ve private, for ite rosititenancs. It in rem | in uf those Which obtain ut the SE | Nicholas | ap way, and it ight be unwise to divers then Tha Chronicle conelodes with a soo- o | gestion for the election or appointme, : of bun advisory board of women whose (0 iit would be Vo advises with the over | peers, Koep sn 4% on the town farm, re. pert vm the outside pot aud ina geval y | way to interest themselves dn the Go i | partment.” Bot we bope the wi | will decline a peition of yespraveili iy | Woven are sligitie as overseers of the poor and should be ; chosen an wach. of 2 | without power, As in the gay winter araths Vefore Jens thers will be many ances maid 1 Hdinnereand sn pers seswom, b the ether svial doings i whic i one debatante iv 10 take hor part, oer Feud ‘dAnetion must b 1 after things sve fair w | JE DO% the day inn buen He ed pes ; arent wm five rusiing frist, pe | read an foliown; ¥en Curie Meats { Solves, | frmternity. Lo 46 coanterect hie societies, 05 | 38 ve Susnces of the street by offering resorted y attract ve and refiaing, and sock lorts ave worthy of 31] commendation. | t the new bey’ club is different. It | pis pot dependent on the etob yogi wel the Knickerbocker, and their mewn heeship Tiss is already foil | Their rooms are located in the hase pent of 200 Ehiridge street, fa ome of Ll wont crow ded quarters ot the sity of | he ArT of the clay or a ha {hiding strictly wif sp. prop. | Imabropists mast wath with keen in- | p | Dereat. | smoothing away the Yatton eft by 0 | the civil war than the mingling of | Y | northern and southern women in the are conventions ot club frderationa Paris bas a woman's club where botneloss women can spend thelr even- {ings and git their meals. There tsa good library, and for 60 francs a year a woman may become a member. All the | employees sbout the place sre women. ra me An excellent holder for & handker chief is now formed as a clasp, with a | | safety pin attachment which is Taatened to the belt or waistband. It in made of gold or silver, enameled or otherwise ornamented. : During the last year 190 patents have : been granted to women. Among these | are & scrubbing machine, a baby jump #1. & bed for invalids, an improved hook . aye and an adjustable rashes for The Louden Lady says’ that the taal Fr ed ie Sher ad Youn Hote all "plans - a AOeIenl | . | anh recreation. This kind of seseiation | Ewell serve fo devalep thuir minds, la ! wate their mons ad #0 thelr | i Shuracters god will dn wash to is them in ow barge factory iu Philadelphia Hav for naetnl citimmaiin tertainty this a an cvostiment the derelopasent aiid cotcome of Which phi- Torn Proriomen. : he following story from Wide [Aveake x poy pew, bul its trath wosched for, sod ite Sissons a so clearly Aenght abd wy Smporient that iv le with peppating : : Pawo pen ones Sond of the same a og ‘an hoor for their nocming very day, © DRI Aa he win pees a war 0 hi A rein Por thocsamds 1 Sis fellow men in grief And savory, snd whe when war wae vife Catied mighty troop 1 ut marched by drum Wo Prce Bical alse, Hn poabiie Bite wan betel © Hat great bn deni sod wand anil geationees A stetenaan Torn wear Ba Olle 's shore, Of hoe bile anverdny wii worited Dis way By strictly Bobed Srenne 1 Fret Saco. Fin sane you sil donbiiess have heard before, | Rat these few linen m_y shaw you it Soduy. ® hoe slices of cake in the pantry, Jack, and | Bow thetn bs culy one. How does that | Jack's Mamma--Thire were three ppt ht was a dark io thers, mam- Snsemminyomiimmn. | compromising dull, ! bit nies witha . of roman BT 3 I he Hops men, 5 Shdartock & to ean it ia scompiinh. in weavers may mnke puablie sddremes without Josing that trae delicacy whith wo should Bot cure fo mie Ia our raver an wetive pars. We even Sud that thew mientinga only bosoms more Dively and | | interesting when weonen Join in the exerci ~Conot Berpstorfl io Exam: ner Drab Ta Puen ~ Drab in one of the seawon’s favored reall it “winter aky,"” ee tx nn. Setuiliolite. sel not hike soft pun's gray, ews | silver, dove, fawn or este snd dainty. Drab fenots i Leriir dm ite en merits. We sseceiate | {it wih the costs and gowns of the 1 Qowiers, when far sirictey in sectarian | rs than they sre nr, J Puritan drivers of ibe with thelr nummy ie Put a French make 8 pown of women begin to take | Reline) aces Fegan an, | Biarper in wall qualified for the work: Ho ornlyig agin oe fhe is of New England parentage, but Bas spent nicat of ber Jifs in Inch Fer yearn shi was mamsging editor of thie Teves Haute Daily News besides Auieg sil fhe prper’s political writag fatter eho wan on the staf of he Todian. apoiis News, ring » fall share of the irerisl worl ad malig a specialty ‘of parsgraching, nr pi Be being widely copinll in all sre of the coontry, For 11 sears she tondooted 8 Acpart- ment in the Terre Flante Satawmine Even. iri Mn and for 12 yenrs was tanner. af with The Pirsinen's Mapurine, the mont widely comnieet labor migraine fir the eomatiy ot that tims. During this y, {tine Mee [liryer traveled, corriepond- Oe : Pets. igo Times and Juver Leader, 1 wipe ie Zonrosl Toledo Blade, Western Christian Advoeate, | New Tork @irieting Twiom end Chios Advance Mira, Hurper will pots Hoobs shone IB 1 Wn nndertake the Ail Ei a Axnony * crgve al abe wae | poser 3 drab oioth. She em pe ds ¥ od Danphy or Span- | : ; alt Stissienily and | i | Provchweman cosabines the dab mae ferial, with coon sloth secemsorios | braided in gold or striped with the sar. rowest linen of red spd gold braid Jad | ee Pmt, of oonriw, bs suy degre sven a ai by ise. Suw York Pum Avaber Hainer of fin ; J on whan, Shay Rave either members’ rights or Botiorary peivilegen Bat the dipper to Mra Bockeer partakes of a stmicBeial thurastey, although it wus semipublic funetion. Ji was, however, ft sense 8 dlimer of homer to the wile al | of a candidste, sod given at a club—a % pirfectly cotservative, simple a%air in e. | the development of modern social Tite '{ yet they are not sepposed or expected 10 mow how this money is expended and bars po roles as 19 bow it shall be weed. 1a thin taxation by representation? This town wai once my bome. Mise Hay snd Mise Yivton organined this Low. i ton chal 1 rejoice to see that it flour inhs snd Sha 154 members vin sake out so strong soa Their taxation argu rrr a good ae oat | Jobs in Flosten Woman's Jornal, BO SE RI Berahardvs Lofty Alm. 1 Yet bow formidably wadical it weaid {have seemed 2) yours ager” Danes snd Tarmpeaive: | Ome of th Invent Paridan confections i» bolero tf black ehiffon that oan be iu | dipped on over wuy bodice to lend an fr of festivity tou tole. AS the bak ihe chiffon Se pot on fell, with mx sows of shirviog that draw it down | Highs 80 the Daings. The sbirring at the front in pushed to make mx juss Twa fall fouilions of Blmek chil bo are plaesd at the srmbole sad fall yearly to the rlbow. Black velvet rib hen and baw bottons trim the belere | When worn with » white canvas cloth jews that Bad» blsck velves belg ihe §ffect wan dseifediy + new aed A chamming. 15» recent tune of rl Bernhardt savw: ‘I have been exposing to the public the vidbestions of my soul, | | Ive throb shu of sup Benet: the tenre of I have willed | pimps ine per Tod the man’s # a ERR TR Ro I Ae: A Costly Luxury. The latest satravagance of the Amer. i he skirt of Ber ball gown with patural flowers. This "suena not only that my lady's rusband | | puant expind $40 cr $0 in fiowires for ome evening, het that the gown will be | | roined after being worn three or fuer | | tives by the damp lewves and petals eof | $i EXPEDS ve fecoraticnd, —_— They ard shaped somewhat on the plan. ef a bolire jacket without sraahobes, {asectat the veel in front, whers they ct Vi nn that Jains swe the third me, [18 SEFOR With ribbon snd are finished | : el with a Havk standiog sellan. in which she nai © “ye the oid common baw nder which we live in Hlincis bad .» | DOL change! for the better durivg the | Ja 15 youn, life would be unbearable a monstrant. We wosnen workers ows our epportunitien to work at fair wages in varied callings to those pioneers who asked fon and aiwaps for the bal- ; Jot, which includes it all All honor wo B Azthony, our bepefactors,. Susan | Bitesoech Cody Scantom and cue gentle g uadauntad, devoted, heroic pereewering, snd immortal Lacy Stone! » Tousaiul Tiustion. J. Ellen Cadeils of Florenes, 8 C., is only 18 yesrx old, and yob sbe has been r | nu drammer for three yeast XN | floreed her to case for her invalid father and meother sed Htthe sister and brother, | pod she started ong By canvass ber slate far » weekly newspaper. She Wu pow traveling fir & Bath (N. XY.) Howie | posawe, thotigh a big fem in Chicago i» trying to get ber to werk for them. She ts writing & history of Ber experiences | ma a dressier, und it will soon be pub the following. which ‘will be : | interesting to women af large, “In al) vases where woman selects 0 superin- tend & bempeibeid and to be the mother of chilares theo: shall be a law artach- ing & pertiy. nut shisee of ber husband's earnings or incomne for her separate nee, | pagable, if sbndesizen, Into het separate gevonny. pie dn ng : Tos Opinions. Mra Lynn Lystop having ssserted in » London periodical that "the prettiest » woman in the world loses ail her dis | timetive harm when biking, the Countess uf Malmesbury hastens to may a a EY ERE TERI NE EE «
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers