SA a Ny ei af am 5 A combor 22nd and 3th. | Mangeilles quilt or spread. Pelober, sity drug store : Who sell honest, reliable Clothing at’ Popular prices. ~~ The people appreciate the way we treat them and we are rewarded by their patronage. Our trade has more than doubled itself—nay, trebled itself since we are in our Mammoth establishment. We | can see with the naked eye, that what people desire 1s good treatment and full value for ther HARD EARN ED DOLLARS, Come Everbody. Judge for yourself that we are the cheapest and largest Clothing House | in the Town. | We are headquarters for shoes of all descriptions and bottom prices. Our $1.00 Working shoe is all the rage. Two men wore a. pair for five months. Why don’t you try a pair? Ladies Coals aud Capes. have all the desirable fabrics and styles. judge for yourself. SHOES! Shoes! SHOES! ; cx | MUIIUEIN 2 | SCARFS. : | ] = Pretty Tasteful Disigns and all the latest Knots: 25, EIN Eo a soc, and the finer grades; very pretty ones at 50c. What so suitable for Mother, Wife or Sister? We Why not buy them a nice, neat fitting garment which ' would make an elegant present. We have as fine a line to THE LEADING CLOTHIERS, select from as conld be desired. Call at our large house and Gents ‘Furnishing Goods. GLOYES. Always an acceptable gift for Man or Boy. For $1, A N D © 1.25, 1.50 we can realy give you handsome ones. FUR GLOVES. | Nutria, Wool, Seal, etc., from $1 to $1. 50. 'HANDKERCHIEFS, | ee Vom Fopular of all Gifts, Linen, Hemstitched 25, | SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. With Embroidered Initials, for soc. $1, and $1. 2s. Very large asssortments. of all kinds. SUSPENDERS. At any price you like, from 25¢ to $1.00. Very GENTS FURNISERS, | handsome omnes at $1. AND SHOE DEALERS. | SHIRTS. Collars and Cu appropriate gift. Pretty ones for 75¢ cand x. Hoiers CB atenrar and rn Lesttier oor ond | ” OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, PATTON, PENNA. Patton ‘Courier. [Mints 10 Those Looking for Chrismas If you ame puzzled as to what to bay PATTON PUBLISHING co., Proprietors. or where to get it, go or send to Cook, ta" «A 1404 | Balmond & Cowden, the great dry THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, : | goods house in Altoona for something, Gus sowr ausyouts mudvasce, AT orders. Here are a few of the things nvertiuing Tales de: known RpoD that they have and might please you: | on A handsome black or colored ENS JOU SHUTS! Sp Bdrm pattern. ey tered at the Postofin at Phtion as second A sewing machine. Turkey Given Away. -1 A fur wep or _" - A Turkey given free with every » Handsome China setts. purchas Satardag| and. Monday, De- A pair of fine towels. A pair or box of kid gloves. Bis, The Clothier. | 4 ogy of alk mittens. Not Gufity. ! A beantiful fan. : In Clearfield court Inst week the case A pair of soft blankets. | Silk or satine down quilts. | Pine cotton quilt. | HA CSrpet sweeper. One of our fine rugs or handwome | Zyeneburg to Beulah. | portiere. | A pretty hassock. 1! A handsome book. _ A photagraph case. i Toilet set or workbox. A silver neck or belt buckle. A gold, pear! or silver pen holder. A ring or bracelet. Watch chains or fob. Gold or silver hair pins. Fine cut glass or Chinaware. Fancy mirror or pin tray. - Beaatiful clock or vase. Elegant Dresden or onyx lamps. | A fine onyx table. China dinner or tea set. . Fancy cologne bottle. ' . Atomiser or puff box. . Bomething in embroidery. Silk or lisle hose. A silk or linen handkerchief. Pocket book or hair brush. ! Lovely Christmas card or booklet. - Umbrellas with fancy handle. A two-in-hand umbrella. A smoking jacket. The best salve in the world for cuts, | "Tie firsest like of umbrellas you Save ; Weere’s Orchestra. ‘sores, sogispespeiieamdperreed hemi Thompeon’s. . corns, and I y A Turkey given free with every §5/ : fost cuteh ples oF Be pr purchase Saturday and Monday, De-| cember 22nd and 4th. The new M. E — on alian street will be dedicated some time next J. G. C. Bearer, of Spangler, aud H. 72 | creasing business makes it a necessity i ——— Oo ——— | EBENSBURG. The Patton orm, 7. D1 14 A GOOD STOVE J. Emmet Lucas, of Johnstown spent a few hours in town on Monday. SIL Aaron Weakland, of Faivon, was a Is the celebrated and well-known CINDERELLA. It Ri tor to Ebensburg on as been proven to be the very best and the cheapest.. “A GOOD STOVE re ae. 1S economy. A poor Bisir house Monday. ” Z a wilh. oF he Represe nts the follow: | Rast ward, are both critically ill with Ing old reliable phe 7 : A 1 on BW one 1s the worst J. H. Glasgow, one of the lends ‘Ire Insurance By ing E : : : ‘business men of Fallen Timber, ing. : . LL ead AYR Ta kind of €X- | county, spent a few hours in town Tues- companies: : : : | aay. | % | ee Fume trava- J. A. Shoemaker has the contract for ROYAL, of Liverpool, | dwelling houses for Contractor Me- adden at the Twin Rocks. GERMAN, of Pittsburg. On Thursday Mr. James A. Bianger, : the popular section boss oa the Black- ‘Also the Equitable Life’ For all kinds of liek railroad, moved his family from 1, ,rance company, of New ee Fhe ne onl York, the largest 1 in the world. | Generat Hardwa re, Etc. hes mo Dale & Patterson, A. TL. THOMAS, | ington. His many friends here ex- : Patton, Pa. ae Sharbsagh, Carrolltowd’s lead- Fo ri PATTON, PA. ing clothier, who keeps the largest | tock of clothing in the county, paid rend nos vd ‘NOLLYVd 4.dOdd a Meemsy, HOTEL ‘¥3HO138 ‘3 O a rs umoy urzPoIsS Iau — house in Ebensburg next: B E C K. “013 ‘Apued Re mer i Css tei H. C. BECK, Pro. ‘sos Ned ‘sSuodd IW | sUNQY ‘SDOXOE MIO Aoue | erecting the power house and five LONE of New York, LL ~ gance.” See us First for the erection of a larger building, eerie ! the old one being too small to accomo- date the increasing traffic. | State ¢ EC — One of the Largest Hotels in ¢ gi eo Ohctpioghet Corthons; De Northern. Cambria; Ses 2d NOIUIAl ‘above estate having been granted to Conducted | the undersigned, all persons indebted yt ‘seseD 12II0L a MODERN STYLE. SIUIsIid FRU delay to Jaco C. KaRLEEIM, | 538 Patton, Pa. Good Table and Bar Supplied ~~ OA ANd OL INVE MoTad ¥O0O0a IANO with Choiest Brands of bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever | ever seen at the mammoth store of Bey ash yicliy. asic Sursibos io ; Liquors. | posi- | I ry Ciletint Nad raph oh The Popular : Te tention. Address H. Moomn, : / > Irvona, Pa. ; : ] - HOUSE faction or money refunded. Price 35 | “omber ; cents per box. For sale by Dr C E| Ed, The | Por fruits go to Kinkead's. 40¢f Lerch the talfor, Mahatley, Pa 4 Holkday Goode at Hodgkine. 46.4 Bw, The Clothier. 3 Asheroft's millinery store 44-41 www. OIPATION, gm SO .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers