Fa dl et a A el “ - ¥ «21. PATTON, CAMBRIA 0, PA. THURSDAY, APRIL : 12, food, Stoo PER YEAR. I PAYS TO ADVE TRTISE IN THE "PATTON COURIER. TRY 1 PATTON'S srromvey. or CTF. MINERS EAGER TO STRME. IE LLON commended -Graduste of Ans Arbor, Mr. Renel Sommerville, one of Ebens- | burg’s popular attorneys who has re-. cently located in Patton, has made ap-° | plication to act as the Sonos) satehos. President McBride Says. the | Limit Has Been Reached. & CO, . NEAR LiNGLE MINE, — ACT AT ONCE. Delegates to the Xationsl Miners Convention st Columban, O., Enthasinitte. The #Afth annual meeting of the United Mine Workers of America WILL “The (ovmiEr desires to express the opinicin that the borough could find no | RUNAWAY COAL CARS one more admirably adapted to trans. act their legal business than this rising | Get Loose and Cane Comidirsiie Dauoge | The ming and iailrosd subovitios young lawyer. ‘He Is a graduate of the celebrated and well-known lsw school of Ann Do You WEAR SHOES? = For the next ten days we + will sell our stock of winter styles at 25 per cent. less than cost: If you want a bargain hurry up, as. they will not last. i opened in Columbus, O., Toeaday with Arbor, Mich., having gradvated there | 119 delegates, Ohio, Penn- oyivaai Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, + Calorade, Washington, West 2: Shoemaler, Kentocky and Tennessee. - wards admitted to the bar of Cambria county. Mr. Sommervilie comes to us highly recommended from the following well Vigna ie present are entitled to | 273 votes out of a possible 400. By far the: most significant incident of the ' Reade, ‘8. L. Reed, M. D. Kittel, "A delegate named Murray secured 1 mechior PJ Little, H. H. Myers, "We have opened - our stock | or pl eR So to give expression upon, and that was’ . whether they bad come instructed in is i i Many flattering recommendations: As favor of oF opposed to a national sus- a student he was most attentive at; all pension of work. He requested that times to the duties devolving upon him all who had come instructed to. vote for, op sppiicant for admission he under- ne suspension should be Nuuesiel $0 went a thorongh and most creditable | mise their right hands. hardly | amination, and as a lawyer he con- ey wan pe Ng ba the al ducted the tria! of his first case with abilit prepared to 3e1l YO mesa tae Eiomot te snssivems oa, 2d accom of an od prec latest styles at a smaller price expression would be difficalt to de-| 0 0 rene har but also of the court. _—_ ever before. Do. not scribe. . Mr. Sommerville is a young man of 3 - shout went up, hats fail to see them. A eomtinnous ' more than ordinary business ability, were thrown in the air and the dele- and one in whom entire confidence can gates shook hands. The convention be reposed. [Will ne. doubt take early action: upon Grocery Department. is stocked completely with fresh goods and our prices are | | of mining ‘will be considered immedi- | ately iifter the election of officers Wed- | neadny. THE SITUNINOUS TRADE Producers « Taking sepe Sope to Establish Their New Basis. The following 1s taken from the Col- { Hery Engineer: “The principal producers, with the Gon, Botts, a Resident of Patton, Walks to this Pines froan New York. A remarkable journey having re- cently been accomplished, was that made by George Botts, a resident of Patton. Mr. Botts was called to New York city to seek information leading to the recovery of a large amocant of | money beld in Germany in trust for the Botts heirs. His efforts to gather in- “as low as the lowest. iid F. MELLON -& CO. A Lai ntzy, Dealer i in. Vy fines, Liquors 4 and Beer. aid of the railroads, are taking steps to. formation however, proved unavailing Association, at which nearly | residing in some : sequestered village atl vcayiien, Ts a sched- along the banks of the Hudson river. | ule of coal prices for the season's busi- His fonds having been reduced to a | mess was adopted. mimimum be concluded that he would “This schednle was hased on the. not abandon the chase, but pursue the | understanding that the railroads would parties of whom he was in quest by . make a reduction in freight rates which opine 1 their place of abode. Hav- {will partially offket the reduction of ing arrived at bis destination he met ‘the Tarif. Such a reduction is neces- oop 10) better success than in the great ‘sary in order that the changed trade _....,n0lis and wisely concluded to | conditions can be met; snd although no wend his way homeward. : | official freight rates have been put ot He covered the entire distance, five’ | by the roads, yet it is fair to assume pugred miles, in the short space of that they will come to an understand go teen days, and considering his age, ing in the matter. “which is fifty-seven years, it was a most “Already some have begun to AFIT Lovo yoble feat. Mr. Botta is appar- on a possible Canadian supply, and the ently enjoying the best of health after Canadian coal interests have represent- 1 Jono tramp. 'atives in the New England market: ‘with a view to booking contracts.” i . Welcome Visitors, There are few people in this world week wanting all who could mng, ‘who have never been troubled with 4... or assist in a home minstrelsy | Me or diseased teeth, and it is to apply at once to the aignatare at- | our opinion that most people can blame yo bod to the bottom of the sdvertise- | : pig Brewing Co's! ‘Beer, Flasks, Casks, or Etc. Mat trons attended to SRL. | Home Minwtreluy. An advertisement was posted on the ' themeuives for: the suffering and mis- 4 This will be a nice amusement SF. shes Sndargo, big y by seglectiueg | if carried out and no doubt consider- to employ the services of good dentists. | 1. ,.istance can be realized finan- {This is why we cali attention to the y for the purpose it is intended for. fact that Dre. Richer & Gerow, whose m.. coupre: understands that it will headquarters are at Reynoldsville and "be for the. benefit of the Patton Fire i company, and if the organimtion is ings, will make arrangements to visit perfected everyone should turn out Patton: weekly to attend to all who are help the boys. in neex} of dental services. Both these : gentlemen are experts in their profes- | A Morel Crossing. sion, having graduated from one of the: Street Commissioner Samuel Addle- best schools of dentistry. Those need- man has just completed what the {ing their services will do well to make COURIER calls a model street crossing ia note of this item. Opposite the Palmer house on Magve avenue. It is made of five heavy planks, the two outside ones alanting 80 a8 to leave a wagon or any vehicle : z over it without jaring or moving t day attained his Aftieth birth. {Ce place. On each side of the and his friends and relatives gath-| oping it is filled in with broken Rig Prices. “HASTINGS, PA. pb dn 3 aE hs Are You : £ RE Surprised Jeff, Last Saturday Mrs. T. Jeff Bloom > * ht ¥ s6 dont fail to call and in-| Flay med his fofenia near to the num- + and makes one of the best r spect our fine line of ber of 75 or 50 and made merry at hi stone as wre ro. Co Da )( RS d S RS R Eom taie wa pretiily loutied youl been a saving of mey to the borough a 3 3 t ; n 5 Dt : an | Quite a number of friends from here, or tien: a robs Rk | DuBois, Osceola, Houtzdale, Tyrone We have just received two and Clearfield were present. Mr. Broek Mines Resume. he Car Loads—Can make prices | Bloom received a number of momentos The Drockwayville Record says that «tg suit Buyer. ily . of hearty good will to their host and Wednesday from headquarters at Ridg- . hostess, and for the happy day en- way to resume work at once. Enough D. M. Osborne & Co. joyed. —Curwensville Review. | orders have heen secured to warrant a : var resumption of work. Consequently FF FARMING IMPLEMENTS | he fiver iongund Dutcioen, We are also agent for ‘employe, of the Patton COURIER was i So¥e 4 ow days this wud Inst week. yer is now selling groceries for the electric gi H I Boyer. the Mr. Dick fired ap power ‘ ready to begin work. > . For Rent. | Bes! Sommerville Comes to Us Bighly Re. June, 1898, after which he read with F. attorney-at-law at Ebensburg, when he was soon after’ the floor and said be thought there was D.B. Dufton, Wm. Davis and F, A. one thing the delegates should be asked op yor We also quote the follow- ing, which is an extract from one of his the one ooruring. The cars were Started Ny SrOppng 4 ont car dows {sad person bod mR —— 1 : rr re voce 4nd sn, fa WS TAT Engineer Butler Killed, Flag ed the ‘safety switch which is used { for such accideat Preventing jon - x Beech Creek Passenger Ser- man Starr Seriously Hurt. | vices Extended Here. FIT LAD MRE | should have been, the cars would only have gone as far an the switch Block i. { and thence against the hillside. to the Railroad Company. | are investigrting the matter and should On Thursday of last week about | the parties be found who did the deed | 10-90 2. m., just three minutes before it will result serioosly for them. ; the time for the Pennsylvania p= Hud the socident happened just ten | Basch ign and. Gamagiog_ ravond | Peaneyivania as stated before, the |; locality and one life was | that of XNelson A. Butler, - gineer on shifter No. and al been witnessed in this immediate |the damage was done and it is safe to say several lives would have been lost. | ' Pngtissor Nelson A. Butler, Mr. Dae wo oot 0 PIE ay paper bad an injerview with a Creek railroad man. In the .- fy : Buch at: probably futal blow for flagman Jesse |p, Dec 25¢h 1848, and railroad life course of the talk the Beech Creek man Wm. | Starr, who is now at the railroad | ,4iding out to him suc alluring fascl- | ssid some important changes in the hospital at Altoona under the care ing S00 Sh, 5 alin JV oe mpirit trains would physicians | Pall Brook railroad about the year! take place shout the second Monday in Just & few minutes before the time 1g when but foarteen yours of age, ! The Beech Creek line proper mentioned above, eight cars loaded i having thus been eminently quali: 1 at Mahaffey, but the com- with coal which were standing be- {fled from. his very boyhood in the : low the Flanigan Run mine tipple, | of meritorious character | which ix about one mile and a Balt] er tit to the responsi- from the station, started to descend |\yiey of 4 position of move or less im- | the stesp grade towards town, and be- | so tunce but of general interest, he fore any assistance conid be afforded po aise rapidly in the estimation of his had gained such headway that they | iphovers til his assent to the prom- were beyond coritrol, and_ came down | nuns position of passenger engineer the branch at v tariffic speed. By the | wus rapidly gained: This position, on! time they reached the switch just below | ).,, philadelphia and Erie Divison of the station, which throws the branch Pennsylvania RR, romming’ on to the siding running apuet the de- pi uuen Renovo Harrisburg, | pot; they were running at the mate, ned for a period of twenty- a of 4 mile a minute, or possibly faster. two yemrs. Prior to his residence There i# a sharp curve on the branch i; pytyon he lived at Mahaffey where just before reaching the main siding |, yy attained the position of engt- where two of the ears were | newr on the Beech Creek milroad. » smashing them Bp into fragmants iyi, earnest and watchful attention Sinpe thet decision has been awarded, and scattering coud in every direction. |, 4; well all that was worth doing, | the he \stier company bes ringed & The remaining oars proceeded on op | | wom for him the grestest esteem from his Jocomotive, but was too late scars struck the tender of the engine Mr. Butler struck on the track just ‘had his back broken. | front of the governmetit building this ing. . for nearly half a mi¥s, sistance ame to relive the unforta- | dustrions father could get work to do. | ‘both placed on a stretcher and carried | McCormick mine, which has been | aid was summoned. An examinstion | | past fw days have been running some. | of the occasion from admiring friends. Robert Dick, mine superintendent at | The guests departed with expressions the Brock colliery, received orders on | the track at a rapid rate. Engine No. | : older railroad associates, and his demise | 7, which was wed for switching Pur-| wil be to them, as indeed to al who! : poses, nding a pr, id the plesstie of bie wissiibuet ; above the depot with Engineer Butler . Fireman Wood and Flagman Starr | Butler saw the cars coming towards him and in an instant reversed his lever and pulied open the throttle at- - tempting io start his engine in the AS Yous susettig of Ge Steam Sea- gone for whom he was in red were same direction, intending to get away from the runaway cari, and save the panion. Always loyal, true and con- | siclerate of the feelings of all whom he ,camea in contact, one felt for him a peculiar friendship that grew as ac- | The with such force that be was knocked oft i» an instant striking on the op- posite track on his head and shoulders. | There were several box cars standing on the opposite siding which were caught in some way by the ranning cars and started in the same direction. whys most faithful in the performance of his duties, and avoiding conceit rn when stocess crowned his efforts he bensapae one of the most reliable and ha valued employes of the road. Two of fleld his brothers, C. J. Butler, of Eloy, in it and W. M. Butler, of Coming, N ahead of the cars whicia had thos bean started and was caught just above Ris pi yway. Besides other relatives he shoulders, the whetls holding him 1094s 4 loving wife to whom he was fast. Jesse Starr, the flagman, who guvouediy attached, to mourn his loss. was standing on the side of the tender | Thus Commercial Club of Patton, of was knocked several feet striking his | which deceased wan a charter member, back on & rail and rvported to have | marched to the house in a body and '» Mr. Woods, escaped injury by jump- | | vanis depot where they were taken to | Harrishurg for burial. The tender, cab and other parts of! : Fiagman Starr Improving. | standing the engine were entirely stripped And | Go. Prindible was at ANoona Taes-| Crbe piled up in 8 mass of ruin with |, Tile wa st. oon Toe of ax interview a representative of this coal and box cars a short distance | Jenne Starr; the flagmzn, who was hurt | >aper bad several months ago with below where the unfortunate engineer . Thursday's wreck. He reports General Passenger Agent Lapey, of the wan thrown. As the lever was reversed Jesse getting aloug very well and says BR and I. Mer. Lapey at that time and the throttle aiready wide open the | he is comparatively out of danger. poke of the probabilities of another engine, after being struck by the cars n io Clearfield and a sleeping started up the track, running a Destitaite Family. , providing the Beech Creek people distance of a quarter of a mile without | A tanily roading Wn Wve VicHitY of} schedule their trains as they ’ eab or tender, until it came in contact | McCormick's mine below town, it is’ now propose, making a close con- with some loaded cars of coal The | ssid are in very destitute circum- : neption for: travelers going east at u0gh to Philadelphia, arriving there front of the engine was demolished stances. The family consists of father, | C . i leaving nothing but the bare engine | mother and four or five children. and boiler with a few fixtures oz the | Severs people of Patton have been | top consisting of the smoke stack, | genercas enough to make up baskets | whistle and bell. of food and clothing and send downto | Wrecksd cars and fragments of wood | them. It seems that the family have not and iron were strewn along the track | lived in this county long enough to get | Tt was a horri- | relief from the county officials, and if would show helt not going to be behind the time in the building swim the coming som- ble sight to behold immediately after- more of our citizens wards. | willingness they could be kept As soon 3% the wreck happened as- | starving until the deserving and in-| nate engineer and flagman. They were It is stated he is an employe in the | ta the City drug store where medical closed for several weeks, but in the | 7 was made at once of hoth the injured | men... Mr. Starr was immediately | removed to Hotel Beck where he was made as comfortable as possible until 3:50 in the afternoon when he was | taken to Altoona | Postar Fixed Tp. | E. A. Mellon, the popular postmaster | of this place is keeping up with the | times in the way of fine improvements. | Fe has just had the interior of the! | postoffice re-papered in a most artistic | 7 o'clock the next morning; the The physicians worked with Mr. | ; Butler until sbout 12 o'clock using every effort to bring him to conscious. | . ness, but without avail. He was then removed to his home on Falmer ave- | nue, where he died the following day { : at 9:45 p. m., never having regained | consciousness. | mander and presents a very fine ap- | pearance. The work was done by Mr. | Jones, the painter and paper haager, {and shows exceedingly skillful work- manship. BEd has also had the | rooms on the second floor of the post- | effice building re-papered and will ce- | cupy them soon for dwelling purposes. Several different reports have been PY CF Mellon bas become post-| ' circulated 5.1 to the canse of the terri. “silver tongued” house on Thursday and made what re- | dutehman, who was at one time an | pairs were necessary and is now about Mies Ave. PATTON, PA. 4 gah alii of Philadelphia. | A iarge store room of J. P. Rodgers’, | ble accident and it is’ quite difficult to | Ho has many friends here who were also a small stable. Enquire of capa be AA i §1ad {0 see him again. | Mellon. ‘supposed that some malicious | master be has been copay Wa Jue improvements. aa Coxey's army in hard lack. i | vs tough on peaches thin year, sure,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers