Itor). V. kSai:, rirUlm: fstrtls W.lUtrrtll, i7r,f!is.'nr' T Hli lis I AY :" 'democratic stati-: ticket. I'lilt Jl'IHiP. Of XII I" SI I'PI.MK COVRT, HON. GEO. CHAR.GWOOD, Ob' ntlT.AlH'.U'IllA. DEMOCRATIC DISTRICT TICKET For AsscuiLly, THOMAS J. MrCUIJ-OrGII, of Clciii'liuM County. 00 unty jtickkt. District Attorney, JAMES K. T. HALL, of St. Mary's Borough. Treasurer, CLAUDIUS V. GILLIS, of UiJway towusbip. Commissioner, JOSEPH V. TAYLOR, 3 years, of Ilorton township. JULIUS JONES, 1 year, of Bcnezetto townsbip. Auditor, GEORGE D. MESSENGER, of Ridgway tovruship. Jury Commissioner, GEORGE DICKINSON, of Ridgway township. Iloavy Taxation and ita Cause. In the course of an able speech re. toutly delivered i:r Ohio by tho Hon. (r. 11. Pendleton, that gentleman stated that tho expenditure of the United Slates for the year 1S6H " was one hun. tired million.? luoro than that of England, 1 11, more than that of Franco. Tho great est expenditure cf England during the Napoloouio wars, when even Russia was stimulated by her subsidies wheu laro armies were kept in Spain ao-1 on the Continent, never reached one hun dred millions of pounds les.3 than fiv hundred millions of dollars. England has thirty .six thousand millions. The United States bavo sixteeu thousand millions. With less thau two-Gftla of the taxable property, our people pay largely more taxes." Why are tho espen.-es of the nation kept at their present high figure ? Tho war bein over, why cannot the dis burscmcuts be put upon a peace footing ? The answer is, the party in authority will not nrcj to such a prosit ion. They are t-clietninu; for a contiuuatiau of political power, and iu order to make that .! certainty have refused to allow the Southern Slates to rcitimo their old constitutional relations with the Federal government. Tesi States are governed as military province.!, and tho army stationed within their borders must be supported out of the earnings of the people In addition to that the Frecd io. m's Uureau is feuding thousands ol idle, worthless ueroo, who should bo compelled to work for the maintenance it 'hemselves and their firailies. This iiem of public expenditures will reach millions of dollars each year. Then a::iin, the expenses of putting the new i:i'veruments of tho unrepresented States in operation is heavy. Ilejjis ters are appointed in all parts of the, South, whoso expenses are paid, and there tiro u?u other leaks of a similar character, out of which tho public ui m.-y is running in a steady and iu. civu-in stream. 'Theso area low of tho mas jiis why our taxes ares) oxhorlii 1. Hit, but they arc far from Leiii all. in addition to tho hue sums loolishly .--uaudered to keep the South under the hod of Radical tyranny by military l'or.v, a tendency to extravagance in jMiblie expenditures bus sprung up which is absolutely appalling to every in iu who soberly reflects over tho situa tion of the country. Vast appropria tions arc made for every imaginablo purpose, apparently without the least eoi.yideration, and ofteu with an utter iiiditi'ereucc to the advice of ouv ino..t thoughtful and trustworthy statesman. 1' eaunot be that this course can much I -tiger bo pursued withont serious aiional danger. The time has come hen safety dictates that a halt must bo ordered and the people bavo it in their power to decide whether it shall be i in mediate, or jio.-tl poned until disaster i'.'ij'.'S it upon us. Eric Observer. Shocking. A negro girl, about 18 yoirs old, named Arabolla Donuillc, and liviug uear Camp Schulli-ld, was arrested yesterday by officer Dinpuid, of the city police, charged with (brow ing her new-born babe into a pen of lii's, by w Until it was ib-voured. The ' virl coiil'essud tho cruel deed, and Said she ma le way with llio child because flio did not caio t- tin Jeio the trouble mid expen se oi' ruining it. Liif ltl,urj A'.KV. It is said thai iSurrait is to be tried ir-.iiii to: soon as Congrt'.-s can J ars a l-i.v to put negroes on the Jury. White men arc not supposed to be intelligent n.oiij'li to under,-Uud Mic eukc. ,Vft!!f!-l of ."i'tlfS. YOU Kll i N . A nkw Trans-Atlantis Cable from Rivst, in France, to New York, is to be laid in May, 1 Stj-?. Tho Great Eastern is chartered to pcrlorm the work. TliK lion. George Bancroft has pre sented his credentials as United States Mini: (t-r to the Court of Berlin. He was received with unusual courtesy by the l'rtts.-.iiin Government ; and in company with Count Von Bismarck, lie accepted an Ion to dine with his Majesty, King 'William, at the royal residence, Potsdam. On Monday, August 2!, tho first tram ol cars passed over tlio railroad across Mout Ccvis. Tiif. insurrection of the Spaniards iu a ragon, has thus far proved a success. Recent reports from that quarter, state that the insurgents have captured, and sti'il hold iu their poscssion Saragorsa, the capital o! tho Provtuccs. The report of Omar Pallia's success in subduing lha Cretan insurgents, is entirely ungrounded. J hey still "Old out ou the mountains. Tho resolutions of syuipathy for tbcin, passed by tho Uuited Slates Congress and presented to tho Sullimo Porto by Maris, tho American Mimttcr, have created a pro found sensati on at tho Turkish capital. ritorESSOit FAn.AP.VY, tho eminent scientist, died, August 27, in London. Domestic. In compliance with tho instructions of the President, Gen. Grant has issued an order removing Gen. Sheridan from tho command of tho Fifth Military District, and appointing Major General Hancock in his place. Gen. Sheridan is directed to proceed to tho command of the Dcptrtment of tho Missouri. AxoTlTEit order has been issued, re lieving Gen. Daniol E. Sickles of tho eonimaud of tlo Military Department comprisii the States of North Carolina and South Corolina, which Brevet Major General CaDby is authorized to assume. Reliable report from tho plains state tho Indiana aro committing numerous ravages, and that there are ten on sttcrt8 to every one reported, In pursuance of an order of General Terry, enlistments aro being made, and pre parations rapidly pustcd forward for ;c-rvic-c. T!:c t:rs abeady organized aro iucxcclleut health, nnd are determined to ohastiso tho blood thristy eavagc. Two engagements re cently took place, in one of which, at iort llayf, tho Indian loss is repoited at one hundred and fifty, and that of Captain Ames, at three mcu killed, and thirty fire wouuded. In the other at Phil. Kearney, our Joes was six. meu killed, one of whom wan tho gallant Jenness, while that .of the Indians is said to be ut least three hundred. Yellow fever is raging in New Orleans. Tho number of deaths re ported daily, by tho board of health of that city, is astonishing. A UKSi'ATrri from St. Louis 6tates that, on tho 10th ult , about one half of Reynolds city, Montana Territory, was destroyed by fire. TfiRKU shocking deaths lately result ed from tho explosion of a powder mill in the villng of Ecuningtou, Vermont. The names of tho victims were Edward Cunningham, William Downs, and Abraham Moon. It is eu.ppo.4cd that the disaster occured while Moon was putting a window i:i the building, and that he struck a nail with a ham. tuer, causiuir a ftparko. A WOMAN died of starvation at Fort Wayne, Indiana. For several days ho had refused to tako food, saying sho wished to die. Four million emigrants have arrived at tho port of New Yoik, during the la;;t twenty years. Another Case or Infanticide. Yesterday after noon two young men named John Ilchly acd Albert Wclpcr, while walking along tho river bank uear tho water house, discovered the dead body ofa new -born infant floating on the water a short distance from shore. The body was secured by two littlo boys, and the fact commuuic.itcd tocoroner Porter, who summoned a jury nnd held an in quest. In the opinion of two physicians who were present the child was fully de. voloped and must bavo been born alive. From appearances it could not have been iu tbs waiter any great length of time, and was probably thrown in lato on Saturday night. No marks of vio lenco were visible on Ub person. Tho jury rendered a verdict that the child was thrown into the river by some por son unknown. Ifcjs to bo hoped that the unfeeling mother, or whoever may have beeu tho perpetrator of this foul deed will be detected and punished. I'atriot it- Union of SrpMalier 2d. Death fhom a Dm: of a Rat. On Friday morning, says tho Wheeling R'jUK-r, at about seven o'clock, Mr. Win. Lose, aged fifty one years, died very suddenly, lie attended work on Wednesday morning in usually good health. A short time since Mr. 1asc was f xaiiiiniiiir a barrel of potatoes, and iu stiring them up be was bitten by u hrgurut. His in-ill soon swelled up, nnd he experienced pain thioughout Ins w hole body, vjn 1 riday morning lie died, and las death can be attributed to no other Cause thau that of tho bite tfa lat. Mr. Whitney was linej fifty dollars fur being tlisrcfcpcttublo to a Bureau ngeut iu Texas. Ho paid the uiouey and lccc-ivtd a uiitlvu receipt. JG-jj-'Wo take tho following article from tho llwkrilln Jlrrnll. 07 QIIAIILUS CIIASI. In accordance with tho warrant of John W. Geary, Governor of Pennsyl vania, directed to " Nathan Carrier, Jr., Es., High Sheriff of tho County of Jefferson," rei(uiring him to execute the extreme penalty of tho law upoa the man whoso name beads this article, preparations for tho awful event were commenced on Monday last, Aug. 20. Sheriff Carrier, who makes no preten tious to tenderness or cxtrctuo piety, did all in his power to have beCting ar rangements made. The prisoner, who has all along manilestcd a stoicism or in. difference entirely incompatible with bis present situation, cviuced on Friday last, something akin to a contrite spirit, lie, at that time, appeared to realize that tho Saviour of mankind, had dicu, that he, too, guilty murderer as bo was, might live. That bis fondest hopes may be realized should be tho prayer cf every mother, son, daughter oud sister throughout tho wholo land. A9 indicated in the previous few Ht;cr., arncr did all in his power to rond- er the unfortunato man as comfortable as circumstances would permit. To this end, he desired all who had a thought for the welfare of the unfortunate man to visit, pray with, and read to him. For a time tho efforts of the m'nisters availed but little. A lady, however, af ter tho ministers had failed to make an impression upon tho heart of Charley, like an angel, as sho proved herself to be, led him like a lamb, as wo hope, to the fold of the redeemed. Tho scaffold upon which tho prisoner suffered, cither guilty or innocent, was erected by gen tletnon entirely conven. ant, as mechanics with that kind of business. Disagreeable and unpleasant as was their duty, they performed it properly and feelingly. On the evening previous to tho exe cution, the prisoner was baptized by a Catholic Priost, who attended him on tho scaffold, and administered to the dy. ing man that religious consolation under tho circumstances so important. At 1 o'clock, to day, (28th,) the con demned man was taken to the Jail yard, and after religious ceremonies perform ed by tho Reverend Father, Charles Chase, alias Wiulon, was launched at the end of a ropo, into eternity. Ilia immoritu spirit Ii3 wiogod ita way to the presence of that Judge, who rerjuir es no jury, and from whose decision there is no appeal. With Him wo leave the unfortunato man. Wo have, at this time no heart to gratify a morbid curiosity or appetite, by discantiug upon tho revolting part ticulars of tho first, and it is to be hoped the last execution in Jefferson county. .YOUTH CJflOi.r. Two Blacks Eegistoring to one White Man l'vlittcal Fotccr Entirety in the Hands of th e X'-jroes. From the HoncsJa'.o Monitor. Washington, Aug. 28. It appears from the North Carolina papers that tho registration thus far iu that State shows two blacks rcgicred to ono white, and in some districts a larger proportion. A letter froui Harnett county says : "The whites generally do not seem to turn out. The blacks, ou the other haud, turn out en mane, aud aro jubi lant about their being allowed to regis ter. Geu. Sickles has caused a circular to bo addressed to the Hoards of Regis, tatiou informing them that officers of the militia, upon whom devolve tho execu tion of the patrol laws relating to the domestic order of tho State, and tho Stato aud the government of tho slaves therein, having thereby assumed and performed civil functions are deemed civil officers withiu the meaning of the acts of Cougress, and any such officer having afterwards taken part in the re belliou, or who aided and abettod per. sons engaged in tho robellion, is exelu. ded from registration as a voter." AN A1VFUL ItEAPER ACCIDENS. One of the most honiblo reaper acci dents that has ever come to our knowl- epect occurred in a wheat field three miles south of the village of Cascade, iu this oounty, ou Thursday August 1st. It seems that a child but threo years of ago strayed from the home of its parents into a wheat field which was near by, and lull asleep among tno wheat, .be fore long the father of tho child came aloug with a reaper, driving at a brisk rate. He was startled by a sharp cry, which was almost instantly bushed. Looking down to the sickle he saw what was once his infaut child rolliug before the knives, already dead, lie instantly stopped the team and got down to tho knives. Tho littlo creaturo was fright, fully mangled. Tho sicklo had cut and mangled it from its bead to its feet. Its faca was not roeogiiizahlo, so terrible bad been the work of tho knives iU noso and cheeks and eyes had all beeu lucer. ated. The skull had been cut through aud probabl this almost instantly kit. ltd (he child, as tho head was evidently the first part struck. The child scream ed but oue.o and then was iustautlv still. JJaUitquc Timrs. Mr. Dreysse, lho inventor of tho Prussian needle-gun has just invented a new cur. for grenades fcxi.losivo balls) wnicu scatter to tnc urcadtu ot live feet nnd tb bight of three. Theie is a certain young lady at Cape May who is said to have refused lour .,fr..i.u it ii.i-i-;.i,.. !., . i. . -i -..if !. . t 1 . ....... ii. i ntuc ueiug mat her admirers wei" U too rich. PuiLAPKLiuilA, Sep. 2nd, 1807. Dear Advocate : In my last I prom ised " more anon," and in accordance with my promise will try to givo your readers some thing from this city. Trade iu almost every branch of busi. ncss is dull as compared with tho same time last year; but merchants aro look ing hopefully for an improvement dur ing the present month. Last Wednesday your correspondent bad the pleasure of witnessing a game ol baseball between the Mutuals of New York and tho Athletics, on tho grounds of tho latter club at Fifteenth street and Columbia avenue iu this city. To say that tho playing was excellent would bo ir.adcquate to express tho admiration of the vast multitude assembled to witness the game. Tho number present were variously estimated at lroui 10,000 to 15,000. You have tio doubt been ap, prised ere this that the Athletics were ucuicn. Ut courso tno 1 hiiadciphians felt bad over the defeat of their crack club ; but high hopes aro entertained that they will win the third game of the match and yet retain tho title of Cham pion of America. la tho theatrical lino matters arc about beginning to wear a lively aspect. At the Walnut street Theatre wo have had for the past three weeks a ''Mid suntcr Night's Dream." The scenery is magnificent, and is said to bavo cost thirty thousand dollars to produce it. But that is all that can be said for it, as the acting is indifferent. On the 9th icstant the grand spctacular drama of the Black Crook is to bo put on the boards at the academy of music. Every body who is morally inclined aro oi opposed to its being presented, but your correspondent will miss bis guoss con siderably if they do not patronize it as expensively as tho Devil's oivn." Laslwiso that was the case in New York. Littlo is bciDg said about politics in this city at present. Tho Republicans mado their nominations last week. Of courso they put their best men on the ticket. I bavo failed to see though, that they havo put any ol tho ' Boys in Blue " on their ticket. It is supposed that Gen. Peter Lylo formerly of the Penn'a Reserves will receive tho Demo cratic nomination for Sheriff, and high bopes are entertained that be will bo elected, as his Republican competitor never even " swelled the battle afar off." More anon. Sundown. Written for the Elk Advocate. CATHOLIC CHBISTIANITY NO. 14. Intimately connected with the doc trine of election is the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints. As the reason why some believe in Christ, while all alike naturally refuse, is that they are effectually " called " (Rom. 8, 30) by tho Holy Spirit, or iu other words " born again," (John 1, 13 : 3, 3, &c.) or " created in Christ Jesus ULto good works," (Eph. 2, 10,) aud this calling is in accordance with God's eternal eke. tion ; so tho reason wby any CbristiaBS oontinuo steadfast ia tho faith and at tain to the bl?scdncss of heaven, is that they are " kept by tho power of God through faith unto salvatiou." 1 Pet. 1, 5. The calling of believers is cvi. denco of their eke tion to eternal life 2, Pet. 1, 10 for Chrst has given bis word that " they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of my hand, My Father, which gave them me, is greater hau all; and none is able to pluck ftfeni out of my Father's band." So Paul could write to the Philippians, of whose conversion ho bad good evi dence. " Being confident of this very thing, that bo, who hath beguu a good work in you, will perfect it unto the day of Chriat Jesus "Phil. 1, C, ; and to tho Romans. " And we know that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who aro called according to bis purpose. For whom he did loreknow bo also did predesti nate, to bo conformed to tho imago of his son, that ho might bo the first born among many brcthern. Moreover whom ho did predestinate, them bo also cal led ; and whom bo called, them ho also justified j and whom bo justified, them ho also glorified." Rom. 8, 2830. Tho pcisevcrauco of tho Saints docs not depend upon themselves ; for then doubtless nono would ever " eduro unto the cud ; " even as nono would come to Christ, if their couversiou were left en tirely to their own choice. But it is, " whom IIo predestinated, them lie also called; and whom He, called, them lie also justified ; " and all th;o lie, not themselves, raised to everlasting glory. On the passage cited an old writer has well observed : " We must not hero offer to dive into the secrets of God's eternal election ; only firmly be- licvcthat all our;""'', in time, nnd eter nity, flows oriyinalli from God's free goodness, and all our evil lrom man s free will." Thoso whoso conversion is, only the work of their own will, may very consist ently trust to their own will lot perse. vcrance but thoso tvho nro converted by (iaine yracc, may trust tho promise of Him who is able to keep them from falling.' Judo. 21. C. C. 1 JtTalticmatlcal Question, Mr. Editor : Will some one of your readers if any arc obliged to resort to ilgures to keep themselves from worse employment on tho Lord's day plctiFC to figure out next Sunday the following fiuostion : Taking tho dimensions of New Jerusalem as given Rev. 21, 1G twelvo furlongs each way, length brcadtli and bight equal tvould thero bo room enough to accommodate all the human race, allowing threo generations to each century, and each generation (on an average) to contain ono billion souls 7 And if tho world were to continue ten thousand, or one hundred thousand years, at tho same rato, would there then be " room enough in Paradise, for all a home in glory 1 " And if but one thousandth part of the celestial city wero allotted to tho human race, bow much room would thcro bo for each one ? L. M. Tho I'atriot it- Un on says : For. ncy's " two papers, both daily," aro cn. gaged in gathering up the the testimo ny of Sanford Conover's "palls" to show that Conover is unworthy of bcliof. Perhaps be U not, but Joe Holt thought he was; and Ashley thought ha was; and thero was not a Radical from Maine to I wa that ever imagined that ho was not, so long as he cworo Radically and got witnesses to do the same. Ho was then a "public benefactor," in their opinion, and deserving of both Exccu. tivo clemency and substantial reward from tho Government Even- " Jack Rogers, tho Copperhead," and others of the same ilk, bad a notion that Sanford might justly bo pardoned, because, as the former said, thcro were others, " at least ono other," inoro guilty than he. Rogers, Wood, and others felt or knew that Conover could a talo unfold about certain Radical leaders, hence they wan ted tofee tho scamp free to disclose. His lato expose justified their expecta tions beyond measure. Neither Ashley nor Holt will ever bo ablo to lift the pressure. Clearfield liqmllican. A. Complaint. Wo have received a communication from a Western gentleman, who is now visiting New York for tho first time. He wishes to kuow wby, if tho chur ches are closed on Sunday, tho bcer gardens aro not kept open. IIo argues that ono or tho other plaeo of resort should be at the d-sposal of tho public, and further iuojuires whether it is true that, during tho summer recess, tho clergy write novels and plays, and thus approximate Nero, who fiddled while Rome was burniug. He also desired some iuformation as to whit must bo tho estimate placed upon ministerial la bors so readily abandoned for a season, and suggests as our churches are closed, we go back to the primitive mode and havo opcu air preaching. To all these irreverent inquiries, wo can but answer, that where tho churches kept open dur ing tho summer months, common peo ple might get into them, and that there might thus linger a tingo of the lowly about the edifices, such as would sadly decompose tho aristocracy upon their resumption of worship. Then what would Brown do where the churches kept open during the unfashionable eoa. son ? Tho Western gentleman bad better go back where they worship all seasons alike, if ho finds fault with our way of attending to this matter. Ar. Y. Express. A New BusiNEss.-Rev. II. S. Plait, the agent of the Connecticut Grand Lodge of Good Templars, employs a number of wen (!) as detectives, mem bers of tho order, at $2 a day, to go round aud drink with aud make infor. motion against liquor sellers. In a re cent liquor trial, one of theso informers was " pumped " of tho fact that he drinks from threo to twelve times a day, and that ha has frequently to lay by aud recruit after his arduous labors. We should think so. IIo ought to lay by for a considerable time after a job of that kind, nnd his " Reverend" employ er ought to lie with tow.- Ex. It is reported that Gen. Howard, tho boss of tho negro bureau, is to ba removed. The Treasury would be greatly beiaiittcd if both' buAi uud bu reau were wiped out. There aro four thousand female office holders in Italy. M . -J ......:., ll . IKf',7. fi wnvrnnl in lti.t, t-.-.,..t io- Hiicd ngfiiii3t the cstnto of John Cobb of iiin;;wny, in uie uoiiiny 01 r,:K ami Bluto of Pennsylvania, who has qoen adjudged a r.ankrnpt on liis own piMition; Unit tho payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to sncii liankrnpt, to mm, or mi- ins use, nii'-i inu iruusier 01 any ptopciiy by him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of tho snid Imtiknipt, to provo their debts, nnd to choose oni or more Assignees of his Es'.nti) will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy , t'i bo liolden nt tlio Court. Ilotiso in the City of L'rio, before B. K. Woodi-ulT, KcRistcr, on tho ninth dny of October A. D., 1W17, nt 2 o'clock p. m. THOMAS A- ROWLEY. U. 5. Marshal lor kui ins t. O. P. DAVIS. Dep't. U. S. Marshal. Sept. o-'GT.-lw. IJUSTS for I'ARMKKS nnd others. Thedi-uton Mineral l'ainl Co. are now innnfiicliirini; lho Best Cheapest nnd most durable l'nint in use : two coals well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, willlat 10 or lft years ; it isofn light brown or beautiful chocolate color and can be changed to green, lead, gtono, drab, olive or cream, to suit tlio tsto of the consumer. It is vnluablo fur Houses, Burns, Fences, Carriage nnd Car-ninkors, Pails nnd Wood en waro, Agricultural Implonients, Caual Bonts, Vessels nnd ships' Bottoms, Canvas. Mctnl nnd Hliinjrlc Roofs, (it being Fire nnd Wilier pi-oof), Floor Oil Cloths, (one Mann, facturcr having used 6000 bids, the past year,) and ns n pnial. for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durnbilily, elasticity, and edliesivencss. Price $0 per bbl. of BOO lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Warrcntedin all cases as above. Send fo a circular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a (rdo mark Oraflon Mineral Puint. Address DANIKL I3IDWKLL, 251 Pearl Street, New York. Sept. 5-'6".-Gm. ROOK STATIONARY VARIETY Tie 9 In Toe Tost Office Bun,nitia, Saint Mary's, ELK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. BOOK AGENTS WANTED.' To Solicit Orders for a Hew Illustratel B I B L K DICTIONARY. (CO.MI-LF.TE IN ONC VOLl'MB.) This Dictionary embodies the results of tho most recent sly. research, and investi. Ration, of about sixty-live of the most eini. neiituud ndvnuced Biblical Hc-lioluia now living. Clergymen of all denomination approve it, and regard it ns tho best work of its kind in tho Knglish lnngimje, nud ono which ought to be in tho hand j of every bi ble reader in tho land. In circulating (his Work, Agents will find a pleasant nnd pvofilablo employment. The numerous objections which nrc usually eu couutored iu Belling ordinary works will not exist with Tins. But, ou tho contrary, encouragement and friendly aid will attend the Agent, making his lubor iigreeablo, useful, und lucrative. Ladies, retired Clergymen, School Teach ers, Farmers, Students, nnd all others wlo possess energy, are wanted to assist in Cun vassing every Town nnd County in the country, to whom the most liberal iuducu mcnis will be oilored. For particulars, npply to or nddress PAR MELEE BROTH Eilrf, Aug. 23-C7.-0t. 722 Samson St. Puila, Pa- DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing be tween tho undci signers under the firm name or Hcnly & Uillisis this dny dissolved by muluul consent, Tho business of tho firm will be settled by W. C. Healy. W. C. Healy. C.V. Giti,is, Ridgway, Pa., Aug. loth, 1SC7. at. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing be tween 12. C. Schults, nnd IVm. C. Schu'.l in the Tanning Business, in the Borough of .. j, d ,a una u;iy uissoiveu oy muiuai consent. All persons knowing themselves iml.br0t in Ann mn.. (A -ii . - ... ..., BUJ .U UIU RIUll lirUI, Will make payment to William C. Schulti, nnd n il persons having any cluiuis nguiust said firm, will present tlu-iu to the sauio person for payment. E. C. Siua. Win. C. Sni'LTZ. St. Mary's. Tn,, July lUth 3t The iliruril MAlc insuranct Annuity & Trust Co. OF PJULAD'A. CH.ailTEitUU I V ISM CASH CAPITAL S 300,030,00. ASSETS 2,4Cpj,ao;,5U. .l Insurance combined wiin the e. i-ui iiy of cupitul. Fur ini-untiice apply to JOHN G. 1ULL, llidgway, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers