ffhc (fMk gidrocntc, A WKKKI.V JCKWSPAPKU, Devoted to tii IntefosfB of Tao People of Elk Co lit ' I IIUSIIRII HVRIIV SA It Itl.W, m joiin v. mooue, Office in the. Cmirl 1mise. TtltMS Or.? l'.llir nnd Filly Ohls pr annum, invariably in ntv:iiiv,.. No devia tion from these ttrmn. Bites of Ailvott.'sir.jj. Transient AdvcrtisriT.pmcnts. per q ire nf 10 lino or less, it time or less 8'.' (II) For each subsc. pint iit'dlioti ''" jViliiitniirntu" nnd Ex'rs notices... 2 fit) Auditors" notices 'J ;V) Dissolutions, Caul ions and Estrays... 2 (II) Local nnd Obituary notices per line.. 15 Professional cards. 1 yenr b 00 Yi: MII.V AIIVKIITISKMKNT . 1 rrpmre $ 7 (V'.j column $20 00 2 r piarcs 1 - HI'1 culninn ".'00 .1 ! pmrc 1 r f n; t column (Hi 00 The above rates will he strictly adhered to in all advertising from this dale. lll.ANKS. Pintle quire S- oD(i quire qr..$l 7" X quires ';r... 2 oUOvcr 0, j qr.. 1 ot) II N1.1!1M.S. 1 sheet, 2'. or less 2 (H), heel, 2" or :c50n j sheet, 2"or Io-m :: 01 1( I sheet. 21 or lossIKIO Nov. 28, lcT.7. JOHN F MOORE, Editor nml Proprietor. oHIt doiiii(u gimlorn. COUNTY OFFICERS. PrcsiJent Judge R. (i. White. Additional Lav JuJgc 11. W. Wi'lianis. Associate Judges E. C. Schullze, Jesse Kylcr. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff James A. Malone. Prothonotary, &o. (1. A. Ral.hbun. Treasurer Claudius V. Gillis. Co. Superintendent .Tallies Rhikcly. flommissi.wrs II. Warner, J. W. Taylor, Louis Yiilliwr. Auditors Clark Wilcox, Byron J. Jones, Jacob MeCaulcy. County Surveyor Geo. Wnlmsley. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January, Last Monday in April. First Monday in August. First Monday in November. l-'OimmY & MACHINE SHOP IN ST. MAltY'S. TOriS II. OATIXER If?.' IcriTe (o call j the nttcni'.oii of the citizens of Elk and l,to!f!inr counties to tho fact. that, he lias pin -chased the foundry, formerly known as Mclii.l's Foundry, ami that he has refit led the establishment with now and improved iiincliiiio-y, which will enable him to turn toil nil work in his lino in a manner such ns will compare favorably with any work in the couiurv. Ho manufacture STKAM ENGINES, MILL-GATES AM) CASTINGS, PLOUGH-POINTS, WATER-W HEELS of am, KINDS, WINDOW-WEIGIITS, STOVE-CASTINCS OF AN V PATTERN, He is also agent for Henry Jarocki's Trass Foundry, at Eric, and can tin nihil from that estahii.-hmcut lirass Castings of imy pattern on short notice. Paiiii-ulu- aticr.tiin paid ( the wants of eo-itl operniors. Chilled ear-vrlieels, axles and pulleys furnished and nmde to order. Sieam engine boilers repaired in a dura b eand neni maimer. A varied assortment of rubber and ieatli ibching kept constantly on hand. 1 c expects through steady appliealion to i.itsinrss, to deserve the patronage of nil who may call on him. TKR.MS CASH. y.FOUNDRY OX MILL STREET, ST. MARY'S, KEXzr.-fii-rt P. 0 , Elk County, Pa. May 1, 180 Sm-onc. M1E OLDHST IHTTKR.S IN USE IN AMERICA ! i r. & ivs OLD DOMINION SI0MA.CH BITTEES ! ! 0. E. A. G. HAYING rEEX I .SKD OYER TAYEN ty years umUr (he style of Old Do minion Iiittevs. They are ft perfect Blood Purifier, an imrivall 'd titonumhie, and a certain cure fur all diseases arising from derangement of the Stomach, Liver or Kid neys. A sure remedy for Jaundice, Chron. icDiarnho a ari l Debility resulting from miy cans.? whatever. J!y it, the appetite is strengthened, and a healthy tone and vigor ini artcd to the whole system. Quan tities of testimonials, and certificates have been sent us, all "peaking in commenda tion of (he beneficial iftecls of our Hitter, nnd we liave no hesitancy in asserting that if they are once employed, their use will be recommended by every purchaser. They arc cheap, available, sale and sure, being composed of ingredients pure and harmless. Try them and be convinced of t heir virtues. For sale by all tlio principal DVuggisW mid Merchants. Do not fail to examine well the trticle you buy in order lo get the genuine. Sec trade mark. 11.VYNEK P-OYER, Pule Proprietors A; Manufacturer. mnyl ;:ia. trie, Pa. fNSlUlANCir.7iATNSTLOSS OR 1 DA M Mil) jjy FIRM ! THE I.ycomiiij County Mutual Insur ance Company at Muncy, l'ciina., coll tintica lo Insure against Lis or Damage hy Fire on all kimb if Merclnndi-.c. Public and private , u!Min;r, either in town or eoiiuiy. Also on Mills, Tanneries, liarns. Blocks of Gram, &c, at the lowest possible rules, consistent wiih mit'ely to the lusiirrr and I usured. The Lycoming County, Mi- lual liibiirnnce (' puny inviies nn inveslii gatiou us to ili btability. Its capital guiouuts to 82.HOO.OOO! Thus astiiiing lo every ouo of Us patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis fnctorily paid, lis management lias always been prudent, as us existence of twcuiy ti J years fully demon si nues JAMES ISLAKEI.Y, f Ageut for E'k eoiiuiy, ul St. Mary's Oit. li, ,", ly. i:r FIRM AND NliW GOODS ! ! NKW GOODS 1 JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORE OP HYDE, OILI.I3 & CO. HARDWATIE, ( J U E ENS WARE, CANDIES, NUTS, See. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE REST AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND JE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME ANb SEE VS. Hood: (il, "oods. Nubias, and nil iiitids of Woolen (ioods at the cheap store of 12 07 1IVDE. UII.L.IS & CO. Do you wnnl to purchase n silver wnlcli American or Foreign 1 if so, go to 12-07 HY1K, GILLIS &CO. I rcsh Oysters constantly on ltand nt tin f Htorc of 12 07 HYDE, GILUS & CO. N Totions of nil kinds in extensive varietv' 1107 HYDE, GILUS t CO. A" extensive assortment af CLOTHING at the store of 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS a CO. T)0OTS, SHOES and GAITERS every JL kind, style and variety nl the sdrre of 1207 lliDE, tllLLIS i CO. large and complete stock of Hardware and cutlery at the storv of 12 (i7 HYDE, GILLISi CO. T ORACCO The finest, brands for smok ing iind chewing, at the si ore of 12 07 HYDE. GILLIS & CO. Q UEENSWARE nn extensive assort' incut, at the store of 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS A CO. "Tfcwest Styles of Kalmornl Skirts at llio l cheap store nf 12 C7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. T ndies' Dress Goods latest and rose I j fa.-hiouablo fijinre. at the fsfnTC o-f 1207 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Hals Caps nnil furs, in grent variety and at the lowest price, at the store o 12 07 11A Dt, GILLIS & CO. wonlen and cnesi-ner Shirts a sensation prices, nl th store of 1207 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Undershirts and drawers, cbenper tints the cheHpesi, at the tove of 12T.7 HYDE, GILLIS i CO. Oct Gli', U67-ly. FOlt PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN 18G8, SOME EMINENT MAN SHOULD UK SELECTED. FOR THE PLACE TO BUY S T O V E S i A IIOUSE-FURNISIIING GOODS, GP TO R IDG WAY, CALL ON SERVICE, MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS, And you will be supplied, and well satisfied with the call. ' STOVES, Of all DcBirablo Kinds, always on hand. 1 1 Is W H M I- j Of the Latest and Most Approved Stylo and Workmanship on hand, and Made to Order, (a Spcciility made of this Branch.) All Goods warrantcd.- Dealers supplied at the Very Lowest Prices. Price List furnished cn ap plication. TOILET SETTS, SOME BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS! SPICE-BOXES, And all auJ every novelty in the Japan ncd Tiaw&ro Line ! , yrtrc Goods, Toys, French Tinned Ware, English Hammered Ware, Scotch and Yankee Bowls, Sad Irons, Coal Hods, Japanned, Galvanized And Fancy. Iron Hollow Ware by the Sett or Singlo Tiece ! FISHING TACKLE, Reds, Baskets, Flics, Hooks, ile,&c. JobLio" in all its bramThcs. r . .i P .i r i i , i - "d""'; ""'""- Oriental Base Buruiu" Furnace. The , . . . i i ucai. iu vuo wuiiu j.uiiuuiu ur utiik set, ti tncy mil to tm'o satistactton bo pay willboflslcd. ROOFING, Flat or Standing Groove, liavo Trough, Spouting, and House work geterolly. S& Orders by mail prompt) J attend- cd to, r,d work guuriintced I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD Tf irnni- n rn m.mn tn fctiiwl Ilnsn Store, Church or Barn, call before you order your Tin, Copper or SLcct Iroo Wk. Ott. SUt 1SG7 ly. JEW HARDWARE STOIlli! The subscribers liavt just, 'opened in ST. MARY'S A new nml Complete .Stock of Heavy & Shelf HARDWARE ! ! And will kep conslilnlly nn liand a great variety of COOK AND UK A tlXG RTO VES liar Iron, Steel Anrih, Jielfoirx, A'atVs, Jnrse. Shoe, Sprlntjf, liniltl. in'j Jlnnirnrc, Sair nml Filcg of Every Dexcrqittnn. ! GUNS, riSTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Ware and House Furnishing Goods. Al' kinds of Mechan ics' Tools ! TINWARE Of every description, which will be sold al the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Tlicy have also the cxclusivo agency in St Mary's for the ' IMPROVED ORIENTAL UASE. BURNING COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES ! r I r ; if-Tt (f 'w Vhicli linve received Four First Class Pre miums nt the New Y'ork Slate and ot It er Fairs ; Also, the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of the Am erican Institute, held in New York City, 1K5. Tl,c7 1'Tennl Burner, only one fire ueiug reipurcu 10 oe mn'ie uuring the seasan. M. IiEEL'll P"-. .Tit. AVM. II. COi'ELAND. RoVJS'iiV ly STOVES AND T 1 N - V A It E AT John Sosenheimer & Sons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. 6T. mary's, vx. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a larjje and well selected stock of TIN WAHK, STOVES &c. Wo have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists in part ofSPHARS ANTIDUST PARLOR & rmrM.-T v-n crnt'ro t o irnv i iiuoim.oi o v i iitti. aoni.. j ou.i GATE & WHEAT SIlEAF STOVES ye also keep on Land and for sale die MORNIXG GL 0111', A large stoet of GLORE HEATERS with Russia ton is niiiongour assortment, which are now :he best stoves in use, uud can be ohl ns cheap as ev;r. SCRAP IKO taken in exchange for goods. SPOVTIXG & ROOFIXG done on short notice. Give us a call, nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Sept. 2i'li7. tf. PATRONIZE DOME INSTITUTIONS. FLO Ufa., FEED AND GRAIN ri"AHE subset ibers hnving completed their JL Acw urist Mill in liulgway are now prepared to turnisli thcpeople ol the stir rounding coimiry vriili Flour of the Eest Quality, and ot their own manufacture, ut the lowest market rates. The addition of lumbermen nnd olhf rs I cniHfi 10 pur jaciuiies or luinisiiitig tnetu tll ILL J) OF ALL A A DS, chenper Ihnn it can be bought nny otficr place in the county. I ajrLAsti Paiu von iR.iN"gn J-n. it i in;. . V. Horn. J. K. AV111TMORF ievemier ., iHuitt LOOK HERE ! AVATCHES. JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. f1IIARI.ES HOLES, Practical AViitclnnn J ker, Jeweler and Engraver, Ridgway, county, Pa. The subsciiber begs leave lo announce to the cifizens of llidg- wny and vicinity that he is prepared lo d all work in his line on thori notice and at reasonable rates in the Very besi manner Miop iu H. S. liclnap's Store. Special alien Hoi pnl to engraving He has also on band n large assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jew elry Slid Silverware w Inch lie offers lorsaluon reasonable terms G 1 V0 111 'ill a Call. 1! ft , 0 , 1 f. G'ie Sl ttKtKr old coiner in St. Mary's. Vll orders for Sloves and Hardware will b promptly atteuded to as soon as i eceived, al the 121.7 Si. MARVS HARDWARE STORE. PI1H UllEAPEST GOODS IN THE COUNTRY A to Sold by IV K I S linOTIIER Successors to Geo. Wcis.l 1IEAI.K1IS IS St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. C ALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF HOOTS AND SHOES Wo have no hesitation iu Faying that in this department of our establishment, vre can givo bargains to our customers with which they cannot fail to be satis fied. Wc buy our stotk direct from the Manufacturer, Richardsotis' Celo. bratcd Boot & Shoe Manufactory, Elmi- ra, New York Wc warrant all goods in this line sold from our establishment IT EAVY & SHELF HARDWARE. AVE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER To our customers in this line bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk coun ty. Our stsck is large, well selected, and is especially adapted to the wants of the community. ADIE3' DRY & FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins. Silks, Culicoes,' Nit ins, Delaines. Muiro Autujucs, Chintzes. White Goods Cloths, Flannels, BercKca, Laces, Corsets, Iu fact wc hare everything connected with Ladies' Wear. Wc are determin ed to sell lower, chenjicr anil BETTER Goods than any other firm in the coun ty. Give us a cull, we'll prove it. M' ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY He Sell tho Bent, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold in Elk County. Our Stoek of I .0 t 11 l IS IMMENSE, And we confidently flatter ourselves that better Clothing oanuot be found ANYWHERE. Persons, b-clore purchasing elsewhere would do well to give us a call. 3aNo trouble to show our Goods. QrtOCERlES, NOTIONS, &o.,Ac. In Endless Varicly, nnd 'CHEAPER than me CHEAPEST! At tho Store of 0,A In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. llPESrCBACCOES t- SEGARS Wc have now on hand AX EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, l.ieh will be sold at a VE 11 Y S LJGJITA J) VAXC On cont anil i nrriini'.. Our Store it in (he new Sone iiiltliiii on Main Stin t. .July 11, liT-tr. JOHN O. HALL, Attorney t law, llidrfJ wny, Elk couniy Pa. mar-22 lj ly TAURIUJ. ULAKELY.'Attorney nt Uw, j nnd U, rt. (.'omniissioner. itbl;rway lilk county, Pa. finnr-22 Ui-'ly. J 01J WlMtK .f nil kinds" aud dos. criptimiM done at t' is ofDc:.-. HENRY SOI.Till.ll, Allorney ..'-l.r, . Kidgway, Pa. (fib; 'i r, 4 I.nXR HOU.VK, .St. MiryV I,- . U-7- man Krelz, Proprietor. rug'tM'j DR. V. JAMES PLA KYpiiy.i' laii and Surgeon, St. Mary's. FI' "coonty Pa. mar-".!'!!'; 1 .' D Pn. R. W. V. SHAW l'raetUes A;.jl..:.. and Surgery, CeutrevilJe. El' eot.-ty iiiar-22T.tj.ly. J.XECUTION,f, MiMMONN, SL'lll'tE. 'j nns, Warrants, &o., on hand and fur salo nt ilii.i olfice. Cll. YOLK, Manufactnrpr a in Lngtr l!eer. nppo.siie tin and Dealer 10 Ilaih o:. .t Depot, St. Mary's, Llli county Pa. ftlnr-'Ji tit.-1 . DR. W. 11. HAHTMAN, St. Mary's. Elk county, Pn. Late of the Army of the Potomac. Particular atlciiliou given lo a 1 cases of surgical nature. mar-22'i.ij-ly. (1 ROY E O. MrSl-NOERrDnirrnTid JT Dealer in Drugs and Chernii nip, Paints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil, et articles and Stationary, lli)gway. Elk couniy Pa. r;:r.r-22';'j-ly. T7 R A N K ENTZ. Mkbciust T.aii.oi7. Cenlreviiie, Elk couniy, Pn., desiri lo inform llie citizens of Centreviltr nnd vi cinity, that he isat. all limes prepared to do work in a neat and satisfactory manner, t.ive me n call. nov'i'lv .10, IN II. II A I.I IAS. K. I'. HALL. HALL & HIiO. Att orn "Ar - - ijfi-w"1 ST. MARY'S : REXZIXGEK J, o. hi. iv cuL'XTA', PA. September L'l.), lfGU. ly. T. S. Rordwrll, ?I. I. Eclectic P!iysi-ian. a OHice nnd residence opposite tho Jail, on Cen're St., Eidgway. Pa. Prompt, attention will be giVfn lo all rails. Ollico hours : 7 lo A. M- ; 1- to 2 P. M. ; and ti to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, C.r, if. rnUAYER HOUSE, RTDGAVAY, PA. ' D.YU T'lAYKK, Proi.rieior. The nndt'i'signed having fitted up n large and commodious hotel on tl.e toutliwes corner of Cent re and Mill streets, wiih good and convenient stnNirrg attached, respect fully solicits the patronage ot his old friends' and the put ho generally. dCCloOiijy 1 L TI1AA Ell. S. SHORT, LOrif" VOLT.MER, ).s. a. v. uxlc. JOHN G. HALL, BANKING-HOUSE OF ghort, gall & Cijo. El.K Cl.l NTV. I'KNN TI vd;; HOUSE, JCX RnnM-AY. 'Ei.k Co., r., M. V. Mon;;E, Proptiftor. Thankful for (he patronage hei li.f..v so liberally b'slewed upon him, the new prr:prioior. hopes, I y paying siri.-i n. leiitioii lo the comfort mil c nveuierci' ..f guests, to merit a cc'iiihiiMiice of tlio same. Oil 21 IMilii. 17KANKETN HOUSE. Jj hi. iM.iuv'.i, P. LARGE Y .V: MAI.dNE, Pa .nui's. The proprietors respeoi fully ask t lie .ilteu tion of their friends and the public iu gen-' oral to iheir large and cnimnodioii-! hoiel. Every aituiion paid lo tlio cniivrni'-uoc of guois. li. i..m;i.::y. may::.! 1; ly .1. A. ... A l.t 1 ,E. XXCHAMiEllOTFI.. i:iiitr,r.Y, r.. .T. HALEY Pr.pvi.-t or. This holrl is pleas"!., y siioc'r ' on l!i. banks of ilu C'li' io'. i; an. I I'.iU ('. at t he lower end ol' Ulne, .Mr- i.e .i will spare no pains for ii.. .;.v. 'ii bis i..-s.., .! in . i: o:.o au.lill .o . - bnn a ci.il :i it. t ii y his liosi -c. Sept. 1 7iL't;7 'l y. ,11 ED Kf.f US A !K.T. I'lar Cioek I1 AValehn.aKrr. Si. M.y s. Flk ui.'y, l'a. Rooms iret b...r :.. !lii.t"ii:.'': ' Cb.ll.iiig Store. AH kiros of woik . i. n-Y lone iu a sal isfai'lory ina;rior, iind war- ranled. Consullal tons i il r.'ardto w.nk iu the Gcrnwr, rcm li or English Ian guii'es. March 1 I, ll-r.Tlf. KOMETH INO NEW! HOUSE, SIGIT &, OP.KAIIKXTiL PATETTITO. rpiiE suRsciiti! i: i; w o u l d r e- Hj.ecifully iiil'oroi the ciiiens of 1.1!; couniy I hut be lias just siartcl in tli3 above business in Ridgwiiy. and f.'il conti dent that he can please all who may favor nun with their custom. GUAlMMl. PAPER HANGING AND CAI.Ol MINING. DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN TIMS P'.ost fashionable and imi.roved manner and style. Orders left at this Oitieo or at il. bunking llouseol Souilier, Willis i; Souther will kepromraly aiiended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'Oli-ly. C10A L. (')! E AM) nTlfc i.i v : " J All uf superioi .(ii.iliiy, ioi sale'bv iho Tannerdsilc Coal Company, it. Mary's, Eik Courtly, l'a. t-.2f "Orders by mail pninijitlj if to n J, cd to. se;,t hi' '3-H 7 liin'.i.i::: V wilso.vs si:v V IX(J M.M'ii INKS. Tho under signed having t'een appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wlteeler it llsou's Sewing Machines for rJlk county, lie l;eps utt assort nient constantly on ban I. Mat-i.inr Hoid at Philadelphia and New Yor prices. . .iy )irti.is ucsiroi's ot oMaminj them : a.blresj J. K. WHIT.MollE.a March Wt-'l.li-ly. nt Ridtrway, I j OUJS II. GAKXElt, J'RACTU'AL MACIllxrsT ('an be found nt bis Foundry at St M . where he is ready I,, have all sln.p.v. ,',rk U, do u s!t. ut notice. s'i M ,,..' i i-.-i. .!."! , p. to, pa. ;,..;,' ; IV.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers