8 PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA, THURS DAY, MAY 2:1, 186. a OL. I11—NO. 1s. ie A Oe SAS Eton ae: uJ S 8S OR 1, Al We are Shire Sai Cd re le headquarters for la leaned Here the “Courier”! Reporter. aie Basins RIGHTS wecnting to an Act of April BNE. 18ND, Shand be Recognized. Bieycle riders have certain rights under the Jaw, a fist that heetns not to “be fully realized by some people. : | ‘Drivers of vehicles now and then as for Decoration Lay. The finest assortment brought to Patton. the public roads and with this assump CET tion they make no effort to tarn out | on the highways. This is altogether wrong. An act of assembly passed : | April 25th, 1889, is as follows: cele! “Ricyecles, tricycles and all vehicles propelled by hand or foot, anh all We also handle the brated | and sock other vehicles re nsed, rid. den or propelied upon the public high- | ways of this State, shall be entitled to [the same rights and subject to the ; | same restrictions, in the cage of per ure. rons asing carriages drawn by horses” | By this act it will be obmurved that oi : the legislature of this State has reoog- This care is guaranteed So bi one of niged the proper rights of the uses of wihe best family medicines ever placed | bicycles and has by Taw afforded them ~g the market. 1 oan personnlly em protection. The driver of 8 vehioie is dorse it us 1 am Eanilhar with the in. entitled to half the road; a Meycle has gredients contained therin. 1 can ithe same privilege. “Keep to tie safely recommend it, to anyone’ Fight,” is an established cmitom sence CW Moroes, Droggist. | tioned by law; and bicycles and drivers Rheumatic C | of carriages and wagons are axpected to ohesrve it when passing on the pub A complete stack of Munyon's| lio highway. Homeopathic Remedies. About the Hoard of Trade Patton has organized a Board of Call and get a’copy of Monyon's | Trade with 57 members. The Patton Guide to Health free. | people are certainly enterprising and | | their efforts in behalf of the town de- | serve success. Hastings Tribane, | Patton has organized 3 Bowrd of | Trade with a large membership for a | community of 2.000 people. Boome I strong men are connected with it and {while that town is looking op right fine they will push it slong Lively. DuBois Morning Courier. | Like all other good hustling towns ‘and cites, Patton now bas s Board of en Headquurters for =~ BERRI = making Patton a better tow: than Opposite School Building. wh iniatiation fee and putting their shoul der to the wheel, best moves the citizens of Fattem ever t made and it bs gratifying to kdow that mo large a number have consolidated to make the movement a sacoese. Much of the credit ia doe Fdior KE Will (ircone. of the Courier. He made a canvass of the town and secured the FF list of members. Johnstown Daily Pemoorat. a ’ Paar Baad Galdes, During a recent trip through the townships of Reade and White, thus county, the attention of the writer wis attracted to the so-called guide boards placed at the crossings of roads in some locality, The board was there ‘all right but no signe of soy inform ation on them directing asutranger who should happen to travel that Vieinity. is ibe erie A good plain guide board on a publie in gost city stores. But we pighway is very essential, and great can sell it a small profit at care should be taken to keep them In or- small sum of der and visibls to the naked eye. Iisa Soa poor recommendation for a township ‘to allow them to become delnpidated and invisible, The Jeeeeh Creek Nhops. Philipsburg and lock Haven are offering great inducements Lo seenre the car shops of the Bevch Creek rail road company in the event of their re- moval from Jersey Shore. Wouldn't : they both be surprised if the shops NEEDLE toes in black an tan. d have not yet thought of Queer things happen some Limes. Cutting Paper Wiad. WE carry a fine line of Ww, H Charles, of Altoona, Is stop Oxfords at 75C, 1.00, 1.23, ping in our town for u fow weeks Mr 1.35 150 up to $2.25, : ge Charles is contracting all th rough this od : section of Cambria county for paper OUR Cord uroy Vesting wood, which he is having cot to proper Top Lace Needle Toe at $3 js sim and shipped to market. At pres a : ent he is entting a trict a short distance the handsonest shoe in town. ' sast of Patton. The principal market Of course we carry all the for his wood is at Tyrone, Pa. «+ thy sq lacks Conventions latest things in blacks too. ~~ National Prohibition Convention at Pittsburg, May 38th; Fepublican Na tional Counvension at St Louis June Go all around “hen come i6th; Democratic National Conven- here. tion at Chicago, July 17th; Populist : yr National (Conye ntion at St. Louis, Respect. Yours, July 21st. Counterseit Silver Dollar. An 1890 countegfeit silver dollar of | ood workmanship is on the rounds ' Semm=® Its described as being trifle light in i ii | weight and inferior in the milling about Clothier, Shoe Dealer and Furnisher, the edge. Ly Hosiery to match. CA Large Number of Properiiis i4 and There by OF. CYCLISTS | ame tht they have the only right to | for bicycles whom they chianos to nest : | persons by whom bicycles, tricycles sah La Trade with 57 members who bave oo Chemicals . Etc 1 shawed their willingness fo assist in (ever, by paylog in their one dodiar | This i» ope of the should be located in some place they SHERIFF SALES : He Tris ! pond of by Sheriff Coulter, Sheriff Coulter will offer at sherilf's gale at the comet houme, in Ebetaburg, | Monday, June Ist, 1896, at } o'nlock p. ‘m., the following properties: The interest of I. BE Notley in the “township, known is the BF. Pitts tract. 130 acres and #5 perches of land “in Susquehanna township, known as the | Mary Ann Connor tract™ Also the coal fn 30 acres and 14 perches in Susgoehanna teverriship, known as the Josep A. Gray tract The interest of Francis J The ‘& lot in Carrolltown borough, having [thereon 8 twostory frams dwelling honwe, ; The interest of Caron Leaby it ots of groond in Lilly borough. The interest of John Haber Acres and allowanoss of land township except several kote previo sold, leaving a Is of acres, having thereon plank dwelling | donde i Prat REeret a tary lod bonis fugrt other cuthuildings Tha interest of John Aton and dwelling houses in North : bora, known as lot Xo. 3 The interest of Elmer FE Jot of ground in Hastings bo roel, having theron a twoslary dwelling house and enthuidings L omechall acre of ground having on erected a laughter shop, The interest of Anna Frances Parden PF. Porden, Jaiob A 8 a 3% i . BL PHAR OR LpaaR in A fraying there and Willian and heirs of Jaook Mest, deceased, in 45 acres of Jand in Alleghany town. ship. Also 103 acres of fand in said township, The interest of A ndre® Stoney, Kath arinx Stoney, Pat Pogel and Anna Pugel in 144 acres and 76 perches of fand in Fider township, ressrying the coal under said land excepting five - ROTes The interest, franchises and rights of ‘the Lilly Water company in the reser Guire, water pipes, water plugs, gates fittings, fixtores, ofc. Abw a cortain Ltrart of land in Washinplaown lows. ship, known as the reservoir fact The intermst of Eimer E Nagle ot of ground in Hastings, having thereon a two-story frame hatin, The Intervet of Joseph Kiri i Jog of ground wm ( sallitein wes (having thereon a (wosiiry Pra dwelling house and ontbaishings. The interest of Margareila Mo {Homey nod Thomas A. McCloskey in La phece of grou in Galli The interest of Annie E MoGant in 8 lot of ground in Gallien, The interest of H. J. Conway in 16 ACPER BIoTY OF lees, dn Giaditain own ship, having thereon tony dwelling hstiaes and The interest of Juin © Sehwahon & | lot in Oadlitain township The interest of Alfred Miller in a ko of ground in Rasqoehanng township Becessk ry outbniiaings *3 Fintwues {he Opnarianity, Who will be the first opportunity of iy erecting moma dwelling Pogees in Patton for the purpose renting” There is not tial whoever makes the w npn bape Bh ¥ the beast dont first attempt {il pomp a grand harvest in the way Hp of renting or selling as the case may At the present time There is pit in Patton aud every in bdoees Dloeks cecapied by families who ari unadie to of Tha bas, PRN Empty Ronse available room a howe, and in view that the nones in Patton are the capacity of their employment Patton Ulay eradualiv employing more om thes L1nD 18 Galpat, we thee ropes Laden and #1 “het teneraent bots wil be in grad demand, in fact we must hive tiem Go accommodate increasing popula “gion. This sone ol we tim Inv estimenis Early Monday nu cit ab DraBois sx part 143 eit bag Hoase, the Harbess ston Palston, the food store balding of Jol Miller, the dwg as Wavae, cecupied by M Melwermotl, the Alfred Normap, two barus Boost $2%REE denee of and several sin io oruins. The loss $11.0 ye Her A Paasytvanias Named Domiale Morphy, of Peonsylvana, was on Friday nominated by the Presi- dent for Commissioner of Pensions, vies Judge William Lochren, the president incumbent, who has resigned to accept ' the judgship of the First Minpessota | Judicial District. * | pond and mining privileges in 82 acres and 11 perches of land in Susatiehanna Also the coal and mining rights in i seventh MEAS in : fate rebellion only alive. and it is expected that a large went Aly present H. Most. Jr. and Joshua HL. Most children grovel camp Sree will CAREER Of sin boroagh. % gL aacoral Wasson 3 - kb Ta 1 h Anniversary of the Ninth yo 5 FL enna Lave Toy 3 ¢ x XE: Wa - FIRST SHIPMENT MADE AY the Patton Clay Works a Poston, Same Last Weoek of the of A grand reanion anniversary tweaiby. Patton. Canfbria county. on Thursday, June 11th. 1898. The meeting will be held in the Good hall and ont of 1.017 cavalrymen who enlisted at Harrisharg to help protect this country during the 188 percentage of that number will attend the reunion which will be held bere This will be a gals day for Patten and notwithstanding the newness of arr town, it will place os among the towns which have a repatation for carrying on a gathering of this Ringd in a befitting mariner. We have the very wpmodations bare in the way of Bote and rairoads and that ia the main object in securing a lange thewt of this order aoe # if Not only ia there a large number of the rarinbers of : ti bs all Lite war have a special invitation fo participate and many will take ad. vantage of the oncasion by haing All soldiers’ wives, danghters and sons are guested th come and take a part in making thy PONIEION A SNORERE ; The twenty«ixth anniversary held pravioms to at Lykews Danphin county, Pa. aboat a pear ago and was largely attended. Ax to bm expeeted. pvery your the mi the regiment sxpecied § . reall hot gotdiorm of [he thes thin one eonvensd bership of this assosialion lomssmrise the hombred soldier goes to Ris last resting place. The only Pennsylvania Cavalry | Cambria county, as far ean jearned are 8M Wilsen, of Patton, whe has charge of the arrangements of and TT P Ninth Naar lve survivors of n ths Sh the rexnynion af Nicktown At the reunion to Pram, tw Beld here a 1 be one of fhe principle featares of enteriannmang, and the slention of Moprs for the on pear and also selecting A sing pikgann whens the mort rennin will bw badd Next week 3 complete list of the all thus sneviving membres of the soglment will be pul EV RIER, FIRST AWIPMENT MADE £1 the Fabian ty Ww oe bo PRmtann Last Week Wadnesiny (lay Manuisetonog ih Beant SRY 09 3 #3 thin anoul bi $08 Bowery weil LO iui Vata ? A ogy oa Ol so Be Mass Ie prise priskicta pesntactared ag sidering the Lome sine rr SPLINE 5, Wa 4 aobvepuition mel with by the management has Gon god + alterna wonat nave bwin Blade fis Chay faster Hin fame Tie Oral seeder ja) the Lin Welhesid hy Saturday waar 1 hese Ki paewtiie lL Kel § Hei. bate Waal 1h thereatier and shipments w ci he made agiy. = esp 5% i Campbell HE eh aw Baek Ree fry oF DATRCIOEY TALE LORes SH WY i her potas PeOGEW ANH ROPER Pras Pata RET He de YO] eX Danaay fo dhe delivers hy the pasta Ail 8 aiial 3 ¥ tensed Tas tor Allan i chim wepryuse § shit in memory of car heroic dead Now Aa Vertis is, Folawwing is a list of new advertue Yio AMAT Bell & wents in the COURIER tins weneeh: Wartelsky, RB. 8 Tozer, Wolf & Thompson, Wo ¥ o., CW. Hodgkins. 1.5 “a Ciable the Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry will be held in veterans Are . HE Boca i br Hy ris as af hedek bave Dé EPWORTH LEAGUE ANNIVERSARY. TOrcanired a Clevebond, 0. May 15) fas. 1 gm 00 Weosabers fir MEL The seventh annivessary of the Ep worth League was properly sbwerved in the Methodist Eplasopal chonth last fanday. The Epworth League was | organised in Cleveland, 0, May 15 [4884 and so wonderful [FE growth that to-day there rvs 1,100,000 ganine members and 250.000 japdors. The Epworth Herald, the fin] organ elponlativg of of tha lexgrne, has 3 more Bhan 100,000. The Lengoe has bename 4 great spiritnal fore in the church and is destined to do 0 grenk work among the young people The Pwo league of the Patty M, BE ‘ehoreh is 8 vear old pohle record, and begins ite megond year with bright hopes of tatiana ecsss The Junior Leagins i advo in a fourishicg condition, Tis fries of last Sunday werd helpful mel ne spieing. At 10:30 am, the pastor an wens ead that the serviced sronld begin by singing "The Year of Jiybilee This was followed BY men penisive we ja Boa shinng, after whicke W. iH offered a fervent prayer. Three sxcellent papers wre prepared suv) read hy EO Harishiorn the Senora) Progress of the Leagan” Mig. Ai Spottswood on the Merny and Help Work,” and 7. J Sehaoll an the LPmrdeitund of ihe Leslee The recitations were well rentbinsd by Fda Buglr. Jona Samdived | Bailie Holter, Fea (nan, Grills Taeket, Stelix Wasson and Roth Revise. AD nepiriag feature of the sry wis the juniors. hn Lpervics wis a snevest and wal peatly enjoyed by the lange dhByregmiion AL T45 pom, the pasion, Rey, Wasson, prvachedd the anni gopsary sermon ta A large oanregae tab Baan TO TM Hnberto hath the Lord helped os” Ha ferred the progress of the Christan church, to the mparvelons wrath sel workd wide influence of Methodism directing special attention to the dersiopment af the Bpworth Leagne Ha mide an earnest plea for loyadty lo the pledge, woe complete sonsmeratiol to Uaad, and closed with a plete of lhe foal triumph of Christianity, At ihe close af this interesting sermon tiv gongre- gation sang “Come Thon Vomnt of after wi hy tie » tree PEs te : + Mund forg iE x Eg ai Slsmiany Jer oowseaadl Lil ¥ t prea 5 Th Chae WL Sarat Text Beery Blessing,” diction was pronounced pastor. xX. =~ athena Sead Nia Pie al T he mahal Dose r Patten wave the second heat Speibhpik oan lhe Doane DRY after bee the ig Favor of ihe Chest HiRes #* b Bnd * oF BER Ta iw ig, 11 Pave Follopaing am the men: Patio Alex. Mitetwll, Jingmibe Shaehian, Ubaelie Cor mm Hulett, £ hesd 0 po PE LER wn Fatty + xy % &¥ © i$ Vola tahan, # the twa clahe: i Na To Bapseias, Lee Miu and git Cals ae {lonroy, H. evel 1 cc ; eh in fone wed Hil Ose Tae Podtoim Bio tas $0 Monaay Lane FY { Canis Gs 4 barge namber of Carrel ede, CL of the festooned pears Lo mira bow a ftenad where was lel Towa ang Tram (he Ria PE aie at ate it whl veached Patton fvas ast 4 minutes, vio a5 Toa rate of over a Mr Online takes hinds of Despite, mile a punals progt pride in reals bese ¥ ard Be hes RTE bariia which have been tegen RAY Re ar as Reader, Pao, and other plices at a distance, and retried ond Afely wemspaper User the shart Himaaner “ 5A Rk ey i Monday procs, May I8 the wigmt the Tires DHIWEDATRT BW. lark, be an GTR gd olher Merril iil Rescue wea the head Shari? of Cambria couaty ia XY vipispeer ty of of th 2 et Mission of which Clark PATA % Tinpsow' eis ald ty Buhiexd wed THE a 1s 0% ha if CEmowin wh ¥y % fn ander o. Moyae sa bag 1E Toa AO ha ther bow 2% Fe 4 A cif se hedi OF Peewee kal, 4% siveenoon, May U2, 428 Yuwie Andy Pong Ey OT Lak vmod Auhviie da general good tine ihe ii will bw af the dvining 3 I he wervisd Tradl Gave Bary Satis i the South fay afer sinh will oross bats with § 4 Fork b the Patton “Knodosrs © on the Patton’ nd near the XY. 1 expected will very Intiaresting came as the South Fork boys are play- ors with some repute. Hvoervbody is invited to attemi i ween =e ¥ 3 int 8 pra le a eptare | ly bibs bene. SAA vs yr yk F THES ; Frightened by a Desperado With a Gun. ty ¥ } # < EARED THE STREETS A Hid Man Named Strap Had a» Fig Fione While @@ Lasted, Atroaxa, Pa. May 19 Frugality, s Cambria county coal town of aboat 2.000 inhabitanta is practically owned by Judge Dean, of the Supreme coart, He has made it an ideal laboring com- mmnity. Thoogh inhabited almost solely by miners, the town is #0 orderly shat no ofeer of the law is statidhed there, and the locknp has never been needed inti] last night, when a barly | stranger caine in and registered at the hotel as 8B Stroup, of Mountain. dale, ! The Steotips, of Mountaindale, bave proviuced a couple of prize fighters, and thi fellow looked like one. He ordered supper, compisined that it was bad, rushed back of the clerk's desk, wedged hin revolver and began to shoot. The ork offered to mark his bill pid if he would leave The offer wis acewpted, and Stroop began to amuse himself by shooting at two Polish ped- | dlers, who fled to the mountains, leav- fing their packs where they dropped them. Stroup then proceeded to terroris the town, i | Finding the streets soon deserted, he Cwent to the office of the Crosson and Clvarfeld Coal and Cokegrompany and PH (Walls, of Altoona, manager of the company for Judge Dean, went to the door and was met by a fusilnde of bullets, Walls, tot being hit, grappled with Stroup ami fAnally threw him 10 feet over a porch. The fellow returned, and sonoonoed that be had one cart. ridge left for Walle The latter, as wistad by several miners, tackind Rtpoup again, this time securing him. They placed him in a Box car over {knocked an the office door. sight, awd this morning be was given hearing before ‘Squire Lynch, of Cres win. who committed him for court ab Fhensburg on the charge of shooting with intent to kill I Have 30008 Pecpie | Accordiig to the report of Assessor J H Ricker. of this place, Patlon has an sctanl population of 2,298 people, | against 1337 ax per census taken Phe samber © 1X making a gain in a iiss aver two yisars of TAS. We ns families: 211 school children betwéan the ages of X and 13 years: 461 voter Peom November lat, 1598 to May I, 1496 there were 9 deaths and 36 Births Taking jn the small towns anid settle. ments within & radios of one mile and ane. Bal? we have a population of over 4 po and if Patton increases from Bow anti! full anywhere like it has doriag the past six months the population will reach 3 500 hate Wivihday Pally, {ast Thamday night a birthday party was held af the home of A. 6G. Abbott on West Mages avenus in honor of the sath anniversary of Mrs. Roth Allgood. A large number were present and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Re freshments wore served at 11 o'clock. bemstital a the hostess which were very much appreciatsd id You Ever Stop to think what you the Several presents ware aerivent by x cond bay al RACKET STORE fir a ttle money. Note these prices, cir Thimbles ic each, fans lo each, lead pencils le each, ping le per paper, geedien 10 per paper, carpet tacks le por paper, pens 2 for le, toilet soap 2 tales for Se, hooks and eves de card, nants buttons So per gro, gents neck ties from 40 up to 24, tooth PICKERS de per hod, lace from lo per yard up to 136 Hutiane a per thread 2 per rpdd, DAG yards { have also added to my stock 4 fine fine of Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes, which are welling fast at the astonish- ing low price 1 am asking. A full and compiete line of Tinware, Quesnsware and Glassware. § will be in my new stare room on af about the 156th of this month. prey yt” ay hy X ; Then OR OL WE Bargains! R. F. GALLAHER, “ Ie = spit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers