i A A ft y JOMN'pr'MOtVKE," Ki'tuh. " SATURDAY: MavlOHi. :::::::: 1808. GENERAL GREENBACKS. FOIl VICK J'ltESl HUNT, GENERAL LOW TAXES. DEMOCRATIC STATU TICKKT. For Ait'lifvr General, CHAS E BOYLE. 0 Fayette County. For Surveyor General, GEN W H ENT 0 Columbia County, .IATJjTXKYS BY TELEGRAPH. PRESIDENT JOHNSON FOUND GUILTY. . Th substance o?n dispatch from Wash inglon to-day informs us that tlie Court met tliia morning and vo cd on the 11th ar ticle, on which Mr. Johnsou wan found guilty. The Court then, without consider ing the other Articles, adjourned until the aiith iast. This action will make Wude 1'rotident, God save the couutry now. IMl'EA CllMKNT. . Tlic wiek has pissed along so far in its course, oud A. J. still situ undisturb. ed in the White House. Though the Ilurap has devoted its lest efforts to forcing itupeachinent through the Senate, the uncertainties of the result has delayed the vote und the cauldron still continues to boil. The IIi;;h Old Court meets again to day; but there is much doubt abuut the vote being taken. Theio is a strong probability that another adjournment will be made, as the National Black ahd Tan Convention meets at Chicago on the 20th, and influences may be found there that will whip the conscioatious, doubtful and wavering into line. Among all the expedients that have becD tried to bring about a verdict, it t-ccius a litllo strange that " Gentle An na " aud her " barbaric yawp," have not been heard iu the chambers of Sen. atorial wisdom. That the revolutionists should neg lect so strong an influence is greatly to be wondered at, but as whom the gods Would destroy, they first craze," so it is possible that in their extreme anxiety for conviction the Jacobins overlook the . easiest and most obvious means. Democrats really feel very little iu terest in what, as it stands, they regard lucrely as a family quarrel, well know ing that whatever the result, it can but benefit them. The Radicalshave bought the Im peachmcot elephant, let them oaie for him. It's none of our funeral. On the 20th, the farce of a Presiden tial nomination it to be gone through with at Chicago. Washburue has trained his steed well, and that nomina tion is a foregone conclusion 7 tho real struggle will be over the Vice Presiden cy. New York presents Reuben Fen ton, so-called, who will be a fit compan ion for Ben Butler and the carpet-b ag tiers from Dixie. Pennsylvania favors Curtin, but we think he is too much of a gentleman for the position. Fetiton enits, and would dovetail into Washing ton society, even better than drunken, cursing Bud Wade, who is the candi date of the nigger.suffragians of Ohio One thiug is certain that whoever may be the candidates, if we fight them square upon the real issues, and with a man who has a straight and clean Dem ocratic record, who is in favor of allow, ing the white laborer the richt to live at least, we shall certainly be victorious' Bally for the Sght ! Civ, up with the white wan 1 Down with the uigger ! Up with Liberty t Down with tyranny und taxation ! Give them their own prescription for the South rou ; a short boritt and a long halter tor Uuuipers and their tools. j iSTThe N. Y. Tribune informs its readers that Andrew Johnson is the first president who ever undertook to remove an officer whom the Senate had decided . should not be removed. This h not true During President Jackson' administra tion Mr. Duane, Secretary of the Treas ury, was removed because he refused to ckrry out the policy of the adiuiuUtrtion Daniel Webster opposed the removal of Mr. Duane in a lengthy speech, but that gentleman whilst disapproving ot tho re woval, admitted, nevertheless, that the power of removal existed ii the Presidcut according to the established construction ut the Constitution. 7 7 T y- HKSOLUTIOXX. fTlio following aro tho resolutions passed at tho railroad meeting huld in ot. Mary s on tho 4th instant 1 - Whereat, It is well known that the citizeus ot Hullalo desire rail road com- rauuication With tho coal.fields of North western Pennsylvania, aud Wlici'ta. There is now in mnn. r construction a road called the Buffalo & Washington Railroad, the immediate intention ot wli-ch is communication between tho above points, and ,,, W,"," w believe that said B. & . Railroad would nattimllu nrni... i..t ing that route which is shortest, cheapest and easiest of construction, which pre sents tho li.'htust LTades. nn.l whlnl, leads directly to the ceutre of tho coal basin, aud Whereat, We believe these advantag es can only be demonstrated by actual surveys, made by intelligent engineers, therefore K t'xott'eil. That nionov sirfTinti.n lm at onco subscribed and collected by this meeting to defray the expense of such survey. J JicKotvcdt That a corps of engineers be at once cngagi d by a committee to I . S 1 . ou appointed oy tnis meeting, who shall proceed from Miller's West Creek Sum mit, to meet a similar corps who are now proceeding south from Bishop's Summit. Retained, That a thorough and entire survey be made between these two points, and that the result be laid be. fore the directors of the B. & W. R. B. Resolved, That Hun. C. 11. Eailey, Joseph I'httou, Esq., and Gen. R. C. McGill be appointed a committee to en gage a corps of engineors. C. R.E Alt LEY, President. W. James Blakely, ) 0 J as. K. P. Ham,, ) Secretaries. FR UM WA SU1XO TOX. Tho vote on impeachment which was to have been taken on Tuesday last, has been postponed until to day, when it may bo postponed until after tho Chi cago Convention or possibly until alter the next Presidential election. Tho Tribune's special tuys : " Senator Sherman spoke tor convic tion on the third, eighth and eleventh articles- Thou followed Stewart, from Nevada, Williams, from Oregon, and Edmouds, from Vermont all of whom rocorded their names iu favor of couvic tion on all the articles. James W. Grimes, of Iowa, came next. He spoke for Radical Iowh, against all the articles, and earned the applause of men who never before sav aught in him to applaud. The Repub licans were not di all surprised that' old Grimes was dead.' Kansas followed tor conviction thro' Po.neroy. Hendricks, of Indiana, against all. Howe, of Wisconsin, proiiouuced for all the articles but the Gist. Morill, of Maine, succeeded him. His was another vote for all, without reservation. ,, Doolittle and Garrett Davis spoke against all the urticles. Henderson followed, and great anxie. ty was felt as to his position. Word came that be spoke against the first and second articles, and so on up to the nictb, leaving his position on the re maining three undefined. Lvinan Trumbull, th nfvt denounced the' whole trial. It would not, he said, stand a moment in i.nu justice's court in the country." The limes special says : "A prominent Senator. lioori all the debate, gives the following names of Senators who will oto for acquittal : jKijuru, DucKuiew, jJavis, JJixon, Doolittle, Fessenden.'.Fowler, Grimes, Henderson. Hendricks. .Inh n.Mn AT n Creery, Norton. Patterson, of Tennessee, j.auisDury, i rumbull, Van Winkle aud v lcsers is. Ho cave the names nf Sfi Snnfr, for couviction which of course includes the remainder of the Sen, it- T d .w. vv UU1 think this vote will be quite realized. it. an naogs oy a single thread, uud de pends reullvunon Anthonv. V ,1,.,,. 1 J I iviiiiiiuj' sen and Wiltey, who want to vote for conviction, nut may not after all." " De reasons given by the Radicals for not taking the voto on Tuesday last .1 11 .... J 1 was me auoged illness of Senator How. ard, of Michigan. Tho health of other Senators is also said to be bad. A dispatch from Washington on ",,n says that Senator Grimes was on that day attacked with sickness, he is howev er, improving. Senator Conkling is ul so confined to his lodgings. The sick- oes of Senator Howard still continues, and a further postponement of the final vote on the impeachment subject we re. gard as almost certaiu. Josh Billings. Don't swap with jour relations unless you oan afford to give them the big end of the trade, Marry young, and if circumsiuuccs rexuire it, often. If you cant get good klothcs and cd dication, too, iret L-ood klothcs. Kultivate modesty, but mind and keep a good stock ot impudence on hand.- jieeoaariti Del one cent pieces were made on purpose JJout take enuybo. .dies advice but your owu. It costs more .o borrow than it does to bi. If a man flutters yon, you can caleer lulo that he u a louc or you arc u fu'e. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE Car Time, at llidgway. Erie Express Knst J:U-'la. m uo 110 West do Mail Kast da do West , Local Treight Knst do do West 4:0:1 a in. 4: Hi p. iu 2:40 p. m !:40a. 111 0:42 p. in Elk lorfeo, A. Y. M Stated meetings of Klk Lodge will lie held Tuesday evening, on or before the full moon of each month, once every two weeks thereafter. J. K. WIIITM'.lRn. Seo'y. Giace CUarc'a Xrotorant Episcopal. Kkv. C. K. 1!iti.kh, Hector. Services will be held in the abovo church every al ternate Sunday morning and evening commencing with Monday, the 10th iust. 1 HetiiodUtEpiacipal. Rev. F, Vkbnon, Pastor. Morning Ser vice, in the Court House, every alternate Sundaycoiumi nciiig with the 17th instant. Magnolia Water.. A delightful toilet article superior to cologne and at half the price. U. McL'oriuivL's Jiinstrcls will give nn entertainment iu the Hyde IIoum Ball Koom on Tuesduy night ucxt. The muaio is excellent. llf.TTKii than 1k.v.ini: Uvnn, at Mes- scu-rer's Drugstore mil keeps dealing out ley Cold and Sparkling Mincial Witer. It is excellent. Go try it. S&,Our townsman. Hon. Ilenrv Souther, starts for Chicago on Monday next to attend tho meeting of the wool- growers' convention, which convenes iu that city on the 20th instant. Jack Advocate : I'lease request Teach ers' nsthu.e to state how many square in ches should be taken from thv! corners of a board 2 inches square to mako tiuht aides of equal length, and the cruel length of each siae. T. O tjU.Our lady readers will be glad to learn that II. S. Relnap lias just receiv. ed and is now cpci'ing a lurc s-tock of Spring Goods lately purchased in the eastern cities, and wnich he proposes to sell very cheap. J&""Juh Rilling says : If yo'i ieh for faiin, go into a graveyard, und scratch yuuiself against a tu ucstoan. If you want to huy cheap goods in tho Hardware line, and not get cheated, and also got the worth of your money, never mind Josh's prescription for ob. taining fame, but go to Hctchcr it Cope, land's St. Mary's Hardware. Store, aud buy what you want. They keep every thing from a jack-knife to a saw-mill. A Si'LK.njjiii Wauon. -II. S. 15ul. nap & Co. uro turning out some work in the wagon-making line which equals any in this pait of the State. A wagon was gotten up by them a few weeks ago for Service, of the Ridgway Tin Stvre, which is a regular beauty, aud we will wager our old hat that it can't be beat anywhere. The painting was done by Mr. W. P. Williams, an artistic genius and talented cuss, who can do anything iu his line. I.Ml'iiiu'A.NT Di.sl'ovkiiv. during a pop visit to St. Mary's the past week we were informed that a vein of four feet of pure coal had been discovered about one mile cast of that place. Prom the thii kucs of this vein we should judge it to be that designated as P, iu l'rof Hodgers' Geological repnrt ol tho Saint Mary's Coal Rasiu. Tho laud under which this valuable coal lies, is owned joititly by Mr. George Weis and Hon. h. C. tchuitzc. Mr. cis ltiforuied us that the coal hn 1 been pronounced by competent judges to bo buperior to any coal found in this section, and when Elk county coal is outrivalled a big thirg will be done. BQDciiiorest for May has been receiv ed, livery number ot tiiis excellent month ly contains some new and )letiug feature. Its coloreu lasluou plates li'.r surpiss any. tiling iu 1 lie art th-il we have ever looked upon. Its rcadi g mailer is boih instrue. live and amusing. Send fur a copy. Ad. i : :.-wVLi.,j-..l!f" '-" " .V. 1VIA l BrtuThe ' Mi:SSKNt;i OK IIKALTII, Kilned nt tho l'e nsjl vnnia lnstituto of Medicine, eon In ins nil article on llyspeps:a, Chills and Fever, rod Kidney Affections, iu which the writer positively declares that the whole scieneo of .lcdiuine contain no lemedy for the cure of t hope diseases, that is halt ss efficacious ns MISIILKU'8 lltllll UlTTfclld. He speaks from experience, having used them in his practice for tho pist two years, to tho exclusion of nil other remedies, aud wniiout ft solitary instance of failure. Sold by nil Druggists and Denlers. Db. S. D. Hautmax a Co., l'roprictorf. L messier, l'eausylvuuia. and Chicui(o, Illinois. niyl-am eowj "How can vk ui.iium so llli:H AM) rva?" goes the old Seot-h song. How! U liv. those who show the bloom of heulih 011 their cheeks, lake l'luntnt ic a Hitters which has the power of fortifying tl- sys tern ngainst diseasH, and of regulating 1 lie digestive aimaratus. Are you dysiu-iilio, weak, void of energy ? Have you lillleor no sppctile, hesdaene. continued Insxitmlo nrd depressii of spirits? Take S. T li4i,i( x., and bliioiii aud beauty will re nun. Tlie liittera have Lucuiou il bold frieud. Jut Tlii.'HiV'l,Ki?. SI'KCIAL "koTK'B. We have found it r.occs.iry, in OTder to keep the financial department ol the Advocate on a good basis, to adopt the following rnle : Transient Advertisement! must he paid for In ad vance ; and all Job Work so-m as completed. Eiilt made out and prctsnted to yearly advertisers ai ine oeginnmg 01 eacn quarter. Subicripti .mto be paid for invariably in advance, liovif John F. Mdorr, 1'iiblislicr HS. BELXAP& CO., 15LACKSJIITIIIX6. Having completed our new eslnTiliihment, and lucnled therein, we still hope by con stant attention to business, and turning out first-class work, to merit n continuance of the patronage heretofore so generously be stowed. Call at our new shop, at the east ern end of Main Street, Uidgway, l'a. l'articukr attention given to tiio shoeing of horses. All we ask is n fair trial. May 17'G0-ljr. JpOUBlGN ATTACHMENT. iilCHARD S II AltTK. "1 FHANC18 WKISS AND In tho fWf of HOr.GE V KL'FOUD. Common l'leas of surviving partners of f Klk Co. No. 1. t he firm of Kharpc, Weiss August Term b8 Y Co , vs Williiini iteed J ' , COUM Y, SS : Tlip rnlnmnnvnnllli of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of said comi ty, GREETING : 11 (' COIIIIllllIld Villi tblit vnil nltnpli Wit.. LI AM ItEED. lute Of Vlllll- fmtll.lv- I. u a . 1 and siueular. bis irond and -linii,.'la l,..,.l. aud tenements, in whose hands or possess ion s.ever the same may be, so that he be ami appear before our Court of Common ncns, 10 ne noinen nt nupivny, in and for said comity, on the first Monday of August, iiexl.ihe-e to answer Itielini-d Shnrnn. Francis Weiss and Genrvn Hc-lf.nil. ;. ing partners of ihe fii-m of Sharpe, Weiss .- to., 01 a pica 01 (lulu, tioll.OiJi). rtiui iuso tiial you sumuuin Joseph S. Hyde, rnd' unv oilier nersnns in mli.wa hands or possession the properly may lus, so that they be and nppenr before our said Court on Ihefirst Moinlny of August noit, to answer what shall be objected against him, ami abide the judgment of tho Court therein. And have von then and thei-o lbi u-rii W ITNESS ihe Hon. it. G. WII1TL'. IVcsi- dent Judge ot our said Court, ni ltidirwm- this :3d day of April. ISUtf. til.O. A. I AT I X. Prnlh'v. Iblil rcilllircd ill llm mm i,f i-l'.tl f II 111 The Sheriff will attach nil the goods and ehattels, lands and tenements of liic defen dant, in Ihe hands nml possession of J oseidi S. Hyde, or in tho hands or poynessimi nf any oilier persons whatsoever, nud sii'iimon lliein as garnishees. iioi:TiiF.!i , Ai.nniiiiiT, riaiutills' Atturuevs. May Ifi, 1SG8-Gw. F0US0RY k MACHINE ST. MAllY'S. ynop in LOUIS H. GAKNEIt begs lenvo to cull the attention of the citizens of Klk uud ii'ij.-ining counties to the fact that he has purchased tue f und-y, formerly kiuma as Mctiill's Foundry, and that he lias refilled the establishment with new and improved machine. y, which will enable him tu turn out all work in his line iu a manner such is will compare tuvurati'y with aiiv work iu the country. He iiianufiietures STKAM ENGINKS, MILL-G.VIUS AND CASTINGS, I'LOUGll-POINTS, WATE1.-WI1KKLS of.m.j, KINDS, WINMOW-WKIGIITS, STOVE-C AST1NCS OF ANY IV.TTEItN, He is also agent for Honrv .l.n-ecki's Itrass Foundry, ai Erie, and cmi turiiish from lhat e.-t ibli.-huieut l!ras Callings o!' any de-ired pa: tern on short noliee. funicular aiioiituu raid U tho wants of coal operators. Chilled ear-wheels, nxles and pulley lurnishud and made to order. Steain-Kiigine boilers lepairud in a dura ble mid ileal manner. A varied assortment of rubber and leu! ti er bel.ing kept constantly on hand. lie expects thioiigh sio idv uivlication to business, to deserve the puironagu of all who may call on him. tri-FOl'NMtV ON .V.1LLSTKEET, ST. JJAHY'.S, lKNziN(in 1. O , Elk County, V May 1. 18li8-.'Jm-ouc. I Mill OLDHST IHTTlills" IN I'c'K IN AMK1UCA ! 11. & us OLD EOXISION STOMACH B1T1EB3 !! O. E. A. G. HA V l N G L E EN L'SEU OYEIt T W E S -ty years under the style of Old Hu minimi Hitters. They uro a perfect Ii'ood I'lirilier, uu unrivalled Stomachic, ami a cei lain euro for nil diseases arising from deiangeinuut of the Stoiuacli, Liver or Kid neys. A sure remedy for Jau .iliee, Chron. iu Diarirho a and Uetulity reiultinit from any cause whatever, iiy ii. the uppo'ite is sliengilieiied, and aKiyilyi.Yclipi,jijijl y.VJt'J jl'Vc'stlin'oiiials, aud certificates have been sent us, all (peaking iu commenda tion ol I lie beneficial e Ileus of our Hitters, unci we have uo hesitancy iu asserting that it they aro once employed, their use will be rcuoiiimended by every purchaser. They are cheap, available, snl'e and sin e, being composed of ingredients pure and harmles. Try them and be convinced of their virtues. For sale by all the principal Druggists and Merchants. Do not fail to examine, well the article you buy in order to get the gcuuiue. See trade mark. 1I1YNES 4 BOYF.lt, Sole Proprietors & Manufacturers, mayl ttui. Erie, l'a. QOUNTY JNST1TUTJ2. A TEACHEltV INSTITUTE will belli session iu may, lor 1.1k county. Teachers an 1 those intending to teach are earnestly requested tu attend. Directors uud nil others interested in the progress of our l'ublic Schools, are ulso in- Vlleil. The term will commence at 0 o'clock A. M. on MONDAV. !io !th day 01 May uud cjutiuue until Fridav. JA.VES llL.VFELY, Coiinly Siipcriutcudcul. 81. Mary's, May 1, lWJS-i'i. FOIl PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES IN 1868,7 SCME EMINENT MAN SHOULD HE SELECTED. FOR THE PLACE TO BUY STOVES HOUSK ITRNISIIINa GOODS, GO TO ;it IDG WAY, GALL 8N SERVICE, MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS, And you will be tmpr.lird, and well satisfied with the call. S T O V E S , Of all Dosirablo Kinds, alwaya on hand. .m Of t lie Latest and Most ApproTcd Style and Workm iusliip on hand, and Made to Order, (a Specility made of this Branch.) All Goods warranted Dealers Fupj.lird at the Very Lowest Prices. Price List furuiahed o ap plication. TO J LET SETTS, SOME BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS! SPICK-BOXES, And all and every novelty in the Japan ned Tiawi.ro Line ! iViro Goods, , Toys, French Tinned Wara, English Hainniered Wure, Scotch and Yankee Bowla, Sad Irons. l'nal Iln.. Japanned, Galvanized Aud Fancy. Iron Hollow Ware by tLe Sett or Sinolo Tiecc ! FISHING TACKLE, Rods, Burets, Flies, Hooka, kt , 4o. JobLiug in all its branches.' I have the ageucy fot the Celebrated Oriental B:ise Burning Furnace. The oesi in ine woriu ponaoie or Driclc set. If they fail to give satisfaction, do pay will be asked. ROOFING, Flat or Standing Groore, Eave Trough,. Spouting, and Ilouie work generally. ; IfcTOrders by mail promptly attend ed to, and work guaranteed. I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD I If your are going to build a House, Store, l Lurch or Burn,' call before you) order your Ti, Copper or 'Sheet Iron Work. ..... Oct. 31bt ISOT Iy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers