oS a i ay LE a PB atton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING co. Proprietors. "THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1805. ' barn before sheltering the cows. FARING X NOTES Of Interest to the Farsters Who Read “-" Patten “Courier.” Don’t wait until you build the big Build Avgumnent Lists. Notice of Election. List of couses set down for argument | (40 t4 the over-crowded condition at siglinent, court Monday, January | | of our public schools at present and the fn, Fear! va. Clark. | year, by reason of growth in popula- | probable increase in attendance next Alics A. Asheroft is selling 45 cent ribbons at 25 cts. and other goods sts reduction. AS. W. HOY, The Popular "JEWELER, OPTICIAN, and - ". Dealerin - | so Edison General Klectric company v5. Have you read EY a I TERNS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advance, ro. $1.00 : Advertising rates Fade Known upon . application. £9 No papers untold until all ar rearages are patd, nnlew dt the option of the publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second- class mail matter. COUNTY. TIME OF HOLDING COUNT. 1st Monday of March | Ist Monday of Sept. Ist Monday of June oot Monday of Dec. OFFIC ERS. PresinexT JUpGe— Hon. A. V. Barker. PROTHONOTARY J, OC. barby REGISTER AND RECORDER- 1. A. McGough. TREASURER -F. Barker SHERIFF]. M. Bioko DEPUTY SHERIFF--Sarmnel Javis, DISTRICT ATTORNEY RN Marphy. 1. ition, J. 6G. Lloyd, Geo, M. Wertz. COMMISSIONERS CLERK - John C. Gates. COT NTY SUpERISTENDENT-J. W, Leech. (COUNTY SURVEYOR Henry Scanian. COUNTY AUDITors-Wm. J. Jone, W. C , Jarpes Daily. JURY COMMISSIONERS J... J CoMMIssIoNEis-P. Kidd, E. J. h. COROXER-— DIT. George Martin. Poor Ineectors John Long, erville, Raphiel Hite, BOROUGH OFFICERS. BURrGEss--W. J. Bonney: Couscit-Lincoln 8. Bell, president: 8. M. Wiison, H. (' Beek, B. F. Wine, P. P. Young, F. Bonner. LE Boarn—C. C. Crowell, LT SH dent; G. - H. Carfinan, seeratary: W. H. Sandford, treas- arer: Dr. J.B. Noonan, H. E. Barton, Samuel Edminston. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Mellon. TREASTRER-—W, HH. Sandford, - CLERX~ Harvey Patterson, CorLecror—Jas. Mellon, James. Som- Jowse FE. ale, Jas Assmpasor-—J. R. Cornelias wip. -F. H. Kinkead, H. O. Winslow, Wiit L. Thom pen. JUDGE OF oN A. GG. Abbot. InsFRrTOR Abraham Byers, CRIEF OF PoLice-Bam'l Jones. STREP CONNIISIONER-- Samuel Addieman, ' DISCIPLINE IN MINES. “The following, taken from the Col- | liery Engineer, published at Scranton, | - Pa., may be of much interest to the mining class of this section. “Every mine examiner's report we examine blames the primary cause of nearly all accidents on the carelessness "nf the victim or one of the victims. ‘Js not this carelessness largely dae to lack of discipline in the mine? We believe it is. The securing of the proper discipline necessary to prevent careiessness lies with the mine in- spectors and mine superintendents. It is ap undisputed truth that the disci- pline must be enforcad with the great- ‘est rigor. where the risk to life and property is the greatest. In no in- - dustry is there more risk of accident through lack of discipline than in min- ing, and in no ‘indastry is there sach a lack of discipline. This lack of dlisci- pline is largely due to the fact that the men employed in the mines work in groups of two or three, and it is impossible for the foreman to keep his - eye on them at all times. In fact, as a rule, sees them but once day. There- fore the necessity of inforcing disci- pline by severe measures must be re- | sorted to if it is to be secured at all. “The mine laws and the local rules are all framed to make the occupation | of the miner as safe as possible. If they are mot inforced to the letter they | are useless. Every infraction of them : . should be punished either by imprison- meut or peremptory discharge or both. | “There are two great factors that work against good discipline in mines —ignorance and sentiment. Ignorance | on the part of many enployes and sentiment on the part of the mine in- spector, mine officials, and officers of the courts. The effects of ignorance | can be counteracted by the officials ptliishing every breach of the law or rules. A man once punished for a fanlt of ignorance is not likely to repeat it. If every man in the mine knows that every breach of a ruleor law will be’ punished, even if no accident results § the shelter for them and they will help | you build the barn. i ‘and when you have a’ Breed well, heifer calf as the result of such breed- ing feed well and train properly, and you will have a good cow. There is no better crop for winter feeding of sheep than oate and peas mixed. It is very nutritious, and is eaten with avidity by the sheep. The exact temperature of loosening the hair from the skin of a pig at butch- ‘ering is 180. The pig should remain a ‘full minute in the water at this temper- atare to give time for the hair to be loosened. : Where hens are allowed to roam over the barnyard and fields they pick up many waste substances, even in winter, but in cold weather they should | have at least one pint of shelled corn twice a day for every 12 hens. In feeding grain to sheep feed a small quantity often. want. This will have much to do with the prevention of scratches. The farmer who raises his own sheep will find it profitable to markét them as soon as possible, If a horse balks, do not whip him, ‘but, let him stop and think it over. After a little reflection and a few tosses of the head he will often start of his ‘volition. Talk to him kindly, pet him, lcosen a strap or buckle, and he may forget his obstinate spell. An apple or a bunch of grass from the roadside may win him. The narrow dimensions of many’ stalls are a positive eruelty to the horse. They are built too narrow to enable ‘him to extend his limbs ‘when con- venient. He is compelled, when in a recambent position, to double up his limbs under him, and his legs are thus kept cramped, when they should be completely at rest. Five feet is nar- row enough for single stalls. The manure of some animals is richer than that from others. For instance, manure from the hog is twice as val- unable as that from the cow, because it is more concentrated, but the cost is in proportion to the food used and. ‘ the amount digested. A ton of grain or coitonseed meal can only produce a certain amount of manure, no matter to which kind of animal it may be fed, ' and while some animals produce mau- nure of less. value than others, yet they produce more of it, and the loss in one direction is a gain in another. All value of manure depends upon the "food on which the animals are fod. All through winter especially, the heaviest feed of every kind of farm stock should be at night. Enough . should be given at each meal, but in ‘ the evening it may be of richer quality and more tempting to the appetite. | This is needed in cold weather to keep the animal warm, as the process of di- | gestion is a slow combustion of food which fornishes heat for ae body while it provides nourishment for the blood. As the process of digestion goes on with less interruption during ‘sleep » heavy meal at night is less likely to injure the stomach than if | given at any other time. Besides, un- Jess a farmer feeds after dark at night ‘and a good while befope daylight in the | morning the interval between feeding | ‘is longer through the night than through the short days of our Northern ‘winters. A better feed at night is, therefore, neeeded om this account. : Magnuines Are Costly Things. Albert Lynch, the famous French | | artist, who received the highest Salon Keep them in the dry, and give them all the salt they from the breach, they will take good prize for his panel of ‘Spring,” has care not to break the rules or law. been engaged by The Ladies Home The effects of sentiment, are to en- Journal to draw a series of designs for courage rather than discourage viola the cover of that magazine, which as tions of rules or law. It often happens the reading public knows, changes its that a man will grossly violate the cover design each month. Lynch is, rules, but through some fortunate perhaps, ons of the best-paid artists in - chance no great disaster occurs. Na- France, and these covers will cost The turally, the officials denounce the vio- Ladies Home Journal nearly $1000 lation of the iaw, but as the violator ‘apiece. But this only demonstrates has a wife and a large family of the enormoas expense to which maga- children depending on him, it wont do zines are put in the production of their to imprison or discharge him. But numbers. —C. H. Stoddard, in New jeopardy? . what of the wives and children of the’ - severzl hundred other men, whose: lives the violator of the law put in’ ‘BR is better to punisk all breaches of discipline in mines, even if | it does cause hardships and privation | - to the innocent members of the law breakers family. It is better that ome family should suffer than those of all "other employes of the mine. © “It.is true that the mine inspectors | ‘can rarely secure comviction when: they do cause the arrest of a violator of the mine law. The reason is the jury invariably thinks it a shame to inflict imprisonment on a man whose moral charncter may be all right and whoee | ~ family may become a public charge if he goes to prisox. But, the jury for- gets about the hundreds of other fam- | ilies the lives of whose fathers were placed in jeopardy by the culprit. “Therefore the enforcement of disci- pline must in a great measure come from the mine officials, and as the only punishment, they can inflict is dis- charge, prompt discharge should be the penalty for every violation of law or rules.” EE ———T—————— Arfzona’s gold production has been nearly doubled the past year. York Mail and Expresa. All Pree. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its valne, and . those who have not, have now the op- portunity to try it free. Call on the advertised Drugs snd gut 3 Trial Bottle Free. Send your name and ad- dress to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King’s’ New Life Pills free, as well as a copy! of Guide to Health and Household In- _structor, free. All of which is gnaran- teed to do you good and cost you nothing. C. E. Belcher’'s City Drug Store. “There is good reason for the popular- ity of Chamberiain’s Cough Remedy. ‘Davis & Buzzard, of West Monterey Clarion Co. Pa., say: “It has cured people that our physicians could do nothing for, We persuaded them to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and they now recommend it with the rest of us.” 25 and 50 cent ‘bottles for atle by C. E. Belcher's City Drug Store. Pug he printer; A Pn For {we'll put it in italics: He is n "dig § it, you bet, . a -Ex. Cresswell. Tse Sandford vs. Powell. Drass va. McCloskey. Horner vs. Wilson. Wolfe vs. Erie City Iron works. Bradley ‘vs. Brown et al. In re-ruls on John P. Hertzog, sup- | ervisor. : In re-report of auditor to distribute J. A. Marsh fond. In re-road in Allegheny township. In re-Walnut street in Gallitzin bor- | ough. In re-rul® on assignee of . Reynolds & Brown. In re-rule on assigne: to M. R. B. Creery. L. J. Amond & Co. v& Butterworth. City of Johnstown vs. Witt. (German National Building & Loan association vs. Fleck. _ Dunmire vs. Dunmire. Evans va. Williams. Ferguson vs. Davis. City of Johnstown vs. B. and O. R.-. “R. company, * Borough of Morrellville vs Bonner. J. C. DARBY, - Prothonotary. . The following cases anes will be presented for argument at argument court Mon- | day, January 21, 1805: In re-exceptions to petition of the real estate of Philip Warner, deceased. In re-exceptions to acvount of John 8S. Wicks, trustee to sell the real estate of Jacob Raigard, deceased. DANIEL A. MoGOUGH, Clerk O. C. : BIN of Sule. On October 28, 1884, at 1 o'clock, in White township, Cambria county, the | following named goods were pur- chased at constable sale, and all per- sons are hereby notified not to molest . the same: “Lot of dishes and tins, one cook stove and cutfit, three cant hooks, four axes, two cross-cut saws, one grind stone, one barrel engine oil, one-half barrel salt, one barrel lamp ofl, lot of bedding, one heating stove, one lot of potatoes, one horse and harness, one. hog, sevénty feet of gum hose, one ‘two-horse wagon, ten feet steel shaft, one shingle machine and outfit, one bicycle and several other articles too numerous {0 mention. : QUINTER RUSSELL, . GEo, RUMELL. See the World's Fair for Fifteen Cents. Upon reueipt of your address fifteen cents in pcstage stamps, we will mail you prepaid cur Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition, the regular price is fifty cents, but as we want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and » thing to be prized, It con- tains full rage views of the great baild- ings, with descriptions of same, and is: executed in highest style of art. If not satisfled with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book, Address H. E. BuckLex & Co; Chicago, Jdadge White Sworn In. Judge White was sworn in for hia second term on the bench of this county on Monday. There were many opinions as to what oar county would do for a Judge until the contest now on would be decided, but the law pro- vides that candidates returned as elect- ed shall be sworn in and conduct the business until the decision of the con- test is reached. — Marion Centre. Ind. Co. : Te =a ; Bueklon's Arnten Salve. The bent. salve in the world for cuts, - bruises, sores; ulcers, salt rheuam, fever sores, tettor, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- tively cures piles, or no pay required. : It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- faction or money refunded. Price 25 centa per box. For sale by Dr C E Belcher, city drug store Meeting of stock holders. The annual meeting of the Stock- holders of the First National Bank of Patton will be held Tuesday, February 12th, 1896, at the Banking House in Patton, Cumbria county, Pa, between the hours of 1 and 2 o’clock p. m. W. H. BANDPORD, 58t5 Cashier. Getting Better. ee David Layd, Jv, clerk in the county commissioners office who fell down a flight of stairs to the basement in the court house at Ebensbury and sustained what was feared fatal injuries is said to be on a fair way to recovery. Cont For sale. John Truman is prepared to furnish hin trade with the finest coal for gen- | eral use in this section. Call and leave your order. Terms cash. -53tf Try the COURIER for job work. Prices moderate. Many stubborn and aggrevating cases of rhewinatism that were believed | to be incurable and accepted as life leg- | acies, have yielded to Chamberisins | ‘Pain Balm, mach to the sarprise and | gratification of the sufferers. One application will relieve the pain and | suffering and ite continued use insures an effectval cure. For sale by C. E. | Belicher’s City Drug Store. | tion, it is an absolute necessity to pro- vide additional school accommodations ! for the Patton school district. : The school directors of the Borough of Patton resolved by vote duly passed | the 15th day of January, A. D. 1895, | that the School Board of Patton sub- ‘ mit to the electors of Patton Borough | at the spring election to be held on February 19th, 1895, the proposition that the School Board of Patton be authorized and empowered to borrow | ive thousand dollars ($5,000) on bonds "of said school district payable in thirty years from date, redeemable after seven | years at the option of the said school | district at a rate of interest not to ex- 1 Da ‘ceed five per cent. per annum payable semi-annually, clear of taxes; the said | loan to consist of ten coupon bonds of ow denomination of five hundred dol- lars ($500) each, principal and interest payable at the First National Bank of | Patton and numbered from cne to ten inclusive for the purpose of crecting ¥ ‘and furnishing an additional wing con- taining four school rooms to present building. The last annual assessed valuation of | the Borough of Patton is $257,230; the amount of existing indebtedness of Pattcn Borough is $14,200; viz: Borough purposes, $4,200; school purposes, $10,- The proposed increase of indebted- ness for the Borough of Patton for the purpose aforesaid. is $5,000. The per- centage of the proposed increase on the last preceeding assessed valuation: is one and ninety-five one hundred | per cent. C. C. CROWELL, Pres. : W. H. SANDFORD, H. E. BARTON, Sam’. EDMISTON, J. B. NOONAN, : Directors. Attest - - G. H. CURFMAN, Sec. Sworn 2nd subscribed before me ‘ this 18th day of January, 1895 J. E. Dawg, J. P. Munchine Mining at Adrian. “The machines are spoiling the min- ing business at Adrian,’’ said an oid miner yesterday. ‘There are about twenty iron men np there, and they probably average iifty tons of coal a day each. They have but cone range of entries, instead of two, as formerly, and they keep blasting all day, and the : mines are constantly filled with smoke. The machines are bad for the miners, and they are not altogether a good thing for the company, because they do not mine close enough to the bot tom. In many places there is as high | as two feet of good coai on the bottom, and I am sure it will average eight inches all over. One inch of coal dis- tributed over an acre makes a hundred. tons, and this wonid be a loss of $00 tons to the acre in coal. Of course the company gets its coal out cheaper, but the coal is not so nice more slack and there is this loss by not getting to . the bottom. And the smoke is some- thing terrible. Mining under these conditions is not pleasant,” concluded the digger of dusky dimonds. “It is bad enough to compete with the foreign yet.” —Punxsutawney Spirit. A Sssall Boom for Dunlo. The Berwind-White Coal company awarded a contract at Johnstown fur ‘the erection of 20 double houses in Dunlo, this connty to Greens. burg contractors. This means more extensive coal operations in Dunlo. Ebensburg Mountaineer. W. H. SECHLER, Attorney - at EBENSBURG, [Law, Cambria County, Pa. R L GEORGE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, GALLITZIN. PA. Solicitor for German National B. * L. association. 'Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PaTTON, PAL} Office in the Good Building. CL UNTHY, Dealer 1 in ‘Wines, Liquors, Beer. Etc. Phoenix BrewinG Co.'s Beer. | Flasks, Corks. Jugs, Ete., Hastings, Penn’a. ‘that it is unsn . delivered by carriers for the mases upon the i thelr brain, an advertised froe of charge in the brethren, but the machines are worse dwelling : Imily Tribune, COPY. The Philadelphia TIMES This morning. THE Times is the ow extensively circulated and widely read ne per published in Pennsylv ania. Its Bpcas sion of public men and public measures is the most: interrest © J IBwgnlY, honest. government an dustry, and it knows no ‘or | | sonal allegiance in treating issues. | In the broadest and best sense a family | and general newspaper.’ Musical Instruments Is to the frofit as usual with a large i stock of goods Hears ver ions - THE TIMES aims to have the largest circulation by deserving it, and claims rE in all the es- sentials of a at metropolitan news- | paper Specimen copies of any edition | besent free to any one sending’ or address. Trrus daily, $3.00 per annum; $1. 00 | for four months; 30 cents pe month: | centa i week. Sunday Edition, twenty-four pur | large, handsome pages—168 columns, elegartly illustrated, $2.00 per annum; 5 cents per copy. Daily and Sunday, | 5.00 per annum; 50 cents per month. Weekly Edition, 30 cents a year. Address all letters to : Tre Trves Philadelphia. | TH TRIBUNE. Fi. tes rally from the overwhelming defiant of | 22. The New York Tribune patienly labored | - two years to awaken the steeping judgment | of the Nation, Possessing an oRormoas circdla | tion, ajuipped with a stuff of competent and honest students of public questions: and ftself Baving po object to serve excep t the welfare of. furms and in the shops senrntng Hes sensational sppenis, and satisfied merely to planer the trith before ie rade, | Ihe Tribune has sent hall a million earnest | and netleeting pe aple , Wee kiv, a budget of hon- | et facts, <¢ rind Bile mrguTHents and friendly sug- sestions. which have at last bome fruit in the cliwtione of Net, The work of the people is, however, only halt done it is necasary in 1594 10 place iy the Chair which Grover Cieveland aest melorried 4 constructive statesman Repub- | tean fith, To this task The Tribune now ad- dress tteelf and invites the support of every American citizen who destres a retum of the spr old ting Rewwell ii. Horr, ex Congressman from Wichignn, bat now of New York City will con. | Vine to discass Tarif Carreney, Colusge and Labor questions in The Tribone. By afl odds the most witty, earnest and well-informed speaker upon the stump, ne is every year sent by The Tribune to ald the ioral campaigns in every part of the occuntry, He keeps in con- stunt toteh with the people Knows their wants and addresses himself in The Tribune directly to. the thoughts which are in their minds, and makes himself undenstood., He will gladly answer questions, asked in good faith by render. All the regular features of The Tribune will be continued. For Western readers, a special army of Western news is. supplied. For Fast nn medieorw an Fastern edition is printed, It ix the mie nton to ‘make the paper especis inily helpful to armen and mechantes. Faeh | class has ts separ: department in The Tribune: and the new invention of mechanics, | who lack the means to exploit the producer of | hope of finding a parchaser Or a partner. i The market reports of The Tribune, long ne know ledged to be the best in the comntry, will maintain thelr oid standard, and the uspal cariety of foreign news letters, essays apon | home toples, book reviews, articles on chess and checKetwand misceftuny will be presentid svery week. The sdPorial pages of the paper «ut up the most important news of the day, with conments, : The Tribine ale, for the indies, the very intest fashions from Paris and London, and there is. a department of “Answers to Ques tionx,” conducted hy u capable writer, in which ail the questions of the pabple oh misealinnmou: topics are carefully answered, The Semi Weekly Tribune is an incompar Ble paper for redidents who live beyond the range af The Daily Tribade, but find it neces to Keep in touch with the best thoughts dvd higher interests of the world at inrge. "Ary CA fiw premiums ary offered wo renders and’ brits rim, Any friend of The Tribune is cordially invited to send for sample copies and rms” and nake ap & club of sabseribers. We wold be es | pecially plepsed Ww see a large cirele of readers {in every workshop. The Weekly, $1; The Semi-Weekly, 8 The $10 u vear. The Tribune Al 19, sendy in January, 2 cents a Tux TRIBUNE, Naw York. manne oo. + ist Nat’ CLOCKS, WARE, and everything kept in a first-class store of this kind. VIOLJN, GUITAR and BANJO strings and all kinds of small musi ie. will be kept constantly on | WATCHES. SILVER- The Patton INSURANCE GENC Represents the follow- ing old rehable Fire Insurance companies: | ROYAL, of Liverpool, HOME, of New York, GERMAN, of Pittsburg. Also the Equitable Life Insurance compnny, of New. ‘York, the largest in the world. Dale & Patterson, Raiding over PATTON, PA. Bulldir Bank HOTEL BECK, H. C. BECK, Pro. One of the Largest Hotels § in Northern Cambria; ~~ Conducted MODERN STYLE. Good Table and Bar Sovpied with Choiest Brands of Liquors. - The Popular "Every person in ‘Northery Cambria county 1s heading | towards the Mam- moth store of Geo. S. a in Patton, where ‘you can bay the finest line of GENERAL -- MERCARNDISE that was ever handled in any one store in the whole county; DRY 6000S, BOOTS AND SHOES, And everything general store. the best grades of FLOUR, - FEED, - - HAY, A large assortment of Cloth, Matting, Ete, k eenswre, Dishes, “also Qu Shelf Hardware. kept in a first-class fs pe mt, No trouble to Saw 2008s, Come is and look around. GEO. Ss. GOOD, ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers