a . - LR ih VOL. 1 "NO. So, PATTON, ‘CAMBRIA co. PA, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1805. -$1e 00 o PER VEAR. Moen staid PEPSI FLOUR MAKE is THE MOST WHOLESOME BREAD. mbes A SR pe iy want from’ a ¥0 an Elephant, ELEPHANT. i Medicines Chemicals Drugs Strops Mags Ete. FINEST SODA WATER. ~ Manafacte rer of — Magic - Drops’ nd. - Magic Cough Cure. © Gusranteed to give satisfaction or money cheerfully refinded. ‘Prescriptions a Specialty. THE - - 4th’ ; dd ULY THE CONDITION OF TRADE As Reported by by Bradstreet’s + Commercial Agency THE DEMAND GROWING Collections wre oproviig and Business in * Gemernl Pleking Up. Boston, June 7.--The generally ‘strong feeling to most kinds of mer- - chandise continues, but trade is still of ‘a quiet character. There is sn entire absence of any speculative feeling, and while prices are being marked up in ‘many instances, it is difficult to in- ‘ duce the tradé to operate shend to any extent. Business paper is guoted at «34 per vent., with corporation loans at 2} 5; per cent. and collateral loans at 2}(~3} per cent. The boot and shoe ‘market continnes firm, gradually working higher as the cost of leather advances. The factories are only moderately employed us a rule, the steady and continued advance in | prices having checked orders to a con- siderable extent. Leather and hides ‘hold in a strong position. The iron : and steel market is firm and besiness is increasing, there being more dispo- | sition shown to buy ahead. The move- ‘ment in lamber is fair, with prices steady. Coal isdull. BurraLo, June 7..~The genersl im- provement in industiial lines is well maintained. Jobbers report some ‘disposition on the part of buyers to ‘depart from the hand-to-mouth policy. Lamber is moving slowly. In banking | circles the situation is unchanged. | PHILADELPHIA, June 7.—Wool has {not changed. Distributors of cotton goods report business good, and dress * Will soon be hers and when _ manufacturers are. looking for- we are headquarters for all kinds of Fire Works Flags, Balloons, Cannons, Etc., Etc., Etc. facturers are busy. ‘We carry the largest stock in this manu 4 section to select from. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. C. Ww. HODGKINS, 8 & Besek Aven, i. Paklun, Pa. Signs of Times. Not the hard times, but those mammoth signs which A M THOMAS, Northern mbria has put up| in all sections of the county. ~ You can see them everywhere, which goes to show that he is the man who advertises and the man who advertises does the business. We will not state © in detail what is Kept at our ". store but when you want any- thing in the line of general Hardwa re, Farming Implements, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, | Plumbing, Tinning, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, : Etc., Etc., : Call on us and money. We wis brated vo South Bend Chilled Plows, with the P'S Shears for stony ground—one of the first in ‘the market. Think of it, 75 of these plows were sold in the | town of Clearfield during last ~ season, Yours for a Square Dew), LM. THOMAS, Magee Avenue, PATTON, PA | at Chioar * Opposite Commercial hotel. Jou will save - to especially note that we handle fie cele- | ward ta good fall trade. Petroleum fairly active in wholisale departments. is moderately active, large jobber hav- ing good orders and collections much improved. Paper, cardbosrd, etc. | are steady and improving ander an ‘advancing market, some cheaper | grades having advanced 30 per cent. | Bhoe and leather market remain firm; Iron is | strengthening, with farther advances | in prices i Pressure, June 7.—The volame of maintained, dne to the extreme heat. Prices of dry goods and staples have been somewhat affected, and the tend- basis, except where credits have been greater confidence, however, exists that a better business will result as the increased demand for manufacturea product and an upward tendency in prices. The iron and steel market | continues to show increased strength, | and prices in some lines have increased, ithe demand being in excess of pro--| the leading hardware man of | Fassion. CLEVELAND, June 7.--Trade is with. { oat material change. Volurae in lead. ing lines continues satisfactory, and | others are classed as fair. LoumsviLLE, June 7.--There is a fair movement in general trade from job- bers. Recent rains have greatly im- are reasonably good. CHicAGo, June 7.—Trade good for the season. The feeling on ! ic. te jc. Sales of clothing are only | moderate, bat of shoes are unusually good for the first woek in June. This | leather and the disposition on the part {of the shoe manufacturers to mark | prices up. "This makvs interior retail- ‘ers more disposed to buy in anticipa-. "* yo a | tion of their wants to a moderate 290 the little girl began to choke. extent. The conditions of the iron’ trade are more favorable, and mang. Was coughing and strangling it came facturers report an increased run of i orders, with some enlargement in the size. The demand for soft steel is un- usually active, and the mills here are sold ahead for the next three months. Billets are quotable at $20 to $20.50. Steel rails are firmer, with inactive demand. Pig iron shows unusual activity, with sales of 5,000 and 10,000 ton lots at about 25¢c. advance, making the net advance within thirty days 75c. to $1 per ton. . Bar iron and carriage | goods are moving well, and increased i sale of light hardwunre are noted, par- | ticularly of tinware, and there is a: | general disposition to mark up prices. | Lumber is selling fairly, and yellow | pine shows more strength than thirty | days ago. Tanners * t a slight de- | | crease in the dems alfskin, but | prices are well | tinue strong. crease in 1° Ist 10 advance, and orders are coming in i freely. with values : ped to the United Kingdom this week, catch continnes satisfactory. - Wool ‘sales are active. ; ing to smash up things in general. The general business has not been fully young lady and ber companion, a ‘young lady, had driven in from St Augustine and had stopped in front of ency is to sl de the ad contine: >. Good’s store, while her friend sales to immediate demand on a cash maintained by promipt payments. A avenne, dashing by streets. Nicholson (Graham, who was ‘in the Corner drag store, saw the ani- mal coming and ran out seizing it by | enlty, succeeding ir: bringing it to a halt. The brave young lady, clinging checked it would have dashed down proved the growing crop. Collections in dry | goods show a slight falling tis ofl, but In yeur-old dsughter of J. A. Wikon, cotton continues strong, and a number formerly of Karthaus, but who now of different lines have been advanced | pin which caused her great agony at |is due to the advancing tendency in| throat, but could not procure it, and it a namber of times, but it could not ‘ner in whic the unfortunate girl was ‘that their qaugh ‘and after going down several feet he head, Prodace Sade is fair and prions] generally lower. Wool receipts, 3,706,- cator, were counter he brought about between McConlogue and the | ET AT THE BAR OF JUSTIE = = = LET THE EAGLE a somewhat irregular. oe eo] | Some of the ‘Buiiness Tran- piece of board. MeCordogue is in In the Town of Patton on the hoases Report Sbusisiine pEARANY, | s XV k. charge of a vacant house in Morrell. | ee ny sacted This and Last Wee ee, ne (Grand and Glorious Hurdware and builders’ supplies are ‘ the boys sawing a board from one of reported good. Boots and shoes show MCQUINNEY CLEARED. the flows TE ns motes or ene | INDEPENDENCE. DAY! considerable activity on acoount of the ; | purpose of identifying him and thus Scversl Other Important Case: Are Dis: committed his offense. In the first rent Preparation “Are etm Wade to Cob Collections are fair. Hogs posed of Work of Grand Jury. oun the verdict was not) guilty, Mo *iiats R—-Everyiudy livid. and cattle are irregular and lower, George H. Langbein, who entered a | |Conlogue to pay the costs In the At a meeting of the Patton Fire CHARLESTON, June 7.—Trade and plea of nolo contender to the charge of sscond not guilty, Barney McGuire to company last Thursday night the com- collections are fair for the season. . fornieation and bastardy, (Catharine pay the costs. So _ puny voted to take up Weth of July . JACKSONVILLE, June 7.—There is a Lloyd prosecutrix, was sentenced to George Nolan was sentenced to pay slight improvement in wholesale and pay $20 lying-in expenses for the girl, 5 fine of $30, costs, and undergo am retail business. City and country col- costs, and §1 a week for seven years imprisonment in the county jafl for lections are better than for several for the support of the child, to be paid fonr months for stealing tobacco from | weeks. every twelve weeks, commencing with Michael Anthony, the jury having '' NEW ORLEANS, Jane 7 7.—~ Wholesale March 31, 1885. found him guilty, and jobbing line report that the im- Johr Frair, Ward Rhodes, and Sam- >Sapire W. C. Schroth, of Carroll- provement continoes. The volume of ue! P. Haddle, three young boys who town, was charged by Hemry J. Easly business is much larger than during have been confined in jail for fornica- with farnishing liquor to men of’ the corresponding sesson last year,and tion and bastardy, were discharged pnown intemperate habits. The of- the tade is decidedry healthier. Sugar ley Soe insolvent law. fense was giving intoximots to the has been quiet an uninteresting. Wartelsky, of Hastings, was prosseutor’s father—James C. Easly. Clean rice is in fair demand, but no ao an ug . The brothers and sisters of H. J. round lot sales are reported. No recent In the mansisaghter case of the Com- Easly testified as to the truth of the shipment of bulk grain. monwealth vs. Patrick MoQuinney. | charge, but the futher uppeared for HAN FRANCISCO, June 7.— Business is the defense claimed that James Bailey, Schroth. The jury was out for several only fair; exporters are loading the the victim, was killed in self defense. hours and returned with a verdict of * Fair wheat {sold by the Fair estate; It seems that the principals bad had pot guilty, but the defendant to pay | as fast as possible to make room at troubls before the fatality, and Joseph the costa tidewater for the incoming crop, which Maddison, a brother-in-law of Bailey, After the transaction of a little busi- will be an unusualy large one. The advised him to thrash the deferident pess the court adjourned betwwen ’ first new wheat reached tidewater on. the fimit time they met. nding. and 10 o'clock Saturday nacening ontil June 1. Wheat is steady and freights Ocvurred on the railroad track, and 9 glock a. m. Monday. The fullow- 8° in good shape. are firm at previously quoted figures. Bailey, without a doubt, struck the ing cases were disposed of : The program ‘hes been ar One partial cargo of barley ‘was ship- fing blow and followed it up by throw- Commonivealth va William Aubrey, | PSE: 4 a m. firing of canon, suvils, ing a coupling pin and several stones io ouny and raceiving stolen goods; |e "HiT xm; 9to 11 a mo big in at McQuinney. The defendant re- william Knox, prosecutor. Guilty of Jstrial parade by merchants, fan- treated, meantime returning the stones, |yreeny, but not guilty of receiving! | tastics, fire brnes bands, and then advanced on Bailey. The stolen goods Sentenced to pay » fine | Meret societies, G. A R, U. V. Uy and his equilibriam, when MeQuinney pent of three month in the county | $1-50 to second, and $0 cents threw a stone and struck him on the [148 2 x, Weyols aces 8 Yo | hand. Hé Was carried howe and died, gy, Gabardo was charged with noon, about 2 o'clock, the evidence and Thomas Brown, prosecutor. He was plindiags being concluded, the jary re- found not guilty, and the prosecutor tired and remained out an hour, re- sentenced to pay the costa. tarning with a verdict of not guilty. Commonwealth va. Peter Brown, as The plea of the defendant was that he gonie and battery; Charles Frown, acted in self-defense. prosecutor. Found guilty and sent. | Ie A Hungarian named Johu Khiar, enced to pay s fine of $30, costs, and charged with stealing an overcoat, to serve ten days in jail. ‘waa found not guilty. | AI. Sybert was found not guilty of or 1st your and wil Johm R. McClosky paid the costs in | furnishing liquor to men of known in- [IVa If You Wi Jobs i. saroty of-the-peace proceedings against empernte habits, but ordered to pay Will Bold a big dance him, and entered into his own recog-| | the costs. S. E: Jose ws prowutos. | (during the afternoon and evening. niranoe to conduct himself properly in Work of the Grand Jury. the fatare. He had a brief lecture fol i comin mint Roners Pe oon Commi . Joke Sat, ot : charge of amault and battery, was not | ppp Sroeecutor. Not a troe bili; EB C Brom, of Patton, and Miss’ on hand to substantiate his charge, and | ug the prosecutor, ‘Steve Puskar, to Francis Gregg, of Mikwbarg, Pa, Pugh was set free. | pay the costs. daughter of the late Col Theodore Jerry “Thguaa, liom soe north of * game va. (i M. Cypher, larceny, re. Gregg, were united in marriage at the the county, pleaded guilty to two oin0 stolen goods; Duniel Caufield, bride’s home on Welnuu. pono chiurges of assault and battery, pre- | at 130 ferred by Peter Curran and Patrick | Pore Coron clock uoun, by 3 Wadren., He was sentenced to pay n fine of $10 and costs in vach rase. John Hainsey and David Briggs, of Gallitmin, pleaded guilty to having: in their possession several cxns of lard, | the: property of A. J. Gutwsald, They were suntenced to pay jointly a fine of! $20, costa, and serve three months each | in jail. Chartes Spangler, charged by Justas | go... va Sylvester Shiry, larceny, extends congratulations. Volk, of Johnstown, with stealing: ving stoien goods; Christ Hof-| A Close Cail. pipes and cignrs while in Volk's em- | ocker, prosecutor. On 1 0 he ply; was dikited wok guilty. | The grand jury made this present- woods betwes he clock, ohn Rodgers, of the Seventh Wand: | etwas Flanges - and & very unusul shipment was one of flour to New Zealand. PORTLAND, June 7.—The salmond General business is good. ToroNTO, June 7.--Trade continues Staple goods are firm, and remittances this month show some improvement. The outlook is cheerful. An Exciting Remaway. What might have terminated in a very serious sccident to Miss Estella Dunegan, of St. Augustine, happened on Magee avenue in Patton on Saar. day evening about 7 o'clock, by a do horse which she was driving attempt- on alighted and entered the stdre to do some shopping. As the conveyance was standing there the horse became frightened and started to run in a very ioose and irregular manner ap Magee ‘a large nuam- ber of men who were standing on the prosecn Same va. Englebert Lavi, furnishing | an elegant repast. was served. The liquor to minors; Jobn P. Lantxy, pros- | happy bride and groom then proceeded ecutor. The county to pay the costa, | J ike fours So the seashore and a Same va. Adam Bowers, furnishing trip up the Hudson river snd will re. liquor to a person of known intemp- | main away about & month when they ; Henery Mi:Anulty, pros | Will return to Patton where they will to her seat, held fast to the reina Had the animal's speed not been Wast Magee avenue and in all proba bility the young lady would have met with a very serious accident. The canse of the: runaway was due to a brok- en shaft which ran into the horse's side. A Remarkable Incident. About seven years ago the eight. *' ment in conclusion of its work: Frederick Hochstein of the Fifth Ward, | 9 sd Walter Pricdhoft, of the Tod BON. A.V. BAREan Pruvidems Ward, Johnstown, were found not. She public ign report guilty of robbing Pennsylvania freight ‘ourt. nnty cars lying in the Conemaugh yards Almahouss all in splewid condition, and lumber in that vichuity, but the An important and interesting case BE - Tih | thmely arrival of a crew of men with was that of the Commonwealth wa the Almahonae, t be need a & morgue, | Dickets of water avertei the threstes- Peter Santo, on two indictment, charg: and would also recommend Shut "she the ing damage. Had the fire succeeded ing him with selling liquor in Dunlo Ng wails be gmp the | in gaining headway on the south side without a license. It involved the x puis on the outside. of the ruilroad, with the wind blowing right of a brewery from outside of the the al wan Banded inthe west, destruction to the Flannagan ran county to solicit orders among private An: ed the met F the) and the reservoir would have dividuals’ 2 Cambria, Sante was. "0S, Sham hers ‘surely followed. The firing of the the salaried agent of the Latrobe jpraaidjuay of he er whods is supposed to have been of an Brewing company, and acting in that The J Sr thelr busi | | My of malicious cin. capacity, solicited orders for beer . y Behargez for Bar Opened Agate. among residents of Dunlo. In the : ekial; trinl the above was admitted, and argu- Second Week-of {oare. ‘ments made to the court. Mr. O’Con- The second week of court opened | nor, for the defense, claimed that the Monday morning at Etensburg, with | actual sale was made in Westmoreland Judge Barker on the bench, and some | © ha surprise to her parents to know PPY ter was Dow oGt of county, and hence was legal. " jaa up in hearing motions | M danger. for the prosecution, held that it | citinen of Cambria covaty, procurred ge = Re Pe a. The civil action by William Covey | tite uf. Camiei Tioense on Monday tained his contention by ordering a Eninst Jonothan Horrocks, for tre | 4 wii) broceed to do. business a6 the verdict of guilty. Santo was senterced passing on: coal lands in Conemengh | Lo oong Mp» Cordell is the proper to pay in each case a fine $500, of costa, a Was postponed until next | | party to have change of & business of and undergo three months’ imprison- ; : ment in the county jail. The court ! said this was the third case of the said this was the third cane of the Kind | teen tried cn Wednesday. ; ‘havi been imposed in each instance. The following disposition has Ed Sweeney, accused of robbery by wade of the swe Wattle teiow: The case of the Commonwealth vs. Edward Hartnett - and Patrick Me | Grand i Wea, te Suzy, i aTIng, Yiited | the direction of Flannagan ran iin, resides in Patton, swallowed a safety the time. Several doctors from that vicinity examined the little girl's said in time it would cause her death. Mr. Wilson had the doctors probe for On be obtained. ‘Wednesday about Her mother ran. to her and as the child up into her throat. She put her hand in her mouth and to the surprise of her parents produced the long lost pin. It is a remarkable incident the man- relieved ~f the dangerous thing and a the con A Flowing Well. 2 * Last week Burgess Donneily,” “of West Magee avenue commenced drill ing a well on his lot where he resides struck a besutiful clear stream of mountain water which forced its way to the surface and has continued to flow, as it did when first struck, ever since. It is an unusual occurance to be lucky enough to have an artisian well of this character in your front’ and a more fortunate find could | others; 11 a. m., mule rans, 8 to first, /ecutor. The county to pay the costs. ake their fature home. The Coun = Inge: | and burned at a rapid mute, ranning in The doors of the bar nt Hotel Beck >
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