ol ~ Carrolitown,Pa., | Cp FE & present. ans New Ta us to hand them to you at ‘goods, wholesale. i ————————- 3] oe in tpt PATTON, ‘CAMBRIA co, PA. , THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1894. $n oo PER YEAR. "3 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL. be ev 0-5 © GRISTHAS COMING and the the children will be happy. We oO hive Juss recetved tie Anes. ‘Holiday Goods : Sor Digugte to this section by any firm and it will make your eyes water to see our stock of TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES, BOOKS, ALBUMS and a whole store full of other holiday goods too numer- ous to mention. * We are going to KEEP. EVERYTHING. In other e full line of suitable for a nas or New Years Come Early And See Us. 7+ C. W. HODGKINS, PATTON PHARMACY, PATTON, - , PA. CAMB COUNTY COURT nistrator. i Tr Reese a { as indicted. : Wednesday, Deters ie I Mtyorn ats auditor to reports distribon. after rotizing for sabavt time, fonviered | prosecutor. Not a true bill. : : 8 ium of She futisn 1 tte hands of said’ SVEN OF £1117 In viasine aud form Hiram Webb, malicious mischief; | {A Large Namber of Advertiers in the | Daniel Allison., . prosecutor. Not a Arse el “commun pateons. “Courier” This Week. * want of an appearance. His amended report as auditor ap- Court re-convened Wednesnay morn- pointed by the Court to distribute the ing at 9 o'clock. During the session funds in the hands of the Sheriff, aris- | these motions and petitions were re- ing from the sale of the personal prop- | “ceived by the Court: LOTS OF CASES TRIED. erty ofA. ©. MeClelind, agent. Con- By Mr. Walters— | firmed nisi. The petition for the appointment of | By Mr. 0’Conor— i a guardian for Jennie apd L. William Motions und Petitions Granted Report of | [In re-application of Edward Hart- E. Murty, minor children of James T. ; the Grand Jury. ‘nett, one of the bondsmen of Thomas and Margaret Murty, for the purpose Proceedings of Last Week, Continencify Monday. "The second week of the December | Melvin, constable of the Fourteenth of giving a mortgage on certain real | term of court opened Monday, Decera- ward, Johnstown, to be discharged estate in the Second ward of jolms- | ber 10, at Ebensburg. The Bar was from constabie’s bond, , called and the Fellowing motions and | granted October 29, 1884, returnable at Court. December term. On motion, the rule The petition of George W. Murty to 1 : | is made absolute and Edward Hartnett be allowed to join with others in giv- ~ Beire facias sur mortgage in the case relieved from the bond. ing a mortgage on certain real estate ‘of the Vigilant Building & Loan As- Tucaday. December 15. in the Second ward of Johnstown. _sociation vs. Mollie Bogus et al. Judg- The first case ¢ © the criminal list to Granted. ment was asked for and granted for be taken up was t of the Common- The petition of James T. Murty ‘wealth va. Georp, Shaffer, robbery, Margaret Marty, Sara A. Marty, and Scire facias sur mortgage in the case receiving stolen goods; Emanuel Smith, T. J. Itell, guardian of George W.. ‘of the Vigilant Building & Loan As. prosecutor. Murty, Jennie L. Murty, and William ‘sociation vs. Susan Gregory et al The defendant, who is but a boy, was E. Murty for leave to execute a mort- Judgement was granted for want of accused of stealing about forty dollars gage on lit in the Second ward of an appearance. from the prosecutor last October. The Johnstown. Granted. Scir facias sur mortgage in the case principals are from Jackson township. | {By Mr. Itell- of the Vigilant Brilding & Loan As A net-work of damaging evidence was A petition to change the route of sociation vs. Mary H. Thomas and Woven around Shaffer, and affairs road in Munster township, leading Henry Thomas. Judgment was grant. looked dark for him before the defense. . from O'Hara's Mills to the iron bridge ‘You CAN ' ed for want of an appearance. When placed on the stand he demied crossing the north branch of the Little The petition of Dr. Abner Griffith, any knowledge of the robbery, snd ex- | Conemaugh river. J. A. Shoemaker, | guardian of the children of John T. pliined his peculiar actions on the-lay .James A. Parrish, and John Itell, ap- ‘SAVE MONEY | . By Stopping at the Economy, In ying Clothing, oe Goods, Boots and “Shoes and ‘Gents Furnishing Goods. In| thes days of sensational adver- tising is to pick the - store on which you can rely. We mod- | estly claim ours as one. Of | * course, there are others, but we doubt if there is another one where you can purchase! the right sort of Dry Goods, | ~ Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Gents Furnishing Goods at the low figures we charge. You know that paying cash ~ for every piece of goods that comes into our store enables about the same price the other | shop keepers pay for their THE GREATEST 1 Holiday Bargains == i Ever offered in this section | “at the ECONOMY Store. It! will pay ‘you to see our Stock rm Cs a gna a pt nr Ch LNT, ‘Dealer i in Wines Liquors, * Beer, Etc. | Phoenis BrewinG Co.'s Beer. | Flasks, Corks, Jugs, Etc., Hastings, Penn'a. mt + a = | lL 1d WEIDA DINEASES OF EY E, "EAR, NOSE AND ~~ THROAT A Specialty. Office in Good Building, UpBtairs, PATTON, PENNA. i ' the East ward, Ebensburg. Granted. | Griffith, deceased, praying the Court of the theft to the satisfaction of the pointed viewers, to report at next term for an order to sell at private sale to jury, for not guilty was the verdict. of court. | George H. Boney the interest of the Shaffer was defended by Messrs. Evans By Mr. McNeelis-- said minors in a property situated in and Greer. . The report of R. E. Cresswell, com- 'Miomuis MeClovkey entered 2 pion of missioner appointed to take testimony The petition of Dr. Abner Griffith, guilty to fornication and bastardy, and jn the case of Ella Stahl vs. William ©. | guardian of the children of John T. Wis sentenced to pay a fine of $6 and 3tahl, litel in divorce. Decree sug- Griffith, deceased, praying the Court ocsts to the county, $20 lying-in ex- | gested. for ah order to sell at private sale to punses, and §1 a week for seven years Return of James Nightingale, ad- (John Robinsteeen the interest of the | to Mary Gorman, the prosecatrix. ministrator of Patrick Moran, deceased, minors in a. property situated in Moses Feathers was brought to trisi to an order of sale, and asking for an Wee we Baorey. and partly for embezzlement; H. H. Thomas, of alias order to issue. | in Cambria township. . Granted. i Johnstown, prosecutor. Feathers was His report as an auditor spppointed ! jcal Lutheran Betenis charch of Hast- hitnself as the agent of an Altoons T. J. Pearl, assignee of John A. Marsh, ings for an order and decree authorizing | Bailding & Loan Association and to! and ascertain preferred claims of the execution of a mortgage to Stritt- have collected on the strength of the wages Report confirmed nisi. matter Bros. By Mr. Kerr- | A motion to excuse Samuel H. prosecutor. He was found not guilty, | from serving on the but sentenced to pay the costs. Traverse Jury that week. Granted. hae mast \ughidile aie of this ters Mary P. Bowser, prosecutrix. Not i ie next occupied the attention of the guilty. In the re estate of Daniel O'Hara, court. The principals, witnesses and Same vs. John Milburn, receiving ‘Mrs. Mary Thomas, the wife of the as indicated: Commonwealth va. Catharine Hart late of Munster township, deceased, the attendants, were from Middletown, a stolen goods; C. E. Wella, progeoutor. | writ of partition having been returned’ cluster of houses near Coopersdale, and | Not guilty. confirmed, a rule was granted on their testimony at times was exored- | Same ve. Samuel Jones, assault and all heirs to appear at March term and ingly spicy. Kate McCarthy was! battery; Sophia Brandon, prosecutrix. accept or refuse the real estate at its before the bar to answer charges of Not guilty, and the prowecutrix to pay valuation, or show cause being a common scold, preferred by the costa. why the same should not be sold. a rule was town. T. 8. Iteli, appointed by the ceiving stolen goods; J. G. C. Bearer, cutrix. Not a true bill on first count: The petition of the Swedish Evangel- alleged to have falsely represented tc distribute the funds in the hands of | wertion, various sums of money from The following caste were disposed of | field, larceny, receiving stolen goods; | | bor neighbor and bitter enemy — Martha | Same va. John Hipps, assault and true bill, and the prosecutor to pay the Below the CoumiEr publishes the costs. names of the different firms and basi Peter McPadden, assault and bat- | ness and professional men who have tery; Maggie McPadden, prosecutrix. ‘advertising space in this paper this | Not a true bill, and the prosecutrix to week: ‘ pay the costa. iC. W. Hodgkins. John Campbell, john Brown, and Economy Clothing Store, Carroll. Daniel Campbell, larceny, receiving town. slolen goods; J. G. C. Bearer, proses. A. Lantzy, Hastings. cutor. Not a true bill. Dell Yan John Campbell, John Brown, and N. Nagle. Daniel Campbell, horse-stealing, re- Nia, Adamant Plaster Co. W. E Probert. August K. Paber, Danielson & Eaghiad. WW. W. Straitiff. P. P. Young & Bro. Sam’l Boyes. S. M. Wilson. First National Bank. Reuel Somerville, Esq. A Dr. J. Harry McCormick. oo a true bill on second count. New Home Sewing Machine Co., of William Truxell, receiving stolen | New York. goods; George H. Ling, prosecutor. J. F. McKenrick, Faq., Ebensburg 3 Not a true bill. Wm. Davis, Enq., Ebensburg. Thomas W. Hagan, assaait and bat- Patton Supply Co. tery with intent to commit rape, . Geo. 8. Good. . amsaalt and battery; Emily V. Wil Jas W Hoy. liama, prosecutrix. Not a treebillon R. F. Gallaher & Co. first count; a true bill on second count. 1. 8. Beil Henry Shaffer, George Shaffer, Nor- Wm. F. Gable & Co., of Altoona. man Vamer, and Christ Varner, ma- Mirkin & Kosner. licious mischief; J. J. Stiffey, prosecu- | prosecutor. Not a true bill. Adam Hammond, assault and bt | tery with latent to comuait rape, as sanit and battery; Mary Hunter, —] ecutrix. Not a trie bill on first count; “a true bill on second count. James Mahan, assault and battery | with intent to commit rape, assaalt and battery; Isabells Gillespie, prose- tor. Not a true bill, and the prosecutor to pay the costs, John Dryburg, larceny, receiving stolen goods; Abraham Noel, proseca- tor. Not a troe bill. : Joba Roiko, Possick Reiko, Igna- Poo, felonious asaalt and battery; toons. : true bill. John Rolko, Poasick Roiko, Ignatioe Adam Shedlick, prosecutor. ‘Not a true bill The Totophone Rates. “each of the above stations with sound Beech Creek Time Table. proef booths and long-distance tele- Buffalo, Rochester and — phones. Itisstrictlyatoliline © Time Table. The rates will be as follows: From Al- Pittsburg and Northwestern Time | of the Seventh ward, Jobnstown. Up- In re amigned esate of John P. Swver. Kate, it was alleged, called t Martha in| battery; John Hipp, prosecutor. Same ve. John 8. Hippe, Horse-steal- ing: John Hipps, prowecEtor, Not she has had : guilty. me publication, notifyimg all no peace with the woman. Kate's tale | pari, Jain interest that unless the ob- of woe kept the court and spectators are filed ou or before January in a roar of merriment during their re- | 21, 1896, said account will be confirmed. cital. In re exceptions of Sherifl’s sale of fendant to pay two-thirds of the costs the reai of Charles H. McAteer, ail the prosecutrix one-third. James Sarver pleaded guilty to fel- on motion, leave of court was granted onious assault on Elias Driscol, and . {and the exceptions withdrawn and deed tg undergo imprisonment in the Mor- gunza Reformatory. | The defendant Inre assignment of John C. Larkin wan out from that institution on parole et ux, John Hannan, assignee, De- when the offense was committed. ‘cember 10th, first and final account Andrew Fiacus, James Sarver, and {filed. On motion; an order of publi- George Eckles pleaded guilty to dis- cation wis granted, notifying all torbing a religious meeeting at the parties that, unless exceptions be filed Rescue Mission, in Morrellville, and thereto on or before January 21, 1895, were sentenced to pay a fine of $30 said account is confirmed. jointly and the costs of prosecution. | By Mr. Kittell — The petition of Michael Noon, exe- James Mahan, of the same place, in the i cutor of the last will and testament of hall of justice for assault and battery. | James Noon, deceased, for leave to sell There was nothing in the case what- certain real estate in Munster town- ever, and the defendant was quickly {ship at private sale to George A. found not guilty. The costs were di- { O’Hara for the sum of $1,500. Decree vided—one-fourth on (the defendant ids Mfictiaing sale and approving and three-fonrths on the prosecutrix. John Kelly was found guilty of [ood In the case of the Lilly Water com- breaking into a house near South Fork ‘pany vs. Patrick McCann and John and stealing some clothing, the prop- Neilson, ejectment, a term rule granted erty of James Gallaher. He has not plaintiff to file an abstract of title. been sentenced. : ED Rev. William Hornet The cases of the Com. vs. Joseph" al. va. Rev. A. J. Beale et al, equity Lue, robbery, receiving stolen goods, | docket, leave was given to file a sup- Allon Gray, prosecutrix, was called | piemental bill. after the above case had been disposed In the case of Hysog et al. vs. the of. Miss Gray alleged that just after | School District of Gallitzin borough, a | deso>nding from the overhead bridge ‘rule was granted on the defendants in W oodvale, Johnstown, to Maple at the instance of the county commis- avenue, she was approached by the de- siomers, retarnable ai the argument fendant, who struck ber in the face and court, to show cause why the court snatched her pocketbook containing ' should not fix the amount of the com-. several dollars. The defense Was very pensation of the stenographer in said weak, and a verdict of guilty was case, and why the same should not be quickly reached. | taxed as part of the costs in the case. The case of the Commonwealth vs. | i t was entered by default Georgiana Denza, assault battery with | in the following cases: Hope Building atterapt to commit rape, assault and & Loan Association vs. Joseph Jack- battery. D. D. McHugh, the prose- | son; Hope Building & Loan Amocia- cutor, took several hours for trial tion vs. Kumgimda Seiflein; Christian | Denza, is an Italian, attacked Miss Walters, executor, vs. John Beers. ' Pearl Bush in Blacklick township, last In the matter of the second and final | September, and attempted to crimi- aosount of M. D. Kittell, administrator nally assault her. He was frightened of the estate of Bernard McColgan, by the girl's scream for help before he | Verdict: Not | guilty, the de- | Isabella Gillespie, of South Fork, had Same va. John Hipps, carrying con- vealed weapons; John 8. Hippe, prose- cutor. Guilty —$20 fine and coste. _ The Court sentenced John Raossell, ‘convicted of felonious assanlt, to pay ‘a fine of $20, tosta, and undergo an imprisonment in the Western Peniten- tiary for two years and three months. Emma Wilks, enticing a minor child for the purpose of prostitution, $20 fine, costs, and one year and three months in the Western Penitentiary. Joseph Lee, robbery, $20 fine, costs and one year and three months in the Penitentiary. WW. J. McConnell, attempt to commit rape, $20 fine, costs and one year and three months in the Penitentiary. : Georiana Danza, attempt to commit rape, $20 fine, costs, two years and six : monts in the Penitentiary. John Kelly, burglary, $20%ne, costa, | one year and #ight months in the Pen- itentiary. : Work of Grand Jury. The following Comm were presented by the grand jury as “not true bills.” Commonwealth vs. Alice Steele, ook ing liquor without license; J. W. Seese, ‘prosecutor. Not a true bill and the county to pay the costs. Minnie Steele, selling liquor without license; J. W. Seese, prosecutor. Not a. true bill and the county pay the costs. Lucy Kough, malicious mischief; John Vogle, prosecutor, Not a true bill and the prosecutor pay the costs Frank Dick, larceny, receiving ‘stolen goods; Joseph A. Page, prose- cator. Not a true bill. Frank Dick, entering a store ih short, it is a dandy little daily and the intent to commit a felony, larceny, re- ceiving stolen goods; Joseph H. Page, prosecutor. Not a true bill. David McDade, burglary; McCarty, prosecutor. Not a true har Harry L. Whitman, sodomy; Clara Slogenhop, prosecutrix. Not a true ; bill. Maurice Wohl, forcible entry and de- onwealth cases toona to Chest Springs, 20 cents; frofn Altoons to Patton, 20 cents; from Altoona to Hastings, 25 cents; from Al- toona to Barnesboro, 36 toona to Spangier,30 cents; from Patton to Chest Springs 10 cents. The above rates are for five-minute talks, and the toll applies to everybody who uses the line. The establishmeni of this system will be a great convenience to many people in the north of the county. Will Remove. Dr. J. I. Hatch, who has dental rooms in the Good building, has in- formed his friends that he expects to close his office in Patton after the holidays and will remove to Philadel phia. The doctor has made many friends during his stay in Patton who will regret to learn of his intended departare. The COURIER wishes him abundant success. A Christmas Dinner. G. C. Yeager & Bro, the Magee. avenue meat merchants, have made ar- rangements to secure two of the largest and finest dress beefs ever brought to to this section of the ccantry which will be cut up and sold to their cus tomers. A dandy roast for Christmas or New Years. Don’t fail gm 8 piece of it. —38tf Ne Paper Next Week. As is the custom among newspapers in this section no paper will be issued from this office next week. The “devil” of the CoURIER office will have achance to — —— -— — and the foreman can visit ———— at Carrolitown where he will eat his: Christmas dinner. A Falls Creek Daily. ‘ The first number of the Falls Creek ‘Evening Herald reached the COURIER last week, and to make a long story editor, Chas. J. Bangert, an old ac- quaintance of the COURIER man isa ate | hustler, and that’s no joke either. Suc- cess Charley. Will be Here Thursday. : Rethellian Beshnara, the famous fortune teller, will be at one of the | : booths at the Firemen’s fair and festi- its; from Al- Table. Clearfield and Mahoning Time Table. : Good Advice. It is never the part of wisdom to bey cheap jewelry or silverware. the best always means economy, and “economy itself is large income.” In lot, 50 x 140 Pole Fifth avenue, opposite the Palmer house. Taquire-af D. A. Buck. -55¢f. Attend the Fair, And while you gre here cail on J. W. Hoy, the jeweler, and ask him to show you his fine stock of holiday jewelry, silverware, ete. It can’t be beat. Farmers : : When you come to Patton for your - holiday goods drop in and see Wolf & Thompson, the clothiers. They have something fine to show you. - Valuable Lot For Sule. A lot 38 x 100 feet on Magee avenue 'Dext to postoffice will be sold at a bargain. Inquire of E. A. Mellon. A Turkey given away with every $6 parchase Saturday and Monday, De- tainer; Joseph Such, prosecutor. Not: Val on Thursday night, December 27th,!| cember 23nd and 24th. a true bill, and the ‘prosecutor to pay | (one night only. Remember the date. Bx, The Clothier. the costs. See the fine line of dolls at C. W.| Am eH te deceased, the Court appointed H. H. | acocsnpiisbed. his purpose. The jury | Peter Brazon sodomy; Martin Rabie, Hodgiing drug store. we Py OW nig i» J — Nn ¥ ty WEP y a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers