Sk PI EO I SAI UII. 8 Advertise As much for your Benefit as our own- (Georve |. Streit, 1122 11th Ave. ALTOONA, PA. era dawn JOur ture has i added mire makes Toilett than he fore in lithographed facsimile : : % 3 1 3 to he obtained at Aang ary. goods slores, nor reproduction and descriptions quoting the exact prices. and quantities of material required to illustrated make up the garments There is not of the Atlantic, ion book on either side to-day, another fash of any completenecs or ex- eellence to equal Toilettes— and mors especially at the price--25 cents per copy, at all news stands, or $2.00 YOAr. Acts at never fails, One Minute Cough Cure. A Onee, remedy for asthma, and that feverish condition which ac- companies a severe cold. The only harmless remedy that produces im-! mediate: resulta. C. W. Hodgkins. _ Fashion Notes. a the fashionable gray-blue dyes, the shade named Napoleon, finds The melon sleeve it is cut in five or the greatest favor. is in high favor, is much like a large mutton leg in shape. Velvet, both plain and fancy, flourishes as a leading garnitude on wraps, waists, gowns and hats. Dress- makers are sending of their ne w costumes petticoats made home with many of hair cloth or raoreen, these fitting very snugly about and below the : 2, but finished with one ruffle around the from. three to five above the bottom, and with placed one back lar shape, 25 inches long ard other in the A tailor-finished cape in circu i140 inches circumference, is: made fil covert alot, dined with has a very deep turn-over re ed with machine Land Lnousana ont addlwaters Caml r the ( ibria and Clearfield division of the Pennsylvania railroad. For infor mation concerning the same address or ingaire of the CoURigR, Patton, Pa iy . seven pieces, and when put together, esting to How to Praveut Croup Some reading that £ prove young 1 \ t r vist the fists nuard agral im Lhe FIs ¢ RC OR EN NC ASR EEN BE VR En TA RT Creamery BUTTER Western BUTTER RET GO. ~ [IE ‘The Philadelphia Press For 18960. 2200020000 20020220.8 ‘Wines, | Flasks, Corks, Jugs, Ete.) Hastings, Penn a. 5 > 4 ASON, Airing a Cpl CRelil od he M semis . wy § wa wn § I CHIESA E2 i » 34 GIVES } B ON Be commas - OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE ANID COXEY'S COMMON VEAL ivy } r F. iL. Douglas shoo 1 save from \ 81.00 to $3.00 ”n pare. Niyles and w fqthm. {he add ‘ i 3 she Ail 1 Doug! an sahaes re main Lhe . Rae. X } t % n % r § xt wel ! \ ! i Ww. i. Dangias, 3 " A Seri By Dealer in Liquors, P. R. R. Time Tables. Beer, Etc. 3 Phoeni BrewinG Co.'s Beer. In effect May 20th, 1895. Main Line Leave Cresson— Eastward. | Sen Shore Express, week days Altoona Acconuaiation, week days... | Main Line Express, dally. Altoona Accomodation, daily. Mail Ex prises, qaily Mam pm 17pm Main Line, Leave resson— Westward. JAMES QUINN, Pa MIRKIN & KUSNER. L pone, Altoona, Huntingdon and | and Piaburg “| from Philadel clghia to DuBeis. Philadelphia Express, a ily. i 8 pm; ‘tickets before entert Be ech C Ne irk Ceatral Creek Railroa % Hudson River BOR Legsen LLY UKEEK AND + AL ford, Builiaio, aia Roc iiosiel, Train No. 72 connects at Cleartiold ¢ for Ty- or radiant and has Pullman "Steeplng Car Train No. 78 connects at DuBol Train No. 74 connects at Clearfield hyo Beech Creek R. R. for Philipsburg, Lock ; Haven, ry Shore, Wiiismsgoth: ilndel- shin and New York, and has iiman Sleep. Thousand mile tickets at two cents per mile, ool for passage between all stations, : . (x MATTHEWS, EDWARD CC. LarRy, Gen, Supt. 3 chests, CS RGchesier'N. Y. nohase "ing Car from DuBois to Philadel am Zam Rochester, N. Y. B¥-Fassengers are requested . to pu the ears. An exorss he colleeted hy Cone ehamre of Ten Centx wt & a P&NW Railroad. 1 88TAIN t apswor an g Cn, receten ivy Amevriean, and : Y 4 abiic With PR par
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers