or x AWE XE » “are either lifted to heaven or cast into | © discord, whom do yon “mle dealer who sold it? pending. MUST F AC E THUS OUR SOULS MISSIONS ARE : 7 Section on ihe Uselessness of Shallow “Water Fyntorsee- Blanes Best Pog Many Pallarsy™- sponsibility of Paternity, Y here Shania | What would be thought of a shin tha tvas launched from its docks with fo Ith of masic and flowing wine, boi rail the roughest and deepest pea, manned for an shore? Never leaving harbor of storm. Never swinging eat of t m|mnd girt hay I=caneg, over the bar, the | waiters wore doep and rough. : =wouid say of such a ship that its env Wag a coward and the company! built it wore fools, Sir And vet these souls of oars fashioned. for There is no created thir as deep as the soul of man; oor Life] Stain across the o shore, but we are afraid to vortare; hang upon the const: mw ~Jow lagoons or svi hays. Some of Tiches and cruise about therein, | men-of -war ina pagrow river. Seme ‘918 are.contentid wil cgr days fo ride ot anchor in the bheealmed wate of a! ish ease. There are gang af every por hole of the ship we gall, buf we use them for peous t4 bam 3 cloth: 4 npoB or pigeonholes to sick {a'] er "ide b TS We ehall never smell § crag the magazing is stood wherewith to Baht deeds. When I xe a man sticl! his ease, while under hi #8 brute ia maitreating a horse, scing coward venting his renoblc wrat I apon a créaimre more helpless than hie anending erni bottomless soundiz tye nt dra ITS THREE oLD DEATH SIGNS. a Case Where Their Appin ation Fyrnishes Food For tho Supers tittous Do yon believa in the superstitions eenneeted with the house of death? T! that ne has been skeptienl about them, but I 0 contrinnt: r tesa sam nil pet along Ane leath hor relatives. it sas happen ral firos that she Bos Leen pur Yonsdt ome med, through the Bonsa, sapret to collar and thr CURR, ty 28 ince srporesl something igh ghe tried to escape. No one oi ob 2.08 ¢ nic het for along A Anv ¢ or two af h all at the pn: : aie who had & 1 that facident, was stangible fear and xo] wanderings thr whether ithe nchild dradog. § HOTT J tarily think of a donble decked whaler content to fish {or minnows. Their neeleqaness io the world 8 plora appa | ent than the as in a park pond. What did Ged give vou gimsele an girth and drain for 0 + you | on the high sags? A iva with | yon then into {} n soondinga where yon bed lone 3.30 ; 8 s 3 the work to do | Hig ted and da it, « r el the Brat ¢ font Pome. great wri: : ought to begin lifa as at thi river, growing de P or the seq, wier-as, enter the river inland, find ary day, anti and gasping a Bunt the i 3 at sll than th the mistake mre iho wo to the petiy Lisi less men even inland: 2 stanzhions poli gold, they hiv C& dock and deca; Boss at iat, bike : $d it is nn : A 3 in the worl ‘shall pleass {ti : hotsé to sec yon set fire and barn to death, or break one by one : pen a radk, or oth destroy your bodily parts that the Jumation n mi it be entertained Wonld At pay to bie pleasing to such an andi- ence at such a sacrifice” Wa were pat into this w a with a clean way bill | for another port than this. Across the tort of life our way | straight to the harbor of the city « f ge Wa are freighted with = consignment from roomage hold fo kecp wiich is-bound | to be delivered sooner or. later at the | great Master's wharf. | Let us bo alert, then, to recognize the seriousness of our | own destinies and content ourselves no | longer with shallow soundings. , the sails, weigh the an and point the prow for the ocouniry F hat lies the ~ Other side of i i yestless sea. Booner or later tho vovag ro ad bBemade; lat us make it, then. while the timber is stanch and the mdder trae. When you look at a picture and find it good or bad, as the case niay be, whom .do you praise or blame, the owner of | the picture or the artist who painted it? | When you hear a sirain of music and | } § . the other placé by its harmonies or its : thank or curse | for the bemefaction or the infliction, ! whichever it may have proved to be, the oan who wrote tho score or the mu- You go toa} restaurant and order spring’ chicken | th turns ont to be the primeval fowl. i8 10 blame, the whiter who serves it or the business man of the concern ‘who does the marketing? And go when you encounter the bad boy, whom do you hold responsible for his badness, the boy himsolf or the mother who | trained him? | declare, as | look about mae fron day lo day and pee ine wen and women who play go poor a part ix life, it is not the poverty of the it per- formance that astonishes me so mach | is the fact that it is as od as it is, With the parents that many boys and - girls have and the training they receive 1am perfectly amazed that they ever attain to even half way respectability. | Did you ever stop fo think, I wonder, what an awfal responsibility is laid upon yon with every chik given to “your home? [If vou appredlale the risk and take the responsibility 1 shouldn't think yon would find much time for other callings. up tho plans for a new house attends to his bo siness closely and doaun | go oI on many picnics or sail over seas in ai: of pleasurd while his pla are A man who has entered a young horse for the Derby spends most | of bistime training the colt. He doesn’t . Joaf about town or read novels or lie | abed late; be is alert and on hand if he | saets to win the race. Carelessness | and indifference never brought a win- | ning horse under the wire yet.-—Amber | in Chicago Herald. : Spre UH 3. | fa tare of ¥ the Cashgar mon {itsoside from which a cons ‘won got the hired man ple A man who 1s drawing | rrerd nig ber goat for krevr (that than thinady bu herwise | © por i foibavas owed for wrsnpers, ono © ostiy and conld a ert ain thickness thinness, Vagenuity of man seemed x to gro. The fact nid be mada t TESSUTe NMECERSATY to His toa =af sufficient! mianals inrar., Many imcenious imvenior: with the pr gave up the pr position SU a8 TL a simple workman about sthe day, after ro dling two sheets to the cus- tomary thickness, put the two sheets to- et ther into the rollers and made both were before. This: halves as thin as they was as simple as sta nding an eg onend, ut it created a revolanion in the mann- tinfoil for tobacconists’ use and made & mint of money for the dis HL 3 BOVerer, —I hiladelphia The Lamp Rock of Asia, On the shores of Lake Rang kal, in central Asia, stands the fameoos Lamp Rock of Asia, which is so called {rom a cave in } ant stream attains, un of pal le, greenish thatthe phorescent bave never snatter, each ses 1 rLary told biy bis fathe ‘The cave is the demon, who gnards vast © there, and the light is from a diarmnad worn in a band around his forehead.’ Eling’ explagation of the mystery i- probably the trae gne.—st Yo mis Re Frsbiie. 2 Sel ping’ Her Out. Mr. Wayback Lireat Scott! What frond yard Lox” Mrs, Wayback Our & ater says that the first pictur’ the takes with ber new camera will be the} of instinct the forezronng, { do that hers: 1f.- {ecord B reakers. Jagsen gays if horsemen could trot their horses as fast ardund the track as agh all taht is cit ted, Ney | Elias, the English adventarer, who pass--! win nn the A WATERLCO SOLDIER they can around the hotel radiator there += i would be a record broken every ag- Elmira Gazette, EUT PICTURESQUE L GRLEANS. 0M NEW view With suclerings of CHARACTER IN THE lo NDERPAID C LERGY. BALMS, The Study of the Ine! Has Hecotne a Social or TER a Relies a res teresting Old Moon's NAY Lala HAZ nd phalange $aiir=iil pain 3 io 1» I Babe the oceident devils? DRE] | VINE fe SHIRE Tro (Lhgiar 186 manne BY airy o I spoke with a wataliaad . Ory Io Ciond, I fen Nant ky ay rately MAIGRTES 0 fun it 13 liatle to Lifii= these ienizth . ezpecially | f $ Kind Ola Chicke nd ail ny drmn i ¥ iiieed wy aati i . - 3 i bad only theses -walk did weil swollen by * Fsesny > “0s ern ile} i SN Gnnoles Lb aalel theres aughed Done? | } otha else hie be- (Fits on the whe i, 3: tty living! Ww ent Are starving New, lai that the ears viz Ve id ed 5.984, 000.000 pser- Clas, The ng rease bein At. that rate i irate MY 5 BL the it No al ne % raith as, n Man. i i SOME OF. THEM RECEIVE LESS THAN A DRAPER'S CLERK. Trials and Pinal Resa: 11 of an Fag- tish Corate In ‘he Fighteenth Century. Fxtraets Froma Dis=y Which Tell u Dis mat Tale of Privation. heard from time to inderpaid clergy, It by an Epglish ierks in n clerks Bis 18 es- x +h cler. are mn any «< ! rr +4 # ire it are sae very Ww York eitv, for! 1, Apal- > y ok 4d : Yamane, it HE! that there are 140 . i tt ts ‘+ pas av Lif ve ual ries of gid 0,- mts" ont ad west Fi 3 QF ; 3 : “ 1 - . I Wino get ~. OH IR A Many, perhaps the ma- | jority, deo not recive as reach as §1,000, Hile the reflection may not prove of | inija bene fit Tre thes in the highes nniderpaid sery- | tof callings, still it | RKOOW that mn a social | l way, and in the gelf | iit Hp (37 the i condi : of today is vastly n tha aplans or curate | ;OePRMTY ne - In point of abisct ca no vieam of Wika © r any - chaplatos whe fig- ters of Lbuflfoons: as did many | re favorad ones of Goldsiaith's | ¢ and oven } asieed myself, thenah | OTT NNeH The does “Pp y Gil- - 4 ¢ wifa want. Byaeny "a avid Tne 8 shos itll a pet Hr {wo and tende I ihe y : in nd upen the goeod- ad ao i alirsaany and : § JI 144 “yr TOL 8 stm ihe compa was of p 1: ay- who was f.penny. In astraggis what to do, viodged for sevensenea | wh we aad paid him bat irpeled With as, te avoid E ature, apd the thut bo beard it | iT nded to ~onld cdo the parish i ter price, and therefore, sid do {ral at tha upper em Mortiiyving reflections anything to sorry i] t want of humility is, iu my | usticn, o lemds his Wlessings to ew that we shinld relieve be mpastalen ~po ther, and we consequently do | : ' ao more than pay a debt when wo per | rm an act of henevalenca. Lf tHoaahle, i] ni: : a want uf 3 Paid the | The Falber | i franger’s reckoning ont of the shilling | my pocket and gave him the re- | Ie t eneins hfe. fortur oHrney, 1 {inner, and fore to wy ill, that, by fo cat, I ght Irave sume- ) ; peor wife and I tid my wife what [ had one with the shilling: the exeellent creature, instead of blaming me for the action, blessed the heart and burst into tears. Never to contradict her Mem, — state cannot as long as I mainder of the money to prosecnte his | titres C TAMER IA A *D CLEARFIEL Ix rs BB riers et x +X Lane Bett MiusterSiding C Munster. [owt Knyisr seller June P ATES S Tank =i Ming Powel; 3 The CH PETA ¥ Westover - 6 Talos - Gin Mahatho : 58 LMPRELL SRANCH. SUSGUEHANN A 83 ANS iH. | ERE LN NOHTHW ENT EKN H. 3 Vial = PE J Ria = if $0 — RAILROAD LOW GRADE DIVIRIGN, TL E5uHES - : Mand aftr [unday November HL 189 imine Teiweed Driftwood and Pittsburg will run as We @! 4 | 5} » Et. ~ | { ine Raat dls $ TV eHIARoNY » 8 3! Wi rg wi ki Penficia DE pax Lh ns vs he 0 0 » Hy wie Cw 2 ig i? ER] 5 EPEAT RD BUYRUSEWE IE] MEERA roar - EEINAB HERR 3G wha » X63 a ll Se ed RR ae 1 AD ae iLiad arg Ac Tam. are ning 11 3040 a. i. nnd “Xi vv, Tay, Dri woest 150 p.m. Pittsburg 5 RGO, Gen” wupt, Apu. subd only through vraich deal ywalis case Sponer whith maker Sharm sont rey orgs “45 18€ Co., 2A SoM PRRLADELRYY Aa LF stoneWatch C A EAC APPETITE. - Cusp Rest he Aided by the Nows of ihe World Conoerly Told and Srighily. Commented Upon, THE PATRIOT is the cnly complete morning newspaper that reaches Central Pronayiviei at an esrly hour of the fav, It is one of the foremost Demoeratie {newspaper in the State and tbs only one guoliness of my | 5 printed at the State Capitial. the official and political centre of the Common. | weauith, hve, for (he mind that can argue like | ‘own wires through the extraordinary fa hers, thouch it "hay deviate from the tients of prudence, is | r iis indiscretion, and lapse {rom the severity of werforms an-act of virtue, su- ¢ valae of a Kingdom, v'Nrote a sermo n, which arish charches, and came home exces- d anid excessively hungry; it prints the news, recsiving it over ite etiitien of the great Press Assouiatione, aided by ita own correspondents. TRE PATRIOT is Demnoratio to the core. ! Tt 18 opposed to bosses nud an enemy to corrupt monopolies. It isn't afraid to fight the wrong: it never heatitates to : ; : spank for the nght. on Sunday I preached at ronr different | ter wiil be Tan! Reform. twopence half | house, but yom see the | “Te strolling player | d was a man of {for- I that 1 was | yet larger constituency we wili send mifigent, aud from ref taper want- CH nti: i) pleco of serv: | been an hour at bome in, and deciaring mwm- rat a £50 note an my eut and kos hae The leading question: during the win- In November ext Penveylvania will elest a Governor, ne mbers of Congress, and State Legisla- ‘ture. The man who keeps informed | most read, and the man who reads should | get The Patriot, daly or weekly. To place THE PATRIOT in the hands | the DarLy from now auntil Maceh 1, 1896, Hy mail to any new snhacriber on reqsi { five dotlars. The Wuexrrny will be sent L to apy new snbsember from now until ! March 1, 1835, on recaipt of one dollar. t day presented mo | | burg and Philadelphia. Ga vear.”’ Podizn’s ripley wl story of a celebrated te who took an Engiish <2 with him, out 1th i 11, tha pee shot i i} ined the eastern tv fast sprig | sorolv puzaied Yo comin o rients 1} eom- wu! been At lass, | nr excel- 4 was 5 rig)? —— ime tinge 5. BHE BAGRIOS is the best advertising medium 10 Pennsylvania outside of Pitts. Free te the Unemployed: : It inserts with- out charge advertisements of threa want- | brought assist ‘a Cent a Word Want Column {oo other t. Ita Help Order has to hundreds. It has ing employ : wante, rice was DAILY, every week. dug morning in i the yeur, 83.4 year. WEEKLY. Tnesday evening of! cach 1 a year. -dlwl®* THE PATRIOT COMPANY, HARRISBURG, PENNA.
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