er 5X 'SITURKISH ROCKERS, FOLDING BEDS, CURLY BEECH, ~ VERMILLION, . WALNUT, BIRD'S EYE MAPLE, PRIMEVERA, COMER BROS. line THE Gi ys 2 sys ‘ s A Y ted on Smad Me BEL AEE ae a2 ~ Pri et i a yo Mw og Sf ad AE BG 3 mR PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, Bos $1.00 PER YEAR. ek Sho “VISIT COOK, SALMOND & COWDE ALTOONA, PA, i i Ao on NS FIRST! THE CONDITION OF TRADE ‘As Reported by Braditiest 3 | Commercial Agency This time with the lar gs of HOLLID; Y BUSINESS ever brought to atton, and still they have | owing ’ e al-| not a girly od ‘yar W is BoSTON, October 4.—General lines of | ways strive to get our g i merchandise are ruling steady in price on exhibition early in the | with a fair, reasonable trade in pro- season so you can have lots of gress. The weather is excellent and is time to make selection. IMPROVING Increased Demand in Staples. tent. More movement is notioéd in some | lines of trade and the prospect is better. ‘The money market is more active, with ‘more commercial paper moving. Rates are firmer. quoted at 4@5 per cent., with corpora- ition loans at 3Ma4} per cent. and always our motto to be first collateral loans at 4:5 per cent. The | boot and shoe market is quict. Joo- bers have been in the market and in the season. All kinds of bought quite freely of saraples, but | presents for young and old. ‘until they see how their customers | will take to higher prices. I«cather is | steady but quiet, with hides ficra but in | slot demand. The iron and steel trade is more quiet, and the advance in prices appears to be checked for the present. Lumber is moving quietly at steady prices. Coal is. ooking hatter, with more trade, PHILADELPHIA, October 4. — Wool ' continues without change. There is a | fair demand for woolen goods, but] workers in textile fabrics are only fairly busy. Cotton yarns are firm. | Petroleum 1s moderately active, but pe lower than last week. Leather and morocco in active demand; nearly | all of the larger factories are running | to their full capacity. Boots and shoes Anything yon want from a Monkey to an Elephant. [) AMC! And also see. the Baby ELEPHANT. Come and ‘My Stock. : Drags Medicines Chemicals Couteonary Snuff | vance in leather. Scarcity of raw | material has advanced the price of | sugar. PITTSBURG, October 4.— There is no | | change in general trade. All classes of commodities are active, with prices firm but low. The indicitions are Shears favorable for a satisfactory fall and winter trade. Collections ire some- ‘what improved, but not satisfactory. ‘The iron and steel market steady, with (demand checked. Purchasers are Knives Razors Scissors. BUY Mugs Ete. C. Ww. HODGKINS, Patton, Pa. next year’s delivery. . BUFFALO, October 4.—Retail trade | continues quite satisfactory in most lines. Jobbers in dry goods, boots and | 3th & Beech Aves. : We Lead to 1 he Coolness of the Weather—An : It 1 1S helping business to a considerable ex- Business paper is - | will place few large orders for goods | are less active, attributed to the ad-| awaiting developments before ordeuing | | ments are good with low values, : MINNEAPOLIS, Ota 3.- ( onditions | noted last week still pre CHARLESTON, her —Business | in all lines is quiet. Collections are ‘about. the average. Cotton receipts | improving. : JACKSONVILLE, October 4,- _Whole- sale and retail circles are slightly im- | proving. All collections slow. NEW ORLEANS, October 4.--Volume | . ‘of orders from the country show a, steady increase. Advance in cotton is helping trade. Cotton is active, with better receipts. Trade in sugar light. Rice fairly active. Large freight en- ' gagements reported for export grain, ' Decembey-January loading. Louisana 4 per cent. state bonds sold at par | yesterday, first time since the war. SAN Frawxcisco, October 4.—Com- mercial lines are quiet. grains are dull and weaker. Grapes ‘and fruits, dried and canned, are more active. | 278. 6d. TorONYO, ( Yetober 4. Trade is feat- ureless. There is a moderate sorting very firm. Wheat is coming in slowly, | and prices are 3c. higher than a week | ARO. Patton Fublie Schools. - On Friday, October 4th, the shoul of Patton completed their first month’s number, however, | by pupils not being permitted to at- | tend who live outside the borough, and | | those who are under six years of age. { The average attendance for the whole ' building during the month was 242; | the whole number of pupils who were | neither absent nor tardy during the month, 135; the per cent. of attendance, {91; the whole number of visitors dur- | school hours, 41. The members of the board have visited the schools, and {have been prompt in supplying any | necessary apparrtas for the advance- ' ment of the work. The pupils of the { different grades have made good pro- | ‘gress in their work, especially those { who return regular. We earnestly de- ‘sire the parents to co-operate with the ‘regular attendance possible. Thor- | obtained by promptness and regularity. on H. HUBBARD, Principal. Two Deaths. Earl Edward, a two-month- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Dixon, died at | the parents’s ‘home on Beech avenue Produce and ; Wheat freights are held at up business, and prices generally rule’ | nue across Chest creek. ‘work. The total number of pupils en- trolled during month was 328. This has been reduced | ' tended to at once. main L. 8. Bell, 8. M. Wilson, P. P. teachere in trying to secure the most ‘ last meeting were read and adopted. ;oughness and progress can only be! iN'S STORE, LOCAL AND ENERIL MEWS. EE ee | . Good Roads. ‘The meanest man who ever lived | Gleaned Here < wid There oy had some good streaks in him. the “Courier” Reporter. ~The man who Won’t “turn out” on | ie public highways should be turned wn. COUNCIL PROCEED] NGS * No one man owns: the road. | Procrastination gathers no moss. | Of Two Different Meetings— Important Bus-| The office seeker whe will pledge iness Was Transacted, | himself to improve the highways and On last Wednesday evening, October who will keep his pledge, should be |2, 1895, the Patton borough council | jet on the ground floor. ' met in extra session with Chairman L.. Did you ever have an enemy who S. Bell, and members B. F. Wise, 8. didn’t have some friends? | M. Wilson, P. P. Young, h Leisch ~~ «Honesty is the best policy; buta ‘and Frank Campbell pret. The | ' man whe is honest. because it is “pol- ‘minutes of previons meeting were ey” isn’t the most desirable sort of a read and adopted. The clerk was then citizen. {instructed to notify the Chest Creek . A good public road is every man’s Land and Improvement company to private joy. lay a board walk on Lang avenue. Those who live in A motion was carried that the Patton ghouldn’t care who throws glass. Water company be notified to place If a man ‘had his life to live over” } i { PATTON'S MTOM. BIN The Only One ein Caribrla Co. Outside of Johnstown. , TWO YEARS TO-DAY Since This Institution Opened Por Tran-. sation of a Banking Basiness. Because of the character of the re- port of the First National Bank of Pat- ton, appearing in another column of | this paper, the COURIER asks that it be given more than passing notice. Fi-' nancial statements of banks in all cities and towns indicate the stability of such communities and their relative prosper-. ity, as well as that of the institutions themselves. Deposits running away stone houses | UP into scores of thousands in a town the size of Patton shows that somebndy is doing a considerable volume of busi- new fire plugs as follows: One at he wouldn’t have the courage to try it. A188 and that others are earning money. Mellon’s hotel at opposite side of | street; one in front of Joseph Karl 'heim’s hous¢; one on alley near | O’Brien’s house, Magee avenue: one larger than you some day. doesn’t have to get mad. ‘on Beech avenue extension near oli school house; One on Meilon avenue ‘near Frank Campbell’s home; one ar Relief for Altoons. The man who knows he is right! | Without earnings there would be no | such volume of business, and without Don’t cheat a child. He may be! | confidence there would: be ‘no such deposits. The statement seforied to, then, clearly shows two important elements Amidst cheers of a large assemblage, | in the present makeup of Patton: It is crossing back of Catholic church on the first water train pulled out of Holi- | just two years to-day since the bank Palmer avenue; one on Magee ave- daysburg Sunday night conveying 70,- | was opened for business and its busi- ; 000 gallons of water to the relief of the ness up to date shows Patton to be The clerk was notified to write drought sufferers in Altoona. Trains | ' rapidly accumulating; the gain is not Robert Yeager, of DuBois, that tho were running all day to supply water | indifferent, but marked; and it shows grading on Fifth avenue would be at- to the Pennsylvania railroad shops and ' thav the bank, which the COURIER has and orders drawn for the same: the 35,000 residents of Altoona. Mon- | considered vgilt-edged’” ever since it The following bills were accepteci day night the Gaysport borough council | was founded, because of the very ex- John petitioned Holidaysburg’s council for | cellent commercial standing and busi- Boyce, $45.00; A. T. Cornelius, $15.00: 8 temporary water supply. The re-| ness capacity of the founders, to have son for freight on fire hose, $3.28. W. W. Bailey, $15.00; Harvey Patter- quest was granted and a pipe line will | | merited and secured the confidence and © be immediately laid to the sufferers in | | good will of the tradesmen and wage A motion was made and carried that ' the neighboring borough. The water) | earners of Patton and likewise of avery = ° the secretary be notified to instruct the famine situation in other surrounding | | large circle of patrons all over the tax collector to collect balance of last towns in that vicinity is alarming, but northern end of the county. It may year's tax and make settlement within it is believed that the Holidaysburg truthfully be said that its’good reputa- thirty days. reservoir can furnish relief to all, Council then adjourned to meet needed, until there is a rainfall Tuesday night of this week. : Tuesday's Meeting. : A Happy (7) Esso. The COURIER has been informed that | Council mes in regular session on ‘Bro. Bangert, of the Falls Creek | Tuesday evening, October Sth, with ferald, was blessed with triplets and | the following: members present: Chair- upon investigation it was found to be ‘only two of a kind—boys. Now Young and Ralph Leisch. Minutes of Charlie is going to receive *bids,” not ‘to sell them of course, but to receive a A motion was carried that the school garies of names, and the party who board be aathorized to contract for sends the prettiest names for the two excavating at the school house and young “devils” will receve a year's ' that the borough will pay their share subscription to his paper or something = of the work. The bill of W. T. Rob- ,¢ that sort. The COURIER extends inson for $7.00 and duplicate order’ congratulations and hopes that they for $9.00 in place of No. 588 was held i live fong and that Editor Bangert { over. Council adjourned to meet next iil not be compeiled to be out late at | the in fine F urniture. 2 E StoEsosns, ~ COUCHES, * DINING TABLES, ~sHAMBER SUITS, BOOK CASES, ‘PARLOR SUITES, _ WARDROBES. ALL STY LES. | ported slow. | coal are being received cuite freely the bereaved parents on Friday after- | and at advanced prices. 55100 {looked for. _ shoes and groceries can see no marked op Wednesday night afler an illness improvement, Collections are still re- of three weeks. Impressive funeral Orders for anthracite gervices were held at the the home of Luke freights noon at 2 clock by Pastor Chas. W. | continue to advance, with a brisk de-' Wasson, of the there is some increase in demand for laid to rest in the cemetery at Chest “money, part of which is for the move- Springs. : : ment of grain. On Tuesday, October 2, a six-month- CLEVELAND, Oectober 4.--The busi- old child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ‘ ness situation is reasonably ssitisfactory Langreen died. The funeral occurred and the weather conditions are more on Wednenday afternoon, the services | | favorable. | Lake freights are active. being conducted by Rev. Wasson, after Receipts of ore continue large and the which interment took place in the new iron and steel markets strong. Protestant cemetery. CINCINNATI, ‘October 4. Business : 23 continues to show improvement, CHICAGO, October 4.—-There was an Reported Missing. W. D. Deloe, a reporter on the Du- | unexpected increase in the sales of dry Bois Express, is reported to be missing. goods, clothing and shoes this week, He is about five feet four inches tall, of are being taken on that account. Shoe seen such new goods, and an advance in price is Paper. Buy ers of leather were Johnstown Got It. | not 80 numerous, and the market was Th xt Ss | | quiet but steady. e next Firemen’s State convention | well and prices hold steady, | Western The contest for the con- [orn cans are ig ns Prices vention wus between Scranton and as fast as In the j.pnstown resulting in a vote of 218 to | east. The production is increasing, This will next year. 63 for Cambria’s metropolis. . | but the large dealers hiere say that they be a big week for Johnstown and will | i are sold eight months ahead. Iron and +f Stes are steady, and any decline, man- tember, 1396. ufactures say, will bring orders in more freely. Light. hardware has sold House hold Popularity. of the Cinderella | Tuesday night. “Grandfather's Cloek.” ‘Dr. L J. Weida is the possessor of a a clock whose record as an ancient one night so he can look after their com- . forts properly, ete. ete., ete. The Birthday Social a Success. The members of the social committee = Methodist Episcopal | mand for tonnage. Bankers claim church, after which the remains were | both on personal selections and mail light build, rather dark complexon, orders. The more favorable weather brown eyes, Roman nose, weight about | brought in buyers and they took hold 125 pounds, wore black square cut | well. The advancing tendency of cot- coat, brown pants, yachting cap, and ton had a good effect, and larger bills black laced shoes. Anyone having | a person is requested to ‘manufacturers are getting out their communicate ‘with the above named Hides ar selling will be held at Johnstown, this county, probably convene some time in Sep- | is hard to béat, it being a present from of the Epworth League held a birth- Wm. J. O'Donnell, Esq., of Chest day social in the M. E. church last Springs. Mr. O'Donnell traces its Thursday evening from 7 to 10 o'clock. genealogy back to the days of ‘oluin- | | By eight o'clock a large audience had ‘bus, it being a gift from no less a! assembled and each person brought as personage than the great Christopher many cents as he or she was years old... himself to Mr. O’Donnell’s paternal The evening's entertainment was a ancestors, who were in some remote success both socially and financially. | degree relatad to the discoverer of the The ladies served refreshments and Continent. The clock itself is an everybody went away well pleased. "unique piece: of workmanship. it being The amount received was $70, which wholly made: of wood, and it is said, | will be used to purchase a furnace for , by Mr. O'Donnell, to have been a very the church. The ladies of the social accurate time-piece in day) 8. sire in a public way to thank the kind’ Knee Dislocated. . people of Patton for thigvery generous On Saturday afternoon Engineer response. . Woomer, who is employed at Magee & Making the Haadles Fly. Lingle’s colliery above town, received 4 trip through B. F. Wise’s handle a painful injury by slipping and falling factory on Tuesday convinced = the while on duty, dislocating his left kree couriEr representative that this new cap. Dr. Worrell, the attending phy- industry is of much importance to sician, reports the unfortunate man patton. It is quite an odd sight to improving, but he will be compelled to | witness the scene of manufacturing the walk with the assistance of a cane for handles as they pass through the dif-| several days. ferent kind of machinery. It is well Picnic. ‘worth your time to go down and see Impire Grange will hold a basket the wheels go around. Mr. Wise is: picnic on Saturday, October 19th, at turning out a fine grade of handles. the residence of Mathias Shank in Buptist Services. Allegheny township. In addition to ° pey O. I Berlin, of Clearfield, will the ordinay picnic amusements and ,....h for the Baptist congregation in entertainment, and addresses will be i}, 1etts building on Magee avenue, made by Hon. J. J. Thomas, Al. ;, pation, on Sunday morning and Strittmatter and others. ‘Grange more freely, and bolts have advanced The popularity ANTIQUE OAK, 20 per cent. Retail trade i is improv ing. Range is well established by its great good increase over lest yer. Produce past years.” It is sold guaranteed to business fair. Wool receipts, 222,376 bake. Sold by A. M. Thomas. pounds. A Young Frofessor. ‘LousVvILLE, October = 4. — Cooler prof. T. E. Gibson, of the Ebensburg weather has a tendency to increase public schools, is ‘happy over the ar- exceptions, all lines of trade, both | on Friday. —Ebensburg Mountaineer. General trade for September shows a Sale in Patton and vicinity during the - sales, and with possibly one or two rival of another fine boy in his home Sorally invited. Moved to C oulport. J. Blair Decker and family, formerly of Hastings, have moved into the Hag- arty property, which was vacated by J. E. Kolbenschlag about a year ago. | We vnderstand Mr. Decker will em- | Coalport Standard. Envelopes Free. ' body is cordially inviied to be present at both services. Married. William T. Robinson, Cambria county, Pa., and Miss Ma- rindia Stroage, of Wilkesbare, N. C., | were married in Patton on “Thursday, | | Wasson. Are Shipping Lumber. wholesale and retail, are reasonably Card of Thanks. 185 Market St. Telephone No. 140, : - MAHOGONY. ‘Johnstown, Pa. * | satisfactory. Late tobacco is seriously ‘damaged by frosts, but the bulk of the crop had already been housed and the market is not improved. KaANsas Cry, October 4.--Hundreds of merchants are in the city from Kan- Mg. AND Mga. J. H. Dixox. sas, Missouri and. Texas, this being fair | The COURIER and the New York | week. Business in all lines is excellent, Thrice-a- week World for only $1.50 a the sickness and death of our beloved child, who was laid at rest Friday. with fair collections. Live stock ship- | | year. We wish to extend our sincere thanks | to those who kindly assisted us during | Ed. A. Mellon will give free to say | Hunter & Baughman, 50 cent writing tablet from him, a ten- | east of Patton, are hauling their lum- ‘cent bundle of first-class No. 6 white | ber to this place and loading it on cars envelopes. Don’t miss this elegant | for the market. bargain. Good for Friday and Satur- | You will find the largest assortment | | day only. : of heating sieves a ihe Cambieia Bas3. Lerch, the tailor, ‘Mahaffey, guaran- | ware company’s store. Go and see | tees a perfect fit. —88tf them. -96t{ if tion is universal wherever it has be- come known. In its two years of business the de- posits have reached almost $100,000.00, i ita younges| committee and the entire church de- notwithstanding the fact that the sur- | plus funds in this section have been tied up pending the tedious process of - enforced liquidation, a condition which keeps much of the surplus funds of the region out of circulation. The statement is quite flattering in . the degree of prosperity it indisputably shows for the bank, the town of Patton and the contiguous country. ‘WE WANT R Letter Or Postal Card from every Lady that sees or hears about this ad; “who is ‘thinking of buying Dry Goods this Fall. We want to ‘send her samples; and quote prices on anything she my need. WHY Y OU | SHOULD WRITE TO US. Because we want your trade and will take pains to serve ‘you promptly and to your perfect satisfaction, Because . we have the larg-. est and best stock of Dry Goods in Central Pennsylva- nia, all marked at the lowest prices Because we have the facili- ‘ties provided to fill your Mail Order the same hour as re- ceived. af Are evening at 10:30 and 7 o'clock. Every- You are Always Safe For money goes back as soon as you | return if in myway | | factory. of Patton, YOUR CONFIDENCE in leaving an order to our judgement to fill (in ‘a case where samples cannot be sent) commands the best judgement and | taste in our power to give—and money bark in the life insurance businese.— October 3, 1886, by Rev. Chas. W. back if not right. [WILL YOU WRITE? who have . person purchasing a 15, 20, 30, 35 or lumber operations a short distance i WM F. GABLE & CO. ALTOONA, PA. NOTE: —-Just as much pleasure to us to fill your small orders arefully | as your large ones. W.F.G.4 00,
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