per First Month Ending Oe- A tober 7h 1896. Sac. a re aan Twosen” Gertrude Noonan, : Declamation. ge CT Sons Aner » Vout o “en i . “Lien Nell” | ne sg VEE re Ra Ao we cbt Sided Gopi M- 2 ; AK ney's Marsh I WE 1 feeltation |. Tepe ut Wendie | Asaresnitof a F ritian examination 9A Dream”. ™ § al "awa Cowher, (held in the High School, the following | Vooul fet, in try Sue pupils deserve special mention for bx- per. “Fhe Npeettin collence of deportment and highest —_— average class standing, and examine Mex Hours, Bec : tion-only thoes whose Averages are Vinousia Dis, Pres. above 90 ire included in the st: Vir: DUNCAN BANDPORD, Vico Pron gina Dale, Sars Holter, Fuanice Clark, © _ Desh of LoleGrowell. | Annie Kinkend, Duncan Sandford, # eviroly oud Lula May, youngest danghter of Mr. Francis Freeman, Annie Moore, Eva | alto. and Mrs. T. J. Crowell, died at the. Crain, Minnie Holter, Morry Lewis, | the dorsi are of Catholic home of her parents Sheehan, Howard Swank, Walter 1 An the bor of the on Sunday evening aged § years 1 Ch Katie Wilson, [the ofes thal has grown : », aan th, was { month, nd 39 Says Her dines Wat | rooming he pro he sev or | widening ont of said street, and csus provided that the poles shall be neat, a poles shall le lees than twenty {feet fy length. : 5 Swi 3. The pole sll bo sraded dnt at the Mothodat Episcopal The following bills were presented d Street. Comm ittee, a shall be ine y Sanday school, and loved Bpiopel ter, "Bina Brides, Sadek Holo; d on motion w carried that th Pr a | Jest who said “Suffer Little Children poy Emma Sheehan. same be accepted as read snd orders © he Seid ¢|to Come Unto Me," snd now she has J. Hane, Teacher, drawn for the sane: Hunter & Raugh- AH AB gone to live with Him in the home of Foun Totmmetion.. ei nm er : Average attendance, 43; per cent. of attendance, » Honor rall--Howard the pure and the good. 2 tale theese Jigen % aid He And ny them in My bevgat: 1 aut And i on or lows” et Be carte of or Chas. W. Haden, | dward M Mor | a 1 wan completed. | on ino. and priviledges herein ay Wasson, after which the body was laid on, Howant Te, Ghares TE the clerk be in! Company shall furnish fren of cost to : : : hemp mn Ingles, Danlel | ond to address s letter of thanks suid Borough spane for ite police and fy [3 Mr. Robb for interest. and courtesy | fire alarm telegraph wires upon the | Vay Stare, J hw doing vl comtemsean of i) LL Sot PRA. to tig Oe : | Hogh Hunter. ' bridge. For N. Znouamens, Toacbr _ The next busines Council attended. Third Entermadinte, to was the electing of a street dom- | Average attendance, 38; per cent. ot and fullowing is the J of | STSHI , | attendance, 92. Honor roll-Emma | sppiicants: 8. E Jones, Edward Glass, closive | Enugh, Carrie Holter, BAith Spencer, Wp. Jacksos and Jus. G. Bradiay. On | Annie Tate, Bdith Tate, Clarence Blair, motion 1 was carried that the name of | Hunter, Dal Jones, Charles Kewsie?, | vote takin, which resulted ade Peter Kerrs, Carl Lauer, George M “ and Mr. Jones was chosen fo fll that ; | ers, Thos. Rounsiey, Victor Spencer, office. Weak responding sec. WAr3 Wolslegle, co To loving pion was preted Botoogh fs a nary fo personer tl . Ina Decxemy, Teacher. 16 Counel for considerstion: ‘property, fom the doing of any work retary; Frank Bauman, financial seo Cl | retary; Frank Yingling, recording seid Sitaemiedinte : of Patt 0: : th i hervin sutliorised, or the neglect by | wecretary: Harry Bock, treasurer. The Average attendance 39; poroont. of | vers citi | said. Company of any of itn employes wh of this ‘Houor i Palmer the oie ‘of Patton respectfully | to (omply with any Ordinance rels- paren of this srgmisstion fio |_ . Hut Lewlap Manoel, shosth is : rea 3 Eo - | tive to the se of the stroetn and alleys and the members wil, in * short tte, | Sharir «Maho Wallace Boyer, | tection | 1d light, when no benefl was | of said Borough; and the acceptance | pend their leinure hors benifit | Brirrat, ude Lewis, Mary Ander. | spect ls your honorable’ body a ‘agreement by it, to pay to farther advancing themaelyes in the | S05, Zella Waomer, Elnor Blunquist, ‘have some relief granted your peti-| id Biroogh any a any elim Mite. Besides boing an tnatrance | Mary Howie, sts “Lackett, Jonnie § : nt to them a just propor gitatie rom, or by remon of wach er, it 1a alec a buncicial organise. | Bruesn, A ver. Yiuht and they will ever pray, &o. an a » tion, and the Coumrsm wishes the Sana Jowes, Teacher. | Sioned] James Me — P So sacs wd Compuny shall a all | Young Men's Institute success and | Hirst Smtermoediate. oelly & Co, P. J. Hertaog, A i prosperity. | Haber, Edward Ane Swe ua saa | narioes nov i existance, or which may Two New Dwellings. RA lh A i 90 RIN AP ih ob aaah 1. Mx fon. oy A Ran, Charles An Ing be two stories with a one story kitchen | F008 AE land, N. O. Patterson. yo ! | at the rear 9x11 feet. Micond Primary. On motion it was carried that iotion: 4 : E. Will Greane has the foundation Average attendance, 55; per vent. of gn the above petition be carried over. : about completed for a new dwelling on attendance, 9. Honor roll—Tomasine On motion it was carried that Street - | his lot on the southwest corner of Pal-| Holter, Rox , Mary Sumer: Commissioner 8. E. Jones be instructed ‘mer and Sixth avenues near the M. E. | », Henrietta Northnagle, Josie 1; build another span on thi wet side Bn. _Blonguist, Kate Cullin, Clars Shor of overhead bridge on Mulntyre ave- | foot, two stories with a two story bay | xq wrtha ett, Clara Jack- purpose voiding window fing on Sixth svenus. son, Hope Irwin, Elva Johnston, au fo he uta oh & % Shunkwiler, Hannah Wilson, May A nani! then. adjourned fo meet on! by pe k | next regular meeting night at § o'clock | | Linthernn Church Services, Bey. J. 8. Dis; pastor onde |
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