# > As Seto ctme a bir eprang : ft Wha May ra op menong the pidmist in regard te the MANY OF THER Co i Ton wi : SH. Ee A 4 Fine of the he vd nove es the marriage | REVERSE OF OuRs. © 1 i aim Fa a i Bm One meiguised authority seve A trim little ¢ ste atv em ly scientific a an as Professor | have studiad the sebject thoroughly | That When This Los Sarees spueand ihe ie foo in 4 trim little svar, wir Na Jit : ; ; | ae A SN = PEERS mesmmemgcr Ga moll HEY $O mur : k longing to +i cle u-year-o Migs Sue. Lg 0 a boleh ed the UT gow They Compare With the Supasewe. | agree that fhe roe weriation WA | reply That fhar y Fs ne lading an If 10) cw mt wie to do, P 4 classifies “ GC RESTIEDES | Ll oy cirnves a5 Education No Tie | grestly cxesed that of soy terrestrial | oon ried asd happy people with Ay itis cw ay thu won'id ll : FEET. : | : : i 1d THE TEMPERAMENTS. A pimp ttle foot as white as the "wow, The Fourtord Clamiention That Was Made | ing to rollicking, frolicaome Soe, y Too Thonmnd Years Ago. Ia # tittle red sok, with & hole fu the toe, | ’ ; And a hole i the bee! as well : It is interesting to find that so thor. gy i re | ¥H REE AREA . fi. in i x: : 2 . wil Basar sasveaila wad 3 ¥ gry J STREET : : . : . 3 many ECETTS a RE 3 Epa wi ola nrhoivtand | TROIARS Aristacraey In (hina The Feo © OCR AM. each 8 line. | Jt is tle alioped that the a is Aa ee, } me lanchly 1nd : > : 2mm {ii folic a gaa wo me IT a ] : 3 ory Jars * ot In » hi ¥inely sl fil vba he evicfivem Jf rain ap 1 De Fary In Difersst britions. abbas - TH COMBINE | fremeires Nee om the “hill of Mer Teging tne rows fa % Lie dray, g ipa : : ? 4 ’ : : change in to ii fig woof reTEEtTIE ien- : y gr Wie a Bo big that it soonest les VLE AW SL ERY f Ther o these lnniATImMonts AY § Tm sarnyios wa get al Ching moor © me Bgts lk rR mn fia a = 8 ener, which ow pty says is the ear © And moves with toe speed of & susil be discerped, he says In Bir work on | oomutry give us very inadeguate jem Say Amr IA mit. TAS uw, MAR comet Served by the : AygL Ey Pa aw, 8 by URE Heys 1% Sbvisiaas 1 w [9a thi is the Ihsan Fof “Ire Infaviy Mind.” very estly in the of Lise peopls, W eRogEeni wooded, Omir opiudon. da show or ba Clymer boot, grast maiority of chiviren—in the see. | pate a crviiizaty y entirely oviike nar Thies tl ah mls hea Sart Say the editor of tae peTiy organ, is fiLEX Gre wre Tarbes tastes to fut eval pei mrter tre 45 wig binding 1 a ome Po Ea - : . : RC ! a Ra sie 3 maa oad 2k wrk Ere Bom of SE % ae Jsns ci a SE ad 1 that fashion rant always prevail, ee wt A I, A J, I A Ny nl Ping of city prope in larvae mwepemrs iis te amma yk; he wd 3 QUTHA. WEBTV Very on WhO Died tisivns oars. | Inthe prominee of The Chi. | bo fecivcns aad sora Sarma ~..j/a TheTe 38 BCITORIY A BAD. STYY wd Sp And th 1 «hed Frrpognis La t 1 gone, #if Earofenns snd Ane tiowns are pe . : : Tn r Jemt ome im the hand of fit * trig litte foot. poise Bl ¢ ly 4 pL . -e “a : oa k " Rin. h * ihoR 3 wer ar mmr ried ow T : And the very large foot, though much of a : dis own, ILE ei | pervenne, Cea 14 <2 AEE sliel what Hoary eons wake for 3 = re dh. 3-13 en Com phoell frig nine, Hayek gave @x, Grab j before fhe Christian i iBT wid Bs ip hieds 3 s dm . ] Ans traveling all 113 sass pond. : irirwrn seven, ard ethers have git 6 + ed rrintiag 1.500 Br bodies Glen: | goles as fata . whi iin ! Getting 5 Taeenp.” pcm ee T— EHANNA BRANCH. Simin we mn. ih i al Tht plutep Bite four ~a beantifal wbpht Written ated Peps { Wri 5 i% $1: A tisssifentionef npn Bune Hithe bow small or how POW. ad TRO. SAG a eB A. FET RY Ha t Bomrished, and Sai wer | : : gi ws fen le : ward nervons for choleric; and bilicns Pemew the nse of gonpowder when our | wie o- eT | \ Boston paier st the Guidi 2a grow weary of paths That sre . . oe = i SE : re $n 7 is : ogre thud & \ ; : : ing unsser st Rig ATTN ON last walk Ta s1the golden gate . b ae Ls rs oh o i $3.5 ride: a di PERE TE explosives to the oend of a “ity dear hte eity whose bulider ia God, oe an : TACHI Phe eurises they ATS AR nl pace won ld teoomie #5 Bastyr: rtive : Evangeline. Furnes, #04 divi = The ent) hi cid : i won id Le paom Suppiant = sor: vipations es poadod instead or » Jeft, Io | Hom as 8 roatter of Sharia Gs pos : Explain ‘a Paavalest Belinh : @ Hutehdnson Jofined fariiwraruent as | ; FR! ; rem © 4 a her Tas BET 4 CORR i An : med. Our ooaier haw evi os at i 3 Tov Nr bas : CERT EN 3 LE on pan wean. Teoh as A saperstificn very prevale BEE 4 iu of Pie shal peccliarifits of | wes, tosis mariners needle pointe to A hotiia vo | Lin down, you fool —youla | wotkingmen is the imjmious cffcot maps 8 mes fxcluosive of bis tende o } the south, the row waar petticoats in Fate Bloc ah “May be sp,” pe repised. “lar 38 id 4 ; 3 i » oy - Sy Mi ve p RTOs; 3 wa # ” = RP posed to be ager cieed by the sun's mays @isaoe. This fs not very x p 3 jh wonwen Sromsers, they shave be Sempsoeky ideals and cate iE failing. upon 1 rar is The best tools tery, £h ay perks Ape re fom per atnet § frente od wir heads gd pair isos, wh die. lf go a E male for oe in tropical oe mutries are oul 4 Wi TELE 1 wear a i 3 : = alt i RO. 2 =r 7 ! gtilyieet a] th exa vw the Sane smount ri de § 3 . hs BY Sip wy " ia 7 a t Eoin TT nly amxisded by Taam La roves 3 of tempering as those made for bom 3 br Ci wnliay Ir Chim Gyr Baes id Eh ir Sr mara aie if necessary TIO there's 8 wooo tm osieks Po use, althomgh they sre to be owed 1 ts tothe stimull of | cxward. ave their waarsieal votes 2 ad oi on +R Loomis Giibe- Democrat, fee € e wa 5 3. Awa ga Ei lt FL AEIDe Tee ZTOBE GF COUBATY, BO ; nd hme son sani i & ; Teed der a greater be Bar en : hig nen 2HETS IS IH TEL ae op o LEAT DAES, piBE GIR © rly ta remetrahie. wowid ba thie Sea : : nw Caress eel A be at grealir Wan ny Winon reach 3g vi Fon ef verses Tearts quick 3 goes cm the eft Ard re y : i . hi i ’ “wi So Presming of Crows. i Ra a Ponysamwney. this rth froon the sun world Us iid ones ¥, erring. Anered Brolin ; Ey thm : Te . ie = SR Mp. r GIPAEE FOU Ea Soe sunhis £X- i ny quire 4 ¢ ; ; " rox Na a3 : o § edi = bh wr id ¢ Ta 3 03ed Bo the elvilized brs wal ba = IE Sn SH Ana IPE : white for WouTs : pe : : cid ; ansunep? £ artiteasion I Tor a. i FER s ssa tail ¥ 0 peptibl a th 5 u 5 +, Pn pe ‘ others 3 * : pea? 5 eat » ou = nd? POAT I HS Be i an, RIFE ™ so : Zoi ad a ind Fir oh WO BoE ot ; ; Go i . 4 ws gi rik a “a - 2 by Le ARNY VALLEY which he sail of the desert of dew; 110g distinguish the nervous, the san We shall find in Chita 8 ef ap oa a EA A atu, § TOE SR YUNT dren foe crow fyingente | | LOW GRARE DIVISION. in Isaia, iy comp 3 it i | : Ltn SUL, th elanch halle. ete. Saar | mach th WO Dass som i J a3 a 33 3 Ep : + o A 1 - : i : = : * . i ibn = So 2 ry And afer Spray | veember M00 Gralse found hepted by the 822 fo lino : 200, fro to focognbas and ¥pprociuts the im- | position of woman 10 the fasiiy ands ware EE a ys wns melrome-—A1 H “tment [if wood and Priistary will rn oe degrees F. But to a artes the temper of portance of temperament need 10 be con 3 od : RAY S Se i ER ‘3 ra steel more than donlde this temperaturs | dered part of 5 spud midieal train. | Japands : iE ciggn 4 ; ne ] Re Cuca Wibe"s Later. LARTW ARB, : w PEW, is required, do te wel msed Lc a ing. It Ban Boch WOMEN Beglerted in | feet. and thevcicre can go abut ITs | mero: Cates in Beaton Traveller. The way of the wit is hard. Oscar : lancet the temperatdre of the: metal | {our pursmit of wiontie with micro F toaidy. The dignestic rel are ja REM ADL sR SRP hea + Wide, movad Ly tae ready ippreciation. must be eateh! to 80 degrees, in ra f the English ponds, Bas ben led to gors and surgical instruments 16 450 de- fooipes and tot tule : practical medicine i; well wi eT al i # ne Yi a + . | make some remarks which even dis ad- grees, in DeguiTis to 450 de gr vg , its stady = Siedtics dF i : : 4 " ie : re Tu H 3 ; of { : T) RAUTEL | mmiwmeaeg aes pact sppasaing. He kas seissors and chisels to 499 ray in = Ey Rt eseot Miss: Patines | Be TURES born Making snd GLservaiions on the | he cag themter. oy Baw ak" ama NE i hi "tn pp UNGRRANEURANRBL EY if axes, planes apd ‘pocketinives to 510 Table Manners In senting, i} a dddl tha Chimes batho ~b fa Fe To pabaet of Pariians and degroes, in. talle knives ami large Wa encase far 8 Fearon’ 83 : fs vemmriin fa a ed cn] oils dh deiin Beira “After devostly Loring that be would shears to 579 degrees, in swords and . & ger stleman. deserting a pest Bo bad | pion of ihe peop o tha Chinese indnles un 5 = Ee Et a ot bt oiler Reprie,”” Mr. Wilde watrh eTiriy ign tor 500 i learoet ing five with srne 0 drivers in &nth Aver . ie . rash. spt] inn aim . : a : . on - 2 5 5 saite 23a Bo mee any day " ¥ = JEURBEN ol ‘saws and angers 0 5840 degrees and fOr, jou and i shed pasmtkl To 3. os rid ca. el Bee Flan ss di j Cini a iin veuing palers, Great Diseowery hand and Pi eis 1608 iq STOR, or tof ix lied with iats il paat End ; ERE a ta sides ng 1 a: ; ; : we 1 pari : : { = : . : lk: : : cal "His “ r i is Wi - CHB IMARGIDentS OF wo savioe wii hd bY three times the great t héat of the sun with salt. he ines i x al is : - felt cm this carth. ; gnuoitic pampa lashion. O i irom = ¥ Jew his Ai ii jared . $ 4 : iy s Siig 5 el ee At 300 to 300 degrees soft steel 1 and: end two rows ] nn Eaive Sa Lore : ns NEVA 9 am) ema] fron pecoe moch dete) rated in POWET wore vinssed ar to resist perenseive action and sain. pers of ] bot their tempirature cap nevar be peiumehes raised 16 snub wu degreo as this by ihe fram ths ‘heat pf the sau. — New York Harald, civilized . Hh mA To | GEENNARENESK EEK GPRS REALE Ew Boy Bu A | SHBBURAL OY) wu = hee SOBRLE. SEE AR wRBUNgUL 5 500 AAS lt i hn i Bn ok BEBEvenn ¥ 3 ¥ » £8 ED¢ ie tt SERVHTRER ARBRE NY 4 hersem baearvads fn 3 Tr a . reve with the arveil- . s : Fire 8 4 pecuisa - hn ae i 3 v Sg si Lamesa aud the Dog. mast lowly perso sib 2 Sun roc wed like co wf Japosed as 31. Helens, fon on No.) togve J Juin at 3 roam Beniic oa La we . . ht a3 he Andy 2 J 3a : IraTR, FLAY iv 2 wi in § ' & h stern | 1 ON sldeyrand pr to the . we #1 weed w Many ececs ties ate pardoned IB pach member of the oo GRARY in tarh ..ea a als : ; 2 - pony : x Be Sie .: for uewomnunda ion Sentra Sia : musical genitnes, cp ially by these’ gig pis spoon, or horn, ha ¢ hes 4h} fs ids Sika £ ems a, a hw ianeta Mon ue hi En M. Se a described | us arom as Dried a 5 who i o not gaffer from them. - Unforte- 1 of the stew and araes it iG 8 dire IE = 1 those Bhs wo ked 3 ra ig ; 5 or : fs A ; asia, la . ha ts 2 fasts ra £4 wo | FP ANDERS a a 0, Pum. natolf the Chjcet of 8 CRBICIRE'S WEY fine toward bio. I : Rin Fx EH a, on a wy : apd hrm, Bis sa evra is quite apt to be smbie tO appreciate ata, the right : d this man, Tallevrand why he has offi this rule ea bp i “It =the only rerenge which! . SAS Fach aad BS tmal aI | rawr + wah fs tad . Sat yas y Omnle can fan: oo the POSSCRIGT of the ts fer ng Wilh 3 . ; » wd] ¥ 2 . 3 . es 140s phiYnl 4 [mar of graye Re sotake for his wens ment of me. : g 5g i 2 a thing r want base, 4 be mr ocoesds. Creer snd above tise lowever, itistorridida. What a punish - Guttined vaice who figures indbe fol-, fenorant ot this enstom, i dipper 1 rv ies p SE .s . 3 hs dl 3 = oy aaah} a oa - Ent eG > " ; x 3 $543. ‘e . wl g ” avery on § wt ro ok paar of 4 ars ani wtory thinking bard things of bn fn into d 532 veddest ad oy : Eh «I Spe 3 4RODID left a | ent Io & man ol IGBRTATe 3 Samp, | 4 3 ki al ii 8 & 132% ay teat ee (a Pu X Sith tha GG Sia. 4a os is ¢ No = win Fh ¥ r. sap . bg wo taped 23 frated composer Ramean. ct eo seth 4 . T Er : Sian NM TS D Hie . : five with an igncrant Oise dary Rudienn while calling ona: compapicos -srded this horrid bresch. , sa : A « Migu>= : ; : : ] know sim. He . in EFA Tg000 ? A } rew rophels, ut aré without ie ve ir 3 sha cgds the CT Rll Fx = 0 be smmmert th mmov- lady fixed a stern glance on a litte dog | of Loliteness with sco Et aaa 1a Ut | ao at the work : } to the” Millmof 2 2 Pps S8he stacy who fat dn ber lap and was barking | They 5 Bid wiL ‘some’ warith 20 mies = a ww, a coal} Hy a BB En Ae A hu wn good) nataredly, Suddenly Ramemtl | typ cook the foreigners €id vet Ww The y ol tier 2 thu ae TE A A A as RE ce ow degrees. "—Edinborgh seized] i the > Or littla fel low snd threw i bow to ent. i ap seed - 8 ¢ fo rah L ord = . > T% x + ; - r 23 - 2 hin: pot of the window. i cond and endamvored thereafter to as ot the Fndieidnsl is coma. © tele a. aoa E > ae na Fie} am. ME ta. : "er rw > Lindas. as Joy ant is the matter?’ as ed 8] onording to ganeho itiqhette. "~~ NeW: eyed Mars: sues Ea 5s eats st, said she, ‘an ATID &0 ; jo Boe 3 Si bo EBostelse, much alarmed, | York World. i : Ad 8 Saka TO Souk Sha : ¢ uy ’ : pa EEAZIRUD. La uf tered 2 “Heo hark J tala?’ said Rames . — won 0 fue gronmd feer in the Bay- €] 13a] aid mean in- pid Sapna F arth Jot ” f . . % 3 ba ™ — sbprihe Fil pax} digoantiy. ~—Youth's Campanion, : | - Carion About Lespiration. ; : ’ as pt Sruinel xb ee x esl early. bat } 0 _ : | In each respiration an adait of the : the Loomis as will. 1 . all ~ re ; bN oven, - ; An Oversight. : ; ! bi I ah Epes 3 shales Bis i 21 : aif, = rig yi, .. bs : :. i 3 be . : . Lf cha fF = 5 . . vee : 2. ee . = RC ha 3 ; a sds £3 Ne Ske bi re,” said. satan to his friend’ A Leglthy man w i y aE J - ® 3 : Bs eT 2 es : gen . Sad oe oe (Bow 3 ie peadunt, Becielub, ° “wo have overresched our- figws per smiisabs, ¢ OT, Say 2d > fog in — - od © rine of = - - ¥ x . 3 Fo ® won LE Rd - selvcg, Yon insisted thet we must put 4 day; a cuild, 5 to 35 ti ro , : enn : ee c Ry TE Sah Rily was into the Lrain of mah to invent instro- | gre. While ~tanding, the adult ave act ee triiiis sod ey La x Ye oies ee pri ie a SRE] Fa VeiNS It pacitieely prevents the has © T° dents for bis destruction, and we bave | Fel futios nis TNE LEU NR IY eam teint alunite em et TH I Galin Rol svRed & agen. DML PERE 1 oweich byithel sad aveelispep oR Gaol of 3 wo ag 1 : - arya i i ; ered i 8 ToART 3 : FURNIIBET ANG By ibe 8 § 35 i 80 4d ne, Mun has made Eating gUBL. © in 3% GOTT. in The guGl [ial 4 Ci i . ’ :. Se on x 5 - : 5 SERey - : ee a LTR R Citei 3 ae, Te shes FIG or b ; 2 3 . ; x : 3 5 ina ¥ . P \ LER 5340 : ORAS : Grade A Eo : Ro on pg 3 La 2 J L : mitryil a, CARHL Shel, ian t powder, | area ; sth ; ia: thes de rmans and . ss. Jao. 1 the carih is ghoul 3.O00.008'1 wis ws ir posts wressed against | TTCAN ONLY BE HAD siwh dynalnite every day be effects some giv %: Te SOO si , - - : : Fo. ir : a or ; 3 Jos. Boas Filed or other wags ] that 234 i » BY cnn new {om bination which insures greater yards Tho Srey Be e felt that cases Dearing thin Wade man : -destrii tivadieas, * : f 1 ee re rte : Sora : i FEE Bf . $ " 2 : : POLY B® 2 : = 1 top and Aristo ed x3 aly z ers sel) th com without exis cole “Well, teen,’ said Bevlzel au i + amonin of oxygen AlEorbed IB ui acaine fhe fers Bremiiced tobe | Bi an : Sot E hs ol th; - hi piece u in A walt cur spanner will Be pent rus 15 3p aun “ig vedi : Fr ade it vena Saves terse ia Si wo } HE HReLal Lio Eg, Ares CLT TLR pass Ff i rel thi feat was greated with load iy he masutacterers. 8 . 1h sl % 3 Of 13 O00 Bters, ox [° 25h . Shaw . 2 ie. ; . . am : “What a fool. von are!” m ol si. ¥t Th asneyisk of 3 as sme pxhibition Tr slime tha over Iho other had ad prolongad app lanes, — San Francisco | tan Ls Tyas Vou em rt at 3 ed te ys 1 The poy y a good des 115 Petiwern the vernal egminik Argos a NEY stone Watch Case Cony ; 3 a ihe Br a ’ ne Foard a § in go tly he ‘ 3 i speeds BT gra} Th $m esa rd A Ringea His Hands : . : that [we Wi : Made war so costly that ; ? ; Top rent sections, : y of (1 Kipien ¢ wi Lhe at — a iy i dea in duck} PBLADELPHIA. thesd manikins won't fight" , ; 1 : : : iy bial a | : : “2b.” said Beelzcbab in despair, | oy i ng the 12 hemes from 6 p.i I I Ea UN TA A wn yt x t a ball dy | En Ee a : : ; hw x erode 1 3 . ; . Xo: HT DON xreedingly : whi didn’t I reflect that these people : . a x a » 5 A BREAKFAST APPETITE ; peopel to thank u wd the ring she gave back was are’ Always calenlating expenses,’ — . : : : ; hn pes i j Prehuded i at her father's store and pasi — #3 rar $ afte > £3 oT % Ros Field's Ws ishiugton, : : Re By A soe OT A herve is po ber gr thes frittion coanasd by the tide | for, too, by Joyal —ilarper's Jazaz. Cun Best We Rided Wy he Nowe owe Ly ji is throwing 30 15 TRINS 4 Ber Int ines § bbw a aes Sith itn +1 to eit Sem a rn Werld Coneeely Telit and Brghaty. ; Jobin Drew ou Acting. ! the Shap oF emir he o uds 3 FRCY It Chana All the peo Siher peasan WIE Ing Tha Tn i ; : Commented - THeactor, unless he be in nature per- § ap guarts.of biood throngh the] 1 Are bas they the will of the em. | sioWiy in meen] Io dn, 220 0a ae 2 Eda ——— a verte id, mast exinbit in his | ife the ¢' os ; pe : > 4 eT 15% ia ¥y ehis od 1% eel dR 3: 3 Steel HERE ’ ai hee Aur dUgie—-4 CIMTGATIIRAT : THE PATRIOT | uw. the -ouly 1 . exers hoar, craton 5,008 guarts daily. } » ey ; , Yo 3 rod ww fect of his calling, a calling desirous of | ip ceva vrei on" ito respaet. There isnooasts, asin int Hs 1s ¥ a to : hE dm) Lal Lu cated Woman $3 | morfing newspaper that the same resnMs as other arts—the 8d: | gu iithe of exiiration ces. 1 The people arc clasailies atives.and sound ip a century 3 will be a ans 10 3 : te P. suseivinia st sa early a . : pif foexyaral ; -iweilid a ioe ro - ; “ eT a mr ut Tied oh so ds, . J erment af the ix hrongh ¢ Beli: we . > oF ahen 0 : J 110 tbdaed pec : Wii De ADF BRUM Apt i the same : 3 . Vancethent af the human wind through | pf the whale r 1 . Lonis rE aa im Pak be Somat Sok Bare as Ait] [tis one of (ha foremost emoesslie the ministration of beauty and truth ~ | Buwnblic > 3 : EATEN Reh sin . 2 : I. it Bar coliog Yoaz am, dewspapér in the State and the caly wae 2 4174 . i “"h py ¥ o ¥ $n 3 a oe w re Ee - - 5 % % an advancement out of which pecessa- Fs po § tLe Farid Bleid, THiCIOLAD * . : ! Re : : : ’ . x : ; - : thse 3 Bok Bout p 4 , 3 Ears 1 National Handwriting: ; 3 x —— ——— : printed ct the State Cupiti. the cliend rily flow increased civilization and ang. = | - Battles of the Future | HME DPedpiintam = ZT] era i; : AL, - ‘3 : Boss: md : sed politics] ceatrs of the Common mented h appin 4s for the human race. | Writers on military science mnite in | 182 Manlchod anat un Bhi: Inve Ed a, = Ey tn. Pa by di oth, ~—Sienbner’s Magizine. i elniinis #1 that fotore batties will begin | © ives, Ther Bo gxinst A Eo oa pe phir LL Lo RRSL UE 3 WAS it posts the news, receiving it over itm SAT meinem b with a weries of bot skirmishes along | B2VeT] FETY native 13 alloweq to | Ve EB ET Ea : ho ofc own wires through the ; A Great Poser. | the front. These skinuishes will-grad- | purchase slaves and retain thelr ob ne. Awthorities tol vs ibat suck 1 the | at zaght sail the sales, the prices | oitien of the greet. Press & encer—I don't aos bow Colom! as Tn i Smee ait 11 ut gad then ls a n in serviiG : ond ¢ Ix narler f oa 1 sl 2 : iE ix ira SH ma Ie nals ws CErS ioe Es vg hg Den correspondents, Epa ang TAY incTeae pase HGS, MMe WETNY OF nds or ann igre the sivaciti of |. - ri * FER PATIION is Demoeratio to the sore. ever found time to discover America. of combatants, re resmients bets AVES 13 RA LET Batis yy Ferguson-—Why pot? : Biviss Sita tnatng re niti} narativelvionsy, Prabal hire ave the Frenchman, are all displsyed fa i 13e propria . risers | Ii 19 oppused to bosses snd 4a enemy lo ih * ; : : : sa iv; To to Fsaiiele to the < ae pon oh | compans wers Known 50 § Se 2 pete Cope | WTTREE WOBOR eR, It is’ sfomd ot Sipencer—As far as I can gather, he | the entire front is invelss riiilery DO letter mannered pooplenn toe Ward Sel 00 E0emee : baci, oa .y ar Earere in | $44 the wrong; it Dever Lestitates to appears to have spent most of his time Hi be used ns far aa te, | it. { tha + Qneated LAR {ary ax hosed, i A3arvis 1 woe ates apn mae Ra. a speak for the =i ht having. his picture taken.—Brooklyvn er be battle fully andér 7 litle § &l%0 vory compeionl Liane 1 . amd hg 45 px ’ pet oo od Mo A a Foie: tending duestion during the wise Life. : I titer can Du vos cavalre save in out. i 8% sack enjoy an excellent Beonta : fern he Writing of (Lhe. SET TR Re. iil be Tand Reform. In November Ef en i Banking. Tho dav of charges i war 1 Cor. Hed Hetald : : Moaiain ine sd Bein ‘ cs wn wild Penvey ivan ix wil tinct Cowen T he register Of AB country hotel a aL ih in i“ oe i per gral ff tively freshman Gir | PoErniitest Pee 10 tried Tar averaburs of Congress, and State Leginla- ‘Maine one day recently containad names |; oC CS Jt 1 atriage Pro Reform, rian hand writ seaves ie truly in. ETOWEGn hz smmnnt of eS LOmGRG 3 faa’ The man who of Mongolians, Russians. Prussians, - LA 3 Sr.» oY “a . : sogistion race ra} i] pid Giosnis oF eo arivmial Sos v : = the dwart SHOW, WES HB 1A 1 mest read, apd the man who reads should Italians, Turks, Greeks, Canadian _ | Jee a red Ben YC 1 form which, whi oi insite ronal: reqnires pesriy ss mineh tpatiecce to | When share (he Besht of 3 inohes get The Patriot. daily or weekly. French and Germans, each written in ls Ee. aa eee er 1 nro retions, wonld deprive thomef ress it as to Ww i 3 Ag : : . .To piace THE PATRIOT in the bands “4 63 exe nment Wi’ i 5 - iF nit Siig ro 2 sg Pash the owner's language. i ; “7 pall the ananiFntal rimerings in the ha wi : s speds in vain ATEED Os ATER LaRue Ue ase of 3 yet eo seni . : gi : : hina of Jove letters and thi oih iaal in disoute sami of 5 Jew fre rom the Beads of the &lorer bers | the Dariy from sow until Mae Bs A pow der made from. a fossil shell | ’ ; : tenia of vialites . i re weil sieinta oF Tiel 1 4 a oT eon family is in the Ix csession Poy mail to any new subscriber The Worship of Imuges. poidents of 1 iS DOTS ¥- gdots and pe f Hebre : known, as “the devil's thumb’' is re- 2, Fhe Wael oF fuged. I neat Tria te Sink Ee Arord ¢ Me Poon | of Mis A Mclean! Pr a £ Eve dotiams. Pe Wer Say garded both as a cure and a preventive “and direct rh al on edn brant veld valid un it is arade in writing | frota the phobetie alphabet. — Cham | iL = Eimer : FE os erie = mow und of whooping cough in many parts of or ot variance with: the. state Bh. | Gpon properly stamped ‘pa ee Ser” Tomrim} ir : [he wird “1 means a feather apd | : sii: 9 receipt of one England and Ireland. A tts a SR na 1354.2 wuia a ens ie ris a is £1 2 Lazin penna, awing, -Sarely | SHE PRSAL 10% is the best advertising ae | Hirow Bing prison, An v th wy. BG S ut am } x x] 3! p t ; YF scatmsoit af Cheulem ithe ex he pen” coald be ime inns Peony ivania votside of Pitts. stp a 3e freasnTy department op i HN hE EYA ie : Pa Na we the ¥ : os} pron : ; EW Philadelphia. : a carpet of velvet and has a nice time your way out and instruct my chanee! 3 A OE ll HA am Yu | A eh | <n : imi poem | Free ta the Unemploysd: R insert with fy 2A Viesiner tha dai wag ia ty cans it yin TG eon 0} i, - h } > RCGURIY OB ami Paoesessl 5 of it is the one who thinks twice before lor of the escuequer that the ne = nts Tribe : Bo parid : pW Bn Cae Sy y . : — Sade nt chirge advertisements of these want- he speaks once, and then doesn't say of coins ‘ha stamped with the mage of | 205000 130-29 : : : esi Ho ansead 1a caaied we study mathematics ag emgeoyment. Its Help Onder bas a oR Liberty. that thos we nay plea hai : : Er ee iit ; 2: 1 inEuages To sirengthen car mind, | brought sssistanee to. handreds. It has much. pépulace. Yr Kate Field's Washi! : She Was Invited. v + erie, alter a Ort prelunar Wi ben we gel old our mind is so strong a Cent a Word Want Column foc othee in 1829 ; : : i: ri have manitrdiy Tuo tl tuk for} 1081 these things ale dEiVED eniinely amt wants. by Mr. Damian of Vienna, and u single =, Appruprate. : lnuchian:. oh 2 le’ Leah oa a1 Mita bo ft — Boston Iraznscript. a ve weer: day morning - German firm now manufactures over The Hunan Blep! re ‘No, my child if will t+ Iya : Xai 1 hoc iF rrme | A company bas been incorporated ia | FHGT, Th 4 yaar. 17,000 u year dia rubber man got ull last night. Ea Te Ae a . ct, Canada for the purpose of running sad WEEKLY, Tuesday evening ot ch ; The Double Ri aded Man hit di newslagy’ . i takings of warmth. 1 wank 74 | nperating a telephone Ene between Hali- week, #1 a year -diwl "In 1364 the Royal library of France they do to him? | Aber said Bed he Cl re et i {may wet Vanenuver, Tht length of Yio company, contained 20 volumes and was the lar- The Human Elephuabt—Bounced him. Cr wir ivaliey ar. > al i Th TREES Dike will be 3.500 miles. THE PATRIOT _ gest possessed by any king in Europe. | = Kana: (an Times, > The man who walks through life on Acverdions were invented Sr F RAS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers