. : Gd " ER gle i fie" 3 * bE : a Te a RAL wah ii ai ie Arh A A J ap > 3 BL 3 rN i lan. 5 — A A 3 apg a er kde « oe = x A . » - is ov 4 3 5 be § ¥ : ’ fay £55 . % he 3 Hy E L24L Ag IEG ¥ Be A co SAR PA Patton Courier. _ liment recently paid the country. power as a wesalth.producing nation. the freest. Freedom made intelligence possible and intelligence has created ight beantifal designs showing the - that a traveling fakir could cheat my _ partner of joy and sorrow out of ten _ the salesman. 1am sorry I was caught | Er me net ¢ dose AT THE BAR or atwrrce., {Continued From Piro Page.) ~~ For stealing some ment; from Frank : mn, rieto y paTrox PERLIHING co. Prop ™ Dodson, to which act he acknowledged, Harry Singer wus sentenced to serve six months in jail, besides paying the TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION. costs of prosecution and & fine of $20, Ome copy, one ear, in advance, - - . $1.00 Mr. Robert Stewart wits &harged by | Sr Advertising rates nade known upon his wife Laura with assault and bat- application, &FNo papers: discontinned until all ar tery.. It was developed that the white- | THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1895. - " FEREREES are paid, unless st the option of the winged dove of peace did not brood much aronnd the family altar, largely through Laura's fault, and that she had deserted her husband. Conse- quently the jury found him not guilty, to which Laura raised vociferous, but very pe the Postoffiee ut Patton as second. class mall natter, COUNTY. PIE OF HOLDING COURT. © Ist Monday of Murch 1st Monday of Sept. ast Moniay of June | st Monday of be. useless objections. OFFICERS. Ladies’, Misses’, Boys’, Girly, Men’s BrmsorxT Sonor Hon. A. A. V. Barker. tennis shoes 34c., 40c., 4be. and up at PROTHONOTARY J, rby. . ; INTER AND Racoxn J. A. McGough. Bell's, -80tf - TeEASURER-¥. H ricer. Saxxtrr—D, W, Cosher. Sunsmer Excursion Raste RBeok. Y BIEL I¥ys-Samucl Davis, Elmer gPEren ‘The passenger department of the raion ATrovaY-_I 8. Murph ¥: 11oyq, Pennsylvania Railroad company will, © Geo. M. Wertz. on June 1, publish its annual Summer Gomes (La Joh, (BUT, Excursion Route Book. This work, CounTy BURvEYOR—8. G, Fetterman. c. whic is compiled with the ut t! ROE ary James Puy ~Wm. J. Jones, W. a. te 98 ie v ar mms Asem Weakland, | CiCop public with short descriptive m. Dr. Martin. Sonrge Be Samm notes of the principal summer resorts Poor DIRECTS Moore, James Som- erville, Raphiel Hite. in Eastern America, with the routes of BOROUGH OFFICERS. ‘reaching them and the rates of fare. Bunorse—W. J, Ponnelly. TL x There are over resorts in the book, ey en AY dons to which rates are quoted, and over BARC. C. Crowell president; G. 1,800 different ways of reaching them, | , seeretary; W. Handford, treas- | or combinations of routes are set out _. H, Curfman RE L The book is the USTICE OF THE PrACE--Jesse E. Dale, Jas, plete and comprehensive hand book W. H. Sandford. | of summer travel ever offered to the Geman dito public. Its 210 are inclosed in a handsome and striking cover, in colors. | Several maps, presenting the exact ; routes over which tickets are sold, are ‘bound in the book. It is also profusel STREET (OTR A. Jackwon. | nd with fine halftone cute of | ‘THE GREATNESS OF AMERICA. .. | scenery slong the lines of the Pennsy}- | The New York World says that per- | vania railroad and elsewhere. Any Asspsson—Jou, H. Ric oorrons—F. iL Kikend, H. 0. Winstow, Gould, ; oy ELR TION—Sam'l Boyce. CHIEY OF Povriez—-John Boyee STREET haps the article on the wealth and in- | ' doubt as to where the sammer should | telligence of the United States just | be passed will be dispelled after a care- | d the celebrated English | | fal éxamination of the contents of this | published by statistoian Malhall is the highest comp- publication. On and after June 1 it rosy be procured at any Pennsylvania | ‘He dwells chiefly on the fact that in railrosd ticked office st the nominal the thirty years between 1860 and 1890 prioz of 10 cents, or, upon application the United States showed an increase to the general office, Hroad Street of $49,000,000,000 in apparent wealth. Station, by mail for 20 cents. Bat more important still is the ral There is one roedicine that will cure wealth of the country, which he shows jmmediately. We refer to De Witt's as far as can be shown in statistics by | (olic and Cholera Cure for all summer saying that never before in the history complaints. . No delay, no disappoint- has any nation possessed 41,000,000 pant no failure, C. W. Hodgkins. | citizens who have been taught to read. 1A Ae in Mods, In that lies a great secret of our : L'Art de la Mode is the highest Visible wealth is the result of the in. 8uthority on the subject of fashion of ich creasing intelligence. It is al- country. The styles are strictly origi- among those nations nal and represent the work of the a rm intelligence of the leading artist designers in Paris. On working masses, the actnal | this account those who depend upon os has been most highly developed by ed- | this journal as a guide on the subject of weation. . dress can do so with confidence, since | But in America and everywhere else the styles are new, varied, sdvanced intelligence depends on popu- | and have never appeared in any other | : Jopuiar inte No people can become magazine. It iu the design of the pub- | - intelligent except in the measure that lishers constantly to add new features | they become free. Nor can they re. | Of Interest to L'Art de 1a Mode so that | ' the journal may ever hold the front {rank it now. occupies ns the finest Americas has become | fashion Journal in. the world. To this | country of h b it has been | end extra colored plates have been | Hoty the last namber containing wealth beyouad the dreams of the men latest combinations of color and ma- who founded the Republic. - It must be terial, besides nearly one hundred | the care of Ameritans who succeed black and white sketches. The coupon them in all grmeratians to see to it that | Page of special patterns, the monthly the wealth thus crested is used to in- New York letter, and the bright and rease nok to destroy or reprom intelli | chatty fashion notes are features that make L’Art de la Mode invaluable to i all who are interested in Dame Fash. ‘ion. Ask your newsdealers for it. gence and freedom. NOSES PEKING, SWINOLED. : ne Says 1t Does Not Pay to Patrontse Single numbers 35 cents. - Hangry F'eddiers. Were you in it? | was, and I was’ Sonietime wil I waa troubled with mad too, as mad as | could be to think | jan rheumatism, 1 used Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and was completely cured. I have since ad- vised many of my friends and cus hard-earned dollars was too much for tomers to try the remedy and all speak me, and I made sulphur by the ounce. It is Dardly ven for me to state | Rey, Cal. For sale by ©. ean for I du not think there is pj yey City Drug Store. a dozen families in town but what are y rug in love with the picture dealer who ; Get Tollet ten. was here litely. ‘Luckily for him, We are pleased always to note # and possibly for me, he came while l happy idea in the line of artistic em- was out of town and in crnsequence belishment, such aa has nade the cover 1 am that much pocrer, owing to the page of Toilettes the cyncsure of all easy manner which this person had, eyes in search of the latest magazine. and the successful way he pulled the This publication presents with. each - dollars out of the wives of Patton was monthly issue a lithographed boquet ~ enough to make the eagles on the dol | of beautiful lowers emblematic of the lars screech with horror. It is past month for which it is named. = For the now and though poorer | am richer for current number, July, a magnificent 1 think Mrs. mes: WAH DOVET again | bunch of Gladiolas is twined half bargain for a picture. She ordered a around the figure of the proverbial picture of our three-year-old child, and summer girl attired in a becoming 1 declare, I thought it was a picture of lawn tennis costame. Each issue of a young Chinaman. I asked her what Toilettes contains a larger number of she bought it for and she said, why illustrations than any other fashion that is Albert. I am sorry she told magazine published in the world. me for I always thought the boy good Price 20 cents at all naws stands. looking. The morul of the experience pergons who are subject to diarrhea of last week bs plain, patronize your wij) find a speedy core in De Witt's home dealer and you then have re- Colic and Cholera C ure. Use no other. course if the work is not satisfactory. It is the best that can be made or that But if you like to be swindled, buy money can proc ure. It } waves the sy H- from a traveling salesman who makes (on, in natural condition after its use. ; a house-to-house canvas. Iam willing | We sell it. Fu Ww. Hodgkios. to wager that more women found Local Market Ruport. out last week how their husbands can For the special benefit of the farmers ‘swear than can get into church on in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER Sunday evening. Not that the cus- the following local market sing helped ihings any, but it relieved | report, revised each week: the feelings and started the hunt for’ Batter. Hi cents per pound. and I am more sorry so many others op bushel ; were canght. but experience is the best | ae. teacher, though ht many times o dear | (37 iii one. Bewaze of your . and I will inl EE AR wise hereafter. Moses PERKIN. PE id a al: to GIVE AWAY. of some of the FURNITURE we are going | ANDARD WRITING DESK. " You make a purchase we give you a coupon worth [Bice >-y _ the amount bought and when you have the reqUITEd men fee vin. 1 inter dons of emne, 5% inches. Ilolds seeount books sum In coupons we give you one of these ele >gant polished OAK standing and statiooery flat. Strongest, pieces. chenpeyt, and best writing desk made. Oak snd soticne finish, besutiftully enrved us por cut. Remember it costs you | nothing. We dow’ t tack on enough | in the long run to pay us fori it. willl say so too. ‘Boys 1. 50, all wool, OUR BIG 2.00. $3.00 in knee STOCK - : Co ——— Our Stock of Suits is largest and best in town. In men’s at $5.00, all wool, up to $14.00, worth fully $20.00. You pants. Fully 500 boys’ suits to select from. - Gives you a large assortment fr om which to nile your choice. SHIRTS, A HOSIEY, UNDERWEAR, PANTS, BELTS, NECKWEAR, pre. ETC, In great profusion at low prices, not even ving prices, at that. 4 Best S Stock [.adies Shoes | In town, black and tan. Nicest Stock Men's Shoes in black and tan. Bows’ Mi ser and Children’s in black and tan. Everybody invited here to see us _ telligence of the masses. It increases APY Other journal published in this . L. S. Bell, CLOTHIER, TAILOR, SHOE DEALER. CASH-ONE PRICE. highly of it. Simon Goldbaum, San FARMING | NOTES Of Interest to the Farmers Whe Read the "ation “Courier.” This is the month in which to breeed for February calves. It is nndoubtedly true that food of all | kinds flavors milk to A greater or less | degree. In the season just ended Canada and the United States sent to Europe nearly 4,500,000 barrels of apples. More butter is injured in the ripen- ‘ing of the cream than at any other point. Cattlemen in the Argentines are con- 'tracting to deliver dressed oxen in ' Liverpool at $80 per 700-pound carcass. Nut cake made in India from rich, nutritious nuts is being extensively sold in Europe as far superior to oil cake or oil meal. In Copenhagen last year 16.28 per cent. of the animals which entered the slaaghter houses were found to be tuberculous. The size of the cow and thé amount of food eaten are no indications of - she will do at the pail or what the milk will churn out. The lady-bird beetle are unusually numerous this season. They are one of the fruit grower's best friends and should never be destroyed. Swamp muck is not generally as val- unable as it appears and requires to be heavily dosed with lime the first sea- son to produce mach effect. © Boys Make Money Wanted —an energetic and reliable boy in each city and town to sell our high class illustrated newspaper for women. An ambitious lad can make money fast or secure any article de- sired from a base ball outfit to a bi- cycle, for a few hours work each Sat- urday. morning. If your parents consent, enclose stamp for catalogue of articles given; free sample and full particulars. Address Ladies’ Every Saturday, 38 S. 7th St, Philadelphia Pa. “Many of the citizens of Rainsville, Indiana, are never without a bottle of (Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house,” says Jacob 8rown, the leading merchant of the place. This remedy has proven of so much value for colds, croup and whooping cough in children that few mothers who know its worth are willing to be without it. For sale by C. E. Belcher's City Drug Store. We rcommend De Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure because we believe it a safe and reliable remedy. It's good effects are shown at once in case of cholera morbus and similar complaints, C. W. Hodgkins. Say, have you ‘tried ‘Hodgkin's soda For Women of Culture, Thirty-two large pages with fine photo-engravings of celebrated Amer- jean beauties, heiresses, suecoessful business and professional women,’ beautifal gentlewomen of F charity work of women, including baby wards in hospitals, the famous baby incubator, and other features too numerous to mention here. Post-paid free (for three 2 cent stamps) together with a beautiful work of art, (in col- ‘ors’ suitable for framivog. Send promptly, as edition is limited; when exhausted, stamps will be. returned. Address Ladies’ Every Saterday Co. | Philadelphia, Pa. Butterick Patterns can be purchased at the store store of Geo. 8. Good. -85tf. Reuel Somerville; Attorney-at-Law, PatTON, PA. Office in the Good Building. W. H. SECHLER, Attorney: - at - Law, © EBENSBURG, Cambria County, Pa. JAMES QUINN, Johnstown, Pa. DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, ETC. LADIES Finest line of Percales, Shirtings and Illumine Checks ever opened in the County.© An assortment of Silk Wast Pat- terns alsa just opened. INDERWEN Children’s Gauze underwear 5c.; ladies’ ribbed underwear 5¢; Men's balbriggan 25c. former price soc. The best qual- ities for the money ever offe In Shoes I have special bar; gains for the ladies, 99 cents. Hose A full line just received. Good bargains at 10, 12, 15, and 125 cents. Butterick Patte rns, Latest Styles Come and See Goods A. LNT, I dealer i in P.P. Young & Bro, W hoiesale and Retail Dealer in . * : Wines, Liquors, Beer. Etc. FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS, ~ Phoenig BrewinG Co.'s Beer. Bologna, Lard, Ete. Tih 0 Rress & 7, 6eds TE [AR 2nd d Trim mmnds] oy £ A Our stock of dry goods and trim- mings for the late spring and early summer season is not equalled. Cotton dress goods never were 20 handsome as now nor prices so low. Now is the time to buy. Come down or send to JAS. QUINN, Clinton St, Johnstown, Pa. Flasks. Carks. Juas. Etc... ranivE eS CIASRS, LUTRS, JUGS, Etc. FIFTH AVENT 5, Hastings, Penn'a. : ‘Patton, Pa. BETA FirstNation’ | Bank OF PATTON, Dr. S. W. Worrell, [P= cambria €5. Pa. i CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. PATTON, PA, SURPLUS, $10,000.00. nS = © Actounts of Carporations, Firms, Individu- reneral S YCIrv is and Banks received the most Gre ne ral Be urgery ble tem intent with fe and To win EN Dee a, ship Hoketa | for saie for all the landing aks : . iines. Foreign Din pram in the prinel THE EYE A SPECIALTY. |"™{% SEER haveour promptand Room No. 3, Pmierest paid GOOD BUILDING a a Ag = He Pe ig Tags pate
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers