np AAAI SI 0 pH srt bs, : those mammoth signs which Rib bf EA Fr AE Bei a SOE FENG A — VOL. 11. —NO. 81. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA, THURSDAY, JUN E 20, 1805. sian i: : . $1.00 PER YEAR. ain ob PSTN” FLOUR MAKES THE MOST WHOLE SOME BR EAD A - —— C—O oon mga vo zn + THE CONDITION OF iw ne YANG! Ee tT Phi o> r Ad. uo soe | Commercial rin the Ba : by ros if mem "MODERATE | PROGRESS Drugs ~~ Medicines Chemicals da : : : : BosToR, Jane 14. — or nearly Stati onery oh ; Soatr| 30 kinds of mérchandise maintain a Oa a 01 | firm tone, but trade is yet being con- - : 8 | ducted in a conservative manner. The ; H —a Allen | absence of speculation. is marked, and Fishing Tickle Sporting Goods t Rase Bail Goods Knives Rasors Scissors Shears ~ Strops Mugs Etc. FINEST SODA WHTER. -Manuiatmres of i i In the Majuiity of Pusinew in tos Yarge! J Cities. i merchandise have advanced, operators ‘are disposed to work slowly. The | money market shows more steadiness { at the close. Sorne wool paper is mak- ing its appearance, which helps the de- mand. Business paper is quoted at | (23% per cent., with corporation loans ‘at 2(@8} per cent. and collateral loans . at 24@ 3} per cent. The boot and shoe market continues strong, with the ‘Magic - Drops factories fairly well employed. The —und— leather market is firm and quiet, with ; Magic Cough Cure. [Hiden moderate qupply und Sm at the full advancp. Calfskins are in Guaranteed to give satisfaction or good demand and higher. Iron and money cheerfully refunded. 'steel trades are quite active at first : | hands, with values stronger. The stove Prescriptions a Spe gay. | trade is quiet. - Lumber is steady, with coal dull and valaes. ‘weak at first THE . i. | {amnds | BUFFALO, June 14.—Trade in grocer- 4th’ | are in receipt of good orders. There is jes is without change. No more activ- ity than is customary at this season. J U L y | a very sutisfactory demand for cotton Will soon be here and when it comes | E000 aad 8 fair demand for dry! | The volume continues fair with a hope- we are headquarters ters for all kinds of Yoo, Gimugh Yi season is off. Pe fal feeling. PHILADELPHIA, June 14.— Wool is | is gradoally improving and | not very active, though some spinners | i WwW | collections are better. leather and Fire Works =e mmm is considerable activity ameng boot | Flags, Balloons, Cannons, Jom rime, The produo- Ete, Etc. Etc. . tion of anthracite and bitominéus coal | '#xceeds. the demand, and prices are : | We oarry the stock in this Jargee, ruling low. fof any week since the improvement. { began, prices are firm, with groceries, dry goods, boots and shoes and hard- ign ——} Soni C. Ww. HODGKINS, ma Aven, ais PM Pa ware in demand. Country arders are | "| being received for larger stocks, the ' increase in wages baving created a bet- A ' of staple goods are very firm, and re. - mittances are improving. : | but how much of one is not yet known. although values for many kinds of zizats = = TH THRDWEEROF COAT, NTO, June 14.-- Business tinues IRON active in wholesale Siro | gS ky anv os wctonth Prices | I Motions and Petitions Before Judge Barker CLEARFIELD. CrmamrrELD, Pa., June 17, 1886. WERE VERYNUMEROUS Clearfield will have a Fourth of July, Sevéral Assignees Ask for and Obtain Their | © Dischurpe—Other Court News. There will be fire crackers and parades The third week of the regular term sising the 427 auf. Steweris and fre of court was called Monday morning, water during the night. ‘|Jodge Barker presiding. The first TE SUE NER TGS A sense of unvaryi gratification i pet A cam OF Monday "Moning About | fal manner in which the schools of, ~~ O'clecle—Jobn ie me mon now the term has ended sad school books | [MCGOVERN T THE VICTIM a aprile Wh mandala Ih Janile,» pivla which is commendable | erteo_ ml Remsine Passel has manifested iteelf and we are justi- : : | fed in appreciating our rea melts. A corps of able and efficient teachers | ander the supervision of Saperintend- The bicycle races at DuBois on the work consisted of the presentation of 8 | ang W. H. Tnomeon, most creditably mitted suicide at the home of Mr. 4th and 5th of July will be well at- number of petitions and motions, performed their arduous daties in | Kirk, about one mile from Hastisgs, tended by Clearfielders, especially on which are as follows: the 5th. Use of G. W. MoGary vs. Lovenia Geo. R. Irwin is home from medical H. Muller. Motion made for judge- school on a vacation. | ment for $543.61, amount admitted by The Clearfield firemen did not cut | defendent to be due; the plaintiff will much ice at Bellefonte last week. The 8° to trial for the recovery of the bal- ‘boys did not have much time to train ance climed by him. since reorganization. | In the matter of D.. A Luther, a ‘Miss Edith McPherson is home vs Thomas Dawson; judgement ent- from Maryland college on a visit to | | eved for want of appearance. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mo In the matter of the application of Pherson. ~ the Rt. Rev. Bishop Phelen, bishop of The new tannery lately put in oper- ‘the Roman Catholic church for the ation at Curwensville is killing all the diocese of Pittsburg, praying for a de- | fish between that town and Clearfield. cree authorizing the sale of certain Dead fish may be seen lying slong the | property belonging to St. John Geal- river banks above town any time one bert’s congregation in Johnstown. | looks for them. Saturday quite a | Upon motion of Mr. O'Connor, at- namber was seen in Logan's dam. torney for the applicant, the decree; L. A. Gearheart and J. E. Harder entered by this court in the premises rode 8 miles in 25 minutes on bicycles Was rescinded. last Wednesday evening through sand, | In the matter of the city of Johns up bill and down, in a rain storm. The town, tax liens entered September 3, ‘wheels ridden were the Gendron, made 1308, in the city lien docket; liens were in Toledo, Ohio, and weighed 21 and 18 directed to be amended so that the pounds respectively. Mr. Gearheart liens shall show that the ssid taxes recently won a 21-mile road race at Were assessed for the year 1898. | Carlisle in 63] minutes. Reik: libel . nem -— Antom in divorce. . +. motion of Mr. Zimmerman, attorney EBENSBURG, Pa., June 18, 1995. for the plaintiff, alimony was awarded Jas. Kirkpatrick, of Spangler, spent against Antom Reik defendant, to- ‘a few hours in town on Wednesday. gether with the amount due plaintiff E. P. Baker, of (Grant, accompanied for maintenance, etc. DY Lil ons Sot, See to Bunions | In re second and final account of ' John Foust, administrator of Samuel | Aiaee cornian. of Figart, is stieming | H. Miller, deceased. T. W. Dick ap- court this week as a juror. : pointed auditor. Messrs. C. C. Anna and J. W. Anna, In the cane of Gerson L. Kohn ve. | of St. Boniface, were among the visi- Marcus Wohl, a rule was taken on the tors to our town this defendant to show cause why judgment | 0 | PrrresuRo. June 14. The volume of Jos. A. Gray, P. J. Hoover, and should not be entered against him for | : PONT FORGET TRE PLACE, ioe bas grown, and ie ap to that | Thomas Scanlan, Esq., of Carrolitown, waat of an affidavit of defense. ' were in Ebensburg yesterday. Petition of Annie Lewis by her next Wm. R. George, of Belsano, spent friend, David Davis, for the appoint Sunday night in Ebensburg, and de- ment of a guardian. The Rev. R. 8. : parted on Monday morning on a busi- Jones was appointed. | ness trip to Altoona. Petition of William Goodwin for the Clark Craver, a nephew of IL. A. adoption of Annie Lewis. Craver, of this place, and whose home Asked the court to fix the fee of 1 the mabior of Tomiie Relk ve. | teaching the young ideas to shoot and DY shooting himself through the head the realization of good! careful training | Wi 8 revolver, und died shout 3 o’clock the same day. ‘and faithfoiness in the discharge of He their duties has prompted many mani- ‘contract erecting | festations of val a reservoir near Hastings and was The public has been given an oppor- Doasdiag ot Kirk's. Daring the day 7 tunity to judge of the beneficial results To X astings seemed to be of sending their children to an edy- | An crdinary ate of mind. ‘He cational |nstitation where modern : methods are taught, and that they sre’ ; : intrusting them to the care of those | HTIdEYe and paid for i, the mer. wilh dave the full appreciation of their CHAN Dever suspecting that he was | wellfare at heart, while their pleasant “P0ut 19 Soin: the seititie Ged bo! cheerful surroundings in properly procesde boarding lighted and ventilated school rooms is | | remarked to his mistress that he was not feeling well and gonessed he would {no secondary consideration. If the irom snd lie down. He was | result is commensurste with the hope 8 ; : ion wil sen many more bright oe So Pt 5 short time mh | school days for her future men and a ] | . Saspecting something was wrong the SCHOOL REPORT, : room, bat tod late to save the unfor | The Last Report as Preymred by the Prinei- | tunate man from killing himself, as pai, W. KH. Thomsot), The fol'>wing is a report of the Pat- | kept on firing the weapon -until it wes Sou pubis wool Sse Sve suth ending | taken from him. During the shooting June 11, 1885: | ome bullet entered his arm also. 24. Average attendance, males, 8, | the firm of McGovern Bres., railroad females, 16; total, 32 Per cent. of contractors, who built a large propor attendance, males, 93, females, 96; tion of the Pennsylvania and Newth- average per cent. of attendance, 35. western railroad, besides being the Number enrolled in gravamar school osntractors for other parts of railroad ‘during month, males, 17, females, 34; in this section. He had recently re- | total, 41. Average attendance, males, osived 5 contract to build three miles 12, females, 33; total, 35. Per cent. of of the Beech Creek extension ner | attendance, males, 98, females 96; ave- Mahaffey. | rage per cent. of attendance, 97. The suicide was no doubt s promed- Number enrolled in the intermediate | tated affair as he left a note stating . department during month, males, 38, that he wished his mother notifiud and | females, 16; total, #4 Average at- that the cause of his rash act wes due | tendance, males, 24, females, 14; total, ty a brother. He had his money, $2, (38. Per cent. of attendance, males, gpd all his papers laid out om a table 187, female, 39; average per cent. of with instructions what to do with the 88. same. | Number enrolled in second primary | Mr. MoGovern was aged about 35 during month, males; 26, fomales, 34; years and has no family. His reminins | total, 50. Average attendance, males, passed through Patton on the 738 123, females, 18; total, 41. Per cent. | grain en route to Tyrone, where inter Coll Signs of Times. of ron am i, is near Cherrytres, is attending court Mathist Reade as master in the case of | Of attendance, males, $8, females, 78; ment took place to-day (Thursday). an advance of over §1 per ton in bo lien. It js stated the price of Not the hard times, but steel rails will shortly reach $24, but rr Conditions indicate | jountinned and peruaRen improve- A. M. THOMAS, ™ Gmicace, Jute 14.—The oly im portant improvement is in iron and | this week as a juror. : . Ferguson vs. Davis. Rev. Parker, the new pastor of the In the case of Ssinford’s use against Baptist church, of Ebensburg, preached Wilson and Annie Powell. Upon an his first sermon on Sunday, : | affidavit filed the court overruled the Henry McDermitt and Edward W. motion for a new trial. ‘Evans, of Barr township, sre among K In the case of lsaunc Mahan vs. Philip | | the jurymen wbo are registered at the H. Jones, the petition of the defendant | Blair house this week. was to show cause why writ should | vasrage per cent. of attenclance, 82. | Number enrolled in first primary . during month, males, 35, fomales, 33; {total 68. Average attendance, males, | [ 31, females, 27; total, 51. Per cent. of | | itondance, males, 91, females, 83; | average per cent. of attendance, 87. Total enrollment for month, males, | A Patriotic Disposition. | for the 4th of July. The walls and oncupants of the house rushed to his {sbullet had entered his brain and be Number enrolled in high school dur-| Mr. MiGovern is well-known throtgh- ing month, males, 7, females, 17; total, | oat this section, being recently one of | Pr The demand for billets is active, | Jury Commissioner Anslem Weak- not be stayed and judgment openec | 113 females, 114; total, 227. Average | we handsomely decutatad the leading hardware man of | and prices have advanced to 21. Rails: Ind, of Eder township, was in Ebens- |and the defendant left into the defense. | S5eRdance, Tales, 36 females," 98; pe fle ig: beligvan and Northern Cambria has put up are selling more freely, and manu- burg on Monday. Petition of Mary A. Royer for the 'Otal, 194. Per cent. of attendance, | TL terme while the two large in all sections of the county. | facturers predict an advance. Pigiron Miss Leaming, of Youngstown, O., appointment of a guardian. Charles i - foustien, 33; averagy per front windows are filled with fireworks y. n oo |i8 taken well at last week’s prices. arrived here on Monday evening, and C. Wa was appointed. Fa | cent. of attendance, 87. Jil A f all clescription; surely encagh to : You can see them everywhere, Bar iron rates are up 5¢.; and there is a will spend the summer months at her Torr ot Hi K and Peter {8 ; ~ which goes to show that he is ape up suten oy Farewell Party. J roake “Rome how!” in Patton on shat strong fone to everything connected cottage on Julian sreet. Hoffman, administrators of Frederick A farewell reception given in honor a aa * the man who advertises and ption gi ‘grand snd gloricus independence day. ‘with iron. Light hardware, dry goods Messrs. R. W. Richards and T. A. Keiper, deceased, to an order of sale. of the teachers was held at the resi- One ofthe windows referred to contains the man who advertises does | are in smaller demand, but fair for the | Delozier, of Hastings, attended court Property sold to Gillian Seese. Clon- dence of Mr. M. M. Crain on Palmer the fireworks, ete., of which Mr. Hodg- the business. We will not state | season. Clothing is dull, but traveling here on Wednesday and Thursday of firmed nisi. ‘avenue Thursday evening, the Lith kins has voluntarily procurred at his . in detail what is kept at our men wre socuriag good orders for fall | nat week. ‘Petition of Thomas R. Marshall, as- | inet. The weather was charming and own expense; which will be displayed i bat when you want any- delivery. Leather is firmer, with fair James Dormer, who has made his signees of FF. E. Alter and Laura E. the guests arrayed in the airest of in Patton during the evening of the : ing th 5 c Y’ sales. Lumber is arriving freely from home in Ebensburg the past two years, Alter for his discharge. ‘summer costumes made a pleasing 4th." Too much commendation cannot Shing | mn € une ol genera | Lake Superior, and prices hold steady. departed on Tuesday morning for Ma- Petition of George Schrader, ad- picture as they flitted to and fro. Social he bestowed upon a gratuitous patriotic : | No important features have developed haffey where he will work on the rail- ministrator of Casper Giitach, for dis- games, music and dancing were the spirited citiven like Mr. Hodgkins for {in other lines. The produce trade is road extension which is to be built charge; granted. | principle features of the evening and taking the interest he has in endeavor Hardware fair. Fraits and vegetables bring good from that place. Petition of George Schrader, admin- not until a late hour did the merry ing to make the celebration in Patton J | prices. New potatoes are being rmark- Thos. Strittmatter, whose home is istrator of Christian Glitsch, for his makers disperse, regretiing that so a success. F I 1 jeted freely, and wool receipts are ‘near Patton, graduated from the law discharge; granted. many familiar faces would be absent i J arming mp ements, | $200,002 pounds. school of the Georgetown University = Petition of citizens of Dale borough from our midst. 2S "Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, LOUISVILLE, June 14.-—General trade jon Monday iast. Previous to entering for the appointment of a tax collector; Plumbing, Tinning, is quiet, except leaf tobaco, which is that institation he studied law With M. Isaac Ream appointed. active and strong for Col- | D. Kittell, of this place, and while f B.S. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, [Sor snimeme POSH radon. Off ont Thad MOY WATT: endl Who |; oe ape se aug Coen iy | tar of Hon. Jobe Pasion, v5. eis en Vy lie to PUlipeueg siictie yi | ll bo glad to hoa of his smocees. Johnston ve. Thomas and Cyrus Burns; tymed from Washington last week way fare: for the round trip, good to Ete, Efc., Bow feds Crry, Juss 14.--Copious | a A. Craver and family atianded | judgment awarded for want of ap- Wednesday, having graduated from ' return until June 22nd, . inclusive, ao- er Kansas stimulated a funeral of Mrs. Craver's sister, pearance. ‘the Mt. Vernon Seminary on Tuesday. count of the annual tournament of the Call on us and you will save better feeling with jobbers, as it im- Mrs. Henry Hertsog, which took place Petition of Frank M. Shaffer, admio- | ghe left for New York on the early | Northern Pennsylvania and Wes money. We wish to especially’ proves prospects for a large corn crop. at Gallitein on Sasenlsy services Se istrator of George Shaffer to sell in Monday morning and sailed New York Band ‘association, to be held ‘note that we handle the cele- | Collections are fair. The cattle market o,nducted by Rev. Father Ryan and, certain real estate to pay debts; order Tuesday morning for Europe with ten | at Philipsburg, Pa.. June 20th and 21st. : brated 4 ung a while hogs show a FE e Cath- nate : Dai \ Tanthinger for bis ‘| of her classmates, chaperoned by two The low rates and excellent train ser- | : on ae ' lady teachers. The party expect to vice via the Beech Creek route, will no | South Bend | BT. PAUL, June 14.- Trade conditions y_ ... 1 oaiee of Patton and Vicinity. | discharge as guardian of Blanche and roast an extensive trip and will be ab- | joabt materially assist in pir g Foe Snvorable, cre fo ary gdm, "John Rerdon & Sons, the mann- Brore Sone rt te tos sent until October . 1st. —Curwensyille a large number of people to the band : Yoilue. orders for 800ds, | fucturers of Anchor Soap; offer the urn to order issued to S. Raview. ar tournament. inereasing. : Gey Collections are Ary borne. setting forth sales of real estate . hurwe Hours Tn. Ly | the highest number of hate Soap * The following C arroiltown boys have with the PS Shears for Sony | CHARLESTON, June 14.— Trude is fair | Trade Marks to Patton Supply Co, to W. H. Rose et al. organized a baseball club known as The Beech Creek passenger train, ground—one of the first in (for the season in all lines. Warm Patton, Pa, between the 15th of June, In the case of Hannah Orth ve. gh, «Nonpareils’” L Gray, A. Gray, | ue Pasion 3 ow 2 Tt Sn Shy ‘the market. Think of it, 75 weather has stimulated demand for 1895, to 15th of June 1396, a High Arm Haworth & Dewhurst, feigned issue, 5, S. Farabangh, B Ebig, | ee on es da, Hig to ove of these plows were sold in the | summer goods. More confidence is ex- {Sewing Machine. For further particu. tried herein civil court, the judge In" g. Blum, A. Eck, R. Bradford, A. Sev- Ju Foo gunned about town of Clearfield. durin last! pressed in a good fall trace. lars enquire of the P. S. Co. stricted the jury to bring ina verdict 4, EB Blum and A. Wirtner. They two miles north of Mahaffey. Local : g | JACKSONVILLE, June 14.—There isa SItf JonN RERDON & Sos. for the plaintiff. issue a clallenge to any club in Cam- |, ope onine No. 18, hauled the season. > : | slight increase in wholesale and retail, | have coneluded to close. out my © Attention Firemen. bria epunty whose members are under io this Hach afr tie cri] Yours fora Square Deal, and collections are also ‘better than | entire stock of dry goods, notions, All persons desiring to join the Dark- the age of 18, Address all SONIaNS 1 otive was taken to Mahaffey for | last week: | boots, shoes and groceries. Will give town Fire Brigade for 4th of July cele- cations to M. vitae manager 3 a No serious HH: F MN THOMAS, { NEW ORLEANS, June 14. Trade has you some good bargains for cash. All bration will please be present at captain, Carrolltown, a. id pas, damage | been satisfactory, although the volume | | persons having accounts with me will Firemen’s hall on Friday evening, | Carpet Waving Done. in the Sheriff's Hands, | bas somewhat slackened. 8 has | pléase settle the same with cash or June 31st, at 1:30 p m. a Mrs. John Wetsell, or Carroilbows, | The office of the Cherrytree Record, : ‘Magee Avenue ugar p {2 x0as NOLAN, | ee a Soars - Sa ) been quiet, with only moderate trad-' note on or before July 15, 1886. Wi STRATIFF, | is prepared to do ‘all kinds carpet | Indiana county, hands | PATTON, PA |ing. Demand for rice has been small, | © RJ. Yorumms, THos. Bane, ~ |weaving on short motien Price 10| whertff and will be sold at public sale * Oppososite Commareial hotel. and oiys low nila re in Speration. 81t3 Hastings, Pa. : Committee. J COUSE at YA fur Waning, 30 A: Yunay of west Yedlc On June 19th, 20th, and 2st the Safled fir Barop:. | Beech Creek railroad will sell excursion Miss Honors L. Patton, “youngest tickets from Williamsport and: all |is NE ll A 3 Rat Chg BE d ¥ 1 ea . a "0 3 & bias ER kEie: Ae . uot £ pa By & LPR % oe ale i g is Ts * 4b gid Merges pt %
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers