"' f-A? "TrrTI ' "IT f Devoted to the -ref ts cf 11-c Tro' 1: o: '711; ,. t" rrur.iNtui.i i. . : .ai . i ,.. .-, 1IY ,1 0 1 1 TJ F- MOO'lK, Ofce ' f.Wi l!o.: Tr.r?n -0r. Dclhii' r.'..l Fi.ly ''("He pci annum, inr ii ir.l)!y in a Ivam... N . dcvia tiou from thet 1otbm. Kate of Adve-rtaiiip. Trnnsdei f Adr.jtiheh.i-i.i.'ni.- pci r - oi 10 lima, or It-, w u ' For oncli fiilwir,r" i'1''1 ' '"" -" A JminUlrnto-V .;. I K j ml i s - Auditors' uoiiees 2 "'II Disjoint ion, r.mli oi.s fc.'l Kstrays... 2 0:1 Local ami obituary net per line.. 1'. Professional c.ivl'-, 1 yc:.- R 00 i:y.i. : i ..?.' k-iIivm 1 p!wrc 7 'V! w!'imti C-0 0') 12 i-apiares 1 :!(-.''' ' column ' ''0 K p. plat es column lit! 00 Tiic r.ln'W' .r.fctt v.ill 1 c 'w'o'l.y eilhcred to in all udvcvti.-iug fr.n this dine. nt.AS t:n. Slnle qni'.-e ".( t.mrw jr-.!.-l 7 3 ijiiii-ts ) iv... .")!'( )v.?v 11. (! 1 1 1-.. 1 00 llAMi'HU. 'sheet, Er.oi-1.?20i!.'. ,Ke, :Vf.r !cv''0 ? sheet, v It .;', i t'r.V't. 2uv I.-"''. 00 Kot. 2t, ISC.". .JOHN F "l )Or.T!, F'Mpor and I'.'.j-n-i. lev. i, - i -1 rr .:v.ci;r!:i. President Jr!.,f P.O. Wlilie. Additional L:;J ju.1;,jc II. W. Williams. AssociaM Judges K. C. fcltnllzo. Jesse Kjlcr. Pist.-ict AUoi-o-y-J. II. T. Hall. Sheriff J.ViK-3 A: Mn'mm. ProthniK'tavv, '.!. A. P.nthhun. Treauror 'Chv.Jii-; Y. Gillia. Co. Supcvtntcadcur intnci Uhikcly. ConitnisHioncr.'i If. Vavncr, J. '. Tnjlor, Lou:s Vcl!n'v. Auditors Claik y,;:-jA, l?roa J. Jonc?,- JaBob JInC'.i.U-y. County Survpyoi ilco. ' V,';ilui..lcy. timk oi' Ifi.ti..:;,; cui'ur. Second I'!ifil-.y in Jciiiiary, Lat 5rm;(1;iv i; A mil. 1'irr.t ?.loiivl::v in "-yt. I'it-;t rioii'li.y in .N'cvchibcr. F0ljS"n.UY" & MACHINE SHOP IN T. MAllY'S. OUI3 II. (' . K?i V.ii l,c rs Icuvo to call j the r.tti'i.t'fiM i i! u fiii, en of Lir. nuU Btijoiniiig ci.i'Hl,iH 'o !;:ct tli;;t. !' J has p uvvhu-cl luo fi.ur! v, f ,!-v.ilj knoi.'n !.s WcGiH's Fni:i'V-y. ,.! thni do ims rciii n 1 the usliibli :1)LH m . 1 1 : i lit v mi l i:i.j-uvt-l mncliiuOiy, wiiii'ii uiil i"..;ih',c !i!ni lo tuva out ul 1 rtorl; in h:. li1.1.! n, i'i.n:ni-i" si.uii ns will compare wilh tiny u-oik in the cuutitfv. iit n: n s i 1 :n. 1 1 i-ch KTI'lAM LMKti, WILL-GA'I'I.'S A :;) (LsSTlMCP, PLCUt.'lI-t'OfNTS, WATKll-W'iJJ'.l'f.S or am. KINDS, wi;iovMVi:iGnT8, STovi:-(.'.s'nv(;:-o;' an f.vr n:i;v: , Ho is nUo a,:on fji Uciu-y JaituM's T'VAfa Fouailrv. : 'iiic, nml tun 1'iirt.u.h from that i.'ii.'vili 'i'"i: livnss C'.-ilijgs of a:iy (.klk:iri:'l i .tiU -n on : r.ciicc. I'ari'tct.htr iv.t.Sii.'i pn:..! ilio vmhIs of coal opcr.aoi.--. C'u.Ij i o.iv-w'h'o's, .islc3 and pulieys Ilvm'.-Ii: t.n.l i.u..u to onlcr. Elciiia-cn.v'i: I ik . iii'.'.ii-cJ in a durt.- tllllll HL..I tilli.".'. A viirUJ -lit. cf l ''..''ff nnd lu'.!i- J-iching '.tirtd. 1! ( ( -1 i U, , , ,.. i. , ! "el ! ;o" t ii oUfiucs to i,iu jn, lOiiuJjO of ( !i vlio u. y I'.' " i:'-:. ( I. bT!-.EFT, j'.'.k L'ouniy, P; BxxciNi.iKr. P. May 1,F-:jV-::-. rPIIH OLDlv'T F-ITTERS IN UE J. IN A.VEUICA ! old roinMii; cro::.uu 3!T.r2E3!: O. II A. G. HAVTN0 vvvy J.-.--F.D OVKilTHn ty yv."-- the iiy!e of Old Do- liiiuion Iliin'iN. Tiny ura a pevficl Bloed Puiiliov, en uniivil'' ! Pi jviiJin-, and a, certain ci:iv f'.a.i .,:,.ni- itr'sinj; f. ovn Ucrangenien: fit the .-;.riineh, T.iver brKM. ncys. A rnro .vim iy for Jruiti I Ciiroii. io Diarrrhoea ; i I .'il.ility ie."lt;i: tVenn any cau;;e i'l;s:.v;'. iw it, 1 1 e ajipetite is istren.siilu iu I : n.: a l,enl:hy tone ar-.l Vigor ilUplilV ' . ,'. ,'l,r-;j;v."ir,.., (jlia'l- tilies of tesi i,.i,.-t 3 ... f;;).;.jj.;;,. Invc been sent !. ,i ! nk-( in eouiiitcn.l-t-tion tit the 1 st.i Ctiil! i-'.l. ci'. ct n.p- pittets, and wc have no !.' . .: ciCr-' that if they am ti cv t..i '.oyt.l, tiioir u:e v. ill lie recoiiinKin!. .! t,v , t.'iy iv.-c'iiii'ei-. Tlisy lire lilicmp. li.f. ''.:'.!;, ; i"c ; . ' -. l-eh:a i-OIIIpdSCil li. i tlri M.j ii-: j.u.v ','. : '-n rti-.lr-liy them u)tu l.f " : i".. ,. i !... s r'l.i"!. For fcalc l.y itU '. i .;,;t::r ! in-tiriits nud Mei-cMns. Do not f..il (o isr.un vrci! :1c r. r i I (. 1 . you buy iii ., .lev i,i i, t the (;.uiae. Kcc U'shIc mai k. iiavm-.,-! r.ovcn, Sole Pvopricto'-s M.uic.i'-.cniri-:, may1 Et-:c, Pa. TNSUKANCE AKAST I.oiiS Oil 1 DAMAGE liV rii.ii.J ; THE Lycostitts County Mtitnt.l ln;ur hiico Company .iti. Muticy, i-.,u.a., tun linucs to li.si'.i-c p. un. I. l,oi.i cv laimrjfj by Fire on nil kiudti cf Mei'thahtlisc. I'ulni'c nud privata ui!'i!ij, ciiher in towu ct county. AUo cu Mill.', 'J'l.imcriiv, Piuni blocks of Oram, ., m !!,c lwwi': i p.....sli,ie rales, confi-U'iii with fsHy ir the Injnrer and InsUlfd. The I,yn ii:i" 'ourly Alu tual Insuianco Oi'.i i'.iiiv inu;c.i mi invcsiii galion ita to iu .; ubili'y. i! tajiiial amounts tJ SrfS 2. O O. () ) O! TbiisnHsurin io .-iy i-i.c of lis p-ur.ms that Hit ir loKsti i'l bepi-iiiiipiiy ami Faiii. faciorily 1'iiid. it.-: iicin.i; c ..i nl lias a!wa.-,. been prudent, us i.s iM..n.e i.f t wittily, bixy cut's l'uliy tloinniu-'iniie .1 AM1.S I.L.'-.i-.l l,V, A'i'id for Ivl. coiuuj', s.i iis. ilui-y'o Oct. in, 1SI7-1. T"ll" - 1 1 "I. IIHJTJ.imw.Uin J,i,i'll.'JMJ.iUil .1U.UU WW 1-TtlM AND N WW GOODS !! ?CKW flOUDf I ,JC3T llKCEIVJNCi AT Tilli STOltE OF IIYDi:, GILLIS & CO. llAKinyAr.il, QUK1SNSWAHE, CANDIES, NUTS, &o. PHY GOODS 'i GROCEILTriG. THE TE-'fu AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND GEE AND HE CONVINCED THAT VvE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STOIIE IN THIS SECTION. YH AUG CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME ANI) SEE US. "gjToO'li?, N'ubiaa, nml all uind8 of Woolen "J Oocui at tho clfai stove of 12 G7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. D o von want to purchase a silver watch American or Foreign '? if so, go to 12'07 -I'li r-'i Oyntera constantly on hand at (he M Hture oi 12'ti7 IIYDS, OIL1.I3 & CO ..Totions of ail kin Js in estca.dvc vs.i iety I i a! the store i f .1 07 HYDE, 011,113 it CO. t a extensive tuisortmcnt ff CLOTiUNG i al. the more nf 1j'':7 HYDE, CILLId i CO. Tl COTS, SHOES isnd GAITERS every kind, style and variety at the store of 1 : U7 lIiDli, lilLiLia & CO. A l:.r;.'e nn 1 coaiplu'i' Ktuck of Hardware t Ld ciulcrv at the storo ot "l'(.7 ilYDE, GILLISi CO. nrVU-iACOO The Cuwl brands fjr swok 1113 ur.d c'iowitig, at the ttorerf U'07 HYDE. GILLIS & CO. atKEXS7AU i;u (sxtvn;vu asiort Incut, ttt lh tic: u ( !' lii'c.7 1JDE, GILLIS & CO. (T 1 west Styles of Hi inioral Skirts at t'ae ClSC.ip atuiv of i'.YUE, GILLIS &CO. a ii. j' In is Gcedj In! jt and nios l f i.i :luOit:.ijl; fijruros. at iiic storo of U'i:V Hi' HE, Uli,LIjii CO. Rs.'.. Caps and fars, in great vatiely isnd al the lowest, piiiic. ut tho si ore u Hi HE, GILLIS & CO. TlvT1""' w'""cu aJ' citsf-i'tu-r Shirts a IVi ciiisili jii price.-, .-.t t siuruof U c7 HYDE, GILLlo uiVO. "B"Tnd';i'hhtrt ttnd drawers, cheaper thuu llio chcapei-l, ::l the f lino ot iJC,7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. OcfSlit, lSG7.lv. ihiiiiiibh G. OJU. SeYbUi's 'Golqhji)' FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1?GS, 1 SOME EMINENT MAN SHOULD BE SELECTED. FOR THE PLACE TO BUY STOVES t n 7w raj fo r 13 S 3 vSJSf K oi HOUSE. FURNISHING GOODS, (- GO TO IUDGWAY, CALL ON SERVICE, MAKE KNWN YOUR WANTS, And you will bo supplied, uud voll sati Tied with tho call. STOVES, Of all Dosirablo Kinds, always on hand IS 18 S 1WI 3 Of the Latest and Most Approved Style and Workmanship on hand, and Mado to Order, (a Speciality mado of this Branch.) All Goods warranted. Dealers supplied at tho Very Lowest Prices. Price List furnished on ap plication. TOILET SETTS, SOME BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS ! SPICE-BOXES, And all and every novelty in tho Japan itcd Tiawaro Line ! Wire Goodti, Toys, French Tinuod Ware, English. Hammered Ware, Scotch and Yankee Bowls, Sad Irons, Coal Hods, Japanned, Galvanized And Faccy. Iron Hollow Ware by the Sett or Singlo Piece ! FISHING TACKLE, Rods, Basbnts, Flics, Hooks, &o., &o. Jobbiug in all its branches. I have tho agency for the Celebrated Oriental Babo Dinting Furnace. The best in the world portable or brick sot. If thoy fall to trivo satisfaction 110 pay will la aikcd. ROOFING, Flator Standing Groove, Have Trough, Spouting, and Houso work gisceroily. jj'Sjr Order j by luuil promptly attend od to, and work guaranteed. I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ! If your are going to build a Houso, Store, Church or Barn, call before you oder your Tin, Copper or Sheet Iron W.irl.. Cj:. ill it, P.iV 1 - TJel'eaniile, N EV HAItUWAllK BTOUIJi i'lio suhscriborn have juul Jorcned In ST. MARY'S A new and Comploto Stock of Heavy & Bholf Ot 1 (I w mm ; i And will keep constantly on hand a grant , variety ct COOK AND HEATING STOVES Bar Iron, Steel Anvtlt, Beflmrs, Nails, Horse Shoes, Springs, BuiltU ing Hardware, Saws and Filet of Every Description J CIUNS, HST0L3 AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Ware and Houso Fuvnitsliing Goods. Al' kinds of Mechan ics' Tools ! TINWARE Of every description, vrhich will be told at tho LOWKST CASil 1'IMCF.S. They have n'.so the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.BURNING COAL STOVES AND PARIiOR FURNACES ! u'jauisa SfciU-'-' Which have received Four First Class Pre miums at the New York State and oth. cr Fairs ; Also, the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of tho Am erican Institute, held in New York City, 1805. They are Perpetual Burners, only one fire being required to; he made during the season. M. BEECHES., Jn. WM. II. COl'ELAND. nov28'C7 ly STOVES AND TIN-WARE John Sosenheimer & Sons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. 6T. MAEY'fl, PA. Keeps constantly on haud and for sale, a large and well selected stock ot lizi WARE, STOVES &c. We have everything gfinernby kept in a lm ohoji Our Stock of STOVES consists in part of SPEARS ANTIDUST PARLOR it COOKING RTOVEb, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT-SHEAF STOVES IVe also keep on Land and for sale the MORN1NOGLORY, A lame sf.oc of GLOBE HEATERS villi Russia tot) is anionic our asiorln.ciit, which are now the best stoves iu use, and can bo soM as cheap as ever. SOHAl' IhOM taken in exchange lor gooas. SPOUTING & ROOFING done on. short notice. Give us a call, and satisfaction guaranteed. bept. JO 01. ti. PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN nPUIE eubscribers having completed their I New Grist .Mill in Iiidgway avc now prepared to tuinisu tlie people 01 me suf- rouuding country with Flour of the Best Quality and of their own manufacture, aithe lowest market, rates. The intention of lumbermen and nthcrs is called to our lacilitics 1'cr fi.ruiliing them with FEED OF ALL KINDS, cheaper than U cm bo bought uny othor placu in the county. RfeyCASH 1'AllJ VOn UWI1I-TJJ, J.S. HYDE, J. V. HOUK. J. K. WHU'MORF. November 7, ISG7tf LOOK HERE! WATCHES, JEWELRY & FILTER WARE r!IA REUS HOLES, Pt-.ciica! Watchnci J kcr. Jeweler and EuErav.T, Kidgway, Eli. eoimty, Pa. Iho fubsciiber htgs leavo to anuouuee to the oitizuis of' Riajr way and vicinity thai lie is prepared to do all work in his line 011 s'lcrt notice nmini rcufious.blo rates in tho very best manner Shop iu H. S. Bclnnp ibloro. bpecial atteu lion T'aid to eauraMl.;. lie iias alto on hand si largo aw rtment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry sad Silverware which he offers for sale on reasonable terms Give him a call. nov7'Gtf. C-INS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES T pockot and table cutlery, of tiio lies ijuuliiy and most approved puttems, very clieap at the llarawaro bloro on jjiuci'goi' : old corner in l. Mary 8. A 11 orders for Stoves nnd Hordwan will ba promptly attended to as soon ;.,n,i I I I,.. Vi 07 St. MAUI'S HARDWARE cTOIO;. 1M$ J)rc1l)M'' Coltitnu. MIE CHEAPEST GOOP-S ' IN COUNTRY Aro Sold ly T-niS BROT 3t Successors to Geo. WoU.T , ULALlitt 1M t. Jlary's, Eik County, P.i. QAJJj AND EXAMINE J OUR lMMKNcvK STUfli W BOOTS AND SHOES Wo have nohoritation in wiying tlat in this dopartnionf of our csttihlis-licnt wg ctn give bargaitri t. our eu.-itonirr-- witb viliioh they cannot fail to be sr.Ue- lied. Wc btiy our Dtoc d.roc; from tho Manufacturer, Iiichi-rclaoiis' Culc. brated Boot k Shoe Hanufactcvy, Eiad- ra, New York. W o warrwet all iroodG in this lino sold from our establishment. ir AVY & SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER. To our customers in this line bargains which cannot be undersold iu Elk coua- Our stock, in law, well selected, and is especially adapted to tha want i of tlic coni'iKimty. T ADIES' PRY ,fc FANCY GOODS Li Au Unequalled Assortment ! iduslius, Silks, Calicoe?, Satius, Delaihe Moiro Antiques, Chintzeti, Whito' Goods Cloths, Flannels, Berctres, Lacos, Corsets, In fact wc have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. Wre are determin ed to sell loicer; cheaper and EE ITER Goods than any other firra in the coun ty. Give us a call, wu'ii prove it. I T ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. IU IFe Sell tha JJcs, therefore. THE CIIEPSST CIOTIIiUG- Soid in Elk County. Our Stock of li'i. IS IMMJfNSE, And wc confidently fiaiter ourselves that better Clothing cannot be found ANYWHERE. Persons, be! ji o puivhaiug cLsewbore would do KuVi to give us a call. trENo trouble to shew our Good.. QROCERIE3, NOTIONS, i;c ,ie. In Eudlefs Variety, and CHEAPER than tRi CHEAPEST! Ai the Stcre of In St. Mary's, Elk County, Fa. piPES,TCPACCOES d- SEGA PS We have now rn hand AN EXCi;l,l,EST AKc'OCTMEST, Which will be told at a VE R Y S J. I. ! !! r A nVANCt On r.ovf find corrt'ino. lXP"Oi - S'' .'. .' . ilievno Sonc Bv.ilithii '," '') Sv.-.,. ) !v i I, -;ri. ..... , J JUWA G. fl Ai.lj, AitrtTtihy .1 (jj j,., WHJ-, Elk CCVIll V I'll. j tllin'.ZU'tj!! ly ' T At KIR J. MXA K I'.LV, Aiiurmy M U j j and TJ. S. Cotntni8imi'. VMfr lilk county. mav.rj'wioy. "10H WORK of all hinds and ii, cviyitifiis d'inn at this ofliec. NIiV SOUTH K 15, Atiornev-al-l ilid,-.vay, l'.-i. ' (fijilT,.'.! ALl'INK, ItOUSi', Ai. Liiuy's V r- inim Kvjts, Pro;'rii!lor.' imi')''''! t.-nl ii-'.-rc-n, St.. M try':', Eik cotifty V.. -..ini-.iiti.ly. DR. V,'. t. i'lrAW Pi-nctlrm Meilic'it ;'.-.i(' Kurcry, C'.-nln vilic, Klk riwui ,ty ..fst-.20'i )y !7 J". E( b Tit) N o, l V M .VO.N .S-. f?t;n Ft'.' . .i af. Warrii.it j, c, on hr.nd ninl f ir. i.l c al hun 1'iiie?. IJ. VOl.iC. M.'iiir.liiotnrov :itt d Uralrr in Latr Rcsr.ci.p-'Ki'O tho Raiucisa 'tir.t, St. ;,ivs'( lili; c juul v I'a. ?!iir-2r(il . Dii. w. ii. iiaht.ua:;. ft. iin v'N, kl.-CMtn-y. i'a. Uts of Lie Army ot 1I13 olom.i'J. 1 iii'lieui: r nliciti ion T wn ( ii'l ca'-cs oi si'i.'.-icd rj,i::-c rin:'.'-:!ii'f:(i-lv ' . 1 rove .c. .TE..-;-:it:Ei:, i..u.ri,t nna 'jo'iiev i , ,..,;, (:i,rni;,..i.i P"tnf. Mid Vinisi. Vi-.'ntiiery T.'il. 'i. .-u'iii iim jviki btsuionnry. Iti.i-vT.y. l.'.l: L"iai--'2-roo-iy. ('"titrcvis'o, Eik CKinitv. I'm ... to inform tin citizens S Oenircvilio and vi cinisy. ih.M he is iii nil limes prepared to 1 " -a-iii... s.-.u.-iinciurv mt'iiner. Wive wo act!!. iliivf.7ltf Jii:s ,. 11A1.1,.. 'AS. K. 1. HAM,. I 1 AT.T. A' imr Attoni'-w - ;i - i'owj ST.' AIARFS : BEN KING Etl i.e. jiLh. CuL'IiTY, PA. ?-'.-lltoi-, !-..., on 1 .-!!.! .. "I S. Rordwcil, D. EtlocticVnvsiJi'rn" ? '' -esJ ism! i-e.ii'ielico rr 'c'-al" (h.' !'''. C-n Ccnt-e l!i.b?Wj- i.' p ,.', -,--. f.'teatioti wi'l lo srtvea'tn ,',-. c.i'M (:'!;.,. h'-turr' : 7 to 3 A. Jl' ; 1 to 2 p., AT .! 7 " M.nv. 2, CG-tf. fijTHAYiiU IIOT'SE," 1. RIDGWAT, TA. DAVID "HA Yl.ii, ivliri':, . . t;o iUi'le.-."if;iied havin-t i'i.l'.d t.., a ): ;.w and ooiani'.iiioiiu lu.jI on the s'oist'i-'vec corner of (.Vutro and 'Jill streets, with pood s.n.l ooii.-ej-.i.'tit fr-.ltb'.iiig aitaei-.ed. i-eice:-("i!y ; ..!;.--.. i'..-;.a.-. - : ,,; ,,m f.;V.., anil llio puMia eneriv. dcolliosj 3y " DAVX'i THAYER. S. 1' H OPT. JOi-N ii. X.'L'IS V'fiLLMER. J.VS. li. '. iiALL. BA. KIN'i HOUSE OF St.Jlat'f;:?, 2?!?r;:i .- r. O. Elk CiinxiY. Fknna no;:..!: Rtpaw.T. J':.!; ';.. P.v. 51. V. Moorx, I'l-or.i-ictor. :' Thnnkfiil for tLe pa!.roiir, r0 heretofore so !ioe.:.;iy bcMovteu ujion dim, the new prcpiieror. io.et. hy paying turict at tsntina to tiio ceiaibit and' Crtiiv'enieiu e of guests, io ii'.tti' a c-nunuance of t.ie Kiino. (,(t ot ls,.fi i :-t. il.utvV. I'A. ' TI e r'-T;.-.'io;or. vty.- "f.i'W p tin ulteti .. ,..... .,. or..l I . Ice.:- ,a:-.'o c -imj-.,,;..,; :,.l Fver etier'ten.t:.; !o t:,.: , , c t. . ?i.csi.-i. !..,; .; .vv liiiiyno-l'-''".! y J. ...lALO V-:. j7:o:t:ci;i;cTrL; " '. :: Ah . RF EG WAY,-I'A. ; J. HAIiFY Prr.p .'it T) U i'.'tt-.-l ;- t.'.?..t. n., , .. n't J on i'.r ha'il3,., :1s. liivev and I-. i k Creel:, at .li. .!",! ci I o: vii'r.'fi;. Mr. Heal v.'Ul tp'.i-;: ; ait,. iV.- t;.3 co ivon ic.ee lif 111 J I li' ' .' ' J i . ,10 , him "i ii 1 f i . h'.c h,. Sip-, i :i i.,. , in..'. .... :o gifc .1 iK'M'T. V.f Y:;CY. i'l-A, sicjl Clock & 1 . .t.v'.r. Si. '' i ' ';, .''sj; county, .' '. Ue-i.-.i . t iv.-s,' i.; Ii i 'ni .. ncli"".j Ci.shiit tjM"j. All l.iii M o.'.worl: t!or.o il-.fte in n. oi;v cci'ia-r, :ul iar- l iiiit:.!. ( i.i- i; "r .;'-; In rejtaru lo work i.i ill :r ('..ism:. a:;.''i cr Kn:;t !i Pm. Mm '. Jlarelt It, 13o7it'. S O 1 i'. ' i Jj J NVG K i V ! r;M::i M-l.::0,ilU j! .1 W f I'M) R E j f'icc,:'uii i-.i'y-ri iho citizeus of Elk County MM he I. 'is: just, di a., I o.l ill (he ubj'.e !".: a -, ,'ti 'V'l"v.-y, i,',.i l',..cl ,j0Df,. dent t i l.e r.i-i pleiseaU who '.iuy favor hi n ;il tiii.r.'capfom. Gu.ll.'.'i 'fi, I'.ii'l i; Ii ' . ";S'. ANI) CA Mill I a I .G J'O.m; o.n .';i;.;i;t .otiCF. and in th;: kuji t:..ioiiis.!j's; r. -ut iiprove.i maiia..r mid ?lyle. t i ;.; i.. : .... t.u s 0!.,iM t.v -M Ut0 i!-.-.;.-ivHn.. i.: i...-..;:,.--:-, t . ijs & Soulier IViil ;:- .;'.-, a ,..',. to. V.'. V. . . i'.LlAM.i, r,:.v -i; iv',,-. .'.!:, I'OK ". AND I'llili t'l.Avl J Ail cf ; "A.jcri A y.i.uiiy, for talc by ihe Tanai'itirtic V,::l Company, Vt. Siary', E.k Ccunty, Pa. t? Order? ly ir.uli promptly sttend. cd to. I'-n'i'tili tl I T- rf. BELN'Ai' ti CO., i.i, I. la Livo.'irrniNG. Having cwplctcl our iuvv e.la!i!i?!in!enl, nud lecali si ti.crein, wc .Mill hoi 0 by eon- f!':it '(Mention io 1 un'S ;i'--i Inrnsiig out lirtil-cla.sv.ev:., Io 1. a c elii'itrtwee oi bhe pi.-i-i. i::j;i ii. i . 'c.cie -" ;: 'c I om !y be. lioni'i!. ' ill r r o-'f u'W s'.np. at thf cntst ei n oin'l oi .Main bireei, .in! j v.s.y, 1 si. ,,v. i-.i!',r i'ii .v'HiOM giv n : ih,; Khocing of l(oi -" A" ' .' k is a isiir ii ial. t ,ja. l7'h0-iy. 11 ..( kSMi ni'S CAiiVi-lNTI'il'.'S AND lo. In I.,'.' s .,.-.ii'er I 'tan ,-'ti II in! ivs: c (in. i'--i'o7.) c J I ', ) U-Vl!. 1 r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers