V 'hi HTDQWA1, PINXi WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN IRY GOODS j " . ' ' - CLOTHING, FLO I'll GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED, IIARDU'ARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find S TOR E S AMONG THE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, ANl THE PLACE TO GET .Gocur Bargains CiULL& SEE i March 29th, 1800-ly. BOOK STOIIK Ht. Kary'ti, Elk Coun JUST RECEIVED BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. : GERMAN STORYBOOKS. A SSOR T.MEXT OF A LL COO AX nd- i Stationary, Blank books,' Time hooks, Pass books, and School books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Books, Paper, Euvelopcs &c. direc from the Manufacturers for cash, we arc cuablcd to sell at the same rates that they can be purchased in ANY OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed ou all purchases of ten dollars . as J upwards. W. J. BLAKELY. June-14 "60-1 y. A GENTS WAN T E D J. T. IIEADLEVS JUS TORY OF J HE WAR, NOWMtEADY. Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It is admitted to be the most .nterrstiit'i, jiopul ir, and vtilnnUo. His tory of the Rebellion, which is fully at tested by the enormous sale of 200, 000 volumes, and a large porttou of the couutry still un canvassed. We are obliged to run our presses night and day to enable us to supply our Agents. Mcu of character and ability, who do hire a luoiativo employment, will find ihis a rare opportunity. The price of the work in one volume u o low, (compared with our Histories) as to bring it within the reach of all .clashes. For lull particulars sendjor circular. Address ,tmerlcan Publishing Com,y 148 Asylum htreet, Hartford, Conn. 1 "VMl'lllB SE AINU MACHINE CO. J'rineijial OjHct, 016 Broadway, N. I. (1 ltKAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewine Mu I'.umire IShutlle. Crank Moliun S..winir Mucliiiie. It is thus rendered noise in uniioii. lis inolion hemic all jositive it in not liable to et ovt of order. It is the . bent Family Machine! Notice ia called to urn- jfwniid Improved Manufacturing M chine, for ui1 mi s and Boot and fcihoe Fitters . Amiim wanted, to whom a liberal discount will be iriven. No Consignments made. u r EMPIRE SEWING MACHINK CO, V 1 V'., W.r..'J ttl-19'te.-Iy. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HAU. WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WARRKN, I. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN, PA. 117 to. STATEMENT of the Rceeipts and Expenditures of Elk County for the year 18CG. CR. By am't paid Wm. A. BI Com. 119,00 150 50 137 50 By am't paid J W Taylor Com. By am't paid LouiaVolluior Com. ' ' By am't paid John C McAl lister, Corns, clerk. 13 230 75 00 By am't paid J K P Hall By am't paid L J Blakcly District A ttorney, 94 00 By am't paid J A Malone Sheriff, 120 80 218 1049 00 00 8G 35 By am't paid Bounties for olvcs &c. By am't paid Prison Ezpen ses. By am't paid Jury fees, By am't paid assessing ex. penses, - . - 13G 55 By am't paid election expen 405 03 37 48 Bes, By am't paid justices fees, By am't paid constables fees By am't paid auditors fees, By am't paid auditors clerk By am't paid auditor of pfo- 115 28 - 9 07 50 00 thonotarys account, 9 135 350 8 00 50 60 00 Bv am't paid road views. By am't paid stationary for the several ouiccs, By am't paid stamps, By am't paid repairs to pub he buildings, 480 82 By am't paid tire-proof buil ding, 3750 59 100 201 100 00 50 00 30 00 By am't paid fuel, By am t paid John Ijr. llall attorney for county, By ain't paid pio h's. fees, Bv am't paid Janitor, By am't paid P W Hays bal due at settlement, 201 03 200 00 10 87 187 50 8 00 82 46 114 00 437 48 2230 52 By am't punting contract, By ain't paid Intjuests, By am't paid House of Ref use, Mercantile appraisers, By am't paid Refunding orders, By am't paid Commission allowed Collectors, By am't paid Treasurers Commission, By excess of receipts, $11626 18 DR. To am't of taxes collected from unseated lauds, 88507 2366 625 32 To am't reed from collectors To aai't ree'd from John G. Hall attorney for county, To jury fees. To flue in commonwealth vs F. X. Hans, 25 00 10 00 To fine in commonwealth vs P. Donnelly, 811626 18 ASSETS & LIABILITIES. Asset). Cnsli in tr'y, co. funds $649 61 do do male do 1,44'.) do do bounty do 7,088 9b$9,187 67 inoiuit due by collectors, sub- lect to exoneration. 1865 Isaac lluys. Fox, $138 98 lhfi'i J V Ilouk, Kidgway, 37 47 1H05 M Wel'drf St Mary's 86 02 181,5 II Moore, Kpg Creek lot! l) 1866 M Cliuso Benezett 121 32 1860 J Uross, Beminger, 183 96 1806 Y McCauley, Fox, 820 26 1866 V Miller, Jones, 79 43 186B K Dickinson, ll'gw'y 198 63 1866 T lvw'ii Jioaj.jadgaio 07 Bounty tax Collectors. 1864 John Koch, Fox, 647 09 1864 O K Weis, Ilidgwny, 106 10 1364 M I'errin, Spg t'rk, 461 92 IM65 II DDerr, lleuezett, Oo Mi 1865 J A Miller, Fox, 346 99 1865 Armel Turlev, Jay, 257 78 1865 It A Dill. Kidirwuv. 642 85 1865 II Moore, Spg Crk 64 7x$4.740 95 ' $13,928 62 Liahilt'ttr. Bounty bonds, outst'ng 6,800 00 Int. es't'd ou same 1,026 00 Co: orders outstanding 278 52 Due House of Kel'uire 101 61 Due Commonwealth 2,914 7211,120 Excess of Assets.. ROAD ORDERS , $2,807 OUTSTANDING Bnouezett twp. Reuzinger township, Highland township, f t Jones township, ; ' Jay township, Fox township, Ridpway township, Sp.'iDgoreek towoahip, e 90 t)9 5 65 131 159 78 M JAMES COYNE, Treasurer 'of )?!k bounty, in' aceouut with' it several lands' for tha vear ending, January Isf. 1867. " .' .',,');., i ' t : ' r I To nmount reo'd from former Treasurer $ 84 To amount reo d from tux on nspntcri lands 8,667'70 To amount reo'd from Collec 2,300 625 tors To nm't ree'd from John G . Hall, attornoy for county.., 11,594 12 ROAD, SCHOOL & SCHOOL BUILDING FUNDS. , , Benezett Road Fund, Dr. To nm't ree'd from former Tr. $ 6 To nm't of tax reu'd from un seated lands 2,079 2,185 15 Benezett school fund, dr. To amount received from un- sentedlnnds .....i $ To balance due Treasurer 1,124 .118 1,273 33 Benzingcr road fund, dr. To nmount of tax received 1 from unseated binds'. $ 1,331 11 To nmouut received from un seated, additional 419 20 1,750 81 Benzinjrpr school fund, dr. To amount received from for mer treasurer $ 2 1,330 To amount received from tax on unseated lands 1,332 01 1,675 891 Fox road fund, dr. To amount received from former treasurer To amouht of tax received from unsentcd lands To amount of tax received from unseated lnnds, additional... 2,628 6 Fox school fnnd, dr. To amount received from former treasurer To amount of tax' received on unseated lands 1,005 41 1,041 70 Fox school building, dr. To amount received from former 4 937 ; treasurer To amount received from tax on unseated lands 912 98 . Highland road fund, dr. To amount received from former treasurer To nmount of tux received from unseated lands 1,004 46 1,162 Highland school fund, dr. To nmount received from tax ou unseated lands OUo T amount reeeived from former treasurer 25 630 .Tav roid fund. dr. To nmount received from tax ,n unfiled lands 1.20a 1,205 25 Jay school fund,' dr. To amount received from former trensurer '. 15 00 6G2 67 To amount received fsom tax ou unseated lauds 677 67 Jones road fund, dr. 180 To amount received from for mer treasurer To amount received from lax ... t n tin on unseated lands j.joi "2,160 12 Jones school fund, dr. To am't reo'd from former tr'r..' 1 69 To amotiut received from tax on unseated lauds l,3()o 66 To balance due treasurer 31 60 1,836 95 Bidgway road fund, dr. By amount received from for mer treasurer 25 1,709 670 To am't reo'd ou unseated lands To am't ou same, additional 2,406 04 Ridgway school fund, dr. To amount received from tax on 851 unseated lands 851 Spring Creek road fund, dr. To am't reo'd from former treas To am't ree'd on unseated lands 1,046 622 26 To amount nn same, additional To balance due tr'er .' uoi Spring Creek school fund. dr. To amount reoeived from former treasurer , To amount received from tax ou unseated lauds 1,192 . : 1,192 Spring Creek school building fund, n. . i- . I 1 r To amount of tax received from 311 unsealed lauds 811 St, Mary's road and corporation fund, 85 To amount received from tax on unseated lands, .u, 77 71 i' 00 00 00 St. Mary's school fund, dr. To amount received from for mer treasurer...... !.., '. 00 00 2 i To amount reoeived from tax on unseated lauds....- 00 00 00 184 it. Al "Ji i . J8 - - CR. By order redeemed 84" By refunding orders . $ 10,232 55 .." 82 40 By cjccniptiou orders. 3 00 By Tic's com. on $ll,fir9 18 received, at 3 percent....... 83 By Tro's com. on $10,315 41 disbursed, fit 2 per cent.... 09 By eosts on deeds of lnnd Hold ' to county By balance duq county 231 13 . 206 80 188 72 '049 61 . it; -1 11,694 12 Benezett Road Fund, Cr, 54 By am't orders of redeemed... $ 1,784 00 By torn. ou $2,079 61 at 2 per .: 61 cent., received . . ,41 69 By com. on 51,734 00 at 2 per cent., disbursing. .v. By balance due fund. 34 C8 274 88 2,08 Benezett school fund, cr. By dint, tr'rs receipt $ 1,220 31 C5 By tr'rs com. on Si, 124 65 68, received, at 2 percent....... . ! 22 19 By tr'rs com. on Si, 220 31 "" disbursed, at 2 per cent. ... 24 63 1,273 38 BenzinKcr road fund, cr, By nm t paid former treasurer 5 By orders redeemed.!. By tr'rs com. on 1,750 31 re ceived, at 2 per cent.. Bp tr'rs com. on 1.490 30...... By baht&ce due fund . . 4 '86 1,486 00 35 00 29 80 .195 15 1,750 51 Bcczineer school fund, cr. Bv district treasurer's receipt 900 00 18 By tr'rs com. tin 1,330 76 reo'd $ 26 62 Be tr'rs com. en 900 00 d'bsd ; 18 00 70 By balance due fund.... 388 32 94 ' 1,332 94 Fox road ,fund, cr. ' By orders redeemed 1,651 '00 65 By orders redeemed, additional 435 00 By refunding order 1 80 12 By tr'rs com. on 2,556 47 ree'd 51 33 By tr'rs com. ion 2,097 08 ds'bd . 41' 75 35 By balance due Sund 447 14 02 ' ' ' . ' ' 2,628 02 ' .' Fox school fund, cr. By district treasurer's receipt P21 87 29 By refunding order 1 17 By tjc'ra com. on 1,005 41 ree'd , .. 20 10 By tr'rs com. on 923 04 ds'bd By balunco due fund. ...... v CO 10 1,011 Fox school building, cr. r ' By district treasurer's receipt 700 00 97 " " , .': " 200 no By tr'rs com. on 937 47 ree'ed 18 76 47 By tr'rs com. on 900 00 dis'bd v 18 00 By balance due fund..... 6 08 44 J ' 942 44 Highland road fund, cr. By orders redeemed..... 910 00 49 Uy refunding orders 7 80 Bv com'rs orders for balance at last settlement 90 52 By tr'rs com. on 1,064 46 ree'd 21 29 By tr'rs com. on 1,014 32 ds'bd ' 20 28 By balance due fund..."......... 107 06 95 ; ' ' 1,162 95 Highland school fund, cr. By district treasurers receipt 3i0 00 81 By relunding order..... , , i - a .14 Bv tr'rs com. on 60o 84 ree'd.. 12 12 4U Bv tr rs com. on dol il dis b d O OI By balanoe due fund ' 250 80 80 630 30 Jay road fund, cr. Ky am't paid former treasurer i ti ill Bv orders redeemed . OU- W By tr'rs com. on 1,305 24 ree'd 24 10 Itv tr'rs com. on 895 61 disbsd 17 91 By balance due fund 217 62 1,205 24 Jay school fund. cr. By district treasurer's receipt By tr'rs com. on 662 67 ree'd... By tr'rs com. on 628 00 dia'bd . By balanc due fund.,.. ' 528 00 13 25 10 60 125 86 677 67 , . Jones road fund, or. By orders redeemed 1,622 25 12 By tr'rs com. en 1,980 00 ree'd 89 60 By tr'rs com. on 1,622 25 ds'bd . 32 44 nn ' . . . uu jjy balance due luiui 4bi S3 2,166 12 Jones school fond, cr. By district treasurer's receipts. By tr'rs com., on 1,303 60 ree'd By tr'rs com. ou 1285 18 dsbd 1,285 18 25 70 24 70 1,336 95 Ridgway road fund, cr. P. 1,807 00 Ttv orders redeemed. 60 y ,r rg coln- on 2,880 44 ree'd 68 Uy tr'rs com.-on 1,867 00 dsb'd 76 By balanco due fund 47 61 87 34 454 09 2,406 Ridgway school fund,'cr. By district treasurer's reeeipts 75 Bv treasurer's commission...... 678 29 143 851 By balance due fund 75 ! 1 r '; 1 ''!-'' Spring Creek toad fund, cr. 5 09 nT order rodemed.....v.i i - 1.680 89 rty ex. ordV-r..'.-.;.'..:.. .'....:........; 5 80 uy tr'rs com. on 1,669 75 reo'd 83 18 jjy tr'rs com, ou 1,630 00 disbd 32 02 ; " .. . 1,701 Spring Creek sohool fund, cr. nv district treasurer's receipt - 034 21 Bv x. order.... j .. 4 - Bv treasurer's eouimission 42 67 Uy balance due fund 211 81 : . - 1,19. 81 dr. Sprinjr Creek school building fuad.'er. . . . . . Uy district treasurer i receipt ui 61 i( y exoneration order j 4 By treasurers commission,,. ... . . 7 ' By balance due fund........ 213 61 811 dr. St. Mary's road and corporation fund Bv am't Daid former treasurer 43 By boro treasurer's reoeipt - By treasurer's commission.,,...' , By balance due fund 50 2 ia 71 42 ., ... 71 ' 1' St. Mary's school fund, or. By treasurer's commission on l M83 60 at two per cent. i. n hnlunee du fund........ . w 182 60 i : ; 21 i-.is f I i: - bounty; bridge & ;,W County bounty fund. dr. To am't ree'd from former tr'r 187 To am't from tax on una. lands 27,069 To am't from Collector of 1805 ' 1,5T,4 To am't from collectors of 1864 967 To 6 mo interest on $4,000 00 120 " - 29,898 94 Jay bounty fund, dr. To amount received from for mer treasurer,.... 80 61 To amount received from tax on unseated lands 1,829 37 2,909 St. Mary 8 bounty fund, dr. i To amount from for. treasurer 2 To amount from una. lands... 03 66 Benezett bounty fund, dr. Tc amount of tax received from unseated lands 3,865 "Ooo t f 8.866 Benzingef boanty fnd, dr. To amount received from tax on unseated '. lauds 1,675 . . r , -r ,. -. , r- 1,676 - r Ridgway jiotitity fund dr. i T6 amount of "tax received from unseated lands 1,652 1,552 26 1,652 20 M'Kcan, Elk, Forest & Clarion State Boad- M'Kean, Elk, Forest & -Clarion State Hoad Fund, Dr. To amount re'd from former tr. 19 To atrt from .tax on unslands 1,037 To amt froinsame7'.'r....."'.7..".T7... 1,956 3,013 Jones bridge fund, dr. To amt ree'd from former tr. To amount received from tax on unseated lands ... 1 72 1,244 1,245 JAMES COYNE, Treasurer of Elk of Pennsylvania. DR. To balance due at former settlement $ To am't of tax reo'd from - unscatedjands - To aniountfof tax received collectors 34 3,019 8G1 $4,515 LICE DR. To am't of tav lic'ses grn'td 205 100 90 140 190 TO" do do do do :. . liq do : bre'rs do eating house do retailers' do $785 JAMES A. MALONE, High Sheriff plk for the year 18GG. DR. To Jury fee in Messenger vg" Wasson ct. al. To jury fee in Hill and May. hord vs Elliott. To jurv fee in Moyer vs Moy- er. To jury fee in Ely vs norton's To jury fee in Bryant and Eu. wer vs Taylor. To jury feo in Benzingcr et al vs Gleixher. To jury fee in Hyde and Cum. niings vs Bryant & Euwer. To jury fee in Leosh vs Rauh. To Fine in Comth. vs F. X. Hans. To Fine ia Comthi vs P. Don. nelly. To County orders, To balance due Sheriff, $4 4 4 4 4 4 25 10 120 26 $213 COMMISSIONERS of , with the said road. DR. To orders drawn from Elk county by T L Kane, To orders drawn from Mo. Keau co. by T L Kane, To orders' drawn from For $1100 700 1835 100 est oounty by J D Hunt, To cash received from Cla. 04 rion co. by S B Rjnard 88 61 26 75 $3735 Wo the undersigned Auditors and at the Commisiouers offiee in Ridgway a ik i j- .ua i A. it. louu. UD CTtuiy uiai nc nave 00 and ffid them to be correct as stated. 00 40 62 Attest, J. K. P. Hall, Aud'rs Clerk. Attest, J. K. P. Hall, Com'rs. Clerk. 02 00 78 53 50 0 UR 5TARCII GLOSS, g the only article used by first classThotels Laundries, and thousands of families. gives beautiful pylisb, inaUnvg the pass smoolhly over the cloth, saving iu 00 87 14 time anil labor uoodsdoneup with it clean much longer, consequently will wear out so soon- It makes old linen look like new. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE ! lha teat -'n the world. . It is soluble la hard as ell as soft water. Ilia put up in the Safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any offered to the public It is warranted not to streak the olothea. Agents wanted -everywhere, to whom we offer ex traordinary inducements, Address, NEW VOKK STARCH GLOSS CO. No. 218 Fulton St., New York, 61 cr, 40 00 43 63 42 VI 64 "DAPEU RAGS ; ., avu m g far Joxh at . iOw"LL'8. ehiea state road, funds. : ---Git. ' '"Crninfy, bounty fund, or. 69 By bindrf redeemed...... r..... '82,476 00 86 8y eiftnvation ordorg.w,.., 74 65 Of By tr'r com. on $49,591 M red ""147 96 42 ; o ' . do 22,476 00 dbaoV 118 87 CO By balance due fund - .7,088 10 ... 29,898 94 Jay bounty fund, cr." :..' By district treasurer's- receipt , 1,190 00 By tr. com. on 1,829 37 rcorrg , 9 15 Bytr.com. on 1,196 00 dbihg " 6 08 By balance due fund 098 85 9$ 2.9Q9 93 RrJ'MafvV hnnnHr fund nr. 3l ty tr. eom." of)'' per ct ou 68 30' 'By balance due fund . - 87 65 31 8$ 68 - 65 68 ?"H ", Benezett bounty fund, cr. -By-district treasurer's receiot 8.724 001 94 ?By treasurers commission , 87.95 By balance duo fund i 103 89 94 - - ... .... . . 3,865 94 Benzingcr bounty, fund, cr. f By district treasurers , receipts 1,150 09 By treasurers commission M . 15 04 Bo balance due fund. .;. ' 611 M ' ' l,C75j2: Ridgway bounty fund, cr. By district treasurer's receipts 1,455 ft5 By treasurer's commission.'.. ...' 14 13 By balance due fund... w ... 81 67 72 72 20 Fund. Cr. 90 28 05 By orders redeemed By treasurer's commission , By balance due fund 1,100 05 81 87 1.831 42 3,013 29 29 Jones bridge fund, cr. By orders redeemed ... , ... By treasurer's commiss'ion ... By Balance due fund ... J. 1,000 00 44 99 196 00 1,245 99 27 99 County, in account with the Commonwealth ' CR. By state treasurer's receipt 55 By exoneration order ' 8,000 1 50 10 5 1,449 By tr s com. on 1,000-D ct. 09 do ' do do 1 ct. let. do do do 16 By balanoe due state 70 4,515 70 N S E S . .... cRw- By state treasurer's receipt By county treasurers com mission -By balance duo State 00 00 00 00 00 . 89 8 39 00 ' . . $785 00 of Elk Co., in'acoount with the County of " ' ' . -CR. By "conveying II Fisher to Western Penitentiary. By General Election Procla. mat ion,, . Bylilliug jury 'wheel, Bv serving jury . notices Nov. ,'T. ISM, and Jan.T. 1867, By Comth. costi vs McGiven et al, By com. vs H- D.JDerr, By oom. vs. H. 11. Wilson, By com. vsIohn Mosiur, By coin, vs C. A. Wilcox, By com. vsR. P. Saltsmau, , By com vs Charles McVean, By com vsPat McCready, By com vs E. Moray, By com vs E" Morey, subp. By com vs Elizabeth Wiuslow By com vs J. McCloskey, By com vs Geo. Ausinger et al Nov. term. By com vs Geo. JVnsinger et al Jan. term, By oom 78 Shonsand Largy. By com vs F. X. Hans By com vs T. Kennedy, By aoiujvs Terissa WildQre, et al. By com vs John Rauh, By fee in 52 case.", 00 00 00 00 S120 00 75 2 00 30 00 00 00 00 25 $213 25 the MoKan, Elk and Forest State Road in account ' . CK. . By account rendered by T 00. LKane for work and uu- tcriuls, 2131 82 00 By acoount rendered by J I) ' : Hunt's servii-es &c. 56 00 41 By cash paid S by B Uyuard 10J00 By Balauce duo Road, . 1237 59 00 41 $3735 41 Commissioners of Elk county, hivius met on Monday the seventh day of January, r..n.. :j , . taitiuny ciuuiiut-u me orei'Olli!' aecouiits JACOB McCAULElT, u. A. u im;ox, B.J.JONES. ' W. A. BLY, J. W. TAYLOR, LOUIS VOI,MER. NEWSIIOP. TIN! TIXU TIX!! STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES !! John Sosenheimer & Co., WUULLS ILK iU,l'AlL, UliALJiitS. ST. MAKV'a, PA. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a larjje aud well selected stock of TIN WARE, STOVES &o. Ue have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES cousists in part of ANTIDUST I'ARLORAi COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can be had at our shop either riveted or proved. Spouti.vqasd roofing, done oa short notice and at reasonable rates. Jutiw.W'W-lT, It iron much keep not K 00 50 00 no Off 20 2o 87 80 30 50 80 20 97 43 37 43 37 43 13 37 50 S8 38 as 50 85 C30
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers