WARl'ED A GOLD MEDAL I A AT THE THE Pl.ACLTO BUY IG AT TIIEIIIIXIWAY 1 :,; v. To us v is v hem-; vm: can r.iv THE I AUG ES'! STOCK OK 3 $ ' TiTi H vw ui. w "i c OST ARS EXT E R M 1 X ATOP.. Costar's E x t e rn i i i m t or, F.xicririiii.itor, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Cos tar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exlci iniiialor, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, . Costtu-'s Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Extcriiiiiiatnr, Costar's Exterminator, Fo. Tints. Mice. Roaches. Ants. Red Bug Fleas. Moths unit 1'itrs in Woolens, Insects (.11 Plants, Fowls, Animals, do. ' 1? years established in X. Y. C'i:y.' Only infallible remedies Known.' ' Fret1 IViun loisoii.' Not dangerous in l lie I'uninu Family.' II'.Rewaro!!! of all worthless imitation? See tlial " COST ICS " linini- is i n cadi Box, Bottle, and Flask, hcloic jcii buy. Addles henry e. cost a p.. il-l BlO:llivaV. N. Y. C 0PTA1CS CJILKIIHATKU Bucktliora Salve I Tnr Cms. l'.iii'iw. HniisOK. Wmind". T in- Cnnccvs. liudcn r.i.''isi. Sure : i-i'v. r.U'cdli.-r. I'.'dnd mi 1 l'.i:n'nl l'l't" S ;i' d'ii Ions. I'litvid nnd ill cniilitii ncd Seles ; 11 rov. (ittindiilar Swi'llimrn. Fnintidii. Cnl:'' iir.,,l! ll.x-I i.tltu. r.ii,.j ui in. llcli, lilies (d Sj.idi is. In-ccis. Ai.'i.kiU. .sc. Iloxos. S it ni-. .Ml c-'iils. f.nd tl sizes. SoU I'V ull l-'in-L'i-ls. every licio itlid l-y liF-NliY II. OSTAII. l'i'i.yl lbo, Uri'adw. y, X. Y. c ISTAIV IXIYFI'.SAL J Com Solvent For Coins, Fundi. ns,, Mails, .':c. l!.;.res. 'X' cents. r,0 cents, and $1 f-'itf. S.-.l.l hj nil DiMirirists i-vwvw1 ere. mid by lll'NF.Y It. COSTA 15. lieput HI Itroadwny, X. rWfAU'S I'K El'A RATION OF Jl.'tta- Sire I irnJ Oraii;e Jiwomsy fur Jliinif.yiiii I hi; Cow i'l,i;in. r,,i m u .cii.ti nnd benutil'v I lie hkin. I',-... .tl.. s. l'nniiUs. Eruption. Sc. I.nilies ui-e now usiiiL' it in prt'lereucc to all others, 1'i iee.Sl per bottle. Sold bv all Urilir-ri-ts cvervw ilF.XP.Y li. COSTA II liepot iSl Prondway, X. Y. DSTAllS pECTOn.VL co r hexed y PorCotu'liS, Colds, Ho:irprncss. Si.reTliroat, Cioup" iTlioopinjj Coulis. lnllioMizti. Airth'un. Consuiiii.ii'.n, P.i-.iiicliial AlVeeti.ois, and all diseases nf the 'J'liront and Liins-'S- P.ottles cent i. "iil cents, and fl sizes. hold by all J'rn; ..riw's ( vei vwliei e. and ly IIF.NP.Y ll". COSTA 1!. Depot r.i ,...i'. X. Y, C V)STARS CELEBRATED iilSHOp J. ilia . r.-ii E'ltfi' r r Nervou-h iv..ii'-. 1 nod l'l J IV Eoii-ness. Cuiisiip.iiiiiii. I'iarri'. Coln-s. Chi'l .. I'evei'H. aj.d p. II M.ll -i rnl p. loi'lit q' li e li e liio o,:i. SS. , ps. 2-1 ('. H. f. ' veil is. Mi 1 .". 1 i I. 1 DillL"' J V'-rW i A I' ll t. Mi Y t (i.-T Ail. ' '.' -1 r ' z Cj ? t- Z it VI .. 5 ; c rL: r - 2 B B w 5 j i.-. J. as o m r. o - to , J 5 V 5 o 7i ' x tr"1 e pa J s s - fTfcJ ' 3 TJ n O 7' f -5 or c f- - ; t? e x r-. -s tr" I 5 w i? '-' P. - 5rj i- v L v H e- .. P p. u s 5 - ? 1 1 st ; a r-j M -3 S'2 w r s' is- o S a -I c ? 2. A, r-. -4 r r. "i - u- co - t v - - rt i i S- . o ?v CO ViV. tV.Ll vlOOlisi AS LOW AS TIIl'.Y ( AN 1!K liOUiHT I M r. 'i ClYK VS A CALL, AND AVII.L JO J5t r o v e an EA T EX c TEM EX 7 O G p. 1-3 30 G O O S4 f n o rj H K! t pi H O O r v C i v H 00 fcJ tj H in C c t-2 O 5 Q S? L .15... O if o o 5 H H v m r1 r1 INSURANCE A ( ! Al N S 1' Ks or DAM AG E by F I R K. Mill '.vconnns I minly J nt hi t jn.-iir- nih-e Coio'iiu.v at Mupcey. I a., con i. ..i... niii.es in iii-m a'.'.on-t i ' 1 '. P i.: i n a'.i kinds ef .i.Tcl.i..E-e. I'i.bl:c and privaie. nildins itl ( r in 1 toiintv. Also (U Mills. 'l;.i,iieries, I'.arns. sii.e.s of t.r:iin, M'., al (he loue-l pm-sUile i ales, c.n.-lsii id villi (al'.ty to die Insurer aii.l Ii.-iu. .1. The Lyeoinin;: Cn'.o.ly. .Mu tual h'.-i.iai.c-.' Coiuj-any imiiei an invos;i. ...:.i;,.,i i s I i V.t stability. l's enpital , '- O O.OOO! g to (.very one of its patrons --(..- wdl be promptly and salis i I. us li do. ( till l.li-li I i ' I ii d. I.e. II 1 i ll li'l.t. lis llillllllt'l'llll'Ut lias ii.wnyr us it, ixisiiuje of iwenty i-; vears lu'iiy deiiioi.siiates JAVES BLAKI LY, I A "-. i.t f..r I 'lf 'jliuty, ut 8l. Mary' Till' iJCST DES1 R ABLE SSORr". MEM. rjIIF. UXDI'.l'iSIC.XV.l) (.(Tors to the put J tic nt his rniritnn lions Pales Itonnis 11. l;ul(;wiiy, (lie tnrpcot and ties! pcneral nf Horinient of Mnrelmndico thill enn bo l'oun nt any ftorc between . WILLlAMSl'Onr ANP ER4E, and nt more favornVl8 pricen tlinn can 1 boupht nt cither nt'tlieso poinls. His stock comprises a Kjdftndid variety ( ' ITJNTS, DELANES, SHEETINGS, DKESS GOODS, . CLOTHS, HEADY MADE CLOTIIIXII, liOOTS AND SHOES, TINWARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, STONEWARE, GROCERIES & PROVIM OXS &C, &C i;ci.Tlie projirictor, thankful for the very ponerons uiironige Uiuh lar cxtonileH to liis. estiildisliinent tiy tlir citizens of K!k and adjoining comities, liojies to merit and receive a contiuiiuucc of liie same. J. POWELL, ug.-l(i'(iO.-ly. FURNITURE ! Pill-; UNDERSIGNED T A K E S I vlcasnro in annontieiiifr to tho citi zens of liidjrway nnd adjoininii towns, that m has just opened a Furniture Shop in ;i lcwav. and is prcpaii u lo sell all Kinds of furniture at the lowesl prices. His Btock consists in part of COMMON CHAIRS, ' TABLE?, P.EL'STEADS, SPUING HEPS MATTRESSES BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane seat Chairs of all Kinds. BABY CHAIRS, CRILS. fOPAS. TETE A TETES. JUNOES, BEDROOM SUITS of Chestnut, Mahogany and llliu k Wa'ntil and evevy tiling usunlly louud in a iir.1 class country Ware Kooia. PICTURE FRAMES . - of all sizes, and of Mali. gmy, Rosewood, Black Walnut and Oill MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on hand, nnd made to in ilw. nt every kind a' d de-cripiion. Please C M.I. and "xriiiiine my slick be. fore purchasing I'l-ewheie. fur 1 hope bj strict attention to business, ut d keeping all (he miii ket demands in iny line. 10 merit the patronngo of the public. YVat dooms on the corner of Ma n and Depot streets. HENRY 11. THOMAS. May-17'0G-ly, 10U SALE. The Store house and Lot ' occupied by Burke and Wood is otfrrcd lor sale. A desirable location in the thriviug borounh of St. Marv's. Apply to CHAS. McVEAN, Benzinpcr P. O. Jan. 3, G7.tr. Elk Co. Pa. Q ?;aapi:ii v ) I ,f )J ' want ireut i:ah! we uts eveiy where tosell our IMl'm.vi:i ? JO Sewmg Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sf.nl nn trial. Win ranted five vein s. Above salary or largo comniis.-ions paid. The only machines sold in the I nited States for less (han If -1(1. which arc Vill-i cv,. hi ..ire, M hceier fc W'ihon, (i.'orcr ,y Jukri , binder A- Co.. aii'l Jiadulilir. All oilier cheap ma chines nif infriwieinrntx aud die ntlhr or in rr are reliable to w rest, line nihl imjintonnirnl. Illustrated circulars cent fire. A'lurcsM, oi call unon Siiaw & Clark, at l.iit'leb.ril, Maine, or Chicogo, I'd. inay-1 1 Ou-Jy W ANTED, AG ENTS S7o to 9200 PER MONTH for rcntlcnieu and 35 to ST.'i for hn-lies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Srwiug Machine, improv ed unu pcrlected. It will hem, fell, (rich, inilt, bind, braid and embroider beautitully. Price only S-0. making tho elastic lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three years. We pay the uVovo wages, or ti commission, from which twice that amount can bo made. Address with stamp, or cull on ( . DOWERS & CO., Sab'sruoms, No. 25-") South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. sell letters answered promptly, with airculars and terms. May-oFGG-ly. 'FO CONSUMPTIVES. riMIE Advertiser, luiv been lesloiod I to health in a few weeks, by n very simple remedy, tit'o r h iving nillVied sever. in years villi a severe lung atleetinii, ami . I :il ilreiid d'.-eas, Con -n in pi inn isai.x li us I n iioike kii.iVi ii lo Lis k'llow sulltrii-is the ineiins nf erne. To nil who desire it. he will send u copy of the prescription u-ed ( lr-i e i f eh n ire I, with the diieciioi.s tor pre! n ;!i. the Mime, vhicli they will (iiilaSiivc ( ;u c t .r t i n siitnption. Asilima. Br..neh'i.s, c 'li e i lo tv nbieel nf the advertiser in seiiding the l'n si r piion. is to bi-nefn the fifttieud. and -pread iuforniaii jii wliicli he i-oi.ceives lo be iuvalua'ilc : and he hopes every nilb rers will try hi- lennily, as it will ci.i-t II. em iioihing. and may prove a Lb . ing. Parties wishing the pres. rij.iit.ii, ill pleiue address Rk.v. I DWAb.D A- W ILSoX, W.lli.iiiisbui g. KitignCuuu'y, Sew V'xik.. Uot. olU IJuO ly. . j , t American Institute Fair! OCT015F.H 10, 18(55. Ill direct compelilion with all the lending i . makers in the country. TELOUHET' ( . a 'j - r OEG A N S AND MELODEONS. C. PELOUBET & SON, Manufacturers. Eespcclfully invilo the attention if pur. chasers, the trade and profession, to the I FOLL 0 WIXG IXSTR UMLXTS Of their manufacture: PedalBasolOrgnns, Five sizes, Five Octave, one tolhree Bunks of Keys, three to eight sods of Reeds, Prices $235 to $000. School Oi'garis Nine styles, single nnd double Reed, Rosewood aud Black Walnut cases, Price, $1 30 to f 240. IMelodeoii!?, riano style and rortanle, Twelve arte (ics. from four to six Octaves. singL iuuI douhl-j Reed, Ro.K'Wood and Black Walnut Cases. Prices, ?ti5t o $210 Every instrument is made bv competent workmen, trom the best matei mj, unecrour personal supervision, and every modern improvement worthy ol (lie memo, is nitro duced in lliem. Among these we would call attention to the 1 EEMoLANTE, whieli has been so much admired, and can ho found on'y in instruments of our own Manufac ture. From nmoncr the flaltcrir.i? testimonials of eminent profes-ors nnd orgauists, we give the tollowinu extracts " Tlie pedals I conceive to be u'napproacli able m their beatitilul smooth quality. Wm. A. King. . .. "II is a grand, goodiusiruiiienl, and does credit to the builder. II. .1. , 1-olger, Iroy ctr i ork 'They arc among the finest Tnslrumenla ninnufactured either in this countrv or a broad Wm. Berg, J. Moscnihal. Aptot.ias y have given universal sat ishietiou." itH,ey .aveE.venu..iveia.sa,,slaction. . lj. iiunicy, j, oa-uu-iac, ills. " 1 here is a peculiarly sweet and sympa (hetic tone wliicli liaruiuii iz.es cU-'.iiuln; with the voice." AV. H. Cooke. "1 am particularly plveised with the ar rauireniciK of (he dillercut registers. " Win. H. Bradbury. " o oilier instrument so r.earlv ap proac'ics (he organ." The Chorisu r, N. Y " 1 Ins nistruiiien; lins n clear niiiertoritv ovei everything yet introduced among us." independent, . "Tho tones andthcaction arc excellent. Rev. AV. S. Leavitt, Hudson, New York. " The 'iiore we use it the better we like it." J B Hague, Hudson, New York. "The two Bank Organ is ically a gem.' J Vt Kmuicuii, liostou, .Mass, " 'c have found I hem e xcellent in ull point... constituting a good intriiuaiii.' J I ( ook, 1J ( uok. " It looks and sounds eplendidlv," SB Saxton, Troy, New York. " The most crl'cct toned Melodeon I crer saw." (jiuy K No'th. ' They fall back on such snbstanti.il mcr its as superiority of v oi kinair-lii.. beauty of tone and reasonableness of price. And v.c must say that in all their respects thev are well worthy of praise. " Musical Pio neer. feSfEvery instrument is f nil v warranted. nnd boxed and shiiped in New York City without charge. Circulars, Cuts, and Price Lists, ,yc. sent or. application to C PELOUBET & SON, BbOOMI'lKLU, N. J. j Or J M Pelton, 811. Broadway, New York ; I 1 otnail M. ver, 722, Arch Street, Pliilad'a : S Brninardi: Son, Cleveland. Ohio; J A i TuckerS Co, Jackson, Michigni : Wertcr j & (iK-iiiad, Ciucinalli. Ohio ; Joel II Snow. 1 Mobile, Alabama, WHOLESALE AUEYTtf. 1 J1yJ6.Jr. . , v.;...,(i. .. RTDCWA1, n.VNi VIIOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR -t GU6GERIES, - ,. - ,. ' x '' ' ' ' ii. ' ', QUEENS WARE, TEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Eu vers will Hml u.ij .jji iy s ORES AMONG THE Most Complete AXD BEST APPOINTED IN THE C 0 ' U N T R Y AX I Til V- PLACE TO GET Iiarncains CALL& SEEi March 2ltli,lS:j!l-1y. BOOK STORE. St. lr!iuyV, KUl Couuiy JUST RECEIVED BHADLES DIME NOVELS. 100 IIARPEUS NOVELS. f.OC 25C GERMAN STORYBOOKS. ASS OR TM EXT OF ALL i Stationary, Blank books, Time AX nd' books, Pass books, aud School books will always be OU band Purchasing our Books, Paper, Envelopes X.c.' dirce from the Manufacturers for cash, we at c enabled to tell nt tho same rates that they can be purchased iuANY OF J'GE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed ou all purchases of teu dollars i lln.r.lr,lj mVui. W. J. BLAKELY. Junel4'GG-7y. A G E NTS W A N T E D J. T. UEIDIXY'S HISTORY OF 'I HE WAR, NOW READY. Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. it ii admitted to be the most iitrrrxtii't, j"'jii ', and viilitnlilr His t;ry (d' the liebellion, which is iully at fi sted by I'.ie emu Hums sale ol 200 000 volumes, nnd a large- portion ol ihc country .still unoaiiVassud. e are obliged to run our presses night midday to enable us to-stipply our A "('tits. Men of character and ability, who dc sire a lnciame einploi tueut. will fine rhis a rare opliortonil y. '1 ho price of the woik in our t ofuma in ut li.u-, (compared with our Histories) us to bring it within the reach of ull classes. For lull particulars send for circular Address limrican PnMisliint? Com'tj 118 As In Hi Street, Hauthjud, Conn. yMPlEE SE.V1NG MACHINE CO. J'rinriial O.Viv, (310 AVoinico,', A". P. CHEAT IMI'ROYEA.EN'T in Sewing Ma chines. II in ; i ire Sluitile. Crank Minimi Si'wingMaehine. It Is thus rendered noise-le.-s iu nrtiiin. Its motion being all punitive, il is not liable o get nvi ol older. It is the best Family Ma -.liiiie ! Nolieo is c.ilhd (0 kin- .icwiim! Improved Maiiufaciui u. Mil chine, for i.ii' mi i. and Bool and Shoe Finer. Agent- wanted, lo wlininii liberal d'.seoiuil v.ili be given. No Coii-iirnnienls made, ii l EMPJEE fcEWlNO MACHINE CO. 9 v Kf'.PC 11Y r.ORDWE).L.&' MESSENGER, Dealers in . Drupix, .Medicines, 1'iiintn, Oils, W hito Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. futucrica of nil KinJi, Tho purest Yarni.sh, Druslics of every Stlo aud Size Dye Stuffs, Pure Confectionaries Citron,. Raisins 1'ateBt Modicinea, Wines, t Walshes, Jewelry, Rings, - Tobaccocs &. Segars " Pure ' Licjttors for ' Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to the Drug Business Gen erally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Puro Drugs at Low Trices ! Notions in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety ! American and English Watches ! American and English Watches 1 Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Latest Styles of Jewelry Rings, &c. Fancy Article?, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird tlagcs ! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cncs ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Striugs! Violin, Banjo aud Guitar Strings'. mar2018GG CASH GROCERY STORE JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries &c, would respectf'dly inloi hi the citizens of liersuy mid vicinity, that he h is goue into the Grocery busitios. and will open ou or about t lie i:iiU. Ic of May. He keeps constantly on banc un extensive tstoc-k of TEAS, SUGARS, T03ACC0K WHISKEY flouj:, by the barrel or fjuart, nnd rverii itig connected with it first class liroci-tv Sine. I will sell f.ir HASH jnnl consei-!no.t-ly can nfl'ord to sell CMEAPKR hau tic C1IEA IM:ST. I invite everyl.nly to (all tiinl sa'islV tin lose Ivi s. FA M F.S AieCi.OSKEY- Mav 3d, '(Hi. Cm. K EKO.SENE AND fi AS ST'oYEs. TEA AND COI-TEE BOILERS, CLUE, l'OT;i, OIL CANS, e., . f'vS" All the cm king f.ir a -3 i' :t'r family tn.iv be done v.'nli l.-j' Ki-ii'si ne Oil, or t !a-'. -r'-ej r- ," with less trouble, ami at l.-j- le.-s expense, than by any -luia JF-jV-- oilier lucl. Eacli Article manufactured by (his .Com pany is guaranteed lo perform all that is claimed tor it. Eitf- Send for Circular. XDa LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 08 PuArii. Street, N. Y. July-PJ'GG.-ly. T J A LI TAB LE LOTS FOR S A LE. V The undersigned has laid out a vil. lage upon liis ground adjoining the Ridg way nepot, to ie caned txiv. J he lots are 50 feet front by 100 feet deep frout ing towards tlie railroad. T erms For the first lot sold, $100. Pot the second lot sold, $110. For the third lot sold, $120 and so on iucreusine: in price as lots are sold. FSU First purchasers get the choice lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered lu the or der of their appliciil ion Ten percent of the purchase in uey must be paid at the I line of the application. lv?,. Applications will bo made, to John 0. Hull, Esip, Ridgwiiy, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, niar,2'Gij-tf. ITCH ! ITCH! 1TCII ! Srralth! Scratch I Smlc'i ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT AVili. Crist: the lieu in i8 lim ns Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCEUS. CHILBLAINS, uud all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price oi) cents. For tale by all druirgists. Bv sending CO cents lo AYF.EKS & POTTER, S.de Agents. ITl) Washington street, Boston, it will bo for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part ot the I tilled Mates. (juue-i ij'i-ly. G ROYESTEEN' CO., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURE;;?, -I'.iO !iini'-ii,i, AV( York. Til USE PIANOS received 'In- II A ward of Merit ! a( the World's ''.-, ev.ii t lie best makers from London. Paris, Ot-r many, the cilies of New Ym k, Plii' ide'.nlii-i. Baltimore and Boston : also OuCali "'-d-l at tho Ani' rivut I tmti ii v, ftir FIA'E ..-l--sixc year.-l! Our P.himik eoiit-iii! IVi' I'rciicli (iiiiiid Aci'mi. Ifirp Pel il. lit. r strung Buss, Pud Eon Frame, and all MoL ern linproveiiients. Fvery instrument n-t.-r.in iil i'lY : i;n. M i bi under the -a pei vision of MH. J. 71. CR0VESTE2N. wli 1 has il )irueiic i i esp..i i..iiec- of over tipi-ty tivejea-s, and is the maker of m-rr e' ii'. limit in I i:.ini ur,'..j. Our f icilities fu" lnaiiulacHii iiitf enable us lo ,dl thee in Miui.ieii's ft.. in Dl'i ti, ,M0 uln--ipur than uny tirt e';,-.s piano tunc. July-iyCO.-ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers