s 1,0 G Air if!TH;j,i::i;f(A l'r 77f'f Zliilgirxi;. Erie Express lln?t 10: ! J p. to do do Vc.t ":')') in tlo Mail Fmt R: !7 n. in. ilo do Vct 10:47 p. m. Local Freight F.ast 10:nTii. m. do do Mr.it 0:,M p. m, n o t ice. Hereafter the Post Office wiil be td.jsed every evening nt 8 o'clock. On .Sunday it will bo kept open f'rnti) S t.i ID o clock A. HI. Mnsl nns.; at o !' M. L. LUTJIKH, J". M. JgThofe persons who subscribed to- wards tho erection of a Catholic Church, in JiiJgway, will please tseld thenW.ves in readiness to pay over the rnme, ti tho undersigned, or to Mr. J. Vnughau, or L. J. Llukely, within tliiity days. Lists can be tccn at Mr. Vaughnn's !o tel, at the depot, or at Mr. UlukclyV office. W. Mm-.it, 0. S.B. P. I'. IPr. J. 8. Bmlwcll has crerfod u largo nud co:atucdiou. dwelling house on Centre street, opposite the jail, winch he intends having finished oil us soon as possible. Drowned. In Jey township, on the 21th ult, Mr, Lauehlin M'.'ICinnoti, aged 21 ycura and 7 months The decease 1 was o fon-it!aw of Mr. Charles Webb. f7" Persons wishing Pry Goods, Gro. ccies &o., will find a large and well se lected stock nt tho store of i-l-cn. Pow ell & Kino, in this place. Give thcin a call. We are sure thi-y will bo pleased to sell you a small bill, if not a larger ono. Kco advertisement ir. thii weeks issue. Finn,- The barn of J. P. Hyde o;i tho Simoon Earls place in l'.-x township, was struck by lightning on tiio evening of tho 10th iiist,, end with its contents entirely cotwuincd by tho fire thus kin tiled. Tho barn contained about twenty six tons of hay besides faruiiig ulcnails. SSOtl Wednesday A'tg. 7lb, Henry Yale of Hollon, in th'n comity whihi out oa Uoon's ir.nui.Uhi Hfier Huckle berries' with two (-m ill brother, came upon a den of Jl'itilon iksi mi 1 bund thcmclvcs surround :i yj them. The boys wero on a rock, Before they could get aw ay they tilled (J1) fifty, seven snakes and piled thc;;i o:i thv: rock. All tho makes ,vc;o fuiialcs, containing from eiht to twelve young snakos inside, waking a Ions of pnnkes of from five to six hundred. Tho ooys Hay they killed about half the snakes. The balance taking refuse uiider the rock?. County Convkvu'in. The Demo cratic county conversion which met iu this place on Monday last, was one of the ablest and irto-t harmonious', that cverasscinbled in (hit county. We have not been fitriiishvl with the tannics of its proceedings but the result of Us de. liberations are presented in the ticket at our masthead a ticket which deserves and will receive the uninimon end un hesitating endoiscroent of the entire par. ty. George Dickinson, J. K. Hyde and Herman Krctz were appointed dc'.otatcrf to the representative conference which meets at St. M;.ry's to-duy. We noted in our last issue, tho lar ceny of fjuite an amount of cash, from the house of Aibert Willis of this place. The tuief is now boarding t.t the bote! with the brown stone trout, apparently quite contented. It will perhaps inter est sotjic of our readers, to leuin the par. ticulars of his capture. It seems he cn. tared the dwelling of Mm. CUpin, prior to that of Mr. Willi's. In Lis search lor booty at tha first named hoiir.e, the noise occasioned by bis rubbing lueifcr matches to ignite them, awiikcucu Ma Chapin, upon the discovery of which, ho precipitately fled. In his hafito lie lost his hat, which to some extent was tho cause of the arrrcst. As, after commit, ting tho wholesale robbery at tho resi. dence of Mr. Willis, V.e fctartcd wctt ward. Arriving at Wilmarih, he pur. chased a cap, which when paying f x be accidentally drew from hl puckot the entire roll of greenbacks, thus aro::.hi;j suspicion. A common laborer (in ap pearance) is notsupprscd to carry nbout his peison seventeen huudicd dollars. After he let Wilmanh, Mr. Wiimuith telegraphed parties at Wilcox, to arrest him. Two men started to nicot him, while two from Wilmanh followed. They met and bo was a prisoner una wares, lie was taken to Vil;oi, and brought to Ridgway lha foiiowii :; day. lie is now awaiuug (aa he tays) the d ciisioa of the iudL-e. Ho j.J:.-lt.s all, and appears to bo iudiHortut as to bis fit. He is a dangeroui ful'.ow to be at l-r;: and should bo punished to tho extent of the law. " Bt-Subscribe ior the A i vocatk. f-..J?uy your .y i.-otds, (Jrocorics Jc, i.j 1;ohcU ,t Kimo. Cnpt. A. S., your report of tha nir.lch gsoirrf I5;i.',j j'sll reached us too late for this issua, bat will nppar iu our next. KarTbiij evening there wiil Ic cxhib. ite'd at tho Hyde House Hall, Tho (J rent London Tabhius, of scenes in 1'uropc atd America, consisting of J 50 Tableau paintings etc. Admission 25 cents, rccrvod seats .50 cents. Perfor mance to eomnicnoo at 8 o'clock. Hkmokkot'h Monthly. The Pep tonibor number of this favorite parlor periodical is fully equal to any of those which havcprcecdoil, it. Tho illustra tions aro varied, and brilliant as ever, and there is n tone of freshness and ori ginality about the entire contents which contrasts remarkably w ith other pni'lo1" publications. We do not wonder Indies pii,0 it ; to them it is full of useful and interesting reading and information, be. t-ides containing ntany valuably speeiuli tits, in the way of patterns, etc, which C2n be ot from no other source. Three dollars per winum, with a premium, Address, V. JrNMX'is Trmorest, 17-' JJroadivay, New York. H!. O. AM..tJ!i,rnoy at Usr,' lA-lg. v.i.y, Elk eoniily i'.i. mnv S'M ly TOjV WOHK cf all. kinds nn' i h. ti oriptiotw done ft this V.tSioo. A i.iim: noi'.fi:, n. mm in.. JTA. m.i Kielz, IVor-i'k'or-. ni'Smi 'j.ixl-:;r:TiT''N. j 'i i.ao. W.r v,-.i Mj'MM)NS. StJP.P.':, :, kv., on llilli'l Bll'l (!, til iuih oliire. II. W, , WtP.fi lii.AKI'.I.V TliyMcian inar-J-fiii.fy." il. V'. . yu,W lY'ic'ic Mulidne and ."'iirgnry, (ntrcville, Klic eoiint la. IV. DH. A.S. Ullh IsVrsry! Elk cn.M.tyTft. pi'oiiipily nm-wrr nllp-of."i'.!c'!it! riitif! Iiy nif;!,l or 'i-iy. nini,--,'!!-ly. T H . ' J : i : i; ; j ."u vnC iiian 'noIguT- 5 y gcoi. CI. Mary's Klk ejiiniy 'o. Jiu.-.- 'i'i:.; )v. T AIMMK J. IW.Atl'CI.V. Anorm-y an.l 8 I Co'iit'll')V nt taw. nri't V. t). ComiiiiM. Ijoiki'. l.idmty I'. 0. Ivk rniinty, J'h. yj I.sw, Iti'lfimy, Flk eounty Vn., wilt iiiicii'i to all pfdfs'ion.il ).t!inai- rv,i:ijt. h- lofir-Jl'C'l-ly. DH- V. K.TlAaiMAV. sT.TlyV." Elk eoi:ti! v, Vn, l,nti i.f tha Arn y of lb l'otoiime. I'rllc;il::r sUoi'.tion pivi-n to si) cnss ufsurpricnl nuti:re. nrir-'J'J'('i! !y. EATMlOAn ITOCTSK. , V. l!t:K!,KU u. COillt. l'uocm.rons. 7 .':1s linn'" rotuvmijntK- st'.l p'.i M..ti:t. ly lo?iin, in (In, t1:i-viii(r viilnpp nf JirooU miyville. ICvni-y altiiit!,n pnlil to tl:n cm voni'.neo of guests. Au. 15. lfOTif TOl? ITlfN'MNfj, s,:-has OHa, I'ci.tetv, Hnn.l Hills, till HmUs ice, done at tlie AliVOCATE OEFICJ: on short iintici) si.J c. v(.3-..nr.!.l?pric-3. II. VOLK. M'ltinfacliiier un t'f-alc J n I.nfrcr Iieov, opposite tho Hr.ilroa 1 h'-'iA. fit. M iry's, Elk county I'a. Mar-'JJ'.0i'i-1y. T'.Tt UW AN "M V.M KXO ER I rn8. f9 si"1', !.'o vvs in lruj; nad Clicriitml. Paints. f!!s and Varnish. Pwfnmcry Toil, et trli(st r.nl Biuiionary, I'.idwy. Elk county I'a. niar-JJ'ii'ii-ly. ENF'.V U. THOMAS, I''.i!cr In r.11 Viinls r.f I'lirninive, HiTiiiir U"i!s and .tintircm-, I'iciiire (thiiics and ColTlns, l!iI(rwny I'a. Warn Eof.ijis on tha earner t.t Main an l pepot 8t's. m.ij'-17'0"-ly. Dh. j. 8. i;oRrvV:"r.r7 jVirc"t77rhyMT cinn, Lute i,f Warren county Ea., will piomptly nnwcr nil prr.fi-(,iiial cilia Ly i.il.l i v iy. I'.csid.'nce ono door east cf l!ic lot. i is'dence of Hon. .1. I,. Gillis. JUr.'tWJ-ly. LI VCIt & liACOS, Manufacturers and Wlil,'.'!.. A- lie-In',! le:tlcrs in Flouv. T'Vrfl mill Ovnin, CAXA L All J. H, Kill!-:, I'A. Ord-rs s.i'icilc 1 and promptly filled nt rnar l;t rates. an mii-CO-ly lO.lS 0. IMM. .IAS. K. . It ALL. r-T ai.jIj & imo. hr.s7.n:a:v. v. o. ti.k county, ta. .September 20, 1S60. ly. koiuTt j i incTnew I raw.P. c.'iscr.ii; c it w o u i u i: e- j epect fully iiifmiu the citizen of Elk county th.-.t I r lir.f j.t:,t started in the ahovo bu."i!ieis m v.: u' tiy. an.t lcei cnun J nt that he can pleat c nil vlnra iy fuvor h::n v.iili llii-ii" cukIoiii. C it AIM NO, PAPER HANOIXU AND OALnMIXIXQ iiONi: ok pi:o:;t .vonrn and in the r .i .t Lis-hioTiaUemd i.u roved niatoter and tyl Orders K-I't nt (:ns Oilico or at Die rioihine House of goufJior. Willis& Souther will be promptly attended to. ' V. I'. MiliLjl.lJld, Mv-n'tv.-iy. fllilAYKR HOUi'f!, i r.iumvAY, r.. D.'VID TIIAYEH, 1'ropriotur. The nti lor' tgucd liaviii fitted up a lsrpc and eoiniiiod: :is hotel on ll.e southwest corner of l.Vntre and "dill stieois, with gooJ and convenient sUlilint; atti'.ched, resjjeLt fully solicits the patronage of his old friexds nud the pnllic gcr.crl!v. JcctS'OtS ly KAVID TIIAYER. 'The tilmnl SAfe litsurttncc. Annuity & Trust Co. OF l'JULAD'A. ( SI.lElTiiSlESi IA)' ISaO CASH CAPITAL 5 SOO.OOO.OO, A.'..Uii.'i SJlA'y'y.M. Miiliiiil liis.itiitioe toiiil.iued v.iili those, cu; iiy of e.ipifil. l"ur iiifur:ini:e apply JVllS ii. HALL, Ittdjjway, Pa. tisinp Jtlivdol-jj. LICKNSKD AUCnONliUH. NOTICK Is hereby given Hint I have f nk cn out a llccnio as nnctirncer, and will attend promptly to the calling of all sales entrusted to toy cure, Any pet sun cii'litiff sales without a license wU he held tinswcrahlo to tho strict letter of lliolaw. IV W IIARRETT. Lcc2ll8(J0tf. Auctioneer. WIIHKMiH & WILSON'S BHW TNUBIACHINB8. Tho under sijrtiud having been nppointed Soic Apent fr tlio nlo of Whocler k Wilson's Hewing Machine for Elk county. Ho keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines soiil nt rhiladclphinuud New Yor prices. Any pirtics desirous of olilnlninjt thmncnu address J. K. WHITMOKE, March nt.'OO Iy. et Rfdpwsy, Ta. "HLAOKHMITHING! II. R. Iini.NAPdHslren to Inform tlio citl sensor HidffffAy aai vlelnlty lliat ho has lonsed J. H. Hyde's Jllinkiiltlj Hhop tm Mill stroft, and lifts employed pood work men who will 1)8 f vtr ready to make any. thlnp; IVom a Im'ikla to on anchor, I'nifioulnraffi-mion given lithe e'lotli.ir Cf horses. Alt Jsk Is i fair trial. May JVCK-hr, P. ovt;iuio7.Tzi:ii," , Mi;i!:HVNTTAlbOR, I'ticltfwny, l-JUf Oo Vn. The sultsni i'ir d'li n? r".i 't""''!; V i" ffl form the eill.jns i t tiil:!iy iid Vicinity (h it he, i piepr,e. ,j.(tieto f.yiiurm wi4( s titan ha dottasuywli'A, otiyihltift in i.e lios of fits lin -liies.. All ,o (isksU's ftir tr'sl, Oo-id Hit fruDtanUad, Kft.J'htU, (.'iiKntnmrs, V(.!!nfts mid Tt'!iiijii!? of the .fi((i fltj, Rio-t p'j,rov.d slyli-n ki.pt conMamlv on liaml, whl' li will tioidcitiiAi'i;R than Tin; chkap- UW. lattff.'iO.v Something a LAnar: stock or GOODS 1 The un.J.rs'ne 1 have on hand a large nud very desirable slock of GOODS, nud will constantly keep an extensive unsortmcnl, including everything thot is wanted to K AT, WEAR, OIITKED. which th"y will sell at tho very bottom figure asid from thia dalo will sell only for CAS If. We will use every endeav or to make it fo tho interest of onr cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. Wo have de'ermined to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to be tho inter- ctt ol both buyet and seller. I'OW ELL & KIM 12. Ridgway, Aug. 13th, 1SG7. so. RUSTIC WINDOW GHADEG A T WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WARREN, PA. 11U6T10 WINDOW CHADE3 A T yiBIEIV HALL WARREN, PA. 1 17 tc. j Mary's hik County, Ta. This well known house lias been eulirely reCitcd nud newly fiirnird.ed with desiro to meet tho wants ol'the travelling comum uitp, and to make it an A, No. 1 hotel. b'X.l'assentreis taken to and from the lApil free it charge. (jr.o. jiathor;i, j-Li7'C7Iy. 1'iopiictor. KTTYSHUl'.O ASYLUM VjT For Invalid Soldiers. Incorpnrnled hy Act of Anctnt.ly of tho f'omniotiwcaltli of Pennsylvania, March 0. 1X(7. The Hoard of flnpei visors appointed hy tlic nhovu Corpoiatiou to cany out tho ob jects of tho net of incorporation, respect fully nnnotiiico In the public lint the Legis Piliiro of Pennsylvania has authorized tho raising of funds lor tho erection, establish ment, nnd maintenances of an Asylum for Invalid Kuldiers of I he Into war, to bo built on tlio llattlo Field of Oeityshnrg, and as nn Inducement to patriotic citizens to con tribute to this benevolent object, have em powered the Corporation to distribute a inonst tho subscribers suoh articles ot value and interest, from association with tho lato war, or any moneys, cfTccts, property, or estate, real or personal, whatever, in this Htste or elsewhere, at mich timo or upon such terms, and In such way and msnner whatsoever, ao to them shall seem (it, uny laws of this Commonwealth to tlio contrary notwithstanding. The enterprise Is cordially recommended Ly the fj'.lcv.irg named well known gentle i:m t 'Mijov Oonerul Onrgn 0, Mcado i:-JoVHrnor Andrew (I Curl In M'.jor (Juiiaral (!a!iiha Pcnnypaekcr Maj' r (katr.il li M Orrfj ity Jiity tr Cetioriil ,1'jIiii t Jiroosn Major (tfc-nciitl Cliailu IJ T HoPis M;iJ-.r it:Hrl J.-i.m U ii'i idi; IJiijj ji ,lls A H'-.iver Hdt! Wi'-k'ils WH 'Jen dosiepli P Koipo l!ii(f O.-i) 1im J !i;l(ori Jtr."K lin .'nt-l M Hultofc (!fi (.'si ,lohn 1 SJurpliy ilii; (inn T P M.;Cov li; in 'inn y. i, WlKsh.ty I'.lilf (I'M (iMJity PlutSiiMU Hrlp! Jen J (' H (Joblii liiig Van 3 M (.'an.plll Prt ficif Tl'Oidas .M Walker Hil (juti IV Cooper Tally lo i,? t.en U 7-1 M i It C(,:v:iel I' tlMtoha'iff!. The feitc fur tho institution ("thirty nores) has already been purchased, n.'icl it in hoped that tho ood work way coiiiinenco before midsummer. Kubsaripiions will bo received at the ofl'ico of tho a-fc'K'iati.in, No. H'Jii, Chestnut Street, J'biladclphi-j, on and nf:?.' Monday, the Cth dayoI'M.iy, 1807. For each .sulrcrlpiicu of five d'dlars a eertiiicato wiil Do i.-::'.'l, which will en titlo the holder to such article of yuluo as may be awarded to its number. Tho first distribution of awards will bo made immediately upon the receipt ol 0,000 subscriptions of 85 each. The distribution will be public, and uudor tluyJirect uupcrvi iion of the Cor poraiciv. iVrdoti at a dii.tanca are rcouosted to remit their subscriptions (when practi cable) by lV:t offico tiiotiey order, or registered letter, to insuro protuj t de livery. Direct all letter to J. l HOl FMAir, fjcc'y Board of Supervisors, Hot im, I'. O., 1-hil'a. Tito following is a schedule of tho awards to bo i:ia.o under the first distri bution. The items of diamonds and other precious- stonea were purchased from citizens of the fJoulh during tho Kor, andlhuir genuineness is crtilicd to by Messrs. Iletilc & 1'ros., the most extcnaivo diaiuotid importers in be country, and by J, Hermann, diamond setter, New York, CETTYfctiUIiC ASYLUM I'Or. INVALID eOLUlERti. Incorporated by A.ct of Assembly of the CcnminnwcaltU of I'cnnsylVauia March Gth, I?07. OfTicc 1120, Chertnut St., ritiladeiphia. FIRflT DISPOSITION. Eighty Thousand flub'-cribcrs at $5 Each. 11 Wantonl Ntoklace, 49 Ilrilliams. viiLied at $30,000 i! 1 Liamond t.'i'ister llrooch and Kar ilinsr 15,Oi')0 !? 1 Award 10-40 Uov'Ulomis IO.imio 4 1 Uiaia'd Croi-s, set in silver 7,000 f 1 liiamond Cltitjr P-roocli 6,0i0 1 Award 10.40 Gov't Bonds 6.00:) 7 1 Kiamond Single Pt. King 4,500 8 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000 01 Diamond Single Stoue Scarf Tin 4,000 10 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch.. 4,000 11 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000 12 1 Pnir single stono Dia mond Kur Rings 3,0th) 15 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 8.000 1 i 1 Award 10.40 Gov't Bonds 3.000 lo 1 Diamond siaglo etono Pin 8, WO 10 1 Diam'd singlo stone stud S.tSiO 17 1 Di.imt nd Cluster Brooch 2,oOO 18 1 Diam'd Sinjile stono Uiiip; U.&OO 101 Diam'd & Fme'ld Brooch 2.500 '.''I 1 Diam'd Singlj stono King 2.0UO 21 1 Diamond Cluster Ring... 1,000 22 1 Long India fx""''- "' , l.oM 23 1 Choice Bmerald Stud 1,"00 21 1 i'mglu Stouo Diamond Ring 1,000 25 to 31-10 Awards tf 10-10 Gov't I'.onds, each 1,000 85 1 Three stono diamond ii Ruby hulf hoop ring 600 SG 1 diamond single stono Ear Knobs 800 371 P'r diam'd cluster studs GOO 88 1 dimnoud tsinglo stoue Ring, star setting COO 80 1 diam'd single atone Pin 000 40l iliiim'd Cluster bracelet 000 41 to 50-10 Awards of 10-40 Gov't Bonds, each r0 61 1 La ly's diiiu.'d set watoU 400 OJ. 1 diam'd single stone ring 850 531 diamond and op.il clus ter ling 200 51... 1 diitm'd single stono ring 2tK) 53... 1 pair' Km'ld scarf Pius 'oO 50...1 il'md sinlo fetone stud 150 57... 1 diamond Cluster Pin... UK 5...l cameo aud peail Brooch ond ear rimts 100 G3 to 103 10J Awards 10 40 Gov't Bonds, each 100 159 to 258 100 Awards, .Gov'nit Legul Tenders, each 60 8,0(i0 Awards, Government Legullendeos, each 5 Tho distribuiion of the above awards will be tnado iu public as soon oa the subscription is full, of which due notice will be trivea through tho papers. Ou and after May Gth the liauiouds will be on exhibition at tho ofhee of the As sociation. Tho public can rely on everything bein" conducted iu tne most nonoraoie and iuir manner. A'l tho awt.r.ls will be baut'.ed to ccrtiu?atc holders, imaio. dir.toly after ths dit tiibution, fre5 or nil cost, at tho ofTico of tho compnnv, No. 1120, CHESTNUT Street, 1'LiluI CERTIFIOATH. We lioroby certify tlmt tvo havo ex ninincd tho Diamond Goods, Pearls, Emeralds, Rubins, and other l'rccious Stones, ns described in tho abovo list, and find them all genuine. HOLE UKO'S, Diamond Importers, "0 Maiden Lane, New York. J. HERMANN. Diamond Setter, b"J4 Uroome St, New York. AGENTS V'ANTF.r). Books enn be had containing 20 certificates ONK IIL'NDRKD DOLLARS. All orders for certificates must bo addressed lo J. D. HOFFMAN, Pre'y. Dox 1181, l'ostoflice, 59 2m. Philadelphia. r UiTnITURE STOKE AT ST- MARY'S? PA- g! ASH, OQWi AND FURXITURK ! ! ' . Tii" pnbxertbcr keej.s cotiut anlly on hand nil sizes nfrhtsli and Doors, also W'ltrdi obea. Bureaus, Vt'a.ili.ilttnds. BookeiaC';, Tubhs. Duskt, L-mngM, li.'d.tiid-, Hofus, I'icturo Frames, Holt Poiiiled find Ol.izod, All work warranted to bo of tho bei.l toai I' l lnl r.ud workmanship. Call and examine my work and prices as I feel coull lent my work will givo igfje tion nn 1 my pri'e are nn hv, it' not lo.ver than Ihi'y arc iu any oilier market. CHAN. L. BAG !'!t, r.y2.Tl07if. St. Mary's, Pu. on'e ikhja k AlTimvo 'urrtTiii nT. MAIIY'S Honor ran FOR B A I a E 7ZVAY. .SUnsfRIBKR oll'efs for sslc tli SL property en the corner of Moh! ai d 'Vidniit rtreets. in t!i thrivintr town of S'. Mary's. Tliehonre is n rood, new two sloiy frame building The oufbiiildl.v ere till poo 1. There is alo a sidcndiO ppriii" of pure water on the lot oti which the house is cree'c'I. For further partien! irs JiKjuii e of the tubenifA-r ou the pt e.uises. JOHN ROTE, St. Mary's. July 1 1 Itp.l y ? t 'r v ?j c v? v v r t,t v r r" t " lit x x, JiA.i x x,mx,i x I C LOTH ! NGtfC LOT H i K G ! t'f.nTtii.vn for tut jtiunon : - A Well Di'OHHOtl Man IJUYH MIS Ol.OTiriNtt AT THE STORE OF GEO. I HINTEMACn, IN ST. MAUY'S. THE BIS? JS ALWAYS TII K Vui 'ia ids Vfi3 'S m,S i33 Gi P. m.N'XBNACIl havius ln'ieri cn C tire control of tho establishment foimeily nocupicd by G. P. liintcuach & Co., would respectfully inf.irm the citizciis of I'lk county that bo is prepared to furnish them with the Best Kind of Clothing at rates which defy competition. He has on hand a larc assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANTS, VKSTrf ,v CO VT.S, which helms lately purchased in the Kal. and witicb he will dispose of at a slight ad vance on cost. His Gentlomcn', Fumislng Apartment is specially adantod lo tho wants of his Cstonier. Helms nlso n lar;; and extensive slock of CLOTHS, CAS:HlEiU:!i, VK.VT ING8 of tho latest style and pnttorn, which lie will mate to order in a neat and durable manner, and as C'lll'.Al' as it can be done a-iy placo la the conntiy. GIVE HIM A CALL. Suli.dWion guar anteed, and poods warranted. AH ho aslts is a FAIR TRIAL to prove it. St. Mary's Pa.. Feb. 14. 1807. TTTA1N.ES BRO S PIANOS. IX THIS PIANO OF AMEPTfi' The'C Pianos '.-ii.v acknowl- ..-. oy competent judzus enuul to tho best Piano ma le. For references, thev liavc many thousand city and country rcsi- UiTits, inetuamg lurg-'iiiuuiijcrsot 1'iu llijj.i Sehoolu, 8nmiuaries, Sic. iheno l iunos havo not onlv stood the continued tie and heuvy pructiee of ou year, rut i,ave occn u-e 1 the last t liceu years lo tho utmost batisfiotiou of those u'utig them. They have taken premiums un l medals wherever exhibited. Bueli has been the demand for these Pianos, that Messrs. Raines Pro's have been compelled lo en large their works to tho extent of 21 to 30 Pinnos a week. Having now one of tlio most extensive and complete Factories in the United Stntes, Factories alum1 covering over three fourth of an acre of pround, comprising a frontao of 2111 feet on (second Avenue. They are undoubtedly iho theupibl lirt cbi"s Pianos iu market. Fully guaranteed for live years. 8end for lliu.u.iic.l Circu lar. H AINBS Bl'.O'H. 850, 353, 300, 302. 'V1. 3tii, t,::7b',72, Sjoad Aveiiiie, niar71S003nios New Vork City. F OR PALE. The Storehouse und Lot occuj.ied by Burke and Wood is ctfrred lur sale. A desiralilo location in the thriving boroiiL'h of Ft. Mary's. Apply CHAS McVEAN, Ficiizmfjer V. O. Jan. 3, C7.tf. Elk Co Fa. 8. SHOUT. JOHN G. HALL, Lot' IS VOLI.MI'.ll JAS. Iv. P. HALL. BANKING Hol'i-B OK Shorts )atl & St.SIury'a, Uemtaifrr I. . JJlk Cui'MV. 1 A 'piE C1IEAFEST (JOOiitJ IN THE COUNTRY Are fcyld by XV HI I S DBO T 1 V. tl 8 fSucccssors to lco. VtV;a.' tEAt.Etts IN St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. QALL AND EXAKKVK OUIl IMMENSE .STOCK OF BOOTS AND fcl-TOES Wo have no hesitation in saying that iu this department of our csldiKJn.iciit, we can give bargains to our customers with which they cannot full t.j be satis fied. We buy our fttot.k direct, from the Manufacturer, Hitlcrd Celt, brafed !oot & fhoc Manufactory, Kluii ra, New York Wo wairaut u'.l goods in this lino sold from our ailablishwonr. JJUAVY k 11 ELF HARDWARE. WF. Alt P. PUEPAUCO TO OFrEii To our c-Jitomers in this litio bargain; wliich cannot be undersold in Etk coun ty. Our stjck is largo, well selected, and is especially adapted to the wants of the community. J ADIE3' DRY i FANCY GOODS. An Uncrp-ullwl Assort mi t.t t Muslins, Silks. C'tuicoes, b'nlius, Deluinc. M lirrf Antitpies. C'biulzes, White Goods, Cloths, Flannels, Pereses, Laces, Corsets, Iu fact we have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. We aro determin ed to sell hirer, cheaper awl BET T Ell Goods thau any other firm in tho coun ty. Givo us a call, we'll prove it. jyTAllVC WELL WHAT WE SAY. He H-U ihs li.t, ihwforc THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNGr Sold ia LI CUnty. Our Stock of n f li i U I) IS 1MMEN82, And wo confidently flatter ourselves that better Clothing cannot f0UUJ, A AT WIfER S. Persons, bf'"1" purchasing tlacwuuto would do well to i'ivo US a Call. Bi,No troublo to show our Good. QllOCEMES, NOTIONS, ic, &e. In Endless Variety, and CIlL'AI'Ll! than the CHEAPEST I At tho Storo of W t i x o ii In St. Mary 'a, Elk County, Ta. p IIMM.TCRACCOES .0 SEGAK3 We havo now on hand AN EV.i.L'JNT ASSORTMENT, Which will bo sold at a YE IT V S L I O 11 T A D VAXVL On coal ami carruvje. tat'Ouf Si j. c i in ike new fit'ou? Zlu.luiirj o.i 9ft i'a Strtct. July 11, It'OT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers