dy ! oe A a She Suan Mion it A SRY po A ab 24 HE HE « Cl i SS aI em Ap A aa NE a A little boy asked fora bottle of get! For fine « skes and ples go to Dao’ | up in the morning as fast as vou can,’ * hake t the druggis! recognized a household | 1s ‘ AA SAS ot SAE TASH i RO 8 hor BU i A Spi Effect of Weather on Ronds. rr i Different kinds of ei] by the new L. A. W. Bulletin: Clay nts tt AR ler A Short Cot to Maal, to core constipation by taking is and Inonrd SN rire goat wap from the old fash ished basement, seven rooms, on Magee | tants are usonlly bard and balted when | ary, but soft and unrideable when wet |" and gave him a bottle of those Gravel in osually | {famous littles pills for constipation, to | {sick headuche, ‘troubles. (. Pharmacy. or after a thaw. hard ufter or during a rain; inclined be soft and sandy when very dry’; very bad after a frost. Smal, loose, rounded | {that is, not broken | stone are included | ander gravel. Shale, when in the form 'g. * B church, Ditisburg, Pa, recog. of mud dug up from the suites, 18 8 nizes the value of Chamberlain's cough Remedy and does not hesitate to tell others about it nt | ad FY berlain's cough Remedy,” dry it is apt to be soft. Sand is often ' uyng find it an excellent medicine for lconghs, colds and hoarseness” does everyone that gives it a trial ‘Sold by Patton Pharmacy, * is the ordinary Hodgkins. wsnally very hard and smooth when dry snd well rolled with carriage wheels | . but soft and bad when wet; when very packed hard and smooth during and immediately after rain, but it is very bad when dry and loose. Loam, neuaily called * soil not incladed under the above; itis generally soft and loose when dry or wet; sometimes when it contains clay it in tolerably hard when nearly dy. Cinders are inclined to be sandy, but are sometimes packed hard and smogth; they are generally best after a rain and | worst when very dry. May Get Asother Term. I. IT. Sayder, of LaJose, who rec ently ;ompleted a term in the Western Penitentiary for sending obscene litera- tere through the mails, is in trouble agai. The charge is a serious one and will likely send him over agiin. He “and a cham worked at Mitchell's camp pear their home. The owner of the camp cocasionally missed honey, pork, | roger Snyder's cham was finally a admitted that be and Snyder had taken it. Snyder's house was searched and the lasing goods. resevernd.- Matalfey Gasetie mis apie 1 any of your family should be at tacked with a sudden cough or cold, don’ ml to try a bottle af Gray's eed wo boys 4nd one irl. ir. Buching- Dinar for the benoit of 5. Mary's Catholic church of Patton will be served at the residence of Jarses Mel- ‘lon, Esq., Patton, Tuesday, Muy 3d, at 5o'dock. Tiekets only 35 cents. Al ar vied ib prem. pame for “DeWitt's Little Early His phy win $0 The pleasant known They care constigs and billiowsness. Patton Pharmacy. liver and stomach Hodgkins, Patton thon, Ww. Ww. An bmp tant Ovestion If your friends or fering from coughs, col or any throat or lung disense ing tovsumption ask them have ever awed Otto's Care The Rev. W. H. Weaver, pastor of “I have need Cham. he Says jarge sale here and is performin Ry diseanen. CC. W, Cc. Ww. try Otto's Cure, 50 cents. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD «CASTORIA,” AND «PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” AS OUR TRADE MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of “CASTORIA," the same that Bas bore od Bove vom et of |, er This is the men | “CASTORIA" hich Tas ten nh Toe ont 2 or ayitiers of America. or wet Thirty 7a. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have o bought off on the | as the res of (har 2 2 wrap- by No one has authority from me fo use my name except “The Centaur Compan, of which Chas. B. Fletcher i President. March 24, 1898. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you Tecan he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gradients of whieh even Be does not know. Kind You Have | The Kind Jone doses of blue mass and nagseous little pills as De Witt's Little Early Risers. | sek headache | Hodgins, hbors are suf- sore throat, | | inclad- if Shey famous German remedy is having 2 a woncierfal cares of throat a hang Hodgkins will give you an sample bottle free. No matter what other medicines have failed to do Targe sizes 28 and “at purchaser's price offer refused. Avene, Patton. Four room: on lot. Will be sold at a bargain. Twostory frame dwelling on Beech | svente, eight rooms. All modern con- | ‘jences. Owner is leaving town and must sell. Will be sold cheap. investment to anyone with any capital to invest. Panxyri & COWHER, Real Estate Agents, Good Building, Patton, Pa. avenue, Patton, Pa. Owner will sell | All of above properties are in good condition and any of them will make a fine home, or would prove a profitable pl ph veg Ric an Two-story frame dwelling, eight Jiceases rooms, on Palmer avenue, erected in 1998, fitted with all modern conven Kina, un s Witch Haze! Salve at pile remedy. n Pharmacy. rreadfally Nervous Gents: -1 was dreadfully nervoos, | and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthennd my whole nervous sys tem. I wan troubled with constipation, | kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea ‘soon cleansed my system so thoroughly th hat 1 rapidly gained health and strength. Mra 8. A. Sweet, Hartford, CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. TRE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles es and Consump- tion Can be Cured. An Eminent New Tot Coe Sd Scientist Makes 21 Tony Fin sion that | means Simply to T. A. Slocum, M. C., Te ow York, = and he office and sTpie dre, free medicine will be promptly sent. DE 4 Please tell the Doctor. that yon saw his offer in the Parrox Cotmizn. Conn. Sold at Comer Drug Store. Beans visited the ar C. W. Hedg- morning. —Johnatows Tribune. OF PATTON. : Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. SURPLUS, $30,000.00. Thousands of sufferers from grippe end Rane A on the most have been restored to health by One be Minute cough cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bromchitin, pneumonia, | sities grippe, asthma, and all throat and | Mie jung troubles. CC. W. Hodgkins, Pat- ton Pharmacy. i § | Hem, Tr oat WIth and pp will have onr prompt and Interest pabd on time depowite. A. E Parrox, Wu H. Saxpromp, A.C.Fisher. 5 Pigures and Give us a call and save motley. Store on corner Magee and Fourth Aves, PATTON ’ PA. HIS Space Mammoth ee Watch for big ad. Er hp. a AIAN AEN belongs to GOLDSTEIN Department Store, PATTON, PA RidddibaAbI MARR RIAB LA A A4E TTT TS SR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers