J Ityh, CxWWi & Co'f., Golqiiin. HOOFLANO'S GERMAN BITTERS, EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS ! ! an 'I . HOOFLANO'S GERMAN TONIC, vuki'Aiikii nr nit. . m. jaCkhox, ruilnvi.rniv r; t he greatest knoivit reindict for Litfr Complaint, DYsrErsiA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERuTTIOlTS of the SKIN, ""l-iint nil DIsenHra nrl-lna; from a Dla-ortlrt-vit Ilvri-T Mottim-H, or iMmtirv or rut: mi loo n, limit th,- fl!tfft'n,f iiftf'ninat nml if jfmt ft ml thnf ifwr stent it nfTrrfett iy if mi ttf thrift, If'ii ttmu rr-t ort'irnl th.it tlix,-nf in rln itfHn tf it uttnrh itn the. fi'.. imjutrtjnt nrtntig f if nit r htit m-l utilff ?unn v).eelU ! Iff in of )fi,i-r'ul r- m fit if, it mimrabte fife, nW t, rutin I'iiuj hi ! i'h, will b- Iff wilt. ConsMn1.io", Flnfulpnao, Inward Piles, i'ulneM of H!'oi to the Jluttd, Auidity (it tho St.ointit-h, rVuuMeii. Heart burn, Dmc:int for Food, Fulritia or W'Jii'il in tn3 Stomttoh, Sour Krni'i-tioiiii (sink ing or t'luttiirtiiff at the Vit ot !;: lit j:iim.'h, fv. hmnini of U1.1 H .m-l, IJurnoil ov Di HI urn It t-Jr-j iMiiwr, Fiiiili i'iiin ut tii Heart, C)ikinfr or SmtoimMni? 8rmit ions when in Ij inPasi iire, Duiuick.i of Vision, Dntf or Webs before llio b.tfht, Dull Piin in the Heiwl. Deii einn y of iJor.-.niritioft, Yol- Imvtitjss of tho Skin nwi TJyos, Pain in tho Bitie, Hack, Che.-tt, .Limbs, etc.. Sud den Mushes of ltai, DurnuiK in the Flesh, Cnt unt Iimi'inin h of Evil, nnd Uiuiit DjpruNKiun of Spirits, .1 t!t f iinti'-.i'r --... nt'tl,, 1,,,-r or IHrttice Iti'fuiiis, onn I'lnti ii'.'Ht iiufHif OUukI, flooflanb'o GVnmiu Sitters in fill Irr I vi'iiltl4, n ml v mil nlnn no iiiti. lr Im ii uihii )nuii(l f Kill I (I Ki iriifi. Thi' Kmt llrrti. mill ltnrk f rom tvlilcii liii-HV rx li'in-l tirt nmde irr fint brrril 1 1 -rtna i-. All I he iiifilii'liiwl vtrliir ni' t- xi rut' I l from iii'm liy h Ht-iiii; Hit- cheiiitM. Tlire ciriicl tire I hen lor n i-tlnl to thlai viimilry tn nMnl -x pri-Hr-1 y fur the Miitntficl urr iff Ih ! llliirrN There If. mi itlt:ititill: nllliHlillirf of nity klntl tixcil I ii i-oiii 51011 iittl 11 the KM trrw, lr:tt: ll In llit only IIIHrrr that run It iiofil lit t it- n livrr Hlvuliollv iitliil 'ilium urt not ml v lr.11 hit-. ijooflimyo crman Conic ftfl rnmhiifttiiiti ttf ' th iiiirntit nf. uf the H'JiTfi, with VI' uk S.in'1 f'lii: fi-iitt, th-iitijFi '' " f,itfr fhf n'im- t i &'i 1 jtr'H (ix fhf (.'., in l-if..-- gum fuff nfrnlriU-' t'imitlti Ijc i inif' tf. i'.tl il'ilt hrur ill tni mt ','fit thr.ir ,'.i,fiti,x or- riilln-lv iliitrtttt mm hiy itthtr.' 'tn'turtifti Jr ttir iny uf lit? tlisfifK l 1 !.', t'h'sr Ih'itt.f .(. u i (fir fin fhtfttiuMi if mnt if i mil I .rti'tft U'.'n'ir Ihr ittlur I'lf. ttT' llriUn-tiim Hi' rum in muitf firm. The T iMl'i iieritt.;fl,, nf the mnt jtit'KMlt iiii-i ii,j,;rttltlr rmtti' rvr ttfrrfit In the pll'li: lt ''(.' i f rffiiititr. If i n )ilni.-u,;' ft, t,-k f, li'hitr t'-'H t'-n'ri:f rs!iH'irllifg. 'tml mrilirilftl Sf l-lhfi. t fiiv r tlif. 'l ,'t tu kiinWii t.X lltr ymtt. tt of all fi'itirr. CONSUMPTION. TliOMHinnlx of ciim, uIh ii the in tlrn! upiM.-i't Im- huh itllllt-lril l ill th tt'i'iltii' (liitMf, hiit c lii-fii i iitr l 1i I hi- 11. if f t n-v n in fit I in. Kil r i-1111 riu it 1)11 Ion, (1 hi 1 1 1 34 nnd iiintfh m I hi- ttwttn I ii( ml 11 11 1 m it jifi it . vr re rnm'fs tti' il i't)ar)ln ur tlj-iHi f ihr Mlfi" l C (1 ; 10 I'll I II - II of t; I'll 11 1 111 f ii. urn ;i' ton, 1 h ! ri-111 t t I i 1 111 III' lllttltfi Oa I.IC ifl'fHtt'Nl III' ut-til, hill IttllL Uiil' III t lfOl Kl 1 11 DE3ILITY. ii-iii-- fif iiil In tl-nill niiV Ci nnnn tn a tl. Iuli 7. '(. iitiiiirl n " tr. nit- n'l-h in, ilei inlllii H lir (' ,.i ..;' ' lln .'. iititlili- Hi' Jt ,. . .. .., r ,. i -, linn iH't !';,' hi H W-', !'.' .11 ' llittii 1 'li hi iltijr't imi-ii'i tin ,!.., 1. ,1'iili V'-l. r. ,1 1,;, . 1 .'. mtii. I'll. H'.iik, , unit i'j,C- ll,. Weak and Delicate Children. h i-r 111 mi t 11 von fx hy it-lnf; t In- Hill 1-1-4 ir To ii I . 1 11 litt 1 , 1 In-1, 11 ii- K11 111 1 1 y iM vd cl iif. T Ik-.v run hr 1.1I ml 11 li rit tl vvlili Mrfii Hiifviy 10 11 rl.lltl ihive liioni In old, t lit- 111 oh I (Itlivati fcniiilri or mn 1 if n Inrt t'fr. limn xlie 11 v th' Iff ft i;iotl iMirliW-r itru knuuii, awt ic.7 tiw nil tUfti e tutting fi'-tn Lad lltit. A'y IiIuhI j).tr : fa'i timr f.in-f in unb r; lii inur il ...'c' n;llnt tti tl nt.ilitu. ...'.; hmi'i f'il,i, , '(.- ii.m if t,t& ittlillil'if-t 'till! U't lU'r.lsr ICtll viri(ai7 gnu. H r.m nMf Ait Ijiullrn iv ho uhli h fair iki nml eoil ronilt-xton, iVi'f fi-om 11 i-llot rli 1 1 nf a nd 11 11 ollu-r 1 lli a iti r 111 rut , hhoiild n.i thvM itiiif il Iik iii-i'iiilou ully Tlit Liifi lit M'i'IVi'l 01 iti c, 11 lid llir hlood inrv will rt-Miilj lii r-jiai-K-lllig r t tuiil ItlootiiluH v.irt lir,. c I t: x x (im . lb uitlit nC i 1 if-'ii in- ' " r-uiin'- rf itn!. T'l if mil if fitli't ttf niilmltttfr uf 1 M. .liirJc.tiiH tin thf front of ihr iilitj.lit I'-i.ifift r nf - . -ml thi iijiif uf ttf M tit If tiimi'it ill t nt h btiil' , AH ulh' I'd arr vuaiitt ife it, . TlioiiHiindt of lrllri-tf Im vv ln i-11 i'r r 1 I vrtl, trii Ify tiitf lo 1 h il l lie ui i ht e I t iiirdU'i. KEAD THE RECOM.MEIJDATION. KliOM M IX. tiVA). . WO'ihWAIil. CIli'T.hlntkX' t' iJlf rllHI-!lll- ("liIII t I'C i ! 1 1 1 - IVii'iill. l'lllM!i:M'MH. M IH-H ltith, 1 Mi" . J fiml " I 'If tinier 'a ffimin fii't'i'it" in wit nu tutor tjViltfi' ' n riittr, Imt i a tim,ri ti,m' iiufnl in tlmuf' rftj uf Vf ii'.'ji'i v urif'in, tii"i if if wit liiiirfU in ctown uf il'InUti utft irtnl if tifrron mtiun in tint jftlt. yu.irs frul'i. HIM, ll'. WnnhWMiD. JT.'M HON. .l Mi;s TiriMI'f't.N, tu'le uf lh hupifiin- ('"tirt if jVim-'vlviiiii-i. I'MM. itiKI llfl, Ai-r.li. Mll, lMill. T roimUlrr lloofl-md (i 1 iimn lilt triH" u vntuuttU' utiiliriiiv In rant of m iMiki of liidit-ktlon ur iJyKprpxin. I uii CLiti iy i.4i iron, my 1-1 it Weave of It V0111-N, wilh reKi-c't, JAMi;s iiio.ni'sox. Krom HKV. JOSK1MI II. KKNXA!T, P h., pMior of tin 'IViiih It iptUt Climvli, I'hilii.lfipliU. ir..U( Kao hKAR hiH : Aiw In nfr-tinntlti rr- Snrttnl tu n.niirrt uf tftiH? with rrriimnfintatfiHM uf tjfwfrni kuuh tf mrilii in?, tml n t,u nil it; th' firm-tire as out if m tf ttj-iiruprintf njihr?t I luff in nit atrdr tiinril ; hut with ,1 i'l. ,ir prtff in rnrimiA iiintnnvfii,ittid J'tfrtit ithtrttt in mutitcn fnmitt.nf the Mfnlnenl' Ur. ',ilti n I'm lierimin Hitter, I tt'mrt fur tin ee frm mi Uitmi rtire, hi .tprr , full rj,nrit H-ii Hint fc.r Ueili-ml .l.-l.ility if tlirrtVil-W.-lli'l i".pcri;illvfMi J.jvfr ( iu.liiiiit, 11 jH it, ih nml ViiliuiMe i.ti-pailiiioii. In nme en it t,iv , . i,llt ,,su til,i. I ,l;tiht itotm will U ivry btiftiri.,1 tu thue wh., mii, i-r from the above CUUlf. Ititilt, r.T.1 lf-i,rl;,l),l, J. II. A ..V.V.I ,). tiyhtht bduto (Wi(e$ St. Price of the Bitters, 1.00 per bottle j Or, a half dozeu for $5.00. l'noe of the Tonio, $1.50 per bottles Or, a half dozen for $7 5). Tl Toil If i put ti 1 1 in ipunt liitlli'N. ltrJleri that it i$ Dr. Ihfitlnmf t;rmnn Jfrmritieg Vtmi tfi- mi UHirtrnftltf Vid nml to hitfUhj n rum mi ml. fd; and. tto tiol uilfH Iht ftrniiiit to im litre int tn itxke a 111 thiiit flue tlmt he titt'j my i jul at ifufl, . mute ht tutiktt a hiT'ff firul'l on it, 'J'tirte l(.iitylie$ wUl he $etU bj tsprau tu uhjf lor, j I it y hjioh ajiluuliun PltlXCIPAL OFFICII AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, JfetKU AHI'H HTIth'KT, I'hihuhtjihia. CUAS. M. EVANS, Propriotor, Formerlj 0. M. JACKSOK & CO. ThH UvincUlin ut for sale by IrKKMx M01 1 kefriM 1 , Mud Medi cln ticiilcr. emr) w lit i e. Iki nntfur:pl In esnmine wtlt the urtide yau bny. in 1trde.r iofffi litt ye until. tut ile tl tlic St. Mary'n Drug Stor J J0ILVF. MOORE, Editor Jb Proprietor. pc 61Ii glduocatc, A "tVEEKLY KEWSPAPEU. Devoted to tho Interest! of the People of Elk Co is I'rni.if hf.o Kvr.tiY sati hdat. II Y TO 1 IN V MOOllE, Offic in ttm Court Jfounr.. Teum Or.e ln1lnV nml Fifty Cents per n:iumn. invariably la nUvmn,.. Nu devift. tiou from tl.ffe trm. Bate! Of Advertising. Transient A Jvcrtiscmeinenis oors eirf of 111 lines or less, H times or less $'.! (10 For encli siihpeiiint- insertion 25 Ailminisirnto's' nml Ex'rs notices... 2 fit) Amlilors' notices 2 r) lissiilution. ('nations nnd Kstrnys... 2 HO In?iil nml Oliilunry notices pel line.. !" l'roressionnl cnnls. 1 J'enr 5 00 Y K A n I . V A 1 1 V K 11 T 1 S K M V. N TS . 1 s(imre ST 00,1 column $20 00 2 s.iinres 12 0oi column " 00 !J siiures l.'iOO l column (Hi 00 The iibove Tiites will be strictly adhered Is iu nil ndvertisin IVutn this dale, in. AVKS. Single quire ?2 ")(t (i miires "p qr..Sl H nuiros "Y 'i'-... 2 50 Over U. qr.. 1 50 in MUM i.i. s. 1 sheet. 25 or less 2 1 10. J sheet, 25 or 'ess500 sheet. 25or less:i 00,1 sheet. 24 or 1cs!100 Nov. 28, 13U7. JOHN V MHOIIE. Editor nnd l'roprictor. TIME OK HOLDING COUHT. Pccoml ildiuJiiy iii Jitnuary, Lust Moiiilay in April. Virst Mnmltiy in August. First Moin!i'.y in Xovcuibcr. jaht aiuuval:: h'XLL ANT) WINTIOIt GOODS ! ! CHEAP EST G DODS I N 111 DO WAY ! AT TIIK STORK OF H, S. BEJ.NAP, C iv. of Miun Water, end of Hyde House, Win re he Ims on huiid nn extensive assort ment of Goo Is, consisting of Wouleu GouJh, Huts an J Caps, Uoots nnd Shoes, UuuVicluthcs, LaJics icss Goo'ts, Shawls and Nubias, Hoop Skirts, Opera IIooJ.s, Mus. litis und Cali. c o c 8 ! I'aluioral Skirts, lilankcts and Counter panes, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Gents' Fuiuihiug Goods, Groceries, Faints, Glasa nnd Putty ! ! ! Call and sec my stoek before purchasing elsewhere ; Dec. "),V7 PHILADELPHIA &. ERIE EAILH0AD. AVINTEll TIME TABLE. T Jti"H!li nml Direct limUr. between J'iiitiijiiiii, 'tim)re rvrri tmii, Wifiiinwfiort, timt the U R A T (J 1 L 11 E G I 0 A uiTeiinsylvunia. Ii L E G A N T SLEEPING CARS On nil Night Trains. "N nnd nfier MONDAY, NOV. 25th, J i'.ie irniiis on the l'liiludolphia Si Erie Kuilroad will run ns follows : WESTWAIIIl. .Mail Trnin leaves I,liihidelphia..ll.l5 p. m " " I ulnwny 2.4-j p. ni. " " nrrivent Erie Si .00 p. in. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12.00 noon. " liiilKwny a. ts a. m " " arrive at Erie 0.45 a. ci. KASTWAltl). MaTl Train leaves Erie 10.25 a. m " " ltidgway 4.38 p. m. ' " arrivent Phildelplna o.oo a. in Erie Exp leaves Erie 4.25 p. m " " " llidgwny 10.13 p. m. niT. fit Philadelphia... 1.00 n. ui Mail and Keprean traiiu connect Kith all traim on H arrtn and franklin Jtailtcai. Vasienicrt leaving I'hilailrlyhia at 12.00 il. arrive ut lrvineton at 0.40 a. m. anil Oil t'ilii U.50a. wi. Leavirg I'liilaJelphia at 11, 1 r i. arrive at Oil tiv at 4. do p. m. All trains on Wnrren & Franklin Kailwny make close connections at Oil City with trains for Finnklin nnd Petroleum Centre. DAGGACE CHECKED TIIKOUGK. ALVHEU L. TYLER, General Superintendent. IVlShOLUTlON OF PAHTNEKSH1P. XJ The partnership heretofore existing uuiler I lie name of 11. 1'. tspeusliuue a to., in the Taniiinz business, is this day dis solved by the withdrawal of J. 11. Cory ell and W. C. Nebulize. All persons having claims against said company will please present them for payment, and those know ing themselves indebted come forward and settle. J. 15. Colt YELL. H. F. ESPENSIIADE, I'M. C. 8C11LLTZ, St. Marv'n, Dee. 1:1. 18o7. (p'll )LANKS of ull kii di for sale ut this of R1DGWAV, PEXXA. MAY 9, THE BIST IS ALWAYS THE MUI 'IB I FURNITURE. COFFINS, riC ? TU RE-FRAMES, &c. The undersigned having sold his interest in the wngon shop, now intends devoting his time exclusively to the Furniture Irnde. Ho has just received a large sleek Oi tho BEST FURNITURE MADE which ho offers at. prices thnt cannot fail to please. His stock consists of Uodroom Puns, Upholstered Goods, Bureaus, Washstnnds, Commodes, Lounges, lledsteads of Mnplc, (Ink, ivintcwood nnd lihick Wnltiut Spring Ueds nnd Mat trasses, Extension Dining, lSrenk fust Tea Party and (Junrtctte Tables, Chairs of every kind a.id description. The Inrgcst assortment of Cano Seated Chairs ever nrniitit into tins section of the country, Farmer's Hiicrctn ries. What Nots, liraekets, nnd everything usually found inn First Class FU FIN ITU R.E WARE ROOM Tictnre Frames of ev k'nd size or Quality, kept on hand and made to order. Looking Glasses, Looking Ulass Plate nnd Pictures. We would call at tention to our lai'c stock of Collins, con sisting of Pine, Whitcwood, Cherry, Chestnut and lliack Walnut, nny one ot which we can furnish in three hnurstime. trimmed in any stylo to suit. Metallic cases of any kind procured in three hours time. Feelingconfidcnt thai wilh a liberal pat ronage, we shall be ah 1c to keep up a First Class eslablit liiiient, we appeal to the peo ple of Elli county, to say if-il is not better to keep their money in circulation at home lb. mi to send it off to the cities whore if they buy but little they are sure to get cheated and pay a good round sum into the bargain. Then let your motto be, nevM- buy away from home what can be had just as cheap al home, and the cheapest place to buy Furni ture in Western Pennsylvania is at II. II. Thomas' Ware Hooms, Excelsior Building, corner of Main and Depot streets, llidgwny, Elk county Pa. Oct. 81, 18U7-ly. II. II THOMAS LOOK HERE I WATCHES. JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. C1IIARLES HOLES. Practical Wntchma ker, Jeweler and Engraver, llidgwny, EU county, Pa. Tho subset iber begs leave to announce to the citizens of Ridg way nnd vicinity that he is prepared to do all work in his lino on short notice and at reasonable rates in the very best manner. Shop in II. b. Bclnap s store, special atten tion paid to engraving. He has also on hand a large assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry end Silverware which he offers for sale on reasonable terms. Give hin a call. uovT'li'tf. JOREIGN ATTACHMENT T. L. Foster, Chas. E. 1 Foster, & E. N. Frisbie, In tho Court of Administrators of Asa I Common Pleas of L. Foster, deceased, f Elk Co. No. M0, versus I April Term, 1808 William Reed. J ELK COUNTY, SS : The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of said coun ty, GREETING : We command you that you attach WIL LIAM REED, late of your county, by all und singular, Ins goods and chattels, lands nnd tenements, in whoae lunula or possess. ion soever the same mny be, so that he be nnd appear before our Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at Pidgwsy, in and for said county, on the last Monday of April next, there to answer T. L. Foster, Charles L. Foster and E.N. Frisbie, Administrators of Asa L, Foster, dec d, in a plea of debt And also that you summon Joseph 8 Hyde, rnd any other persons in whose hands or possession the property may be, so that they bo and appear before our said Court on the last Monday of April next, to answer what shall be objected against him, and nido the judgment of the Court therein. And have you then and there this writ. WITNESS the Hon. R. O. Vt 1111 1, Presi dent Judge of our said Court, at Ridgway, this 24lli dny ot March, l(itj. GEO. A. RATHBUN, Proth'y. Bail required in the sum of $70,000. The Sheriff will attach all the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the defen dant, in the hands and possession of Joseph S. Hyde, or in the hands or possession of any other persons whatsoever, and summon them as garnishees. SoiTiiEa k Alubigut, PlaiutitTi' Attorneys. April 4th, 18ll8-Cw. All orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to aa soon as received, at the 12 07 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. GUN 8, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES, pocket and table cutlery, of the best quality and most approved putteins, very cheap ut the Hardware blore oil ISibergcr's -3.- - 1308. VOLUME EICIITXUMBER 8. ifclvartiili, j"EV HARDWARE STORhl The subscribers have just 'opened in ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf 1 1 And will kejp constantly on baud a groat varie'y of COOK AND HE A T1XG .? TO YES liar Iron, Stnl Ani'Hx, liclmrs, A?ailst Horse Shoes, Sprinix, liatlil in; lnrihriire, inw nml File of Ever Ihncription ! GUNS, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Ware and House Furnishing Goods. Al' kindsof Mechan ics' Tools I TINWARE Of every description, which will be sold at tho LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have nlso the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL I5ASK.1HJ RNING COAL STOVES ! AND PARLOR FURNACES ! Which have received Four First Class Pre miums at the New York Stale and oth er Fairs j Also, the Great Silver Medal at tho Fair of the Am criean Institute, held in New York City, 18G5. They are Perpetual Burners, only one fire being required to be made uuring the season. M. 11EECIIR". .Tn. WM. 11. COPELAND. r.ov28'G7 ly STOVES AND T I N -W A R E AT John Soseulieimer & Sons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. st. mary'b, ta. Keeps constantly on hand nnd for sale, a large nod well selected stock of TIN WARE, STOVES &c. W'e have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists in part of SPEARS ANTIDUST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT-SHEAF STOVES, rt'e also keep on band and for sale the MORX1XG GLORY, A largo BiooA of GLOBE HEATERS with Russia iop among our assortment, which nre now llio best stoves in use, and can be sold ns cheap es ever. SCRAP IRON taken In exchange for goods. SPOUTING & ROOFING done on Bhort notice. Give us a call, nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Sept. 2o'li7. tf. PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. TllIIE subsciibcrs having completed their New Grist Mill in Ridgway are now prepared to furnish the people of the sur rounding country wi.h Flour of the Best Quality, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen and others is called to our lacilities for furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KINDS, cheaper than It can be bought any other place iu the county. J5fcJf-CASH Paid roa Gbats-Jj. J.S. HYDE, J. V. IIOl'K. J. K. WH1TM0RF. Nevombcr 7, 18G7tf W HEELER k WILSON'S SEW ING MACHINES.- The under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilon' Sewing Machines for Elk conn y. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New Yor prices. Any p irlies desirous rf obtaining themcun address J. K. WIHTMOKE. M ircb Ol-'oli- ly. at Ridgway, IV NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORE OF HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HARDWARE, QUEEN3WARE, CANDIES, NUTS, &o. DRY GOODS &, GROCERIES. THE REST AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER, THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME ANb SEE US. H oods, Nubias, nnd all kinds of Woolen Goods at the cheap store of 12 07 HYDE, G1LL1S & CO. Do you want to purchase a silver watch American or Foreign 1 if so, go to 12 07 HYDE, GIL LIS Si CO. nVcsh Oysters constantly on band at tho. I ' tttA1-A nf 12X7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Notions of all kinds in extensive Variety nt the store of 1107 HYDE, GILLIS tt CO. n extensive assortment of CLOTHING at the store of 12 C7 HYDE, GILLIS CO. BOOTS, SHOES nnd GAITERS every kind, style nml variety at the store of 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS a CO. A large and complete stock of Hardware and cutlery at the store of 12'G7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. rpOBACCO The finest brands for smote I ing and chewing, at the store of I2'G7 HYDE, CiLLlS & CO. OUEENSWARE an extensive assort meat, at the store of 12 C7 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. N Tewcst Styles of Balmoral Skirts at tbe S cheap stor of 12'G7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Indies' Dress floods latest and moa j fashionable figures, at the store nf 12'G7 HYDE. GILLIS 4 CO. ats, Caps and fnrs, in preat variety and al th lowest price, atthestoreo 2'G7 HtDE. GILL18 4 CO. Mens' woofen and cassimer Shirts al sensation prices, at thi store nf 12 C7 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. Undershirts and drawers, cheaper than the cheapest, al the store rf 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS 4. CO. OetSht, 1867-ly. 1 I no. old corner m ot. laiy e.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers