LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. A Car Time at llidgtcay. Erie Expreia East U:06 p. m. do do West :" ra . do Mail Hint 8:60 p. m. do doWut 1:24 p.m. Local Freight East ....10:80 a. m. do do West 6:16 p. m. Tne Good TBMPtARi. Thin society ate doing 6ne1y. Quits a number of new Domes have been added to the list Bioce its organization. Let he good work go on. A Query. II lour cau with sixteen legs can watch fourteen rats with lort two legs, . while . a woman with two tongues is saying Jack Robinson, how many legs, must eight rata have to get away from the same number of cats in I rn minutes, due allowance being made or "tare and tret." The Sociable. To-morrow evening Ss the last meeting of the Sociablo, ahd will take place at the bouse of Henry Souther, Esq. We understand there will be refreshments served, " without mnncv and without price " Those who attend cannot tail to eujoy themselves. A cordial iuvitalion is extended to ev. erybody. The Aeolian 8. This company of amateurs are furnishing quite a lot of amusement to the fun loving citizens of our county. Last evening they gave a concert in St. Mary's, which was appre ciutcn by the good people of that live t3wu in such a manner as to lead the members composing the troupe to think they would bo justified in giving an en tertainment at Centreville and Wilcox. Tapioca I'udimso. Four table spoonfulls of tapioca soaked in one quart of new milk over night. Stir the tap ioca and milk over the fire till it comes to a boil ; then add the grated rind of one lemon, one tumbler of sweet cream, half a tumbler of wine, with sugar eu- ough in it to bit the glass. 1-our eggs, whites and volks beaten sepraratelv. to be added just before baking, bake five minutes in a hot oven. To be eaten cold. For Sunday. Tnc following is to be read every Sabbath morning, just before btattine to church : "Mary, do you remember the text this morning ! "'.No. papa, 1 never can re ni'-inber the text ;l've such a bad mem ory. "Marv. said her mother, "did you notice Ptisan Brown 1" "Ob, yes, What a Iriirht 1 She had on her last year's bonnet, done up ; a peagrecu silk, a black luce mantilla, brown gait ers, an imitation of a llotiiton collar, a lava bracelet, her old ear drops, and such a fan!" Oh my!" Mother "Well, my dear, your memory is improv es- 4 mi ' Horrible Murder. We learned last week that an old woman, abou' 80 years of age, named Elizabeth McDon ald, residing at Beech Woods, in Jef ferson county, was murdered luslThurs "day at her residence by two fiends in human shape who had been employed about the premises for some time, and one of whom was arrested shortly alter the occurrence. The object of the vil lains was to secure some $500 in gold, which was said to be in her' possossion, but which we learn they failed in secur ing. We bave not been informed whether the other murderer bas been apprehended. Life Insurance is an agreement by which a person ' for a small annual payment, called premium, obtains from a Company a contract, called a Policy of Insurance, gu;iianteeiug to pay a much larger sum at his death to his family, heirs, or to whomsoever be wishes. And although the uncertainty of lite is provcrbal us to an iudividuul, vet in a considerable number of persons the late or laws of mortality are very regu. lur. und admit of great accuracy in esti. muling the average of human life. These laws have been ascertained by observations made during one hundred and fifty years past. but more particularly during the last one hundred years. There is nothing, therefore, partaking-of hazard or of a speculative nature in it. A person embracing the benefit of Life Insurance in a Com puny based on tbo true principles of tlst science, simply se cures the pecuniary advantages to his i (preventatives of his full average of life against the loss and injury - which would tuise from his early death. Among all tne contrivances of men to protect the finiily circle fiom want, in mi! can bo found more simple iu its character, noble iu'its teutures, or cer tain in its r-sults, than Life Insurance. It in the prop which the dying hu.-baud leaves to suppoit the wife of bis bosom. It is the unseen hand of the provident lather reaching Irom the grave, and still nourishing his offspring and keeping to gether the family group. 5 By it the faithful son protects his aged parents, even where he bas preceded them into eternity ; through it the honest debtor natisfies hi confiding creditors., when fate seemed la -it propitious. Iu a moral and worldly geuse, it is one great wcup. on by which to rob death of its sting. Lile Insurance, properly appreciated and ertibnioed. is oue of the highest ev. ideuccs of n flood und progressive civil, lutioii It develop tbo most tended af fections in l he participants. Tin -io cun bu mi higher earthly mo tive, uur one that give greater elevation ot ch.iracter. arising iom the purest impulse, ot the heart. than thut which Impels a parent to retrench iuiunes, or eveu uian of the iiet't-..-ai ii-s ol life, to secuu? to i lie loved one the means ol future (support Irom the time they' can have the serviu of parent no longer WARDED A GOLD MEDAL 1 ATTfll American Institute ! Fair ! OCTOBER 19, 18C6, In direct competition with all the leading makers in tht country. lPEI-OUBET M ORGANS AND MELODEONS. C. PELOUBET & SON,- Manufacturers. Respectfully invite the attentiou of pur. chasers, the trade and profession, to the POLL 0 WING INSTR UMENTS Of their manufacture . . . ! J Pedal Base Organs, Fire siies, FiveOclave. one to three Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of Reeds, Prices $235 to $C00. School Organs. Nine styles, single and doubU Reed, Hose woo J and Black Walnut ctsus, Trices, $130 to 240. Melodeons, Piano style and Portable, .Twelve Varie ties, from four to six Octaves, siiigli and doublo Reed Rosewood and Black Walnut Cases. " Prices, $05 to $210. Every instrument is made by competent workmen, irom tne uest material, uneerour personal supervision, and every modern improvement worthy of the name, is intro diiccd in them. Among theso we would call attention to the TEEMOLANTE, which has been so much admired, and can be found on!y in instruments of our own niaDufaC ture. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent proies-ors anu organists, we give the tiiliowingcxtracts : " The pedals I conceive to be unnpproach able in their beautiful smooth quality." Wm. A. King. "It is a grand, good instrument, and does credit to the builder. II. C. Folger, Troy, rew i crK. 'They are among the finest Instruments raanutitutureil either in this country or a broad.' Wm. Bcr.g, J. Mosentlial. Aploma-t v i noy nave given universal satisfaction. n. t. llawley, Fon-du lac. Wis. "There is a peculiarly sweet and svmpa. thetic tone which harmonizes charmingly uritl, tlta vn'tnn ' AV It " ' - i.-c .uivw, -, tl. VUUIVV, " I am particularly plaased with the ar rangement of the different registers." Wm, ii. isriUDiiry. oilier instrument o nearly ap proaches the organ." The Chorisiir, N. Y una lUBti'umeiu Jias a cleur surci'ioril v ovei every il.ing yet introduced among us." lnilepcnuent, l. " 1 he tones and the action arc excellent. Rev. W. S. Leavitt, Hudson, JJew York " The nore we use it the better we like it." J B Hague, Hudson, New York.- "The two Bank Organ is really gem J W Kiunicuti, Buutou, Mass. "We have found them excellent in all points conHtituting a good instrument." J C Cook, T J Cook. "It looks and sounds Bplendidly." SB Aaxion, Troy, ew iork. " The most erfect toned Melodeon I ever saw." Ouy F No'lh. " They full back on such substantial mer its as superiority of workmanship, beauty of tone and reasonableness of price. And we must say that in all their respect they are wen worthy of praise." Musical Fio neer. JtaTEvery instrument is fully warranted, and hoa-ed and shipped in New York City without charge. Circulars, Cuts, and Price Lists, o., Belli Vb uj-piiuuiiuu lu C PELOUBET & SON, Bt-OOMFIELD, N. J. Or J M Peltort, 841, Broadway,, New York ; Conrad Meyer,.722, Arch bireet, Philad a 8 Brainard i Sou, Cleveland, Ohio; J A Tucker & Co, Jftekaon, Miohigan ; Werner & Gerard. Cmcinart). Ohio ; Joel If Know. Ibile, AUbtnia, WUOLE3.U.E AQKNTkV July xo,(te-7 THE PLACE TO BUY ISAT THE1UDGWAY KEPT bt BORDWELL & MESSENGER, Dealers in Drugs, Medicine, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. fumeries of oil Kinds, The purest Varnish, ; it' Brushes of every - Style and . . Size Dye Stuffs, Pare Con fectionaries Citron, Raisini, Patent Medicines, Wines, Wat;hes, . Jewelry, Rings, Tobaceocs ' & Segart Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to the Drug Business Gen crally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices 1 Pure Drugs at Low Prices ' Notions in Endless Variettf I Notions in, Endless Variety I American and English Watches I American and English Watches ! Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, Ac. Latest fetyles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Fancy Articles, . 1 oys, Latest Novels I Albums, News, Stationery, Bird Cages! Albums, News, Stationery. Bird-Cages 1 Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! mar201866 EW CASH GROCERY STORE JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries &o., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he has gone into the Grocery business. and will open on or about the middle of Mify. He keeps constantly on hand an extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUR, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by the barrel or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER ban the CUEAP.ESl. 1 invite everybody to call and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOSKEY' May 3d, '66. Cm. K .rEROSENE AND GAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS. GLUE, i'OTS, OIL CANS, JSC, &o. 8 All the cooking for a "a var family nuy be done with toS tbg Kerosene Oil, or Gas, -a Ida?" with less trouble, and at tjSI Wc0" less expense, than by any SS totr other fuel. s3& Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is guaranteed to perform all that claimed for it. tSySend for Circular, LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 20fi Pearl Street, N. Y. July-19'66.-ly. VALUABLE LOTS VOR SALE. The uudersigned has laid out a vil. lage upon his ground adjoining the Kidg way Depot, to be called KLK. The lots are 50 leet front by 100 feet ' deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For the third lot sold, $l0 and so on increasing in price us lots are sold. BFft, first purchasers set the choice lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application. Ten percent of the purchase money must be paid at the time of the application. SQuApplications will be made to John G. Hall. Esq., Kidgway, Pa. J. S. IIYDE. - Bidgway, mar,29'66-tf. ITCH ! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch I Scratch I Scratch t WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cikk thk Itch in 48 Hours Also cures SALT ftHECM. ULCERS, CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 60 cents. For sale by all druggists. Br sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington streat, Boston, it will be for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United bUtes. (june-7 Gtt-ly. G ROVESTEEN & CO., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 Broadway, New York. THESE PIANOS received the Highest Award of Merit ! at the MorliTt Fair, evor the best makers from London. Paris, Ger manv. the cities of New York, Philadelphia Baltimore and Boston ; also the Gold Medal at the Ameriean fottitute, tor FIVE tuoccs sive vearsl! Our Pianos contain the French Grand Actiou, Harp Pedal, Over strung Bass. Full Iron Frame, and all Mod. ern Improvements. Every instrument war- ranted FIVE vrari.- Made under the su pervision of ML J. H. GEOTESTEEH. who has a praolioui experience of over thirty Ave years, and it iba maker of over t.eve Ihoutnnd piano forttt. Our facilities - for manufacturing enable ut to sell the in sfuments from $100 to $200 ebeaper than my first class piano fort. Jul-1V'B8.-Ijr. NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL 1 S . T O R 15 . DAILY & WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at U lHE DOOK OTOltE 1 N ST. MARY'S. N. B. Anv work, cither American or Europen, Religious, Scientific, Phil osophical, Historical, Ac, will be pro cured on application as above. Any article in the Book or Stationery line not in Store, will be sent for by mail and be received in a few days after or dering, jun. 14-ly. PHOTOGHAPIIS. E. &, H. T. ANTHONY to CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, Wholesale and Itetail, 60j BROADWAY, N. Y. ' In addition to our main business of PHOTOGKAPII1C MATE1UALS we are Headquarters fo the following, vz. STERESCOPES & STERESCOPIC VIEWS Of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Uroups. Statuary, etn. STtRKSCOPIC VIEWS Or THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns and forming a complete Photograph ic history ot the great contest. 8TEIvEi?COPlC VIEW S OX GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or the Sterescope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOUKAPH1C ALUL.MS. We manufacture more largely thnn any other house, about i'00 varicfies from 60 cents to $50 each. Our A LBCMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc., eta Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. 1)., will please remit 20 per ceut of the amount with their order. KSfThe prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. " (june 14'0C-ly. Y A RUE CAPACITY, GREAT Stregnth I i and unequalled speed, simplicity and completeness of operation, are qualities pe. cuuar to the Nonpareil Washing Ma chine. It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, and the ex perience derived from five years extensive use in fcmilies, hotels and public institui :ons proves it to be of lasting value to the pur chaser The manner of operating the Nonpareil, by roiary motion acting on a crank shaft 'with balance wheel,) which moves the plungers alternately, is the simplest, least laborious anil most powertul that can be de vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work with the greatest rapidity and the least possible labor. The great speed with which this machine performs work will be understood from he statement that it is geared lo give six strokes of the plungers for one turn of the hanule, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred slrckes a minute Safety to (he fnbrio washed is insured by the cutire absence of rubbing. A girl or noy ot hrteen can work the ma. chine, and do a week's washing for a fimily of six or eight persons in two to three hours' time ; and it may be relied on to cleanse the clothing thoroughly, without assistance from hand rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to Whom exclusive right of sale is secured. OAKLEY k KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 2fi,'6C-ly J. GURNEY & SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC (ARTiSTS, 707, BROADWAY, N. Y. TN addition to our Phrjtogrrfphio Art Gali I lery, established in 140, we have for the last Five years had advantages su perior to any other establishment in ob taining sittings from life, of all the Prominent Cclcbiities of the day iu Uard portraits, ana are now puuusninx a Catalogue of over 2 5 0 0 SUBJECTS, American and Foreign, also a lanre list of copies of Works of Art und Eugrav. nigs. Catalogue sent on receipt ot Stamp. An order for one dozen pic tures from our Catalogue will be filled at $1 80, and sont by mail free. Single pictures 2d cents each, copies ot en, cravings la cents each. M. . We also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for reproduc ing, or copying, old Daguerreotypos, Ainbrotypes., Card Pictures, &c, of de. ceasea relatives and mends, enlarging them to any eize, and finishing in Oil, Wuter Colors or India Ink, with the aid oi ten tu!ebted artists. Parties desiring copies, should there tore correspond with us direct. Send for a catalogue. The trade supplied at a liberal discount. Gallery open for free inspection, and strangers visiting tho eity will find our Gallery one of the most agreeable places where. in to while away an hour. J. GUBNKY k SON, sep-20-6rr.. 707, Broadway, N. Y "lOAl, CCKB AI ifBE CLAY1 1 j All of superioi quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. WairOrders by mail promptlj Utend- td to. Iseptlb 3-tl .J OB TRUSTING CHEAPLY NEATLY EXPEDITIOUSLY Exaaured at tb ADYOOATl Offiee 'It N W IMS W'l "it -at tJ 1 3 AT TIIH New Stoit of TTEIS U It OTHERS at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Successors to Georoe Weis. Otter for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stock of Sl'Jil.VG Si'MMb'Il 'ti,u Ntnal V2 'w' 'W 'uu. SILKS, MORINCES, POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, Plain and Ggured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, Whita goods of every oescnption. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and 5hirtinc in great variety. Ladie's & Children's Milll nery Goods j such as BONNETS, HATS. CAPS. RIBBONS. &c. CL O VES & HOSIER Y. yiuiv i o jurntsntng ifjas of every actrriMion. CL O TIIS, CA SSIMERES ic, rfc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A Wge stock of PETROLEUM CANDLES 80AP Ot ALL KINDS. Ill short, we have everything needed for family use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every de scription. Confectionary, Brush, esofall kinds. A lull assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window . . Shades. A very large assortment ot Segara and Tobacco. E 15 UV OUR STOCK directly lrotu the Manufacturer and there. tore wo can afford to sell cheaper than any ouierestaDiisnment iu Jilk county, THE PUBLIC vited to call are respectfully in ana examine our stook and prices ! Whether they wish io ouy nr not, xor we claim to nave one of the most complete stocks and the . . t .... , . . . finest M OK b in the county and can sell for less profit, than any other house in tne county, Weis B ROTI1ERS I? V .V- 1l THE aCSTJ)ESIRABlLE A.SS0R1 TITE CNOEB8l(Xr.D offers to the pu. lie at his eommodiotts Males Room fa Ridgwny, the largest and best general r-mii-iucut of Merchandise that can bu faUltf at an Store between WILLIAMSPORT A5D ERIE, and at more favorable prices than can 1 bought at either uf these po'htl. His stock Comprises a splendid variety 1 1 PRINTS, DfiLANES, SHEETINGS, DRESS GOODS, . CLOTHS, READY MADE CLOTHINH, BOOTS AND SHOES, TINWARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, STONEWARE, GR O CERIES it- PR O ISI OA'S ftrtk,The proprietor, thankful for the very generous patronage thus tar citcuded to his establishment by Ihc citizens of Wk and adjoining counties, hopes to merit and receive a coutinuance of the same. J. POWELL. 4ug.-16'6C.-ly. O I AAPJ Mill YEAR! tDl l)JJ want. Agents everywhere1 to sen uur improved riu rowing jtiuciimes. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above) salary or large commissions paid. The om.t machines sohl in the United States for less than $40, which are fully lictutrd hy JIuwe, v heeler ir nihon, Graver f linker. Singer $ Co., and Uachelder. All other cheap ma chines are infringement and the seller or user are rrliablc lo arretl, fine and imprisonment. Illustrated circulars sent free. AdurcKS, of call unnn Sliaw Jt Clark, at liiddeford. Maine, or Chicogo, 111. may-ll'tlfj-y ANTED, AG ENTS S7Mol20P PER MONTH for gentlemen and $85 to 87o for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, improv ed und perfected. It will hem, fell, stitch, ;quilt, bind, braid ami imbvoiiicr beautifully. Price only 820, making the clastic lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three years. We pay th above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount oan be made. Address with stump, or call on (.'. BOWERS k CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. sell letters answered promptly, with airculars and terms. May-31't)6-ly. TO consumptives'" ri'MIE Advertiser, having been restoiod I to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered sever al years with a severe lung nnection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anx ious to malto known to his follow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he Will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charet1). with the directioLS tor preparing the same. which they will find a Sure Cure for Con sumption,. Asthma, Brouchts, c. 'I' he i n ly object of the advertiser in sending tho Prescription, is to benefit the aulicted, and spread information which ho conceives to be invaluable ; and ho hopes every sufferers Will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blesFing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address Rev. EDWARD A- WILSON, Williamsburg. Kings County, New York. Oot. 25th 1306-ly. 18G7 1807 PHILADELPHIA k ERIE BAIL 1. ROAD. This great line traverses tho Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Eric, oil Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylva nia Rail Road company, and id opera ed by them. Its entire length was opened for ptis senge and freight business, October 17th, 1864. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAIN 3 AT RIDGWAY. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train 3 47 Erie Express Train 11 05 Leave IJVtirar. ra. rn. Erie Mail Train 1 Erie Express Train 8 24 50 Passenger cars run through without nhunge both ways between Philadelpha and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. in., Arrive at Erie 0.00 a. in. Leuve Erie at 5.40 p. ui., arrive at New York 4.40 p. in. Er.EtJF.NT St-EErrsa Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Bultiiuoro, and Williamsport audi Philadelphia. For intormution respecting Passenger business apply ut the S. E. corner 80th and Mariet Sts, Philadelphia. And for Freight btisiut-saol the Com pany' Aunts: S. B. Kingston, .Tr. Cor. 13th and Market St. PhHttilelpbia. J. Reynold Erie. W. Brown, Agont N. O. K. R. Ikl. tiuioKi. 11. II. Houston, Gtn'l. ft-eigfo A,j't. PhiTa. It. W. GWINNEB, Gtn'l. Ticket Agt. PhiTa. Ai.ruED. L. Tiler, Germl Svft Erie, THE LA-EG STOCK or
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers