{ mantelpioen. 4 Himmel i WH Ho AI SPY od Whey Were Gt nod Prnaneh to Tell Thelr Truth Was Doub desl Load were Haisin sit OPA MW 3 Pre in the pastor, ti Jeck to slip into an Non an’ t cat yout pekid the mg to bay ak jute the CORYETw SLA tell a story himself Wall moder ordinary sircamstances | I wenldn't call 1t good Tock,’ ripiied | the pan with his feet cn the WM wntel, | “hut in this instance it Jed to my fateh: ing the largest Sook + iver fared in this! section of the oonntry. Il happened this | way: I was arte + apcpnd the atrhole, | and at last ran plump inte it Tht bow er part of ry body went node the Jon, but I was ghia to held myself ap by the | arms At Jast 8 man came 19 Bolp p IpE emit, but one of my skates seemed tw ores become entangled in something te ooow the wurface, arid he Bad 10 call | for camistarcs. Several porsns reepemd- add, nid by thar anid efores pallid | me nl 8 for pond rock bass thyoagh | the a rhode. The Jaws A the Ash were | held ayat by oe of my wiate bhndon I RAPPORE, a oe Aded by way of capiana- | sion, that { must have strick Lay font | ay his ron , when 1 first went down, Jt was fo anaiterad SOTHETS of | ophuion that ©. There Was man vw ho had bees told of an adv Vang gm a be yt ig pe Te re Ltn Tue J font pre opt! WL th $a a ; aA feat § if 5 bis foot on the | | e tapi Tindale ed | coh, I hb ad the gerd | grag <x : that good lack. dor van who b sil bed ry ! and : x § speaker was 8 Har 5 chort pause, and the waiting for a chanee wi om Lae Enperior : e said that whi siting the raving, far fips he was PUT ed hy a roonSwons go oy wif “The wilt ch hased me abomt eonsidirahiy, : he said, Always was 8 heat any wolf that was when it carne to gett ie joa After I had rn ilrle ariral, taki things Hike fa I weonid pot hits Las n Gash weosited $0} ies iy weg od skurer and ecoandd | cvur created | % fun with the | sive $00 gee 3 ges any Sea a camp i 8 yours father, Cemerid wntil the cio Black River, «31 feat ¥ wikis Nis 144 ip ARF tues BE wmades a Cquastirk. AIT 2 place.’ A foot and son oRberrinn's head A La fined the gener al best, | dso Thonias was there and inelived 10 1 £LARTANES sive When | takes upon tho knee of Confederates Drawn into conv Isao, he bluntly remarked, HEY. father con Whip Fou fellows every 10 tm Sein winter. gated as to how md w bx i Jk Bip then, Li Sw y pL ened 16 give det od informa Father 56, OKR men hd A FRany tannen t Ri pany y ay i iid 5 20% 8 ITE toes whl Eh Et : BT wr nt Jur 1 bores, ah id wy man fhe Ye that the pert her Li ond LE Sx 2 5 53 bid mot : 53 £35 ® . ih Lu re th ey ; hex wanted then | 4: LE fener Lene giz to bloe 3 BELION, fron! Then: 18m you most be court ou will ¥ 5 hgh 2% Yo not "hot, tar he was toll of HR v Eadatias PE AaNRe nT rs be re a ow 1 fiz x gr pot fos than bo ta ea dit 1 il : vo funny atpwered Mr Ev are, toa pron too proud Yo make # il, Is gutsa Journal ; i fg DL iy Tes Eve Boge—1 pee the we ib writer, Weld, thay Be t to have a bad speil of wreath ¥, Pini pcan v6 1 OF URTEGS Tor ane aus tani owe Fe o hs reds 3 ¥ at 1 wasn't afraid, beokuse 1 © arornd on the | 8 ; . have tanen AO Fie has * pt RO! HEN ~ THe RAIN. & oaring strain i | Sravies Tid by We Tie pird | ary name i and alerts plains or wl TENA 3 eral LR CONE SPD ORTSMAN'S AAEBIT ID | ¥t 1s to Host In the U indieenvired Patches Alang Americas Cost, { ‘1 tell Aon what Iw ¢ gai a pian whos fife is sent poy ing about from city 0 Vis her emg | wed from park to forest. “1 wonid like ihe te sa ¥ s: 4 * j ta own a schooner it to weather an gale ol the Seas and travel i n it np and doen the American coast freon Lalas for to Cape Homo wd north again © Boring strait. There's a whale fot of iid planes one afd visit seldom ot foe ér heard of “Take ft about Cape Hatteras Now, | hat do yom Know abont the mainland alomshiore theme? What can youn tell of} ne "pees nie in the BUambs thers and o ws these piople find in he [ris a0 Litre, you i wee Io Fores Thats there is a whe ol for of the of Mo bid a shee line, pot to meh Sal ® © Rn 60 nly the other day I heard of a Indhans on soame jslands some sir shat way that bay Ia pokes eer with asd por shorguns ] a Gras of powder for ' ¥ what sport a fellow | wd Xi oy would hava among | ow'd lot hin What is moore i what fley buy with pure seer powhite pian visitod | wot eome back to toll abont ths Indians sy wheres thoy : oon 19 1 e aloe in wf teil ger mare gan shan he crigdd got fina any 3 fe BoE ti yg ark oF ye val we oat 2a Cait : a JO gangs, 8 5, with stacks FRECIUGINR i Ww iep. as J shu 3 BE 4 id tho man had Cgasootl bark Yad % wa fo oF i HR GUIWTL wh pty TO hd. AED eR A ¥ 4 ert £355% wieand and 1 sap Ra Tew a aed 10 it. for 1 bhava often sen pon to a rod 4 ua ap the han or 5 Ble shantin pa foet fro oi : the | ight to Sra REE of FI hogan 5 Srriboratise pottery will p core fn, and rabbits w iii have an oe | published reputation as elmiers it in i Anatesiia the aa sported rab besran 16 baked ties wid «of which they are & patban proof feaoes Sra of aliimals with hab of envirommens roms tire 4 Sante g, rats thas are has build nests Gd itions, And 8 rbunbl davelD thins fixes bo J LORES Ua flor Dilan, t at the linen eounter, and Kool so sadly perplex: in brown said xympa- pe wat a Ly % » th gird rally “Why, Mar, w hat wo miserable’ both FRC rn grknow lodged May ad 1 auarreied bit F and to save my Life l ind whether to gu litem 10 sxpesthe a Le matter? You tis 5 wi ok hey oir To DUE Ie Tal ah BEAL vif ber pT Gpn Ha SE f the Lamy fay nN + geapiadt a A wiles porth and £0 mal islands and Lands somth of thers | © painted, A put 4 PALES APG H hot Your i the Paci! When : and baild of 8 crane In piddair. Inpaen, jike a : goh Gree Before 1 oY ir Agai ¥ 4 Jen - Rann for a head and I he tons Tie sand hill crane Aghter of men if wonndi safe crane is x dead a 5 13 & ® Tou habits ing in ori {he prairios DRrtIns do in the wn sary Poh are frst [hari Fan¥ast PEER 88 21 Whur WW as ¥ 43 AER her peas ties id rH name rose, they Eyer J poy fil Dave Tae! i 4 slopes rharas apt ic ale shad ip? WARY flat ie peressary fo prove pi aii Ith and 3 gris was on a ge san rn 5 an Art at 3 C CRU DE vv surncrs of the Antics of the Sand Ul Crane. rand hl. ¢ crane 14 a vory bright A Roewentiog winter day of THE MANUFACTURE OF STIMULANTS fy ABDRIGINES. eS Ms AB La id Fermented pistitted LAiguors With Wintel fhe U peivilized Natives wi Her. ent Paris of the World Prodnes “rank.” ¥rom ihe White Man. and Bg Pas Learning ta fart that up tothe of the whites the Jndigne generally ¥ had An for to 3 apn It iv a rem es wi pas wigs arid % ye canted Binds dre ® wes iy ark ya sre patie Leroy An ETN edge of IMIORICADBTE $8 i > 5 2 ad Taw spfarently, hot PUL poses, Cioong semtbhward in those days, however, might have found alenhelie Bin 5 wl nee Foen at the pines t time the natives in that pais of he warid moke Add soyt of bier oot of crn. They wet a woolen Blanket, uy it iy thi snp and spread whe Je grains of A mais apn if Tha grains germ Ngpronting and sending oul throngh the * tore of the him j¢ kept moist. They are then parched aw ard (0 a coarse meal To this meal Hetle yous, mnde by | Cahewing some amd ablowing vn ferment, is ac od Then thi staff is | mized with woo r and pat away in ja | Fermentation lows, and as it dlwine iahiex the liquor hecomes as clear as yol lowe amber, whieh condition it is drank. It is quits intovicating. Reveral vary floscord, tim £ a RK aio FIs aeas ayia intic Mex traveler wepely for caren TINY ty re Fv 3 $e i Five fry Has! #1 tates TEEN aby ® i Bt te 1 g oar Bones 1 2 Hi apparent © lapses wn sive. as for instances poser id rears the air with wheeling Wit the groopd with we, Bat again pit oa Bo ng op. thy pking Ur pet decoy, 1 tried tap him and ston hime He wh uscd TOY RUN 88 jg A to His wing toy CF etl JR te $10 ry ties | pret bi which th # £4) 4 3, id re. x fe sivaetBing « $f a Li £ niy | Thole Lilis are hb or { 3 ad tho Fy £33 a and gharp ard are oy el a Jnan Hay, nad hill crane has some that max of pine than toma? $0 Lhe studen tof binds £ them} have to whieh fiw as 3 ne put SUF FRLN- £3 RE juices of the w even heats, and peoples as» hans of drinks In paride nme rasa trees, Tr frees, XN Wirals trees nad seh 8 spoon were taped for She ara br. invited. dais from Tana at re Oh ¥ $Lris $i bw Hie Furvrias The willow, errs wud walnut are sniel 10 Tha Japanese ody frireminting plar, gyn i pat atostont fou LHe pach finewe actually ink fed motton Wik ogy ¥ 3 5 1 § Jer deine & ui beverages fron iy of the LE tharwot i % & 4 hpi 2X #5 bE Mn af A £ sine Eps bs § & ape ntl of Ee @¥ Ing cir 9s MAE came read thas they drip waker Tat ie pid Alwar vi ' welspral thn Ber a i i in a x thar of a wad ETI 5 vhae Tin waved 1B oant in Sarton Puja for Teg aed wr Acmsideralie distanon in NY per feetd clean tin thay Tyee a hr y iad x ial iim ALE a Warr Pant ka Ti hasan probably suggested ahi a3 dirs Prigin ts them by United SHY Molasiew © yogetablos of any wort, Mise stoeaaly C0 Are amavis feria Ears . A %s with iu. senueoted tube £5 uh AE wr {ik WOT iy Ler ary nf was ia few 1 = (vig tives spasiy, nd the ahah The it BHTW : wit mmr caer Eat the the ’ vasun |, hus Sisiiied 9 dries fmm porary mnie the aborigines of Mego anid bowers angusintsl en ppfovicants 0p she fie Pi wit 1 wi Fo F504 sat rN re ent Ea 4 Ow $ tis § x ¥en ty ¥ Seineipe oof Ji still At premat, bow aver. this oinliyy general He ARIA Maen Ol this santinenl Apaches of sonll lar Ar {Eins IBaRe WB pare Pp 1 smadld Species © the hearts of ¢ Pie Dalhages, 4 oe anins ints. From farnons Cmesenal, which drives who drk 18 to sheer vam dries, spiritaous Griosd am pads from hanane. Bananas wins oe clasped by prossing the frat t thivomgh Baws, after whieh it ia msde inte ettions, dried 1 shee stn apd dissolved 10 water when aston Tor ue im the wist const a? Xfries LIA canon t wo son a bare eged wor: an cumin va glgantie palm t wilh Bb cHR ab ots AF bppppessn sige BURY sennd her pwd Wheat slie Lins read odd vi Virstmsh, sus SRG thom gree, and t Bering to Gow Penedtly the ¥ 5 Used bee tray AgEALIE ARR Sole $i nash wheel be kaa uo RE 32 + 4 REEL RARELY { Afpiian 0 he his * cuotns. They cut out he tan, aman tiling Lt gral An the (np abnped me etd the sap acenmu ix the Uply lng are aiet ail wis Lo ale knife or, better against the sted wo Sasthern FF pip ene left soeiy FERYYY hw Tava Wall, they Many he i i= we 0 a i IER Li ia i LA a tralian ia rested Gon tha yrs ei and the proximit SRLS # oo A PE Tow x om i» bys aE perfain ual Hea nt wid ent i ix Ax THe, sar Phe ddes 13 wopapt testa of t aforted, Thins wer if dis mH ; Po pret whos! ig TErY vial ies what SPE ESE Wey ther fe Sil fa iabash 4 J 23 af aianr adi : wn th Ribs ca weiald arp 3EIR 4 Cereus, Yih iid A ged Lae Tine Darul f.iherty, Egqueilty and Fraternity, paper 18 wh iy ansized, the of sizing enabling it 10 thie uj ry dnd retain the wk of the writing on which it is ud i AIRES fn they did nit gmake It a8 ve dol : Pooexlom tardy i shy panse & i Pean be . an lel mmy oR w of grasses, hers and | rita of sondry planta, the | of too car eans and aloe, and : asad By various prites | thelr san, WHICH Was fermented to 18 ae pinms i pro. | $ when slong of The Evils Which Fit it Surtees Mas tiention May Be Avoid nd Jr wo whl takes ton toda to Tnmerate | nanny ithe wi hie pay epiring from seth,” siabd Dil Bhevby. gH chi: hav aed pink knows bast wood enesnad psp § CB re hy Hi aim jive in ep Ni tober ad lon tell © uy at cal Hires, Tit pedigreed hnots fron doting kd of conse iniiaering the Wag Know * % RY 51 pry Firs Pre Yak £3 ny’ gonial ney SE 5 ¥ Ti qed hy 4 a4 8 tive G1 Tr jestion To pepe mein dat pon {lie prowess of pinstication should be tharingh Nea fine Jew will arecnnplinh Bh rosie in It 1hvis sirion & iw Eneompiei the attendant ovis of iil Saewtion are | likely to follow. Olhus thi) question of | health in interposed a8 8 jrimary ond fromm aches aad Pains mod ape nearance tale seonimy pice se the many fo nenralglis sosby toperar iat ing milering a great many owns Fal ox tones entity Ivy to the prosen 0 f fanity teeth, They | pemeddind only by the proper | spegtment of the diseww of psta Whim Vivig is done, a poner of fiervons discr Ddery read yea oy Ew CEE (ETE Fe Sev re Har tpn id SEE a8 All ont, Tecthaphe, pure and Asratiiored nr an atten I: sendin § iin} Lan of swap A010 teeth a be for and prevent ado a lir fortune. Jhmuy instru THE frm Bh ari ahedute roped w 4 Plortls wel Wil EH popes TRE Zi9y Bio uw Bey TM wit ls see a aentist, Pernille Fao sian of wn Man Who Was wWoanmpaiod Fo the £) irik War, ERLE WARY, 5 Kir w fate deat 0 | Ww t " The Chios Indians of neath Alas |g Aistiil on foartul tavernas called | ; proCeE adopted was i r i 3 { 44 TAW mae | The mash i& pot iota a ixrge tn antler | of shu Ba llow ste of | Win sate is buried io i" andr the san that ine i frank fresh and peo | | focloraty eur farther Fitly | tie ih i ib a the whites the eaten of ghetiaation 2 1 Bo waxy the sap of thin sap thew distis il the | thie | Lie theme % Were iby a Pavale, aioe lesen TR BOING hz in abut hae ode of his boy wiven to him by =o Ross fis Toes Dewild Laie tn pt Pmt Bosna, FE ak asked fhe 51h TE ul the ies Ww ~ 1 wind y to be were hi wetter. grivations of & aoa. trots Al ETE wed SERRE Wie Ik GARY Was with led TES sand dy, anor hay nas Saeatid Cal x ix prwEpapwr In dey 1 saw ik hi whieh bg I ix 3 ed ET FEN A HBR ETRY, 1 wher wk Bad oh 4 he i Phe father had 11% Up Kee, 8 nally {3 Cathe FL Brtida, 2 and $3 Se hie basin, site #iutehed tin t LrigHel ERS x buat shart 3 father Ew Chen she hapgs the it ap and { brid ES } i i ari fa TRL er wiles ard ail Suse A Tay Hae wien Be « Baby | canilnd at it wy ret iiniiaas Sb INR are § E00 SELAH Mon arnt ko IV NE anti in sehether he Las aptitude fo a La emstin] shal every ay x icy RUE iy RAR foi 1% tL GT REL melt ns ¥ § 3 & X | povation in a senuavion wher it Afar President + hevelsnd was he msde ont 3 fixe mois dierent Othe apap of The min He peasid Ch tA nt ognmantahbe i fro be goin ited Clie th Lg ay ons, with Pragide 0 4] appoing them, Pleased. Rarters Tounatios. Mr, Harter was the anthor of an fn office seaking which created was first diwldeed. elerted 1 of evers federal fea aud] writs OTR ie ark Loved ost Gila He had 8 wide ao- imei. having Jived there tay dembe Pera 18 tha Affe vont yo whose judgment ‘he had confl- without saving suvthing mi & copy oA this Hes love land and satd iw poeisitions for all the sre frwrnw dis i yon desire 10 he very munch dusters to know my res 4 any particular pian for § www) bot when De sas # 3 ¥ a 3 fren, $i Af #1 2 These sr if yon sope foe selentin any particu} ar jHace, what) be gind wo give th point | snlanit tyme 1300 oot ain If son think proper 1 ap- athiers 1 shall not be offended. 1 pew 84 3 aieiter of duty and shall mot approach yoo on the sub mies | am sent for.’ At the sama time the Kst was pub. Liahed in the Jocal papers with «3 ane | porn Eernent that it would be neeless for apd pemlily to Lhe ordinary | FLAN mie Fro tinal sept 3g is : sirfare of | they I Chm pATes Powis, Dank eke will shortly 1 de Moran, the any ong tO attest 10 persuade Mr, Har ter tis recommend any perscos but those anand eed bem Record. A Man Withoat a Pasi When Adam bad shaken himself and 4 arennd him on the day of crea he indulged in someting Hie the oy. oars wr iia wilis AEN sii ir har 10 Basing evil ne if 1 were mpany 0 Keep nes bard thew 18 wo thing | can oragratulste ony] if ap in a 1088 without a a 3 £5 a TREE = ies, Vikan, yall ab the We Mo 1 Het for Fhe Zire the wind, wd pry 4 ATH ARNE §% al an any other lant and $ Eyed, aR len the wise, pi bogs cogvite rhe 3 A eatun Log _Fgpt as Art FIER SEE Te “wt with though the tries af ve ats aed funet fer there Was “We have three as the one found Mervteat Toll al Amaron, perfect idea of bow ltd aut. We have, pictures of Egrptians reclining on and fSxhing in these artifiomn Wp Karnak thers was one py pl whether 18 Was neesl for the soprtonee of the priest word ae purposed We go nod baa @ shames that arover way be the servi if this Kar wi ihe lowed. Mr indefatigable and Pha Fs $host iF a» 5 iy favre So ik AA ae fhe § grand ghroin Was Cup pertain ve ian gown is US at the sans LG thin nome practicahlf | Bt puogist, PrODOMS JUIN iti out 1 Loser {EER aged mer J, senko | i tiated 2 : af id at the atest Die prepara take of Kara, i wis sk Assnan mskiug * The Workts wpa tel mais Suliabid dhe world prighes. There Oa pi as, Huth ber af amen ans Worn pery neatly qual, Fhe averags Hmgevity Wf 1 eed cn iy G8 YER Abend Ree papaiagh ar dies before People, Bayi fi orant be Hit kh ee XO herd wf § = of 17. rRinR fo Le : Bids se ROs 11a ho age Aas pant bis the most asrefal com person ime 100,000 of ips the age of 100 years Lied the age +f 80 piano of the earth i cu, DOH mou is, piwy dis amousily, an i day, 4,030 an hoor ¥ $id LEE #0 db apd 9 The hat Ll, wii A weerans of AB Nan atid 95 4 minute The annpal numbee of Births is esti ated at 4% (00, an average of 4.2040 un hoor and 70 a wii A ig wi, Ly, day. Lk Buute. wt LOTR, Fat itis Blooming Mistake. saan of Goethe gives another (natanoe of the diflleally » foreigner os the Bug lish language. He was in ri dinner soon after his ar eival a Huglaud and was desirons § saving something 8 A Very plesssnd way ang wte gue of the following x WN iil yun. have the bloogung 3 Fes Rash “mlomming sek soppething very Little Ehewing with wis absolut A COBY yitesl Gat proms a Lindopess to, ¥ it Laine ¥ as sep thnk 15 ok LyeeInan, being wring aed antifal Hist Bawens Nil nag ins played k ui He rstand why overyioe ii what hi vi PX Treks th at Nias at shy I Asbopether Different ys w Pm going 10 make Fripnitarad statisiuas of, we R38 for a ving raVElyY i tei vhs Baw ZA4 feel any pies and Tanning nigiity different THEN lal (mapas «fupad - Addison ait 4 mannergat the WY dora the comity Ingnost Che gourd shakes | oe, > serie loas In the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers