u3lux o'ih adiontc, A WEEKLY NKWSI'Al'I'.H. Cevotento the Interest of tlio Peojiloof Elk Co I I't III.ISIIKII KVI-.IIV ."ATI llli.W, 35Y -10IIN J-'. MOOIUE, 01i:e ill thr ('iiurl Hi'imr. I f.p.mr Or.f Dollar niid Fifty Cents per annum, invariably in ailvanci,. Nu divia ticn from these terms. Hates of Advertising. Transient Adverlisoiiieinouis ocrs ire nf lit line- ef less, it limes or levs 'J (Ml For each Mi!isciiint mseriiim A -: i n: o and Ex i s mil ices. An iiiov-,' noliccs li'Solll, iolis. Cautious and Kslravs, Lin ;il mi. I Obituary tiniiccs pej Hue l'l olv-.-i.i:ial cards, 1 ycir K.Mtl.V A HVIill TIM. KXTS . 2 0 2 ."i( 2 I'll I". 5 dO 1 !"ien-i 7 0(1' column !?l'0 (10 J.ii:r I J on column no mih-iiv-j j."i(iii i column iiti no The above rates will lc el i icily adhered to in nil advertising from this dale, in. NKs. Single iiiro f'J ."ill (i quires ",' "V..f 1 ;i ouhes "j- ii'... 2 ."lOOvcr (, iji-.. 1 50 11 AS IMIIl.t S. Ji-lifct. -"ioi les.s JUO olieel, L'-'ior less .100 sheet, :.'"ior less W sheet, 2i or T C0 Nov. LS, 1 Mi". JOHN F Ml mil K. Editor and Proprietor. dMIi Cjountn gircrforj. vrtirxTY nmcEits. rrrsidcnt Jinluc It. (j. Wliito. Additional Imv Judu 11. V. ni'liatns. Associate Judges K. C. Seliulty.s, Jcpi c Klcr. J'iitritt Attorney J. K. P. Hall. iSlicrifr James A. Malono. IVcthonptarv, kc. (J. A. Itatlibun. a.'ieasttter Olaudius V. tiillis. Co. Supcviiitendeiit Jatnes Ulakely. Lniiiiiiissiniicrs 11. arncr, J. W . Taylor, Louis VoIIiiht. Auditors Clark Wileos, llyron J. Jones, Jacob McCnuley. Couuly Surveyor Geo. AViilnisley. TI.MK 01' IIOUWNU COL'ltT. Second Monday in January, I.at Monday in Ajiril. i'ir.-t Monday in August. Pir.-t Monday in November. JAMES MoCLOSKEY, JJt'illjl" ii) Cn'OJJiies, Sec, cu.tl resieet('iilly inform the citizens of J.'O Kiirroun liiif: cfimiiiinity t lint he still i-eejis on liaml a pood supply of such art i. its us m e genervlly keja in a country pro wrj store, iucludir.g 'iiiAS, FLOfJlv, SUGARS, T015ACC0ES, SUGARS, WHISKKY uliicli he flnttevs liimself lio can sell os cheap as they can be bought anywhere in 1 J.e coumy. I hnvn lately erected n first-clnss vliinglc ' iii, wliich is now in operation. It is an 1,1,11 t he shingles which were made ': ' mi.lnnil sold in Williimisport, are ' :r : ,;.-;s3 ni-ticle, the liniilirr t.t" which ft." made hein n lirsl -class ui liels. ! ! t re in inirndiiur Ihe-e shinjile to the ' ' .e of hiiildcrs, who will consult their n interest hy (rivinj n:eu call, lay ;!d, "ulj. tf jrTc'iT: itch :": nvn " " SCRATC.V ! SCRATCH ! ! SCIIaTCU ! ! : in from 10 to -Is hom-v. Wlieaton's ointment cures The Ilch. Yt heat oil's Oinliueiit cures Pull Khciim. Wheaion's Oinlnient cures Teller. Wiicntuu's ('iiituictil cures l'arliers' Itch W heatou's Oinlnient. cures Old Sore-'. V'hentun's Ointment cures livery kind, of Humor like Magic. Price, r.tleenis n liol; : by mail, t',0 cent .A.ulress KKkS & l'OTTKK No. 17(1 M cslniiKlnn Street, Huston, Mass. For sale l.y nihil -Heists. Soi-t. 17'(i7 ly .7. s. iioi!nwi:i.i,. jr. i). KUI.KVTIV i II 1-S I VI. I.V. riiliCHord eclectic mentis to choose or select medicines from uU i Hi i it.. seliool.s ol iiivdicine : tisinj; remedies that are sale, and iliscaidin' from practice all medicines thrl have uu imairious clleet on j ii iii, Mien us mercury, untiuiony lead, copper, cc. i lay aside the lance the old Idocd letter, reducer or depleler, and eiiialize the miuiuiMMi ami resiore tne sysieni to its natural slate hy alteratives and tonics. 1 shall hereiilier ?ivu particular attention to '"""' s, men us liiu umaiism, It.VKpepsin, I.ivcr enniihiiiil. Catarrh, Neil, lalgia, diseas es of ii,c (hrnat, urinarv or pins, and all uisenscs peculiar to lcmales, iXC. CATAItllll I treat with a new instiuuieiil tif u late invention, which curoewry case. TKK'l II extracted without pain. Ollicc aud residence, soi.ih of the jail on Centre St. Olliee liours from 7 to b a. m ; ll! to 1 p. ni ; (i to 7 p. m. 1'ec. W07. -ly. J. S. IIOP.DWF.LT,. WHEKLUK & WILSON'S SHW ING MACllLKS.Tl,c under signed liaving been appointed Solo Agent i'-r the sale of Wheeler ,t V. ils.m's Sewing Macluues for L'lk county. Ho keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines f'jnlat PhiUde.hiaatid New Yor prices. Any dirties UesiruiiH of obtaining iheineau m088, ,., J--W1IITMOUK, JMOh'OCOy. u. KidKwuy, l'a. TOIiAOCu" AX'i'iliOTE. WiVtlliAN1'KU '0 C'iiove all desire for .11 , acto-. Tl'i" K' C't remedy i . xcellciil iipM.uer. Ilpurilies Ihe blood, l.vigorates ihe f;ysK., possess g,tu "uns hmg u.,,1 lr..i.Kllu-Uiii power, ena bles the stomach to digcH the lieani.st too.l makes U-p n irehing. and establish esrobiis, healih. Smokers and Chcwers lor Sixly i cms fr,,. P, iee, l'if,y Cents, r"6. T,n "''" on ll.e iniuiious ef fee sot robacco, win, lists of references, testimonials, &c ... . f t ,.,., City, New Jersey. l" I'loresx lie 'i- if I ' n'l i Aug. Kith li liTlt. IOIIN (I. HALL, Attorney nl law, Uidg way. i:ik county Pa. I'nmi-.j'liii ly" I Al' II I K.I. BLAKELY, Allornovntlnw. 1 j and U, 8. Commissioner. Bidirwiiv Klk county, Vn. (iniir-122'liii-ly. HKMtY SOFT IIKH, Alloiney-nri.nn, Rulgway, I'll. (iclil!'.lT,SJ AL1MXRHOU.SR, S M,iry;8 I'nTller. man hretz, Propiid ,-. cugirtjti It. W. .JAMES BLAKELY I'liv.-.i.-i.Tn ami Surgeon, St. Mary's. 1 : 1 U comilv I'.-i. mar-L'L'i.li ly. It. M. V. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgciy, Ccnlrcviiic, Elk county mar-T.'ily. I) I'll. TlXF.tT Tin X.?, 'i lias, WaiTaMS .M'M.MON.f, SlBl'lK. &c, on hand ;ii:1 tor .ale nt this olliee. C II. VOI.K, Manuracliirer nn.l Dealer . in I.npir Iteer. nipoite tlie l!ailroal l'eHil, St. Mary's, lills county l'a. Mar-J"i;ii-1 . li. V. 1!. IIAltT.MAN. St. M,.y'H, Klk county, Vn. I.atcof lliu Armv nfil.e l oiomac. 1'aitiuuUiv nlici.iion eiven to a!) c:il:c. of suviicnl nature. f niae-l!'J'ii;.1v. i. j 0 K (I. JI FSSF NO Kit, Drnpfrist and 1 'a ill Is. ueaicr in unit's nml hem r:ik. aiots, ins ai hi lai'lllsh. I'ev oo.f.fe T..11 et articles and Stalionary, Kidgway, Klk comity I'ii. nmr-L'li'UG-ly. OU.IA II. JIAI.I ,AS. K. IJAI.I,. , HALT, & uuo. .YLtornovs - nt Lawi nt. i)i. i ts : l'.FNZTXOKll 1'. O. I'l.K COLXTV, PA. equcniber U, IStiti. y. J. 8. Itordwell. Jf. 1. Kclcctic Vliysicinri tlllieo nml lesidi Jail, on ( entrc St., I'.nl-wny, Vn. Prompt altenlion will lie given Id nil calls. Olliee limirs : to 8 A. Jl- ; 1 2 toli 1'. M. : nml 0 10 ' 1 . Mar. 22, ti'i-tf. T IIAYEU IIOL'Sli:, TilDfiAVA Y, PA. . WUU TIIAYKIt, Proprietor. i uu iiiuursineu jiavniff nited up a lar'-e ailvl Commoijlnos lintel on tl.n u...,,l..Pn..t corner of Centre and Mill streets, w ilh good ami convenient stunting attached, resjieet fully solicits the p.nronnge of hia old fiicnds find llieiOll'lin rr..n..ll.. decl:rti0 1y DAVID TJIAYER, v. PIIOHT. JOHN G. HALL, r.ons vor.i.jiTn. JAS. K. P. HALL. BAXKIXG-IIOUSE OP Iiorf, gall ft ao. Sl.tVnry's, Itcnzhtffcr P. O. Elk Ooi:stt, Pknxa TTVDE 110 USE, -Ll Jl " ihiwa y, Elk Co., Pa. Jl. V. Mooiik, Proprietor. Thnnkfiil for Ihe rmlroni're hcretnforo so liberallv hcslowed unon liio. n. proprietor, hones, hv tcntion to the coiutort an I convenience of puesis, io mcrii a continuance of the Oct 2-1 IStiG. TANKIJN. HOUSE, .1 Sr. A1.MIY S, I'A. LAKGEY & MA LONE, TtiorR's. The proprietors respecifully ask Die allcn- ll.tn il...:- r..: I ...... ... ii leans ami ine puniiu in pen em! to their larc nml coiiiin..it;f...t, 1...1..1 Kvery attentiou paid to Ihe COllVenienen of o 11. ii.i uii r. 1 . ruowl u 1 1 t . 1 . may.iO !Si;S.y j A- 1(i.L()XE. XC'IlAXGKIl'ji'EL, " HIDfiWAY, TA. .1. HALEY Proprietor. Th is ilolel is liieasaiiilv i-iiii..l.l n .1... 1 . 1 j ......... v-. ..ii me lianks ot the ( larion Kiver and Elk Crd k, at the loner end of the village, Mr. Ileijy will spare 110 pains for tho conveuie ce of us guests, yeiiniiosone nml all (0 .-ive him a call am! try his house, " feil, 17th'07-ly. (loAL, COKE AND FIlti'-CLAY : J All of superiot quality, for sale by the Taunerdalc Ccal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. JDSy-Oiders by mail promptly Jttend. to. sept Pi 3 tf liELXAPA CO. 15LACKSMITIIIXG. Having emiplcled our now eslablUliincnt and located therein, wo rtill hope by con! slant ntleutioii to businc-s, and iiirning out first-class win k, to merit a continuance of she patronage heretofore so gciiciv.ti: ly be llowed. Call nt our new shop, (i j)lC ext ern end of Main Stre.t, Eidgway, Pa. Particular altenlion given to the shoein" ofliorscs. All we'll sk is a fair trial. Mny 17'0(i-ly. KSMITM'S CAP.PRXTF.n'K AYli cr's tools for sale " rh, il,.,.. the Sto: ihe cheapest " nt the St. Mnrv'a ll.,r.l.on'.. Storo luov-JhCT 1 ' T HE OLDKST DITTKUSINUSE IN AMERICA ! 11. & irs OLD BITIEr.3 !! O. E. A. G. HAVING 1F.EX I SKD OYEIt TWEX tv Vears under the nlvio of m.i ii.. million Bitters. Thev are a nei fe. i Ittoo.l Purifier. 1111 unrivalled St fillinplilP nn.l .. cei lain euro for all disease .... ... o... j 1 inn derangement of t lie .Stomach, Liver or Kid- ncys. a sure remedy tor Jaitmlice, Chroii. ic Diari rho 11 ami lletdliiv ... ,!,, c . j ....,.11:0111 any cause whatever. By il, tho nppctile is si reugi ueu '.'d, am) a healthy tone ami viifiir inumrieJ to ihe nloib. n i,,, 11,,,.., tities of testimonials, end certificatcs'liave been sent us, all (peaking in commenda tion of the beneficial elleeis ,,r on,. 11;,,...... and wu have 110 hesitancy in osserting that ""'j uiicu cmpHiyeu, itioir use will be leconitneudcd liy every purchaser. Thcv are cheap, available. Kat'n nml kui. 1. roinpOseii of iuKredif.ila niifn ami l,n..i....uJ? Try I hem and be raiiviiii.nl nf 1 l.oi,. ;. i...v., For sale bv all il... ...i. in. and Jlcichaiils. 1 Efa Do not fail In ri!iifi u ,.ll l. . . "vi no .I,.C1C you buy 111 order to get the genuine. V I I HMtJ Illil I Hi HAYXES A unvrn H ile Prupiictoi!, 4. Jl.iiiut'iclui-ei s may I tlie, P,i Mil .jollKiV Goltli)i).' MIU CHEAPEST GOODS' IN Til!': COUNTl! Y , Arc Sold by w i: I S IIROT HE ft Successors to Geo. AVt'is." iiiiai.f.hs in - St. Mary's, Klk County, Pa. C 1ALL AND EXAMIVK OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Wc linte no hesitation in saying tliat ia this department of our cwtablhdimcnt, we can give bargains to, our customers wilh which they cannot fail to be satis fiod. Wo buy our Flock direct from the Manufacturer, Richardsons' Colo, bratcil Iloct i Shoo Matiufr.ctory, Elmi ra,NcwYoik "Wc warraut nil goods in this, line Bold from our establishment. JJKAYY& SI1EI.F HARDWARE. AVE AUE rREPAKED TO OFFER To ouv customers iu this liuo bargains which cannot bo undersold in Klk coun ty. Our stick is largo, well selected, and is especially adapted to tho wants of tho community. I; AD1KS' DRY &. FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins, ' Silks, Calicoes, 1 Satins, Delaines. Moire A uliiiu.es, Chintzes, Whits Goods Cloths, Flanucls, JlcrcL'cs. Laces, Corsets, In aet wc have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. We arc determin ed to sell tunc- chor.Hu- mut DETTElt Goods thr.u any other fin.i in the coun Give us a call, we'll prove it. T T AIM.' V.'l.T.r. V.rfT it vir,, o 1- Jij iivj. a 11.11 II 1J C.ll. Tic Sill the Ecsf, 7ir,;f,jre THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiHG Sold in Klk County. Oin- Stock of Sous' $iMt). :)i)0 &'i)U j .0 i i ii - 13 l.MJIEXSE, Ana we conlidently flatter ourselves that better Clothing canr.ot be found A NY Y II FEE. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to give us a call. Bra,No trouble to show our Goods. QEOCERIE8, MOTIONS, &c, &c. In Endless Yarieiy, and CHEAPER than tne CHEAPEST! At the Stoic of IP AS 1' "I ' In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa pIPFSrCDACCOFS t- SKG ARS Wo have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSOB'l JIENT, Which will be Fold at a "; R Y S L 1 (! II TAD VAXCE Oil rust mul cnrriifje. t'lfOi' Store in in the law Si'OMe Finililiii'j on .Mailt Strut. July 1J, lSGI-tf. Ijlctwiniili! J"EW 1IAIIDWAKE STOKE ! Tho suh?criher8 have just opened in ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Slock of Heavy & Shelf And will keop constantly on hand a great variety 01 cook AM) in: a tix a xto yes Urn' Iron, Stal Anvih, Uelfoirx, Ami's, Jiorsx, aViocs, frjutiits, JiuiUU in; I llnrhrtirrt ,Vir and Fit, & of Frri Dvm-rq.tinn ! GLX.M, PISTOLS AND CARTl'ilDOES, Cuilery, Plated Ware and House Piirnisliing Goods. Al' kimbtof Mechan ics' Tools ! TINWARE Of every description, which will be sold at tko LOWEST CASH P1UCES. They have also tho exchivo agency in St Mary's for tho IMPROVED ORIENTAL 1JASF..EURX1NG COAL STOVES AND PA11L0H I Ur.XACES ! Sal a r'-ii. r4.5K'A".; Which have received Four First Class Pre miums nt the New York State and 01 h. cr Fairs ; Also, the Great Silver .Medal nt the Fair of Ihe Am. crienu In-jtit itfo, held in New York City, 1SC5. They arc Perpetual Burners, only one fire being required to' bo made during the season. M. BE ECU E", .Tb. W.M. H. COrELAND. r.ov28'C7 ly PAT HON 17.12 HOME INSTITUTION'S. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. rgTHE subset ibers hiving completed their J New 'Grist Jlill in P.idgwny are now prepared to furnish the people of Ihe tur roumling country with Flour of tlie Best Quality, and of their own manufacture, nt the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen and others is called to our facilities for furnishing them wilh FEED OF ALL KTXnx cheaper than it can be bought any other place in Ihe comity. iOCAsii P.un roil G;t '.TS"t2J. J. S. IIYL'K. .1. v. none. J- K. AVHlTMOIvF. Ncvembor 7, TSi'.Vt f" LOOK HERE I V.'ATC'IIE.S, JEVELP.Y & SILVERWARE. "lirAIU.ES HOLES, Practical Watchmn ker, .leweler and Fimrnver. I!itl"vnv V r ... 11.. in. . .. 0 . ' leave to announce tothe citizens of Kidg fining, 1 a. 1.10 sunscrihcr he'r way nmi vicinity t Hat lie is prepared to do all work 111 his line c;i pliort notice and at lvasonaldc rates in Ihe very besc manner Shop in II. a. Bclmip's Store. Special atteu lion paid to engravintr. lie has also 011 hand a largo nssortnienl oil locus. Mulches, Jewelry snd .Silver wn ..0.1. m oners lucraic en rcas&iin .de teri:;s. liivo J w 111 a call. nov7'i;7if. i L'NH, PISTOLS, HIFl.ES, KNIVES, VT I'ocket and table cutlery, of Ihe bet iiualitv and most nnnrore.l ,r,ii. ...,u cheap al the Ilardwnro Store on Bibemt-i-'s out coruer in M. JIary s. ECUNDKY SHOP IN rr li ST. MAllY'S T OllS II. GAUXEU begs leave to call I J I lie I ten loll ot tin en r.n.M .,)' I'U- .....I ailjoining couniics to liio fact that helms imiciniheii 1 no i.iuiuiry, tornurly known as MuCili's Foiiudrv. 111. .1 ihui hn 1.,, ...i'.n...i the establishment wii h new mot 1 machinerv. which w ill ennliln -1. in. 1.. out all work in his linn in n mn,,.,..- c....i. as will compare Invoiably with tiny work in the country. He mniiiifaoHircs STEAM ENGINES, MILL-GATES AND CASTINGS PLOUGH-POINTS, WATER-WHEELS or all KINDS, WINPOW-WEICIITS, TOVK-CASTINCS OF ANY PATTERN. He is also agent for Henry JarecU's Brass Foundry, nt Erie, and can furnish t'lom that establishment Brass Callings of sny desired pattern 011 short notico. Funicular atlcnt'nn paid to tho wauls of :al operators. Chilled car-wheels, uxlcs ami pulleys furnished and made to order. (Steam-engine boilcio repaired in a dura- e 11 lid neat mniincr. A varied assortment of rubber and lc.ttli hching kept eonstanlly ou hand. ' l'ceieeis ihrough steady application lo ousiness, lo desci vo tho j ationago of all who may call on him. TERMS CASH. KcSJ'OUXDKY ON MILL STREET ST. MARY'S, Ii:.zin(;f.ii P. O., Elk County, Pa. .-uy 1. ico-ouiiouv. ' ARniAAR C. 3JJ.Sjj'biw'i' Cciiiit)!)' FOR rilESIDUNT OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1GS, SOME EMINENT MAN SHOULD BE SELECTED. FOR THE PLACE TO EUY STOVES HOUSE. FURNISHING GOODS, GO TO aniDGWAY, CALL ON SERVICE, MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS And you will bo supplied, and well satisfied with the call. s V OVES Of nl a'ulc Kiuds, always on hand ARE 9 the Latest and Most Armrovcd 4 . - Stylo and Workmanship on hand, and Mado to Order, (a Spcchlity made of tbisRranch.) All Goods warranted. Dealers supplied at the Very Lowest Prices. Price List furnished on ap plication. ' TOILET SETTS, SOME BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS! SPICE-BOXES, And all and every novelty in the Japan ned Tiawaro Liuc ! 5Tire Goods, Toys, French Tinned Ware, English Hammered Ware, Scotch and Yankee Howls, S;lJ Iros, Coal Hods, Japanned, Galvanized And Fancy. Iron Hollow Ware by the Sett or Single Ticce ! FISHING TACKLE, Rods, Baskets, Flics, Hooks, Ac,&o. Jobbing in nil its branches. I have the agency foi the Celebrated Oriental Ease Burning Furnace. The best fn the world portablo or brick set. If they fail to give satisfaction no pay- will be atked. ROOFING, Flator Standing Groove, Eavo Trough, Spouting, and House work generally. JfcJ-Ordera ly mail promptly attend ed to, nr.d wort guaranteed. I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ! If your are going to buihl a House, Stoic, Church or Barn, call before you Oder your Tin, . Copper or Sheet IroD Work. Oct. 31st lG7-y. I 1 n W II tit 9 I N W Of EW FIRM AND AEV GOODS NEW GOODS 1 JUST BECKIVINJ AT THE STORE Olf HYDE, GILLI3 & CO. HARDWARE, QUEEXSWARB, CANDIES, XUTS,cic. DRY GOODS Si GROCERIES. ' THE REST AND CHEAPEST. IX ELK COUNTY. CALL AND f?KR AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER TIIAX ANY OTHER STORE IX THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AXb SEE US. Hoods, Nubias, and all Kinds of Woolen' Goods at the cheap store of lib, "VDE.G1LLIS &CO. Do you want to pnrchnse a silver rrafrli -Vmericnn or Frrroijrn ? if so. e-o 10 HYDE, GULLS & CO. j .iresh Oysters conslanll i. store of I-'G7 HYDE, G constanily on hand at tho GILLIS & CO. Jolions of all fcindr in extensive variety t nt the store of ' H i',7 HYDE, GILLIS a CO. An extensive assortment f CLOTHIXQ at the store of 17 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. BOOTS, shoes nml 0 A I TE I!S every kind, style nnd variety nt the sloro of J-HVDE, GILLIrf t CO. i large and complete stock of Hardware Uti7 vuniijr 111 oie siovo or HYDE, GILLIs & CO. mOItACCO -The finesl brands for smok 1 "g and chewing, al the store of 1- HYDE, GILLIS & CO. 12'o7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. jyewest Styles of Balmoral Skirts at iho 12H7 HYDE, GILLI3 &CO. L adies' Dress (7rrwt- ii 1 . t 1 , , . " ""wi llttu ) j fashionable figures, nt the store of 107 HYDE, UJLLia&co. tile's Hals, Caps and furs, in gre,lt Tarie(, ,""J al l:,e 1"w," P'icc, tit the store o " ivr., (JU.L.1S& CO. on woolen and cassisicr S,;,.ia' 07 HVDE, GILLIS & CO. Undershirts and drawers, cheaper Ih Hie cheapest, nt the sloro of , il YDE, GILLIS & CO Oet olst, lSHT-ly .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers