v I.nCAI. INTELLIGENCE. 'i u r hi .;, mi. Erie Express East 10: 12 p. m do do Wc.t :l: r,o :V m ilo Mnil East R; 17 p. m. ' '! WohI IO:17n.m. Local Freight East KM" a. in. do do West 6:15 p. m. J6feVOn our fust and fourth pages of this issue : ' The last Greenback from, Abrnm." " A Parable for Dusiness Men Effects of Printers Ink." " Wake tip Solomon." Laugh ami Grow Fat " " Not good enough for her." "The Empty Cradle." "The (Juccr Skeleton." "A Good Story." "Soon "Will Host." " -Had Him Tlicvo." " A Tew Hard Things." " Friendship." " Pensions." Aud other interesting read in'?. Jtey-Thc Elk Hall Association which was incorporated at last Court, intend to erect a large edifice, throe stories high, embracing a fino store-room in the first, a large town-hall in the second and the Mnsonie lodge-room in tho third sto ry. I! is intended to be tho finest buil. ding in our place, and will bo alike credi table to tho town and its projectors, the high character of the men who are moving the matter, guarantee its crec. tion, arid justify us in considering tho Elk Haifa fiscd fact. flQfMr. P.micl Oyster, who some time ago pureiias?d the " Hyde House," (formerly owned by Jin Clements,) took rossci'iua on h-.:l Tu s hiy, r.ud is now chief c.:ul: aud lot;' j wisher." We can cheerfully say f.n- Mr. Oyster, that s.j fir. he has done w.!l, rs'.l hope ho vri'.l continue to do. We know ho sets a good table, fcr wo had the pleasure of uin::i' v:'h him on lust Tuesday. Q""Lo':k to Your Iuicrcvi ; U the heading of aa advertisement which Hp pears weekly h: the issues of the Ad ro ast. It U the ad.vrti.-'cmcnt of Sciies LiTTi.r ?; Co. at Ccntrevillo, they aie tolling gojdo ad cheap, if not cheap, tr th in can bo bought at any other cs. tab!: diluent iu (ho country. Give them a ca!!, raid try them. " Fued " was ucver kuuw:i tj seijJ cu.t inn n away without selling then asnull bill if not a larger one. No, Nix cum arou.?. &3We would sny to cur readers gen. evilly, tfcr.t we have refitted cur Jobbing 'l.'P irtment and arc now ready to do til' kinds of j j'o wort, from a cud up to a 22 s HO bill, as. J hiicr if requited. All wo want now i.i your orders and tho CfllUudci.i. 0'Aarj:. Junes, the loser in tho fghi with McCoolc, doclares that he could have fought a:i huv.r and a half longer, no tv.iihiUijdiiig hi.s three frac tured ribs, had not one of them entered liw lung, reu leiiiig Lira completely ia tessiblc. E-Mcssrs. r els"; othe.i of ft. Mary's, have a largo stock of Pry Goods, Groceries io., which they arc celling at a very figure, they invito cue and all to give them a cull. m:i:i !'.!' head furoiii.a into u Wi Ufony.six tVci deep, and cciitainingsix feet of water, at I'ub'jque, ou Timr.i lay lut. J-'ir:iugo to Bjy, he was hrright out alive, and Ic.'s hurt linn tcated. OT'Vi'c ill. o cai! our nv.d.rs alten tioii to the 1 if i". K.i'.iiv! auvei'ti-oiiiout (! Grove G. Mc-sen,;er. of this place. j Oi.r Cuuii .(jiiaro u iu a scanda lous coiidiii'.u, ,'e should thiil: our ('oii;i:ii..sioi!ors wyaM take some micro-it iu tho afl'.iir, and have it fixed up. ).,. hi our . ceoi.d page will bo found the Execution ol Charles Clia.-e, at Eroukville, ou tho liSth day of August la,t. t-T'-Wo would be very thankful to those of our subscribers, who are iddebt ted to us fur la:-1 y ars .subscription, if they would rettlc the same with us. 'flu: t-iibr'd i, . j :i I. . o- iu invi-lil Tiiidt, ; ,SV7.-f' -';- ''.':: tin:' tin' II I, lit; icik "'y, lll'lf he A lis (y jinrc!:ti-i il i'i'i'k tlj j-Xiiii lite pi'oH.J.i i s ia lic Cititu i .Vi it !.. and J hi'-i, tlt?jJiti, a 'j' Hi ml ii.iil i'iii!1! ti iif.vjrl van' HOOKSS- XT A TIOXAHY tnit.il.l- forl!u SCHOOLS .J J.LK ami ii'lyi'iiiiti'i luHiai-A. I!; J'urllur d Jt k. ! - iftui 2"'''c'i:l .''" ' t!u: l'.i'.'i.'f:ri :f U-iul JSwki !'., ""' if ,'". ."'.' ,! h. is i tuthLd 1 1 f 'I -ir- r ti-tit ih-ut win piwk-ise in fl-l-dli- 'pen: iitu. Alto, that (1-177-I'.tut) Wliital tit llic itl'utc ImC villi h? ('nil I '. ii"V, (if fill In' jtfuCttwl I U J.' " i r J.'.'j i'i it. An ivtttd Id. J'1' '.. ). . ' I i ('Mow id on nil iUMS (-1 ei 1!'. .. ULAKILT, NEWS . man named Puller, living in Cedar Valle)', Iowa, in whoso honor Puller County in that Stato had received its name, recently took to drink, and tho ether day shot his son, while in a state of insanity trom drink, and soon after being arrested himself, died in jail from an attoek of delirium tremens, A man calling himself Crenshaw, who has been at lloauoke, N. C., for nearly twelve months past teaching a tn'gro school, and tho " Hend Centre " of the Union League in that county, left for pails uukiiowu on last Tuesday night, forgetting to leave behind him about S-JOO belonging to tho League. A young woman was soriously stab bed by a man in the streets of Poston, on Saturday night, but she refused to tell her own name or that of her assail ant, and after necessary medical aid was taken away iu a carriage by a friend. A. Ft. Clair, Michigan, Charles T. Wheeler sprang into the river and sav" cd a young g'ul from drowning, but while himself climbing back on the dock, he was struck by a propeller com. ing up and injured so severely that he sank back and was drowucd. " Mr. James Young, of Gioat Falls N. Y., learning that his wife was sick, ran from Poehester home, fix miles. Ou reaching his houe he foil dead. At Cincinnati, ou Tuesday night, Joseph Zumbusch stabbed himself to tho heart in a millinery Btore, where Miss Amelia Polio told hiiusho ucvor wanted hij company uoae. The Tftiiuvripl says tho President " has been playing muffin ever sineo he wa inagiirated." Put didn't ho put .t'lanfou, who was on tho fir.it base, cut on a t!y '! .Uont'ni I ml. IVnioliiM 0. Pashnell, builder of the f.iT.t monitor, which sent the Merrimao tithe bottom, is dangerously ill ol fever at New Haven. There arc I'l'. ncrc3cf graves on Cu'.rr.vha Island, near t-V.ndu-ky, Ohio, vis. : 2'Jl'j bearing, and 221 noivbcar iug. Tho fust roots were act iu 1858. Hamilton, Ohio, with a population of oi.'y i'burieo thousand, m ikes more malt than any o;h?r place in the Union, and has dfjitlthr.' aaloons. T03EPH W1NDFELDZR. tj OF THE Takes this method of announcing to the Public, lliat during tho patt season he has manufactured "TiiX TIM!-:-! MOU1-) L.VGEK than ho has ever before brewed in ono season, so that he will be able to supply Private Families, Saloons, and Hotels, with a Hupcvioi Article of ;hij favorite beverage, at a price that cannot bo undcisold anj where ou tho line of tho P. & E. ltnilroad. On or about tho 15th of May ho pro. of his vaults, wlicra ha has stored it, and of which thy THiblio are respectful!)' ro. fjuc.itc.1 to tal.o notice. U'31rdors shiiiped as soon as receiv with proniptncsn and despatch. d lic-s or.lers to JOS. V.'INPFIM.PMP, St. Masiy's IJ'.tiiwiMY, Porr.ingcr Post Ofiico, .Mi-J jtf. Eli; County, Pa. I.OCIS VOLI.MKP., JAS. K. I'. HALL. JOilN U. HALL, BA.N:U.N'O itOl'.S13 OF SS. ?I:try'3f IScnzlticr I'.'i). Col.nty, Pens. i "Eoyer.d do Mississippi." A Co.ii'i.i'TS ili-ToiiY o:' t:ii; Xi;w Status ash Ti-:i uni itii:-, ri'o:.i 'run (Ihuat ItlVeil V.) TUK Uui:.T UCK.'.N. Sly !!btrl li. Mehunlson. Orcr 2',0tX Ctwici nold i.i one M-mlh, TIF!', AND AUVKNTUIiiJ ON l'KAI j riof, Vonnt.tiiiK nl the I'nrific Cuust. Willi ovi'r "''" Ui-.-criptivc and riiotusrapli i Vieuj of tho .Scenery, I'ilies, l.an.J , Mini s, l'iiH.!e an I (.'tiriusiticd v( llio New yooes mill 'iVrri'ork-s. ')'u j'l'f '.i:nvi' (:!ii:i;.'iih!s n'nl sottlcvs in . f.ir Vv't'.-t," tills lli;.ry of that v:i t ,n.n! 'Vrtilo l i :''i"ii will prove nil invaliiuMp :i-.si-!-iiirc, Mil :l''viilS 't 'lui-s a wiinl long f. ll 'fal'ii'l, uutliciilii: uii'l itlialilu ;ui'lu Iu di.iMtc, suit, i.ru'luets, tiiMm of Uavel, Alil.N l'r! V.'ANTEl'. Solid fur Co calitrs t "tu- H-niis, iiH'l a full dect-rii'iiou ul llic v.oi'.;. A'Mress -v A'l'luN A 1. l'L l'.LIolll.N'O CO., oo7 Miiior ?t,, l'iiilu'u l'a. A CAF.ll TO 1NVAM1. A C'.i-r;';, M:in, while re.?idin in SiiMlh iciivt ;ts a iii.:.siunii-y, disci.vt rt.' d a i t ll l.l.'l SiillJ.H) IVI..C.IV 111' !! I III u .1 Nn-V.iil.- Wc ilaios, i:-.r1y li-i.iy. Pi: e. its i.f 1 lie t'riiiary and t ;uii.ul lli jiiin.', und the wii ile train uf di-oidcrs l.ni.;.'lil on y b.iniiul nnd vicious hubils. liieut nuiiil.i'i s have be. oi i iiru I by lliis ni.lile i i iin.ily. Plbii.plud by a desire to 1 Mn tii die K.'.iii led nnd iiul'iir: incite, 1 will send the rcc,:'iai lur pn ..arliiK and iwin; ibis medicine, iu a M':iU"i ciiveiej.e, iu any one u.j neuMd ii, l'i-i of Clttn,;,: Address. JU.SEl'll T. IN MAN, f!aiic.n D, Bible Ili.n-e. Net Voik City. Ai'tj.lilh, '07. ly- ,it?iilo,s! iill-odohi. II. HALL, Allornev (il In I OllN (I. HALL, Allorney ill nw, UiJg- wny, Klk county I'n. innr'J'ljU ly J OP WOPK of all kinds and dcs. eriptions douo at this office. A; LriNI'I HOUSE, Mary's l'a.. Nor- man Krclz, J'ropi actor. rug'J Utl TIXKCUTION.?, SUMMON.1?, SU1UMF., 'i nns. Warrants, &c. on lmiid ami for sole at (Ins otlico. DR.W. JAMKS I! LA Kl'LY Pliyslcian and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Klk county Pa. mar-2'0(i ly. D Pa. li. Vi. W. 811 AW Practices Medicine nud Surgery, CcnlrcviUe, Klk county ninr-2'J'fiti-ly. "pvlt. A. S. HILL Kersey, Klk county Pn. j Will promptly answer allprnfpsuionnl calls liy niplit or day. mar-22'fi'.l-ly. J) It. KP.KN .T. HUSS. Pliysicinn mid Sur geon, fit. .Mary s 1.1k county l'a. e-21'CO-ly. J line TAi;niB .T. 11LAKP.LV. Attorney nnd j Counsellor nt lnw, nnd TJ. S. Conimis osuer. Pvidgway P. O. Elk county. Pa. mnr-i.'2'Oii.ly. SOUTIIKH. ANUWI LLTS TtoTnyTnt Law, Hidjiwny, Klk county Pa., will attend to all professional business prompt ly. mar-22'uO-ly. TU. W. B. HARTMAN, St. Mary's, Klk J county. Pa. Late of the Army of (lie Potomac. Particular attention piven to nl) cases of surgical nature. mar-22'G0-ly. f)ATr,POAD TTOTTSFi. , WHEELS K & COP.n, rnni-aiETons. This house is conveniently nnd pleasant ly located in the thriving villapr of Ttrock wayville. Every attention paid to the con venience of jrucels. Aug. 15. lSOTif T0T5 PHTNTINT.. imoliiis Cards, rosters, . , Hand Tiilln. Bill Heads &c., done nt tho ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notice and at reasonable prices. fl H. VOLK. Manufacturer nnd PcaTc 7. in T.ncf r Beer, opposite tho Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Ta. M.v-22't;'J .y. TT')11DW!"LI, AND MESSENGER lru rs in Dritpsand Chcmic.its Paint 4. Oils and Varnish . Perfumery Toil et articles and Slalionary. Hidswny. Klk county Pa. 1 mar-22't'.(!-ly. MESHY H. THOMAS. Pealer in nil kind.! of rurniture, Spring Beds nnd 11 .it tresses. Picture Frames and Collins, Pi I'Twny Pa. Warn Booms on tho corner i f Main and Depot St's. niey-17'0G-iy. "T"B. J. S. BOKTIWELL F.lcctic PhysT- cian. Late of Wnrron county Pa., will promptly answer all professional calls by iiijtM or day. Residence ono door east of the Into res! leuco of lion. J. L. Gillis. Mar.22'r,0-1y. OLIVER St BACON. Manufacturers and Wholesale Retail Dealers in Flonv. lir1 mid O-T-nin, O. .VA L MI L L S, EJ2IE, PA. Orders Rollcited nnd promptly filled nt mar ket rat en. aug !th-CO-ly J0.1NCI. HAIL IAS. K. V. UAI.L. MAT,!, & TllO. Attorn fv - at Law, ST.' MAKY'fi : Kt'.NZINCKU P. O. lU.iC C0UXT7, TA. f?f ptembcr 20, 18C0. ly. jT V. M O"o RE 1VITTI LOTICiniEIM BROS. WIIOLESALK PEALF.R3 IN CLOTIIINa H0 2 Tviarkot St root. Austh tf' nilLADELnilA. milAVEPv HOUSE, J. RIDOWAY. PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a l.irpc and commodious hotel on (lie southwest coi ncr of Centre and Mill streets. mHH pood nnd convenient stalilinjt attachoif'epcet fully solicits the patronnpo of his old friends nnd the p'll iie peucr.illv. dceiyv.fi 1 DAVID THAYER. ryvniE millinery f.stabmshment p r'-cenlly opened by Miss PAfifJETT at ill.; resilience of Mrs. J. V. llnuk. has I. mo removed tu tho rooms over J. V. H .iik's Store, where Villi bo kopt a nieo assort niciil of ,S')Wi)il ni)') 8!i,)iPA'I' TlTiilllH'Hl. DRESS-TRIMMTVnft, STAMPED WORK. Stitinpin and Dress. inakini; done. Mrs. J. V. HOL'K. my2;URii7tf Jtidgway, Pa. Dealer in :j?i;iOo?, ?jJilot'2iis, 0i"0'ii)s fp)3 JiJt81J. MUSIC ROOMS-. Xij. -lo, I'erst Avenue, Cony, Pb''na, Refers to J. Powoll, B, F. Ely, Itidi$way. Inaiiiis Oamer, Cl.as. llaigen, St. Mary's, iiov 22,'UiJ, ilnifd. HOUSE, BION &, ORNAMENTAL PAIIITINO. rriiE si;it.-!CRii5 k u would r e- JL i-peetliilly inform tho ciiizens of Elk c i ii n I y tln.t he lias just tlarted iu the above business in Ridpwny, nnd feel confi dent thht ho can .lcae all who mnv favor him villi their custom. CHAINING, PAPER 1IANC.1NO AND CALCI.MININO DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE AND IN THE itos.t fashiu nable and improved manner nud hi vie. Orders left at Ibis Ofiiee or at, the Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be prom; liy attended to. W. r. WILLIAMS, May-17'C;-ly. ciiAxci: ran a hargaix : 100 Acre of Timber Land iu Elk County for Sale at a Bargain! rjVlE ABOVE MENTIONED TRACT OF S bmd is situated about one-half mile fiiim Kers.-v Run. iu Jav tf.wnship, and is well titnbeVed with WHITE I'INE, OAK mid II K 11 LOCK. Four neres nv cleaied and under BO.id s'ato of cultivation. lis .-..nlipiiitv to Kervy Run makes it oneo fill. st' valuable tracts of laud in this part of the country. 'I I. ..i-. -no tun cual banks i.nene 1 on die li-.u t, !iieh are four feet thick, and tho coal of the be.-t iiiulil I liave also one s..in of horses uu 1 one Vi.ke of oxen which ill be sel l eery cheap. For further pni iie.il.n iiuiiire uf tho the Mibsrril.er or Oliver Cuirdiier, lit Calc. dmiiu i'ost otlico, Elk eountv. J's. july:JlHOCaw JUSTUS WEED. ,Ki.sii)c3 jiJirc:loh). LICENSED AUCTIONEER. NOTICE is hereby given that I hnvo laV cu out a lioonso as nnctionecr, "and will attend nrnmntlv to Iho ealliiii' of nil sales entrusted to my enrc. Any person calling sales without n license wil be held ouswcrablo to the strict letter of the law. V. W BARRETT. lec2-118GCtf. Auctioneer. WffKKLEH & WILSON'S SEW Ia JrACinVKSTLn l.,lnr signed having been appointed Sole Apent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for Elk county. Ho keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines Sold at Philadell.bin nflit T.iw Vnl r.t-ir-na Any parties desirous of obtaining them can uuuii-M j. iv. wiii i Muitr;. March Ot-'CC ly. at Ridrway, Ta. 3 J J- A CKSMITIIING! II. S. BELNAP .louii-oo u ir, .its. zens of Ridpway and vicinity Hint ha has leiiseu o. o. nyue s l.lnoksmitli SIiop on Mill street, nud hag employed pood work men Who Will hn fvor rt.n.lir in nmU thinp from a bucklo to nn anchor. Particular attention piven to the shoeing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'GG-ly. II P. OVERHOLT.ER, , MERCHANT TAILOR, llklway, Blk Co., Th'J subscriber desires rcspcetfullv to in form the citiztns of Ridpwny and vicinity that he is prepared to make to order ns well as it can bo done anywhere, anything in th line uf his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Oood Fits guaranteed. B5i.Cloth3, Cassimcrs, Vesting? and Trimmings of tho lnte3t nuil most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will be told CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. augSO.y TiTiJi't'Olllile. ometlvinjg A LAHGE STOCK Ol' GOODS The undersigned havo ou hand a larc;e end voiy deirablo etock of GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that i3 waDtod to EAT, WEAR, Oil FEED, which they will sell at tho Tory bottom figure aud from this date will soli only for CASH. We will use every endeav or to taake it to tho interest of onr cus tomers to adopt tho universal CASH SYSTEM. Wo have de'eratiued to give tho CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to bo tho inter est of both bnyet nud seller. I'dWELL & KIME. Rid-way, Au. 13th, 1807. sc. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HAIL WAP.BEX, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WAKEEX, PA. WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALl WARREN, PA. 1 17to. In tjie matter of tho ) Iu Elk County 1 Iu Elk County ' Com, Plcai, No. J 6. Nov. T. '07. " Elk Hall Asdociatiuu NOTICE is hereby uiveu that the certifi elite of Henry Sonlliei or ol hers us cori.o. ratois uf llio " Elk Ball Associutii.il," has been ti'ed iu Liy otUco and uo objeetious uipeariu. a decree uf incorporation will be made ui Hie nest term ot tins Court. Olio. A. BATHBUN, rrothouotary Awt'. 15th, '07. 'Jw. FUIlNITUItE STORE AT ST- MARY'S) PA- JASII, B00R3 AND FURNITURE ! ! Tho subscriber keeps constantly on hand nil sizes of Sash nnd Boors, also Wardrobes. Bureaus, Withstands, . Bookcases, Tables, Desks. Lounges, Bedsteads, Sofas, &e. Picture Frames, Sash Tainled and Glazed, All work warranled tn be of Mm l..ji ...... tciinl and workmanship. an nii't examine my work nnd prices as I feel confident mv work will rriv un.!tr.. tion nnd my prices arc as iowr, if not lower wiiiu iuey are in nny oilier market. 1 11 Ad. I,. BAYER, my2MC7tf. St. Mary's, Pn. ONE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS IN ST. MAItY'S llOliOUGII FOR SALE. rpiIE SUBSCRIBER otTers for e.ilo tho I proiicrty on (he corner of Mehl nnn Walnut streets, in the thriving town of St. Mary's. The houso is a ff00lji now two M' frame Vnithlin Tl.n noiliul.lin..ij ..it good. There is also a splendid spring of pure waier on mo 101 ou wnicli tlio house is erected. For further nnrtic.nhira innnirn nf tm subscriber on the premises. JUIO ROTE. St. Mary's, julyll ltpd INTENSE EXCITEMENTI CLOTHING!! CLOTHING ! CJLOTSlIJya lor the Jriillioii I A Well Di-osod M:iti BUYS II1S GLOTIIlNGr AT THE STOKE Of)' GEO. P. HINTENACn, IN ST. MART'S. E ALWAYS TJIli r?3 G P. HINTENACH having taken en tire control of tho ennblisliDient tormerly occupied by O. P. IlintcnaeU & Co., would respectfully iuforui i lie citizens of Elk couuty that lie is prepared to furnish thc:u with tho XSestKiuJ of Clctlung ftt rates which defy competition. Ho has on hand a larjrc assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANT?, VESTS ,j- COAT.', which he has lately purchased in the East, nnd which he will dispose of at a slight ad vance on cost. His (ientlemen', Furnisinjr, Apartment is specially adapted to tho wants cf his ci.stomer. Ho hns nlno alnrtrennd extensive stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERK3, VEi'T IXOS of the latest stylo and pattern, which he will maic to order in n neat and durable manner, nnd as CHEAP as it can be done nnv place ia the conntrv. GIVE HIM A CALL. Siti-faelion puar anteed, and fronds warranted. All ho asks is a F.MR TP. PAL to prove iu Si. Mary's Pa., Feb. 11. 18C7. HAINES BRO S PIANOS. THE PIANO OF AMERICA I Thoso Pianos aro universally r.cknonl edjrcd by competent judpes ciiial to the best I'iano made. for references, they have many flimti-und city and country resi dents, including largi numbers of the High Schools, Seminaries, &C. These Pianos have not only stood tho continued use and heavy practice of on year, but, have been used tho last Ffteen years to tho utmost satisfaction of those using them. They have taken premiums and medals wherever exhibited. Such has l.pen the demund for these Pianos, that Messrs. Haines Pro's have been compelled to en laro their works to tho extent of 21 to ol) Pianos n week. Havinsr now one of the most extensive and complete Factories in tho United States, Factories alone covering over three fourth of nn acre of ground, comprising a frontago of 10 feet on Second Avenue. They nrc undoubtedly tho cheapest first class Pianos in market. Fully guaranteed for fivo years. Send for Illustrated Circu lar. HAINES BRO S. 300, 058, 300, W2, 804, 300, 308,370,372, Second Avenue, mar7180Gf!m&s New York City. 11QR SALE. The Store. house and Lot occupied by Burke nud Wood is olfrrcd for ealu. A Ueslralili) location in tlio thriving borough of St. Mary'. Apply CIIAS MoVEAN, Deuziuoer P. O. Jan. 8, C.7.tf. Klk Co Ia. TAKE NOTICE ! IL PERSONS KNOWING THEM. J selves indebted to tho uudcriigne l are hereby requested to call and settle their accounts at their earliest possible conven ience. JOSF.l'II S. HYDE. llidgway, August 1, 1807. lilUVKl MUCK!! BRdVK I ! ! rpi-TH sunsomnEits I oiler lor sale a superior let of B R.I C K in large or small iiiantilies, at their new brickyard, ST. MARY'S, ill!: cuuniy. Pa. I'LTl.l.R & CO. St. Mary's, July 11, 1S07 if. 0 UU STARCH GLOSS, Is the only nrticlo used by first class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pa.s smoothly over tl.o cloth, saving inueh time nnd labor. Onod.i doiiu up with it keep clean lnu. li longer, eoiijciiueu'.ly will nut wear out so soou. It luakt'd old lincu look like new. OUR IMPERIAL 13LUE ' . is the best iu the world. It is soluble in hard us ncllu.sct'i water. It is put up iu the safest, iieateft, and most eouveuient form cf any offered" to the public. It is warranted not lo on'c il. the clothes. Agents wauled everywhere, lo whom we oiler ex traordinary iuiliice-n".'.-; ddress. NEW YORK .STARCH CiLOSS CO. No 2H , Y.i- iUcis Si'Oiljill's' t'ollllijil. fjlIE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TIIK COUNTHY Are SolJ by wcis ii it oTiiunn fSueccssois to Geo. Weis. PEAI.CCS 1M folvifli) qi3 2oh)C.sli'j 3)i"ij u:rl St. Jlary'e, IIk County, c ALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES AVo L.tva no hesitation ia saying t! at in this department of our cstallishuiLi.t, wc can givo bargains to our custoim s with which they cannot fail to bo sa'.i CcJ. Wo luy our stock direct ft. li the Manufacturer, Richardsoui' Ci1 . bratcd Uoot & Shoo Manufactory, E'.i;.i. ra, New York We warrant all g., . ? . iu this lino sold from our cstablishn,. . JJEAVY & SIIELF IIARDWA1 i; WE ARE PREPARED TO OFF To our customers iu this lino barg:. which cannot bo undersold in Elk c t ty. Our etjck is large, well eelccl .' and is especially adapted to the wa . of tho community. TOADIES DRY & FANCY GOO!'.;. An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins, 'Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Dclai: c. Moiro Antiques, Chintzes, White Qcg.s. Cloths, Flannels, Jjei'fges, Laces, Corse. V. Iu fact we lnve everything connect ; with Ladies' Wear. Wo aro dctern. cd to sell lutCKf, cheapo- und BETTllit Good than any other Crw ia the cu-n-ty. Give us a call, wo'll prove it. II ARK WELL WHAT WE SAV. 1 JVc Sell the Rest, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHil" i Sold in Elk County. Qur Stock of ni)3 Soils' giibiiii;!- r)i5 iU.'::...- ',V I fl :l )i t ) 13 IMMENSE, And wo cotiudcully flutter ourselvr that letter Clothing oanuot bo fou:. ! AXYW1IEUE. Persons, beforo purehasiug ebewhe-o would do well to give us a call. 8t3.No troublo to show our Goods. QROCEHIES, NOTIONS, &e.t rlo. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST! At the Storo of In St. Mary's, Elk County, Ta. piPE S, TC15ACCOES o0 SEG Alt S We havo now on hand AM EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a ' VE RY SLIGHT AD VANCZ On coit and carruiye. tdfOiir Store in in the new Ssile li 1 1'. din' en V.-i.t Strcil Jivy II, is;:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers