Monday | fall and winter overcoat. 4-tf doctin doy, tendent of the Patton Clay Manofact- Satordny who talk most otelligeotly and effec. men, Holland; on {he Bast and South. Hand of E. D, Stes, and on the We a Many poiitical paket, ders} ins new ad on the first gingers and others who ose the voice excessively, rely upon One Minote | : : Cough Care to prevent huskiness and | oustutning thirteen (18) Acres, more laryngitis. Its valve as a preventive is or less. Signed, equalled by ita power to afford | in- 4313 PATRICK H Waris ng men have you seen our new ! puion Pharmacy. { shirts for immediate wear? They are The man who thinks ail the time and | the Iatest in the market. Prices right. never acts sccomplishes nothing. He Bri, The Furnisher. + is too sleepy to sasceed. The man who | Nabies LR acts all time and never think BE olor ot om Liserpaal, Oto, "All the time and never thisks | 7 undersigned tam fled an apph- Jilted frends tn Fasten on S°4es but does nothing that he telis himself. gation with the Secretary of Internal im Piper, the Optician, will be at The gucoessful mun not only Migs at Adhare of the Comucnweqies of Foun. | _ cial hotel every Tuesday. the time. but backs op his thipking ayivasia, for & warrant for a certain Intest of Dugoense hat for with actin Printer Ink. piece of vacant land, sitaste in Reade _ The syle id s township, Cambria county, Pa, wed winter at Wolf & Thomp- | bos te . Enstan Het by land of John Holland, and on the West by the land of E. D. Stiles, and pres. Containing four ( (4; arres, more or less. ero je Parnicx H Walls I An todate stylish hat for $1. BO at | Mirkin & Kosner's. -#itf | Nataral wool underwear §1.00 per nd {mult at Mirkin & Kasner's. See Wolf & Thompson for your new’ Revel Somerville, Brg, rote to snsburg on his bi Sutton 1 Fro Eloydavitie. ; The selcheated Rhododendron Park | toe work on 1. 8 Bare sew? in the ol ends or gi building on Magee avenne is about ail and in ne The lary t and A Hine of wint cate» rand speiacie tsi over oH clothing tn this section a Mirkin & “Mine Sout, J. 7. Botner, of the. Kuver's. 4441 Lioydsville house, hied himself in com- as , gradusie Chicago OPh- pany with his esimable wile to Eb- "| thwimie College, at Commercial hotel anshurg, via. Patton, on Friday last, | J ; | evry Tuesday. : spending some time at the latter piace : Robert Notley is able to be around among his numerous friends. They | Toe Bae 280 sioved scree Vn again fier a wigs of typhokd fever. — | tr, on Sunday all Hight and by the Racket Store. Monday morning Mr. Bonner | vetersn Repub: [as akickett will evens raunps of the We are now. prepared to give visitor to stomach. n consequence SL Lo Gearhart, of Ginsgow, was called upon GREATER the | to relieve the sufferer. At the present A writing Mr. Bonner has not found much relief. paper should say! Good grade of laandry soap at ghee; 1 4 ny inde py Movday moming the public school ete. por bar or 9 bars for ’ 2c Eyes avery yn with que | Tole soups Batter cakes in x! wm, Piper, graduate yf Optics, 8 roe attendance, and we hope that POX Al 6 cta. per box. 4 Commercial hotel, Tuesdays. Mr. Moyers, the teacher employed, Tan cotter pot 1 for trom the workiog kind at #70. wait up test i ech young American how to Clothes wrin tb the finest. at $4.50 suit at Boll's. shoot’ slong the right road to suc OM. Letts and his corps of brush cess. " | weilders are doing the painting on © Peat O. Lo Miller is condacting quite EB Barton's new house on Beech a large class of music in this vicinity, : + and the school heard is contemplating “of employing him to teach in the pub- ie sehools of this township. Jones—What paper furnishes most points to the public? Brown Be “ - * 140 5c $1.30 gun 8.25 ingens loading shot ee at half price. Infants’ Children's and Ladies’ and (rent’s Underwear at the rarest bargain prices, And don’t forget that we are giving who was superin the best values in Shoes, FE McElfres ‘uring Company's works in Patton, departed for Penrith, W. Va, inst ; no | Printers 1 Ink says that the best re fixture at the Lloydsville do pot come lo WS ns righ sharasters, of THE BAZAAR. wbo talk the , but to those. Loco dinss we have quite a collection, we must mention that Prof. J. W.. | Scott, the celebrated geologieti freak smoter of socialistic leas, is Call and see them at Patton, Pa. ; been very snocessfal in locating valk ing con sitet only aBnoy- mable veins of coal around hire, and x, but is dangerous to the he predicts the development of the has it. Cough {same In the near fatare. lu ign aps dete and the price--§2. 3.00 the price is & third too low. | Bt, Shoe Dealer. Gest Triamph. instant relief experienced and a : ; t cure by the most Spetdy vot, of Youngeown, Oe, and grestést mmedy in the world oncle, F. J. Ouo’s Cure for Lung and Throat die monthe, gages. Why will yon continae to irri- ‘tate your throat and lungs with that many friends terrible hacking cough when C. W. Mind Your Eye! ng And ox that! Sl literally. » two druggist will tell the body, the eve psy re- ; Jreyrend hing Grr car now sold in every ceive the the utmost care. in the Tiatted Broth sown and lage on this continent. Have ee ave vonr eves examined At each church he hd Samples free. Lange bottles Scand 2c. : - a +s WM. PIPER, etter, eczetnn, and all similar skin troubles are wured by the me of De Witt’'s Witch Hamel Salve. It soothes AL OnoE, and restores the tissuos to their Yh _ natarsi condition, and never fails Ww of this cure plies. C. W. Hodgkion, Patton Pharmacy. One Way te be apps. In at all times to attend to the COM> who has been con or te ame mercial Hotel Tuesdays. hf sinc April, lof that of them cateh a slight Cold or Oc istity with a ball and prepare yourself and eall at orice on OL on stnch to hi ight, and was W. Hodgkins, sole agent, and get a ‘Will wear our Cl and LOW PRICE, What we way did yon see our line of ings such as Hats, Caps, tes, and everything carried CALL AND SEE WH. \T WE HAVE. Respectfully, Bargains than aver. vincer! that the Lakies of Patton appreciate What part of Why their Shoes of elegant line of Shoes I am fully con and demand that which is up to date. attire are they most particular about ? course. ‘That is why I have put in the which are positively the very latest ont. Such as the oth Century, Low Cut, Large Button also same thing in lace; also a Jarge assortment of Oxfords in both tan and black, prices to suit all. Ask my clerks to show them to you. I know you will be pleased. At no time in the history of Patton has there been such a large and magnificient stock of I haven't nearly enough room to dis are many pretty things m my er seen. Just think, beauti- an't be beat in Phila. You have the pleasure of as are on my shelves, lay them, consequently there stack which I know vou have nev ful wash Silks at 20c. por yard—c will ind my clerks only too glad to howing these goods to you. § It is a well established fact that nothing but the very orcest ‘are on my shelves which I aim to sell at the very lowest prices possible. ; a | My stock is complete, There is scarcely an article in nse that cannot he had | in my store. Not only Si - {ike to state that if a€ any time 700 desire anything from the { will cheerfully get it for you at exactly the same price you a pay if you were right in Wanamaker's store yourself Kindly give ime a call and be convinced that | am selling the best guide for Ss Fitie Money An you will Sd In luge ition. Graduate in Optics, at Com- din dobnstown. Mountaineer, trial bottle of Otto's Cure, the great ; ; o siliion io| German Eemsty, P= We give it awny to prove that we have a sure Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Con- : | somption, and all diseanes of the Throat people eft he performance. ‘and Lungs. Lange sizes 500 and 2h i A fashionatie pvercoat is what you little one and was watched will want. See ones at $7.50, $8.00 and rowed. $10.00, of course we have them finer. gh . who escaped from Thus, one at $15.00 is 2 “Illy bates. moony Exe en's he wear. po tle men stock 1 un € shi FR clusive Chik partment for at 2, 2.75 3.30 3 We are told daily by many that they YOUNG MAN If you wear one of dollar bill you save by staying away Bo hur G8 Ee Jar nothing ; Sanmetihing Special. from him either by the Anyone residing within a radios of lice The sheriff fon miles of Patton who bays $15.00 worth of goods at our store will re- eeive his or her car fare free both ways : © Mm & KusNER, te . Good Building. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is an : The | antiseptic, soothing and healing appli- Dok. for burns, cuts, scalds, bruises. Glance i eC At Our Window our for your ins fon. human fount, All ready pr for the shape of the ar Soho! shoes 3 specialty. New stock of Fabricsfor Fil ill and Winter of fine material. Made of Gnest well t aps. CAPES. Ooms in FUE Boovie, Ker ta any Se * have ¥ styles for Ey and. from at $175, All-wool Site as good as we show you for 6.90, 8, 10 and fit They cannot fail to please you. The is all new, up-to-date In every vanety have seen nowhere Nobby Suite at $5, #8, and $12, cut the latest fad. made well, you connt a few fram the tailor. SHOES. L With atime re Every year has seen i table enongh, stylish enough and pretty enough to please the mont
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers