seenes doring the day. : a 3 : Last pight po reply to a similar invite ; “badly ipjared that desth is certain. With | TY go south before attdcking the inear- | Bm AE 5A Her bead was out off sod she others escaped, was terribly mangled. Tie boy wes alo | commissioners Roosevelt and Proctor, ws be . imyestigated the charges made ngninst 5 delpis postoffice aud made a report there PE Rechaids oi d tha mine OWLers are col pshmert has been robbed iu & year. = it to the commission. Tried to tent 4a lnsarancs C mp VEY Rs Rr AW HE ms © |. Brspem, Pa, Feb. 2A serioms cot- THE WILSON BILL PASSED BY Alting froy vorarred mt West Stimbucy VOTE OF 204 TO 1 40 | this county, on Monday eveniog, growing ~ | ont of n fend hatweas the town Doje ab 4 some of the bass who ettesded the acad. AVERSA o THE FALL w uL. ik On Saturday evenings dal wae ven in the school building which wee The British Reprevents tive Stands Atoof es 1 ir the atitendsnte at tbe nesdems : : From the Demopsmriticn {some of tha totwn boys wanted togo Io Wasmwsorox, Feb 1.- mm: nse efowde bat wers prevented by the erin! panile, flocked to the hone to-day and the gal-i ged bed Hlocd woe paused thereby. {is lores and cornders were fil'al. There, | Monday evening 8 Hlerary soviety met ir was 8 fall attendance of members on the | fhe asademy urd the town boys who nad floor, but 1B members out of 207 beiny . heen shot out on Satardey evening want absent from their seute when the vote on’ of to attend it, but were agein prevented. final passage of tie tariff bill wie faked. | Goma who got in were thrown ont Atuer * The greatest enthusipem wae engendered | the literary society was ont sore town by the speeches of ex-Spenisr Reed, | boys avcenited a 14 year cid ton of Re v. er Criep avd Chairman Wilson. wy ght. The boy was knocked down ~ Wilson wes taken bodily and lifted 0pon gud while be was down ose of the at fhe shoulders of his demonstrative ad aoking party strack him with a knife ‘mirers. The bill wes reporied to th | Tha blade cat throngh the boy's clotling | horse at 12 o'clock and fival vole cn the god entered the body st the ower rit : & 3 passage of ths bill was asjnounced at 5.3, | eating into tbe bore and isfictiog a ins & atatl ile devoted to. lie #8 being paseed by a vote of 204 to 140. | very agly wound, bat ove not ikely 10] snd sade. ee There were many interesticg and ¢X0:ti3R | prove fatal. : E A CHUNDS EL OWA Gow {| Informations were made agains! the | . boys on Taesday and the warrants were .. igre ard Three A netabe fo arrest = Thety Bombers lina Y PS C.F By ABROSATION [a AT Hawa. — Willis and tho British Represontatos ave | mrven fo the borouzt es Gare Cry. Ala. Feb Gutefit | ther, all of shom 8 oat 14 years of | . stor . ai : : # i'n [Osppyrighi by the United Prose Lage. Nobo of the bos #2 +e arrested but : wind storm hive ures De Dp Hoxororo; Jan. 17. via San Fraueieco, { the Ooumta ie fof ile Feb. 1, per brig W. C. Irwin. ~ Tolar is g fhe efuir bes $0 bs observed es Abrogaticn dui, i= ssuced oaite 4 sersaii ou it the village. | Pesple’s Bocw firet soniversary of the abrogation of the hd Dr } ¥e Seley Seid in 3 . Hawaiian monarchy. Minister Willie 46 | cop gine 1981 by Univ Pross. | When 15s Ee _ elined for himself and the Admiral ard | Rio Jaxzimo, Feb. 2. — Arbitration Be- | bad - ny, a ™ the Unit-d States naval officers the Pres | gotintions between the goverment and | ih dent's invitation to the reception. Wil |the insurgents bas been continued daring | i He enclosed a note expressivg the Lops|the past week. Tas insargents’ proposi- | _ SENATOR QUAY that mare satisfactory relations may coon [tion bas been enbmitted to the, Ameriocn | He Thisiks &y Creat i | Sent obtain between the two governments | admire! sed the poser ments ¢ide bas) f and the Congr gatinos = * emia to appesr for| syed whi it Rani 2 i meee © aeaniv ey fo morn : x # ¥ iy f she goniety Wr Pu epee we CREE -tbeen made ready for delivarapes. Thief * 0° 700 0 tion bas come from the British represec- | poverpment is willing to make 8 conpro- Pie 5% Boma i Pawn : : lative, who is an open partizsp of the !mise despite reports 4 the contrary. The again precarious. Ho wil Qaeen. The American lesgae is rapidly | Americans bere his A TH vs fo Werbing! inary eres growing aod coming to the front ‘se the {action fo bebal? of American commerce. | Qusy’s proposed amendments t tf r 'whief political organization fn eapport of | Inenrgent sympathizers nro bitter toward | i? mearnre bve ii on vetders b: 8 the provisional government and the the American commander, slerming be| tele thre sabost thes ecnit v. Loeal Pops’ esuse of sopexation. Night before last 'goted in Peixoto’s interest. Benham ex- i nlite 1» particnisr sre plowsed. (The the lengrne passed a resolution opposing presses an opinion that Da Gama will be! TeP8t0? €xpresred the hope that hy tack. the farther importatian of Chivese la !guable: fo leave the harbor unless Le | init cu free coinage of silver, renaal of the borers, 5,000 of whom the government | lenves goon, but says he can surrender | stato bark tex seed proving for the pur " hed sgreed to sllow admission. The! and obtsio an asylum on board an Amer- | ebeee of 145,125 canes of gold per sooth leagoe desires to see Hawan un white | joan risp of war at soy time. Da Gama | | and iene uotes therefor, a will men’s country and prefers to see Sur ggid yestarday that Mello with the eraser | eneb dierentions 1 the Democratic party * estates now manved by Asiatic laborers | {Repn Lice and threa transporte with | that the Wilson bil will be def cated The divided up in farms for white rmigrasts, | troops, is sporosching Santos to co oper- | Senator thought tte Democrats had » The plasters are unlikly to actegoni®e 'gte with sv army marching on that city. | mujorty of three ovar the Reptbicans ennenetion, or any goverement tend®Z Da Gima expects that Santos will snr- {and Populists in. the senste Whether foil, becsuss they want 10 secure stable | render at once. Only insnrgenis believe + { this mejorty cap bo oversoms of not 8 government, lin tha coming sttsek on Bantce. The, question. : : Thrown Under the Cars. { younger officers ¢f the in Surges: feet are | Of Penosy!vania sffairs be ssid in enim Fo Robi ct torn ed rane Be ama to bomba » at apy time. The : - nS a which Mere, it Cook government fleet reported = barbor last ‘00d fo wipe out the state debt, and yet. ¥ CAROre ¥ Oty : ——s fadtactly wight and the esptain of the America | the is being pone by the Republican illed and ber son, 8 boy of 13, was eo | Come ashore for orders, The America "°8%- Cefgt e ! Childs' Fuaeral to be Hela Toesday. "Berson Mrs. Cookwon was driving into out Beek. ©": ’ | * Prmapeienia, Fen 4.—Io weny | Son, the roed she was coming on cross | Convicted In Italy. | churches of varcas desomipations the | ing the Pittsbarg and Western railroad | Wrrksssagae, Ps, Feb. 92 _Thé dis death of Geo. W. Childs was feeliogly re | “track jost at the station in the western triet attorney of Lazerpe county has no {ferred to to dsy. The faceral wii be ~ pertofthe town. A blinding snow was tified Seoretary of State Gresham thet the 'beld at 1 o'clock Taesdsy afternoon from falling sod Mrs. Jookson did oft see a. two Italiane, Ginsseippe Renveano and | Bt. Jems’ Protestant Episcopal ebareh. | freight train which wae being moved Vizcerzo Viliela, the scsomplices of | The pall beurers are yet nndecided upon. | . along ths track. - The engine was engaged ‘Redoosed Mike,” had been convicted of It seems appropriate that Chaide shoald in switehing cers. sod eas Mrs. Cookeon marder iv the Italian courts, snd that ! be laid to rest in the mausolenm at Wood | mesred the track ber horse became right. | the former was sentenced to twenty | land cemetery which contsivs the re ened at the locomotive and started. to rup | TE878. imprisonment sud the latter fifteen | | mains of bis frend, A. J. Drexel, Ee ‘away isto the epgive, the bores and | yeore Tha erime siladed to is the mur: | may, however, ba baned in Laurel Hil on being struck by the locomotive. | der of Coptrastors MeClare, of Philade! | ormetery where Le owyed a lot. The in Whe vabicle was ssuashed to pieces. Mrs. | hin, sud Flaunagao, of Quakertown, o. , terment will be private. Oookeon and ber non were thrown on the | the monntunin near bere iu 1580, “Red. 800D FIGHTERS IN HONDURAS. track sod the women wae killed. | B0%J Mike” #8 bauged bere, but tae | They Resist Successtahy Rensated Afacks of the’ ’ Aitied Enemies. Fruits of 1) the wits —_——— Hosprms, Feb. 4 ~The suvaiotiouiets] throws under the care, bis body escaped | Prrrsevie, Feb 2 —With ose excep- | | and their Micaragsan sllies bave made’ the wheels but bie: logs went ander them | tion, George. \. Maolleth, every mann-| ‘five successive attacks upon Presidect sod they were so badly masgled that! feciarer interview wd predicted distress | | Varques's intrencments on Piceay: hill oven it hus life can be saved bis legs will [sboald the Wilson bid become a law, and were ss «fle © raleed Fightiog | _ have to be amputated close to bis bey | i Toe [homeen kids ory will ciose to- was desperate sod mony wers killed sud At B o'clock the boy was still living. Tie morrow =s & re: ult cf the action of the wounded on both sides. The Nicaragn- “ seminine of the women and the boy were bonee. It ia probable that iron snd ston] aps captured two canbot Many soldiers | earried to a peighboting house. Ther manufsctorers will esnd a committee to in the Nicar.guan camp are dying of dw ooronet hse been Sotified sod an inquest | proteit sgmive? tip “ti'son bill when it ease. The Houdaran cabinet has passed will be bald. coi § Lado fe the pepute, B. F. Jouss, ex- a vote of confidence i in Vasqguiz. stemaeuitie seston ana BR osniifoan Natio ssl chairman, balisves | .omi Service Commissioners Incenscd. : : Stel Good and 3 ait Sraced. Wasmsorox, Feb. 1--Cinl iy seats wil eject the Wilson bill ye . : ASI oI) [ETVI Lasspace, Ps, Fell. 2. William | Pool ; (ing & Son's stores was oh bed of goods to savsiiaLo, Pe., Feb. 2. —Thera sie tha amount of $1,000 a store Was st Jeane McKee, for violations of the civil bat fifteen deputies guarding the inter oy fre and damaged tot the amoant of 4 gerviee law in connection with the Piile- | e6ts of the dy ofthis distri:t Sher 8100. This is the third time tle estal & Ail Ee at Mansfield, ident the te tronble ie at wnend, Toere ‘om, were much incensed this morcing i oni res 0 OU over ita premature publication. A copy 1 HEE nik of Ano bes aa the depules jeave, but of the report was sent to Philadelphia for C97 8% 5 und return to. {his commision. | 1114 cteicies is) given to such reports, Ended He So ffarings : ScraxToN, Pu, Peb. 2 —Samauei Hall, la drag clerk at Waverly, Lackawara : 1 yy i Tt fo alleged that McKee, not liking the Ab Armen \ Beating 5 Poser, water.” While she was doing so Loy Stmeti's su t toes Pittsburg farcace com ; ‘mature of the report. geve it out for pub. = Saat returned to Work Hall shot himself dead. He suffered rn ve 8 ipaby 8 mW i - i Tae arnea To Wola. ] > liestion in Philadelphia betore fotar pan) j : trom ther matin. passengers Gel 8 Shick . > 3 : GeO RLYY hy, 2A ir Ar CAR end wife, ou tid. here for arson, were Bu cublh Pes A uly : : si found gaiity. Toe crime was committed, to a sudden stop from the result of a de it ia alleged, to defraad the Jeon City In : ? ioe Sargeant Barford and othe contract from the Souther: Faeific ris = Ll piusburg, of va 1c. | lice Berg a Ne 0: ron gLUIRIOT R50 Hy BR MEU Ny Soba al i ear a dvi lo put a - ob gs tv wij | SaTence ou Roland's boaseho!ld effects. et recEIven : ood a? electric bridge over 0 mhies Vs eh wil | : a ; : : Baftord wes rendersd nnoonacions take 50,000,000 pour i3% 1 won. Theeon | =~ Miss Gould ‘eo Wed ; | tract will keep the works boey two yemrs| VEY ys at Se Gould | 1neing | BRUOUNCAG tO day that hia sister Anna 18 and is one of the largest awarded d 2ring | He fH 8 ca snathitact of here Just dvening. Ti the jpfeasnt business depresaian. Tbe © a William 3, © 3eimen; > Tooe tell between Hawtborve and Belleville to be erected cross the Miesics- | mitlionairs banker and clubman. Miss |'*" '* Sig hasibieh BIRT aie, bridge is of or : ? . Af} Say’ ; making a terrific report. The fcree of : Gould's bere uf ber father’s estate ses 7 i r ipod Hyer - timated at 815,000,000, : the exo loston threw the stallion agent nd At Oneh Coming to the Treasury. Baileville to the groand. WASHINGTON, Feb. 1-8 scriptions | ; ta the new 5 per ceut. oun, so far 8s re-| _ enived, amount to $54,500,000. st prices! ranging from 117.223 to 120820. There ate known to be on the way £5,000,000 ed dmional subseriptions, which, owing lo Drink Unused the Row. - delay of malls, is entitled to considers ned On bees. Caste Te Fen. 1.--Jokd Sbubders Daxsrry, Coon. Feb. 1.—The hat Was stabbed io the stomach curiog an al Gone Into Receivers’ Hands. miculastarers have lost the spring trade tercation last night by Jemes Lyon, ac ‘Br. Lours, Feb. 2—The Colorado Mil- 45d will tuke back only 1,000 of the 4,000 | died thie mnrminz vt tha hospite!- The Jand railroad has passed info the bands’ tasked mnt Botlen Thy © guts x JR receivers, = nogut. Sore = Zecoaxte Ne Pal Feb, ~Jotn Reidand Work Ahead for we Years : : . prexixviLie, Pa, Feb. | - Phiceopix iron company bias just received a fact in the elastrical apoaratas and Feil Freus the Skies Caxs: IN, Nev, Fel LL —A meteor wus Ten Thousasd Hands Out @ of Work. Suexavpoad, Pa Feb. 1.— Twenty-five 3 aw "colleri¢s of the Reading Coal company in Lavcastas, Fa, Feb >. La BL, Slaymaker, once chief engineer of the this neighborhood, employieg 10,000 men SWI EATEE : - and boys, shat down this evening for an. Philadelphia and Reading railroad, died definite period. The suspension was bers to day. caused by over prodaction. Cel Staymaker Dead. Bere thers was no apprehension of immedite a 4 yin 2: | P. Steed, Mr. Childs’ private secratary; 'geder Lis management, became a very io Got hing serions wopiild ae of YY. Tie pext day he was noha ss te afily ms : proving, bat op Scoda; sha Fat prfa Prarahlc symptons at 10. Oa tha dey {fallae ng he was easnr, bat Dre. Ds Cos 1a, tds 8 Lge v and Henry Morris maued a tin 1 lay evening, Jan, 2}, an- aonieing tout a Childs’ eftack t ver: was sirotger oo the tivo following days snl on Yin 3, 2 tha 24 ators reported: xf. Childs Bas Bot improved. snd his eoud tion is a sescns ona™ By this tuna hopes 1 of his recovery had bean practically aban ere was oo marked improve: | ds ced. “od th went 15 his condition thereafter, thoogh desth nati! late Friduy night, when hee sonditun snddenly becsme much worse and 11 was £000 seen that Le was His nprorscions oonditics éontinned antl the lasts 501 4 wn Presetit at the bedside at the time of bie death were Cob. F De Motreil, James | ¥ W. Paul, Jr, Geo W. Ch:ide Drexal, W._ | Dre. C. K. Mills, Josapb Lardy sd Hesn- ry Morrie. : Guorge Wilham Cuilde was boro at Bai | i timore, Md., May 13, 1829. He entered | | the United States ns v8 yeasts 3 2 1s a : Tr place Bld peer on fit. were NUM Sus, : rm will fog = rrate fax iv re : : MM: pds lanves po 2 tho Bie umd. 8 Erg yok 3 tH wil fens . 5 Lodeect i Ray tom We of we Heer rae pe SHOHIE 88 MNES re } Rngaun Ti ym ne NTS ¥. TENE R Treg pe 3 AE4s AST & 12 SL rox Biyer Operators. Fieperpt risa. P $ Fab, if Ek: COWL STE y Ratandny ads A] —HLATLEY 3 pment th wn entered hy Riella D ¢ Remoeen Hosver, itelividea i samt Fos Te sment of the foanen) frm bens. rat gaat fhe smste oonest of &8 i lance fou haste snd Barges. It is pot ye deter | | Albert Lensbas sommitted suicide thie | s tigo had been fol osald by parsiysie. Be mined whether an seeignwment will bw! mite ; Sgic de of a r. Sliema. ParrapuLyrsIa, Fab. 5--Pe¢ dientaan merping. Apother policeman wus potifl- ed aud went to La hans botas, sod | foaeid Lassban’s wile ying in the ball | way dead, ber ‘sce sad body metiisted | 11 is opposed that the women's s husband | ‘had Billed Ler and then dc mint ted t sntcide. / Skaters. a3 —— i Moxraran, Feb 4 ~The anohal meet | i of tha Canadian Amatenr Skating seso | | cistion took place yesterday. Nwmi'y all’ | tha grass skaters of the world, juch wing | | Joa Donoghue, Newburgd, N, Y.; J. 8! | Jokneon, Minneapohs; Norveny, the Nor-! | wegian champion; Harry Daviiison, SL ces Paul: Hales, ¢f Toronto, end MrCalloeh, of Winnipeg, participated, Jobson woo the 220 yards sontest ic 20 secon de, bent ing the worki's record. lle sso won the! , mie snd hailimtle and Joe Dovoghboe *O0 the 8 ve mile rece. . Osmehs Property Bavsed.. Osama. Neb, Ped. 4. Fire lust night | canted the following iosies 10 this ety: | vy at tbe age of 13, | Boston stora $20000, Angeles lignor | | and spent 15 mouths ia the servica He rouse $50,000, Tt Belden Co. #75, | ‘then settled in Pbiisdelpha, - be On, Choteh convert $20.000, Haydes | obtained employment as & shop:boy 18 8 |p. . 313700, ¥. M. C. A. buikhog $10, | box store. At the age of 18, baving saved | Off}. There wera several smaller losses. a few hundred doliare, be eet ap in bust { All were fairly wall cow : with pens for higeel! and befora be was 31 he i ane, i bacame & member of the pabiishing Srm i of Chilis & Petérsoo, Oa December 3, | 1564 be purchased the Fhiladelphia “Palle Ledger” s daily paper. whieh, | : fBaential and widely. realated ingraal i His Gegerosiiy. ‘Mr: Childs wis inten in many wars calls | tbe stars of | Abon Be an Adhem. He i Rilied in the Aet of Robbery Beavis, Pa, Feb. 4 -—Amos Hues, | olcredd, site rapted to rob Etation Agent’ E A Eankle of the Reading Railroad | company ut Valley Farge lsst evening and wes ilo? throegh the tear? and ili coly hamane and | od by Kaok'e Haen lived in Valley Forie. He were a mask and was srmed gpraeiated so. | with a club. He was i. the act of strik- | VIoee tiea of his favors, sud vob oy knows the ing Kavkle ‘when the latter turned and tail extent of Mr. Cliids’ generosity. A | Bred the fatal bal let. : million of dollars bye been mesntu Pe | ap «timate of his costribations and Life Iota! twenty- Sve years. He aas gives | 810, 25.000 snd ‘81. on on maay cccastons, Ele has bad ments, Riven houses, sustained {amie | haem & ‘sapporter of Sastitations Gided i apd built churches und hospitals fires ‘over Susectal difenities; linreqa money to yoaog men slang 19 life and aduicated 7 many yoabg men and fl is at his own expensa. There was hardly " Foy ¥onons LT en? day at his affics whap the eppliesuta for tad or Genevaien « 4d pot react from twenty to Afty, an a is Wort sawWsy appointed. The princi gpon which he procsede: Dw 3 that Philadelphia's Election Fraud Unse, Pritapen pais, Feb 4 ~The ary wa’ the care cf BHeleot Carunciinisn Berry! ; Hunter, who las been ou trial ston bast | , ge Monday [or alleged election frond si the : ist Debruary election, returued o verdict ¥ rs os 3 BF $e Od BOQ UIeR 2 JER hg is Tesiest for the Crutaer Puritan, sractasue:. Pa, Foo 4-—Anntber snoresefinl text of armorpials wae made Ratardsy by the Bethlehem Iron com i puny. The test wvolved the aepkaiice ¢ 400 ions of armor for the cruoaser Puntao: i being childless he hoard 7t ap nati death. W th Bis income © this was pet J it. but io addition 2 is well known to many that the late A. J. Droxel had such eemfidence m Mr. Childs that La made hi =m the dispenser’ at large gmige 1 charitaglile chanuels. i ClLnstmas Mr. © hatd is Rriigkle and wi i UGK or tered from tefors him, made gifts to hs aod others. No ope was forgotten, He ‘gent some of his employes to Earope aed gave others he mes to ‘ive ip, [oscmein stances the loapa pnd money given by him to help —_— distress were repaid, Ives Captared the Tonrgament. Cixcixxari, Feb, 4.—lves saplur ed the The game resuited, Sobae Bor 43, Ives six) Ricgson bad been eiinmniatad from the guutest 1 the second gama, os Vailmnus Day of Damn, 7 Panis. Fer 4. —Vatliant wili be exe 3 | cated zt daybreak. AL. #1} 'elock three sven By yoarg ladies whose masical edn- | cation and living expenses he bad pad Hatta ons of ;epublican guards and iw» were at the Fl Have De Lia Reo elle » deep tack toe mob. is a, . Sale of an Irom Plant, Braver Fares, Pa. Feb. 4. —The El wood steel sud suest mill win sold at as- nee § sale to J. J. Brown, ron. Debt- fac tarer . f Cambn due, 0 Lhe parchsser wii put i foros {men at work tore mevied and greatiy enlarge the works and espects to have them running by Mar 1st. They wil be used exclusively for abroad, bat in the majority of cases ‘his ih he munafactare of sheet 70D aod when Lensefacticns have been gis © atright. and it 1s said that among the most eaticus gad interesting ccdlection of Sulegraphe preserved by Mr. Chiids ap t0 the tim ' of his death are bucdreds of notes, or Tr (0). U.’e bearing the t pames of men {amoas in the political arid literary history of the ; .coantry. The assistance be Yusdered to. {(Joparal f3ron - = A mE = Erow H- + “in tail operation will smploy about 234 eh Governor Lull man, of Soath Ciroias, hie prepared an artice for the February pumber of the North Ameritaa Bevisw on “The South Carcliza Lijuor Law,” ‘an which Le gives & brie! bistory ul the agin and workings of whal 8 fmown as -. Chit, i sofprction wilh vie! rrncn id Me. Dene? Tanuded 8 ett fot eed and infin pricters io Colorade;. ELECTION LIS 5 2» be comtroi of 108] oc CEIVED THE ATTENTION. OF THE SENATE ALL DAY, WORSE CALLED ™ oRtER SHARPLY, le Sas? tlee Curioos. of Corre ne UU sller Casto! of Ihedr Must y Wasammaros, Peli, 3—=Tie Fougs hill 4: 5 sb repel Loe fad ices oc lvtion hones wasde “0 Ting mest of the eng -t Hap, NX HJ vrapaiest the Bl and 1 tddribd the ne i =u hy what be eslied he “Sais fold tale” of the Timmy wedi lain Bes in the ressdes tind ele. g vy whohosls rsturaiisstion Care lite” gt whalerale wir Tle sbed Pudioer sho be bad sooght ont He Append, whether sooty a sracligre dan vot jae tia fudemi o sede for regal’ © bat w tol nd fo mike sush BERR, ibe AIROUSSIGn TUS per od in by sever dl menos std thee tha 1 wes tomer Bil] So marrom. Tie seti-nphot & gaentio ns wee bee gt Six neste ; the jadiesey © as on Af “Tr re k} as i Wash wus (alpen pet bwing in the Lehamtser. The serups ot £15 adjourn 1s A Te in . ot FD Mipn dr aT ) . on the motion, Heo ue All Dey ofl One Lbjeet. oS WASHINGTON, Reif. 5. Tie entire day . 0 the hones Tap aibin to disensacn of jioa Heuwsllso val ation, "ihe oaly | break 1 the regalia onder was no brig | speech tix. Moree, (Hap., Mass} for whieh Lhe was sharply cailed fo order by Mr | Outbwiite (Dez. Obio) for seserting | that the “Cackons™ of hogse and seuste ware Stder sonltral of “their master, the | pres: dent” Thess worlds were twkep down spd declared bethe speaker to be | sepsriiamentary ores thervnpno with- jdrew them. The other speakers were Messrs, Jobimson Rep. Ind) Patterson | {Dem , Tenn i. Oskes (Dem, Als; Bou {tells (Rep, Maine). Blwck (Dem, Tile), ‘Voorhees Ren NT. sid Gefic (Rep , Michi : i | CHURCH SENSATION ar CARLSLE. | Beverper Patiisan 3= saan ot > a Sameera’ Preacher |r Liisnding a De Matic Canisee, Pa, Pa 5 — Yesterday | morning Bt. Patrick's ©Osibolic charch was dedicated sad conswerated asd among © boss prégent were Governor Pattison: | Poe Bishop of Nerth Carolina publiely | thanked Bum for bis appearance there, In | the Presbyterian chareh, daring ‘the eve | BOR, Dr. Norvross, a Democrat, preach- { | oR to the Patriotic Order Sngs of Amer | tes, severaly denogneed the ROversir { for “sepping dows from bis place ss a obras atensas to low political mieth- ode,” and recommended that soeh ooo- dust be rebnttad st the polis. These ro marks were received with applause untal j eappreesed by tha speaker. CHILDS’ RESTING PLACE. | mane Ptor wt Baad 83 Sarge Bt | Pmaperrmia, Feb. 5.—The nites } mest of Childe will bs made temporarily, fat lest, in the Dresal mansosium in | Woodland cemetery. The casket fom | taining the body of Childe will ba placed i peeide tha romatns of Asthouy J. Drexel st ‘be request of decszpad banker's [an ty. Bishop Pattee, of New York, will sonduet Hoth tha private and publ: eer- . Presidest Cleveland and Secretary | Gresham telegraphed their inability to | atten] tha Taperal owing fo to mamow being “‘eabivet day.” -& MINE Cav CNG iN. Osned be Pardes 4 Co ~ One Thousand Men “hewn Out of Empirrment. © Haspirox, Pu, Feb. 3 —Toe second sod third slopes in the Hameiton une is caving in. Toe mine 1a upersted by | Pardee & Co. sad 18 ope of the largest § the region. One thonsand men | thrown out of employment. The mine ig ‘situated nos Cranberry. French and Brit fishy Forces Fght. Lospox, Feb 5--A dispateh from | Sierte Laone saya that a detachment of the Batis military police ADORIDSE ID +5 wers recently fred agaun ul oF * he ¥afs conn F-annh foros. The Brntsh returhed . .connty, asked biz wife to bring him 8 might as wel & tribute his wealth sa fo] Arne ‘the uiliard tournament. = : REL 54 Wels bil fal 2 sud the bi : the dre and killa} siz af the Fragen. Ssv- ersl of the attecking party were esptared. Jaiy a abort soe aly = British West Toda rogument were fired vpon by a French forne who claimed Ge Lritish ware mistakes Tor natives : the Lathersa ¢ Faammsene, Ps Feb , M. Graydon completed his report in the Withiamstow? Evungeliesl] Lutheran oburch ease. He decides the indwnapo- lis conference was the lawmfal one amd that its Sndings and decison in the East Penusyivasia anoual cocfersges of 1591 are. hinding on ther owt aonTt This 1s considered a vietory f+ FHowmss and her faction oo Died ai Co wensytiie CrawENSVILLE Wab. 3. —Tarad Tres 0, Bb Boa : tame, died hers thw moming st 11 ovlook. The decsisxl was 30 vesrs eid. : brother of Col. John Irving Coldest Weathie «tf the Widter : Yors, Pa, Feb 5 ~The coldest weath- er of the winter prevailed hers last night. a
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