Kill Wonnded and De Citizens, An Early Morning fire at way Yesterday. Ridg- Rpaniards port N iirses and Satolli's Recall Delayed. Stabbed with a Stiletto. Tae Poisonrd Alioons Maa'e | ompantus Thooeh! 10 be Under surieipaiee, Ripaway, Pa, Feb. 6A fire eariy | this morning destroyed the Basly Paihd Herd fr jng on Main street coeupied by 5 Lamay sa a (arnitars store and dweii Ths canse of the fice is aokeown. eutire hatlding red all contents were 10 taily destroyed. Lsmay and family bad | A DArrOW SRORDe. The foruitars stock; whieh srgAgement was po ; was ipsared for $1008, the hotest 1 enna fast night, was sitantad Maceo’ farnitare $406, snd the hasldidy BHR, | hospital protected uly by 8 detachment of which faliy covers the loss. Toe Clarion { about 800 wen. hotel whieh wae situated close by Was mY The town was evidently ear od by the firemen s~oord.og to Cobap reports the : j volunteers and regulars inyaded the hoe KILLED INSTANTLY. ; ; Ar pital bmiding and Frepatats ms i Frank Fock Met fim Fale o Lang Bon terany Morsing. New Beracsaew. Pets. © Frack Beck, a young man 28 years of age, war instantly Killed in the Bitar Mines, «nf Long Ran, pear here, at shout 10 o'slock this forenoon. The faversl i will be observed st 2 o'plock to- MOTTON. KALLED IN A QUARREL. ' Me Keerpy ri Theatre and 3 Warneddrut With Heavy Larvmn, ¥ ¢ Hagnns v5 Bay West, wars New Yiax > 4 Boo 15s stelle lie opin that 1a Paso Bea! the bs i. ase del PrGTinte arsy what » oroes, tie otal Bpanied noeannl ripen ned Hoanisk EE to secape, while other anfortnnstes wis wars sonvaiesciog in private hones wer. dragged toch and Kiliad before the iloars of residents who bud taken them io, Many ertizans, 1oindiog women atin a6 nOrses, Ware also eaptared by the gov arpme nt troops, and others saspecting of sympsthising with the rebel canes were on Haan Raitrouder Putaty Saas Fotiow Work: Larrested aod marche) 1» cbaioe 10 the man With & Sete. Thearest seaport, tobe deported to the Laie Gasnssnvna, Feb, 6.—James Daagh- | of Fives. : | erly wes stabbed and killed by Angelo | | Reports of Geo Marios march from : Riegorie, ao Tialisn, near Donohoe sts: | Havens towarde Pinar dal Ric represent tion, lest eveving. Tbe two men wore | him ss baviog bundreds of soastry pro Peuneylvasia railroad sseiion ~ bands. | ple arrested sharging them with bein The Italian bed & Rrievance against | insurgent spier, and svery day wives hie Daugherty, and sboat 5 'slock, when & departrre from Havens tor the Pigar d= dispute arose between the two 88 to their | Rio frontier, be bas sect back 10 to abilities to Jift beavy ties, the Italian | prisoners to ba sent to (wate sirack Daagherty with a pick. Foremac Seaman took the morderons weapon away, when the Italian quickly drew a stiletto and twice pinoged it isto Daa b erty's breast, the point touching the heart. The victim dropped deed, and the murderer fled. Duagherty wae separa od trom his wile, who now lies in Pitts. burg. He resided mith s sister on Facke! berry bill. He was $0 years eid. LOUDEN'S COMPANION nowy | nade to sonvert the Baliding nto A brew 1t Develops (he Decossed Hought the dose Lary, snd it sas thought that workmen Jn : of Landannm tatfared with sleatre light wires, thers Br. Louis, Feb, fi, ~The police beliava : they have lesrned who was the compan | Irisastrons Fire na re : the Insurance is Tooperative. MoKgworonr, Fan, 8 — At 47 clonk thie morning fire was dmooversd in the Ait msyar theatre block sod in a few imc | ments the sutire tailding wes 8 mas of [Aemen, The bailding Was sii natad oo Fin gvanae, snd ws ealnnd a2 8130 000 § shor Lig agin ATTAT ROME Wels ty canning the fire | The Harald Pahishisg mompsny Was ; jon of D. M. Loude of ARoons, Pa. somata) in the boiling and wil the sn who died auder paealiar circumstances io | 707% excepting Uaoras Barto, foreman * thie city several days ago. he is balay: escaped He sttempted op 10 be & married woman residing 10 8 sliding dows the elevator rope from the old anid is sid to bave been 00 iotiaate | The resvienes of Peter 8 robm, the ren Sstordey night aboat 6 tlook ab told i ware orosbed by falling wale, Altmeyer wl | bas $40,000 inearsoes, but failed to secur Mrs. Payne, the proprietress of the brass | thet she was permission: frome the IDAGIFATOS 0m panies io which Loudon died, b seen het bare sinos. It 1s Delinved thet : ADTRAN i8 Tory atoal she never retarpad to the house. 7 At 10 o'clock on the same night, how i sixth stories of the Altmwyer baiidioe ever. Looden went to Pigaett's drag store. | Mike Trayor, a compositor 10 t at 2601, Pive stremt and bought the cones fice; was the frst to discover the dames , of landannm, which 1s SADPNS Cy have i Ha gore thn pisrm, brit bwtore the othe cansed his death. He mgoed the poison | employes rasbzad their danger tbe bald register “J Norrie.” Th fast aotvinoes | 10K ‘wee filed with snioke. I'he mee the polios that the poison Was pot bonahbt i made a rush for the fire eseaps on ihe bys third person : aide of the batiding, bat the Hames wer ani | airesdy shooting ap sed suveloping the i eon stairway. Ths pecoed ap men, bad Finally Flonded Guilty of Warder tn the | ADORE RIVED GP ail hopes of scape whet Second Degree, Jobo Joyce, 8 compomitar, thoaght of oe Orzarrierin, Feb. 7.--The marder trial fire secapes on the other side of the build of Obae. Howard Dayton, who was being ‘ing. He aot the others to jma banda, tried for the murder of Nicholas Clark, ! aod be led tha way through the smoke Angus last, in the boroogh of Mabaffey, Land darkpese, sod Soaily reached the sud which bad beec pending for the Inet | enst side io safety, athooal Joyom soe few days, is ended. When noart opened | tained a severe broise on the bem! while this morning, the defendant changed his | gropiog through the baliway. All of plea from not guilty to guilty of marder them floaily escaped from the barning in second deg In order to fix the ex | building except George Barto, the fore svt of punish the court beard some man of the composing mom. Barto wee testimony in regard 15 tbe crime. Day back for has coat, and that was the ise 30m testified §33t be had been tried opos seen of bim. His home wes st Bliare belore for » case of asssalt with intent to | ville / kill in Ohio, and was sentenced 10 8 term | Tue loss in estigahted at $175,000, and in the penitentiary. {only partly red by fvsorsnce. The Alter the argument froma the counsel thestre was of the fuest in Pecoey! was beard the prisoner was called np and {wania. sod was srected RHon! three Fears told that his sentence would be for § ego by Georie Allme; ni. ‘years and 1 mootb, solitary econfinemect SRO it was decided to opowert the bail. in the Western penitentiary. Ling justo a brewery and work oo remodel. Nicholss Clark, was s shoemaker, and ing it bad been pommenced a few dave an old and respected citizen of Mabafey, 8&°- : and Dayton was a railroad i The Bersid Pablishisg compssy oc firm acd six'b DASTONS TRIAL EX DED. Isborer of the same pisces, employed ou the construction | cupied the basement, work of the Beech Creek extension. He HOOT The pablishing ecompaoy lost had been in the county bat a few months everything. The Heald intended to previous to the murder. | move about Apnl 1 to & Dew building oo Nobody witnessed the murder, bat it Fifth svecue waa brought cut in testimony thet at the | dan streets. time in question Dayton sud Clark had | to be about $25.000, snd powered by ine been dripking conmdersbls during the ®9rsoce. : day and gusrreled snd Dayton stroek The work of searebing for the body of Olark. i youog Barto # going ov, but bis remaios A woman in the next bonse heard. the | bave not yet been foand. quar rel. Ib the evening Kev. Mr. Rash, Curtailing - Lusaber Cat. pastor of a Mabsffey churoh, was walking | Mixsxearorss, Miso, Feb, 5. —With slong acd sew Daytoo drag Clark's body | he exception of ove Wisconsin teen ail out of tbe sbop. Dsyton remarked tothe firms in the northwest terntory have the mivieter that Clark bad made 80 ID | promised to co-operate with the loosi decent asssult on him end be was pretty | |gmbermen in partailiog the amber cat. ~drupk. Dr. Bennett, who made the post | Ty object is to work of & surpins which mortem examioation, testified that Clark's | poy heen piling up sivoe 1801. condition wes such that » shght blow | RT = would suffice to kill bi. Dead 1 the Gallitsin Tunsl. ‘The result of the prosecution is regard- od ae rather easy on the scoased. ' i Delnyed. olli said yesterday that he hed received a letter from Bome, informing bit thet al be held by the pope pext month, be would not be recslied from Amerios until next samwer. a freight brakeman oo the Pittsbarg divi sion, who has bee residing st Wall, bat whoee home was in this city, was foand dead in the Gallitsin tunnel lest night. It is supposed he fell or was krocked off a train. 5 2 oA a Adami a AAA A A Universal Debt. There is not a man living who does not owe the world something —Galves ton News nang om Which | A few weeks between Minciair and Sher. | The company's loss is said | Avrooxa, Feb, 8. — Edward MeMallin, HUNLED sT0 EE eMailY. I ASA, Arvo Woman Kiited 3f 2 Crossing 0 Kairead Prersaoea Feb 6. Av sues at Hoboken statin, ow Pani raiirond, shan Mo aloeo vag. wloed reeiited ¥ A thio Toi : of Mowe onary ae foam Ae hey New spuper ; j i Foeom the Dahan manrgent ines an Fi . § } {jon Lingoe tesaptored from the pba | fue ok spd wonnded who Wate auntie arp yed watobitian al 11 4 W iow vig: a short HEA tron was passing mt the r VES Waiter. hw wT BE catad mernss thee Trail i ¥ gf Trig th a PPE eat Le Almgbeny at RS. Her ri ded sore distanon and whet 13 Poly wo Tae wed a er desth bad apknnd. Mr. Lost, #00 oxi waiting for a train 8 the station, wi sessed Him aotuient, word raabed to glace where the finda of hie wite Was Hao was almost over ome bY hy ye. SON, Mev. Vitageraid Gets Ten Vears. Recoosren. N.Y, Fob. 8 Jad Matherinod this porniog sentancsd Rev Jobs M Forgarald to Aabare prison fo 1 years Fozgeraid was recentiy oon viva of wrson, Be Savio Deen peal of in the harping of the sohocibones & 6 cimpuncd with toe pariah of which Into”, Pow a Cold Wars Travels ER So Bows are indeh. wal rewemech and #. heavy ® SOL waves, | hensive phases for wh adi to pevent merovatiiogie iveatipatiGne—nte WaT tha mavefed track of hn xr £4 Then iog pes A SR fora i that their ith TE i End WAYS Pel Ianto Lepranh from mas bd ORDERS ve spies aged beady sir © : Thoin Wares gre viper eile Spare had ir wave ; tidal ware | Exwitly Foyt Stars Ae veal Floats garidnh le He $0 Soul in Pe the land nt ax a STAT [is wer the ert ART We a pEiery, : 3 + teat Divus patio Flodeon tsay an » Toor IRA ET 3% YL Sint in the Horky mountains dha tal. haraide this pews of ] PRT thi W | af the |pited States giving the (mj of Becker's hotel and Districh's statin | i thay smread out and ener i Cape Hatteras ha Hera | : I pogsitry, striking tha Atlan The fire started between the fonrib and | I . ‘ sion that the home of the biizased ie in the mmatais nf 1 swostarn states of Cur OWn oomnutry. Wien these waves remch the great plains and the Missouri snd Miss ppd wR PERITHR Ehdt pueeth € Li ooaRt IDB wtrenk extending frome Bangor, Me, ASar Baking 15% ping igpts the oral I) TASTE Wig wet 1% sien iE oadiiagl with jose fhe mi A spriaR breeze Hy ot pec pe the Berimaddas, Char lista, £0 10 Publisher and Librarians The future of 0% Haters’ work few gn Bighar Saget # ifieratura de peda large y Sirariae and i brary associations Langer brary funds and Letter methods of duwaributicn Wiis make ihe pest gwmerstion of wribhlere better Httedl to mTiDU The bioks which pussies pobilabwes the most are theme which a Tow people could use io great sdeantaga, I wa publiatiers 3 be aweured that 500 public rar wohl buy them. it would be po ma to publish many books wh refused, but which won ey a scholarly reads alihe to buy then ud 0 fn this conntry nie mony buying fen, igid of thoes perhaps on take these Bucks which the scholars, who Would use them with great benefln, can take Hers in New England you are doing your full share in this diren. tion of calving to Lod most set Briar Ly taste uf readsry. but many of yoo ack Pande. and what wa need all over Hin SemLtrY 14 a betier prderstanding of this and ni endow msnre Ww fa * 4 wid ES Bou the yok 1d Eo 0 Tap] Beiry possi bis for us to pabaal Lt be nf benetit tO f Ta . CEE TRA IR thes Works that wom hia very Dest CLR | Putnam bo Massa Tig a a Cihraries ane | | readiers. — Mrots Castle fF. hvac The lutended Compliment. iii ald fassioned hoaoe of New Lr isana mipany at dinuer, and tha ladies wery discussing the Wiman guetion. The Picayune of that Cigy : +A gentleman present, after bearing all the prow and cous, faowticusiy r= marked that two preachers Were discuss ing the same problém, recently, in his hearicg, and they both agreed that ic portended évil, and “that women ware responsible for neowt of the evii in the wor ili fact, that women wWers Worse than men Ope of the ladies indignantly retort ed. Vlodesd tiey are pot, woman aa the salt of the cart, “at's sc, bower, put in old Aunt Sauan from the kiwhen ; 'dat's de Bible traf for shore Women is de salt ob de sarth Just think ob Lot's wife Anil everybody laughed at the sudden and unespected application of the gad Bile story. thers Was of Savy ery un A Differenee. Bhe—l omberstam! mhusic® Deos tay playiog annoy you? Ho-—~Not at ail Your playing is all right. It is the wusic 1 have no ear for yon don'ts like ¥ —FPick Me Up. Boaritent Ofs | Gia wire find witosessd the sooidwnt reacts | : | ad mod for execntion upon them tant of | sha West Pee bl A SUMMER SCENE. fates ore tha penbdhrniy hope With pospien and will rises Binoy Ciagiee ae They ORE, Ary Tipe thety posiok AF x peers osid Pome alt a : Regulations That Frida Saldiers Th the & tine, wha ik Cares | amt regard or respect of persons, ate Eixtewnih Ceatony SRE read. ise a f bates ard aboaingde a gamit re wy inten nf oR {riding 42 of, wp find He shail he Twwds punisi all i Lin | Ee {fhe mariet place shall set ap a paar of | 4 ¥ gallows, both for the terror of the wick. [ gand the lawes That he shall sat upon ( afl vivtoalls bro reasonabin price, that the salier an | Durer muy reasenably live by it’ In tw wight amd waa led away by frivnda, Ftiie he traipmen carried the body 10 tue tos i wn, | favorite), after mentioning his appoint- Men Lash was abimt $4 years of ns anil Inaves har hanoand snd roor shyidren Word of the secidont was sent To the | SASS RL kt 15 the market a & the! tha ofce of coroned (or salons lathe two {rms ser 10 have been imtrodored at the same time, bat the jstter became the mg of sa many captains as is needfni, | giving #00 men to » cOMPADY, “which is a convenient namber,”* for if the men are divided into smaller companies too much money wood be spent on the off. cers. With regard to the lieatanant, he is to be of great experiences, qualities and tebavior © The corome] shall also examine the selections that the capiaine pave made of all the offloars thronghont | { their companies, and if they be snch as : gnght to le, or pot much worse he may | | allow them. and not otherwise a was Befora firearms drove Gok & | wanpons it was an object to equaiiee | | the strength of the company, "the shot’ | i pappletnenting the pikes All the maEketaere came To be called Hans ‘am tha Cmnations of men for dfiiling which are eg 1 aon oof Thom | pica aw oecaion serveth wiptiday of President Davis, dune, Ameng the reling are the caps, gauniiets as Fa a Wn 3 5 ! : i FRY hurnrpater and changing the gulidione th PlAgl T given by varicne ae ler Vl iaetrate this thos fia tae At SEN fear Boreas WAY # Fem XA iow avery your abl ney Goede are taunt -~1n thon ameeniy, whieh | my manifest a A attacking. apd there he nis sas of pofuge ear, rank shail return to their pleces, and all shail wares The shox shail be placed in the vowand and rear ward #0 that they may skirmish and rs ask aent lana 8 tha seein % can pipether Magne Confederacy. Hone White Hanse of the Within a sta} JeMerwen Davis ishmogid will thrown olen thse pablo a8 a anfad. The White Hone of * a% it haw been called sroperty of the oy for ge rewire heen need 3 tp vivme the old {oo bie aS yi Eh Jeane A rasan ste of thar abates Ff rallies, He TRG som for a geseral masenm and ane for s hibeney. The first of the state oi rn senpeathnt of Georgia-—bas een roan Tires tial BO fray SUgInLL ri anipel tea hr Mr. De Reuua an the sighty sixth & $e .& Ny anit sword of General Lee the plames from (Papers) Sruart’s hat. Ww spy glazes used Uy General Beauregard at the bLaltie of Manassas, and the collec: vhs varicns siddiers’ hotnos : thrimghout the sonth, ia % the lee Camp Soldiers’ home olin tion, which suntan, in additiom fo maa rare and interesting relies, the ats of Stonewall Juckson's charger Phers ure alse a nnmber of mannseripe sd private papers. —New York Trib. una. Ahortening the Time. £ » Friond— Doesn't the journey to and frirn (he country every day seem very king! Mr Subnrb—lamg? It's short. When | take the train in the mording, i mow 1ve got to pinch in and work Lika a boese ths wanes the fran riacias Lhe sity ‘That makes the journey seem too sort, doesn 3 a? ny : “1 presucne if does But bow abont the Jouruey back? 5 SW eil | alwavs rememier a stars tind [ve forgo wif wanted N oaIWays Uver Weed [vr Lis 1 BY fier ste DIaR | CR NRE Se FE Parthia. , = LL Takky aat nm —4 (ie wi ay Adds Not wa Awially Saperior. Paleface— Why don’t you gat adv tial came voprself, pow that you have beens a sivibaed Dulin? Nove Red Man—Ugh! What your ons Far leface— My mame 8 Iglehart Wobile Red Man (with crashing sar anim Ugh! Iglebare! Heap guod | in- jars name bagie Heart! Heap bad FRALEY, ¥§ AA =. 3 Prayer has sffuble. iis an’ f Gutpoarings whitch words cannot axpress—aof that ine vorior speech which we donot ArtiviLiate, owen: When wa empioy it — Mme Swetch- me. ne of Daring the four of the civil war thers were 107 pitched battles, 102 com- Baty in ng the presence of a num Der of regiments on seach side and 363 skir- mesbem, sieges and other ations FHS Sir Joho Herschel proved that an fei ol AB miles 1D meter and 200,000 miles long wonld melt in one minute show id 18 fall ato the san. 13 He Was Xot a Ummbler or # Dri mer, L grnie aonth ‘gq certain wu for the trip and resoivad Poweith a fag “fare pockets, went theongh them ail wgain Cod a etter and a ahpek Phan formar oon ‘pte. Bat his Oc keis wera fry EOOLDG AME OF BU EF WE PLAYED Oi THE COND! STOR. 5 3 355,85 | **The recent arder of the pol that all patroipien shall become profi- { pient in the ase of the revolver.” said 8 | potired sergeant, 'raminis me of a lit hat » Baek Clerk. Arcording to the tle target practic Uist tock place in the Man Wie Tills the Stary, He (ight te | onllur of the Tenderloin station heme 5% Be an Actor Ob, It Wis Wicked! West Thirtisth street three years age There was quits & sposty orowd of pth pe duty mo ithet precio? in wil there was always a poke JF platoon The game dead quiet of conree and ; mm in the cellar tinariiy for storing ballot boyes tion varstherpalia. 7 He ast isa b Liver ronan fwpe sromen ot Co wales EDT hoses dys, x He strated ¢ 4 . any eC os £358 1% » Zan $23 Saks $a 3 i ad i AN at TN BXEERES XU he vis bY a man Whe Wa nor a fepsrter, Bod bani © if 103 pea rata, 2 > plas of i the roams ‘Ne there Wars two Wx Trveeny ing Aoty in the Tenderloin then, and they had no regular hours they were able 16 play along with each platoon nit ti axed it Foiolishly hoes Dial Doosgt iho! Intereaption, Taey Wors a SUR levered fo by an axeprston tickay, argh. pe of pretty siiok fellows, and it vas ing that he might east to reborn ay a Spa matter of tims wlan they d hav differant ron And then, as a muttie | 2 the money on the tabla. Eventually ¢ sonra. be Toand that be lad pent bis, it gn ”m that the patrilmen woulda ’ lay with them any more and this money not wisely bat tod wall, so that | P : ; he was hundreds of miles from home, | source of revenue cut off. they hit on the ticket loan ard friendlies and well nigh idea of ehoeting at u target with revolv. penniless. His sherkbook was nels, | f at 35 oanly 2 he oe : png of for no coe koew him and he must be | thess coppers were crackujacks with pis identified. ; i tals, and they sei ped the opportunity “ Al this I earoed later on. My se : jo Offered I bk the Hoey they en Jax le : . hae t poker. Bo one night a Wo intance with him Dogan on the frain | . . qa UN | ato can was set up at one end of the of 4 f the southern roads, when be | 4 : bed me to stake him enough to oe ong salir. svi a gin candle was i °F Sindh ak —n oy | placed beside it Then the men began 10 him home [I had siready been tonehivd’ | Only two pistols hat ; 4 ; i shoot, shveral tines that trip, #0, AXPOMRITY NY | every time a patrolman shot be nies? | while the wardmen bored a bole in 4 Wormer oa w a (3 teu ile i azn fie bad Ariown nad avoid Dor a lees Bhamiee ary confidencs in his probity, 1 declined’ the honor ha would dome Hetrid oo ome several other passengers with o like rei 7 : : A sult. Then 4 gavs it op but made os Every night for a i the men all promis pot to interfers with any : would sot, apd SATS With the wane game be trind to play. resp it | The wardmen were winning | abent $10 aptecs @ night, when the gnme Presantly the camdoctar came MOOR. | op, 1 \s mudden end. One of the patrol | Tha imvecantons one, his hat cocked | y j 2 mpecuniong une, Ris hat ox eel men suddenly openod the pistol whieh aver one eve, was peacefuily sleeping in 0 sda any . 3 I Pp His a wardman nad bunded him 10 shoot Ane corner of hig seat EINE tard with and found it Joaded with b ¥ i _ % i 3% : x k # 39 ian an open window, The sopductor shook : pn oop “ : A ] : * | cartridges Thea thers was a howl, and him, gently at firsy so that he i, . a sia ad TS the bad shooting of the platoon was #X- and Bis bat dropped farther over Soe : ly nk 3 EN gay plained. The other pistol, which the cys. but he dbl pot waka Then mies Oo gan had bee : \ th Lait : ya Cw Tr aed hanes tRILR, WaE Ie feed FOURILY, BaYing. Che, sly, ¥iDNT Wo Eet, a % Te 4 - he stud Bi ME lene : > with #9 caliber bullets, and as Doth Ware Fe x 4 ue At that Ihe good of ponies they phumbed the can each time The patrolmen threaten. 8 all sort of things, bat the ward > wily tanebed snd hed on 10 The IR Hie nd dle oa y SAL ed xn hel don to he ney Cf Lira they had won, There WES DO Thm Fick i ing fo the capa about it, for ha'd Charged ARMIN: every them for gambling in TET . shes LA DRCGEOR Gna BNL iia hat few ont of (oe wil atl be flowy JulG a Eroan Pale th 3 down, ant ot al forth ger : weed rredd wn of ba 5 hoes, and so Lhe patroanen’ swvil lowed their lie and lot the matler drop. But it was ylang time before they at over Nt, and some of them are uy ing + a chades to get even 10 this day. Nw York San’ Prada bak 8 rest wk invaisalie ty ap invalidl That seh a stndden, rude pwakoning siEhic be fatal fo no wank ieart’ Hig serves of mt gooomnt And pow he had Jost his wat and won ocateh coll Tt owas out Tage Ins. ie The eomidootir howad befdre the storpn, and when [© had sonar hat shat od offerad tn tepinos the hat at the frat sMopting piace “And now, sir it soe pony thivket, pean.’ : “The fepipesan ns ons felt in ad his he know | rir WE The Yule Log. In some parts of {ermany the Yale log is placed ou the earth on Christ. mas ove and if possilile kept boruing for two ar three days. Then a piece of it is laid aside for the purpose of light- ing the next year's log and of guarding thes Bogsehold from harm. Pleess of fr wood charred but not quite hamt on in the Christmas fire are also placed un: dur the famille bed in same German vil lage to avert tbe dressded Lighting stroke, which appears in this mistiog (© be the type of fire in its evil aspect, in romtradistinetion foom the solar rb, The representative of bermtioent Hight and warmth, The castam of Durning a Yale Jog for three days and Bights in ich homestead 8 3D certainly a servivid fro the adoration ooce offered to the sun at the w r istion Three osptories after the Christi ern san worship was still maintained 1a Brittany, sud in Normanly hid some Fie with n bewildered air ont #18, Fiaaiiy He lous wil shy Led " vals It ate $a yo af ri PAY thronghn Yay : sae amp flue SHES hat, php wind BOW wn Treelh sal yr Tie #51 4 1 af my ; | Buvan ole YR oar SOI ANY #1 teary vou Pah SOIT ORY fal how von stars ou IEFVOLS Tan wei ar, a8 gh to the nd Impeeabiion Mueh god ig choad tha te fe: buy appeal nim ty be] LEY ROTTEN wae Horse soptieph twas hundreds of mies from nowhere He : : Prag wanted 10 got thromgth to © Ha than LEE years apn the honsehold Hre mast got through. He had an gmx {ye Wes extinguished on Dec. 24 and the ment hard thar wan worth phonetics o Christmas Jog was ignited by the wid of dollars. Winaily the ctinduotr, a flame procunsd from De ang burmng in the peighboring chorch. This fuct af- fords a curious instance uf the pe Pranks be sransfereneon of and reverenos tron the sacred fire of a purely heathen prowl to the sor iasigetical Bghts of Uae thotieism. When the pagan rites for pro curing unpsaiiied Gre were Sorhidden or fall tuto desustude. the jdeas to which they owesl thelr G2igin and development, instead of perishing, continued to exist more or jess perfectly Ly allschiog themselves to usages and oeremonive having no direct association With them. —fientioman 's Magazine a» i wpe Ek him Dockets hanes Lin throngl, and the impednnicns ane wile added. Aud to the end of that © sich thie sondactar, having repliced the dear de parted hat, maintained an homily apal sgetio tone that wonid AYE WINE tars af blond Born a stones And it was snly a Bin all 85 well carried tnt that the oundociar Was sompletely taken in, and the rest of us robbed one eves and wondered whether the impeeoniony one's atbmpt 10 timely ne Was pot, after acl, a dreams Chater on, traveling over that same rend, 1 todd the conductor how be had heen worked. And be sad be knew it, for shortly after that trip bh bad receiv i x rime A Paliguing Feabhion. A strange Costu among the Bavanat, who live slong the upper Kongo, hae been by explorers gle ringh, sometimes weighting FO pou are waided around # the wives Af Sret the neck Devanes raw by the chafing, but Humes bad fosging the fravd, the after | the tall aihidod find made a Task atl wig 18 MYTH hi And wa if be Ww es AR iE gEa t4 y KX price the Law Es LEP HE of the passage #03 J&3 COW WR RONDA i alin after awhile it te Hoth a wWashan ae wot i eV Sard aed, ak Wave Peon an ho SR ne : wil foie £8 3 ving np frequently \ the Weight.» the Ying § WOIHAL § CR anti she Tr Lhe is Teast Shp heaitis, Hein. was Bis nerves, Gi Wat that wars oF Daatance ching that he baal no gaayes, or 1 Bat thir moan bay missed Dis YOERLUD. He ought to ba aa the wage.” $F ek BCR 0 Trilinge net er 1 qanent, Sip Alyse) Widen { iT rnaine Leving toast en haioos thelr aise Beauty «Now Yiark World pipe HAs Bilal Thee ATH DFE LI AL CRARA Bteair board OH) woth weed ¥ false alk Hut Joshus Holds the Record. Lapta the first man afficially time Wy Corning hack chek Wn Washington, He did it for the frst tbe March 4, 1744. by direction of Senator Wiley P Mangas of North Carolina, then president oF the senate PG ean. pore. This ry. — Boston Gelobe. A Little Bit Hasty. 11 Bassott was wr pend ng than # ba Pec vor said a wife the family physician, as he Was BUIng down stairs from bis patisnt's room, “ean vou give me no hope of tay hus Bapd? Can nothing be done’ “Madan, and he Aeitahted dootor, abbing his bands Callow we fo eon gratuiate yon, Clr patient han taxen a mn for pad now We may hope to have him abant Again in a few weeks. gyn: dootor 1 exclaimed the baritied indy, throwing np her Lands “Yon told me he conld not possibiy gel better, and I have soll all bis clothes’ - Paar son's Weoelily, thie Hadas the senate id OER Took Him at His Word, Employed (10 new office boy a , one calls, James, be sure and remember that I am pot in. Half an hour later) Dido 't yon Dear me call, vou YORLE Tass oil James— XY os, wy, but tonght yee wast in — Landon Tit Bi the Delier, t 5 The parchments and papyrus used the ancients sesan 10 have had a spe preparation, by virtue of which they ab gurbed the tok and thus caused the ant ing to be almost indelible A Mystery. Watts—Staresman Witts sars be never PAYS any attsption to the papers Potts? Wonder how | ¢ of all his jokes Indianapolis Journal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers