yr Jil ¥ lor Suite. A Five-piece Suite "in brocatelle, imitation ma- factory, and there appear some im- Was. With the help of several famous hogany frame, | surprise as the printer gave, was worth $55. Well, it is pot worth that much, but we correct, and our point is well : taken. 2 Bo rns ng se re bt in 5 I be i. Gril - PARLOR SUITE a Parlor Suit at such a price? advance of 20 and 30 per cent. OR | m.. Cambria county convention of -. Not many will be sold at that| - the advertisement which the printer has not well placed. © Let him set his period differ this year sro smal compared with the oy fetly and the result will be a bargain at $30. = Beg will pay you to do it. Biennial Sonim i VoL IL. —NoO. 78. SE — A an "PATTON, ‘CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, MAY ; 30, 1995. ein tt i SARA erst sa aos Ab A, AA $r 00 PER YEAR. ; _“PEPSIN FLOUR. MAKE iS THE MOS? WHOLESOME BREAD. jin va ARAN CONENTIN [Gonmty Candidates all Campaign. J. E. DALE ‘A DELEGATE test, To the State Convention at Harrishurg— A Quiet Conventions : The delegates to. the Republican | | County convention arrived at Ebens- | . burg on Monday morning. "At 1 o'clock p. m. Chairman Taylor | ‘called the convention fo order and. | appointed Milton Spender, of Spang- | ler, and J. W. Cramer, of Johnstown, | ‘temporary secretaries. Hon. John M. | Pose, of Johnstown, was unanimously elected temporary chairmaan. : Jou heb from a 1 Enlarged orders are FY Jes for Rien fron, and the feeling is As Reported by Bradstreet’s decidedly strong. More inquiry exists | i Commercial Agency for steel rails, billets and wire rods, | and as prices show a steady hardening | tendency, there is a disposition on the Is STIL L "EXPANDING, part of manufacturers to go slow in { | taking orders for delivery ufter July | proved Demand tn Staple Linis, Notably ‘1. Collections generally are good. | in fram, Produce trade generall good Butter, | fair activity and considerable strength {etables are lower. Wool receipts, ‘as a whole, while merchandise #9550660 pounds.” The demand for! {quoted generally firm, with trade money for speculative purposes has | | quiet. The money market is quiet and jncreased. Good inquiry . for bonds | | rather easier as a whole, with supply from investors. in excess of demand. Business pape’ LouvsviLLe, May 24.—No sinterial | of choice quality is yet rather scarce, change in gensrai merchandise move- | Shears | With rates at about 3}a4 per cent.. ment. . Leaf tobacco is selling freely | for the, oir Stock. Drags Medicines Chemicals Stationery Confectionery Cigars = Tobacco Snuff | Toilet Articles Holiday Goods Always Fishing Tackle? Goods _.. Bese Ball Gods Knives Ro laos Strops Br. © FINEST SODA WATER. —Manufheturer of - Magic - Drops i Fal “itis to be p Spe plant is ing for the tider’s benefit, as usual. | x .....Columbias, $ 1 00 { THE BEST ON EXRTH. { ; i C. W. HODGKINS, 8th & Beech Aves., « ia a Bad Hx. The county commissioners of Indi ana county petitioned the court to issue an order granting them the priv- lege of negotiating a loan of $3,000 to meet certain county obligations. Expenses during thc past year have ' been very heavy and the county treas- ury is so badly depleted that Treasurer | Nesbit has already advanced $2,000 out of hin own pocket to meet pay- ments. The commissioners have esti- {Wigs II oars Fa =: 3081 at fair prices. Collections reasonably = “yy tions were called for, and per cent. 18 at 2{@t : good ; ' per cent. The boot and shoe marke: KaxsasCrry, May 34.—Cool weather - oPert 5 Murphy, Esq..of Johnstown; | continues strong, with values: yet tend: prevails, and trade is fair under the Con S. W- Davis of Ellensburg, and ing higher in sympathy with the ad: conditions. Collections are moderate. ©: B Jones, of Johnstown, were nom#- | vanced cost of material. Fides con: The live stock market is lower, but has nated by acclamation for the offices of | tinue SCAarce, and are yet being worked] $OMe Snap. district By tary and ‘up in price, which keeps lnther ad- Sr. Pavi, May 24. —All leading lines. register an eons Tepe of veneing in proportion. The - shoo peport very satisfactory trade and an’ el PH drustoss eh Ses wi Magic Cough Lula fuse only fairly employed, bu! improvement in collections. Prospects au ag Monster to Pr toed to give sa on or ‘orders are only taken at fall rates. are very good. wore propusd, und the fret Wahi Shy Shoertully refunded | The iron and steel market i showing MINNEAPOLIS, May 24. — Warmer | J of Mr. J b ey more tone, and business is itcreasing, weather and the favorable outlook for | oC, seleion’ Oh Y Prescriptions a Specialty. with values generally working UP. rope stimulate the movement of mer- | Sgutst 4 #35 mga | Lamber is in steady demand and firm. chandise from jobber’s hance, making | oy soroner aie id | Coal trade is quiet. general volume somewhat in advance a of wg, A eo Winn | Hartford Bicycles | Burpaio, May 24.—The dry goodt of last year. There are more inquiries sagen, Sag of 5 ig and millinery trade has been light dor: | for lumber, and flour is teore active a0%, were ought fr ve | ing the woek, owing to the cold snap. than for some time. ingaton bad 3 majority of 45 vores over | ‘In groceries the upward tandency in| DururTa, May 24.—Thers is a fair poe. the 2 certain staple lines tipulsted trade movement of merchandise, with trade y Sghs wy wis Over ‘somewhat. As compared with a year conditions unchanged. : {¥he DoMIAHON fw Sotigy Suey. 80, the results are more satisfactory. | CHARLESTON, May 24.—Trade is dull o OH A oral} er n Collectiops are reported fair. and collections are ordinary. 3 Dye, Js vl rte ag | PHILADELPHIA, May 24 — A fair JACKSONVILLE, May 34.— Business is’ ohnatown, James H. Allport; of ‘amount of business = beitig done in: dull, with slow collections in country ings, were the candidates. The first |dry goods, and while sales are not and city. ballot resulted in Fetterman avis large, yet, in comparison With lst! Nmw OxiEANS, May 24.-The move. 40 yokes, Alpon 57, and Dye 45. No Year, thoy ive satistuction. wien ment in jobbing. Tines confinues fai, | MUMination being made, 4 second bul. (in boots and shoes is noted, exceeding Lumber dealers report a jgradual im- ro a ai a | expectations. Leather and morocon provement. Cotton continues active, . ' 88 votes, Allport 35, and Dye 44. Noth- firm and price still advancing. Pe- | with the movement restricted by ad- | fog sovnitiog. a shies ballot was necos- troleum ls fairly active and marked vanes in prices. Receipts continue 9 , Pettermen receiving 71 votes, ! more settled. Prices are stronger for liberal for the season. Sugar is steady Al port 29, and Dye 32. Fetterman grain and flour, with a fair demand’ at the advance, and movement moder- Having & Sin with ths ahiiore somibifed | for standard brands. An increased ate. Rice is in good demand, but offer- lle Pys i business is being done in drugs, paints ings are light. Export of bull grain supporters to vote Allport. ana glass. There seems to be more is confined to an occasional port cargo. | ' A fourth ballot resulted in Fetterman’s | evidence of better prices for iron, San FRANCISCO, May i. Busi nomination by 88 votes to Allport’s 50. {Aud the wadsicet io shounghonirs: : is of good volume and velves are firm. | en. Jews Dale, of tim place; | Prrrsnuna, May 24.—There is 10, Coal has been advanced §1 it ton by the | oer Campbell, of Carrolitown, snd material change in general lines. A | wholesale and retail dealers. Wheat is | Campbell Robison, of Johnstown, were Patton, Pa. | good demand. exists for seasonable|frmiy held for wpot ‘st Wa92). par |*lected aa delegates to the State Con. goods. Recent frosts haze caused a cental. Freights are higher and are . vention, and instructed to vote for B. sharp advance i farm rosie. | Prices | quoted at 33a. 9d. to Cork for orders 4. } Heywood: of Mercer county, for are irregular in boots ¢ with | for immediate loading and i158. for Jaly eas : : an upward tendency. (irxceries are loadin . 8. M. Wilson wha appointed Republi- | quiet, and receipts for May will not BS. May 24.—Fruit, wool | | can county committeeman for Patton | exceed those for April. Collections and grain crops promise wull. Salmon | | borough. { are slightly improved. Iron and steel eatch so far good. Wheat market Alex. Montieth and | E. Will Greene FOR have a promising outlook, and mali quiet and not affected by eastern spec- “o C selected as delegates from Pat- tain more strength than any week ulation. General trade improved. | ton, Geo. Cassidy from Clearfield : : ‘since the improvement began, with ToroNTOo, May 24. Trade is fairly, township, and Chas. Rhody from St. $1800 increased prices for fotare shipments. active, and the outlook is satisfactory. | Lawrence, : : s BALTIMORE, May 14.—In dry goods The advance in many leading staples : 3 : | salesmen ure beginning to start out, has brought large profits to many deal- ' and the outlook for the fail is promis- ers. Both hides and wheat show further | is. ‘Spring trade was only fair, but advances this week. Lat: frosts did | in shoes the | little to Who m 2 Cambria Co. will buy market a nected on ascoont of the | Tauigs 16 Fras, Prohibition Candidigps. | heavy goods and 10 per cent. on light igoods. Collections are much better | price, but there's a point in | than they were the same period last ‘the Prohibition party was held at ' Johnstown Tuesday and the following | | nominations were made: EPrtthanctary, | our aud the outlouk is yevmising In Ianinh Baer, Jol iolnr Shad a large fall business is | expected, and the report is that losses recorder, Daniel Ww. Walter, of Cone- | mangh; poor director, J. T. Peterson, | ‘ of Glasgow; coroner, Daniel W. Angus | of East Taylor township; surveyor, Milton N. Thomas, of Roxbury. No candidate for district attorney was ‘trade was not as bright a8 in 1804, ( ow- aowinated. | ing in part to the unsettled weather. | Collections are seasonable in this line. Famous Living Pletures. {In the hat line a prosperous fall snd “Living pictures” cannot be called | winter trade is not anticipated. (ol- an invention of ‘‘these mi.dern days’ © | lections unsatisfactory. since it is claimed that they were first CLEVELAND, May 24.--No speciully employed by Madam de (lenlis for the new features in general trade. In purpose of educating the: Duc d'Or- {staple lines bosiness continues satis- leans’ children, whose governess she contest at $10,800, but will not be sur- prised if it exceeds that figure. The negotiating of a loan is directly trace- ’ able to the contest. Ascension Duy. same time last year. Collections are $18. 00 ‘Now you see how ‘hundreds | of our people can have a Par- Ascension Day was appropriately of Patton Thursday. | This day is cel: 'ebrated throughout Chistendom by Catholic, Episcopal, ad German Lath- | eran churches, in memory of Christ's ascension to heaven forty days after: his Resurrection. It is observed al ways, - therefore, forty days’ after Easter, or ten days before Whit Sun- day, aud is held as one of the most. sacred festivals by those who keep it. i Two Geod Jobs. C. OM Letts, the painter and paper hanger, has just completed two con- tracts in the line of painting and paper | hanging, that of John H. Somerville’s residence and the artistic paper hang- | ing in E. C. Brown's residence, both | on Beech avenue. Ata glance one can | soon arrive at a commendable von-| clusion as the work speaks for itself. Post Office Will Close. Postmaster Mellon announces that | the postoffice will close on Decoration |"! day at the following hours: Sa m. to 10am; lla mto3p m.; ¢p om to artists she arranged pictures of historic | CHICAGO, May 24.—The improved mcenes which Ladies of the French weather makes trade with dry goods, Court posed for. —June Ladies’ Home | clothing and shoe houses active, and Journal they report increased orders and a Dustiess Blackboard Kraser. very strong feeling in all lines. Shoe The Democrat has received a sample houses say that their sues are the of the dustless blackboard eraser, as largest in several weeks Their ad. manufactured by" the Reynoldsille vices regarding the crops are fairly novelty manufacturing company. The favorable and with the big advance in €raser is guaranteed to last longer, prices they expect a continuation of and in all” respects is claimed to be the liberal run of orders. Tanners say Superior to any other eraser made. W. there is a lull in the demund for leather, J. Weaver, formerly of this city, is, and superintendant of the —Lock Haven Democrat. 18 as great al | provement in country collections. you at the first. One lady guessed this Suite expect anybody would call it The printer's point is now owing to the recent advance of 25 per secretary |cent., and they are engaged in filling company. back orders rather thar new ones. Grand Plenle. Hides are higher, and another bulge in = Concord (range, of Carroll town- leather is expected in the near future. ‘ship held a very successful spring Light hardware and all iron goods are picnic at the residence of Chas. Yeckle’s moving well, with a stronger tone. ' near Carrolltown on Tuesday. There 6 p. m. and remain Spen Rump. mw, Nills are 15 cents higher, zinc is up 10 was dancing and everything for amuse- | to8 p.m. i per cent., copper and solder 1} cents. ment for the two hundred members For Sale. : § Babies lives are dao secursale Rs bat | and visitors who participated in the A good four-room | dwelling Bouse. | fron, and larger orders are being | sumptuous dinner which was prepared | | Price $300.00. Apply to Jas. Mellon, | Placed. The ehuntry | is running oa | for them by the above named grange. “on Magee avenue. -T8tf We will bear wathing, and May 13, 1805: mated the costs of the recent judicial "> observed in St. Mary's Catholic charch Eh mar Fe eit uh AA Sr PATTON SCHOOL REPORT Ae Prepared . by the the Principal, w. M Thomson. he Sllovinrl Tn Passed Peacefully Away at 1:15 Tuesday Morning. HIS SUDDEN RELAPSE. | tendance, males, 88, females, 91; average | | Plourisy Set in and the “the Ski of chs Doctors | per cent. of attendance, 90. i Yalled to Save Mim. = : Number enrolled in grammar school Secretary of State Grechimi died at | during month, males, 31, females, 30; 115 at Washington, D. C., Tuesday | total, 51. Average attendance, males, morning. No death could bs more 19, females, 23; total 42. Per cent. of or Quiet, more calm, or more peaceful | attendance, males, 90, females, 98; For two hours preceding dissolution | average per cent. of attendance, 93. there had been no indications of ‘pulse Number enrolled in intermediate do. OF heart beat. He lay with his head partment during month, males, 30, resting on the arms of his daughter, females, 17; total, 47. Average attend- ‘irs. Andrews, while. his devoted wife ance, males, 26, females, 14; total, 40. sat by his side, his hand fast in hore; Per cent. of attendance, males, 90, his face vo turned that his lust con- females, 87; average attendance, 8§, ¢10us gane could rest on her. He wan ‘Number enrolled in second primary conscious to the last and sufferec greatly during month, males, 26, females, 28; during the preceding 48 hours after total 52. Average attendance, mules, P€ pneuinonic symptoms were compli- 28, females, 25; total; 51. Per cent. of | cated with his diseases and .was only ‘attendance, males, 99, females, #8; temporarily relieved by hypodermic average per cent. of attendance, 99 injections. As the end approached his Number enrolled in primary during *0ffering ceased, and he passed away month, males, 39, females, 34; total, 48 quietly as a tired child sinking to 73. Average attendance, ‘males, i5, ‘slumber. females, 29; total, 84. Per cent. of ut- Mr. Gresham's illness begais with an tendance, males, 92, females, 85; avar- | Sus of woskp pleurisy ‘with effusion age per cent. of attendance, 59. on May 1. From May 13 nntil the Total enrollment for month, miles, 25th when a relapse appeared, it was 125, females, 131; total, 256. Average expected that he would recover, but attendance, males, 111, females, 107; on the latter date acute pnemonia de- total 218. Per cent. of attendance, ‘males, 91, females, 92; average pe ‘ cent. of attendance, 92. | MOSES PERKINS’ LETTER. ; ton Number enrolled in high school dur- | ing month, males, 9, females, 24; total, = |38. Average attendance, males, 5, | females, 16; total, 21. Per cent. of at- proached until he died Pueadiny morn. ing. To Philadeiphin and New York. 4 Under the néw schedule that went More Loeal Remiuders Which Soi into effect on the Beoch Creek railroad Tou | May 12, the morning train east leaving ~ For first-class humor [ direct one and all to go either of the Justice's offioss. Clearfiel} at 8:35 a. m. Ta You can shed a bad case of blues in | Jess time than it takes me to teil is. I do not mean that therv are no pathetic , scenes enacted there nor do | mean that one never feels a pang of sorrow for the unfortunates who are brought Cie mat ls at 0:45 pm. before these iron nerved men, hut aside from these scenes the hamorcos gn el Palas Bugs Duos cit 10 incidents rule, and aid many a weary Thin gives the of the P- loafer to kill time. patrons Beech | It is a great gift for a person to Hee Sretle rot 5, Spperiausty Me aay. the fanny side of a question and while of Pennsst and in : it aay not seem at first thought to be. Refine a yr the best side, nevertheless it is for the Cl ny such a man is always bright and cheer- Philadelphia, certainly affords most ful and always ready for business. I lent facilities for the ‘do not wish to be understood as saying | 1 like a man who is nlways laughiog, but one who can look on the bright side of a question and can feel that the Palatal Accident. cloud will pass quickly away. . On - Sunday while Mrs. Martin Four different men. found fault with | Thomas, who lives about one and one- my remarks last week, relative to a half miles from Patton, was journey- business man and his son, and each ing aleng the public highway near ber one thought he was the one spokun of. home she passed by some men who The man in question has only the one Were engaged in pitching quoits, or child and [ wish to say that I merely; horsé shoes, for sport when in some expressed a view, and one and sll aye | manner one of the quoits missed ite welcome to take an exception to it. All| calculated point and rolled in » wander- p men do not think alike and therin lies ing manner striking one of Mm Fytind ramon Let each man have Thomas’ limbs at the ankle, causing a the courage to express his thoughts, He | very severe and painful wound. She may and will have opposition, but that was taken to her frome where she han ‘only proves that he has started the. ' been unable to walk since. Men who | people to thinking and is doing some cannot find sny better business to be good, even if he is cu the wrong side ‘in than the above named on the Sab- of the question. A noted man once bath duy should go far enough away said whatever is of any importance to 80 as to not endanger or molest their surrounding people is of intersst to neighbors if they must engage inthis This man did not mean that we so-called indolent sport. ; should be meddlers, bat that we should The Program. strive to have thie best thing done at program he proper time to do it. Do you take a So ered foe ta the interest you should in the town? sonirial Day in Patton: Organius- - What is your answer? : | tion participating will report to the ; Moses PERKINS. © | \hief marshall at Firemen’s hall at § A Wreek on the Booch Creek. ' o'clock a. m. Procession will move About 8 o'clock on Monday morning ' from hall to cemetry at 8:30. After the Beech Creek passenger train, which. services at cemetry, will proceed back leaves Mahaffey at 5 o'clock a. m., en to Firemen’s hall where they will be route east, had the misfortune to col- | dismissed. The officers of the day are lide with a pushing engine, which was | | Col. Robt. Tuttle, chief marshal; &: enroute west, near Gillingham, derail | R. Cornelius, J. D. Blair, and Dr. J. B ing the pushing engine and demclishing Noonan, assistannt marshals; 8. E. both engines vegy badly. A fowman Barr, chief of staff. The band. to re. , on the west- engine was seriously port at § o'clock. Everybody invited injured. The a and Uther to participatss. employes were shaken a t : Boe oi in Siig Pie Tho pas Died Mowing. Bone eve geriohuly in Injured at 1: oi .m. was one hour late owing to | collision. ing that point at 10:30 a 2% i from Williamsport has a through cosieh to New York, via Tamaqua and the Central R. R. of New Jersey, renching and all intermediate points. * old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Junes Sullivan, of Altoona, died at the home s Netiee. of her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs Notice is hereby given that the Patton Wm. Byrne, who live in Paton. The Hotel Co. is the owner of all the owner of all the Per" little girl had been making her home Patton, Pa., consisting of carpets, bed- with her grand parents for the past furniture, safe, silverwats, table | yeu. She was suffering with both the premises to their orders. | th the same. Parton Horii Co. | intersent took piace. Patton, Pa, May 30, 1806. x The Patton Fire company will hold » - | grand dance in their ball to-night, (Thursday ). All are invited to attemd. | Fine Taffetta silk at 50 cents a yerd j Dey Gotis oh Mivkin & Muwmers. at Mirkin & Kusner's. : Mirkin & Kusner have just received | : | 8 large line of Dry Goods. Drink Ambrosia. i veloped and the end was rafidly sp m, snd 8s ‘public to Philadelphia and New York | On Monday Soir inset —
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers