animal 8 in inotedic Cite waters, wil r with nests and land mpots whinh | RBOwW "asin the | : ti po land aun binds, i vegetation { re the lowe ths Lt sejlalar Hue, List sl 4 making re despe | renpeotabin Life, sri to have this boghear Flaw fhe Te 51 of snared conn Josely £4 ho lator | Wer veh a tied asing hat up mine, up that I've whipped wife, hed such an beaten 8 hotel, "w committed a bur: suspect yon." bave 8 barrel of jet. ihe mutter. Mininers th me, kewyers offer to defend , Women rose me to a torn and to into partnership some of the worst yon ever paw call upon me with ’ to doing business,’ _"Iy doesn’t seein possible.’ Sen you it's right The thivg’ . sporate. Vvealways led a A be bobbing tp cont inoally is enough to drive & man craey. U1 believe its providential, Champ oy. ; wouldn't sooept that name of ; We With AH, Tes Just Re tive ax he Lvery one who ‘hears it thinks a a shump. fave it dlianged and thank your o | looky stars that sms oe else sole iL B ly i the continent of iki on oceans BED. When stat uw the Sen. it is of wood, it whip that ini : ~=Detroit Pro ax | Professir Eranins, oe of the sriost { abillod metallurgists in the covutry, 1 elaims that in thifredaction of siiver the are so subdivided ax to differ so materially from that metal that they 1 enn tio longer be re i sa the same substance, but a new ome and spparetiy the uf both gold and silver, or material out of which by a dif arrangement of molecules either or silver is ¢ Working that this new be ‘agrregated density than with an to | Staten it is silver, of as \ ever ob p farther | tinea bw a 1 Marasrons Eiudguon Men 1 ths Streets | somal black 2 Nubian fron Aira "Ther u makidon b No vup of jaw kv 4 a Psy When baly $oion 4 Tae. Wire mikey CRiEN Ror surthmt oo tard cf Bate Aw when Send In vain attain iB When Yala erik nd aed WHEE? BART LAUGWE 05 CRIB Ad pAticg Bott we swear oy dealt A= Yoel Taliy sve, i ors prewerl oil v. later Hip, Whether baby bac yhe of ction i wl Terk W. Bryan in tio | fri mae A TIGERISH TURKISH MOB. Eo Pei ray v0 CEE ais) ep Lim wh In ale 1 14% Tarper, # of Constaidivaple, Huck men a3 the bigdgron men one does not after sos in the gtrecis of Cone inopin, (Of ton bettarcioss of Turks there were Hons mmong Thin They 1 were of a cine like the rhe! ruts nod They ior, {rion the ays fo te 9 ang the Fheis longsivremen of westers: lnfdn were of all shades of © white skinned Laz aud © brown apd hock peed | faces were a stedy of 1 like the head of & Baiting Yale: ¢ fae distorted by malice mid prong; feos peared, as by fire, case ‘herdered in ig porance of all arept vite and ferorions aN ah Angry tiger, Bot] f those fares. trarned their way into 5 memory and remained for dave, a Bhunting revels tion of brotul instincts and banstly de | gives which made one wonder bow it was possibile 1 have lived in safety for weeks in a city comtning pg sch men. Thess mows were nob semed, in the potamon sense of the word Some of thie had wevolvers, avd the most of ‘them bad knives But they seldom peed sither, for awkward quistions might be | enised if the police were 6alled to so: sount for failisg to arrest arened civil: fans on the srects. Ontrying nx belves, pickar bandies, heavy clas, like base ball bate; jagged fraginents of broken scuntling—oarrying anything that oan erush the skull of man—this horrible ‘rabble flooded the strests of all Chris tors of thecity, like un ail den. wave, silept but irresisti- by duy was almost me « their howls by night. They sewn going tiong (he street, would meet an Armenian ye to nttempt to rosoh werd they wonid ud 40 ot this way, hardly el nt! re. , they had only to say. Juint: sad % horde of come tunping from one who hed statis that the expiedi- the river Nigen led Li Sg Le HAG ep © Eaten, which in torn FopianE inn ta its pees: oh Fires eer fed ct, Disvagrinee io disctad such tee too bls by, aed every nue Will reo Al iptetous of the gepir one gat bot #6. day vidi nedesmry serionaly to 4. | come dhs Lod 1088, HOW 80 1000H if Lani tom, of keeoiag wp The Boum HAS adLoetinic dd wath thee eranTy of voy great men. pe PEG Gi Trice is a litle “boom,” » fow of fhe Laithfel ter in on the opening dw gpd VERY they gO sway nnd straigat stray Aopcri ans snd proginciaie Keep © & shew of Paterest, ther the thie baragoes 8 rivers white elephant, of h terest ot of vm {0 nobody, Lord Leigh- fons honse is oat beyond Holland Park, atid, ms it is not to be eithes a whorl, 8 musta or a home, who is hikely sfter the first few weeks fo take the trouble fo go three vf four miles 10 visit Hr Fmerivs Oi Anite, reali Pringn Badweyte af Bidelir's i UERERIIE Bi A Flip Ce 3 pwd RA am Sr wf it in Osriy in, noather jt the hat stacd, wid the] walkipg sti... snd the dining room § | ‘bin, nhl the | way forget mboutit. For a yearor sl » bod qaite am experience] 3 Hideri— Ten We were dttiog there} be hi like so mau) wonchanek, sthen Sto Gora dangt lt sadienly books jute song, Rich fbn? Krad se it dnl ths resi Rit — fk sC0G BS Jessel Ji wee Ell Phe reat of 6s role away ots Trane righ. Teving and Stoker. Ket pany koe how that talented Irishonan. Mr, Pram Stoker, came to be aseonvinind with the fortunes of Bir Henry Irving. It was in this wise. Sir Henry, whim on 8 visit to Dublin, was inyiadd to» supper pasty, and during | the (ones of the evening was indooed to yecita tn Wis thrilling way “The Presi of Eugene Arava.” One of bis suditors, & young man witha trilliant seputation at Trinity college, wie 50 al foctid by the tragedian’s delivery that Le barat into tears emry Irving meked the Toung rosa to call on him the ext morning, und then spd her rande hizo an (@or, which was sceepted to the mu tual advantage of both, The yramg muss wad Mr. Dram Snir Lotion Corre: Speman. DU Te diay fu this wide world, I'd like w what it in “Mr. De Buffle—Well, for ons thing, Let on from ding un od maid '* but that town is on the Sene- — - There can be po doubt, bow bh valuable sclentifio in- | x obtainud, for the expedi- slowly and was admirably novelty was th om ols e apioren | a that hah rogin —Natare. Sern A Story of Cecil Ebodes. Otten mentioned is Cecil Rbodes® dis- | like to women and the fact that be | mot allow » female t) serve him in nay 1 way. Hn bad = secretary to whom he much attached. One day be mn- pounced the fact thut be was going to 9 | be married. The chief was thunder- and after glaring at him fora growlod out, "Where the dil [masa Vaile Le am 1 to get another secretary?” and then = o% | walked out of the rosm and banged the . " {door. His innate Salem | however, of heart, the bride with some lovely and diamonds, and when, soon after, he left hose was unt fying into the air. A ip? bad passed along the bad shocked them. Though when rescued, they quickly —Elsotrical Review. The Sclentifle Mind. A the dinner Bir John e remembered in 1870, full of war and the | thrilling, he met a who asked, “My dear I Bre you going to give us interest in the papers-— ut san spots!’’ This was Bir Jobn Ssnted actual symptom of | condition. West. | wedding calls at bis expense! | favorite secretary on. for England bs lent the young couple bis carringes and horses, so that the of- fending bride was enabled to return her It never oconrred to him, however, to keep bis The mers fact of ‘marnying onl that quite cut of the pale of possibility, Hale of “Arabian ighter The late Sir Richard Borton's tt Sotion ¢f the “Arabian Nights’ was» sold out in ten days and brought §80,- 000, upon which he and his wife Lived yoyally for tive years, At bis death bat | WHERE $3 remained of the som, avd Lady Bur: | Clearfield B.C. ton deposited it in he poorbox of her obarch. she aye of a fiy it boconstructed to tin bring the entire horizon within his cir ole of © vation, a fact which explains She extime alarsuens of these Insects in Lh acaping attack. iled after a bit, for he | 4, hz a i i Ears 4am PER ANAT » Ra aE mis wm BUFFALS, ROCHESTER & PTTSHONS AY. CaM “DIVISION. Lawn Toone Table tn Effie Nov. 15 ... ANT BOUND, AN. PN ILE ¥ in 5 #8 mls ofl “Sg SUECARESSE 00M BE AGAR AE Re ee ERERENCISRELY, WE PIETR RAN RD kus Bra ni uE em » & AM ¥. ». WEST BOUND, AN. Fa Raynoidweille. oon - 0% Nandy Vaile i Falls reek tl wt > it ot ih ds id toh of sual EUR BEERASENR REL FoOCERERRE HES £3 oar sonss seadE] RHASBLEE RY BUSSE k : a » 2 A AO £ ? TRAIN i ppatmonproriodyiv ie = - SHOE Sanday, srrivisg st Bp Br 2a JORNSONBURG IRA LLROAD. (Tally sxsept banday.; TRAIN ies poppy Jirpem Ay : nN — a i" Fo me 5 ¢ ot L200 noon : YIDGWAT AND CLEARNTRLD R= DAILY xxcEry SONEAY 2 x = * GE» eww grrr § resussarusven} | | SERssaasunys eq oF Lessa " Phatms LasveOOwAT. - a a re easy trea 3 ty ety preg ; Week Tuy 4d go § a Sutions $i band § £ ae TRIS drvive at Ouvold. | Se ed Touin lenves Morriadale for Belswus and wy Metinast tS pom. Touin arrives ad, Martial Crom etaena at for Phiiade Tend Sor Pitta igin #3 p.m. Battisore wrod “8. Te wos 11 B00 mT aad) Be caily Fa Podttng: on vI8 ¥. a ps om, Wve RABYR, i Erm year tin F Bop ATSo0te, Piite burg we West £4 oo and HH) 2.5 2907 Bh and 8 p. Slogger Lg TR mn. 5s ave and hy mat at J, ss. WOLES, T. MARYS AND SOUTH WES To take tte Moundasy. Ane. 17, 198, Daily, eXonpt Seadey. a ! Northway ii wg Tas i kT STATIONS. Maggi » =. p.m, 1 Is] 5 | os an Flas mba « pts FT BEBHENEEERENESNEL CIS A EO RR SR 1 gESpMBUUT=ARELGS || ||] Gant Pun, AGL et AL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers