RGR la she uiipr in anly LOOK JUST AHEsD.| IFQUE FUNTING METHO THE oy er & 3 mg ; ; : i 5 ht to the posto Mea Sepstut 3 E 17 ER ALEEADY DISCUSSE Fes 1 aE GRAND ARMY OF EXT SEASON'S FABRICS. Ee PETTY POSTMA Dale atterson., S Too i legs That Disses = 3 rod sires | . - RA : : | ; a Wellmnn Hays the Federal Dfices 1 » a Xounres of teal Wa akness Rath- » Than »¥ Ni= mid Cuties oft Fourth ek » 3 1 : g F A i I ON PA aly Han dxome Nall Ceovrns- T) are ; : s : 2 ean di i i : s fot ¥ - 2 i ¥ } ra Novelties For mikisg Gow, ] tasictant Postmaster Crneral Naxwell {ind — New Rgmmer Goods ¥ Ceirye 3 ea Are ' : i 4 : ; . UH. kind Mi FE an 'CIDEN Are repaeeG too write all I kinds of I. : i 4 Send = : : Inseras in the bes! COT panies at the CO ens Ww surety to the f yp Ho ders. Royal 1 Th rance Co. ® Travelsrs of Hartford, PDan) : » ited States. 4d (*Y i ; : 3 Faking | AT : The = : Hes which the ape : x : : , : vind to by this nital 83,000,000. | ; Assets 39.325, 754.44. Tn VY Sis : ; 1.09 topaz each, rang fr Ar constitaents for indorses a £1 3 bog Tawa ner with sere wents for office, and 4f cotirss 3a declin- a many of. wien to soften the biow by Office in Patton Building. en] VA Nn Bite pratsic craes, fom wagon'to wagon, have in +x ani carriers a VER pit ar with EHD Akiak CIRBLOY This is the reason | 0f stan ling wonld | amted po on BR Sa ris noun sonple. Dub TE Average fe es a ie : : : : : re : i: 3 * HOTVS ¢ : ry iY LE be HE. J. RB. CORNELIUS ® Furniture Store place to bay Farniture, He ear Afall if 1 Dranc nes . . 8 ; £3 7 5 . Saam were Dealer-in 2 Go. cannot Jods SHhat compareg FUTUR ui owice Cou sud } ther callers Ta fact. gas |ahong autiag Aa a3 haltwaen- wt onght fo F 1 y : i < ay : : s * A i DA Tal : x x “ Ta * oo 3 } £} Via 1 . iv. i . ! : 3, . en : : ix ¥ 0 oe put. I fosr th rs ny i) ; 4 fois : : ¥ xe neral HERON Von SRA ale . a Sr iian Eon fon} . hot i Mu } tinhea na ete PUR? replied the old man, spitting MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. = {Fionn Sud dis Sut | my coon wim fom mer S00 0 Sl itn foun pny rE OVES as» RANGES. =viimsmimmam Sfmmilones Doo fon oiol Suis She PLUMBING, ‘ROOFING AD SPOUTING, I handsome: and consist of two divine} ae. L : wy hiss inn arc the men Whe WW: there wis work to be. done, and ; nines ' 1 1 id pes r pe bi : a. : v 8 ) . i § YEE: 1 r Bla Ian S BE gate open on : coun #irl and the rie esvicndest | tee. Thal nian ; 3 the bears in. We AGENT FOR I Ippon, (GR recat rad | extapet] forma the soutBosstery Timit of 8 Sear. As soon 35 8 postiaster's satury | EES LW CL a I TT a datial . titled by rdirwet ap- : 12 bears in one night.” 3 “Waar a do with them™ asked (CNPERELLS, new Moot Rances Ee Te i ze in AE toa or ee ue a rz tow s » nan As ig Sook ‘a fresh : : : dths laid i pv tid ; : : i a ; { “and mighty fine fen . ys rrp Ee : : rr } } VAAL Tn a parphyee. of a its sian che REA Tinyie cis he. | Biizer they make, too, after they ape NON E BE I 1 ER--F EW AS GOOl). i in : i ; wi] 8 Lado : Vi ni XH bn he} i : i 4 / ee. . 3 A marc vot. LEY ut un and plowed under. Bat +s S HE line Laniieeng mata cM BErY ab. % $8 bevy ra na thicker “han the deer. er ED NE or. um at ep Sd co when 1 was erossing wer SELF Ts = ; FnRy Rea a en fed 2M) LOE NO Cele Torrie mal doe oth gil oe Terie try He bridge ap at Adams Hook one dark 4 : . ; nets : a Ms : pS tee efe a at in Shits aera mz tha felis homl over heels over a = : ; : ab ; ET ML A A yn Span], Wile nr APac tt aad ee. | deer that was taking a nap after 3 big Ss $ i ¥ 4 " Bd vj 1oRArn Bue haln ohn tun Bc Ea CNSR SEEECT drink of water. Bat that was nothing : Nf : . i ~ Fil x; pet 5 » : 3 3! : i ana ar £0 oey sg, T= ent 13% yf hy Ain gr ALLA when the wars so hick that we had £3 $ : EY . 3 ws >= ? 1 . {hs I crate "3 ‘2 it oF at 10 % 3 t rife NAtcs isnot CC aki a : j f : : Ed HE & B SRE aor : , : keep dogs to ten 1 - TORR GYery : J : : : Fis # mountain Its an enormous abyss, al-, OYE $A OT Fo wr roods. One man wir was pretty well > \ i $ a fy . : } aay ne knows, the avs r these offices | Yoo fe 2 Es aeei iin « » LA F Sl pe Prin a : Hi Ty a : a qsen ntl TRE TO Teri Even { seeing deer . : at £4 rf IGE Laurer i 113 Ba iL lhe =e ' > Saimin . that thy hic ' any attention © Pe iq 5 TT} prRRA i SAROODNN 2=. 00) Tos are Te Soon oe cn gd co vhs cand se thuy because worthless. | : sr IF ; a : » a se Li sy TH ; x frear Re d vy : 3 od 3 3k ts \ Yaniann Rsk 1 COR % that a man F i Lo 44 NN gL 11 Pan toe TIM every morning Ue oe NTE ah a : Li not eal 8ait iy ithout being © : : if gre : Saban) ; ad . gadered high toned. Dnt when we wanted x lav’ Iq & yes a fine day's Id go trolling Insure your property with wing to the richness of the material | wow covered side of Tae cone, the same S30ts known to the departmestareover | Fal LL — bn: frail fishy thre ugh FRANK CLARE & CO. o.oo a LE I TT me pa der re 4d irst-class, old-line, fire-tested, stock con:- s of sk¥ blue pene a ; Lat native, aad x panies represented. Companies that pav all tng of white face ak ead with BUR | rics fr1 8 viet ava field of the fort of game aoross 5 queer case of. (218 kind a Te TR NEE . se hw Hip ny CLIT ; Tati Lary ore Inv : : : : I an an ur anvihing in that line because itis loss or damages by I IRE O1 LiGH NING Te fel bids JoWs, Aid the ChrsaSe and eevee | The only recorded eraptions of Pope. well recommendation for & cortan ou rons and bevowd me. but | caught : i : ! Ia \ wad 3 t je rar $ rived 2 9 I. na 154 for apt nin L ANIL & $380 5 bu, 3 De aware in 1840. and i 7 : 1° - s Ss 1 i FAVES IRs TN Ti n niion. shan 1 wien 3 ry as 5 1518 by arias y - : a Bas — ! ] : : : > 3 - Insure your life in the grand old Mutua [ui vite sowas for cari spring] 5 sor mo on ot BE Tabi ert that Senator 10d 8 water spaniel. tried. to gv out abe of bigs serge over fed velvet ard fk, Shir be : a hr Ee as la Fe etd Eh res nd bring in lobsters, and 1 guess I - Life Insurance Co., of New Yor. iri seat HHS were ores jel velvet @t d fran roachel ihe ve 353 a Bee wis addy (a Feud 48 BOOBS 0 (Pon talking About! | os writ sheng tolfienal cork ime ctu soit s wire Bogs I there is a ut the Dusinoss.. . 1° STUCEE, seelng be Yet, sand, puch : ' aA ) re iol t rariire Gf 4 : = ro Mya - vy oy ri eg oo. fied hum with a cigir, and the man Assets —81 5a, 000, QU, Surplus £15,000, 000, sill 3nd nin ImILUE n= | made 1 INE, = frequently : Mr. brice pride 0 Tn * Qs tobe a win Wn set abent ne haves - ; oth elegant and tastefu ince the last pamed Thai hie oh hyum. Eo i fashioned smoke. Office next door to Bell's Clothing Store, PATTON, PA. | Lan oanEnans TUT JF Memes | mon enough with more eureless senators $04 Ol faiioned smoke, oR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers