. % - gh < e BERT FI rn VoL. IL —NO. wy, PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 189s. = tlie) $1.00 PER YEAR. _“PEPSIN” ' FLOUR MAKES THE MOST WHOLESOME BREAD. . the Baby EiLxruanr. ~~. Medicines ~ Chemicals di lections ave fairly good. Banks report THE CONDITION OF TRADE ==. sees IMPORTANT COURT HENS, fs onl [wew, the volume of or ne everta | maintained. Lamber is more active. | 1 wish ¥ call the attention of the | As Reported | oy Bradstreet’s Driers, May 17.—A healthfal tone The Beek-MeCrossin License | proper suthorisios 10 the practice of | he Baptist Congregation Has Commercial A ency prevails in all lines of business. Col- Transfer Was Refused. |jamping on and off of moving trains, | Been Dul : E [which is maintained by some of the| y Orgationd. more activity and an incrense in de- | boys of Patton. This is dangerons 1S STILL IMPROVING. posits. : "HASTINGS vs vs O’CONNOR business from the start and ss voy INTEREST MANIFESTED JacxsoxviLixe, May 17. ~Bosiness is | practices it be gains confidence in bis | Favorable Feoatores of Bosines: Retaionod quiet and collections are slow. Whole Cave to Come Cp a1 the June Term of Court ability to get on 2 moving train and is BY a Large Neniter or 2tiuiuion te With Higher Prices. sale houses are very cautious in filling ~ ther News, { likely to meet with disaster sooner or | Selpated in the Services. BosToN, May 17.—The past week has orders. Ir the proceedings at Ebensburg ister Parents, if your boy is one of In response to the invitations sent | Confectionery : Tobacco Snuff | been an active one in the stock market, New Omisaxs, May 7.—The imn- | court last Monday morning the final those | mention, see to it that be stops | out by the Firmt Baptist charch, of this mest SODA WATER. Magic - Drops —and—~ ~ Magic Cough Cure. satisfaction 2 Srutleed Ia give or * Pescrpions a Specialy. 155] 1 il et i 43 : : i ul 358 | of this state are all busy at small ments and the feeling is encouraging. | SI WINDS 13 JEN thal Bie besa tara taeir attention. they very for! with large Srivg as} ‘values ge provements in general trade is not bearing in the matter of the applica | before it brings you sorrow. It is not place, eight churches from Clearfield fally maintained. Country trade is tion of Thomas McCrossin for the necessiry to his well being and you ' 8nd one from the Indians assiciation - temporarily lightsr or checknd by ap- | transfer of the license held by H. C. | wil do him a kindness when you for. sent delegates to sit in council for the preciations in pricen Spot cotton is| Beck, in Patton, was heid. When the | big it, and demand obedience to your | Parposs of recogaizing this church ss : t- | good demand, with better movement. |Spplication was presented to the cotrt | command. |» sister Baptist church. The coumell : : Clesin rice is moving slowly, with only the week previous, Judge Barker read I heard a business man sxy last week: | steady, with rather more call for time a light stock of rough left. Extensive 2 letter from two. officials of the Beech | «well really I do not know what to - 4 ; money. Business papir iv quoted 8 gtrest railway building, public improve. Creek Eaflroad company, in which ‘do with my boy, he does not get along | elocted moderator, snd Rev. BL Lewis } Si(a4} per cont, With cewioration loutin | ments and private enterprises keep they declared. McCrossin was unfit to; in school, and be seems anable to be of Kelley secretary of the covacil After | 54 364 per cent. In the wt sud shee Sax PraNCisco, May 17.— Hot north ing twice been refused in rsidip answer him. flo does not tale any | records of the church, their doctrinal | market a very firm tone is noted, with winds prevailed in the principal grain ©00Rty. The letter farther stated that interest in the boy's studies, except to | Views, and membersiip, the coumcil | advanced prices obtainnd where orders 4nd frait producing valleys late last | While the Beech Creek company bilt | ak hirs how he progresses in the work. | jadged them to be daly organised as are taken. The strong tone to leather week and early this week, but contrary | their exiension through Kerrmoor, He deinands of the boy that he give New Testament cimreh, and timrefore to the usnal results, they have exer McCrossin had the only liceniee in the | attention to matters that really are his | they voted to receive them isto the crops as a whole, Gamers) busines is Of All sorts of orgies, and that Age est in the garden, the boy must chop In the evening appropriate 1 nearly all kinds. Trade is fuir. Luom- Wheat freights are wholly wninial at ‘The court decided to bear the applica- other like duties, yet the father Dever ber is selling steadily, and general 335 9.4 per ton for vessels to arrive. (00 and charges in detail, and on [ast | carng bis hand to see if these things | prices are maintained. Spruce is in Bags are ic. higher in anticipation of a Yonday the matter was again brought | are done, and if the boy is negligent | Singing, “All Hail the Power of | very good demand. The coal trade is | pig grain crop, and quicksilver has ad- 2P : ; : in kis performance of these duties, his Jesvs Name.” quiet and unchanged. The merchan- vanced $1 per flank, now v being quoted RD D. Ma ‘olioh, construction eS: mother bears the borden. Therefore, Invocation by Rev. N. O. Patterson; ‘disse market yet shows ibseace of at $39. neer of the Beech Creek, Was.in cOUTL | think a man is unreasonable to de- “4 Ansonville. PORTLAND, May 17.—The crop acd with his dounsei, Mr. P. J. Little. Mr. pond un interest of his child which he | The minutes of the afternoon session PROVIDENCE, May 17. With the ex- general trade outlook is favorable. McColloh reasserted the ¢ charges and himsel! does not manifest. were read and approved. . : ception of the worsted roilis affected Tumowro, May 17. There is satin (went into a detailed account of Me gam of the young people complain The first chapler of the rg of by the strike, the woolen: manufacturers fuctory trade in wholesale depart. | Crossin’s misdoings. McCrossin pro- of hyving nothing to which they can | | James wan ead y Rev. N. O. BA, SPST SO 3 ow Ive {Prices of own, wutars, Biden wad | us peoporton as hey firs been | wheat are higher. pated this state of things will continae S——. [Boen running the hotel, though fs wi Kale, "of ‘until the change of stylos, aboat July 1. | EBENSBURCG, w Pa, May 21 , 1985. A Beets mame tot had sold liquors con- | | Third, they do not see the great truth | non Was & The demand has been for the cheaper Chiildron’s Day will be olwerved jn Signed to him. that they are the futcre rulers of this sod undefiled.” grades of wear. the Congregational church on June sth. The court's decision was banded country, and that taey should improve | Teligion se three Burralro, May 17. There is nothing Miss A. E. McDonald arrived home 90WD Tuesday morning, May 14th, re- every moment, of time in preparing for | as a sue mew fo report in the trude situation. last week from a winter's sojourn in| fasing the transfer. Jadge Barker maid ‘this work. Do not look for the ap lived to F Cd Beamtitar cot ie tos THE Besr ox EARTH. C. W. HODGKINS, 880 4 Booch Aves, i ALOR Sue FOR $1800. Who in Cambria Co. will buy a Parlor Suit at such a price? * Not many will be sold at that | price, but there's a point in the advertisement which the printer has not well -placed. ‘Let him set his period differ- ently and the Fesult will be $18. 00 Now you see how hundreds : of our people can have a Par-| for Suite. A Five-piece Suite | ¢ in brocatelle, imitation ma-| - ~ hogany frame, is as great a! . surprise as the printer gave you at the first. One lady guessed this Suite ber is moving fairly, and prices show place a first-class sods fountain. He' 0.’ 0 the attorneys for LIILISS tons, and 1,864,365 tons coke, | -was worth $55. Well, it is not worth that much, but we expect aftybody would call it a bargain at $30. The printer's point is nowy LOUBVILLE, May 17. Owing in part on Tuesday. om his behalf was at present in a bos 4 opie will be the principle enjoy- | correct, and our point is well | taken. We will bear watching, and it will pay You to do it. us FURNITURE G0, Johnstown, Pa. “| Considerable is doing in the building Baltimore. (that he had ne power to transfer 4 pianse from yoar neighbor; look for HH of ii line, and all classes semi io be pretty | Editor J. 8. Foley, of the Carroll. license unless the license had “died, | something 1» develope your thinking | well employed at fair wages. itown News, was a visitor to Ebene Temoved, or coased to keep.” This, powers and then you will he contented. | yen | PHILADELPHIA, May 11.-Wool sap- burg on Tuesday. : | was plainly a commercial transaction, | Moses PERKINS. | plies are small and trade is quiet. Itis| Miss Mae Rankin, of Cambria town. 0¢ McCrossin had, without right, | An O14 Fagin. | said that the ontiook favers s fuir busi- ship, attended the wedding of her DOOR running the house for five weeks i ness. Some improvement in dry goods brother on Wednesday at Lilly. before he: made the application. In re- | {in a general way, and » hopeful feeling: Mr. Pauli Vogei, of Indiana, Pa, predominates. Coal production is spent a few days last week visiting his | - greater than the demand. Iron is many friends here. pat NY sctive; wiks pric fem. ; | The. Ladies’ Aid society, of the | Prrranuna, May 17.--There seems to Congregational church, met on Satar- | McCrossin in Clearfield coanty. There. : ; che] Flips bor Sentosa] in trade ; day afternoon st the home of Mr. fore the transfer was refused. | engines extant. It comprises a mas over last week, and prices are firmer William Garman. | _ The trunafer of the license of E. A. | laive coltma of aboat 144 Rew | Mellon, Patton, and Jokm Mardis, | HGTY nd generally and much higher in eom-. Deputy Register and Recorder H. A. | feet high and kaif as large at the base. | Hivered by od. Ba moditics affected by the frost. A gen- | Englehart departed for Pittsburg where J0b7stown, to William Melon Wd} in sillir supports te beam, which is | DOO: ? dud eral increase in the wagns of mil™he will spend a few days. | Francis Leckey, - respectively Were formed of two oak timbers about | om Bit “Work for the Night in. workers in this vicinity ranging from Alvin Evans, Esq, and M. D. Kittel, | grantea. : {12x14 inches square, joined by iron Ce letion, Rev. d. a. Noble. ; 10 to 15 per vent. has had a good ¢ffc &. Bsq., were in attendance at the United Ril: WOOLF CEIS (ME GIRLS. | james and carrying at the ends seg: The day was Shastnigh AL jyed vy Te demand fs good in ali lines but Stoes court at Pitteburg list week. | Judes Burker's Decision ba tie Proceedings ments of circles from which are sas | the church and { parchusers sees to be buying for Vreeland’s Minstrel Troupe will give at Ebheusharg. | pended the piston and Saterpotar. Raya wa |e pa 4 | present use - Collections are reported an entertainment at the Ebensburg, On Wednesdliy Judge Barker rend- The beam is 20 feet in length.” The | Baptist Sp td opha, | reasonably, goed, The ron and steel opera house on Wednesds) evening. ered Lis decision in the habeas corpus. above is taken from the Coal Trade | | hearty God-speed. A market shows much strength, the May 22. | proceedings justitated bY sk. Easing, | Journal, and the engine which i I Go to Bibi Rak marke. feature beiny for Bessewser | Dr. A. Griffith and tamily retarned Woolf sgaiast ber husband, W {spoken of was an every day scene to J. M. Robi ol metal, which has advanced over §1 per home after a sojourn of the winter Woolf, homiinlbuer ial i congue obi do ded ton the last ten dayr Steel billets months at the Doctor's orange grove Jodge Barker's decision awarded the in that vicinity whea a young mas. | show about the same anda in Florida | four girls to Mrs, Woolf and the boy | He passed by this machinery every day good movement is rej in the The family of T. H. Heist arrived to tbe fitter. The finding, however, | while on bis way to work. market generally. | bere the first of the week and are now is not final Judge Barker plainly : CHICAS, May 17.~e business | making preparations for the summer telling both father and mother that if with leading jobbing continues season. the children were not. properly treated | good, but sales of dry goods, clothing | Measra. Charles Pearson and Joh | that the decision would be revoked. BH and shoes have decressed during the Carlson, of Frugality, spent a fw. The scene in the court room was an | ; past week. The rush of spring trade boups at the county capital on Friiay. effecting one when the four little girls 07 C38 keep from “jangiing” long is now over, and business in confined: Mr. C. A. Grumbling, of Cherrytree, were restored to their mother. Mrs | J Sunt 33 Jot ane ds Laden i to the filling of small order: from in- Pa., was in town on Wednesday last Woolf burst into tears and the little The captains of the have : terior retailers. The chunge from the looking up bis friends in the grocery giris sprang to her arms with exclama- 500 acres from Jas. Ryan where the | hot to the unseasonably cold weather business. : tions of delight, The girls are Hattie, D'00QY battle will take place. Every-| has curtailed the demand for light drs The marringe of Joseph Shoemaker aged 14, sad Flomie, Florence and ane is invited to attend providing he | goods, but the market holds very and Miss Magic MCanbe will take Annie, between five to eight years of or she can scream every time one ot |strong. Leather in selling fairly, and place at the Holy Nome charch in Eb- age. The boy Charley, nine years oid, 2° 48 get pat out and a “lank prices have advanced § per cent. more enshurg at 8 o'clock T Teta, May 31. was turned over to the father. maken a score. Remember the time, on calf skins, making 25 per vent. from ‘ill Dufton and fumily departed on The Wcolf's live at Lilly. Mr. Woolf Decoration Day, May 30th, at 2p. m. She low point. There is u better feel- Saturday afternoon for a visit to Mra. is a mechanical engineer and has been © Business is Much Betier. : in all lines of iron and iron goods, Dufton’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. W. in business at Liily for ive years. The The Pennsylvania railroad reports i with a good business. Orders for light Patchen, of Patchenville. : troubles between Mr. and Mrs Woolf thst the quantity of coal and cole hardware have increased sigitly, and M. D. Bearer's ware room on Julian sre said to have originated from re- criginating on and carried over ite a firmer feeling is noted. Nuiils are up street is about compiete. The entire ligious differences, Mrs. Woolf being a lines east of Pittsburg and Erie for the | 10c. and hinges 10 per cent. Pig iron second floor will be neatly finished and | Protest wnt and the husband a Catholic. year thus far has been 7,555,089 tons, shows activity, with several 1,000-ton farnishedl and will be ased for an ice They separated some time ago, Mr. compared with §,370,165 tons in the |1ots sold at full former prices. Steel cream parior. | Woolf forcibly taking possession of the corresponding period of 1804, an in- i rails and billets are firm), with fair sined T. H. Heist is having a building fitted children. : crease of 1,184,934 tons, of which 5,580, - ; orders constantly being placed. Lum- up st Maple Park in which he will | Eine Ya. GO 734 tons were coal, an increase of sh epkk fbi : ; bi 4. EB. 8 ¥ PE wills 5 & : g i i ee produce trade will also have an Jou Grou Arion 12! the Hf moved the So gx 30 increase of 873,686 tons. rly active poultry is higher, - the same building. plain : hk ‘but butter and eggn are unchanged . Mr. T. H. Bechtel, of Philadelphia, AThUr™day, June 30th next for the trial - Sete, Augasting. 'Frosts have killed garden + of the case of Danie! H. Hastings vs. Everyone should attend the Na ve truck, and secretary of the Black Lick Land and P : 'Connor’, Connor, pole: party St. Angustine cents supplies have been rediuced Wool Improvement com down. the J. O Mr. O° He tea at | receipts, 1,686,197 pounds. Black was a visitor to oar to the defendant, moved to continue the hall, St. Augustine, Pa., on Decorat.on han existed for a Lick, wn case for the reason s material withess Day. Besides the tea party dancing Command Ne. LU. VW. ‘to unfavorable ‘weather, & quiet tone M. J. Hemminger is the new opera- and it Was probeble be would | Inyitations are ‘prevails in general trade. Consider. tor located here for the Postal Tele. ave to vadergo aa op ation. : 2 Eran i RE BT able damage to the growing crops is graph company, be having accepted 12 pb bis aliment, or in what and when you go there you will reported. At the same time confidence the position resigned by Mr. Lingle a Te wis confined The court treated Fp amis in the future prospects is expressed. his saotion | Leaf tobacco éontinues strong. { Kansas Crry, May 17.--Rainy, chilly . ! 3; very Ee ton mi A— ! gloomy weather has made trnde spasm- oie in et hasivie weuiing wil Sas Girls Wanted. - § ‘odie, with an average demand and ednesday eveting, Sere Two good, neat and steady’ | Norma: Insti un a prinuy wil ad collections fair. The caitle market is Harrie Owns, of this wanted to go to Highland Lake alt : » Rall oun Saturday irregular and lower. Hogs are in large P a Jouse.of Johns- work in sa suiines bh hotel W Wanted ih it} or : run, and 15c. of demand light. ower girls and May To trip from oh | MinNmaroLm, May 17. — Cooler i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers