that name in the southern republic, Pate Patton Markets, Sabiect to market changes: ? TH PPIR Dwr Peres ¥ 3 Bu £ : Buk ow fret og Fires Aiepiin Listed $i « vty $n Mines Syore Co, | Limited | For the bes? fresh Miller. 19tf OUR FORTUNE Rel: - “Rena nd y ard brat is always at rest and ease. ¢ Crd AN: MENTHOL. Is SHALER shes 85 nal! had frouhies OAT, CA- Catarrh di ARR - FEE ia, nderiut in ay Fever and Ais. ma fra ¥ ONLY CUSHMANS. if you fun’ get fost » phi fae - »y mat. 0 penta, Nt fon CTEM AY PRIS 00, YIRCRANEN, "e.. C8 a fuk goto Matthew rant clesr sod onrry y¥ x id FIRE INSURANCE Prin oom James Mellon, J. P. (ond and able CO { 22 re 1s } nies OMe corner of Fifth and Magee Aves Patton, Pa. A —- 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3|: EE J remedy known as Otto's Cum, having | J ant the material of the road, and thos forms for iteslf a constant obatraetion | that must bo overcome. But the broad tire has a nse other : 4nd indeed better than that of minimiz- | ing the labor and therefore the cost of | hauling. It tures the bad conditions that have been largely caused by the narrow tire, serving as a compressor tnd gradually compacting the ma- terial and greatly improving its condi- | tion. Thus the use of the broad tire means a double gain. It saves in the 0ost of hauling by permitting heavier TE cin, and in less tithe, and it saves, ton, in the cost of roadmaking and in re- | "It is believed that if all road users vould be persuaded to change the tires of their draft vehicles, especially in the districts where bad roads are the rule rather than the exception, the ultimate | oomt of bringing the country thorongh- | faves up to a modern standard would within in a very short time be so low thant the most comprehensive road im- iN. A. & C. Ry. ‘ased Chamberlain's colic, cholera and party of C ambria county | Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or the same hy granting exemption from road taxes fier those road nsers who have adopted the broad tires and likewise to those who have adjusted their vehicles so’ that the front and rear wheels will not “Spas.” thus minimizing the chances of wearing the surface of the road. It! juts been found that with broad tires in ime the amount of surfacing material mweded Is comparatively small, | NOME SPANISH FACTS, Spain, proper, has 196,170 square miles of territory; 17,560,218 of popu- lation, and $492,860,770 of national debt. The constitution under which whe is now governed bears the date of June 30, 1876. The present reigning family are Bourbons descendents of = Louis XIV, of Pranes. Maria Christi | mona, the Queen Regent, was an _Agpstrian Princess; the King, her son, Alfonso XIII, was born May 17, 1396. © pearly six months after the death of his father, Alfonso XII. His two isters, Infanta Maria de las Mercedes and Infanta Theresa are eighteen and wixteen, respectively. Spain's legis lature is the (ortes—composed of two houses--a senate and a chamber of deputies. The senate is partly hereditary, partly for life and : elective —- the elective tors being chosen for a term of five Fears by the most highly-taxed evening. ‘also informed that Wm. Dufton has! of Cambria, at the Republican Primary of that place: “Prank McAvoy, for of the kind manufactured specific for all bowel disorder. sale by Patton ships captored by tain gets a twentieth, the captain of ship a tenth, among all those~on bourd in proportion | to their rates of pay in the service, other vosels when the capture is made, they sre on. | in Mas y titled to a share of the prize money. croop, bronchitis, grippe, amd all throat site the Falmer house, 2 Ga % Co. i place to a large and appreciative aad. and the natives are confined to eyeling ence. The troupe lft thia morning | on a few of the streets io San Joan del ‘onthe 10 a. m. train for Barnesboro | Sur and the beach, bunt they ike the where they will give an exhibition this | exercise so much that they are demand. ling better roads to use their wheels on, Richard B. Barr, a frescoer and sign | and they are likely to get them inter of Allegheny, who spent the | fat | Announcements. | past few months in Ebensburg left this | | afternoon for South Pork where he will | I hereby annonnce that | will bea andidate for Delegate to the Repubili- fa re the new Opera House at at] can State Convention, for the connty of Cambria, at the Republican Primary P.J Little, Fiaq., of this place, pur. | Election to be hie in, said county on chased the square of ground adjoining | | Saturday, May 21, , 1888 | the jail grounds on Centre street from | E. WILL GREENE. hereby announce that 1 will be a Miss A. FE. McDonald. We anderstand | : didate for Delegate to the Republi | the consideration was $5,000. We are | can woofs my for the vanty FRESH Election to be Belt — said county on | purchased one-half of this square of At Our store Dufton expects to put a fine dwelling : | 1 hereby announce that I will be a | purchase. | ean State Convention for the county of Cambria, at the Republican Primary The Westfield Ind. | News prints the Flection fo be had hi said county on | following in regard to an old resident Satarday, May 21, | ng a - CYRUS ELDER I bereby announce mywelf as a can- ‘ didate for the nomination of Assembly subject to the rules of the Republican SriERS vrning You ngs, Pa. best quality. Prices are as many years in the employ of the L., | here, saves: ‘] hae | est. longer—-am never without it in my! family. [consider it the best remedy I take It Ma For Ww. 1 VY DIRECT FROM MANTEACTURERS THE KING GUARANTEED ingle Tube Tire Light and Fist vol Strong atu Trarabie 85.00 PER PAIR. {THE KING MEF, On, EHfon XB A * kn pleasure in recommending it Pharmacy, Hodgk ins. Distribution of Prize Money. Under the old law, passed in 1564 our vessels of war are sold and half the money goes Lo the | Government, the other half to the cup | tors. OF the latter half, the fleet cup- | oy md Le Phbiatvinditn, Pa Mrs. Anna Dart. and the rest is distributed | Wednesday and Saturday take 10 i in the store. ir is of the floel are in sight | A “i If You Doubt . oh & we wii cent. on all goods Children like it, it saves their lives. ; y fay an cp by gr " ‘ We mean One Minate cough Cure, the | We call your atter infaliible regnedy for oonghs, colds, | - ition to Millinery on these davs. and lang troubles. ©. WW. Hodgkin, | Patton Pharmacy. ag iial lv £ PRL hash Patronize your home bakery apd’ buy your bread from Dans, oppo- v we Can Cartan, AXXA DARTT. Altoona, Pa. wines Thi maviae, ow SEVEN WONDERS OF THE | 1 RAGE “PEER LESS,” $50.00 a 1597, { Sue $200,680, 411; and her public revenues were only $132, 145,606. The King has a civil list of onies ave Caba, Porto Rico, Ceuta {Morocco ), Fernando Po, Annobom, Islands, Mariana Islands and the Carolines; her total available war strength is 1,279,642 men; her army equipped with the Mauser rifle of .27 calibre; her government has a her conscription-list for two years past, and her troope for Cuba are recruited Dy apecial anit ‘Her land forces are: | 19 infantry, 13,430 cavalry, 9,812 artillery, 3,921 engineers, 9,318 East Indian troops, and 245,000 Cuban and West Indian troops. Her navy, ex- ‘cluding accessions this year, comprises | 11 armored ships, 63 unarmored ships, 2 armored gunboats, 40 unarmored gunboats, 2 despatch vessels, 79 tor- pedo boats, 10 transports, 1,780 officers, | 15,600 seaman; and ber naval fighting | service comprises 400 officers ay we name 41 (a SOK "No * » 0 COC they CYC LE WORLD! IE,” $15 ely 25 to $125 “LENOX.” $35.00 5 $ enables us to offer are. to your advantage, for or XX, “ELECTRIC CITY,” $50.00 you the *VICTOR," $125. “HUMBER,” for a stated price. And we guarantee therm all! $0.00, 7 5.00, and best made wheel > =.00 and $124 Y ou can always find GROCERIES and of the very h a cle | uarters for CV cry body . ] OW JI0RE CO, LIMITED. E : : £ E E : E bE E : E b RY US! . % 1. 3 - - 11 perhaps have some doubt about w hat do for von mm our store, High-Grade GoodsRia— The onl ; Lk at Our matier mav be vou will be convinced, and 1t : 10. “shil oy mm pion © ————— where others fail. It is the cough cure and no home should | withoot it. Pleasant to take and right to the spot. Sold at Corner Ntore, HSHES DIRECTORY. VAN WILSON. Surgeon Dentist. sradiuioe Philadelphia Dental College. = pa whi attention gives to the preserva. tha of the natum! teeth. ArtiSels] teeth a sperdaily. trent Raildine, Patton. Pa DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND sURGEON, | Offee in Good Building, Room No. 3 | Ew Generst Surgery and the Eve a Speciaity All i rails will pewive prop attention, DR. W. |. DOWLER, ho a Beer a “a & Son's Beer a Physician and Surgeon. Speciality. OfMee in Mellon block. ¢ oe in SEO iM (ir Bettied Beer and Porter for! | Postale, Patton, Pa. eX} doe family vee cannot be excellnd. Prices | Ail enlls, day or nfeht, promptly reponded are reasonable, at Dr. V. A. Murray, FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. HASTINGS, PA; | PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. A etingtim Lhaek, nest to Postoffive, : ! Ciffiew in Ha. Ail night oalls wn | Patton, w {promptly Heopes of (Be one, nowe aru thrvst I given speetinl nttention, GFP HHS Two amand iftolpm JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building. - 10¢1. WH DAVIS, — Attorney and Counselor at Law, EngNsnsuns, Pa. All egal business prom ptiy attended to, foe in Barker Bollding, TORACCO and CIGARS { The ig tine in Patton at .. J. FITZPATRICK’S | Rewtaarant on Magee AVEnUe, near * A Famous Germat Doctor's Work. F Consumption is pow known to be! curable if taken in time the German been found to be an almost certain | ene for the disease, Asthma, bron. chitls, croup, coughs, colds, prieamonia | and all throat and jung diseases are | enrxi by Dir Great | rman Remedy, Sample bottles of ° Otto's Care are being given away hy | onr agent, OU. W. Hodpkins wipes 3% and 50 cents | R. F. Notley, | Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. gulekiy (Min's LS Large | § i f.utz i). + A A AS A A SEA UH YP ES MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Your Watch may need Regulatt Tet iy lok at it. Nos for exnminoal If 11 neads attention | tell yon, and if yoo — have us pal it in | shim we'll dor 1% wel] at a regular charge that f yon won'y obeet to TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. i a 2 Sd 2 Saf 2 2 aN on Our 1S store af Yr Pune Business Educaton. i Tus i Ande pris of Ny 1H Ting Cree ‘ 4 inka ot Khorthand, - Ing. ¢ | Penna shin at Pagiish Bra ‘ for [EPRICE OF ONE.BUOKS FREE. SEXD FOR CATALOGUE. ARE YOU READY For winter? [hws your healer give ye satisficttan® Don't pod t - 5 with trois assented $n last year, INMU LT us Syn [ Teatiiag oar howe, ther Le Darter cor sem Can give yon Be Ay work GOULD & BEEZER. ite PATTON, PA CREST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are preg to do all kinds of Casting. Me! tinery, iron kettles, stoves, stove repair, plow points, plow re pairs. Our charges are reasonable, Cid setal taken in cyehange Ba new work. CHENT SPRINGS, PA as the low- Pet 3-1¥1 Reuel Somerville, FE ER Attornev-at-Law, PaTTON, PA. OMe in the Good Building. M AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfleld Co, Pa Levin soetniiogs rath Pot of Ligteors wad Ww 3% thie bar Sigbhilong atlached. GEORGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. Parnell & Cowher, Livnds Bape LIFE AND INSURANGE. accoment HIJU REAL ESTATE AGENTS Phase Ni, 8 aw al Yon are not FIRE, we can sell barned Rill SHE. at EXEY, Pao "$40 BICYCLE Tho mgidyla wn i SRB ysie, This bs the oppsortaan. My for a hustler. Pur particulars address POWER CYCLE CO. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. PEOPLES MEAT MARKET, PROP. at the prices convinced 1s and what your uchice : 11 be arters 1 to De oi wl what way S0¢ pre] wi We are headgu MOCALL & JOHNSON, gs, . A Is t iw nlac eto i YA onr meat BICYCLE SUXDRIES The best equipped bicycle supply store in this state is Beto. We aim to have every part for a wheel as well us all of the new things that are useful. The prices are a little bit lower than those charged by other specially stores, Clear-the-Way Gongs. Hund Pumps eonch. lais, per pair, C33, LO0 and 2.00, Higa size, wy Bicycle Wrenches, 13, 3c, and 50c, 5-ineh size, - Patching Rubber, 4 inches wide, 1 6-inch size, $1.25. a foot. Bells, Lik: to 88 each. 1 Inner Tubes, gaarantesmd, ad The rss Cycle wood rim varnish stain, guar- 8 SUMBI enh 8 Cldss anteed to be weather proof, all the popular eolors, 26c a can. Best Rubber Cement, ‘tubes, 5c. In fact evervt Scores of others at popular low prices. Photograph &: low prices. GABLE & CO, ALTOONA, PA. large Wize ipplies of all sorts at Fi ily Adi JOOS promptly {it hing A ata: wit hon === GF0. 5. GOOD. in prices from H cents iranteed to the best ranging np. A + . Re (iy TF z £% + ii snipafl od Cal guar 3 3 ~ xii HQ 1 any HONEST WEIGHT! worth 1S Gur motto. money's or = ret. And YOY 1 May Walp Ny Sati, your home It « harge. mar HAVE McCali & Johnson, Patton, Pa. YOU TRIED U'S YET?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers