LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Car 'I'lmc ol Hidgicrti. trie FsprcfS Pnst 1 1 :;f p. m. do Wcst.i 8:47 m lo Mnil Tflit.. Rinfip. m. do io?ort,i,iH i.. i l:?4p. m. Lfxkt freight FsPt .....' 10:?0b. m. do do Wwt 1. 1. ...ii.., C:lCp. m. SOTIfiE. IlrrcnOor (lie Tent Oflioc will be closed every evciiiiip' lit 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will Le kej.t open from 8 to 10 o'l-lock A. M. Mail Closed nt G 1. !. I- I.FT5IKR. P. M. More Sscw. Fimw to the depth of about rne Toot has fallen rlnco Tuesday elgnt at ten o'cloek. Irt'e cccimmicntion Is cn file, and Kill ;-;ear in cur text. Tho region for its non appearance this week Is tlint we have not linil time to reply to it properly. M. On out Tablk. Gdry for March ! re ceived. As usual, it is replete with a large amount nf reading matter, besides fashion plates, d-sins fur fnney work, Sic. We liave no 1. epilation in fiij irg tliat Godey's in Tlir. r.inrnzii'.e for I lie Indies. "Say Nor Faukyvli.l, Say Not Foiikvkii," is the title of a piece of mu sic handed us. The words are by L. J. Blakelry. Esq , of this place, and the music by II C. Orth, of llnrrisburg, aud is a fplindid piece. JJ2T In t lie last year we have given much interesting matter in otirpnier original und selected. Among other aiticlcs, "The History of Elk Ci unly " was published in our columns; and which, if published in "book form," v r.uld make a book of three hundred page?, mid a book of that size would alone be worth the priee of subscrip. lion. So thes' patrons who have paid us their subscriptions will see that wo have given thtiu thu worth of (heir money, and more too. The i it a Tt Liie Insi-hance Company. To: persons whodetcrtnino to embrace the benefits ofI.tfc Jnsurar.ee. thurc are two considerations of onvti.t s or.d rniMAHY im portance in securing a Company to contract with. The first and most important is, that the Company should Lave ample capital and resources lo pay all polie'es when they be come claims, and tliat they thould add ihe disposition to pay promptly, wiiliout tech nical or evas !ve objections. The Gib .mid Li'e i-' r.nq uc.-tiomd as lo its standing and diameter t r integrity ami sale manage ment, l.ii'o Insurance is not like l ire or Marine Iiimii aneo. Peath is eiriaiu. Where policies for life ate kepi up they must be paid, sooner or later. This com pany may refer w;ih confidence to the nil mcioiis persons who have presented policies as c'aims, tor their promptitude. And the ct.pilal J aid in, the accumulated premium fund, and the principles upon which ihe butanes is conducted, guarantee the con tinuance of the same ability and prcmpti ness. It lias been a uniform piaetieo of the GiiiARn Lit n, during the entire period of twenty .sov.n years, lo anticipate pay ments to policy hoUns. feb'Jllf. Tiik 11 iniiW vv Si iinoLS. It was our plea sure a few days since, lo visit the ISklgway Schools, undir tho tutelage of Mrs. Wait and Miss Ilorten. On appioaching the building its appear-a-.ee Would not indicate that il was a second .Acidemia, nor would it prepossess one fa vorably in regari! to the interest our citiiens take in edueaiionul matters. We have beard some talk of constructing a new one in a in re central pari of the town, and hope it in v not be all talk The schools ate (Traded. Mrs. Wait having il.arc of the older and more ad vanced pupils, ntid Miss Morton of the ju veniles. We enter the lower rcom, and here we fn.d a goodly number of young men, wilh a flight sprinkling of youeg ladies. No dotibi I l.i-v w 11 fr n.c day distinguish them telves. We believe iheic is uoihing higher than ilie common brunches of English edu cation taught in either of Ihe rooms. The Ft holms it pealed lo 1 o well-behaved, neat riol cii mi in their parel, and pieficieul in thfcir rreimiioiiP. 'Jhe room is laipc and well licjitid, but nrt aimed, the floor is cbunly swept, mo, nil combined make it quite a p'.easant p'aee 10 tp ud a lialf l our. On i.si en.ling lo Ihe tccond sloiy of the luiidirg into the juveniles' apartment, we ludiid up( ii as merry a lot of little tncs as it bus ever been our lot to b'jhold. Wa lcuhii lie fihho rules in regard lo order cbserved Hiiro Wi.ich characterizes the room below. M'ox Jot iump Election. Mr. t.il tut-: Vim re'puited lists of C'flicers elected ut lie township flu-tiim. bch.w you will find the list for Fox twjj : J u.siic'.-, J ic b MuL'auley ', Supervisors, Lawrence Mohan, jr. and John Myers; (oiisialili), William .McUuulley ; Jud-c, Peter 'l'linniisun ; Treasurer, l'liiliji W. Ilays; Assessor, Win, .McCaullcy ; As sistants. Kii P. Kyler and Sul. iinon Hack art ; ('Ink. I!. T. Kler; liisectois. 1'. W. Hays and Jacob .Moycr; Schuol !i reetors, (J. I'eny Kollz and James JJc Cleskey. Vours, HtLI.K.V. Pub. 1 1 1507. J. C. ?!. Ill tho Kentucky legislature the lloti-c bus pussed, by a voto (if flfty-iiino fo tW'-uiv.iliK e. a juint resolution that the jicujdu of Kentucky ar.v unulterablo opposed lo the uiuvt ment in (.'otiri ss to place the fx- ) !; of ihe .Southern Stales tinder military rule, the tendciey whereof i tci uiiiiiary, despot im contrary to ihe spirit ,il l.'nimi. and subveisivc ut the t iindj-aU w heiemi the Union was fouti'ic I, and they enter their fcolemii proiMt uguiust ul: Eueh Cougrcsoiouul AVc call the attention of our readers fo the following circular letter irom the Commissioner r.f Agriculture : Du'aiit.mknt or AoRicui.Tcnt:. Washington, Jan- 2o, 1807. To ihr. J.'rit'r nf the Advorute. Sm : Tour prompt mid active cu operation is respectfully solicited in the furtherance of tho object of the following joint reso lution of Congress, approved Juuuary 11. 1807. " I'CBI.IC TJFBOLrTION -Xo 2. "A l!l'l.t''l 10.V to provide for the ex hibition ef tho ceteul pi'uditctious of Iho L'niteil Elates at tins l'aris lixi eaition in April ne"t. yieWreuVy !' f Settle and Iloust "J llrp reseniuluii ol .'. United XluUt of America in CctiffTttteitemlled, That the Commissioner cf Acricultur be, and be Is hereby instruct ted to collect and prepare, io far al protl' cable, and wiib aa little delay as possible, suitable epeeimens of the cereal productions nf lbs several States of the Union, for exhi bition nt the l'aris lixposiiion, and forward the same in proper order and condition for shipment to J. C. Dei by. agent of the Cuitod States Government tor the rani reposition, al New York' 1'hoviiiFD thai It shall re quite no fuither appropriation from the pubdc treasury." An tkhibitii.n such as is proposed of the finest samples of the best varieties of wheat, corn, and other cereals, would comuiiiiid the admiration of Kurope, as it would assuredly arouse the prid"? of all American, and 1 rertt that this Pe. partmeitt has not been authorized to make collections lor the purp. se unt:! the present time. The Kxpositiou opens on the first of April, and collections should be sent in a few days from the reception of this request to be in season for proper arrangement, packing, for warding to New York, and transporta tion to Paris. You will render the country essential service by immediate and judicious action iu this matter. It is desirable that xiwll packages of the finest samples of the best varieties of such products of ycur neighborhood should be forword"d, by mail, in racka. ges of two pounds or less, each distinctly marked with name, donor, local nume, and eouuty and iState iu which it was crown. Such packages, addressed to the Com missioner of Agriculture, can be sent without postage from any post office in the United States. As it will be wen, the resolution makes no appropriation for this purpose ; therefore, parcels should not be sent by express in any case, unless at '.he expense of commuiii. ties represented. Verv respectfully, ISAAC "NKV1 OX, Com mt's.'ioner. HOMEMUSEMENT. The Hu.mk Amiskmkn for March ia received. It fully svstaiue its former reputation as one of the best and cho c. est lady's aud laiuily mau'aiiucs publish ed. Kvery number shows a decided im provement on the pn ceeditif; one, both iu its choice selections, typtrraphk'a! execution and bcautilul appearance. Its publishers ha,e adopted a form end a style lor a parlor niiijiazitic unsurpassed in this country, hvery number m prin ted on the be.-t pure white book paper, sired auil calendeied, folded, Fl itched and trimmed in book form, fur bindinir. The magazine, f r one year, complete, will comprise a beautiful volume, htiger than Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, of 41i) pages. 1 his is scut semi. mouth ly lor only S1,"J per annum. It is, therefore, tho cheapest semi monthly magazine published iu the United States 1 is stories are all chaste, amusing and instructive, livery number contains two or three original stories, selected lu)o: a uumber of pieces of selected tm. etry, amusing anecdotes, sparkling wit and humor, with a review of the fashions aud passing events. The first story in the present number, entitled "How I Was Duped," a tale from trench life, showing the cunning intrigue in metropolitan life to beset the young abd unwary, is alone worth the entire subscription for one year for the lesson it conveys. The second story, "The Miser and His Treasure," showing the vanity of nl-got gain, is worth a volume of ser mons to the young. I.very mother should place this number n the hands of their sous; and with each article aud paragraph could we say the same. Part;B and valuable prizes, consisting of Wheehr Wilson's S55 Sewing Ma chines, Washing Machines, Clothes Wringers, Hoop Skirts, Kngravings, Jto., are seut to pcrsous raising clubs. It is sold by news agents everywhere. Sample Copies to agents raising clubs arc sent free. Address tho publishers of Home A m uprment, 78 Nassau street, New York. I.xittr from Jontu Township. Wilcox, l'u. Feb. 14. 1807. Mr. Eilitur : Our township election was held yesterday, and passed off very quieily. The result was quite satisl'ac iry, particularly to the 'West Hurt' and is as follows: Treasurer. John A. IJell ; Supervisors, J. U. John-on mid C. 0. Nearing j Clerk. George Ciarlick ; Judge ( Klc.tiou, Truman (iarliek ; Inspee'ors of Kh ction, It. A. W'escott and Michael Devaraux ; School Directors, Murlin Sowers and Jcel IJeckwith Assessor, J. Dr owcrj Assistant Assessors, t J. (joodwer ami J. C M effort ) Auditor, Martin Sowers ; Constable, 0. C, Xear ing. So you see Mr. Editor, that, so soon as the officers elect, qualify, our township will be prepared and do busi. lies:, with integiity, let us all hope. Tho snow is rapidly disappearing and the sleighing is getting no better very liist. IJ'isiness very quiet, but a brisk season is pnuuised us early in the Spring1 A large Tannery is to be put into oper ation in this Village; and a Steam saw mill i reeled a few miles iilo ve here ti the Siuethpoit road, so si inn us the weather will permit. We hope lii be able lo make Jones one of the Tow nships ol Elk, before many years. Yours, J, A Column or the Younc) Fodts. NU Mil Kit KOlt'l V-t.lOUr AOrtlN. Mr. Editor : I notice A. ll's solu tion, but do not agree with him yet. There- is no difference between us as to time of commencement, nor timerni. ployed, but ttimply as to whether 107. 025 inches is the exact perpendicular height of tho ci.-tern. You will find, by following him through, beginning with his Itist propor tion " us 41 is to tho square of 120 BO is o5 to the square of the pcrpcudicular required," that he h wroDg id piving 107.025 as the tr.net rquara root cf the blank crm, yet he is near enough lor common business," but when I gave the answer the name aS be doe, using plus sign instead of decimals, it was not taken as lorrect. I make out the answer to the lar t ones biven by A. K as follows t No. 3 1G and 24. "No 48 and 172. No. f) 7 and one.fiith and 172 and lour- fiftls. I contribute the following to the " column," hoping that its length will hoc staud in the way of its being put into print. Suppose the rails of 4 lailrcau to 1c C feet 4 inches opart at the place of the wheels bearing, and on a curve line of 1200 feet radius lor the outer rail. Suppose tho wheels ot the car running to be firmly fixed to the axlee, and thai it is 5 feet from the outside of the flange of one wheel to the outside of the opposite wheel ; that from the outer side of one wheel to tho outer side of its opposite wheel is 5 feet 8 inches; that the diameter of each wheel at the outside of the flange is 3 feet ; the face of the wheels to be so bevelled, that at the outside of cacb wheel the diameter of the wheel is 2 feet Hi inches, and that the axle will always be in a position square across the two rails. In what part, between tho two wheels, must the centre of gravity of the load be placed, so that the weight, of the load shall bear equally on each rail 1 WILL. Mr. Editor : Devi'.joe or somo of your boys made bad work in publishing my solution. When I said five thir teenths they have it five Glteenths ; and in Xk. 1 the contents of the supposed should have been 19D.9208 instead of 1-57.3208 inches, and 17.0048 inches on the bottom, aud 20.S0DG inches on the top. A. 11. Our esteemed correspondent must not considei us entirely at fault. If ho will be a little more careful in forming his characters, we will eudeavor to avoid all errors. O.-trandor wants to know how far from the end nf a stick of timber thirty feet in length of equal size from end to end, a lever should be placed S' that two men may carry at tne lever ad one at the end ol the stick, and each man carry one-third of the stick ? An answer from any of your readers with an explanation, would be thank fully aeeepled by your correspondent. Tho Xews. The telegraph gives me igrc reports of the Fenian uprising in Ireland. Couuty Kerry has been de clared iu a state of siege by the Uritish government, as yet no battlo has been fought. Stephens is said to be iu com. ma nd of the Fenians. Thad. Stevens1 Military Bill lias passed both (louses of Cougress, with a slight alteration from the original word ing. This Hill makes the Southern States mere dependencies until they ac. cept negro suffrage and adopt the Con. stitutional amendments. What have our Republican friends to say now who last fall said that the object of those amendments was not to lorce negro sull rage ou the South ? The arrival of John II. Surratt at the Washington Navy Yard is chronicled among the latest telegrams. The pri nneis Moutly denies that he is Surratt. This, however, will make no difference, a it is now about time another victim should be offered to .he Abolition god, whether the prisoner bo innocent or guilty M. The rumored resignation of Post master Itaudill is uutruc Congressman John Morrissey is said to bo bke Daniel Webster, because he is an Ex-Founder. Edmund P. Rousseau, brother of Gen. L. 11. Rousseau, committed suicide in Louisville on Friday last. 1'iof. Dache, Superintendent of the Coast 5 urvey, died ut .Newport, 11. I., Sunday, from softening of the brain If the Tariff Rill dots not pass by Wednesday, the l'resideut can pocket it. It will be difficult lo get it through be. fore wcuuesday. A terrible earthquake recently occur ep on the Island of Cephalunia, Every town on the Island is iu ruins. The loss ol life ami property is Very great. A Telegram from London says :"The French Blue Buh shows that the great powers did nothing more than to tell the I'orte lo conciliate ihe Cretans and Serv. iaiiR. 'Ihe House ot Commons applaud this course." Tho Olio is over the track of the Mobile aud Ohio Railroad, and trains have stopped ninniiiL. The Illinois Central is also inundated above Alton, and trains run through water of alino?t tsuflicent depih to extinguish the fires iu the locomotives. A dispatch from Fr.rtreas Monroe fay i hat ihe strainer Swatara, tho Vessel totiveyli.g Surratt to this couulrs, was signalled ut daylight jtsierduy, off Fortre-s Mmt-ie. She passed inside i he t'upes, and headed up the Ohcsa. beak, probably fui Washington direct. The. '1 1. . t . . -c i!tn. ; a reward ul 2..'k'J ior the aiie.-t. ol lef, the last, robber of tho Loan Uranoli, and S3,0f0 for tho recovery of the money. Why should young ladies make pond soldiers ? RecauSu they are m.c i'toino'1 to "bare arms " A I IT I TUttY iniiii, Cn retiring h'n private li!e said his cwieetion with the piess had thawed and restive! U self into nttiru. lull) ftCi'lisilTKOte. The tiirr.rd JLtfr. Insurance. Annuity & Trnpt Co. OF l'HILAD'A. tttnTEtli:i J-V 1N3G f'A.Blf CAPITAL soo.nno.no. ASSET'S S2,4o.'i.8-Vi,f0. Vutual Insurance combined with tho se. curity of capititl. For insurance apply to JOHN O. IIAt.t,, feb21C"tf Ridgway. I'a. DISSOLUTION OF rAUTNKnSMIP. The partuprsliip Iierctnfnrn txisting btiwecn Ooorjte I". Ilniteninli and (icora.' Imhop, under the title of II I NT F.N AC il CO., is !'is day dissolved by mutual con sent. The accounts of the laic linn will settled by 0. 1'. JIISTKNACH. who will continue business At the sa:'e phioe. C. 1'. Ill.N . I.M II, Fi-b. 12, ?,t CCUI10K I.M HOI1. 1 A M F. It I CAN CO W -M 1 1, KINO M : THINE! Tho ('. IIKATI'.ST and :nosl successful invention of the Age ! ! Fvery prudent farmer shoiiM have one. Secure your own territory. Apply early at the olll.-e. KXCITANQE TXIPDING, Feb. 11, St llavrisburg, Pa. INTENSE EXCITEMENT! clothIngTclothing ! CLOTEBIYa for the Jiillion ! A Well Di-ossoid Man BUYS HIS OLOTI-IIXG AT THE STORE OF GEO. V. II1NTENACH, IX ST. MARY'S. IEST ALWAYS TIIC GP. IIIN'TKN'ACII hiving tulsen en- "t (ire control of tho establishment formerly occupied by G. P. llintcnach & Co., would respectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he is prepared to furnish them with the EestKind of Clothing at rates which defy competition. lie has on hand a largo assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANTS, VESTS COAT.V, which ho has lately purchased in the East, and which ho will dispose of at a slight ad vance on cost. His Gentlemen', Fitvnising apartment is specially adapted to ihe wants id his customer. Ilel.as also a, larj- j and extensive stoekof CLOTHS, CASSIMKUi'.S, VEST INGS of Iho latest stylo and pattern, which he will tiia.vc to order iu a neat and durable manner, and as CHEAP as it cau be done any place ia the country. GIVE II LM A CALL. Satisfaction guar, anteed, and goods warranted. Ail he asks is a FAItl TltlAL to prove it. 6'. M try's Pa.. Feb. 14. 107. 1807 1807 PHILADELPHIA ic KIllE HAIL I ROAD. This fireat line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties ot Pennsylvania to the city ol Erie, ou Luke Eric. . It has been leased by the nuuyh'n via huil liotul comjiiniy, and is opera cd by them . Its entire length was opened for pos sender mid freight business, October 17ih, 18(14. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HI DG WAY. Leave Eiinticanl. Erie Mail Truiu 3 47 p.m. line Express Train 11 05 p.m. Leave lVcsticanl. Erie Mail Train 1 24 p. in. Erie Express Train S f0 a.m. Passenger cars run through without chancre both ways between Philadelphu aud Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 0.00 a. iu., Arrive at Eric 0.00 a. in. Leave Erie at 5.40 p. in., arrive at Ncvv York 4.40 p. m. Elko est Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williumspurt and llaltimorc, uhd Williumsport aud Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. corner iiUth and Market Sts, Philadelphia. And for Fnight business of tho Com pany's A-retits: S. 11. Kingston, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. iV. Reynolds Erie. W. Riowu, Agent N. C. R. R. Pal tiuioro. II. II. Houston, f7e7. fVdjht Aft. I'liU'a. II. IV. GwiNNEtt, nn't. Ti'rtcet Ajt. I'hiTa. Alfred. L. Tvlvr, General Sitft Erie, CABLING ! CABLING ! T TONS Fust Quality i'"l received, and r ) for sale ut ihe LOWLST market pricj. tiuod in your orders. J. POWELL. NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL s O-JL is DAILY WEHKLY i'APEIW will be fjr sale Lcreaftcr, regularly at The Book Stoke l 2f ST. MARY'S. N B. Anv work, either American or Enropen, ltcligioti. Scientific, Phil osc-jiliieiil. Historical, c, will be pro Oifed on application as above. Any article in flic B"o!v or Stationery line not in Store, will be sent for by mail and ho received in a few days tilter or dering. 14 1v. PIIOTOOIIAPII.S. E. Sj H. T. ANTHONY &, CO., Kamu'ar.turers of Fastograp'aio Katcriab, Wholes Jo iiiol itvlad, fo, p.i:o.ivav, n. v. In aUiliuon to our main biiim.i of I'lluiutiltAl'llIO' MATKItl.VLS we are lleailiiiarlers t.i the lollowni;;. vz. sTEi!i:scoi'i:s ,t stf.ekscopio views Of American and Foreign Cilios and Land scapes, (notips. .Statnaw. otc. STF!IKS;'(il'I'' VIEWS OFTIIE WAR, i ii'ui ii" ji.-' i ' s oiaiio in ini1 various cam, paisrns and forming a eomplctu Photograph. io history of the great onntesl. .STEIIESCOI K.: VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for cillier ihe Mngie I.nnlern or the Stereienpp. Our Catilo'rii will be sent to any address on reeoipi of S-'finip. I'llOTOOIIAPIlIC ALP.CMS. We inanitfaetiire nioro largely than any other Iiouko. about ;'0U vai iel'ios t'roni 50 ceiiis to SVlcaeli. Our A Lit C.MS have the reputation of lieing superior iu beauty and durability to my others. CardPhotosrajhsof eene:-al3, Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. Our Catalogue embrace over FIVE TIIOl'SAND ililferent subjects, including reproductions of the most celcbritcd En gravings, Painting, J-;ia'ucs. clo. Cata logues sent on receipt nf stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. D., will jilease remit L'-j per cent ol'liie amount with their order. CiT'The p rices and quality cf our goods eannol fail to salh ly. (jiine 14 t'.0-ly. I AIIC.E CAl'ACITV, CHEAT .Stregnth J film lltlOl J 11 IT It'tl Tll'OtI cim ilif.ii ,r ot.,1 cii.iipkMenrss ot operation, nrc utilities po. Xonpareil Wns?liin Ia- Ii is a squeezing machine constructed on ?t"ii;tly liieelmnica! prineiples. and Ihe ex perience derived from tive years extensive use iu fcmilics, hotels and public iiistiiui'ons proves it to bjof Listiuj; value lo the pur. chaser The manner of operating the iTonparcil, by roiary motion noting on u erniilc s'laft with balance JrTioel,) which moves lh plungers r.lterniitely, is the simplest, least lalioi-ioti" and most powerful iliat' can be tin vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work ivith Ihe greatest rapidity and the least possible labor. The great speed with which this machine performs work will be understood from 'he. statement that it is geared to give six strokes of the plungers for one turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun. di ed sin kes a minute Safety to the fabric washed is insure 1 by Iho cniiro absence of rubbing. A girl or boy of fifteen cm work l!i ma. chine, nnd do a week's washing for a fimily cf sin or eight persons in two In three hours' time: and ii maybe relied on to cleanse I he clothing thoroughly, without assistance from h iu 1 rubbiri? Send fir free Descriptive Circular an- terms to dealers, lo whom exclusive ri'ht of sale is seem e.. OAKLEY .t KEATING. 181, Water St., N. Y. July 2ftVfi'j-ly J. GURXEY&SON, PH0T0OHAPHI0 ARTBT3, 707, BROADWAY. N. Y. IX nd liiiou to our Phninernpliie Art G lb levy. es,al)'is'ie I in 1 8 . ,. , ,Vt. fr the I ... t Five y ears Ii ul adVanla..es mi pcrioi i.i .-my other I'st-iblMimont in oh tain. ti- i-nn-s !r hf,., ()f ai Iromiiiniit (Vhbtities of the day in Card portiaiN. rod are now publishing a Catalogue nfover 2 o 0 0 SUliJ E C T S , American and Forei.L'n, also a larje list of copies of Works of Art uud En-rav. ius. Catalogues tent on receipt of Stamp. Au order fur one dozen pic. tores fiom our Catalogue will be filled at 81 80, and sent by mail free. Sin-do pictures L'.i cents each, copies of ea. gravities l"i cents each. N. B. We also desire to call attention to the advantage ve have for reprodtic in.', or co,yi:,.:, r,M Dtitierreotypns, Ambrolypos, Card Pictures, e., of do ceased relatives and friemls, enlar-ino ih"in to anv iie. and finishing i:i Oif, Water Colors, r Indii Ink" with the aid of ton talented artists. Parties disiiiuy: i-opio.-. should thero fore- correspond with us direct. Send for a catalogue. T!lfi trade supplied nt a liberal tlisejunt. (Jailorv open for free iuspoetinn, ,,.l slran-ers visiting the city will find our (.Sallery one of the most agreeable places where, iu to while way an hour. J GFUNLIY ,t .Vox, sep-20 On.. 707, Broadway, N. Y COAL. t'K3 AJ1 .in? CLAY! t All ofsuperioi rpialily, lur 3Ule by Tannerdalo Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, pa. tOrd ers by mail promptly iltend c' l0- sept 13 j-tl B O B PR IXtTx 6 ' V NEATLY CHEAPLY & Er.PEDITIOUSLY Esceuted at (be ApfATP. Ott ba"' AT TLTfl New Stoj4i of WEIS nitOTIILllg at St. Mary's, Elk County lcnns;lvatiia SCCCESSORS TO GlIOIlOC W KIS. Offer for sale, at who!ea!e and retail, a Wall selected stock of S'JlXO SL'MMLH Wll' 'mJ SI LICS, MOHIXCES, DEL A LYES, MOHAIRS, Plain and (1-ured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, Whita goods of every description. Flannels of all kiod3, Gingham, Tickings nr.d Shirting la xreat variety. L'ADIE-S & ClIILDREX'5 Millioery Goods; such as BOXXETS, HATS. CAPS, rjBBOXS,d-c. GL 0 VES & HOSIER Y. GEXTS furnishing gcjJi of cvsry description, CL 0 TIIS, CA SS1MERES dec, d-c. GROCERIES AND PROVISIO.V.S. Alargitoek of PETROLEUM CANDLS3 SOAP OF ALL tIXD3. In short, we have everything beedod for laniil,' use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every de. si'iipti.m. Confectionary, Brush, csof all liimN. A full assort ment of Smtioncry, Wall Pa. per. Paper Curtains, Beau, tilul 0,1 Cloth Window Shades. Averylarg assortment ot Segars and Tobacco. yEBUY Ol'R STOCK .lirectl v from the M inufactureraud there fore wo can atlVd to sell cheaper thin any other establishment in Elk county HMIK PUBLTO are respeetMly in I vited to rail and examine our stock n,l rriops i Whether they wish to buy or ,,ot, f,.r we claim to have ona of tho most complete stocks and tlm finest, STORE h, tho county and cni sell lor less profit, than any other houu tn tho conutv. V17 T V EIS JJEOTIES3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers