LOCAL INTELLIGENCE Car Time fit Iliflftun . Erie Express East do do West.... do Mail F.nsl do lo West Local Knight. East.... do do West 1 :-:! n. 1:03 a 4:OJ p. :i: 1 r, p. 11: 10 a. 'j;00 p. lk Lodge, A. Y. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be held Tuesday evening, on or before tlio full moon of each nionlli, mice every two weeks thereafter. .1- K. WHITMOH U. Sec'y. K Grace ChnroU rrotestant Episcopal. Ksv. C. E. Bvti.kr, Hector. Services will be held In the nhovc churcli every al ternate Sunday morning and evening. HethodistEpiscopaL Biv. F. YUKON, Tastor. Morning flcr rce. in the Court House, every alternate Sunday. (U The Great American Hair Prep aration, Valued at homo and abroad, ji real Hair Restorer or Dressing m one bottle.' A great triumph of science. Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved, itylc.) Every Druggist sells it. l'rice One Dollar. In a Cloud. 15oth Democrats nnd Republicans arc agreed upon one thing at last, and that is that Lorillards Yacht Club Smoking Tobacco, is good for all parlies, its soothing influence has a most beneficial effect upon the feelings of dis appointed politicians, while the Repub licans of Ridgway jubilant in the es trone over their nine majority are all in a cloud, of Tobacco Smoke, Kvery store in town sells Yacht Club & Eureka and now that the interest in the elcc. lion is past ulljthc Independent voters asc looking for Meerschaum Pipes. 'Spring it is cheery, Winter is dreary, Green haves hang, but brown must fly ; When he is shaken, Lone and forsaken, What can an old man do but die ?" Why, take Plantation Bitters, to be purft, and with them a new lease of life. The old are made young again, the middle aged rejoice, and the young be come doubly brilliant by using this splendid Tonic. Dyspepsia, Hearts burn, Liver Complaint, Ileadacho.Pair.s in the Side, "Crick in the Hack," and nil symptoms of Stomachic Derange ment vicld at once to the health rivia influence of Plantation Bitters. They add strength to the system ai)d boyancy to the mind. HOI'" S FOR NEW EXGLAXD. Massachusetts has concluded that il is huidly proper to Hog her females in the public schools of the State, and that rnrvred aud time honored custom ha been abrogated. Well, there arc ground for hope in that 'pirtcr. Since Brother Bcryli has introduced the idea of hu man trcatmout toward the bruto creatiou down there, it sec:in to have iudueed the people to look with more favor upou the 'dower orders " of their own race . Since flogging young ladies white ladies, good reader, for nhpje.r ladies they have not allowed to be Hogged lor the past quarter of a century since flogging their white young ladija has been abolished, a committee of the Mas chusctlti Legislature have reported that that "one half the childreu engaged in the factory service die before they reach the ago of cighteeu, in consequence of overwork and long hours," or, iu plain Saxon, are murdered by the factory owners, in the effort to make the facto rv owucrs, in the effort to make tlio profits of their corportions as large as possible. These profits have bceu run up to 50 and 100 per cent, per year of late ata the human stockholders are clamoring for 'protection" louder than ever. However, regarding the fact that the murdering ot the children in the factories white children, wo should have said, negro children are not put in these dena to be slaughtered regard ing l no tact mat t it etc murders oro thus begiuuing to be looked upon with crave doubts as to their propriety, and that the same doubts have ariseu touch, ing the propriety of floggiu;' the white young ladies of the public schools, in- cliucs us to the opinion that the morals of JNcw JMiglaud are about to change for life better. Great credit is no doubt due Brother Bcrgh, the animal protect or, for giving tho New Knglandcrs a humane inclination a tendency toward civilization.- c see also that the eta tislics of abortion which have been raked up and pluced before tho public, reveal ins; more of the the Sodom and Gomor rah in New Hoglmid than tho world bad aver supposed possible to exist in these days, have startled her iuto something like anxiety. Could Senator Sumner take bid eyes from theSouthera uigger for a moiueut :itid let them rest upon tbc white blood d children of his own precincts, who are dying from overwork ami long hours umong ihe Massachusetts cotton looms, or just:ive a look into tbr free acliojls ot the Puritans he is wont to boast of, find see the Wackford Fiiuc-ers tiibo of teachers belaboring the bi.eks of the beautiful while nirls with a cuv l.iilo, perhaps he inijjht think that hu inanity consisted in protecting bis own race. What an abominable stench, in tho nostrils of the prent world, do the morals (?) of New England crt-nte ! LOOK HERE! CENTREVILLE TIN-SHOP. JOHN WAPLE dosircs to make known to Hie citizens of Ccntrcville and tlio surrounding country that he has taken the shop formerly occupied by It. J. Moloney, on "McCauley's Corner" in Centrevillo, and llial he hopes by paying strict atten tion to his business nnd the wants of his customers, to merit their polrnnage in his line. Ho will Kc.ip on hand a large and well selobtcd assortment of Sin ami hcrt-,3fviM IVnrr, of his own manufacture, which he will war rant, to bo of the best quality. His stock consists of everything that is useful iu the tinware line about n hjiise. I ask a fair trial, and if my work docs not give satisfaction, my customers will not be obliged to take it. sepl(i:tf. JOHN WAPLE. t.) ftOO.OOO CUSTOMERS IN FOUR s Years. Patronize the Best. Having tho largest capital, most erper ienccd buyers, and extensive ttade of any concern tn tho Dollar Sale business, we G CAR ANTEE SATISFACTION in every instance, nnd also (he best selec tion of goods ever offered at ONE DOLLAR EACH. No other concern has any show wherever our agents are selling. Our motto, " Prompt aud Reliable.'1 Male and female agents wanted In city and country. THE LADIES are particularly requested to try our popular club system of selling all kinds of Dry and fancy Goods, Dress Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver Plated Goods, Watches, &o. Established 18154. A patent peu fountain and a check describing nn articlo to be sold fora dollar, 10 cents; 20 lor $2; 40for$l; Ob for $0 ; 100 for If 10 ; sent by maii. -Free presents to getter up, (worth 60 her cent more than those sent by any other concern,) according to size of club, or ir nut do not fail to send or a circular. N. B. Our sale should not be classed wi'h New York dollar jewelry sales or bo gus " Tea Coiuprnics," as it Is nothing of ihe sort. EASTMAN & KENDALL, liO Hanover Street, mny23-Gm. Boston, Mass JF YOU WANT XO BUY VLOTIIKVG for the Million . Go to A. DCltLACIIER, Agent, DEALER IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, &c. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, l'ENNA. Jan2180SIypd A TTE.XT10X MILL- 0 WKHtS ! 'IMIE EAGLE TURBINE WATER J. WHEEL, patented July 3D, 1 807, is superior to any wheel in use. The under lie! nave the agency lor saul wheel in Hie. State ot Pennsylvania, aud can rccotin mend it as bring the best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, in ipurc at our foundry in Kersey, where machinery, null-gearing, castings andsteum engines will be made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good share of pub lic patronage. J . r . HL1-.UJ.SU., 11. BELL. Kersey, Elk Co.. Pa.,janHi lSiiRpd. , OA It 1 TO THE LADIES. Dr. Dupon- 2. co's GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS lor females. Infull'ble in correcting irreg ularitics. Removing Obstructions of Ihe Mum hly Turn-, from whatever cause, aud ulwnys successful as a preventive. One Ii tl is a dose, r emales peculiarly situated, or those supposing themselves bo, are cau tioned against using theseu ills while in that condition, lest they invite miscarriage, after which ndiiionitiuii tlio Proprietor as sumes no respousiiiilit v, altuougli their mildness would prevent any mischief to health; otrcrwi.se the Pills arc recommen ded as a Most Invaluable Remedy for tho alleviation of (hose guttering from nnv ir regularities whatever, as well as prevent an increase of family when health w ill not permit it ; quieting the nerves nnd bringing hack the "rosy color of health " to the chfek of the most delicate. rull and explicit directions accompany each iiox. l'rice -1 per box ; u boxes, ? Sold in Ridgwny, Pa., by G. G. Mcssen gcr, Druggist, solo agent for Uidgway. La dies, by sending hiin SI to the Hidgway P O. can have the Pills sent (confidentially by mail to any pari of the country, ireo postage. Sold also by Swayno & Rcynoldf, St. Mary's, and by one Druggist iu ev,cry village iu the Union. S. D. HOWE, my2 ti8-ly. Sole Proprietor, N. Y. SOMETHING- NEW1 HOUSE, SIGN &. OBNAMENTAL PAINTING. fl MIE Sl'BSCRIU E R WOULD R E X upcctfully inform the citizens of Elk county thu he has just started in the above business in Uidgway, and feel confi dent that he can pleuae all who may favor nun wun incir custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALC1M1NIN0 DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE AND IN THE rco3t fashionable and improved manner aud style. Orders left at this Ollico or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis i Souther will be pwmptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'OG-ly. I NCOUPOU.VTION NOTICE. Notice hereby given that the petition of Juinef uuuueu, ana olliers. to be lucornoratcd un der the mime, style uud tiilo of " Shiloh Presbyteriun Church at St. Mary's has brn filed in my othecnud will be presented for coiiliriiialiou at Ihe next lei in of the ( our of Conuuon Pleas of Elk county. Gl-O. A. RATH BUN, Sept. L'l-ic. Prothouotury. presidential (flection vortamntion. rIENI'.UAL ELECTION PUOCLAMA X TION. Pursuant to an Act of the (leucral Assembly ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled " An Act relating lo Ihe'eleotions of tho Commonwealth," ap proved the i!d day of July, A. D., 1X:!0, I, ,1AM E3 A. MA LONE, High Shcrirt" of tho county of Elk, State of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and g.ivo notice to the electors of said county, that a General El ection will beheld in Elk county on the FIRST TUESDAY, being the THIRD day day of November, 1 SC8, tit which time there will bo nn election for TWENTY-SIX EL ECTORS for President and Vice President of the United States, at the following named placts : And tho qualified electors of the county of Elk will hold their eloctiors in the sever al districts, as follows : Benezeite township, at the house of Eliza beth Winslow ! Bcn.inger township, at Hie schoolhouc on Michael street, near the Elk creek bridge; Fox township, at the Ccntrevillc school house ; Highland township, at the house of Levi Ellithorpe ; Horton township, at the schoolhou.'o near Hezckiah Horton's ; Ridgway township, at tho Court House; St. Mary's Borough, at the house ot Chas. Schissle ; Spring Creek township, at the house of Stockdale, Downer & Company ; Jay township at tho house of Alfred Pcarsnll ; Jones township, nt the school house in Wilcox. 1 also make known and give notice, as in and by the thirteenth section of the afore said act, I am directed, " that every person, excepting Justices of the Peace, who shaH hold any onicc or appointment to profit or trust under the Government of the United States or of this State, or any city or in corporated district, whether a commission ed officer or otherwise, a subordiuote offi cer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legislative, judiciary, or execu tive department of this State, or United States, or any city or incorporated district: and also, that every member of Congress or State Legislature, and the select or common council of any city, commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising nt the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspec tor, or Clerk, of any election of this Com monwealth, and that no Inspector or Judge, or olli r officer of any such election shall be eligible to ony office then to be voted for. ALSO, That in the tour I li section ot the Act of Assembly entitled " an Act relating to clcclionsnud for other purposes, ap proved April 10th, 1840, it is enacted that the tho thirteenth section " shall not be construed as lo prevent any militia officer or borough officor from serving as Judge, Inspector or Clerk, at any general or spec, inl election in this Commonwealth." ALSO, That in tho Gist section of said Act- it is enacted that " every gencrnl aud special election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten in tho forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or nu journment, iiuti' seven o clock in the eveu- inff. when the Dolls shall be closed. The general, special, cily, incorporated districts and township elections, ond all el cctions, for electors of President and Vice President of the United Stales, shall be held and conducted by the Inspectors and Sudgcs elected as aforesaid, nnd by clerks nrnoiiitcd as hereinafter provided. o person snail nc permitted io vote ni nnv election, as aforesaid, but a white free man of thcogc of twenty-one years or more, who shall havo resided in this Stale at least one year, and in the election district where he oilers to vole, nt least ten days immediately preceding such election, nnd within two years paid a State or county t:.x, which shall havo been assessed at least ten davs before the election. l!ut a citizen of the United States who has previ ously been a qualified voter ot tins btate and removed therefiom, nnd returned, and who shall have resided in the election dis d iet and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote alter residing in lius Mate six months. rrovideu, inni ine wiiiie freemen, citizens of the United State), aro between the ages of twenty-one nnd twenty- two vtars, and shall have resided in IUc el ection district ten days as aforesaid, shall not have paid taxes. Pursuant to tho provisions contained in the 4th section of the Act aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid districts shal 1 re spectively take charge of the certificates or return of elections ot their respective dis trtcts, nnd produce them at a meeting of one Judge from each district, at the Court House iu Uidgway on the third day alter tor the election, being for tho present year on Friday, ihe 10th day ot October next thon anl there to perform the duties re quired by law of said Judges ; also, where a Judge by sickness or unavoidable acci dent, is unable to attend said mectimr of Judges, then tho ccrtilicato or return afore said shall lie taken in charge by ono of the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said district, who shall do nnd perform the du ties required of said Judge, unable to attend. AN ACT regulating the mode of voting at nil elections, in the several counties of this Commonwealth. Skction 1. Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania in General As sembly mot, and it is hereby enacted by au thority of the same, That the qualified vo ters of the several eouuUesof this Common wealth, at nil general, township, borough and special elections, are hereby hereafter, authorized nnd required to vote, by tickets, printed or written, severally classified, as follows: Ono ticket shall embrace the names of all Stuta officers voted for, and to bo labelled outside, "JUDICIARY ; " ono ticket shall embrace the mimes of all State officers voted for, and shall be labelled, "STATE;" one ticket shall embrace the dames of all county officers to bo voted for, iucludiuli office of Senator, member and members of Assembly, if voted for, and members of Con gress, if voted for, and be Libelled, "COUN TY; " one ticket shall eui bruco the names of all township officers lo be vole! for, and labelled, " TOWNSH1I' one ticket shsll embrace the names of all boroUL'h officers voted for, aud be labelled, "BOROUGH;" and each class shall be deposited in sevarate ballot boxes. urpuativu iu - ......... , , . Uli unucr my nana and seal at my office iu Kidgwav, this FIRST day of 6EPTEM PER. in the year of our Lord, One. Thjus i u-t.1 ii i .. i i a:-... i.1 :..!. uuu x.igai uuuur cu uuu ojr-uiKut. JAMES A. M ALONE, Sheriff of Elk County. September 2nd, 18b8:laoe. B LANK5 tic;. uf all kind-! for sale at Ibis o M Mil The Last dlffiRsI Success, Hair dressing BY IT8 USB Gray or Faded Hair is qnicKly restored to its jrouthftil color and beanty, and with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. It will cause Ilair to grow on Bald Spots. It will promote luxuriant grow th. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. Fr Hale hj all Druggists. DEPOT rt;jiiovcd froip Gruenirinh St. to 35 Barclay St. & 40 r ark Place. For doing a family washing in the best and cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to any iu tho world ! Has nil the strength of old rosin BOap with the mild and lather ing qualities of genuine t astile. J ry tins splendid soap. Said by the ALDLN CHE MICAL WORKS, 48 North Front Street, Philadelphia. Scpt2 '08:ly Something $ciu. A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS The undcrsigucd have on hand a large aud vciy dcnirahlo stock of GOODS, and will constautlv keen nn extensive assortment, iucludiii"; even-thins that is wanted to EAT, WEAR, OR FEED. which they will sell at the very bottom figure aud from this date will sell only for CASH. We will use every endeav or to mate it to the interest ot our cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We havo de'ermined to give the CASH SYSTEM fair trial, bclicvin!! it to be the inter est ol both buyei aud seller. IWZLL & KlilB. Ridgway, Aug. 13tli, 1867. 63. H.' OVEiUIOLTZER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa The subscriber desires rcspcotfully to in form the citizens of Kidgway and vicinity that he is prcpnied to make to order as well as it can be done anywhere, anything iu the line of his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guaranteed. BF&,Cloths, Cussimers, Vesting, and Trimmings of the latest and most approved stvles kept constantly on hand, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP Ladies desiring Hemming, Stitching Felling, Binding, o., on dresses, capes, will fiud it to their interest to give mo c ill. . uugSO CG L OUIS II. GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Can be found at his Foundry at St. Mary where he is ready to have all shop-work his line done ou short notice. St. Mary Benzingcr P. 0., Elk co., Pa. wjl'bb" INCORPORATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tho petition of Elins Moycr, aud others, to be incorporated un der tho name, style and title of " Messiah Church, nt Toby," has bceu filed nt my of fice and will be presented for coulinniil'.oii at the next term of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county. GEO. A. HATH BUN, Sept. 2 l:tc. prothouutary. IMMENSE REDUCTION J mil '"tat i i 1 HENRY II. JtU'tiH vt A! ore corner 0 Mtiin July SO, 1803. NSUKANCK AOA1XSTLOSS Oil DAM AG K HY FIKK 1 THE Lycoming County Mutual Insur ance company ai lUiincy, l ennn., con tinues to Insure against Loss or Dnniago by ire on all kinds ct Merchandise. Public and private uildings, either in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Barns, stocks of Grain, &c., at the lowest possible rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer nnd Insured. The Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Company invites nn invcstii gat ion ns to its. stability. Its capital amounts to . 82.800.000! Thus assuring to every one of its patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis. factorily paid. Its management has always been prudent, ns its cxisten;o of twenty- sizycars fully demonstrates - ...... nnr.T-T.TT- J.A.Mt.3 IHj.AIVCI Agent for E'lt county, nt St. Mary's Oct. 18, 1807-ly. IT. MARY'S STEAM TANNER i ! IT. F. Eppenphado & Co. Take pleasure in announcing to the public of Elk and surrounding counties that they have thoroughly refitted and rennovated this old nnd well-known establishment, and congretulato themselves that with their ex tended fnoitios, wilh flrst class workman, that they can put out ns good work as can be found nny where. Wq have, nnd keep constantly on hand alll kinds of leather such as in general uso in this section, in cluding Spanmh and Country iiofe Jeatlier I Cwyiwirt, oherpxkint, Aiptktnt 1 Uarnesi & Upper Leather ! Give us a call nnd bo convinced of the truth of what we state. maril 68 LAMB vs Little ct. ol., Garnishees. In the Common Pleas of Elk County, No. 15, April Term, 1808. The undersigned Having oecn appoinicu Trustees in the above cause hereby give notice t j nil persons holding properly of the defcnlnnt. or indebted to mm, are re quired to make payment to the undersign, cd and deliver the said property to them, creditors of defendant will nlso present to the undersigned their claims duly authen ticated for settlement. FUED. SCIKENINO, HOUACE LITTLE, at Uidiway, or L.VOLLMKIt, St. Mary's. J. BLAKELV, Plaintiff's Attorney. L. August 8th, 1808-Ct. HOUSE, SIGN AND OUNAMENTAL PAINTING. The undersigned hav- concluded to hang up for a while in Hidgway, would respectfully inform its citizens nnd those of its surrounding vicinity, that they are prepnred to do all work in iheir line in n manner warranted to suit their customers nnd at as reasonable a price as it can be done by any other man. Our molto isto 'Live ana lei live. All orders promptly attended lo. KrCASIl PAID FOR HIDES. July2-3m. JACK T. SHUTE& CO. ALF.CTUUE TO YOUNG MEN JLST published in a sealed envelope. A Lecture on tho Nature, Treatment and Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sex mil Debility, nnd Impediments to marriage general!.' Nervousness, Consumption, Ep ilepsy nnd 1'its ; .Mental una i uysic.u iu- (miacitv. rcsultintr from fcell-Abuse, tc, hv ltolierl J. i uiverweu, .u. u. , umaui ui tho "Green Book," etc. Pii,!C iu a sealed eiivclooe. only six cents. The celebrated autlior, in uns aumirnuie essav. clearly ueinonsiiaies uoiu it mmy ' , i i rears' succcrsiui practice, uiui mo muu- ing couseiiuenccs oiscu ouuse may uo mu ieullv cured without the use of internal medicine, or the application of the knue, nointine out n mode of euro at once simple certain nnd effectual, by means of which werv sufferer, no matter what his condi lion may Lo, may cure nimseii mcuyijr . I 1 .. nrivalelv. and radically. ei.:.. T ..in ma olmnlil tn thp hands. .t.ji'i.i " - of every voulh and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, io any address, postpaid, ou receipt oi cents, or two post slumps. Also, Dr. Cul- vcrwcll s " Marriage Uuiue, price iojcuis. Address the Publishers. CHAS. J.C. KLINE t CO., 127 Bowery, New York, P. O. Box 4,680. janlO-1807 miiLip HIETjt MAM I'ACIl rkb or IT No. '-'I'l Church Street, Philadelphia. Semi for Engravings nn4 l'rice List. IN TIIH TRICE OF AT THOMAS' err tt Depot Street, RIDGWAY, PENN'A. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT THERIDGWAY r KEPX BV y GROVE G. MESSENGER, Dealer io Drags, Medieice, Pe-sta, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating OH, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. fumcries of nil Kinds, The purest Varnish, Brushes of every Style aud Sio Dye Stuffs, Pure Confectionarics Citron, Raising, Patent Medicines, Wines, Wotehcs, Jewelry, ' Rings, Tobaeooes & Segaw Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Peituiuing to the Drug Business Gen erally. Puro Drugs nt Low Prices 1 . . Pure Drugs at Low Prices Notions in Endless Variety 1 Notions in Endless Variety American and English Watches 1 American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Latest Styles of Jewelry Riugs, &c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels 1 Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages ! Ai'.ums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages 1 Violin. Bauio and Guitar Strings! Violin, Banjo aud Guitar btnngs; mar2018GO PHILADELPHIA & EEIE EAILBOAD. WINTER TIME TALLE. Th evijh and DireH Route, between rhUadelphia, Baltimore Hams hurg, Wiliamsport, and the. G R EAT OIL it Hi u i y of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLKKl'iau UAiva On all Night Trains. OX and after MONDAY, jnuv. zoin. the trains on the Philadelphia 4 El ia Builroad will run ns follows : WRSTWAUO. Mail Train leaves Philadclphia-lO. 40 p. m. Hidgway a. iv p. m. arrive at Erie p. m. PrinF.Tn leaves Philadelphia...!! . 30 noon. ti " luugwny arrive at Eric 3.27 ni. m" 9.50 UASTWAUU. Mail Traiu leaves Erie 10.00 a. n. ii Hidgway 4.00 p. m. " " arrive at Philad'a... 7.00 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie 7.35 p. ni. . Hidgway... 1.33 a. m. it arrat Philadelphia 6.00 p. m. Mail nnd Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny ltivcr Kail Bold. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Superintendent. I ASTRAY. Camo to the residence of the residence of tho subscriber in Bea iinger township, AN OX, wilh white bend, high horns, 7 or 8 years old, and 7 feet girth. The owner of said ox is requested in i all. nav charccs. and take him away, otherwise he wU be disposed of according tol,iW. JOHN TlvEEULK. Benzinger, September 23, lbOK-Ul. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned has luidjout a ril. age upon his ground adjoining tbe Kidg way Depot, to be called ELK. Ihe lota are 00 feet front ry too reel acep ironv ine towards the railroad. Terms f or tie nrst lot soiu, iuu. roi the second lot sold, $110.' For the third lot sold, $120 and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. K&, First purchasers get the choice lot, at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in ine or der of their application Ten percent of the purchase money must be paid at the timeof the application. ' B-Applieatinns will be made to Job. 0. Hall, Esij., Ridgway, Pa. j. s. nrDE. Bidgwny, mnr,29'G6-tf. NAILS, SPIKES, HINGES, RIVETS, locks, bolts, and all kinds olbuilder's inai-'i'i'its iu general cnu ne nan rneaper i the St. Mary's Hardware Stora ihaa any ; other phu c iu Elk county. (n2t ti')
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers