se Lin a omni gs Ap i INSURANCE! Pailerson., PATTON, PA., ACCIDEN nsistent The Fyirav Sanedwich Ix Theme and the A Gres: Field For Wit LIFE and Rates ¢t \ IRA. rv WIC ‘ ¥s Lo lvaed write ai ius best companies at the ticy Holders. Royal Insurance Co. Are A%1X RSUrance x surely to To lers of Hastford, The oldest and cident ( 1 higerest Pg pm . : ompal 3 the United States, Home Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK What 8 3 Cash C apital £3, 000 000, ad BAIR Assets §9,328,754.44.. re { What matter then a cols 5 After Queen Victorian had | her jubiles, it dawned npon Kin mn Kaus that also be fitting! #0 that 1 hind other civil comragasl in celebrated t Ko a- Offic < in Patton Building. perma et Am en re er ——————— a ha sh T You ‘with ways Popuiar with LIEBE EIR wo RANG PLUMBING. ROOFING AND SPOUTINS, a. atvow | : Ni vinral : | sup] ANGES.! THEN | t always AGENT. FOR (CINDERELLA . Mobi ~~~ AND NEW IVIODEL JETTER--FEW AS GOOI™. ee 3 RE faut ions ge SCarce NONE this was hy Sie ge 1 - nearly iw - “+ 4 ; wer - 2 red Xels ACCIDENT INSURANCE: Insure your property with i'M BRIBE. o ple doubtful whether made a chanagfor the better. vard ns minster to were Large d'affaire © square, J. FRANK CLARE & CO. First-class, old-line, fire-tested, stock com-| on "5 represent om near England's queen. panies represented. Companies that pay all] coi ve ant crue o loss or damages by FIRE or LIGHTNING. hire wp ur lat whesi Le ot te tons » waged ~ he talks ds Herr wun all. most dis Trying to 'Hector™ us, one and The opiam licenses | bopest steal ever be pity ted by Kala | kana. - The binese factions in Honolulu each wanted the privilege of | selling opintn, and the king sold it twice j over. He was sued by thé Chinese yusty { that got n¢ tifniz for their money an i the “Insure your, life in the grand old Mutua- Life Insurance Co., of New Yor. Was SLAF Assots — 179,000,000. Surplus —815,000,000. Office next door to Bell's Clothing Store. PATTON, PA i the grate can be ced. t personally § » il est goes on teials and has arr a pass for’ get it and wheel shall send the price a the 1 Fovps sg trans the pasg far yishes trans “They usd to! eil 4 aire who wo n- TeREeN Te ti Wi between poll might be only 75 1 tor sothing as well einer i n AlEVe TaliT i ny ndyle ie ofl ake nare 1 but er m Rapp) YALE in isswing pisses haven't £ the pass hal those I have meationed | ae it time [ asked for the ate some one [can't refuse a LE thers on 1.M DO Prop a Penny For a Fire. A Liverpool hotel has put mn some ny-in-the-slit ung fires, The applied to the gas supply so that ¢ turned on wheén nee The expe ru snt has ried in cue bedroom for 123 ‘months, and ig ma- chines are now to be put in every bed been i pooin in the hotel where It Ltator — i= | rificent set spew] | when the pressure of cavalry - i mid * Tele coongh rfireof a vitor on the floor, make mag- wea. hat whi go to pieces rails from men WOO | the other side of the hall comés upon | them. Mr. Cockran did net torn out to w that kind ¢ of 4 man. Payne of New v ork, who wants to ba governor ‘of that | | state and resident of the United States, i nous and forcible; to +k pegtanrant shmittes roofns MmpEing in their eonifortable lobby, rial apen fires, paid hs convene 5 of nld bé a the in this meeting rrespondents. | td hen the | chairs, drop hore rap SaRY iF story t ; into the gallery something really inter esting is going on, The averages correspondent 18. a great: More that cynical, he is blase as whew debates and incidegts. He : that : toi ardensd all these thitgs something extracrdinary bat if there is “OEE real fighting he wants to be 1 death. Thus 1t of hinntes before the press was nted in tH. nterest, to +} THas | 3}. t © fren Lis happens whally the honse gal- Jory 6s : pear capita their offices d enddenly ap-. parts of tha g apirom all own tow. Potent Factors. - , Washington are surprised @ NEWEPAPET © oTrosD indents spend | Vis that th so little time in the galleries of the oh nae They. wonder how the press to report the debates with- | Bat as a gt respondents have | ie to do with the debates cn the floors | + houses, They are covered by it } a and senate. able men are he ar ng rters of the two press ASSOCIA | tions. men who sit at little tables in’ front of the desks of the vice president || and tlie ‘speaker, who write shorthmnd | and have nothing else to do day afte? day | but make up acconnts of what is said by senators and representatives. on extraordinary occasions cl correspo dents “handle” the deba tos | —such cecasions as that fierce hand to | hand fight in the house over the tariff a! few davs ago. elling and joking and mshi —-— rem miner - 4 It is only, | that the spe- | | rode at Cockran full ui ariel was abe Bout i always iwpets place of his Payne, wen with hin * ans, inaliv aed the Terrible Su rowly eseag rotted, #3 off the harsedd, Then E58, He in the - eed] amd pirat Je tint 2 cxeel 1d find #3 on peace HA Op cto 80 35 after leguent the: “5 On = fey = of 1 WZ i and ir On land Hove a the SOR ITE Le and ner. MEEIL POR CHARITY'S SAKE. tion: though the red mud of the ou : Yeminton clings to their antiquated ga nents: thongl. they are the sort of peo- ple at whom ths actors and paragraphers and the eartoonists level their wile, there is nothing for the statesman to do but to take his visitor down to luncheon, show him every courtesy and thus estab» lish at home a reputation for being “8 good fellow” that is sure to send a, horde of similar visitors down upon him in the near future. - Happy the congress. nan whase district is 50 or 1, 000 miles froin Washington! For in addition @ comparative immunity from such visit tions he draws mileaye on all his jonrneys to and from the capital at the rate of Io cents @ mile, even though he tra vols A pass, : rl - - he Congressional Baghesn The workers in the cause of charity ol parts of this coun . and the C “apital City or no exception tu te rule. Almost any day one may witness in the corridors of she house ar senate as pretty a Cen a8 the eye could wish. | of handso he sirls or young matrons “holding up” a statesman for a contribu. tion to some warthy charity. They know their business, because they have been thers before. They call him out with a card, which gives no hint of the business to follow. Then they elbow him into cne of the window recesses, with which the nuiercus thank N IVR rer | corridor is studded, surround him and Then the brightest and | stand their ground with enger eyes, win- keenest of the “specials” go in for stories|| ning smiles and entreating tones till he that are worthy the mc ident and suited to the tastes of their journals. . ! The newspaper men are an important | feature of life at the capitol. everywhere. Their influence 15 almost | unlimited. Th ev.and not the lobbyists) onstitnte the third house,” and it is MY vo n questi tion which is the poy P werfu 1s house OF press § galle f the frst tw vo make laws, thet hird makes or molds public opinion. if the members of the bodies exercise great ~atluence upon the correspondents. so do the-cor- i i i ' | | 1 They are plaints of office hunters, . resist even these ! canse of charity? surrenders. He is a hard hearted or par- simonious congressman who will not es. pitulate before such an nssealt. Bat, would you believe it, therv are statesmen go inured to saying no, to denying the beggars, dend- and lobbyists, that they are able to fair workers in the holy ft takes all kinds of ‘men to make np a legislative body as it takes all sorts of people to ma this queer world. of gurs. WALTER WELLIAR, beats It is that of a party
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers