am a A lH. 4 A 50 Sl 0 SU A SS 5. pgs, TV Fhe VoL. II. _NO. 50. PATTON, C. AMBRI, A CO., PA, THU RSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1895. $1.00 PER YEAR. ~ PLANT AN AD’ IN THE _COURIE LR AN D GET RICH. $100 Given Away. FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER With each Dollars worth of goods bought at this store we will give Five Money Orders, and when Twenty | presented to us at one fime, we AEMINISCENGE OF THE WAR | an sen Written by One of the “Cou- rier” Contributors. THE STARS & STRIPES. r Three Years and Five Months With Olid C. W. HODGKINS. ‘Drugs, Medicines, and Chemi- brags Stationery, Confe(- Honey, gars and Tobacco. gency for COLUMBIA & HICKORY “Bicycles. #8 This is the only Drug Store in Patton where these oney TS Can | - be had. Good Sleighing Is the most essential and enjoyable things of the year and it makes a person feel like going somewhere and we will venture to say that more peo-| ple come to Carrolltown than any other place) In The County for a sleigh- -ride and that isn't ‘all of it; they come here to “buy s at our mammoth Clothing, Shoe and Dry Goods’ Store because they can get price ces to suit their purses. en they come ‘here they are blessed With Good Hotels ‘and the Ecoromy Sore Valentine Day will soon be | _ here and everyone expects to send his or her friend a valen- tine, but before you do this! ~ undersell all. see us first for a bargain. We Very Truly, ‘Economy, Clothing and Diy Goods House, ‘Next to Bank, Canrolliow mn. ‘ The Popular Place to buy medicines of all kinds| at moderate prices is at the CITY Drug Stor First door below oy A full and complete line of ‘Toilet articles always in stock PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded by an experienced and compe- tant pharmacist. ¢ E. BELCHER, Prop. * Glory— More to Follow. Before entering into the history of the great scotit I deem it advisable to give the reader an insight into the ich a seemingly suicidal of General Banks. It will be remembered that when it . was determined that the army of Vir- ginia was to cojoperate with the army of the Potomac on the peninsula, ‘General John Pope was given the com- mand of the former and was to advance up the valley of Virginia towards " Linchburg forming the right wing of McClelland’s army. On assuming command General Pope issued a gen- i eral order which enabled almost every soldier in the command to gauge his calibre as a commander. It was openly predicted that the movements of the | army under him would end in failure, if not disaster. The second battle of . Bull Run verified the prediction. It is not putting it too strong to say that the enemy had everything their own way. So that after the great battle ' was over General Pope and probably ' a majority of the division commanders had not the enemy inten to do. Men's lives counted for little. Thirteen men would not be missed. it was necessary to out whether the enemy were con- , centrating for an attack on W ashing- ton or were holding Pope, while they | were moving up the Potomac to in- | vade Marylhnd. The detail of thirteen men was sent out to find out what | they were doing. If they succeeded, very good; if they failed, only thirteen men would be lost. That they suc- |e the foliowing account of that adventure will demonstrate. Though | why they did succeed is one of the im- penetrable mysteries which remains unsolved. In giving this narrative to | the public I am not attempring to set up the claim of superior bravery over my comrades. [ merely wish to show that thirteen men had the opportunity’ and came back to say, ‘Whit man has , done, man may do.” : On the firs: day of September 1362, just after the second battie of Bull Run, the movements of General Lee were sv masked that General Pope Sug huey were unable to determine whether the enemy were concentrating | for an attack on Washington or moving up the Potomar to invade Maryland. | A eouncil of officers was called which | decided to use additional methods to | gain, if possible; a knowledge of Lee's ‘designs. Gleneral Banks then called on’ the officer in command of the 28th regiment, P. V. 8, ‘to detail thirteen reliable men for this purpose. The | selection was jade with unusual care, ~ {and we were ordered to report to Gen- eral Banks for instructions. The Gen- ‘eral was in his tent, walking back and forth very much like a lion in a cage. He gave his orders briefly: ‘Go to Ball Ran Mountain: find out what the enemy are doing, if possibie, and, when you glean anything, send one of your numbers back with the intelligence.” He told us further if the orders were faithfully carried out a commission was in store for each, and gave na the fol- lowing Souk ong and patrols, will Brin Tm? Grady and twelve f : [Pleas p- farther orders.” He also gave us a requisition on any | commissary in the United States to | farnish whenever needed. Then, with a [caution not to let the | enemy draw us into an action unless it was positively pnavoidable, he bade us farewell and we started on our peril ous adventare,| { Bergeant Gridy thonght himself an- fit to command the party; so we elected the next ranking Sergeant, F. B. M. Bonsal. | We had nothing to guide us -- not even an exact knowledge of the ene- my’s position. The country was cov- ered by a densg undergrowth of pitch | pine and white oak, which hid every- thing from view and was well calcu- lated either to mask the movement of | an enemy or form an ambuscade. We took no road, but struck directly ‘ towards the enemy's line, to ‘‘feel for them’’ as we called it. We soon sighted ‘the enemy's cavalry moving toward ‘the pike leading from Fairfax Court { House to Centreville. ' their lines, to reach our destination in ‘the rear. After marching six or eight | miles without the sight of an enemy | to disappointment. We took the same direction, keeping a reasonably ° | nafe distance from them; our inten- tion being to flank them or penetrate we concluded to feel them again. We were then near a farm Bote = it was decided that one of our should go to the house and a. in- | quiries as to the route to Washington, | and whether any of the Confederate | ‘The man of the house was the very picture of. force were in the vicinity. terror and begged us to leave immedi- | ately; at the same time pointing toa thicket on ovr left, he said the enemy in strong fore were therein concealed. Our intention had been if the farmer: knew nothing of the enemy to march into the thicket hoping to screen our- selves from them if any were around. “From this thicket we intended to take | a general diraction toward the Potomac | "To our miners and other employee: — and be governed by circumstances. Just as our messenger wus returning across the funce a heavy volley was fired upon us. The balls flew thick around tearing up the earth but for- tunately no one was hurt. Seeing their shot had failed, the Rebs set up their customary yell and started on a full run to capture us. We were obliged to beat a hasty retreat for some dis- tance, when wé reached cover and halted determined to fight. But we were no farther molested and we changed our course so as to strike the pike sooner than we had intended. After moving in this direction for some time we discovered a column of ‘troops also raarching towards the pike. We examined them carefully through. our glass, but on accouut of the dust, ete, could not make them out dis- idea of what the tinctly. + We concluded they were friends, however, apd marched up. General Philip Kearney, for it was his division, rode out demanding our busi- ness. We showed him our pass, and being on high ground we pointed out to “him the thicket from which the enemy had fired upon us. General Kearney immediately pushed forward a regi- ment of skirmishers at the same time y ‘telling us to wait until he had en- gage! the enemy, then to hasten to Fairfax as scion as possible. The skirmishers of both sides ad- vanced firing rapidly. This was the opening of tise battle of Chantilly, in which the gallant and daring Kearney fell. A short march brought us to the pike which was covered with wagons burrying to Fairfax. The ‘teamsters became panic stricken, driv- ing four abreast on a full ran, and we had considereable difficulty to avoid being run over. Sometimes we were obliged to cross from one side of the - pike to the other antil Corporal Coarwe and myself hecame separated from the rest of the party. We thought little of it at the time expecting that some emergency would open a gap in the almost solid line of wagons. It was a long time before the desired opening appeared and when we crossed over no sign of our comrades was visible. Here was a dilema. The leader had our only pass. What were we to do? As Fairfax was to be our rendezvous, we ‘expected litle difficulty in finding them in the town, but again we were doomed CANTEEN To be conti ned ORDINANCE NO. 4. ‘sec. 1, Relative to Snow on the ‘de Walks in thi Borough of Patton. Be it enacted and ordained by the ‘Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Patton, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same: That hereafter it shall be the duty of the cecopanta of lots, and owners of unoccupied lota, along whose premises sidewalks are now or may hereafter be laid under the ordinance now in force, or which may hereafter be passed, to cause the sidewalke along their re- spective premises to be cleaned of snow when, and as often as the same shall fall thereon, within six hours after the same shall cease falling, and on de- fanit of ssch occupiers or owners having such sidewalks cleaned as, Li, she or they shall be fined inn the sum of one dollar, and the cost of cleaning the pavement, to be col- lected as debts of like amount are now by iaw recoverable, and it is hereby made the duty of the Burgess to see that suits are brought against all who may offend against this ordinance. - The Bore. Election. o The next borough election will be held on ‘Tuesday February 16th. There will be two school directors, two councilmen, ore auditor, judge of election and two inspectors elected. ‘The councilmen whose term expires are H. C. Beck and L. 8. Bell, and the two school directors who step out of office are Dr. J. B. Noonan and H. S. Barton. : Church Notice, Pastor Chas. W. Wasson, of the Methodist Episcopal church, will preach | in this place cn Friday evening at 7:30. | Everybody welcome. "THE Bi STRIKE WILL END, At DuBois and "Rey noldsville | Soon—The DISCHARGED RESUME | With the Others A Proposition that An-| swers the Miners’ Request. Following is a commuuication dated | of this year. principal markets THE BITUMINOUS TRADE. Nit in ite Best Possible Condition at the | Ypening of 1885. The bitumindas trade is not in the | best possible © Reports from all the show that the de- mand ie very light and prices low. There is a prospect of serious labor | troubles in the Western Pennsylvania {so and at this writing there are | several good sized strikes on. Owing to | | the low prices prevailing the operators JOHNSTOWN | POSTOFFIGE. ition at the opening | 1 he Postmustership at Last Defniely Settled. WOODRUFF THE MAN. One of the Best Paying Postofers in the Western Part of Pennsylvania. On Thursday of Iast week President at Reynoldsville, Pa., Janvary 15, and gre demanding a reduction from Col- Grover Cleveland nominated to the. Bell, Lewis & Yates Coal Mining com- ‘ are resisting the demand. ‘signed by the highest officials of the! umbus scale, and the miners naturally senate for appointment as postmaster at Johnstown the Hon. Lucian D. pany, S. B. Elliott, general Manager, . The outlook for the bituminous trade Woodruff. Mr. Woodrail’s first noti- and Geo. H. Lewis, president: is not very encouraging. The con-, tinued: business depression lessens the fication of his nomination came through friends who called at his home to con- “In relation to the recent action of demand for steam coals, and the large gratulate him." this company, in suspending some of contracts, that are an important factor | The salary of the present postmaster our mén at DuBois and Reynoldsville, in the bituminous trade, will not be let - of Johnstown, J. Earle Ogle, is $2700 and shutting down the Sprague and Hamilton mines, so many false and much before Aprii 1st. The ‘“‘Janvary thaw" which set in | per year, and that of Mr. Woodraff will no doubt be the same. He will misleading statements have been circn- early this year, together with a good have the appointment of four clerks, lated, instead of the true reasons, that rainfall broke up the ice in the Monon- bat of only one assistant postmaster. ; we deem it proper to make an: official gahela, and a press dispatch from. The other three clerks, as well as the statement. Pittsbury,;, under date of the 6th, states | ‘twelve carriers and one sub carrier, “For a long time past our mines that 10,000,000 bushels of coal will go being under the civil service laws, are have been overcrowded, the same as in | gut on the rise, and empty barges will subject to his recommendation, bot all other regions, and the complaint be taken up. The river operators are cannot be removed except for cause, with our men, and the miners in other 44, demanding a reduction in wages, no matter what their politics may be. districts, has been that it was done for and matters are therefore in rather an The salaries of the clerks, carriers and the purpose of securing more trade for ungettled condition, and predictions as messenger boy are ali paid by. the gov- the stores, and there has been a great | to the action of the miners are hand to ernment. dissatisfaction in consequence. The result has been that with the coal trade very dull, our men have not earned as. good monthly wages as we would be glad to have them receive. We are not mistaken when we add that the public has also held the opinion that we were employing too. many men for the work we were able to furnish them. “Since the close of navigation on the lakes, we have been cut off from a large tonnage, and all-rail points of consumption have not increased, but diminished in volume, while the compe- tition from the Pittsburg and other regions has become more keen. There- fore our market for coal is not more than two-thirds as iarge as during the season of navigation; hence retain all our men, and run all the mines, would involve still further lessening of monthly wages per man. Consequent- ly, - after mature deliberation, it was decided by the officers of the company | make. At the Lowest Noteh. R. G. Dunn & Co.'s weekly review of trade on Saturday last says: The! complete review of different branches of business given to-day places in a clear light the fact that prices of com- modities are at the lowest level ever known. Eight years ago, in July, prices averaged only 74. 89 per cent, of the prices for the same articles in the ‘same markets January 1, 1560, and this mained the lowest point ever touched | shi August 10, 1888, when the average fell 72. 76, but early this vear * Prien dropped below all previous records and have never recovered, the average | December 26th being only 68. 79. per cent. of the prices in 1860. The range was very little higher at the end of the year and about as low October 25th. True as Steel An exchange says that the press en- The present assistant postmaster is " Gomer Walters; mailing clerk, 'W. R. ‘Bathurst; stamp and registry clerk, H. U. Lehman; “general utility,” Milton 8. Harris. The bond given by the present post- master is $18,000, and that of Mr. Woodruff will probably be the same. In speaking of the present postmaster the Johnstown Democrat says: “J. Bartle Ogle has been identified with the Johnstown .postoffice for ‘nearly 23 years. Through the influence of the late W. R. Jones and George Pritx he was taken into the office by Postmaster George ‘Geddes about 11872, at a salary of $18 per month. Besides Mr. Geddes and Mr. Ogle the only other employe of the office at that time was Al. Petriken, who was succeeded by Mrs Hunt, now Mm Dr. D. W. Evans. Geo. T. Swank, in 1874, succeeded Mr. Geddes, and Mr. Ogle was made assistant postmaster. to shut down Hamilton and Sprague dures affliction of deadheadism from | Mr. Swank held the office for 12 years, mines, and certain headings i in Soldier the liar, stage society, individuals and My Ogle remaining with him as as Run and Rochester mines, for reasons corporations. It is expected to give sistant all that time and siso under the above stated, thus giving the men re- strength to the weak, eyes to the blind, administration of Herman Baumer, tained better work, and for the purpose clothes to the naked, bread to the who was in charge from 1888 to 1800, of reducing fixed charges, to lessen the hungry, ete. It is asked to cover up and during the severe trial of what is cost of coal, and thus better enable us the infirmities, hide weakness, wink at known as the flood period. Mr. Ogle to compete with other regions. “The charge that by our action we not true. We do not know union from : quacks, bolster up dull, sapbeaded pol-- itirians and flatter the vain. It is in’ if it looks for a reward it is denounced became postmaster after Mr. Baumer’s , retirement, his commission dating were striking at - any organization is short, to be all things to all men; and from July 28, 1800. “Mr. Ogle, as employe and master, non-union men, and do not care to. as a mean sordid sheet. There is no has always been faithful in his duties to We recognize the right of any man to interest under the whole heavens that the public, and will retire with the join any labor organization, and in is expected to give so much to society good wishes of all. His present pur- giving employment to men we never without any pay or thanks as the press. pose is to take a well-earned rest. He have and never shall make any dis- crimination as between those who be- long te labor organizations, and those who do not. = We deeply regret, and. protest against, the report to the eon- trary, which has been so widely cirou- lated. As all know we have made no discrimination for ay | CANRe. : ‘““T'o the men whom we intended to have retained our endeavor was to give the best work within our power, but by reason of a diminished market we would not have been able to give them in excess of the results obtained dur- ing the month of December last. are the best judge as to how to con- duct our business. In these hard times | we are forced to do it in the most eco- nomical manner possible. “It must be conceded by our men— and we shall insist upon it-—that we Will Remove, J. T. Haines, the energetic Patton laundryman, has leased the building ‘owned and at present occupied by D. A. Buck, the proprietor of the Eureka store, on Fifth avenue, and expects to occupy the same by Monday of next week. Mr. Haines expects to make some very important improvements in his business when he gets stationed there. He is contemplating putting in an engine and running his machinery ‘by steam power. Mr. Haines is en-: deavoring to build up the laundry busi- ness in Patton and should be encour- aged by all ita citizens. Fingers Mashed. Jesse fox, who is an epmloye at the Palmer house met with quite a painful accident on Monday of this week. He waa assisting Ot Winslow to lift a bar “But the action of the men whom we rel of molasses into a sleigh when it intended to retain shows they are will- ing to divide work with those sus- pended on a pro rata share. The. suggestion that the work be div ided in “slipped falling on three fingers of Mr. | Fox's left hand mashing them in a terrible condition. He at once went to Dr. I. J. Weida, who dressed the in- has nothing in view for the immediate future.” Fire Co. Officers Kiected. A meeting of the Patton Fire Com- pany was held on Thursday night of last week for the purpose of electing a new corps of officers for the ensuing year. The following were chosen: C. C. Crowel, president; F. H. Kinkead, vice president; L. 8. Bell, recording secretary; H. E. Keller, financial secre- tary; Ed. A. Mellon, treasurer; C. W. Martin, chief; H. C. Beck, W. J. Don- nelly, John Scheid, J. F. Bonner, and John Boyce, trustees. There will be a meeting on Thursday evening «f this week and the appointments of. s first and second assistant foreman, wo nos. zlemen and two plugmen will be made. The company have elected efficient of- ficers and it is the intention of the or- ganization to proceed to ‘weed out” all. members who have not paid their dues ' and initiation fees. Secretary Bell has informed the COURIER that a five insur- he the mines where suspension did not jured members and Jesse is nursing a the fire company’s building. occur, is impracticable, as all must see. The only way will be to again start the suspended mines, and let each man go to his proper place, and in order to met our men in a spirit of compromise we have concluded to reinstate the en- tire order and condition of things which existed just prior to shutting down the work named, — with the distinct under- very sore and puinful hand. Died Monday. Mary L., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pennington, died on Monday morning after suffering from croup over two days. She was aged seven months and twenty five days. Inter- ment tock piace at Hastings on Tose | day. Mr. and Mrs Pennington have The First in Patton. A Union Veteran Union, - Command No. #8, was organized on Saturday night in Patton, which is the first lodge to break the ranks in she way of a secret organization here. The muster was held in -the opera house and the following officers were elected: Robert Tuttle, colonel; Ellis €. Howe, lieu- standing that as it is universally 8c- the heartfelt sympathy of their many tenant colonel; Allen McCabe, major; knowledged that we have more miners than are needed to do our work, as soon as the inclement season is past, unless our business shall greatly in- crease, we must reduce to a reasonable number without hindrance or dis- turbance. ~ “As some have left our employ, set tied up and been paid, we shall not.con- sider such entitled to claim to receive work under this proposition.” LosT—A small pass book containing a order of $5 payable to Sam- | ar Finder ease leave sama a5 CUCATER office, friends in and around Patton. Get a Valentine, C. W. Hodgkins, the druggist, has just received the finest line of valen- tines ever you laid your eyes on. Don’t | mise seeing them. : Fresh Fish "Delivered at your house every day in the week. Prices very moderate Give me a call. GErORGE M. REED, Cor. Fifth and Magee Ave. Ladies hats reduced in price at Alice A. Asheroft’s millinery store Up-aiss, in Good building. George W. Cassidy, quartermaster: Sam’l Barr, Sergeant; Geo. Degarmo, Shaiplais; Edward H. Beebee, officer of the day; Charles Prescott officer of the guard; Charles McBrearty, 8. major; John Saltgiver, color bearer; Nord. man Richards, sentinel. Meetings will be held every Monday evening in Good's hall, 4 : Dress Making Miss Libbie Bottorff, late of Phila. delphia, is now prepared to do all kinds of fashionable dress making at the hume of Ruben McPhermin, on | Fifth avenue, -38t4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers