Y t HOOFLANO'S GERMAN 3ITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, JUlI'MilW HV ,'. C. .V. JACKSVS, l'mf -.-ci i' ti i a. I'i. r, '''''' lm.--.vn r, u.ili! fir Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Ifprvcas Debility, JAUNDICE, I'i '.-i.iis of the Kidneve, ERU;vIIO,of the SKIN, " niul nil IIpi tts H ntittti; fiftiu A Did tnilt rl l.hfi1, Hlmnlch. or jMt lem or 'tut: jtr.ftftn, - " 'J 1 I ' If ., "Mf . t- '( f- r,jl M:H''- i;X -t",t V ,,H f'.r nr f---J'r ,:n f u!, rf - Inl )(-''-.( in is fill -lc Constipation, (VhituK'noo, Inward IiloR. 1 ul'. ihoi in. o tot!n' llftii'l. Acidity o! : ho Stnimicli. NtiUHen. Hourf jjiii'!, D'.sust t'ur J-'oo-i, F.iinosa kit W eiht in t ho Btomnnji, Hour krutit mion. Si?,k 1iC or t'iuiteruie nt the Tit ' ot Win fc?lo:n:K'h, JSwiTi-.imne of tlu II !kJ, Huit'mI or DiiMoult llrithin:. Viutt'Tiupr at tiio Hinrt, Cnok nitf; or Sn rim. at iiik SoiiHtit mnn when j n 1 fjy . pl P. is! r. n. I ), ;n uim ot V iftion, ii.-ll P.iln I:i t)m Uoiul, Wli civni'y ot i'fwspirtitioa, Vot- loWiirs.H ot th'. iSkin mid Ky 's, lJsw 11 in t no fir In, Tvi'k, Cheat. Iinnbs, ptc buil-d-.:ii Klushrs ul Heut, Burning in 1 ni I'losh, Con?t nt liruiKf nhius of Kvil, Kiid Ui'mii DprcMsuii ot Spirits.' -I'.'.'i " iicM.'t i!,i-iSi I't'- J.ir,f"i lvtfttft ( ii tut, : ui'n.fU ii-iiu 1 1 y iff btt'vi. ijjoflrtiib'o CM-man tiittero Ih m t ir-l - rrciu!l', nsirt i inlni no 1 1 1 imi. it t it r 41 111 jtiniinl ii f Klit 11 Ki rii-. 'I'lw ttoolx, I tr ami 1 i i 1-Ic a front lil-K tdi-xc ii'.iiu t nir ntndn hit qtit liari'l In (t'l'innitv, All flic liicdii ('inl t iiiu r, arc xlra'Mt l from iticiik li' it m-t-ul t fit cUeiiiKt. Tiit-Kt hIimiU lire tlirn I'oi'tviirilrd 1o 1 1a I it tutiiiti tf 1- 1 c l iipvfwiily for the i;iit ti a fit t uri' of lhcr ISIItr th. 'I'lir re 1.1 no nlenhoHt- h 11 1 1 ( -i ucc of nny kind "Mil In roro jiotiniilnic tin- Hitter) lit-iirr It Ih 1 Ik- mi I Hitler that inn r nt'd 1 it .-iiM-M hvrr n lco!iollc at iui ulatKs urr not ttil v luttdr. tjottaubs Ocrmaa Conic it a iombiHutiuH till (',.' ivijraiirntl uf the Jiiltfrt. I 'd t y UK i ' '( I! Z Hum. t'l tnfi?, tlr, it USttttT urn hr i"n a (nc littt'm, in cat's where fyiie :iJ ''', .'( : ."rv.I'iJ i f'ij lirci. JV.k will brar in j."K''-f -ir. f'iiit-ly .linVifiir nwrt i.r'-j .p.'.'.'iV.' ' 'u t-urf i i,- tttnii't '.. , m (Wl.- ; r.;. ir,i:.'W " m-'iUcitml 'tj. n. 'di :'n (.', .,'.!( iiivi,r;i'..i4 f (t(fri i ..-:.rvi. r- Ti'XH'l .!. ?yi.n- ' i! i-i ,f r-. 1.. i-i t,t.-ii-tt trrr i-Trrnt U the. .' . 1 . .;'. ; : ,T f T f , !rt f,t: il r ' ' iri" , 'j 1 ; .' ir.t'ii-y, t j iritlfintl '' .'(.!( - :r.- f '1 kti jvu vtt ! yri.i.'(( t" CONSUMPTION. rimivn tkitN of riir. ultcii flic io ft rut feitpito-i M hi wiirt aillirteil wltti I li I l oi'i l ill stnc. hitrr ! 11 cntf il t In un of 1 lir 1 ( in t-ill t ri'inc r nine I a 1 Ion, tli-lttllty, 11 it f I ioiifh nrv flic iimiiiI iiMcnilniitfl upon hcvrn no of iIn pfprtln or ilii-n r.v of llif it I tf k 1 1 vr oi-c;-iiiih. lOvcu In cnNcw of fjcn 11 Irir Co.iMini pt f on. t Iw.nr i cincdtci will 0" OmiihI of flu- 'irnli-Kf hnctttf fct i cuiL; lie 11 tjii; mid In vlgorittlujj. DE3ILITY. Tttrr it tio m t- t-il tr JcfJlri'Vg Ccrmnn Uttr'V T f t'ur in mj. ; .. f'nti'i'. ' 'J'hf'j titltt tt tftir itn-i ri.r ft. t'-r v'm- j jlttm. ftrrn-'ti,tu tut ! : f.'tt.'iy C ji'i'ti' '!' H, 1 rtiiii'.'t'fc fit y ,'(--k ti:ty fr--:n 'ht ryr, in,f ft t !' U ht f'.' t.f. ,n chiuje. f..c atir,U fyo.n a s','-rt-t.t;a:'mlt enuv utlr.l, wr.tk. find n-rrou inralfl. tu a J'n!t-nCtdt et utt mtU viyjr Weak and Delicate Children tire imuic HtcOii ly itMttig- tbv Hittfru or Tonic. In Itui. tliey arc Fuintly I r ttli In i-m. '1' lie y can Ur il 111 1 n InI rr il Mlrh pi-rfrt t Mintty tu a rlilld three iiioiitliK old, the moMt tlclli.'atu frjiinle, Oi h 10 n tt of uiiu lji f 't h'ttHttiift ti i i"JiC 't'( isioixi ruriiU'i r.i ir Lti'nni. ami k-.ii tt all if.iMjij ) .gi(.'.. "ffwi vn jtur ht.'f'l j i rr : ' J,"ir .ic.f rtj t j'lrr; Iff ) ili'jtstoi '-nj-iiii n i j'-i4 :f . -.if' '( f.y .''f fev '" I'; f ffd'UiU. Uf, uitxtU uiii A W w m'm m n m 1 I. n die hi v. IhJi 11 fntr Kklii Mini Contl 1:001 plcxlon, fill i"i . u u yi iloi i It t i nue iiikI nil other tl I fij; u re 1111 lit , hIiohUI like tltt-te re 111 cit I va oeealon 11 1 ly. I'Ik I,! w r I n in-rfei t 01 tier, n ml tu I1I11111I pure. t Hi rcbttil In KjurK- llvuflamVt ; if -m )'t '.:.u-.r urr .Jif'rri itnl. 'J'.'tr tfftivttic Inn r thr iv'ul.urr uf t'. M. Jttr:.ntt t n ttr frtAj uf Ihr cut. '.i'i f u it), r - t,t. U Oi t'tt. c I thf Tt'-.-.-u :'ti,r irti.t U a n i,t (Un'U,ti!. .til .'.v.J t rut,tifxit. ThoiiiiiHiiH of Ictfi-rri lve lieen re ceived, teM if to tlic lit ue of Hi eke renirtlleK i'4ui J ;iMii v 111'- Mipi'i'lllC t'"l:l ! if J' 1 V;ltil:i. rnji.iitti.i'iiu. Mn- 11 U'll.. 107. 7 fnd " -f.-iuaz utittutn ti'V-rs is n.t vn iuf't- ic.lftll-J lirrt I, t-Ht IS :-.ti f- Ut. V if fit Hi thf.r- arts if .' c -iv 5.(i'- ";in, (( l'' ;&' in t-asrt if Jt1.-: it Awl n,'n: uf nrrr'.ui t.ci tu (lit ot-.". if. nvtinrAJciK FltOM HON'. ,MM!-;S Til iM!';;0., Jiulo - tin- Mt;.t 1,1c (' lit I 'if fV-mi- Iv.uila. II r Ml :(!., AlUU lM'il. i '.isfdri IIoo1.'mVk 1 inun Ult In m" n ;',(;.' t,- eli: tit I tn v. can et til 'lit: ' t- Voiti .';-'m iff In e;tite of at I ion or lj spcpfcla. I in--.it my t x pi i if lieu :u lil.V. .!!.! .1 tii 'i' .. :: I! i'r. ri.il.ilrllil:!. :-nfr(-jtti-uu'jrr- l "" o n-tu:e . rusts u'i." i.'toh'-rf. it;nl :-.'i.'.'J n r. ( t'V'.m (1y ff't'u ' it- y iii' ; (,, i.i'i 111 lut'i b.rd , rj-., j;"it 1 :tl it -1 : 1 i t y. ii., i'"iii-l it-it. i: i- .1 fi'if, FuJiif i tir-t it mo i, t'.'i ii tvi.7 bcWj'ui' I ti, ttJUlt. J 'Ul.. ! i- 7 .mw .-,,., , f,v,f j, r -':,. !it,.t . v,. . i.iiu (' ,r U r il .ilu t' l" 1 T. pV.HjMi,. 7,4 'C -w.itl 'i. rr.. 1 n wi .' h- .y.ih'rr i:i ailiCt ) 7 -''"'l.'v. ;y. y; .v.v.i . Prlca of tho Uitcr. $1,00 j jr bottle Or, tt Jmlt" doon lor $5.00. Vfiuo oi" tho Toiuc, I.TjO pur buttle ; Or, a half tloaun lor ij7.& J. TIjc T'-Iifv- if i-ui u in .iu II f 1. :ti. . -. '. ( .a' if it Vr. H' iho . r:uiu KenwIi'S tU-lt 'iff HU'ir,ti:y fx -t ,'u-f . 1 1 i,i:,'.' at; an t ii h -t '' Itru..-i 7 -...n f4 uAv nny .'m i- ' '.' '"' ij't nt fl. enure ht W'fh-t n i'ny-f yt'f' 4,u 'iii i;'nii. j mf c 4in! ''J jrtoeSS tu 011 J b.; ilii'j ltj;.-'U aj j-.aUnn raiXi llAI. OPFU'Ki AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Y". I:il A A'' 'il HTIi I I. t Vi.-7.i..'i.it4. C1IAB. M. U'AIvB, Proprietor, Turcerly C. M. JAGKl'ON' 4 CO. T liee Jlciiicdlr a re for nle liy Ii iiKK'"l f M011 keeper, luul .tlt di tluu lieiilei M tvti wliei r. o i"7 '".. tu , .0,,,, ,0 v.ti ,, lUti 1, y. u luytin i jr a', i... Mi:-., D;oj 1 K VUU WANT TO BLi ri.ttTlil.VU for the .llillion Oo to A. lVUI.ACilKR, Agent, liKAI.tll IN CLOTHING! CLOTHING! i.IKNTS' FURNISIIIXG GOODS, II ATS, CATS, H0 :T.S, SII0K3, TKPXB3, THAV ELTXd Y,G?, &c. ST. M.Liyrf, KLIi COUNTY, I'li.VN'A. Jan'JlSiiSlypJ .4 TTEXTWX MILL O WXFH.S ! T M1K KAliLE 1TKHIXE WATER VHri; patented julvO, l.silT. is itipetRT to :my wiicil in me. The iiii.Ut--igneJ have tlie :i)te"cy lor said vlu'el in hi! Slate of l'ennylvani'a, und can fucomi land il as being the be?l. iiiiimifactured. ''or further pMiciilnrn. nnd circulars, in. 1 11 ii-e nt our Foundry iti Kersey, wliero aaehiiiery, niill-jrcaring. enstins and steam limine! will In' nde to order at reasonable prieert. Wo expect by piving satisfaction 11 our work to receive a good sliuro of pub lic patronage. J. F. KOBKUTSON, It. HEM,. Kersey, Klk Co., Pa., j an Hi IPC.Hpd. A CAIiH TDTiiK LADIES. Ir. Duimn- co's (iOLt)KN PERIODICAL PILLS k'lnaks. InlV.l'iible iu coiTeclinir irreff. ilaiiiif, Reuioviug Obsiriictions of the tlnmlily Turn, from whatever cause, ami ilways suetessful as u preventive. One :'ill isailo?!1. Females peculiarly situated, .r those -u'po.-':n" themselves so, nro cim ioned auainst using these l'i'.ls while in hat conditio-!, lest lliey invitu miscarriage, 'tier which a-liuoniiiou tho Proprietor us umcs no l'i'sponsiliilily, although their iiildness would prevent any mischief to icalili: oihel wise the Pills are recommeu led as a Most Invaluable Remedy for the .Deviation of those suH'eriiig from any ii ' egularitios whatever, as well as prevent an ncieasc of family when health will not ennit it ; tjuieting the nerves nnd bringing mck the "rosy color of Iicallli" to tlie heek nf the most delicate. Full and explicit directions accompany acli box. Price 1 per box : ti lioxes, $'). Sidd in Ridgway, l'a., by ii. II. Messen ger, Druggist, uole agent for Ridgway. La. iies. by sending him$l to tlie liidgway P. can have the Pills sent (coufidcnlially ) mail tu any part of tho country, free of st.ige. Sold also by Swayne & Reynolds, . Mary's, and by one Druggist iu every llage ill I he L'niou. S. 1). HOWE, y'J 1 v. Sole Proprietor, X. Y. J)Al i S Tor FARMERS and others. J I in- i i in mi Mineral Paint Co. arc now iiaittiirturiug 'he Rest Cheapest and most lura'h.e I'nint in u: ? : two c ulls w- 'i puf in. miieJ wiih pure Linseed Oil, will last HI or 1 years ; it isol'a light brown or leautiful chocolate color and can be dianged to green, lead, stone, drab, olive r cream, to suit the taste of the consumer, t f valuable for Houses. Hams, Fences, 'arriage and Car-makers, Pails and Wood .n ware. Agricultural Implements, Canal KontK. Vessels and shiis' Holtoins, Canvas, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water proof). Floor Oil (.'loth.-', (one Maun. I'aoturer having used fjOiNJ bids, the past year.) and as a paint for any purpose id unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, and a ihesiseness. Price per bbl. of !IK) lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Warrenied in all cases as above. Send fo u circular which gives full particulars. None genuine unleas branded n a trade mark Orafloii Mineral I aim. Address DANIEL RIDWELL, Pearl Street, New York. For sale by Hyde, (JilliB & Co., at Kidg- w ay . .Sett. .1. 1.7. -Om. A l.Et'T CUE TO Yol'NO MEN JUST published in a sealed envelope. A Lecture on the Nature, lreatnient mid Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions. Sex ual lieiuuiv, ii u i liiipe'iiiiienis io inarriM'ie L'enerall. Nervousness, Consumption, l'.p- ilei.sv and Fits : Mental and Physical In capacity, resulting ii'oiu icii-.-uju:c, ,v bv it'ihci't J . i ulverell, .M. u., autnor oi the "(irven liook,;! elc. Price iu a bealed envelope, only six cenis. Tin; celei'iated aulhor, iu this admirablo essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty Veins' suecersful practice, that the alarm in" conseuiiences of self abuse may be rail ieallv cured without the uso of internal medicine, or the application of the knife imiiit itiir out a mode of cure at once simple eei-taiii aiul effectual, by menus of which everv sutlerer, no matter what his coudi lion may be, may cure himself cheaply, I'l'ivateh'. iiud radically. na'i'J'his Lecture should be in the hands of every ymilh and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in't plain envelope, lo any address, iiostjiai.1, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Pr. Oil ver well's ,r Marriage Guide, price -ojenls. Address the PubHshcrr. I II AS J. C. KLINE CO., 127 Uowcry, New York,' I'. O. Box 4,580. jan 1(1 lbi7 1)LACKS.MITirs CARl'ENTER'S AND .ioim r's tools for sale " cheaper than toe cheapest " at the ft. Mary s Hard war Sior-. (iioVjh'07.) ENVELOPES, LABELS S: TA(.S neat 'j ly primed i I the Advocate Otii c I jfl.ANI.O ul' ..il i.il.do iul' Laic Ul liilb 5 liv.;. FOI1 Tllli KKiUT 1UDGWAY, VKXXA. ,V. 1 TV II A L VISlOllY (V UAH IKS DV TOM J :M:S. ?;iliii'3 a C (if two kinJ-3, tnalu tuil female, and uiu ttsmilly put up in pack aziis uf otic, thouoh sotii. 'times two, in wliich easn they nru ctilleJ twinn, wlien nearly nl the satne tire. They tire imt coiifineJ to any partiovihir ljcality. hut are louti'l plentitully dishihutetl over all parts cl tlie itihahiteil countries, Their ages are various and have wide ratioc. We have known fhctn us yotin; as 'tis easy to calculate time on a ivatch ilial.utid then a;iu wo have seen thctu where they have nciiurcil the healthy atia of 25, with n prospect of ailvanein still further to hahyhood. Their weight depeuus a groat deal on their heft ; but as they have twenty-otic years to t;row in before it costs thctu anything, it don't matter so much how big they happen to be when they commence. I'robahly babies have tnoru pot names than any other known article of their size-' In the tender years of life, say the first two, they are lovingly adddress ed by such endearing names as Old Beautiful, Sweetness, Him Darliug, Honeycomb, l'apa's Hope, Mamma's Joy, Old Blessed, Noble Handsome, supposed to be a contradiction of Old Handsome, and hundreds of other ap pellations which wo tiever could trans late. For several year.", until they can pet old enough to play n il ot doors and soil their faces their lives are ono long con tinuous game of Copeuhageu, cierybody labo.ing uuder the delusion that all ba bies are good for is to kiss, consequently to see one is to kiss it. Wc cannot re collect of ever finding ourselves in tho presence of a baby, but what tho fond mother would say to it, 'Mow be a good little deary and give gentleman a nice sweet kiss." Of course W3 accepted it, though kissing ain't our forte. We are iturally modest nnd don't care to bo :en kissing auvhody, Wo don't hank. er after it as (mine of our friends do. Wn me willtug to kiss a pretty girl oeea Motially, tor her mother's sake, or evet; her own rather than have any trouble, yet wo think it said pretty girl owed us kiss, wc should .mien prcler to have it remain on interest than to have it paid wlien it became due ; wc never should present our bill und demaud payment not-if we continued perfectly sane. We understand that there are (piito a nuin- fV of persons who alitor lroui us in re gard to kissing ; if so let them kiss, we innot stop to argue the point, our sub ject treats of babies. The monotony of babies lives is va ried by such liulo incidents as an attack ot the measles, niumns, oi croup, and we would not neglect to speak of cutting teeth. A baby that lias got through all these infantile troubles, is considered worth some seventy-five dollars more tlinu one who litis them in prospect. The diseases are, however, ctisilv treat ed, and iu case of the measles, all that is necessary is to have them "break out well, and to see to it that they don't "strike in." With tho mumps, just let them "mump" round a day or two, pud they will come out all I'gbt. nil the croup it is iicce.-parv to "strike ile," generally '.goose ile," and if applied in season, twill soou lubneMo the throat without much trouble, Cutting teeth runs longer than cither of tho diseases, yet by a timely investment of a rubber ring anil latucyou geiri'i in a uoeiur sum. When we were young, we cut our toctli on u silver dollar, but as dollars tue now made of paper, they won t stand the wear and teat of a whole set of teeth, ana lis cheaper iu me cnu ui iuvca, in the lubber ring. Learning to walk aud-talk arc two achievements about which two much cauuot bo said. The walking, though, is a mere nothing cop.trcd to talking ; vel it is more dangerous, and accidents often occur; still they usually ticuii'e the art with tho necessary breaking ot some crockery or furniture, which they frantically clutch ut iu order to save a fall. During tho season ot practicing nothing can drop iu tho house, or the loatt noise bo made, but tho mother will drop wha', ever she has m her hands and cry out : "Their goes Wiifio; what huj he done now !" and ru-hej to the scene of action to Cnd perhaps a Uower pot on the floor, and Willie engaged iu scattering its oontonto about the room. -41cr clearing up the debris, the mother returns to her work, thanking liet stars that it was only a oIio'imc verbeua that was ruined, and not Willie's ncck. The conversation at the beginning is a little UHlCUil 10 uuuersiauu, a 1117 abbreviate a great deal, and throw a.-;iuo all pronouns as perfectly useless. Libt. en'ui" to their talk is like attending au Italian Opera; on) hears the lioe, but can't tell wh.it if mean's. Tha lit'st "papa" of "mama," distinctly sj.yl.ea, is f1- K t X i a- : ' Pi xft V'1 AT A1,L, TIMES. JUXE '27, 1808. wortli five dollars to citln r of the de lighted pitronts. Jlabies must not only talk themselves, but must be talked to, and the amount of baby talk used iu u com noti s h! family is prodigious, lia bv's appearance opens a new field to all. The old hands, who have seen babies before, ctiiveise ijnite fluently, but 'tis ludicrous to hear a bcghiDcr undertake to master this tongue. Talking baby talk is an art which lew ever acquire to perfection, though by constaut practice the most stupid cm partially acquire it, yet it takes two or three generations of babies to make a perfect linguist. The effect a baby produces on a fam ily, no lnalter bow sober paid family may be, is wonderful to behold. It com pletely turns the heads of all. If a par ticular one behave more insane or is cur ried more away than the rest, we think griMidnia will bear oil' tho palm, al though, pa, ma, grandpa, aunt, and a long list of cousins are not counted out, by any means. We think the mother acts the most sensible, though even she has her failings and weak points in re- gr.rd lo the baby, and will occasionally exhibit a trace of insanity when dilat ing on his charms and accomplishments. The effect babice have on progression is self-evident. No ono ever new of a baby iufcrior to any other preceding baby. On the contrary, each one is a little in advance of any yet born; nnd when wc thiuk of the vast number yet to bo, and ho'V every ono will be a trifle superior to its predecessor, what a glo rious future awaits us ! We shall eveuts ually reach perfection. How can those persons who believe that rctrogade instead of progress, reconcile this fact with their absurd theory. Some people, a little enthusiastic, look upon a baby as "a thing ol beauty and a joy forever." Now, we have seen some whom wo thought had a liberal discount oo their "beauty," aud their "joy forev er" would quickly vanish on bavins; them to commence to cry and "refuse to bo comforted." when left in our charge, and we busily cnuagod in reading or writing. It must be comforting to a man, no matter how uglj or how ikspited ho may be, to think that he was once a baby, beloved by a krge circle ol relatives and mends It is a confort wo would not deny him. Thero are quite a number of this world's people who were not lov. ing babies a great while ; they arrived at years when people ceased to love them quite early iu life, audhave uever been babies since. Babies resemble wheat in many res pects. Firstly, neither are good for much until they arrive at maturity. Secondly, both are brtd in the house, and also tho flower of the family. Thirdly, both arc generaly well thrash if before tbev are done with. ("We don't know who originated the alu.7n if wo did wc should propose a monument of rattlo boxes to his mem. 017- fiti-f-A good story is told concerning tho writing of Mr. J. W. Brooks, the railroad manager, lie had written a let ter to a man on the Central lloutc, u',ti- tying hitu that, under tho penalty of i-mscciitioM. ho luiut remove a barn which in some way incommoded the load. Tho threatened individual was unable to road any part of tho letter but tho signature, but took it to bo a free pass on tho road, and used it for a con- tiie of years as such, none of the id nc- tors beiug able to dispute tutiou of the doeumeut. h'n iuierpre- k'iy.ft a recent.wedding in Detroit, the bridegroom was called on for a song. He cheerfully promised to comply, and said he would givo his friends a new version of "Ilunkadori." On taking the paper from his vest pocket, it proved to be not a slin from . newspaper, as he had calculated' but a greenback w hich ho had intended for the clergyman's fee. Imagiuo the bridegroom's couatcrntrtion at tho trick ho hud unwittingly played on tho clergyman ; and imagiuo also the indignant surprise of the hitter when he found only a new version ot "IluuUado ri," when ho wanted some money for marketing next day ? It is a well known rule t f etiquette for the marriage fee to bo viveti aud received quietly without examination. The San Fraucisco Kxuintncr saya that the three Pacific States, California, Oregon und Nevada may be set dowu as sure for the Democratic nominees iu the next Presidential election. California, it says, will roll up twenty thousand Democratic majority. Boston will celebrate independence day this year without a civto procession , and dinner. Aro therosomany Butlers around that tho Hub is afiaia of tuo ta . bk w.i.i '.' t: " W" ' rt r.i IfJ . a VOLUME El (7 tlTXUM HL'l! 1 1 . vitiKF xori's l uau KxaiAxa i:s. Lotta is r. Saratoga star this eea-nm. Tom Thumb is high in Maso'T notwithstanding his -tdioi t'.iess. A " Lincoln Democratic club " has beer, organized at Springfield, 111. Two thousand Hebrews in St. Louis protest against Irant's election. One thousand dollars a week arc epeut ou tho social evil in New Yol k. Mr.i. Tester, formerly-Miss Bloom cr, is giving lectures to the Mormons. The only point (.limit h made sinco his nomination West l'oint. Only two of the Maryland delegates aro opposed to Pendleton. A Philadelphia heiress has just eloped from l'tuis with a bogus count. Kit Carson leaves five penniless or. phan children, all under sixteen. The man who raised a breeze will try his hand at a crop ot onions. Excursion parties go from San I'rancisco to sec the great eruption iu tho Sandwich Islandd. -It was testified that Oallieott $20, 000 for his appointment. Who got it '! There is an opportunity for Butler. A Democratic Wigwam has been opened iu 1'hiladelphia. It will seat ono thousand persons. Xewhousc, a rising KnglMi jockey. weighs lorty-lour potinus. He ought to liso easily at that weight. A. T. Stewart, of New York, re turns U(j7,4!I'J income. Some charita ble person ought tc give him a dollar to make it even. The Cleveland Democracy propose to scud two car.loads as their portion of the "Pendleton cscoit" to the New York Convention. -What has become of Stanton ? Ho has gone out like a penny dip. His light has been thoroughly cxtin rui.shcd. and will never again be rekindled. Somebody having ptated that Orant had no will of his owu, Prentice thinks ho had better make one as soon as possi. blc, in view of his political death. Mrs. Cady Stanton scolds Theodore Tilton because be will not " follow a good mau with the -Democratic; party, rather than help to place a drunken soldier in the White House." Forney is more ready to revive a recollection of the scenes of tho war thau he was to participate in them The same can be said of the leading lladical everywhere. A Radical organ says that Grant and Colfax " have no strength to dclib erately throw uway." That is tho leas, on why they stiek so close to the nigger. He is much strong, is Sambo. Dr. Potter, of Cinciuatti, left a for tune to his heirs on condition that they eschew tobacco. The lirst one of ihciu who puffs a cigar blows his inheritance to the four winds. Tho friends of Pendleton who aro expected to bo iu attendance at tho Na tional Convention are so uumer "i t r. t it is propositi to inula a vigviiio ".r their special accommodation The party which deliberate! hands over the government ol tho fhiust conn try in the world to negroes, traveling gamblers and escaped couviets, is not exactly the puny for the people of this Republic. Tho Seneca Advertiser, of Ohio, says : " A dog fight would have inado a better show than tho Orant ratification meeting did iu this place." Wo don't doubt it, tor a dog fight might have brought out Urunt himself. Ordinary sports are dangerous in California'. Not lon, since a game of marbles was ended by tho stabbing ot one infant by another, hhI now some difficulty about baso ball has been set tled by an impromptu duel with kmves. An unpoetie English antiquary has discovered mat et. uoorgc, tne uragou. slayer and knightly patron'of J-.ugland, was au aimy contractor', who made his money by furnishing decomposed bacon, for which hs naiiuwly escaped lynching. The' Revolution tells us " there are plenty of lad i is quite equal to tho V'ioto' r'as, Annies aud Elizabeths of England, tho Theresas of Austria and the Calhar. incs of Ru-aih." Wo have not met this item ot news iu any other paper. The Richmond Examiner' says that "'the present agitation ;s an irrepressible cuufiic: which will never end flntil jus tice is done or the heavens fall." t on. scqucntly it is trwng to convince the , heaven- that .hey on :ht to jail, .1 arjuvur:. jiomawu. "Kvelyn," tho New Orleans ei vrc.- pnrnLut of tho Molill -' " 7V"-t write : f-'o noil ing like i - young M ,.tlio f.on oi wealthiest iiu-ii in Louisian.. : -,i -i' . iy in love with a young lady of a n-aghb'T. ing pavisli. His love wn. r-M:v:vl .with Wa.'intb, and they were en;-need. But now au obstacle entne iu then way.- MV. father opposed the mai'.ii. !'uv s -.-.i, lime he kept this a secret frem his ji ui;C, and meanwhile she was tnakiug preparations for her innrruige. She was an orphun. 1 ' i. had been left a Finall properly, which, vnluiiblc before the war, brought ' r I ut ltl.fi' over 8,000. This (die expended upon l:cr lrmssnn', feeling that, ti:-: h". mi-nded husha: ',. was rich, she ' -. i i.-t n-.vwtity f'-v ing, and that fh-tM maki- ' i K-o worthy of Mtt-'f slat: 1 . .in - ! ; -, iear when they b" uii.tini, seemed to .-. '- .; toward her, and grew cool and In vain she tried, with nil li r -i which h.vo could suggest, p -. -v the secret of tho change, but ' '1 confide in her, and she could on'., 1 and wonder. At last the time fixed io tho ceremony euinc, and M was forced to make a confession. He said his father forbade the match, that he had supposed her an heiress when ho. cn-ajred himself to her, and now ho could not marry lid' ajainsi his dear father's will. The shock which ibis gave the young girl can bo imagmrd. Naturally, ono'will ssy that chc should have despised him, and fc It lierseit for tunate iu makiug her eseeps ; but ou the contrary, it was then only that tdio felt how much she loved him. t'Lo had given herself without reserve, a.id, so far as she was concerned, she vas his forever. For the next year and a half she was in a couvent, entirely excluded from the world ; but some two months ago she was persuaded to como to this city, and icniaiu here for some two cr thiec weeks. Ono day she received ti letter which seemed to disturb hoi, and on going to her mom later, a friend lound her on hciv knees praying lot the mau who had deserted her. lie was very sick in tho country, and begged her to come to him. On that vcrry day M 's father died, and the funeral ti'.tico was handed to her as she, stepped into tho carriage to go to thejears. For a week uothiiig was beard from her, but sonu we got tho liualo of tho romance. The girl had gone immediately to M's bedside, and found him very ill, attend ed by his two sisters 11c told her that he was dying, and ,iow that his father was gone, w ished to make her his wife. They were married. A will was uiado by him givii.g her one half of his largo fortune; the other half t" his two sisters, and the next day he followed his father 1',-oni earth. Contrary to the advi.ee of her friends, the young maiden widow announces her iiitctiliou of retiring to the convent for life. JOSH HI j.JjlXtfx OX TOMATOES. It is now about H or elevt-D years sinco folks began to hanker after the T'jiuti. toes. About that time some dektor ov pills dissected ono ov these vagrant vegeta bles and discovered l'o.uc doktor stuff iu them. As soon ai the folks found out they was lizic they beguu to bo very sweet ou the tomater. At that time they was in the habit of growing in sly places, where they wau't afraid, over behind stone walls, among biokeii jugs, ded fcats, and old'injiu rub ber b;ots. for people wou'ld't let thou i grow in g'i: oeii- ciiny mure than they wviIm a kanadv tb:--sel. They was vagabond weeds, and eve:; a wood hog wouldn't eat ou-; ov i'k I -. r rys that gr. s ,.i them ontiy qui-'kei than h- ',- a V-awl ol .' 1 .' '-. '! jam. Bu: it :!. il'?i. l-.it t! -y. ..: ..t.u ;;i thcru, ami thev WaJ pa- ?' n;:i-.:-, iu poi and v.is.'.s uu-l live! ' !! i '::n of the '.aud, in hot In-ises . I . jiu-J tiger lilyj and ri-.-e- ' a. l took most loiu. ! ' of p :' severance mid sea sick ties,- -to a '.!.'- teiiiatocze to go quitly down, and frun; a nile weed more innelling than a deceas ed chuii, the tuniater has actnoally got. tew bo more honored than a buckwheat tlapjaek or even pumpkin pi. This shows what love and ntlucsiiun will do. 1 haven't any doubt that if Profess Ratsbane would say professionally that was) m sts was good to make a munlash grow black, half the :.jlii in the country would get a wasp aud go into tho uest business. don't believe a tomatnr will keep a man nny more Healthy thau red clover wib, imt i am just like every one else, 1 wauti d to get some belter than 1 was, and 1 went to school lo the (milliter; and have got learnt how to eat them, it they are filled wilh.-alt and pepper and tout, ed well in good tider viuegar. But ton'iutoz'e have worked themselves' tip in uctc-oiiy, and 1 am not tho mau , to injure lcputushuu, for 1 believe an iunoccijt humbug haz as much right to win (if they kin) as auy other man. 1 huv.: seiu folks pick ihem oj h from' the vims in iho garden, and eat them right down fflive, jwould as soou under tak to cat a l.andfull of pjty'. IIi.w to iu novo a young lady's hints put one l.ii-, ;Ui' into iier t '.ekit. Iroil tl.' ; aud d-d-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers