3L0CA1L INTELLIGENCE. Car Time at llldgxcay. Irie Express East 1:23 aim do do West m- do Mail East i,6P- m- . do do West 2i40p. m. local Freight East - 6:40 a. m. do do West C;42p. m. Ilk IMgt, A. T. K. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be held Tuesday etcning, on or before the full moon of eaoh month, once every two weeks thereafter. J. K. WHITMORE. Scc'y. Oraca Chnroh Protestant Episcopal. Riv. C. E. Bwtlib, Rector. Services will ba held in the above church every al ternate Sunday morning and evening commencing with Monday, the 10th inst. Methodist Episcopal. Rav. F. Vbbwos, Pastor. Morning Ser vice, in the Court House, every alternate Sunday, commencing with the 17th instant. Pay Up ! It is very seldom that we have adopted the methud of dunning the patrons of the Advocate through its columns, but we find it necessary now to do so. Our landlord looks cross, aad our paper maker and type founder, we know, keep up a " devil of a thinking." We have from four to five hun dred dollars on our books, scattered ovei the county, which must be paid. On those whom wo can boo personally, we will call during the next two weeks, whon we hope Ihey will draw their weasel-skins, and pay us what is justly due us. IgjuThe Democratic County Conven tion mcots at this place on Monday next. uTbo rceoipts of tbo Festival for tbo benefit of tbo M. E. S. School, held in tbia place on Tuesday evening last a mounted to 874. U&The Democrat's of Wnrron and Emporium are erecting Dcmooratio Wigwams. Would it not bo a good idea to do the same thing in Ridgway 7 s.Row, of the Clearfield Journal, has enlarged his paper, and it now pre Bents a typographical appearance which trill compare favorably with any on our exchange list. We this week give placo on our outside to a speech of the irrepressible Train, which was deliverod sometime last summer. We publish it at the re quest of a subscriber. It will repay perusal. j bJos. B. M'Enally, Etq., of Clear field, has been appointed President Judge of the Clearfield district, in place of Don. Sarouol Lynu, who resigned eome weeks ago. Mr. M'Enally is an exoellent lawyer, and will mske a first' : rate Judge. IgyOur farmers are about finishing up their "haying." The crop iB excel lent The dry weather of the past three weeks has, we learn dono some injury to the corn and potato crops, but the co pious shower of Wednesday morning last done much towards resusticating (him. ffiy Purchasers of lands in St. Mary's at the late Treasurer's Sales, are inform ed that their deeds and bonds can be found at the office of Short, Hall & Co., at St. Mary's ; for other parts of the county, at tbo office ot Souther, Willis 4 Souther, at Ridgway. The costs of sale must be paid on oj before the adjourned sale on the 7tU of August, or the lands will bo resold. A Republican gentleman of this township remarked the Jother day that "Ridgwey township would give 20 Democratic majority this fall." This would make a gain of 16 and the samo gain in every district in the state with the same number of voters would make a Democratic majority in tbo State of nearly 80,000 votes- The following simple method of keeping ice water for a long time in a common pitcher is worth knowing : Place between two sheets of paper (newspaper will answer, thick brown is tetter) a layer of cotton batting about half an inch in thickness, fasten the ends of the paper and batting together, forming a circle, then sew or paste a crown over one end, making a box the ehape of a stovepipe hat minus the rim. Plaoe this over an ordinary pitober fill ed with ice watchmaking it deep enough to rett on the table, so aa to exclude tbo ajr, and the reader will be astonished at the length of time bis ice will keep and the water remain cold after bis ice is melted. . fe3.II. II. Thomas' Furniture Depot li literally crammed full of Furniture, which he will guarantee to sell at the LOWEST LIVING RATES. His new advertisement should have appeared but was omitted from lack oi time to set it up. All right next week. l$.Among others attending the Re publican Congressional Conference held here this week, we were surprised to see Andy M'Lean. oi Brookville, Fa., who we thought was rusticating in some prison for shooting a woman in this county during the late war in his capacity as Provost Marshal. lie was one of the delegatets to nominate Scho. field. Reduction op the Army. The Press says : " It seems probable now " that none of the measures for the re " duction of tho army will pass at this " session " Precisely as we anticipated. The bills were introduced to stimulate all people holding military employment to electioneer for Grant. The army is counted upon to do, what the negroes and carpet-baggers cannot do, viz : give a majority for the Radical ticket in tho SouthernJS tates. Tho various so hemes for reducing the army all contain the clause, that they are not to go into ef feot till after the Prosidentsal election. If the head of the army is made the head government by negrq votes, he will want a big army to keep the white people in subjection. At this moment, Congress is busy issuing arms for the Southern negroes. The people of the North will soon have to detormine whether free constitutional government shall give place to negro military despo. tism. Never was greater issues invol. ved in elections than in those of the presont year. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Wm. I. Denny, late of St. Mary's borough, deceased, all persons indebted to eaid estate are request ed tocome.forward and make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELISABETH J. DENNY, July 2, 1868-6t. Administratrix. s T. MARY'S STEAM TANNERY 1 H". F. E?penshade & Co. Take pleasure in announeing to the publio of Elk and surrounding oountiea that they have thoroughly refitted and rennovated this old and well-known establishment, and congratulate themselves that with their ex tended faeilies, with first-class workman, that they can put oat as good work as can be found anywhere. We have, and keep constantly on hand alll kinds of leather such as in general use in this section, in clnding Sjxinish and Country Sole leather i Calftfcint, Sheeptkint, Kiptkint I Harnett & Upper Leather ! (&-CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Oive us a eall and be convinced of the truth of what we state. mar21'08 COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the Hon. H.;W. Williams, President, and Hons. E. C. Schultze and Jesse Kyler, Associates, Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Deliv ery, for the trial of capita! and other offen. ces in the county of Elk, by their precepts to me directed, have ordered the aforesaid named Courts to be holde n at Ridgway, in and for the county of Elk, on the first Mon day in AuguBt, it being the 3d day of the month, and to eentinue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the county of Elk, that they are by these presents com manded to be then and there in their prop er persons at ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their rolls, records and inpuisi lions, and other remembrances, to do those things whieh their offices appertain to be done, and that all Justices of said oounty make returns of all recognizances entered into before them, to the Clerk of the Court as per Aot of Assembly of May 4th, 1834. And those who are bound by their recogni zances to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in the iail of the county of Elk, and to be then and there to prosecute against tbem as shall be just. JAMES A. M ALONE, Ridgway, June 20th. - Sheriff. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. JUST published in a sealed envelope. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sex ual Debility, and Impediments to marriage generall. Nervousness, Consumption, Ep ilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Physical In capacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, jc, by Robert J. Culverwcll, M. D., author of the "Green Rook," etc. Price in a sealed envelope, only six cents. Tho celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' succersful practice, that the alarm ing consequences of self abuse may be rad ically cured without the use of internal medicine, or the application of the knife, pointing out a mode of euro at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. BWUThis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. bent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Cul verwell'i " Marriage Guide," price 25eents. Address the Publishers. CH AS. J.f. KLINE CO., Bowery, New York, 1'. O. Box 4,680. janl61867 PAINTS for FARMERS and others. The Graton Mineral Paint Co. are now manfooturing the Best Choapest and most durable Paint in use ; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 16 years ; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for nouses, Barns, Fenoes, Carriage and Car-makers, Tails and Wooden-ware, Agricultural Implesewts, Canal Boats, Vessols and ships' Bottoms, Cnva3, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being Fireaad Water proof), Floor Oil Cloths, (one Menu, faclurcr having used C00O bbls. the past year,) and M a paint for any pnrposo is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price $6 per bbl. of 800 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Warrentedin all cases as above. Send for a cireular which gives fnll particulars. None genuine unless brandod in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, 254 Pearl Street, New York. For sale by Hyde, Gillis & Co., at Ridg way. Sefi. 6-'67.-6m. LIST OF RETAILERS OF FOREIGN and Domcstio Merchandise in Elk County, subject to the payment of License, for the year 1868.; CLASS. DKALMIS' HAHBS. TAX. St. Mary's Borough. 4 Joseph Wilhelm, 80 00 13 A. Foclitman, 10 00 10 Wcis Brothers, 20 00 ,13 A. Durlachcr, 10 00 11 C.Luhr. 15 00 1 Mary Fisher, 7 00 G Coryell & Bates, 60 00 13 John Kruy, ' 10 00 14 John Wachtel, 7 00 14 Patrick Quinn, 7 00 14 W. J. Blakely, 7 00 10 Bcecher a Copcland, 20 00 14 John Sosenheimer a Sons, 7 00 14 Mrs. Rudolph, 7 00 12 Swayne a Reynolds, (drugs) 12 60 14 Jacob Bicbcrger, do 7 00 12 Jos. Windfclder, (brewer) 12 60 12 C. H. Volk, do 12 60 14 Gies & Grabcl, do 7 00 24 Wm. Seltz, do 7 00 Benzinger Totcnship. 14 Tannerdale Coal Company, 7 00 Jones Townthip. 0 Wilcox Tanning Company, 0 00 12 A. T. Aldrieh, 12 60 14 Martin Sowers, ' 7 00 Ridgway Towruhip. 11 Hyde, Gillis & Co. 15 00 7 Powell and Kime, 40 00 13 II. 8. Belnap, 10 00 14 W. C. Healy, 7 00 13 J. V. Houk, 10 00 14 C. W. Service, 7 00 13 G. G. Messenger, (drugs) 10 00 14 Leonard Cook, 7 00 14 lsaae Haigan, 7 00 Fox (towruhip. 12 Powell and Kime, 12 60 14 James MoCloskey, 7 00 10 Joe. Eoeb and Son, 20 00 13 C. R. Earley, 10 00 Benezet Townthip. 14 E. Fletcher, 7 00 14 E. B. Margy, 7 00 14 R. and D. B. Winslow, 7 00 Horton Townthip, 13 Hyde and Reed, , 10 00 12 Short and Wilcox, 12 60 10 Shawmut Coal Company, 20 00 CHRISOPHER SEXTON, je20-68-4t. Mercantile Appraiser. THE BIST IS ALWAYS THE FURNITURE, COFFINS, PICTURE-FRAMES, Ac. The undersigned having sold his interest in the wagon shop, now intends devoting his time exclusively to the Furniture trade. He has just received a large stock of the BEST FUBOTSREM ABE which be offers at juices that cannot fail to please. His stockfeonsists of Bedroom Suits, Upholstered Goods, Bureaus, Washstands,' Commodes, Lounges, . Bedsteads of Maple, Oak, Whitewood and Black Walnut Spring Beds and Mat trasses, Extension Dining, Break fast Tea Party and Quartette Tables, Chairs of every kind aad description. The largest assortment of Cane Seated Chairs ever brought into this section of the country, Farmer's Becreta ries, What Nots, Brackets, and everything usually found in a First, Class FURNITURE WARE ROOM Tict ure Frames of ev kind, size or Quaiity, kept on hand and made to order, Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plate and Pictures. We would call at tention to our large stock of Coffins, con. nisting of Pino, Whitewood, Cherry, Chestnut and Black Walnut, any one of which we can furnish in three hours time, trimmed in any stylo to suit. Metallic cases of any kind procurod in three hours' time. Feeling confident that with a liberal pat ronage, we shall bo ab 1c to keep up a First Class establishment, we appeal to the peo ple of Elk county, to say if it is not better to keep their money in circulation at home than to send it off to the cities where if they buy but little they are sure to get cheated and pay a good round sum into the bargain. Then let your motto be, nevtr buy away from home what can be bad just as cheap at home, and the cheapest place to buy Furni ture'.in Western Pennsylvania is at n. II. Thomas' Waro Rooms, Excelsior Building, above the corner of Main and Depot streets, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. Oot. 31, 18li7-ly. U. II Til OMAS ALL YOUNG PERSONS Can and should obtain a good education. For partic ulars, address J. A. COOPER, Principal of the State f urinal School, Edlnboro, Pa. A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS Tho undersigned have on hand a large and very de&irablo stock of GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to EAT, WEAR, OR FEED. which they will sell at tbo very bottom figure and from this date will sell only for CASH. We will use every endoav or to make it to tho interest of onr cus tomers to adopt tho universal CASH SYSTEM. We have determined to give tho CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to be the inter est ot both buyer and seller. TOWELL & KIME. Ridgway, Aug. 13th, 1867 .so. H. F. OVERUOLTZER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citizens of Ridgway and, vicinity that he is prepared to make to order as well as it can be done anywhere, anything in the line of his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guarantoed. aT3a.Cloths, Cassimers, Vestingg and Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. Ladies desiring Hemming, Stitching, Felling, Binding, AC, on dresses, capes, AO will find it to their interest to give me a call. aug30G0 JAMES McCLOSKEY, Seqlel ii Gi-oeeKes, &c, Would respectfully inform the citizens of the surrounding community that he still keeps on hand a good supply of such arti. cles as are generally kept in a country gro cery store, including TEAS, FLOUft, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEOARS, WHISKEY which he flatters himself he can sell as cheap as they oan be bought anywhere in the county. I have lately erected a first-class shingle mill, which is now in operation. It is an attested that the shingles which were made in this mill and sold in Williamsport, are a first-class article, the lumber of which they are made being a first-class article. I desiro to introduce these shingle' to the notice of builders, who will consult their own interest by giving me a call. May 3d, 'HQ. tf JTCI1 1 ITCH ! ! 1TCII ! 1 ! SCttATCA ! SCRATCH ! ! SCRATCII ! ! ! in from 10 to 48 hours. Whcaton's Ointment cures The Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum. Wheaton's Ointment oures Tetter. Wheaton's Ointment cures Barbers' Itch. Wheatou's Ointment cures Old Sores. Wheaton's Ointment cures Every kind, of Humor like Magic. Price, COccnls a bok ; by mail, GO cents Address WEEKS & POTTER, No. 170 Weshington Street, Boston, Mass. For sale by all druggists. Sept. 1"'G7 ly. J. S. BOHDWELL, M. D. ECLECTIC IJf l'SJG'J.f.V. X nhe word eclectic means to choeso or J select medicines from all the different schools of medicine ; using remedies that are safe, and discarding from practice nil medicines that have an impurious effect on the system, such as mercury, antimony, lead, copper, &o. I lay aside the lance tho old blood letter, reducer or dcploter, and equalize the circulation and restore the system to its natural state by alteratives and tonics. I shall hereafter givo particular attention to chronic diseases, uuch as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, Neu ralgia, diseases of the throat, urinary or gans, and all diseases peculiar to females, &c. CATARRH I treat with a new instrument of a late invention, which cures every case. TEETH extracted without pain. Office and residence south of the jail on Centre St. Ollicc hours from 7 to h a. m ; 12 to 1 p. m ; 0 to 7 p. in- Deo. 23'C7.-ly. J. 8. BORDWELL. JIDG WAY LIVER V SIABLB The subscriber would announce to the citizens of ltidgway, and the traveling pub lic that he has established a TjIVERY stable ill Ridgway, and that he hopes by fair deal ing with his customers to merit a liberal share of their patronage. Terms reasona ble. ISAAC CORRV, Jan. 25, '68-ly. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT THE RIDGWAY mm store. KEPT BY GROVE G. MESSENGER, Dealer in Drugs, Medieicee, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, . Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oif, Per. fumcries of nil Kindt, The purest Varnish, Brushes of every Style and Size; Dye Stuffs, Pure Confcctionarics Citron, Raisins, Patent Medicines, Wines, Watches, Jewelry, Rings, Tobaccocs & Scgara Pure Liquor? for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to the Drug Business Gen erally. Pure Drngs at Low Prices ! Puro Drugs at Low Prices Notions in Endless Variety 1 Notions in Endless Variety American and English Watches 1 American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, 4c. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages ! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cagcs ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings 1 Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings,! mar2018G6 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE KAILBOAdT" WINTER TIME TABLE. Through and Direct Route between Philadelphia, Baltimore Tarn's burg, Williamtport, and the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT "SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 25th, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia-ll. 15 p. m. ' " Ridgway 2.40 p. m. arrive at Erie 8.50 p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12.00 noon. " " Ridgway 4.03 a. m. " arrive at Erie ..10.05 a. in. EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie 11.00 a. m. " Eidgway 4.18 p. m. " " arrive at Phildelphia 7.10 a. m. Erie Exp leaves Erie 7.40 p. m. " " Ridgway 1.33 a. m. " " arr. at Philadelphia... 6.00 p. m. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Rail Road. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVED AND MARKED CLEAR DOWN To the Bottom ! AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE 3. V. nOUK, Main Street, Ridgway, Pa HAVING just returned from the eastern cit ies where I have purchased a large and well selected assortment of goods, I invite the attention of the publio to call and examine my stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hardware Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Q u e ensware PROVISIONS, &c, &c. BUYERS WILL FIND MY STOCK FULL AND COMPLETE, and well adapted to tho wants of the community. J. V. UOUK. Ridgway, Dcc5 ly. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. The uudorHigned has laiJJout a vil. ago upon his ground adjoining the Ridg way Depot, to bo called ELK. The lots are 60 feet front by 100 feet deep front iug towards the railroad. Terms For tho first lot sold, $100. F01 tho second lot sold, $110. For tho third lot sold, $120 and so on iucreusing in price us lots are sold. OrA. First purchasers gel the choice lot, at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application Ten percent of tho purchase money must be puid at the time of the application. ' j$t5uApplicatiou will be made to Juh G. llall, Eso,., Ridgway, pa. J. tJ. HYDE. Ridgway, inar.U'J'tiG-tf. NAILS, SPIKES, IllSGEft, RIVETS locks, bolls, mid all kinds of builders' materials in general can be had cheuper at the tSt. Mary's Hardware Store thun any other place in Elk county. (u'JS'OTJ jATEST ARRIVAL 1 1 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS t CHEAP EST GOODS I N RIDGWAY 1 Af THE STORE OF H. S. BIlSMPj Cor. of Main Water, end of Hyde House, Where he has on hand art extensive assort ment of Goods, consisting of Woolen Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Underclothes, Ladies Dress Goods, Shawls and- Nulias, Hoop Skirte,. Opera Hoodsy Mua.- lins and Call' 0 0 e s ! Balmoral Skirte, Blankets and Counter panes, Ladies' Dross Trimmings, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Paints, Glass and Putty 1 1 ! Call and see my stock before purchasing' elsewhere 1 Deo. 567 ly. 2 500,000 CUSTOMER8 IN FOUR B Years. Patronize tho Best. Having the largest capital, most exper ienced buycrB, and extensive trade of any concern in the Dollar Sale business, we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in every instance, and also the best ' selec tion of goods ever offered at ONE DOLLAR EACH. No other concern has any show wherever our agents aro selling. Our mofto, " Prompt and Reliable." Male and female agents wanted in city and country. THE LADIES are particularly requested to try our popular club system of selling all kinds of Dry and Fancy Goods, Dress Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver Plated Goods, Watches, &c. Established 1864, A patent pen fountain and. a check describing an articlo to be Bold for a dollar, 10 cents; 20 for $2; 40 for $4 i 60 for $8; 100 for $10 sent by maii. Free presents to getter up, (worth 50 her cent more than those sent by any other concern,) according to size of club, or if not do not fail to- senat or a circular. N. B. Our sale should not br classed? with New York dollar jewelry sales- or bo gus Tea Comprnies," as it is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN & KENDALL, 65 HarevefStreet, may23-6m. Boston, Mass. JF'YOU WANT TO" BUY CLOTMJVa tot the Million f Go to A. DURLACHER, Agont, DEALER IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISIILNO GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS,&o. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY," PENNA. Jan218G31ypd A fTENTJON MILL- O WNIRS ! TWE EAGLE TURBINE WATER J. WHEEL, patented July 30, 1867, is superior to any wheel in use. The under signed have tho agency for said wheel in the State of Pennsylvania, and can recomi mend it as being the best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, in. quire at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings and steam engines will be made to order at reasonable prices. Wo expect by giving, satisfaction in our work to receive a good Bhare of pub lic patronage. J. F. ROBERTSON, R. BELL. Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., janltt 18C8pd. ACARD TO THE LADIES. Dr. Dupon co's GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS for females. Infallible in correcting irrog. ularities, Removing Obstructions of the Monthly Turn., from whatever cause, and nlwnys successful as a preventive. One Pill is a dose. Females peculiarly situated, or these supposing themselves so, aro cau tioned against using these Pills while iu that condition, lest they invite miscarriage, -after which admonition the Proprietor os sumcs no responsibility, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to ' health; otherwise tho Pills aro recoinmeni ded as a Most Invaluable Remedy for the' alleviation of those sulfvriii from any ir regularities whatever, as well as prevent an increase of family when health will not permit it ,- quieting the nerves und bringing back the ' rosy oolor of health " to the cheek of tho most delicate. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Price $1 per box ; 6 boxos, $. Sold in Ridgway, Pa., by G. G. Messen. ier, Druggist, solo agent for Ridgway. La. dies, by sending him $ 1 to the Ridgway P. 0, cau have thu Pills sent (confidentially) by mail to any part of the country, free of postage. Sold also by Swayne & Reynolds, i$t. Mary's, and by one Druggist iu every village in the Union. S. D. HOWE, inj'2 (!8-ly. Sole l'ropviotoi-, N. T. nPoL'lS ILUARNEjii PRACTICAL 'MACHINIST, Can be found at his Foundry at St. Mary'a where lie is ready to have all shop-work in his liue done ou short notice. St. Mary's, Benzinger P. O., Elk co., Pa. inyl'08'ly V 1S1TING CARDS NEATLY EXECUT- ed at this glioe.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers