% ~ North Eutaw street the other afternoon was asale of small pigs. ‘thought it perfectly secure. In an un-| p lek bound jumped clear out of it 8 York, rides in a very appropriate and 1 may aud saw l after it, ealking ta gentleman to 5. it. With bis ass st- i nm EL pak § s NS 4 Rete "THE FAMOUS ALERT, = A Historic Ship That Has Just Been Sold For the Metal In Her. al upop the Beauport shoals, Quebec, lies the old steamship Alert, which in 1875-6 was moored near- of fo the north pole than any ofher ves- | sel has ever been. ~ Bhewas the flagship of the Nares otic expedition and lay all winter at beach, 82 degrees 14 minutes | north latitade. In 1883 she was present- | ed by the British government to our ent to take part in the Greely relief expedition, and after that snccess- | fol en she was returned with thanks to the British. ! In 1885 she was loaned to the Cana- - dian government to investigate the navi- gability of Hudson strait, and to bring - back the party of explorers left upon its bank in 1884 by the Neptune. : On this trip the Alert was comrmand- ed by Captain Gordon, and for threo weeks was jammed ip a field of ice. It was her last northern voyage. The imperial authorities presented her to the Canadian government, and the - latter, finding her at last unseaworthy, after en: ploying her for some time in the buoy si’d lighthouse service, sol 1 her at guction ::veral davs ago. She was © aght for $4,000 by a ship- builder of Sr. John for the sake of her old metal aud York Sun. He Wi: Peculiar. Dr. I. G. Moore, ene of the most re- .markable characters in Louisville, was found dead the other night in a squalid room at Eleventh and Walnut street His death was the result of expuosare. Dr. Moore owned property in many parts of Louisville and for 20 years’ had rented it out to fallen women and salesmen. Under no circumstances could | he be made to rent to other classes. H the women fell bebind in their rept, he - would close down on them nd attach | whatever they had. Inhisroom a dozen | or so rolls of carpet thus obtained are] piled up, while the floor is bare. He | it was foolish to pot down a earpet | only to wear it ont, when a floor would | last a lifetime without one. He did his | own cooking at an expense of about $2 a month, and never took a drink of liquor outside of his room, where he, _ kept a half gallon demijohn generzlly ~~ filled with cheap whisky. His estate is! - estimated all the way from $75,000 to! $200,000, and if he has any relatives no one knows of them. — Exchange. : » Lady pnd the Porker. “A laughable incident occurred on * which afforded much amusement to the %yeirndors, bat pot the lady in a very unpleasant position. At the Lexington Street market there She bought one and piaced it in a reticule. She guarded moment the litile pig with: a} and darted for a side haliway 8 lady w ered a siigit sera of dis ‘apoe the (uunt wis recaptured, and then. the fun bepun. The pi squesled and bd its Ledy out of her Loads sev- | wal times, she meanwhile on ker knees ig heroio efforts to retain posses: sion. f her prize. After repeated at-| rebsllious pig was finally se- ad with flushed face and soiled the lady emerged, a victorions sorely embarrassed woman — € American. suBOUING. A TERROR. Wh i fubuglonted wouleaai as be . ray station on. the Buffalo; Roches- 1 heats? - ~ Bo repeater the assertion. with ad- | is a dude who was smiok- | here for” he replied in a nettled tone. i asked. | it—jaw too hor gnawer?’ - dirt und horséhair other material, —Novw ful nature about her rig. | unassuming color is gsed, and a tidy | chance—toss up. Defender lias none the | worst of it. i Valkyrie IIT’s Jee—well, there will be | some bair singeing to get cut. Such {| occurred at the sale of Langdon abbe 1{ recently, when $89 acres of land, with farmhouse, 8 hang it on the knob where the wolf can | see it.—Pick Me Up. : p doctor, is hereditary. . Almost one-third bails, and the SE ue Ware Shas the. room | uno GOT A OIL; NO cbr A WICK.” Raflrosd Travel ™ China Seems to Have Bits Drawbacks. Having engaged a coupe in the train | to Shang-I-Yuen, the only railway in . all China, I fi und on entering the first | class vesiibild car. that, like the rest of | | the train, a8 horribly dirty. ; Dentistry In Oregon. “When I was traveling through | southeastern Oregon last mouth,’ said : Attorney W. W. McNair to a San Fran- | cisco Post writer, ‘I found myself in a small village and with a large tooth- ache. I found the local dentist, with | his whirligig engine that résembled a small lathe, at the livery stable clip-| ping a horse. ‘‘ ‘Do you treat teeth? I asked. ‘“ ‘Course! What do you suppose I'm | $ it) fer, and for Answer was conducted to | sther part of the train which appeared | a Tittle cleaner, but still the conpe was | very dirty and only had the advantage of having a table, which the first one ' had not, it having been broken up by some former occupant. hy i - - After the train began to move a most “ ¢T want it treated. How do you vile smell came from the adjoining oom- treat a tooth that is aching? partment. On asking why such a state ‘“ ‘Well, I have one that needs atten- tion.’ : ; : { ““ ‘Want it pulled or plogged? he. * ‘Pall it or plag it.’ ‘ of things was permitted I was told that “stink Chinese mandarins were a dirty people had propor iceatment,’ | and did not understand any better. stand- “ ‘Want 1 plagged, then? What is | ard of cleanliness. And he tried | | Two young Cantonese are in the same to fince a finger that was covered with carriage with me, snd I ask them why into my mouth. I! ; the railway is| so badly managed and had grown a trifle suspicions of him, so! the cars go dirty. They inform me that “thought I would find out Ww hat sort of | they are related to one of the directors, work he did. and that no doubt the dirt arose from + ** ‘Do you do bridge work? I asked. | the number of strangers who had travel- ““ #Not since I been practicin. build a bridge across Cow creek when I | stand western sanitary arrang was ranehiv, but I mostly confine my- | in fact, never were in a train before. self to draggin fangs, doctarin horses 1 It has become quite dark, and we are an barberin. { not provided with. a hight. I inquire * ‘Dy yin ever transplant teeth? | the reason. I tried that onct, but she “The Sicks are finish; no got a mora; didi’t work. Ole Bill Robi'son had a no got a 011; not a wick,” is the reply. tooth that was achin, an he wanted it. And so we gat in darkness till the end | pulled. I got the wrong tooth. I tried of our journey, when we ste: sm into to pat her back, but Bill hollered an cut | Shang hin a name which means up £0 that I thought I'd try to trans- | in English ‘City of Hills and Sea Pass,’ plant it. | the famons frontier pass “ ‘I sawed off the snags an riveted the maritime snd of China's great wail it to Bill's plate o’ false teath, but she | ~—Paris Heral od, wouldn't work. The first time Bill bit | : I a bone with it the tooth swnng around | T° Parl mectitey Franehise. in the rivet, an he bit a hole in the roof Men and w{men in of his mouth as big as a hazel nut.’ { equally for towa conneils, lo “I concluded not to have my tooth | Poor law So ans, vestries, treated. The dentist was sorry and told | Wardens and school beards. me that ‘if it was holler to heat a knit: shame, says the president of tin needle hot an poke it in the teoth, Sarional nalon, extend or. hold a chaw © terbacker in my tary franchise, § mouth.’ ”’ | to every ignorynt klborer and not only tothe iii oor, iiriase ing woman, hag cated Totnes who's 7 fener, ehu and groom ca tir votes before ber eyes, FX pa it- lawed. As fo r th ara: iat Ww py en as politicinnqw: woul: dratrov this conld be saved if , Hao ~ay, wal boards, chuech- For very denied Bicycle Contames Differ. A sprightly writer from Paris who de- votes much space to the bicycle craze in ‘‘tha gayest city in the world’’ says: “Costumes differ widely, the average —I speak of women — appearing in bloomers of some order, while the aris- tocrat generally clings to her skirt, ei- | conceded tliat fami iy ifé is mfinite ther long or of a comfortable. demi- richer and OTE Ara tive length, an occasional countess appear- | politics are pot tabooed on account of ing in bloomers. The rider whq rides | the ignorance or ind: “ tenes of the fe for the pleasure of it and not. for the | male members of tie | u~chald. sensation she makes dresses in neat tai- | In questicns of jnicllcct women have lor style, without anything of a fanci- proved. ther selves 1: t. cope with ! . Tweed or | men. Let Justice then be done tw bot’ twill in faced cloth of some dark and | Oyr ruler is a queen. yet still a pol’ tician. In the duties and ficulties of her high and arduous office let hc- daughters as well as her sous have th privilege of helping her. Strike off the -Jast shackles which cramp a woman's energies and restrict her usefulness and let justice triumph over prejudice amd hypocrisy. | PL WANTS A A BLANKET DIVORCE. Yellow Bonnet | | Has Four Wives and w to Be Free Yellow Bonnet, a Cheyenne Indian, bas applied for a blanket: divorce fro: four wives at-Tologa, O. T. It is the first time that ah Indian has sued for a divoge® in Oklahoma. Yellow Bonnet gives as his reasons for his action that he has recently em- braced thie Christign religion and cannot live a polygamons life; also that his wives bave refused to become Chris- tiuns. He asks for the custody of only one of his 19 children. - It was at first thought that it was not - necessary to ask for a divorce, as the laws of Oklahoma forbid polygamy. A few lawyers held to that idea, but other lawyers contended that as he martied the four wives under the tribal laws recognized partially by the governs ns and befere the statutes of Oklahoma ex- isted, he could not be separated from them except by process of the laws now prevailing. ~ This opinion finally prevailed, and the divorce application was filed. That Yellow Bonnet is sincere in preferring Christianity to four wives is shown by the fact that each of the wives and chil- dren has now a nice allotment of land and several hundred dollars of trust funds coming from the government. The wives will consent omly to a “blanket’’ divorce, for they are afraid | to allow the cases to be taken up sepa- rately for fear that Yellow Bonnet after getting rid of three of them would keep the fourth; and as there is intense jeal- ousy existing among them the attorneys could ‘not persuade them to consent to single suits. —New York Recorder. 1, edu- FTN phi Fa iii Ti aliy OY BM nw! finith is added by leather gaiters, dog- skin gloves and a close hat of either felt or straw. Lady Terence Blackwood, who was pretty Flora Davis of New becoming costume. It is of navy blue cloth, with a skirt half way to the an- kles, showing brown suede gaiters but- toned trimly over russet shoes. The coat is fitted to the figure and buttons in double breasted fashion, with small lapels showing a snowy linen collar and , shirt front, with a neat little scarf. Tan dogskin gloves and an Alpine felt bat in dark brown finish the costume, Which is most becoming to her.'’ Opinton of an Expert. Which will win? In sea and wind, Defender, sare. In light winds and roll of sea, De: fender. In moderate breezes— Valkyries best | | . In light winds, smooth water, very ‘close. Sixes and sixes. Can't call the turn. Will Defroder win three straight Yes, if she has wind and sea and ev- arything stands. There may be a break ! in light winds and smooth water. ; In a sea and light winds the Defender should win out thrice under these con- diitons. : The start will almost have as much to do with the result as the weather. If the Defewder gets caught under the are my opinions, given just like other people, and like all things that mortal man does, they may be mark. —A. G. McVey ia New York May Be Hoist With His Own Petard. Dr. Spitzka, the insanity expert, has replied to Max Nordau's literary fan faronade and shows that the Austrian is not a medical expert at all, and that his boasted knowledge is largely imag- If Nordau keeps at it, perhaps e end he will come into Dr. Spitz- ‘hands in a professional way, aa © are signs of a disease abroad which ‘be termed Nordanism, and the] ‘bitten man is the great. iconoclast imac. Philadelphia Proms An Example of Depression. Pe edion of Eaghioh sgriowli: reer Chadee. ‘a womaa who has traveled largely in Japan mentioned in the course of a lecture the fact that the Japanese lan- guage does not contain an impolite word; hence there is. no swearing in that happy land. She also steied that csculation was an unknown pleasure. favorably upon different points, an old woman remarked in a voice loud enough to be heard by all, ‘‘Well, for my part, | prefer a country where they kiss and cuss "'—Atlanta Constitution. The Diamond, None can tell where the diamond goes *o in combustion. Burn it, and it leaves no ash, the fame is exterior like that of a cork, and when it has blazed itself out there remains not even so much as would dust the satennae of a butterfly. ‘stabling, homestead and Artist—I painted this pictare, sir, to keep the wolf from the door. Dealer (after inspecting it)—Well, At Gibraltar, darivg — famous of its siege the Frene h commander, learning that Elliot's men were suffer ing from scurvy, se nt them as a present & boatload of carrots. : How Chicago Views Suit: . Golf, ‘‘Constunt Reader,’ is a harm- Jess pastime intended for feeble minded millionaires. As to its pronunciation, it {is pronounced a "dreadful bore. —~Chi- Nail hiting, according to a . Piencn ‘of the French school children bite their Viros bdo ch ome, tpn mt Br cago Tribune. —e— Ye y © peace of the domestic cirede, it Vesa 5 : iy nn .| : | § | | I asked for an explanation of ihe mat- | 1 aid | ed lately by the line, who do rt » r- | i the saddle and tlefield, while | armies, ' the Bulgarian telegram irom gitnated near | England vote! the Inter- | the parliamen- | or . : L Las been granted ns Work- | As the audience dispersed, commenting | “winning the day. pd Tt 7D =a ‘start in life at 64 years of age STAMBULOFF'S SPIRIT. | Called the. Bismarck of the Balkans cause of His Courage. " The lane M. Stambuloff, ex-premier of Bulzaria, used to be called ‘the Bismurck of the Balkans. '' Ome of his mest drematic passages with Russia occurred «during the war with Servia Prince Alexander had gone out to lead the Bulgarian army in person, leaving M. Stamboloff in charge at home It was a clear day. with not a breath of air stirring, and the roar of the caimon was plainly beard in the city. M. Stambulof! thought the Servians ‘were Be Bulgarian ministers applied to the Rus- sian diplomatic agent for advice. ‘That gentleman shrugged his shoulders and sid iF was no affair of his. ‘‘But,’’ arged the Dunlsarian minis- ters, ‘‘the Serviuns are almost at our gates. Yon could stop them with a sin- gle word, if yon would’ ‘‘Yes, but that word will uot be spoken. On one condition only will 1 step them, and that is that yur beggar of a prince shall abdicate a: once.’" ‘And that,” thundered M. Stambnloff, ‘he will not do. No, not for 20 Russias!” With thet M. Stambuloff sprang into dashed away to the bat- the Russian agit sent to his frierds tt come ealebrate the defeat of the Balgurian reign M. Stambulof, « .on the field of the utter rour of the Servians. azent, arriving there in the midst the festivities. And . when he told the news the representative of the cznr, it is said, groand his teeth i in rage. — West. minster Budget. SHARP AND SEVERE. Specimen: Over Mark Twain. Mark Twain (Mr. Samuel L. Clem- i) -has been holding forth about his ont bankruptey in a strain that night zzle the simple. He says: ‘A mercuant who has given up all has may take advantage of the laws insolvercy and start free again for self. Eut I sin not a business man, i honor is a harder master than the It cannot compromise for less than ) cents ¢n the dollar, and its debts ar outlaw. I had a two-thirds ioter- ¢ in the publishing firm whose capital :rniched If the firm had prospered, “ould bave expected to collect two- ds of tiso profits. As it is, I expect » vay all the debts.’’ Mr. Samuel L . mens protests too much: It is a mat- of simp’ e honesty to pay cne's debts in fall, and the obligations of honor run forther than Mr. Samuel L. Clem- eh ~~ 2 oe ‘ens seems t¢ imagine. Curiously encagh, the first and only time we met Mr Samuel L. (Clemens ba dwelt at lengta upon the dishopesty of a conterapcrary writer, a compatriot of bis, toc whom all English readers owe many delightiul hours, in stch a way that we confess to but scant wympathy with him in his ‘monetary ticubles. He talks of hoping “a fresh and unincumtered ** There is too much self pity here and tco mnch self applause. Mr. Mark Twain would have us believe that to be honest de- serves a martyr's erown. The explana- tion probably is that when a man has to make only cne virtne he is inclined to overrate | { with surprise at the tribate which my, its importdace. —London Saturday Re- view. : And Still the Dance Goes On. We have horseless. carriages, carless | boats, delivery carts operated by boy - power working on pedals and. sewing machine mators. Ten years ago -i¢ was said that the ultimate destiny of man wonld ‘be to think and press a button. ‘Doing burdness with money is aloady too axpensive and clumsy fur advanced institutions. Letter writing has aban- doned the pen for the typewriter and will soon alandan the typewriter and go out of commercial existence as the telephone aad telegraph are perfected and cheapened. The primitive man makes what he needs. The modern man sells his prod- act in a lump and orders what. he needs. —St. Logis Repalilie. Shakespere or Bacon. It remained for a newspaper critic in a small Austrian town to saggust a method of difinitely settling the ques- tion whether Shakespeare's plays were ‘written by Shakespeare or Bacon. - In his eriticism of a very bad per- formance of ‘‘King Lear’ this critie says: ‘‘There was but cneé point in favor of the performance. It permits a de- cision settlirg the authorship of ‘King Lear.’ Open the graves of the two great Englishmen, and the ome who is the author will certainly be found face down, as he must have turned in his grave after this performance.’ Brunettes It Is. The colored people living .in Eerlin held a festival im that city recently, which attracted many of the prom nent people of the capital. One of the best speakers made an address, as became a good adopted] citizen, in eunlogy of the German emperor. Negroes in tha fa therland have reason tc be content with their lot They are received on an equality with whites and are often called ‘‘brupeties.”'—New York 'Trib- une. ; The most >ultivated minds are wiual- ly the most patient, most clear, most raticnally progressive most studions of accuracy in det 45h —~Jatmes Martineau. In Brailes are s sid t to be 300 lan- guages and dialects spoken hy the In- dians. Am ‘inch of rain'’ means a a gallon of water spread over a surface of nuarly two square feet or a fall of about 100 tons upon an acre. ¢ The lamp used by Epictetus, the - philosopher, sold for 3,000 draclunas . soon afer his death, in the year 161 A. D. I, AHSPS ~ clean, they are polite, and apparently | ‘too, and to be bountifully endowed with that sense. of propriety a defective de-- ‘can street car travel They certainly In théir anxiéty the to his honzo ta A few honors passed, snd then | minister ot al tiated battle, telling of Pines | i Alexander's magnificent victory and of | he er He hur- | even if it did not involve a much great- ried with it to the house of the Russian | of of Fine English FEruality “response to my wife's tearful appeals, ‘her out of sight for good. ’—Louisville .be that this disposition on his part was Jewelry sold as them. | there you we Exchanges THE JAPANESE. As Clean as They Are Polite and Gene tie as They Are Brave. : The Japanese have many niece quali- ties and . some great ones. They are they are very gentle and very brave. They are said to he exceedingly neat, velopment of which accounts for much of the rubbish in American streets and most of the disagroeableness of Ameri- beat us in a good many things, and not | unreasonably their example is much held up to us nowadays for emulation. Intel- ligent foreigners who have obeerved us closely have declared that wé are the rudest and the kindest pecpls in the world. “Of course it is a pity that we are not more universally courtecns; that our children are not dersure and orderly like the Japanese children; that we throw papers into the street and drop peanut | shells and orange peel on the floors of | our public conveyances. Of course it is | a pity that we are not more like the, Japanesa in many particulars; bat, for my part, I make bold to confess that American manners with all their de- fects, are better suited to my American | taste than Jupanese: manners, with ail their gentle perfections. i American manners are pot neariy as they shonld be, not nearly may hope they may became, | but that Japanning would profit them is, Dot £0 certain it looks at first sight, | ROM41 as One as er amount of self repression or seif ob-| _hteration, doubtless more apparent than actual, than the American tersperament could endure or has any desire to attain | to. The amelioration of our national de- | meancr must rather be sought in an in-| creased and enlightened self control - joined to a strengthened self respect. If we ever do become civilized, it will be first at the heart and afterward at the rind. —Scribner’'s } HORSE FOLLOWED. FUNERALS. A Louisville Steed That Caused His Mis tress Deep Mortification. “Soma years ago,” said Alderman. James C. (Gilbert to a reporter, ‘I had. a tenant down town who died, leaving a wife and helpless family. Their only property consisted of an old mare, and more to oblige them than anything else I bought the horse. She was gentle and. my wife adopted her for her own driv: ing, and was much pleased for awhile, | as the old mare was so gentle that my | wife could drive her about town herself. | | © “It seemed, howéver, that the mare! had once belonged t sn old lady over ih New Albany who had a mania on the subject of funerals and made. a point | never to miss one. The old mare's; principal oceupation for years had been | to follow fuheral processions to the cemeteries. One day my wife was driv- j 5° ing down the street, when she ‘suddenly | encountered a negro funeral, followed | by a number of societies with all the | paraphern: lia of an imposing cortege. | “*The old mare recognized the proces- tion at a glance, and calmly turned in- | ‘to the line of the parade. In vain my | wife togged at the reins and tried to} turn out. The old mare knew her busi- | ness, and with head hung down sclemn- | ly followed close behind the moarpers. | Occasionally they wonld meét an ac- | gnaintavce of ours, and they locked wife was apparently paying to the de- ceased, until my wife was fr: antic v wit mortification and an ROT. “At every crossing she would appeal to bystanders tu stop the old mare, but they didn't seem to understand, antil i at last they passed a policeman, who, in | stopped the old mare and dragged her out of the procession, much to her sur prise and disgust. Of course I had a good laugh over it, but it was no laugh- ing matter with my wife, and I had no peace till I sold that old mare and got Courier-Journal All Weathers Suited Dr. Johmsen. Dr. Johnson stoutly pochpoohed the potion of the effect of weather on the mind. “To temperance,”” he wrote, “every day is bright, and every hour is propitious to diligence.” Johnson, how- ever, was little given to analyze the in- fluences of nature, or any other infla- ences, upon himself. And it may well in the spirit of the stoies and in defi- ance of his own feelings, to which he disdained to give way. It seemed to him a sorry thing that “a being en- dowed with reason’'’ should ‘‘resign his powers to the influences of the air and live in dependence on the weather and the wind. ''—Temple Bar. ‘Money makes a heap of difference in the world, '’ said the misanthrope. “Of course it does. Still, a man can always choose his associations. *’ “Oh, I don’t know about that. Here | I am with such limited means that I can’t be on speaking terms with even the | telephone comipany.’’ — Washington : Star. Tawdry is derived Som St. Aadrey. | In the tarly middle ages fairs were held | a France and England on St. Audrey's day, and these annval gatherings: be- came noted fir the gnndy and worthless If the mind, that raleathe body, ever 80 far forgets itself a4 to trample on its | slave, the slave is: pever . generous | enough to forgive the injury, but will | rise and smite the oppressor: ong fellow. Aad There Ten Are. Yabsley—Did you ever try keeping I .an account of personal expenses? Mudge—Naw; I know how moan 1} get a week, don't I? : “1 guess 80. 9» - ‘““And I haven't got any of “‘mother's edit sol #50 Sucsecdon. There is a rule at Smith college that no girl can go out driving with a young man unless he is her brother, her fiance or a near relation. Now, once upon 8 time, not many years ago, a4 young man went there to see a girl with whom he stood in none of these relations, although he wished to be in one of them. And like any sensible young fellow in such a pretty town he asked her to tuke & drive, having no kmowledge of the both- ersome rule. The girl said that she would just love to go, but she would have first to ask the president. - ‘Is the young man your brother?” i d that functionary. “No, said the girl. - “Is he your cousin?*’ “No,” said the girl “Arve you engaged?’ “Not yet," the blushing maiden answered, ‘‘batI think we will be when we come back, if you will only let me go!” And tradition ‘says that the president relented and that the $ suple came home SHEAgNY, = landlady, ‘your daughter has beon using my comb and brush again!”’ “J beg your pardon,” said the. land- lady indignantly. ‘I never allow my | children tomeddle with my lodges’ be- longings in any way. “But T am sure she has heen using them," said the lodier, “for there are Inng black hairs on them, and she is the only person with blaek hair in the honse. : “Oh, them t+ comb and brush poodle,” said the landlady, cur dear old st to be guilty of '—New York Mer- self. She's too hone that sart of - thing.’ cary. . - Labored With the Cigar Store Dummy. | There are people who, when they get an idea in their heads, keep it there for- over. An old Portland lady has been ° — —’ now 1 remember! She did have “but I am | quits sare she did not use them for her- ~ talking against the tobacco habit for years and never loses an opportunity to | impress upon unfortunates the folly of the habit. She is a bit nearsighted, and _ she pecrly convulsed lockers on yester- day when she stopped in front of the odd little figure at the door of Fish’s - cigar store and began to argue with it about the harmfalness of smoking. The explosion came when, in her zal, she ‘reached out and tried to take the mock cigar away from him that she might throw it into the street. Perhaps she is | right, but she certainly is overzealous. - —Portland Express. “Amusing Answer, The following anecdote is from +*Glances at Great and Little Men wy ro trots I cans who ware presented at the Tulle ries. He was a young man, and the em- peror bad known kis father in America, | so the latter, wishing to be gracious, said : +1, monsiear, votre pere, vit-il en- core?’ (Does your father yet live?) “Pas encore, sive.’”’ (Not yet, sire.) The emperor had much ado to refrain from laughing and put hisuexs ques. tion in English. DEER —————— Semator Tellers Mother's Butter, Senator Teller is one of that numes | ous class of men who are peruliakly fond couking.”’ tends the buttér making. The senator's wife is an excellent housekoeper, bas | sometimes things will go wrong in the Kitchen, and on such occasions, it is said, Mrs. Teller passes the yellow dairy prod- act to her husband and says brightly : “I'm sorry the dinner is not very good today, Heury, but here at least is some of your-mother's butter.’’-~New York Light Parsons P by Ivy Mr. I. Ten Bosch from Ro» chelle Park, N. J, to Garden and For- est, saying: “Whenever I see a tree inthe embrace of a poison ivy, I take my knife and cut ‘the vine. On the groundi of a few friends and on my own I have cut vines from 1% to2}y inches thick, sometimes at the root and somet mes as farrup aX It happens that the sen:ator’s mother lives with him.on his Colorado ranch and always superin-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers